ELITE Celebrate In-Work Achievements for People with Learning Disabilities
Supported Employment
Kathy Rivett Assistant Chief Executive Officer ELITE Supported Employment Agency Ltd
Supported Employment
Equality Linked Into Trained Employment
Supported Employment
What is ELITE ? We are an Employment Agency for people with disabilities
Supported Employment
ELITE Staff Team
Supported Employment
SHINE Everyone can have the chance to shine
Supported Employment
Supported Employment
We believe that anyone who wants to work can do so regardless of their disability given the right guidance, training and support.
Supported Employment
ELITE can provide that support and have been doing so for 20 years.
Supported Employment
Question: Put your hand up if you have a disability and would like to have a job?
Supported Employment
By a job we mean:ďƒ˜ Working in open employment
Supported Employment
ďƒ˜ Working alongside non disabled colleagues
Supported Employment
ďƒ˜ Being paid the going rate of pay for the job
Supported Employment
Benefits Increased Confidence Learn New Skills Being Part of a Team Gain Experience Make friends
Supported Employment
Earn Money Increased self Esteem Having a purposesomething to do Helps you contribute to society Have a structure in your day
Supported Employment
How can you find work and stay in work? ďƒ˜Use a Supported Employment Service
Supported Employment
ďƒ˜ Get to know them and they will get to know you.
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ďƒ˜ The right job matching
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ďƒ˜ Good Employers
Supported Employment
Congratulations Mark 10 Years service
Supported Employment
Congratulations Kathleen 10 years service
Supported Employment
2003 – referred to ELITE Attended a Personal Development Course Placement in a Bakery Interview in Tesco
Supported Employment
Various Employer Contacts made by ELITE Work Experience in Somerfield Work Experience moved to Matalan Good Reports
Supported Employment
September 2004 – Offered 16 hours paid employment with Matalan Had a job trainer from ELITE to help me ‘Buddied up’
Supported Employment
ďƒ˜ Matalan Star
Employer Award 2005
Supported Employment
Tills packing bags Swiping cards Dealing with money Speaking to customers Using the scanner
Supported Employment
ďƒ˜ I work on the Shop Floor tidying the stock in the Home wares Department
Supported Employment
Children’s Department
Supported Employment
ďƒ˜ Ladies wear
Supported Employment I work in the fittings rooms • Helping Customers • Keeping the area clean & tidy
Supported Employment
Congratulations Kathleen over 10 years working in Matalan
Supported Employment
SHINE Celebrate
Supported Employment
Question: Hands up if you have a disability and would like to have a job.
Supported Employment
Thank you for listening ELITE SEA Ltd Tel No.: 01443 226664 Web: elitesea.co.uk