6 minute read
Shrine to Io
As NPCs, Singers of Concordance are a way to connect different groups of dragon kindred in the campaign world. They can bring news of happenings that might affect the party, and themselves be the sources of adventure. Perhaps a Singer needs assistance in helping dragonkind who are suffering injustice, or a party intent on plundering a hoard unexpectedly encounters a stern Singer who calls on them to stay their greedy hands.
If you wish to open up this prestige class to characters without draconic heritage, it makes a suitable choice for those who are intimately connected with dragons in some way, such as affiliated cultists of Io or dragonfriends (a prestige class in Draconomicon). Perhaps the more distantly related races, such as troglodytes and lizardfolk, have more draconic heritage in your campaign and could qualify for the prestige class. In general, though, rising in the worship of Io takes longer and is more difficult for those who are not of strong draconic heritage. The priests of Io set them even more strenuous tasks to prove their dedication before considering them as potential Singers.
Sample Encounter
Adetherin Forzenda grew up in a culture that valued family connections, in which each town consisted mainly of an extended clan of related individuals. His town lay at the foothills of a mountain range in which a gold dragon dwelled. The dragon would travel among the townsfolk in the guise of a simple merchant, and in this form he met the woman who became Adetherin’s mother. Though the relationship was loving, a strong cultural intolerance for marriage outside one’s own people kept the “merchant” from remaining with his human mate.
Adetherin’s childhood was difficult since his nonhuman origins were obvious, but he was supported by his dedicated mother and his dragon father (who made secret visits when he could). When Adetherin came of age, he traveled into the mountains to learn more from his father. There he learned of Io and became determined to seek out others of his kind. He does not tolerate the raiding of dragon hoards—especially those of good dragons.
Adetherin Forzenda CR 14
Male half-gold dragon human cleric 5/Singer of
Concordance 7 LG Medium dragon (augmented humanoid) Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Spot +5,
Listen +5 Aura sphere of peace, sphere of healing Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 26 hp 86 (12 HD) Immune fire, paralysis, sleep Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +16 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Melee +1 morningstar +10/+5 (1d8+4) and bite +4 (1d6+1) or Melee bite +9 (1d6+3) and 2 claws +4 (1d4+1) Base Atk +6; Grp +9 Special Actions breath weapon, turn undead 6/day (+5, 2d6+8, 5th), aspect of refuge, spontaneous casting (cure spells) Combat Gear staff of healing (40 charges, CL 12th), scroll of banishment, scroll of sunbeam, 2 potions of protection from energy (cold), wand of cure light wounds (34 charges, CL 5th) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 12th): 6th—blade barrier, greater dispel magic, stoneskinD 5th—greater command (DC 20), flame strike (2), spell resistanceD , true seeing 4th—dismissal (DC 19), divinationD , spell immunity (2), tongues 3rd—dispel magicD (2), fly, prayer, searing light (+6 ranged touch), summon monster III 2nd—align weapon, essence of the dragon* (2), peaceful serenity of Io* , resist energyD , zone of truth (DC 17) 1st—bless (2), deathwatch, magic fangD , entropic shield, shield of faith (2), protection from evil 0—detect magic, guidance, read magic, resistance (3) *New spell described in Chapter 7 D: Domain spell. Deity: Io. Domains: Dragon*, Knowledge,
Magic. *Domain described in Draconomicon, page 107 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th): 1/day—sphere of exclusion Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 17 Feats Combat Casting, Craft Staff, Lightning Reflexes,
Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Versatile Spellcaster* *New feat described on page 101 Skills Concentration +13 (+17 casting defensively),
Diplomacy +20, Heal +19, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (religion) +17, Sense Motive +15,
Spellcraft +14 Possessions combat gear plus +2 glamered full plate, +1 morningstar, periapt of Wisdom +4, cloak of resistance +2, diamond dust worth 500 gp, 2 applications of eye ointment (250 gp each) Breath Weapon (Su) 1/day, 30-ft. cone, 6d8 fire, Reflex DC 13 half. Sphere of Peace (Su) Immune to first compulsion effect of the day; thereafter Adetherin and each ally within 10 feet gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. Sphere of Refuge (Su) All creatures within 20 feet of
Adetherin must make a DC 21 Will save or be unable to directly attack another creature. Takes a standard action to call up the effect. Sphere of Exclusion (Sp) Adetherin can call up an effect similar to globe of invulnerability 1/day as a standard action. Affects himself and all allies within 10 feet. Sphere of Healing (Su) All healing within 10 feet of
Adetherin restores an additional 1d8 hit points.
This map depicts a shrine to Io that has been founded in the petrifi ed rib cage of an immense great wyrm gold dragon’s corpse. When the end fi nally came for that great dragon, its bones literally became part of the landscape. Now, itinerant dragons and their kin stop to pay respects to Io and to leave a small contribution to the shrine. A Singer of Concordance is usually present to defend the holy place.

The fossilized skeleton is partially buried in the surrounding sedimentary rock, so that the rib cage and the front of the skull protrude somewhat but the head and neck are completely underground. The entrance to the shrine is through the gaping jaws of the enormous skull. Tokens of Io’s worship (metallic disks of different colors) are hung from the great fangs, and a path of glittering coins is marked down the center of the gullet. As the dragon’s fl esh decayed, a hollow tunnel was left through the neck area. The path, studded with glimpses of vertebrae, continues through the sinuous corridor to the rib cage.
The shrine itself resembles a cathedral, formed by the natural vault of the rib cage. It is more than 50 feet long, and the sky is visible between the massive bones. These openings fi ll the shrine with a waxy yellow light during the day and allow moonlight (when it is present) to silver the space at night. In the center of the space is a metallic disk inlaid in the rock fl oor. This forms the worship area and is also the repository of the Sacred Hoard, which consists of offerings made by worshipers. Over the millennia, this hoard has become an impressive heap of coins, gems, and other valuable objects. Such wealth is irresistible to temple thieves, so the shrine is always guarded physically by the clergy of Io as well as by magic wards and traps. (The DM should place appropriate obstacles along the way inside the tunnel that leads to the hoard.) In addition, a descendant of the long-dead gold dragon has her lair nearby and keeps a watchful eye out against desecration of her ancestor’s remains.