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Dragonblood Cleric
general—has racial substitution levels. Essentially, each set of substitution levels presents a racially fl avored variant standard class for your game. The DM can add more racial substitution level options, such as for a dragonborn barbarian or a kobold druid, as desired, using the substitution levels presented here as guidelines. You can usually select a particular substitution level only at a specifi c class level. When you take a substitution level for your class at a given level, you give up the standard class features gained at that level and get the substitution level features instead. You can’t go back and gain the class features for the level you swapped out—when you take your next level in the standard class, you gain the class features of the next higher level as if you had gained the previous level normally. For instance, if you take the dragonborn paladin substitution level for 5th level, you forever lose the class features normally gained by a standard 5th-level paladin, gaining instead the racial substitution class features for a 5th-level dragonborn paladin. When you take the next level in paladin, you gain the normal 6th-level benefi ts of the standard paladin class. Unless noted otherwise in the description of a racial substitution level class feature, a character who takes a racial substitution level gains spellcasting ability (increases in spells per day, caster level, and spells known, if applicable) as if he had taken a level in the standard class. A character need not take all the substitution levels provided for a class. For example, a spellscale bard might decide to take only the racial substitution level for 1st level, ignoring the other substitution levels. The description of each substitution level class feature explains what occurs with regard to a standard class ability not gained, if that ability would normally increase at a specifi c rate (such as a dragonborn paladin’s base attack bonus). When a substitution level changes the standard class’s Hit Die or class skill list, the change applies only to that substitution level, not to any other class levels. A character who takes the kobold rogue substitution level as a beginning character gains 4 hit points (from the substitution level’s d4 Hit Die) and gains an additional 1d4 hit points for each additional kobold rogue substitution level he takes later in his career. He gains the normal d6 Hit Die for all standard rogue levels.
Dragonblood creatures are naturally inclined toward arcane magic. Some hear the call of a deity, however, and become clerics instead. Dragonblood clerics focus on the elemental affi nities of their draconic bloodline.
Hit Die: d8.
To take a dragonblood cleric substitution level, a character must have the dragonblood subtype and be about to take her 1st, 5th, or 9th level of cleric. Class Skills
Dragonblood cleric substitution levels have the class skills of the standard cleric class.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifi er (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are class features of the dragonblood cleric racial substitution levels.
Notes: The following substitution level class features require the dragonblood cleric to select one energy type from among acid, cold, electricity, fi re, and sonic. The energy type must be the same for all these substitution features. A half-dragon who takes one or more of these substitution levels must choose the energy type that matches her breath weapon (if possible). If a half-dragon cleric’s breath weapon doesn’t have an energy type, she can choose any energy type so long as it is the same for all substitution level class features. A dragonblood cleric who doesn’t take the 1st-level racial substitution level can expend turn undead uses in place of turn energy uses if she takes the 5th- or 9th-level racial substitution levels.
Turn Energy (Su): Starting at 1st level, a dragonblood cleric can channel the elemental power of dragons to grant her and her allies protection from energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifi er. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The cleric and all allies within 30 feet gain temporary immunity to the specifi ed energy type. Each protected ally remains immune until the effect protects him from 5 points of energy damage per cleric level, after which the effect is discharged for that ally. If it is not discharged, the benefi t of the effect fades after 1 minute per cleric level. The cleric can exclude herself and any allies she chooses from the effect. Turn energy overlaps and does not stack with the effect of the resist energy spell. If a character is warded by both this effect and resist energy, this effect absorbs damage until it is discharged. Turn energy stacks with the effect of the protection from energy spell. This substitution level class feature replaces the standard cleric’s turn or rebuke undead class feature. For a dragonblood cleric, turn energy counts as turn or rebuke undead for the purpose of meeting prerequisites for feats, prestige classes, and so on.
Energy Barrier (Su): A dragonblood cleric who takes the 5th-level racial substitution level can expend one of her turn energy (or turn undead) uses for the day to create a wall of energy. This ability functions like the benefi t of the
Exhaled Barrier feat (see page 101), except as noted below. Any creature passing through the wall takes 1d6 points of energy damage per two cleric levels the dragonblood cleric possesses. If the cleric creates the wall so that it appears where
Table 6–6: Dragonblood Cleric Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Turn energy Same as cleric 5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Energy barrier One less 3rd-level spell; see text 9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Energy sustenance One less 5th-level spell; see text