Learning Disability Wales Annual Report April 2007- March 2008
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Our Mission – slide 3 Our Aims – slide 4 Directors Report – James Crowe – slide 5 Information – slides 6 - 9 Training, Events and Conferences – slides 10 - 13 Managing and Developing Projects – slides 14 - 22 Policy Work and Campaigning – slides 23 - 27 List of Staff – slide 28 List of Trustees – slide 29 List of Members – slides 30 - 32 Summary financial information – slide 33 Contact Details – slide 34 2
Our mission Creating a Wales that values and includes every child and adult with a learning disability
- We work in partnership with other organisations, service users and their parents/carers - We campaign to help children and adults with learning disabilities achieve valued lives - We support the voluntary sector and its interests - We provide and promote good practice 3
Our aims – we work to: - Reduce injustice, discrimination and prejudice experienced by children and adults with a learning disability - Increase and extend opportunities for the active and meaningful participation of children and adults with a learning disability in every aspect of their lives and the wider community - Increase commitment to the rights and concerns of children and adults with a learning disability - Increase the diversity and quality of service responses to reflect the individuality of children and adults with a learning disability 4
Directors Report - James Crowe The most striking features of our activities diary for 2007/08 were: - the priority that we gave to children and young people through the development of a Children and Young Person’s post - We have consistently held the view that seeking change for children and young people with learning disability is key to ensuring equality of opportunity for adults with a learning disability. - the development of our first training programme - In our new meeting room, and across Wales, we launched our first training programme, including the inauguration of a new, and very well received, two day annual conference. I am sure that our programme will go from strength to strength. - the successful launch of the in Control project. Receiving individual budgets will not suit every person with a learning disability, but they do hold out the potential to empower and offer influence to people in a way that being a passive recipient of services can never come close to equality. All three were significant steps in taking forward our mission, and demonstrated our activity and vitality as an organisation.
Information Our Information Service is at the heart of our organisation, informing our work and the work and lives of our members
Information Enquiries 83 enquiries answered included: Advocacy support, transition, supported employment, arts, statistics, direct payments, counseling, assessments, hate crime, legislation, funding, day centres, education, banking and finance, Person Centred Planning. Statutory Parent Other
19 15 13
Voluntary Student Not Known
E-News – Email news bulletin service 94 news announcements included: new consultations and legislation, training, seminars and conferences, funding, lobbying and campaigning events, theatre, leisure opportunities, National Assembly elections: party manifestos, research, training materials, advocacy, Human Rights. 7
32 1 3
Llais – Quarterly magazine Facilitator of debate, included articles on: Inclusive education, Government of Wales Act 2006, Mental Capacity Act, Person centred planning, Teenage direct payments, Tendering, Transition, Valuing People review,Benefits of European visit for young people in Wales, Making a Will.
Llais Update – Monthly newsletter Up-to-date news, events, funding and resources, including: Statement on Policy and Practice, Disabled Children Matter Wales campaign, Mental Capacity Act, Autism Action Plan, Mental Health Act, Advocacy grant scheme, In Control Cymru, Direct payments, HIW Review of NHS Wales. 3 flyer inserts were included with Llais Update
Website – Development Website converted to more accessible CSS-coded design. New sections added: Networks, Communities of Interest, Training, News and Policy. New home page design. 10 blogs commissioned for All Wales Community Living Network, creating online meeting place for members. New blog for Learning Disability Wales.
Training, Events and Conferences Providing courses and one-off events that promote the rights of children and adults with a learning disability. We provide a range of learning opportunities often by providing real life examples and ideas that delegates can put into practice in their own lives and services. We develop ‘support networks’ that help people who have attended training to check how they are doing. We expanded our network of Associate Trainers, who now include parents. 10
Consultation Events This involves sharing the work of other organisations and hearing the opinions from others to inform our responses to policy and practice developments.
3 Events were held on the new Mental Health Act and the Mental Capacity Act – commissioned by Welsh Assembly Government.
One off Events Celebrating person centred planning In partnership with Circles Network and the All Wales Person Centred Planning Network, we held a celebration festival in West Wales to share good practice in PCP. This gave people the chance to try out different tools and techniques and to build up network connections. 11
Annual Conference My Life, My Risk! Our first two day annual conference was held in Cardiff, attracting over 200 people. They came to explore how we can better support people to take risks in their lives and to offer people greater control to make choices surrounding risks that we all take for granted. We had interactive theatre and speakers from the Welsh Assembly Government and the Health and Safety Executive. 12
Training Courses Core training included: - Person Centred Planning - Direct Payments - Young People as Disability Awareness Trainers - Basic Graphics - Working with People in Transition “Interesting and informative, good mixture of participants, felt comfortable and relaxed enjoyed others views. Plenty of encouragement to be involved. 13
Managing & Developing Projects We identify and manage projects that promote best practice and promote the rights of children and adults with a learning disability.
in Control’s mission is to help create a new welfare system in which everyone is in control of their lives as full citizens
We host in Control Cymru through the employment of a Co-ordinator from October 2007. We are on the in Control Steering Group with other members from the voluntary sector and social services and in Control England. We worked with 7 Local authority members to develop a personalised agenda through Self-Directed Support: Flintshire, Swansea, Monmouthshire, Cardiff, Wrexham, Denbighshire, Powys. Events were held in Wales with over 250 delegates attending A provider network administered by REACH Support has been established from a provider event.
Vale People First Funded by the local authority and BILD Advocacy Grant scheme. The office in the Hub provides an innovative community meeting place. Networking is also easier as other voluntary organisations have their office there. The Vale Young People First group was formed and has 16 members aged between 17 – 25. Work has been done with Cardiff Young People First Group, including sexual health and young people, the Mental Capacity Act and bullying. Funding has been sought for a facilitator to support the group every week. 16
Service user groups were run in the day services.
Vale People First
One member of the group has taken part in a European exchange project. The launch took place in Cardiff. The next visit is Czech Republic in May 2008. Conferences and training were attended during the year, including Protection of Vulnerable Adults. Two 2 one to one advocacy counselling cases were worked resulting in work to produce Person Centred Plans.
Vale People First is now a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Registered Charity. 17
North East Wales Self Advocacy Supported members to attend Hustings training. 13 members then put key questions to candidates, relating to The All Wales People First Manifesto. Service user representation on a new working partnership joint project board covering Conway & Denbighshire which include health, social, education children’s and adult services. NEWSA members regularly attend: Parent & Carer forums, Local authority strategic planning meetings, Newsa team meetings, Person Centred Planning Network meetings. We have been involved in Transition days in both Flintshire & Denbigshire for the third year running, this is good publicity for raising awareness of self advocacy.
NEWSA supports Linton Gower, the co-chair of Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group (LDIAG), which informs the Minister for Health and Social Services on learning disabled issues. Members of NEWSA have also attended LDIAG roadshows. Linton Gower also made a public speech at the launch of the ‘Statement on Policy and Practice’ at the Senedd. 10 NEWSA Members received M.A.P training on ‘How to Chair’. Promoted “The Two Worlds” DVD, which members took part in making, at advocacy groups, meetings and the All Wales People First conference. The film explores the divide between the world that people with learning disabilities live in and the world they are continually promised. Conducted 3 GP training sessions, forming a production team of 7 service users who gave a strong message of the importance of good communication.
Systems Advocacy Service
Systems Advocacy Service has had a year of encouraging development. The service continued to be successful in gaining funding to support the current advocacy provision of formal/crisis and ongoing advocacy across the counties of Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham. In November 2007 the service secured a central office base which allows clients to visit the advocacy officers as they wish. Systems Advocacy Service was established in 1995 and its first central base is a significant step forward. In a further move towards the service’s aim of independence an administration and finance officer was appointed in April 2008. 20
Life Options Life Options continued to help young people with learning disabilities plan their own lives. There are an increasing number of people on the “list�. Seven people have left school and college and are in longer term situations but one of these is being reassessed and may lose some of his vital support. Four people are in a residential college. Planning for changes when they leave was underway. Seven people are in school and of these six are due to leave in 2009 One person is in a day placement but is only 16. 21
Life Options During this period of time three people have left school. Two young people have gone to specialist residential colleges.
One young man has opted to use a private provider to supply his day care, this has resulted in his really beginning to “come out of his shell� he is now chatty and is making friends for the first time in years.
Policy Work and Campaigning We use the knowledge and skills of our member organisations and of Learning Disability Wales to secure valued lives for children and adults with a learning disability
We worked with Children in Wales, Contact a Family and Mencap Cymru as lead partners in this campaign. We developed a website, opened a membership with over 20 supporting voluntary organisations, held publicity events in the Senedd, consulted with young people, developed media coverage and undertook intense political lobbying with all Assembly members. Bi-monthly meetings are now held with the Minister for Disabled Children, and her commitment to change, through forming a task group between senior civil servants and campaign representatives. The taskgroup is charged with developing a programme for 24 disabled children.
Transition We worked to influence transition policy for young disabled people by participating in an External Transition Reference Group organised by the Welsh Assembly Government.
Commissioning Standards and practice Our members have been concerned about commissioning standards and practice. We contributed to a Welsh Assembly Government overview group lobbying to improve social care commissioning under fulfilled lives, supportive commissioning, and also contributed to commissioning standards work being developed by an alliance of voluntary partners.
Promoting Rights of parents with a learning disability Taskforce group has been supported to discuss issues and take forward lobbying work.
Rights With partners in the Wales Disability Reference Group we held briefing sessions with the old Disability Rights Commission, the new Commission for Human Rights and Equality, and spoke to the Welsh Assembly Government with one voice on disability issues where we have a common interest. Continuing the theme of rights, we participated in the Vulnerable Adult Advisory Group, again an All Wales, Welsh Assembly Government led initiative.
Quality of social care workforce The quality of the social care workforce is centrally important to promoting the rights of children and adults with a learning disability. We chair one of the four regional social partnerships. These are employerfocused groups, designed to focus on improving the 26 recruitment, training and retention of social care staff.
Work with Europe We have had continued participation in EASPD which has led to involvement in a number of European Partnerships including: ‘Creating Conditions for the integration of people with disabilities, funded by Grundtvig Partnership. The initial planning meeting took place in Cardiff in November 2007 with partners attending from Czech Republic, Turkey and Belguim.
Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group Newsletters were produced and a roadshow was held. We are involved in the group to positively influence their work. In October 2007 the new Statement on Policy and Practice for Adults with a learning disability was launched at the Senedd. 27
Jim Crowe Director
Kate Young Assistant Director
Mark John Williams Training & Events Manager Resigned 03/08
Celia Lewis NEWSA Development Worker
Shirley Hendrickson Training & Events Administrator
Bernie Williams NEWSA SA Info/Events Officer
Janet Williams SAS Project Leader
Alan Davies Advocacy Officer Denbigh
Linda Stokes Advocacy Officer Wrexham
Helen Bothamley in Control Coordinator
Amanda Evans Advocacy Officer Flintshire Joined 07/07
Tony Pape PCP Coordinator Resigned 11/07
Liz Davidson Vale Advocacy Worker
Steph Hartnet LO Transitions Advocate
Linda Fenton Finance & Administration Officer Joined 03/08
Joanne Moore HR & Committee Coordinator
Rebecca Watkins Director’s Personal Secretary
Sam Jenkins Cleaner Joined 05/07
Rebecca Williams Resources Coordinator
Cheryl White Secretary
Karen Warner Information Officer
Kai Jones Information Officer
Lis Walters LDIAG Info Officer Resigned 11/07
Ian Cullimore Finance Officer
Lesley Foley Finance Admin Retired 12/07
Zoe Richards CYPDO Joined 04/07
Trustees Communities of Interest Adult Providers UK Links Self Advocacy
Community Living Network ARC Cymru All Wales People First South
Parents & Carers
Wales Advisors Network All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers
Childrens Providers Supported Employment
Children & Young People Network Wales Association of Supported Employment Agencies
Family Support Providers Independent Advocacy
Wales Carers Alliance All Wales Advocacy Network
Adrian Roper, Andrew Price Mandy Tilston-Viney Glayne Walker (resigned 14/09/07) Cyril Luke Jacqui Caldwell, Kevin Sibbons Vacant Alan Morgan (resigned 03/08/07) Kaynie McLellan (appointed 02/10/07) Alan Sutherns Rebecca Stephens (appointed 02/10/07)
Open Seats Roger Bishop John Gilkes Wayne Crocker (resigned 14/09/07) Sara Pickard (appointed 14/09/07) Siobhan Bickerton nee Derrington (resigned 31/03/08) Sian Owen
Tros Gynnal Perthyn Mencap Cymru The Friendly Trust Mudiad Ysoglion Meithrin
Full Members ABCD Abertillery & District Mencap Gateway Club Advocacy Action Wales Advocacy Matters (Wales) Age Concern Cymru All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers All Wales People First All Wales Special Interest Group - Special Oral Health Care Antur Waunfawr ARC Cymru Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham Ategi Ltd Brecknockshire Citizen Advocacy Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations Bridgend County Forum of Parents/Carers of Persons with a Learning Difficulty Bridgend People First British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) Cae Post Ltd Caerphilly Borough Parents and Carers Forum Caerphilly People First Cardiff and the Vale Coalition of Disabled People Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation Cardiff Mencap Society Cardiff People First Cartref Ni Cartrefi Cymru Celf O Gwmpas Ceredigion People First Chepstow & District Mencap Society Children in Wales Community Lives Consortium Compass Community Care Ltd Contact a Family Conwy Connect for Learning Disabilities Conwy Voluntary Services Council Co-options Ltd Crafts for Everyone Crossroads Wales Caring for Carers Cymryd Rhan
DASH (Disabilities and Self Help) Denbighshire Learning Disability Forum Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council Disability Wales/Anabledd Cymru Discovery Student Volunteering Swansea Down's Syndrome Association DRIVE Ltd Elite Supported Employment Agency First Choice Housing Association Ltd Flintshire Forum for Learning Disabilities Flintshire Local Voluntary Council Friends of Pedal Power Hijinx Theatre Innovate Trust KeyRing Living Support Networks Ltd L’arche Brecon Law yn Llaw Links – Wales Llanelli and District Gateway Club Longfields Association Megan & Trevor Griffiths Trust Mencap Cymru Mencap Mon Menter Fachwen Monmouth Community Resource Montgomeryshire Citizen Advocacy Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin National Autistic Society Cymru Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service Newport Mencap Newport People First North Wales Advice and Advocacy Association Ltd Opportunity Housing Trust Pembrokeshire Advocacy Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services Pembrokeshire Parent Carers High Support Needs Group Pennaf Housing Group
Full members continued People First Neath Port Talbot Person to Person Citizen Advocacy Perthyn Promoting Independence Reach (Supported Living) Ltd Rhondda Cynon Taff People First Ruthin and District Mencap Society Shaw Trust SNAP Cymru Social Care Institute for Excellence Swansea Council for Voluntary Service Swansea People First – Peer Health Advocacy Project Tan Dance Ltd Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Wales The Friendly Trust The Viva! Project Touch Trust Ltd Trinity Sitting Service Tros Gynnal Tyddyn Mon Co Ltd United Welsh Housing Association Vale Centre for Voluntary Services Vision 21 Voluntary Action Cardiff Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil Walsingham Wales WISE Ltd (Welsh Initiative for Supported Employment) Your Voice Advocacy Project
Individual Members Ackrill, Keith Arnall, Christopher Ataou, Christine Blunden, Roger Bochenski, Tricia Boyce, Annabel Brett, Monica Burslem, Rosemary Champion, Julia Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Janice M Cosstick, Peter Craythorne, Peter Davies, Jill Davies, Ken Earl, Diane Edwards, Roger James, Marie Jones, Enid
Luke, Cyril Mackay, Christine Marsden, Pamela Michael, Andrew Mills, Diana Morris, Mona Norris, Joanne Owen, Dafydd Peirce, Margaret Powell, Debi Provis, Mark Rees, Sally Reid, Gill Rhodes, Bob Shelton, Jerry Smikle, Charmine Thomas, Jeanette Thomas, Jenny Watkins, Peter Wintersgill, Cathy Woods, Peter
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LEARNING DISABILITY WALES LIMITED: SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 2008 £ Fixed assets comprising office furniture and equipment, / improvements to property Debtors, being what the charity is owed from: Grants and other debtors Cash at bank and in hand
Less: Liabilities What the charity owes to: Other creditors
Ccompany owns How this was created: Restricted funds Unrestricted funds
2007 £
73,978 278,492 _______ 385,291 _______
60,431 277,119 ______ 383,128 ______
(67,845) _______ (67,845) _______ 317,446 ======
(60,569) _______ (60,569) _______ 322,559 ======
151,618 165,828 _______ 317,446 ======
108,056 214,503 _______ 322,559 ======
Annual Operations: Where money came from: Unrestricted Restricted Total Total Funds funds 2008 2007 Grants 346,500 301,849 648,349 579,559 Conferences 77,431 77,431 28,475 Project administration fees and other income 4,066 7,236 11,302 15,010 Interest received 7,806 7,806 6,742 _______ _______ _______ _______ 435,803 309,085 744,888 629,786 Less: Expenditure on salaries, overheads and project administration 484,478 265,523 750,001 624,888 Net incoming/(outgoing) (48,675) 43,562 (5,113) 4,898 Transfers between funds _______ _______ _______ _______ Net movement in funds (48,675) 43,562 (5,113) 4,898 ====== ====== ====== ====== The financial statements were approved by the Trustees on 11 July 2008 and signed on its behalf by J G Crowe and A J Sutherns.`
Learning Disability Wales 41 Lambourne Crescent Cardiff Business Park Llanishen Cardiff CF14 5GG Tel 029 20681160 enquiries@learningdisabilitywales.org.uk www.learningdisabilitywales.org.uk Company limited by guarantee: 02326324 Registered Charity: 1062858 VAT Registered Number: 762 4559 11 This annual report is available in English and Welsh, on CD and on our website.