Contents You can jump to any section you want by clicking on the buttons below. Each page has a Contents button to bring you back to this page for your next choice.
Chair’s Introduction
Director’s Report
Our Mission and Aims
Influencing Policy and Campaigning
Training and Events
Managing and Developing Projects
Improving our Organisation
Members, Trustees, Staff
Summary of Financial Information
Contact Details
Chair’s Introduction – Adrian Roper I became Chair of Learning Disability Wales in 2009 and I have to say it was a pretty scary situation. Staff changes, funding threats, uncertain priorities, and lots of projects struggling to keep going, or even get off the ground. Two years later and of course we still face funding uncertainties. But in every other respect Learning Disability Wales’s situation has been completely and positively turned around.
Adrian Roper, Chief Executive of Cartrefi Cymru and Chair of Learning Disability Wales
A stable staff team with clear new roles and responsibilities are positively buzzing with “can do” energy and purpose. All sorts of exciting project applications have been successful. A focused strategy is in place with clear aims and outcomes both for Learning Disability Wales and its members. Whether it’s waving the flag for children and young people, or getting behind All Wales People First’s Manifesto, or quietly building bridges with autism organisations, Learning Disability Wales is out there, doing vital work, and doing it wonderfully well. My thanks and respect, first and foremost, go to Jim and all the staff team. But I must thank my fellow trustees too. Their skills, experience, principles and wisdom have been a joy. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Director’s Report Over the last year we have done a lot behind the scenes to improve the way we are organised and our funding so that we can better help our members. By the end of the year this had begun to make a real difference. We: • • Jim Crowe, Director of Learning Disability Wales
• • •
changed the staff structure and created manager posts so that the range of services we provide could be better directed invested in new computers and software so that we could work more efficiently made successful bids in collaboration with partners to run two really exciting projects that will directly benefit young people, adults with a learning disability and their families, and began work on them continued on an almost daily basis to analyse and circulate a huge amount of important information continued to represent the concerns of our members to government and other public agencies.
Read on to find out more!
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Our mission is to: ‘Create a Wales that values and includes every child and adult with a learning disability’ Photo courtesy of the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities’ ‘What Kind of Future?’ project
We • work in partnership with other organisations, people with learning disabilities, service users and their parents/carers • campaign to help children and adults with learning disabilities achieve valued lives • support the voluntary sector and its interests • provide and promote good practice Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Our aims We work to improve the lives of children and adults with a learning disability by:
1. Reducing injustice, discrimination and prejudice 2. Increasing active and meaningful participation in all areas of life 3. Getting people who make policy to be committed to rights 4. Making sure that services are of best quality and there is more choice 5. Making sure we manage our organisation well and are good at what we do Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Influencing Policy and Campaigning Children, autism, hate crime, abuse, advocacy, mental health and workforce. These are some of the areas we have worked with members to influence policy makers to improve the lives of children and adults with learning disabilities in Wales. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Improving access to mental health services for young people We are members of a policy group to ensure that the CAMHS teams and the mental health measure better meets the needs of young people with a learning disability and mental health needs.
Care Council new qualification framework We have contributed to: •
the development of the new framework and accreditation of all qualifications
consultation on the priorities for workforce development
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Social Care South East Wales Regional Partnership We chair this partnership to improve the recruitment, training and quality of social care staff.
Children and adults with autism and learning disability We took part in Welsh Government’s ASD task and finish groups on employment and further/higher education. We have also chaired two meetings on criminal justice.
Family First Fund We offered advice on the design of the fund and proposed dedicated money for children with disabilities
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Disability hate crime We: • worked with other organisations and the Welsh Police to produce an action plan to tackle disability hate crime. •
represented Welsh interests on the UK advisory group, Equality and Human Rights Commission’s inquiry on disability related harassment.
wrote a lead article in our magazine on raising awareness and good practice
took part in new Disability Hate Crime Action Group Cymru
Policy for the protection of vulnerable adults We helped produce a Welsh Government report to review safeguards for adults and have secured a commitment to legislation.
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Advocacy •
Held a meeting with advocacy organisations to discuss impact of cuts and ending of advocacy grant scheme
Helped All Wales People First in their work producing a manifesto for the elections in May 2010
Representing our member’s views We responded to the following consultations: •
Law Commission’s Adult Social Care
Inquiry into Access to Transport by Disabled People
Disability Living Allowance Reform
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Campaigning for better lives for children and young people with learning disabilities
The Disabled Children Matter Wales campaign (DCMW) had a busy year. After being on the campaign trail for two and a half years the campaign decided to focus on key priorities to gain maximum positive impact for disabled children: • • • • • • • •
Short breaks Post-16 education Changing Places Facilities Things to do / places to go Wheelchair services Pre school play Child care Having enough money to live on
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Campaigning for better lives for children and young people with learning disabilities The campaign and partners had some success: •
Short breaks will become a statutory requirement within Local Authorities.
Changing Places facilities have increased throughout Wales
A review into wheelchair services took place and recommendations from the Health Minister have been made.
Also : •
A report from the Bevan Foundation has begun making an impact on play provision
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Information We gather information from many sources to ensure our members are up-to-date with news, policy, events, debate, resources and good practice. We want to help our members grow and improve in their lives, to network, to lobby, and to have a voice. ‘Information is knowledge…knowledge is power’! Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
15 Llais is our quarterly magazine. It’s great at facilitating debate, highlighting good practice and presenting the latest thinking from a wide variety of sources. We’re always looking for articles from new writers, so if you have a burning issue then get in touch! This year Llais featured articles on: Sex and relationships, Assistive technology, Social enterprise, Disability hate crime, Being a parent, Citizen directed support, Public sector cuts, A parents view of the Mental Capacity Act, All Wales People First manifesto, and many more!
Llais Update is our monthly newsletter. It features up-to-date news and information on new legislation, training and events, funding and resources. In 2010-11 this included news on: Welsh Government promises on transition, End of the Advocacy Grant Scheme, Review of adult protection, New guide to transition, Learning disability and the criminal justice system, Proposals to scrap Disability Living Allowance, New learning disability learning and information network, Wales and the United Nations Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities.
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Information Enquiries Members of Learning Disability Wales can use our Information Enquiry Service to help with issues that are affecting them. We helped with 110 enquiries on: Assessments, Legal advice, Mentoring, Dating, Funding, Transition, Court of Protection, Sport, Participation, Citizen directed support, Autism, Epilepsy, Statistics, Social opportunities, Work experience, Getting a job, Producing Easy Read information.
Individual: 4 Statutory: 19
Voluntary: 36 Student: 10
Parent: Other:
24 17
E-news – Email news bulletin service Our E-news service ensures members are always up-to-date with new and important information as it happens. In 2010-11 we sent out 74 news bulletins on: Welfare Reform Bill, Disability employment programme, Domestic Abuse of Disabled Women in Wales research survey, Census 2011, All Wales Hate Crime Research Project, Closure of Independent Living Fund, Channel 4 news request, New consultations and consultation events, Disability hustings, Comprehensive spending review.
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Producing information in Easy Read Our Accessible Information Service translates everything from consultation documents to conference material into an Easy Read format for people with learning disabilities. This year our work included: Domestic Abuse of Disabled Women in Wales Research Survey, Manifesto for Independent Living, Hate crime conference materials (Disability Wales); A guide for families of children and young people with Autism, A guide for staff who give support to people with autism and their families (Welsh Government).
Website Website regularly updated with news, policy and consultations, events, training and jobs. Further development of website carried out, including new pages on ImPaCT in Europe (Person Centred Technology project) employment conference in Cardiff, and resources and information on money for our 2010 Annual Conference. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Training and Events We provided a range of opportunities for over 1400 people across Wales to learn and share. Our events showcase examples and ideas that can be put into practice, highlight services that promote independence and rights, and help develop people’s skills to make a real difference.
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Annual Conference ‘Money Talks!’ Our annual conference looked at how people get their money, what they do with it and how to make every penny count! Over 200 people took part over two days of drama, discussion, workshops and talks. Resources from this conference are available from our website.
“I enjoyed the workshops as they gave people a chance to be interactive and have their say” “I found this workshop very useful as it helped me to understand bank accounts more.” “After the conference I asked staff if I could look after my own money. Now I have money every week!” “I went to the workshop on Credit Unions. I have applied to join one. They seem easier than banks.”
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Training Over 580 people have benefited from our training on a wide range of subjects covering;
Person Centred Planning Personal Relationships and Sexuality Making Information Easy to Read & Understand Communicating Through Touch Community Care Law Welfare Benefits
“Was brilliant, learnt more than expected. Will definitely be of use. Very much enjoyed the course, very informative and interactive.” Attendee on ‘Understanding Autism’ “Excellent presentation skills + thought provoking debate.” Attendee on ‘Understanding People with Learning Disabilities’ “Excellent training, met [my] needs fully, really enjoyed, feel more confident.” Attendee on ‘Introduction to Person Centred Thinking’
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You and Me As part of our ongoing work to support young people we held an all Wales Conference to look at working with young people to support their developing friendships and sexual relationships. 54 people took part in a lively event that included drama, speakers, workshops and real life stories from young people and professionals.
“I enjoyed all aspects – it was a very engaging day involving lots of different interesting people. I’ve made some good contacts.” “Some interesting discussions about managing risk versus right to choose friends.” - on ‘Introduction to Person Centred Thinking’
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Putting the Mental Capacity Act into Practice
We held events in Cardiff and Llandudno looking at how the Mental Capacity Act is being put into practice. 177 delegates listened to speakers and took part in workshops by the Office of the Public Guardian, Independent Mental Capacity Advocates, NHS Trusts in Wales and Social Services Departments. These events were held in partnership with the Social Care Institute of Excellence and the Association of Directors of Social Service.
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Commissioning Practice and Providers A partnership with the Welsh Government allowed us to hold two events for provider organisations in Wales. 102 Attendees from small and large providers heard about developments in commissioning practice in Wales and had the opportunity to ask questions and raise issues with the Welsh Government.
“Really useful and informative, good balance of listening and group discussion, really pleased with progress being made on issue raised from previous commissioning activity.” “Answered many questions. Raised others but met people who will provide opportunities to strengthen commissioning locally. ”
- on ‘Introduction to Person Centred Thinking’ Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Consultation Events We consult with our members and the wider community to gain their opinions. This helps us respond to policy and practice developments and guides our own policies.
Adult Social Care Law
Stakeholder Consultation
We held 2 sessions in partnership with the Law Commission. Attendees were able to speak directly to the Law Commission about the proposals on adult social care legislation.
We held 9 events for our members and those interested in our work. We gathered a wealth of information from 171 people to help us plan our future activities and set our priorities for children and young people, adults, parents and carers and services.
Consumer Focus Wales We worked with Consumer Focus Wales to help them consult with people with learning disabilities as consumers. Attendees spoke about their experiences, helping CFW plan for their future work.
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Networks Learning Disability Wales recognises that we work best when we work together. That is why we encourage partnership and sharing through our networks of learning disability practice for individuals and organisations across Wales. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
We host networks to support learning disability practice in Wales. Person Centred Planning Network This network provides opportunities to learn and share good practice for Person Centred Planning practitioners and people who use Person Centred Planning in their lives. We now have 217 members. 11 regional network meetings and 2 all-Wales network meetings were held during the year.
Finding the Right Support for Parents with Learning Disabilities Network This network provides learning and good practice sharing for professionals and peer support to parents. Network meetings also allow parents to share their views with professionals. 100 members. 4 regional network meetings were held. Funding for this work has come to an end but we are working hard to keep the network going. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Managing and Developing Projects Through the projects we delivered and developed this year we have improved outcomes for young people’s transitions, informed decision makers on what people with a learning disability want out of their services, provided information and resources that are Easy Read and interactive, and worked to accelerate the use of person-centred technologies. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Accessible Information and Learning Disability Awareness Training Project The Welsh Government agreed to fund this project in late 2010, taking forward two of the proposals in the 2008 Proposed Action Plan: better access to information on health, and awareness training for staff in frontline mainstream services. The project will: •
deliver Disability Awareness Training across Wales. Our aim is to change the understanding of staff in local authority housing, leisure departments, police and criminal justice agencies.
give people with learning disabilities and their families better access to information on healthcare in Wales. A new accessible website will be developed, providing in one place all the Easy Read information on health. A helpline will support people to use the website. We are also developing guidance for organisations on how to make good, accessible information.
We manage the project in partnership with All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers, All Wales People First and Mencap Cymru. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Accessible Information and Learning Disability Awareness Training Project In a very short period we planned how the project would be delivered, formed a Project Steering Group, appointed contractors for the website and Easy Read guidance, and recruited 4 new project staff. The project employed two accessible information officers, one of whom has a learning disability. Their job is to research best practice Easy Read information on health in Wales, and working with the web designer in developing an accessible website to hold this information. Work on the Awareness Training side of the project included design of the training packs, training the trainers and distributing marketing materials across Wales. Over the next two years 70 training courses will be delivered. The project shows how learning disability organisations in Wales can join together to provide tangible benefits to people with learning disabilities and their families. There are exciting times ahead. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Regional SEN Transition to Employment project
Now known as ‘Real Opportunities’ this great project will work with young people aged 14-19 years who have severe and complex needs, a learning disability, those on the autistic spectrum, and their families/carers in Caerphilly, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Merthyr, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Torfaen and Bridgend. The project is centred on ‘peer mentor support’ and the ‘Five Pathways’ of transition to adulthood model, those pathways being; Lifelong Learning; Relationships; Leisure Opportunities; Employment and Independent Living. The project is based on work at Trinity Fields School and is ESF funded. We heard in March 2011 that our tender to provide the training and information services for this project was successful. We look forward to working with our partners. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Life Options At the last minute we managed to gain some funding for 2010/11 from Lloyds TSB. We work with a wide range of young people in Carmarthenshire, many of whom have socially complex needs or who are homeless. One young person is fighting for his right to direct payments through the courts and the decision regarding this may set a legal precedent. Several young people have chosen to attend a day college, some have opted for a private day service. Nobody this year has chosen to attend a local authority day service, an option that seems less and less popular. We are working with 20 young people but this will increase, to 30+ by next March. We hope that longer term funding sources can be found so that young people can continue to get help to choose the sort of lives they want.
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Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group (LDIAG) 2010/11 was an unusual year for the Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group (LDIAG). Following the Welsh Government’s rejection of the proposed LDIAG Action Plan back in December 2009, members of the group decided that the current LDIAG had come to a natural end. The last meeting took place in September 2010. Members felt that a new group was needed with a new remit, membership and co-Chairs to continue the important work of the group and to advise the Minister on issues affecting people with learning disabilities and their families. The Minister agreed to set up a new group in 2011/12. During this transitional period, Learning Disability Wales continued to host the LDIAG Information Officer post. Work included participation at three LDIAG meetings, the continued development of the LDIAG website including a section dedicated to the work of the Challenging Behaviour Community of Practice, and the production of three newsletters in standard and easy read formats.
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Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group (LDIAG) Learning Disability Wales worked closely with partner organisations All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers, Mencap Cymru and All Wales People First including the development of a proposed new model for the LDIAG. Working with these partners, we also submitted a successful bid to the Welsh Government for the funding of the Accessible Information and Learning Disability Awareness Training Project, as a result of the Minister’s response to the 2008 Proposed Action Plan. Left : Front cover of LDIAG News, easy read, June 2010. Top: LDIAG website
Through the work of the LDIAG Information Officer we also assisted All Wales People First with the preparation and delivery of two roadshows (one in Gorseinon and the other in Flint) on the subject of participation and the future of the LDIAG.
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ImPaCT in Europe: Improving Person Centred Technology in Europe With partners from Belgium, Italy, Finland, Portugal, France and the UK, we are exploring how technology, delivered and used in a person-centred way, can enable disabled people to live independently and become more empowered. This technology could include environmental controls, assistive communication, ICT, Telecare and Telehealth. Much work was done on the project deliverables, which include an Ethical Framework for the use of Person Centred Technology (PCT), mapping the use of PCT, and analysing the training needs of individuals and their supporters. We held successful conferences on Communication, Education, and Training, in Sintra (Portugal), Paris and Helsinki, respectively, and started work on a conference on Employment and PCT that Learning Disability Wales will host in Cardiff in June 2011.
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Improving our organisation We restructured our staff team, introduced a new salary structure and amended our governing documents. These changes, along with IT investment, strengthened the organisation and enabled us to take on new projects and improve services to member organisations. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Actions to improve our organisation included: We have: • restructured staff team with the introduction of 4 middle management posts. Cost neutral, it allowed a small increase in hours for 3 of 4 managers and enabled more posts to be outward facing. • introduced a new salary structure. • held an EGM on 15th July 2010. Key changes to our governing documents included extending the pool from which we can recruit management committee members and adding our new membership categories. • increased number of management committee meetings per year. • upgraded IT hardware and software to make us more efficient. • successfully gained new funding for the following projects: – – – –
Regional Transition to Employment Initiative Accessible Information and Learning Disability Awareness Training Welsh Government/EHRC Capacity Building Life Options
Provided payroll support to our members: • Conwy Connect, All Wales People First, Ceredigion People First, Swansea People First , Carmarthen People First and Vale People First. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)
Full Members ABCD Cymru Abertillery & District Mencap Gateway Club Action for Children Advocacy Matters (Wales) Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers All Wales People First All Wales Special Interest Group - Special Oral Health Care Antur Waunfawr ARC Cymru Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham A Voice for You Brecknockshire Citizen Advocacy Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations Bridgend County Forum of Parents/Carers of Persons with a Learning Difficulty Bridgend People First Buzz AH Cae Post Ltd Caerphilly Borough Parents and Carers Forum Caerphilly People First Cardiff and the Vale Coalition of Disabled People Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation Cardiff Mencap Society Cardiff People First Carmarthenshire People First Cartref Ni Ltd Cartrefi Cymru
Celf O Gwmpas Ceredigion People First Children in Wales Circles Network Wales Community Lives Consortium Compass Community Care Ltd Contact a Family Conwy Connect for Learning Disabilities Co-options Ltd Crossroads Wales - Caring for Carers Cwmni Seren Ffestiniog Cyf Cymryd Rhan DASH (Disabilities and Self Help) Denbighshire Learning Disability Forum Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council Dimensions Disability Arts Cymru Disability Wales/Anabledd Cymru Down's Syndrome Association DRIVE Ltd Elite Supported Employment Agency First Choice Housing Association Ltd Flintshire Forum for Learning Disabilities Flintshire Local Voluntary Council Gwalia Care and Support Hijinx Theatre Innovate Trust KeyRing Living Support Networks Ltd
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Full Members (continued)
L’Arche Brecon Links – Wales Learning Disability Action Group Llanelli and District Gateway Club Mencap Cymru Mencap Cymru (Chepstow) Mencap Mon Menter Fachwen Monmouth People First Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin NAAPS Cymru National Association of Toy and Leisure Libraries/Playmatters Wales National Autistic Society Cymru Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service Newport Mencap Newport People First NEWSA Ltd North Wales Advice and Advocacy Association Opportunity Housing Trust Pembrokeshire Advocacy Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services Pennaf Housing Group Person to Person Citizen Advocacy Perthyn Prospects Reach (Supported Living) Ltd Rhondda Cynon Taff People First RNID Cymru
Ruthin and District Mencap Society Shaw Trust SNAP Cymru Swansea Council for Voluntary Service Swansea People First – Peer Health Advocacy Project Systems Advocacy Service Tai Pawb Tan Dance Ltd Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Wales The Friendly Trust The Intersensory Club The Viva! Project Torfaen People First Touch Trust Ltd Trinity Care and Support Tros Gynnal Tyddyn Mon Co Ltd United Welsh Housing Association Vale Centre for Voluntary Services Vision 21 Voluntary Action Cardiff Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil Walsingham Wales WISE Ltd (Welsh Initiative for Supported Employment) Your Voice Advocacy Project
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Individual Members Annetts, Carolyn Arnall, Christopher Ataou, Christine Bochenski, Tricia Brett, Monica Burslem, Rosemary Champion, Julia Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Janice M Davies, Ann
Davies, Ken Davies, Susan Edwards, Roger Godin, Julia Jones, Enid Keeble, Monica Leaves, Anne Linford, Lorraine Luke, Cyril Mackay, Christine
Marsden, Pamela Mills, Diana Morris, Mona Nash, Susie Norris, Joanne Rees, Sally Shelton, Jerry Thomas, Jenny Young, John
Statutory Members Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (Learning Disability Services) Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board – Learning Disability Clinical Psychology Bridgend County Borough Council – Personal Services Department Care Council for Wales Caerphilly County Borough Council Cardiff County Council – Social Care and Health Derwen College Equality and Human Rights Commission Flintshire County Council – LDASC Day Opportunities Gwynedd Council Hywel Dda NHS Trust – Family & Child Health
Hywel Dda NHS Trust – Learning Disabilities Service Monmouthshire County Council – Social Services Department Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council – Social Services, Health & Housing Pembrokeshire County Council – E-Commerce Centre Powys County Council Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council University of Glamorgan University of Wales, Newport Vale of Glamorgan Council Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities
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Commercial Members Bluebird Care (Newport) Focus Care Wales Julie Burton Law The Regard Partnership
Total Loving Care Values in Care Workwell Enterprise
Outside Wales Members British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) Connect in the North
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities Social Care Institute for Excellence
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Community of Interest
Adult Providers
Adrian Roper Ansley Workman Steve Cox*
UK Links
Self Advocacy
Graham Ivey* 2nd seat vacant
Parents & Carers
Kevin Sibbons* Jacqui Caldwell
Childrens’ Providers
Sian Owen*
Supported Employment
Meriel Hall
Representing Chair Resigned 12/8/10 Treasurer
Community Living Network Community Living Network Community Living Network
North East Wales Self Advocacy
Vice Chair: North Wales
Conwy Connect Denbighshire Learning Disability Forum Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin
Resigned 9/11/10
Assoc of Supported Employment Agencies
Family Support Providers John Young*
Cardiff & Vale Parents Federation
Independent Advocacy
Madhulata Patel*
Tai Pawb
Open Seats
Roger Bishop Charlotte Aubrey Christine Fincham* Sherri Sargent* Phil Madden* Susie Nash* Alan Sutherns*
Resigned 17/9/10 Resigned 17/09/10
Mark John Williams
Accepted by Management Committee January 2011
Vice Chair: South Wales
Tros Gynnal Touch Trust Compass Community Care Gwalia Care and Support Individual Trustee Individual Trustee Individual Trustee
* Management Committee elected at AGM on 17 September 2010. Trustees hold a 2 year term of office
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Learning Disability Wales Staff James Crowe Director
Rebecca Williams Finance & Physical Resources Manager
Joanne Moore HR & Governance Manager
Karen Warner Information Services Manager
Kai Jones Information Officer
Ian Cullimore Finance Officer
Sam Williams Information Officer (LDIAG)*
Nicola Pepper Director’s PA (Resigned Feb 2011)
Pauline Moss Finance Assistant
Cheryl White Administrator
Zoe Richards Young Person & Carers Manager
Steph Harnett Transitions Advocate Life Options*
Simon Rose Training & Events Manager
Rebecca Watkins Events & Sponsorship Co-ordinator
Inacia Rodrigues Training Admin
Sam Jenkins Cleaner
* Project Staff
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LEARNING DISABILITY WALES SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION - YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2011 2011 10 ÂŁ ÂŁ Fixed assets comprising office furniture and equipment, and improvements to property 23,308 18,243 Debtors, being what the charity is owed from: Grants and other debtors 67,979 32,826 Cash at bank and in hand 255,329 148,758 _______ ______ 346,616 199,827 _______ ______ Less: Liabilities What the charity owes to: Other creditors (141,302) (58,909) _______ _______ (141,302) (58,909) _______ _______ Leaving what the company owns 205,314 140,918 ====== ====== How this was created: Restricted funds 27,411 10,292 Unrestricted funds 177,903 130,626 _______ _______ 205,314 140,918 ====== ======
The following figures are taken from the full financial statements of Learning Disability Wales Limited for the year ended 31 March 2011, have been approved by the trustees and submitted to the Charity Commission and the Registrar of Companies. The auditors, Watts Gregory LLP, whose opinion was unqualified, have confirmed that this summary is consistent with the full report, which is available from Learning Disability Wales on request.
Annual Operations: Where our money came from: Grants Conferences and training events Project administration fees and other income Interest received
Unrestricted Funds 372,000 75,911
27,301 101 _______ 475,313 Less: Expenditure on salaries, overheads and project administration (428,036) Net incoming/(outgoing) resources 47,277 Transfers between funds _______ Net movement in funds 47,277 ======
Restricted Funds 147,380 -
Total 2011 519,380 75,911
Total 2010 441,557 68,202
_______ 147,380
27,301 101 _______ 622,693
41,327 91 _______ 551,177
(130,261) 17,119 _______ (17,119) ======
(558,297) 64,396 _______ (64,396) ======
(558,285) 7,108 _______ (7,108) ======
The financial statements were approved by the Trustees on 14 July 2011 and signed on its behalf by J G Crowe and S Cox
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44 Learning Disability Wales 41 Lambourne Crescent Cardiff Business Park Llanishen Cardiff CF14 5GG Tel 029 20681160 Fax 029 20752149
Email Website
Company limited by guarantee: 02326324 Registered Charity: 1062858 VAT Registered Number: 762 4559 11
This annual report is available in English and Welsh, on CD and on our website.
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