Learning Disability Wales Annual Report 2008 - 2009 english

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Contents You can jump to any section you want by clicking on the buttons below. Each page has a Contents button to bring you back to this page for your next choice. Our Mission


Our Aims


Influencing Policy and Campaigning




Training and Events


Managing and Developing Projects


Improving our Organisation








Summary Financial Information


Contact Details



Our mission ‘Creating a Wales that values and includes every child and adult with a learning disability’

• We work in partnership with other organisations, service users and their parents/carers • We campaign to help children and adults with learning disabilities achieve valued lives • We support the voluntary sector and its interests • We provide and promote good practice Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Our aims We work to improve the lives of children and adults with a learning disability by: 1. Reducing injustice, discrimination and prejudice 2. Increasing their active and meaningful participation in all areas of life 3. Getting people who make policy to be committed to rights 4. Making sure that services are of best quality and there is more choice 5. Making sure we manage our organisation well and are good at what we do

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Influencing Policy and Campaigning We work with our members to lobby and campaign for better lives for children and adults with learning disabilities Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Campaigning for better lives for children and young people with learning disabilities Learning Disability Wales continued to work alongside Children in Wales, Mencap Cymru and Contact a Family to lead the Disabled Children Matter Wales Campaign. The campaign increased funding sources for services for disabled children by over ÂŁ5m and also saw changes in policy to benefit disabled children, young people and their families. We met Ministers and key civil servants bi-monthly to ensure that disabled children remained a priority for the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). The campaign secured over 1300 signatures and gained support from many Assembly Members. We held 3 events, one of them on the International Day for Disabled People where over 20 young disabled people held their own question time with the First Minister and Minister for Education Children and Lifelong Learning. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Work experience for young people with learning disabilities With our members we campaigned to increase the number of young people with learning disabilities gaining vocational skills and work experience. We assisted WAG in implementing over 40 recommendations made by National Assembly committees.

Rights for children with disabilities Being part of the Rights into Action Task Group led to the publication of ‘We are on the Way’ in December 2008 by WAG, a policy agenda to transform the lives of disabled children and young people. We also got together young people as an informal group to inform the Disabled Children Matter Wales campaign.

Childcare for disabled children We participated in a working group to review childcare provision for disabled children. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Action on adult issues

Structure of learning disability services Serious concerns were raised by our members on proposals for the future of mental health services in Wales that impacted on learning disability services (known as the Williams’ paper). We responded by assisting in consultation events with other voluntary organisations, giving in-depth coverage to the proposals in our publications and organising an effective and critical member response. WAG dropped the proposals.

Adult Protection We contributed to the work of the All Wales Adult Protection Advisory Group and during the year were asked to join a project group to review the WAG guidance ‘In Safe Hands.’

Campaign against institutional care We established a sub committee to oppose the development of any new services that were institutional in their approach.

European legislation and policy We contributed to the work of EASPD’s Policy Impact Group and our Director was elected onto the EASPD Board. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Action on Workforce Recruitment, training and support of staff We spoke up for the voluntary sector on the recruitment, training and support of staff working in our field through: • Chairing the South East Wales Social Care Partnership (SCIPSe) • Being a member of the Care Council committee that approves all qualifications for staff

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Lobbying work with members…in brief • • • • • • •

work to improve participation of people with learning disabilities in local elections evidence to WAG on children and young people’s budgeting process work with other disability umbrella organisations to improve our lobbying of the Assembly work with community living providers to promote self directed support work to improve commissioning by local authorities views given on disabled people working at WAG and its Single Equality Scheme participated in Ministers advisory group LDIAG

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Information Our Information Service is at the heart of our organisation, informing our work and the work and lives of our members Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Information Enquiries

96 enquiries answered included: Resources to help with reading, hydrotherapy locations, moving back home, legal advice, resources on abuse training, training providers, accessible information, assessment and support for parents with a learning disability, funeral plans, mapping of BME services in North Wales, funding, statistics, relationships, benefits, media, research, history of learning disabled legislation, education, banking and finance, Person Centred Planning.

Statutory Parent Other

13 17 11

Voluntary Student Not Known

48 5 2

E-News – Email news bulletin service 83 news announcements included: new consultations and legislation, training, seminars and conferences, funding, lobbying and campaigning events, theatre, leisure opportunities, research, training materials, advocacy, Valuing People Now, Stay Up Late campaign, education, employment, Equality and Human Rights Commission. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Llais – Quarterly magazine Facilitating debate, included articles on: Owning your own home, citizenship, health, Self Directed Support, the Public Ombudsman, politics, Supported Employment, Direct Payments and social justice, love and relationships, Learning Disability Action Plan

Llais Update – Monthly newsletter Up-to-date news, events, funding and resources, including: LDIAG Proposed Action Plan, Disabled Children Matter Wales campaign, New DWP proposals, Self-harm research, Person Centred Technology, Getting Away with Murder – Disability Hate Crime Report, European Funding.

13 flyer inserts were included with Llais Update

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Website Website continually updated with news, policy and consultations, events, training and jobs. Further development of website carried out, including new pages on Parents Network and research project on parents with a learning disability.

Producing information in Easy Read We produced 3 documents in Easy Read on behalf of other organisations, including National Assembly for Wales Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Training and Events We provided a range of opportunities for people across Wales to learn and share. We provided examples and ideas that can be put into practice and highlighted services that promote the independence and rights of children and adults. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Annual Conference

My Life, My Way Our annual conference was held in Cardiff with around 250 delegates over 2 days. The conference was a lively mix of drama, dance, speakers and workshops exploring how people can take real control and design the life they want to lead.

“Overall a good and well run day. Positive and proactive.” “Very informative – identified an innovative way forward to enhance services to people with a learning disability.” “Interesting and stimulating day. Workshops very good and so was opportunity to network.” Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


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Consultation Events We consult with our members and the wider community to gain their opinions. This helps us respond to policy and practice developments and guides our own policies.

Changes to Adult Placement regulations We ran events in partnership with NAAPS to find out what people living in Adult Placements (Shared Lives) and those that provide placements think about the proposed changes. We submitted a response to the WAG based on the opinions of 63 attendees - the new regulations have not yet been issued. Proposed LDIAG Action Plan 3 events were held across Wales where 115 people gave their opinion on the Action Plan proposed by LDIAG on Policy And Practice for Adults with a Learning Disability. We gave a response on the proposed plan to LDIAG and WAG. Member Consultation We held 4 events for members where 147 people gave us their opinion on our aims, plans and values. This information has been used by staff and management committee to review our Strategic Plan. We are updating our Strategic Plan and our Values Charter. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Sharing Best Practice Events In association with Mencap Cymru and WAG we produced a good practice guide and organised regional events. We looked at how the Service Principles and Responses Grant, given to local authorities from 2003/04 through to 2006/07 had been used.

95 people attended 2 regional events.

“Good to follow up appealing initiatives.” “Workshops gave opportunities to share best practice and take on board valuable ideas.”

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Training We have provided training to individuals and organisations on

Basic Graphics Training Understanding Mental Capacity Act Becoming a Disability Awareness Trainer Taking Risks Valuing People Making Information Easy to Read & Understand Facilitating Change Using PCP Understanding Children's Policy Taking Risks

“Informative course. Good to work with a small group. Lots of ideas to take back to workplace.” Attendee on ‘Taking Risks’ held in Wrexham

“Interesting, positive training – the way forward” Attendee on ‘PCP in the Statutory Sector’ held in Cardiff Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Networks We host networks to support learning disability practice in Wales. Person Centred Planning Network 158 members. 12 regional network meetings and two all-Wales network meetings were held during the year. Finding the Right Support for Parents with Learning Disabilities Network 77 members 7 regional network meetings were held, network meetings have been established in North Wales and a one day national conference took place.

“The event was invaluable in bringing parents and professionals to discuss commonly experienced issues. Important to keep the profile of parents with LD on political/public agenda.� Attendee at Give Us a Chance to be Parents (one day conference) Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Managing and Developing Projects We identify and manage projects that promote best practice and promote the rights of children and adults with a learning disability. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Life Options

This year saw change for the Life Options project . WAG funding came to an end but thankfully the local authority took over responsibility. The project is safe for another year. The change enabled the project to begin work with a wider range of young people. Life Options now offers a service to any young person between 16 and 25 who has a learning disability and is known to the local authority. All young people in this group have had information about the project and several have referred themselves. The project is working with 29 young people, 9 of these leave school or college this year and have needed quite intensive input. There have been several crises but the young people have had the chance to ask for the sort of lives they want. One young man with very specific needs has been able to specify what sort of place he wants to live in so he can safely access the sporting activities he needs. One young man has been able to ask for support from a specific provider so he can stay in touch with some friends from college. He also asked for some hours of support so he can try out a range of voluntary activities. He has been using the internet to explore what opportunities are available for voluntary work locally. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


North East Wales Self Advocacy

Our regular activities include monthly self advocacy meetings across Wrexham, Flintshire and Denbighshire, Strategic Planning Meetings, team meetings, PCP network meetings and a steering group in Denbighshire. We also give ongoing support to the co-chair of LDIAG. We participated in the Health Care review, organised by All Wales People First, recruited stars for ‘Health Check the Movie’ and attended the launch of the film in Wrexham. In July we took 6 people to a stakeholder day for the whole of North Wales, one of the few times this has happened. We attended a consultation event for the Michael Williams paper, A Well Being and Mental Health Service Fit for Wales, and met the man himself, ensuring he heard in person our strong opposition to his recommendations. December was a sad time for us when we said goodbye to one of our dearest members, Adrian Davies, who passed away aged 74. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Vale People First We have managed to secure our core funding and we have been awarded a further £20,000 over 2 years from the Vale Council to do some transition work, to help our members into employment. Since January 2009, we have signed up a further 12 new members. We have been working on our “Bill of Rights” which will let people know how we expect to be treated and how we run our lives. We have launched our Young People First group. The group voted on being called “Vale Youth Speak Up – Standing up for our Rights” A further 4 of our members have travelled abroad to Madrid and were preparing to go to Brussels as part of the EASPD Grundtvig Project. All had a brilliant time, travelling independently from their parents, meeting new people, learning new words and trying new foods. The Vale of Glamorgan now has representation at the All Wales People First National Council – Robert Jones, our Chairperson joined in February 2009, and is fully committed to his new role. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Systems Advocacy Service

Systems Advocacy Service continues to provide case advocacy and ongoing advocacy support to people with a learning disability across Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham. Beyond the delivery of advocacy in the three counties a major objective during the year has been preparing for and becoming an independent organisation. The hosting arrangement Systems Advocacy has had in place with Learning Disability Wales for a number of years has been invaluable in maintaining the service and helping towards the preparation for independence. The recruitment of new committee members/ trustees has been a long term goal. Much work has been done in trying to identify potential members and it is very satisfying that this has resulted in four new trustees joining us. Systems Advocacy Service has registered as a private company limited by guarantee and held its first Annual General Meeting on the 23rd February 2009.

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We agreed to host this new project to promote self directed support. We: • • • • • • •

Created a steering committee to represent a wide range of interests and chaired its meetings Helped gain a partnership arrangement and assistance from In Control England Arranged consultation exercises with parents and carers, voluntary sector service providers and people with disabilities Gained funding from six local authorities to pay for the work of the project Helped recruit a Co-ordinator for the project Provided office space and other help in kind Helped the project get through cash flow problems

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Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group (LDIAG) Supported LDIAG by working with WAG and partner organisations, including Mencap Cymru and All Wales People First. Recruited a new Information Officer for LDIAG in December 2008. Developed a new website and communications strategy for LDIAG.

Transition We are partners in a major Convergence project led by Trinity Fields school, Caerphilly, to improve transition for young people. Negotiations continued through the year with WAG to get it started.

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Increasing the rights and support of parents with a learning disability


In addition to supporting networks with funding from the Baring Foundation we successfully gained funding from WAG. This was for a research project to identify the number of parents with a learning disability in Wales and to look at their lives and support needs.


We hope an outcome from the research will be to encourage WAG to provide guidance for better support for parents with a learning disability.

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Helping people with learning disabilities understand abuse We managed a project in collaboration with other organisations to produce an interactive DVD called Abuse: Tell Someone. The DVD helps people understand what abuse is and what to do if it happens. WAG funded and supported the project. 5,000 DVDs were produced. The DVD was launched by Gwenda Thomas AM, Deputy Health Minister at the All Wales People First Conference in September 2008.

Caerphilly County Borough Council

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Learning with Europe ImPaCT in Europe – Assistive Technology We are partners with several organisations from other European countries in a project to demonstrate how assistive technology and ICT can significantly support independence for people with disabilities and their parents. ImPaCT in Europe has been awarded a grant in excess of half a million Euros. It started in January 2009 and will run to December 2011. During the project, information will be shared across a diverse audience including users, carers, policy makers, purchasers, providers and manufacturers and disseminated through seminars and conferences in the partner countries.

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Learning with Europe Grundtvig Project: ‘Creating Conditions for the Integration of People with Disabilities’ Funded by the EU Grundtvig programme the project got underway this year after a successful initial planning meeting in Cardiff in November 2007. People with learning disabilities from Wales went to the Czech Republic, Turkey and Madrid to learn about the different ways of providing services and learning from each other. The partners are from Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, Turkey and Wales.

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Improving our Organisation Working for our members, staff and hosted projects

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Actions to improve our organisation include •

introducing a new contact database.

commencing a salary review with a bursary from part of WAG.

making funding for our hosted projects more secure

working hard to try and secure more funding from new sources.

Management support to our members We offer management and/or payroll support to several of our member organisations to help them in their work. We provided this assistance to Systems Advocacy Service for some years. We worked with them to help them become independent and this was achieved on 1 April 2009. Click here to return to contents page (or click screen to continue)


Full Members ABCD Cymru Abertillery & District Mencap Gateway Club Advocacy Action Wales Advocacy Matters (Wales) Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers All Wales People First All Wales Special Interest Group - Special Oral Health Care Antur Waunfawr ARC Cymru Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham Ategi Ltd A Voice for You Brecknockshire Citizen Advocacy Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations Bridgend County Forum of Parents/Carers of Persons with a Learning Difficulty Bridgend People First British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) Cae Post Ltd Caerphilly Borough Parents and Carers Forum Caerphilly People First Cardiff and the Vale Coalition of Disabled People Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation Cardiff Mencap Society Cardiff People First Cartref Ni Ltd Cartrefi Cymru

Celf O Gwmpas Ceredigion People First Children in Wales Circles Network Wales Community Lives Consortium Compass Community Care Ltd Contact a Family Conwy Connect for Learning Disabilities Conwy Voluntary Services Council Co-options Ltd Crafts for Everyone Crossroads Wales - Caring for Carers Cymryd Rhan DASH (Disabilities and Self Help) Denbighshire Learning Disability Forum Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council Dimensions Disability Wales/Anabledd Cymru Discovery Student Volunteering Swansea Down's Syndrome Association DRIVE Ltd Elite Supported Employment Agency First Choice Housing Association Ltd Flintshire Forum for Learning Disabilities Flintshire Local Voluntary Council Friends of Pedal Power Hijinx Theatre

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Full Members (continued) Innovate Trust KeyRing Living Support Networks Ltd L’arche Brecon Law yn Llaw Links – Wales Learning Disability Action Group Llanelli and District Gateway Club Longfields Association Megan & Trevor Griffiths Trust Mencap Chepstow Mencap Cymru Mencap Mon Menter Fachwen Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin NAAPS Cymru National Association of Toy and Leisure Libraries/Playmatters Wales National Autistic Society Cymru Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service Newport Mencap Newport People First North Wales Advice and Advocacy Association Opportunity Housing Trust Pembrokeshire Advocacy Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services Pembrokeshire Parent Carers High Support Needs Group Pennaf Housing Group People First Neath Port Talbot Person to Person Citizen Advocacy

Perthyn Promoting Independence Prospects Reach (Supported Living) Ltd Rhondda Cynon Taff People First RNID Cymru Ruthin and District Mencap Society Shaw Trust SNAP Cymru Social Care Institute for Excellence Swansea Council for Voluntary Service Swansea People First – Peer Health Advocacy Project Tan Dance Ltd Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Wales The Friendly Trust The Viva! Project Touch Trust Ltd Trinity Sitting Service Tros Gynnal Trothwy Cyf Tyddyn Mon Co Ltd United Welsh Housing Association Vale Centre for Voluntary Services Vision 21 Voluntary Action Cardiff Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil Walsingham Wales WISE Ltd (Welsh Initiative for Supported Employment) Your Voice Advocacy Project

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Individual Members

Arnall, Christopher Ataou, Christine Blunden, Roger Bochenski, Tricia Boyce, Annabel Brett, Monica Burslem, Rosemary Champion, Julia Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Janice M Cosstick, Peter Craythorne, Peter Davies, Jill

Davies, Ken Edwards, Roger James, Marie Jones, Enid Leaves, Anne Luke, Cyril Mackay, Christine Marsden, Pamela Michael, Andrew Mills, Diana Morris, Mona Norris, Joanne Peirce, Margaret

Powell, Debi Provis, Mark Rees, Sally Reid, Gill Roberts, Gwyneth Sadler, Mark Shelton, Jerry Smikle, Charmine Thomas, Jenny Watkins, Peter Weeden, Patricia Wintersgill, Cathy Woods, Peter

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Corporate Members Bridgend County Borough Council – Personal Services Department Caerphilly County Borough Council Cardiff Council – Social Care and Health Carmarthenshire County Council – Disability Team Ceredigion County Council Gwynedd Council Monmouthshire County Council – Social Services Department Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Pembrokeshire County Council – Social Services Department Powys County Council Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council Carmarthenshire NHS Trust Conwy & Denbighshire NHS Trust – Learning Disabilities Clinical Psychology Glanrhyd Hospital, Bridgend – Learning Disability Directorate Hywel Dda NHS Trust Derwen College Education Department, Flintshire County Council Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities Total Loving Care

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Trustees Communities of Interest Adult Providers UK Links Self Advocacy Parents & Carers Childrens Providers Supported Employment Family Support Providers Independent Advocacy

Community Living Network ARC Cymru All Wales People First South Wales Advisors Network All Wales Forum of Parents & Carers Children & Young People Network Wales Association of Supported Employment Agencies Wales Carers Alliance All Wales Advocacy Network

Adrian Roper, Andrew Price Mandy Tilston-Viney (resigned 30/06/08) Cyril Luke (resigned 25/03/09) Jacqui Caldwell, Kevin Sibbons Sian Owen Kaynie McLellan (resigned 19/09/08) Alan Sutherns (resigned 19/09/08) Rebecca Stephens (resigned 19/09/08)

Open Seats Roger Bishop John Gilkes Sara Pickard Charlotte Aubrey (appointed 19/09/08) Helen Morris (appointed 19/09/08)

Tros Gynnal Perthyn Mencap Cymru Touch Trust The Friendly Trust

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Learning Disability Wales Staff

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LEARNING DISABILITY WALES LIMITED: SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION - YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 2009 2008 ÂŁ ÂŁ Fixed assets comprising office furniture and equipment, and improvements to property 22,813 32,821 Debtors, being what the charity is owed from: Grants and other debtors 53,837 73,978 The figures presented here are taken Cash at bank and in hand 179,158 278,492 from the full financial statements of _______ ______ Learning Disability Wales Limited for the 255,808 385,291 year ended 31 March 2009, and have _______ ______ been approved by the trustees and Less: Liabilities submitted to the Charity Commission and What the charity owes to: the Registrar of Companies. Other creditors (59,765) (67,845) _______ _______ The auditors, Watts Gregory LLP, whose (59,765) (67,845) opinion was unqualified, have confirmed _______ _______ that this summary is consistent with the Leaving what the company owns full report, which is available from 196,043 317,446 ====== ====== Learning Disability Wales on request. How this was created: Restricted funds 85,794 151,618 Unrestricted funds 110,249 165,828 _______ _______ 196,043 317,446 ====== ====== Annual Operations: Where our money came from: Unrestricted Restricted Total Total Funds Funds 2009 2008 Grants 348,000 185,480 533,480 648,349 Conferences and training events 40,301 928 41,229 77,431 Project administration fees and other income 29,524 291 29,815 11,302 Interest received 3,978 3,978 7,806 _______ _______ _______ _______ 421,803 186,699 608,502 744,888 Less: Expenditure on salaries, overheads and project administration 477,382 252,523 729,905 750,001 Net incoming/(outgoing) resources (55,579) (65,824) (121,403) (5,113) Transfers between funds _______ _______ _______ _______ Net movement in funds (55,579) (65,824) (121,403) (5,113) ====== ====== ====== ====== The financial statements were approved by the Trustees on 15 July 2009 and signed on its behalf by J G Crowe and R Bishop.

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42 Learning Disability Wales 41 Lambourne Crescent Cardiff Business Park Llanishen Cardiff CF14 5GG Tel 029 20681160 Fax 029 20752149 Email enquiries@learningdisabilitywales.org.uk Website www.learningdisabilitywales.org.uk Company limited by guarantee: 02326324 Registered Charity: 1062858 VAT Registered Number: 762 4559 11

This annual report is available in English and Welsh, on CD and on our website.

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