Don't Blow Your Top

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Don't Blow Your Top! Rebecca Saltmarsh, Aimee Stimpson and Gary North

Balloon Alert!

Rebecca and Gary Work at Facing the Challenge with children and young people (0-18) who have learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge.

AimĂŠe Works in the Merthyr Tydfil Community Learning Disability Team with adults who have a learning disability.

Helping people to deal with anger  Part of the work we do with children and adults

with learning disabilities is to help them deal with anger  Sometimes we work with people on their own  Sometimes we run groups and invite people to come together to talk about anger

We call the groups the ‘Don’t blow your top’ groups, because we try to help the children and adults who come, learn how to cope with their angry feelings so they don’t........

‘Blow their top!’

Feeling Angry Everyone feels angry sometimes and that’s OK. Some people are able to cope with these feelings and maybe even use them in a helpful way. But we all need to learn to control our anger so we don’t blow our top and; upset somebody, hurt our self, break something, hurt someone else or get into trouble.

In order to control our anger, we need to: •Know what makes us angry (the triggers). •Know when we are becoming angry. •Find ways to help us become calm.

What are the groups for?  The groups run for 10 to 12 weeks.  In the groups we talk about

 what things make us feel angry.

 how feelings of anger are normal.

 ways to deal with situations in a better way and to

feel more in control.

 We also involve people who support group members.

This means they can help them use what they learn in the group in everyday situations.

Types of things that make us angry

Someone took my things

Someone shouted or swore at me

Someone told me No

My things got broken

If people ignore me

Someone annoyed me

......................... Something else

How do our bodies feel when we are angry?

Sometimes lots of little things make us angry. We then may get angrier and angrier until we... Blow our Top!

Tell us some of the things that make you angry

My things got broken

Things we might do when we blow our top


break something

hit someone

punch something

run off hurt our selves

shout nasty things

What can I do to stop blowing my top?

Things I can do to calm down 8 9 10 Count to 10 Go chill out Some where

Do some deep breaths Think about nice things Ask for Help

I ‘m angry

Go talk to someone else Do a different activity

Calmly walk away

Doing Something Else

Listen to music

Play Consoles

Play Games

Have a chat Have a cuppa

Watch TV

Don’t blow your top log

Blowing my top Gary

Saturday 2nd April

Where was I angry?


With Friends


.......................... Somewhere else

Where was I angry?


With Friends


.......................... Somewhere else

What was I doing before I got angry?

With friends

Games Consoles

In class Playing Games

On The Internet Chilling Out

.............................. Something else

Watching TV

What was I doing before I got angry?

With friends

Games Consoles

In class Playing Games

On The Internet Chilling Out

.............................. Something else

Watching TV

What made me angry? Someone hit me

Someone shouted at me

Someone told me No!

Someone bullied me

Something got broke something

I did not understand


Someone annoyed me

........................ Something else

Someone took my things

What made me angry? Someone hit me

Someone shouted at me

Someone told me No!

Someone bullied me

Something got broke something

I did not understand


Someone annoyed me

........................ Something else

Someone took my things

What did I do? I hit someone

Punched something

I cried

I broke something


I ran off

I shouted nasty things

I slammed doors

........................... Something else

Hurt myself

What did I do? I hit someone

Punched something

I cried

I broke something


I ran off

I shouted nasty things

I slammed doors

Pushed someone

Hurt myself

Who was I angry with?


With Friends



................................. Someone else



Who was I angry with?


With Friends



................................. Someone else



How angry did I feel?

How angry did I feel?

What did my body feel like? Red face

Angry things in my head

Scary eyes

Voice loud and shouting

Snarling teeth

Chest going BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!

Tight muscles

Not a nice feeling in tummy

Big fists


Please tick

text box if felt

What did my body feel like? Red face

Angry things in my head

Scary eyes Snarling teeth

 

Voice loud and shouting

Chest going BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!

Tight muscles

 

Not a nice feeling in tummy

Big fists


Please tick

text box if felt

 

How well did I do?

How well did I do?

What could I have done? 8 9 10 Count to 10 Go chill out Some where I ‘m angry

Do some deep breaths Think about nice things

Ask for Help

Go talk to someone else

Do a different activity

Calmly walk away

Don’t Blow My Top Plan Gary

Sometimes things make me angry, like when people are rude and push in front of me I know when I’m getting angry because my heart goes fast and my tummy feels funny.

I can let someone know how angry I am, by showing them my anger scale.

I can ask for help and that person can help me to keep calm.

I could do something else, like talk to my friends, listen to music or go to see gran.

In this session today we hope that we have been able to

show you how we help people to control their anger:

We looked at what makes us angry (the triggers)

If people ignore me

Someone told me No

Someone shouted or swore at me

Someone annoyed me

We looked how we know we are angry.

We looked at what we can do to help us become calm.

8 9 10 Count to 10 Ask for Help

Go chill out Some where

Do some deep breaths

Calmly walk away


Thank you Rebecca Saltmarsh Clinical Psychologist

Aimee Stimpson Clinical Psychologist

Gary North Assistant Behaviour Specialist

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