Learning Disability Wales Annual Report 2009 - 2010

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Contents You can jump to any section you want by clicking on the buttons below. Each page has a Contents button to bring you back to this page for your next choice. Director’s Report


Our Mission and Aims


Influencing Policy and Campaigning




Training and Events


Managing and Developing Projects


Improving our Organisation








Summary Financial Information


Contact Details



Director’s Report My personal highlights would be: • • • • • • •

The ‘These are your Rights’ event on community care and health law organised with Cardiff Law School Publishing the ‘Being a Family’ research, highlighting the needs of parents with a learning disability Commencing work on the Early Support consultancy to give better assistance to parents on young children with disabilities Taking part in the Disabled Children Matter Wales lobby of Assembly Members about the Wheelchair Service Consultancy work to publish a Transition leaflet for young people with learning disabilities Submitting evidence to the Independent Commission on Social Care Commencing the Person-Centred Technology project, ImPaCT in Europe

Jim Crowe Director, Learning Disability Wales

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Our mission ‘Creating a Wales that values and includes every child and adult with a learning disability’

• We work in partnership with other organisations, service users and their parents/carers • We campaign to help children and adults with learning disabilities achieve valued lives • We support the voluntary sector and its interests • We provide and promote good practice Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Our aims We work to improve the lives of children and adults with a learning disability by: 1. Reducing injustice, discrimination and prejudice 2. Increasing their active and meaningful participation in all areas of life 3. Getting people who make policy to be committed to rights 4. Making sure that services are of best quality and there is more choice 5. Making sure we manage our organisation well and are good at what we do

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Influencing Policy and Campaigning We work with our members to lobby and campaign for better lives for children and adults with learning disabilities Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Campaigning for better lives for children and young people with learning disabilities Several large children’s charities joined the Disabled Children Matter Wales Campaign this year. Barnardos, Children in Wales, Contact A Family, Cerebra, Mencap Cymru, Action for Children, Family Fund and Scope Cymru, along with Learning Disability Wales, now lead the steering group for the campaign. The campaign continues to meet with Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) officials as part of the ‘Rights into Action’ task group in moving forward on policy for disabled children, while meeting quarterly with newly appointed Deputy Children’s Minister Huw Lewis. During the year the campaign was instrumental in WAG’s Inquiry into wheelchair services. The campaign are busy working alongside all political parties to make sure that disabled children feature in future manifestos.

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My Life, My Way Learning Disability Wales in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government produced My Life, My Way. A young person’s guide to transition. The booklet is available to young people across Wales. It gives information for young people between the ages of 13 – 25 on what they should expect from their planning process. It also has stories of some young people across Wales and how they have successfully managed their transition and are in full time employment.

http://wales.gov.uk/docs/dcells/publications/100305 transitionguideen.pdf Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Early Support Wales Learning Disability Wales are a member of the implementation group led by Children In Wales. The Early Support programme is funded for 3 years by Welsh Assembly Government and is a programme to enhance early support to families of disabled children. It encourages multi-agency working which is child and family centred. It also offers families a set of resources which will help them better plan the services they receive. We also provide the role of Local Authority consultant to Newport, Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly.

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Policy for the protection of vulnerable adults We are members of a Minister’s project group reviewing all aspects of Welsh policy and the need for legislation. We have collaborated with Disability Wales on improving the response of Welsh police services to harassment, bullying and protection issues.

Access to Employment Network We host this network made up of voluntary organisations who provide training/work for people with learning disabilities. At two meetings, the group looked at policy in England and work is underway to produce a lobbying pack on the benefits of employment for people with learning disabilities.

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Parents with learning disabilities Together with the WAG, we worked on a research project to identify the needs of parents with learning disabilities. Joyce Haworth undertook the research and wrote the report The report was produced, including an Easy Read version, and sent to WAG asking them to do more work to support parents with learning disabilities.

http://www.learningdisabilitywales.org.uk/ parents_research.php

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Care Council new qualification framework We have contributed to the development of the new framework and accreditation of all qualifications.

Social Care South East Wales Regional Partnership We chaired this group concerned with workforce issues

Commented and/or contributed to: WAG commissioning guidance We contributed to the development of this guidance New guidance on Supported Living We took part in a group to develop this guidance Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Information Our Information Service is at the heart of our organisation, informing our work and the work and lives of our members Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Information Enquiries

96 enquiries answered included: Advocacy, mental health, hate crime, private hospitals in Wales, recession and disability services, self abuse, sexual abuse, participation in planning, benefits, transportation policy, funding, statistics, assistance with easy read resource on HIV/AIDS, accessible information, legal advice, research. Statutory Parent Other

27 7 9

Voluntary Student

51 2

E-News – Email news bulletin service 60 news announcements included: Transition, Adult Social Care law, LDIAG action plan, research, disability harassment, autism, Proposed Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure, speech and language development, employment, assistive technology, Equality and Human Rights Commission, WAG advocacy grant scheme, United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, accessible information, National Assembly Equality and Access Team. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Llais – Quarterly magazine Facilitating debate, highlighting good practice included articles on: annual health checks, becoming a deputy, self directed support, volunteering in Africa, private sector hospitals, sibling support, early support, social care funding, social firms Learning Disability Action Plan

Llais Update – Monthly newsletter Up-to-date news, events, funding and resources, including: Autism services development, challenging behaviour network, abuse research, mental health and learning disabilities in the criminal justice system, Fulfilled Lives Supportive Communities, Commissioning Framework, swine flu easy read information, tackling hate crime, review of wheelchair services, UK ratification of UN human rights treaty for disabled people. 6 flyer inserts were included with Llais Update Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Website Website continually updated with news, policy and consultations, events, training and jobs. Further development of website carried out, including new pages on ImPaCT in Europe (Person Centred Technology project) and 2009 Annual Conference resource.

Producing information in Easy Read We produced 4 documents in Easy Read on behalf of other organisations, including National Assembly for Wales Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Training and Events We provided a range of opportunities for over 1,400 people across Wales to learn and share. We provided examples and ideas that can be put into practice and highlighted services that promote the independence and rights of children and adults. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Annual Conference

Feel Good, Stay well This year our annual conference looked at ideas and action for the health and well being of children and adults with learning disabilities. Over 250 people took part over two days in an inclusive mix of music, sport, drama, dance, workshops and speakers. We received funding from the Arts Council of Wales to include drama and dance in the event. We were also supported by some commercial companies. "The whole day was excellent. Well organised, very good workshops, plenty of interesting facts to learn” "The best part of the day was the drama, the workshops, the food and the people I met” "Accessible and fun, all were involved - it made our members think!” "I thought it was all very good - especially the chat with people about their lives, and the brilliant films!" Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


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Training Over 500 people have benefited from our training on; Person Centred Planning PATH Making Information Easy to Read & Understand Communicating Through Touch Understanding Children's Policy Disability Discrimination and Learning Disabilities Supporting Parents with Learning Disabilities Community Care Law Finding a Place to Live Independent Living Trusts Direct Payments “This information is much needed and will be shared with my team.” Attendee on ‘Supporting Parents with Learning Disabilities’ held in Wrexham “Course was inspiring, enthusiastic facilitator, useful information and enjoyable training” Attendee on ‘Communicating Through Touch’ held in Haverfordwest Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Stopping Abuse We held events in Llandudno and Cardiff to examine what is happening locally and nationally to prevent the abuse of people with learning disabilities. The events promoted openness and partnership as keys to help stopping abuse. A short report from these events was presented to key government and inspectorate officials. 90 people attended 2 regional events. “Excellent event which has flagged up issues concerning abuse and different types of abuse.” “Very effective to meet and discuss with others & learn from their experiences and contributions.” “Good to get the views from other organisations and those with disabilities.” Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


These Are Your Rights: the law on Social and Health Care Services In partnership with Cardiff Law School, and funded by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, an event was held in Cardiff to examine the difficulties disabled people have in securing their rights to services and support in health and social care.

During the day 45 delegates explored ideas and worked to develop a PATH to improve access to services and overcome the difficulties faced.

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Give Us a Chance…. to be parents As part of the Finding the Right Support for Parents Network we held an all Wales Conference to explore the issues of parents with learning disabilities and the support they need. 60 people took part in a lively event that included drama, speakers, workshops and real life stories.

“The event was invaluable in bringing parents and professionals to discuss commonly experienced issues. Important to keep the profile of parents with learning disabilities on political/public agenda.” “The parent’s stories were excellent and it was useful to listen to their experience – it will help us to develop services.” Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


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How to Make your Voice Heard We held a regional event to help people and groups understand how the Welsh Assembly Government and National Assembly for Wales work. The event was held to help people increase their ability to influence national and regional policy. “Very useful session, I will use what I learnt to make our voices heard.” “This information could and should be seen by a much wider audience!”

Consultation Events We consult with our members and the wider community to gain their opinions. This helps us respond to policy and practice developments and guides our own policies.

Social Care Qualifications In partnership with the Care Council for Wales (CCW) we held two drama based consultation days for adults with learning disabilities called “Who I Am”. Attendees were able to express what they thought those that provide support and care should be able to do. CCW used this to help develop new qualifications for those that work in social care. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Networks We host networks to support learning disability practice in Wales. Person Centred Planning Network 165 members. 12 regional network meetings and two all-Wales network meetings were held during the year. We have established a steering group to help develop this network.

Finding the Right Support for Parents with Learning Disabilities Network 100 members 8 regional network meetings were held across Wales. Network members attended a national celebration event in London.

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Managing and Developing Projects We identify and manage projects that promote best practice and the rights of children and adults with a learning disability. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Life Options The Life Options project has continued to be funded by Carmarthenshire. We have been able to work with a wide range of young people whose ambitions included going away to college, accessing respite providing support for people with very complex needs and accessing Individualised packages funded through direct payments. People have used Direct Payments to access a range of activities. From having fun in the snow in January, to getting a haircut or a filling. But several people have been affected by regulations preventing those funded by the Health Board from using Direct Payments and the negotiations are ongoing. The current financial situation makes the one-year-ata-time funding rather fragile. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Vale People First

Vale Youth Speak Up (16-25 year olds) has been extremely busy since its launch in August 2009, training professionals such as Teen Scheme Staff and South Wales Police on disability awareness and diversity. The training programme was written and adapted by the group. They have attended Youth Forum Training and are currently working towards peer mentoring young learning disabled children aged between 7-19 on how to be confident and how to be part of a youth forum. We are in receipt of a 2 year grant from Lloyds TSB to further enhance our remit as a user led organisation by creating 3 internal groups. They work to monitor and evaluate AM’s; Vale People First and its network partners; other sectors; other community organisations and our Local Authority. They also provide disability awareness training and parts of the learning 4 leadership course in the day centres in Barry. Our 3 other self advocacy groups meet on a weekly basis in the community. We are still running our citizen advocacy night monthly in Barry.


North East Wales Self Advocacy

Highlights of the year… All Wales People First 2009 Annual Conference A group of 19 delegates from NEWSA ( including 10 from Denbighshire) attended the conference in Llandrindod Wells. The question being considered at the conference by the jury was “Does everyone, including people with learning disabilities, have the right to marry and start a family?” Flintshire Day and Work Opportunities Event In October NEWSA had the chance to talk about advocacy in small groups at the Day and Work Opportunities Event held in Flintshire. A whole day was spent alongside other outside providers of services including the Fire Service, Key Ring, Crime Prevention, the Health Liaison Team. We at North Wales Self Advocacy did six presentations to groups of up to 8 people at a time, telling them about the work we do. This was done by Celia Lewis & Mike Byles.


Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group (LDIAG) Learning Disability Wales has supported the work of the Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group (LDIAG) in a number of ways, including hosting the LDIAG Information Officer post. Work this year included participation at six LDIAG meetings, the launch of a brand new LDIAG website and the production of five newsletters in standard and easy read formats. We have worked closely with partner organisations All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers, Mencap Cymru and All Wales People First in this area including the preparation and delivery of a presentation and report on the accessibility of LDIAG meetings and a presentation on the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Through the work of the LDIAG Information Officer we also assisted All Wales People First with the organisation and delivery of four LDIAG roadshows, two in South Wales and two in North Wales. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


ImPaCT in Europe Improving Person Centred Technology in Europe • Exploring state of Person Centred Technology (Assistive Technology and ICT) in Europe • 9 partner organisations: from Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal and UK • Deliverables include: Ethical Framework; Training Needs Analysis for social care staff; Research; Stakeholder seminars; Establishing sustainable network of stakeholders • Learning Disability Wales hosting conference on PCT and Employment in Cardiff, June 2011 http://impact-in-europe.eu

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Improving our Organisation Working for our members, staff and hosted projects

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Actions to improve our organisation include • • • •

developing a new contact database reviewing a new staff structure Reviewing and introducing a new membership system working hard to try and secure more sustainable funding from new sources

Management support to our members We offer management and/or payroll support to several of our member organisations to help them in their work. We provided this assistance to Systems Advocacy Service, Vale People First and North East Wales Self Advocacy for some years. We worked with them to help them move towards independence. Full independence was achieved for SAS.

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Full Members ABCD Cymru Abertillery & District Mencap Gateway Club Action for Children Advocacy Action Wales Advocacy Matters (Wales) Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers All Wales People First All Wales Special Interest Group - Special Oral Health Care Antur Waunfawr ARC Cymru Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham Ategi Ltd A Voice for You Brecknockshire Citizen Advocacy Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations Bridgend County Forum of Parents/Carers of Persons with a Learning Difficulty Bridgend People First British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) Cae Post Ltd Caerphilly Borough Parents and Carers Forum Caerphilly People First Cardiff and the Vale Coalition of Disabled People Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation Cardiff Mencap Society

Cardiff People First Cartref Ni Ltd Cartrefi Cymru Celf O Gwmpas Ceredigion People First Children in Wales Circles Network Wales Community Lives Consortium Compass Community Care Ltd Contact a Family Conwy Connect for Learning Disabilities Co-options Ltd Crafts for Everyone Crossroads Wales - Caring for Carers Cymryd Rhan DASH (Disabilities and Self Help) Denbighshire Learning Disability Forum Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council Dimensions Disability Arts Cymru Disability Wales/Anabledd Cymru Discovery - Student Volunteering Swansea Down's Syndrome Association DRIVE Ltd Elite Supported Employment Agency First Choice Housing Association Ltd Flintshire Forum for Learning Disabilities

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Full Members (continued) Flintshire Local Voluntary Council Gwalia Care and Support Hijinx Theatre Innovate Trust KeyRing Living Support Networks Ltd L’arche Brecon Law yn Llaw Links – Wales Learning Disability Action Group Llanelli and District Gateway Club Longfields Walsingham Mencap Cymru Mencap Cymru (Chepstow) Mencap Mon Menter Fachwen Monmouth People First Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin NAAPS Cymru National Association of Toy and Leisure Libraries/Playmatters Wales National Autistic Society Cymru Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service Newport Mencap Newport People First North Wales Advice and Advocacy Association Opportunity Housing Trust Pembrokeshire Advocacy Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services Pembrokeshire Parent Carers High Support Needs Group Pennaf Housing Group

Person to Person Citizen Advocacy Perthyn Prospects Reach (Supported Living) Ltd Rhondda Cynon Taff People First RNID Cymru Ruthin and District Mencap Society Shaw Trust SNAP Cymru Social Care Institute for Excellence Swansea Council for Voluntary Service Swansea People First – Peer Health Advocacy Project Tan Dance Ltd Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Wales The Friendly Trust The Intersensory Club The Viva! Project Touch Trust Ltd Trinity Care and Support Tros Gynnal Tyddyn Mon Co Ltd United Welsh Housing Association Vale Centre for Voluntary Services Vision 21 Voluntary Action Cardiff Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil Walsingham Wales WISE Ltd (Welsh Initiative for Supported Employment) Your Voice Advocacy Project

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Individual Members

Annetts, Carolyn Arnall, Christopher Ataou, Christine Atkinson, P J Bochenski, Tricia Boyce, Annabel Brett, Monica Burslem, Rosemary Champion, Julia Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Janice M Cosstick, Peter David, Amanda Davies, Jill

Davies, Ken Davies, Susan Edwards, Roger James, Marie John, Ffion Jones, Enid Keeble, Monica Leaves, Anne Luke, Cyril Mackay, Christine Marsden, Pamela Michael, Andrew Mills, Diana Moreton, Salli-Anne

Morris, Mona Norris, Joanne Peirce, Margaret Powell, Debi Rees, Sally Reid, Gill Roberts, Gwyneth Sadler, Mark Shelton, Jerry Smikle, Charmine Thomas, Jenny Watkins, Peter Wintersgill, Cathy Young, John

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Corporate Members Bridgend County Borough Council – Personal Services Department Caerphilly County Borough Council Cardiff Council – Social Care and Health Carmarthenshire County Council – Disability Team Ceredigion County Council Derwen College Education Department, Flintshire County Council Gwynedd Council Heathdene Hywel Dda NHS Trust – Family & Child Health Hywel Dda NHS Trust – Learning Disabilities Service Monmouthshire County Council – Social Services Department Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council – Social Services, Health & Housing Pembrokeshire County Council – Social Services Department Powys County Council The Regard Partnership Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council Total Loving Care University of Glamorgan Values in Care Ltd Welsh Assembly Government – Health Promotion Library Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities Workwell Enterprise

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Trustees Community of Interest Adult Providers Adrian Roper Andrew Price Ansley Workman UK Links Self Advocacy Parents & Carers Childrens Providers Supported Employment Family Support Providers Independent Advocacy


(resigned 27/8/09)

Community Living Network Community Living Network Community Living Network

Vacant Vacant Kevin Sibbons Sian Owen Meriel Hall (appointed 19/09/09) Vacant Vacant

All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin Assoc of Supported Employment Agencies

Open Seats Roger Bishop John Gilkes Sara Pickard Charlotte Aubrey Helen Morris Sharon Court Christine Fincham Jacqui Caldwell

(appointed 16/11/09)

Advisors Phil Madden Alan Sutherns Susie Nash

(accepted by Mcttee October 2008) (accepted by Mcttee October 2009) (accepted by Mcttee March 2010)

(resigned 16/9/09) (resigned 12/10/09) (appointed 16/9/09 resigned 23/3/10)

Tros Gynnal Perthyn Mencap Cymru Touch Trust The Friendly Trust Gwalia Compass Community Care Denbighshire Learning Disability Forum

* Management Committee elected at AGM 16 September 2009 / Management Committee hold a 2 year term of office

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Learning LearningDisability DisabilityWales WalesStaff Staff

* Full Time Posts ------ Project staff becoming independent: 1 June 2009, SAS. 1 April 2010, NEWSA, Vale PF.

* CYPDO: Children & Young Persons Development Officer

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LEARNING DISABILITY WALES SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION - YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2010 2010 2009 ÂŁ ÂŁ Fixed assets comprising office furniture and equipment, and improvements to property 18,243 22,813 Debtors, being what the charity is owed from: Grants and other debtors 32,826 53,837 The following figures are taken from the Cash at bank and in hand 148,748 179,148 full financial statements of Learning _______ ______ Disability Wales Limited for the year 199,827 255,808 ended 31 March 2010, have been _______ ______ approved by the trustees and submitted to Less: Liabilities the Charity Commission and the Registrar What the charity owes to: of Companies. Other creditors (59,909) (107,782) _______ _______ (58,909) (107,782) The auditors, Watts Gregory LLP, whose _______ _______ opinion was unqualified, have confirmed Leaving what the company owns that this summary is consistent with the 140,918 148,026 full report, which is available from ====== ====== Learning Disability Wales on request. How this was created: Restricted funds 10,292 37,777 Unrestricted funds 130,626 110,249 _______ _______ 140,918 148,026 ====== ====== Annual Operations: Where our money came from: Unrestricted Restricted Total Total Funds Funds 2010 2009 Grants 365,000 76,557 441,557 475,451 Conferences and training events 63,985 4,217 68,202 41,229 Project administration fees and other income 41,327 41,327 29,555 Interest received 91 91 3,978 _______ _______ _______ _______ 470,403 80,774 551,177 550,213 Less: Expenditure on salaries, overheads and project administration (450,026) (108,259) (558,285) (719,633) Net incoming/(outgoing) resources 20,377 27,485 7,108 169,420 Transfers between funds _______ _______ _______ _______ Net movement in funds 20,377 (27,485) (7,108) (169,420) ====== ====== ====== ====== The financial statements were approved by the Trustees on 15 July 2010 and signed on its behalf by J G Crowe and R Bishop.

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42 Learning Disability Wales 41 Lambourne Crescent Cardiff Business Park Llanishen Cardiff CF14 5GG Tel 029 20681160 Fax 029 20752149 Email enquiries@learningdisabilitywales.org.uk Website www.learningdisabilitywales.org.uk Company limited by guarantee: 02326324 Registered Charity: 1062858 VAT Registered Number: 762 4559 11

This annual report is available in English and Welsh, on CD and on our website.

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