People with learning disabilities and work
Prepared by: Tony Collins Prepared for: What works in Wales Date: 10th July 2014
Tony Collins Introduction Hi, I am Tony Collins the Learning Disability Spokesperson for Remploy
I would like to talk to you today about people with learning disabilities and work
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A lot of people think that‌..
People with learning disabilities can’t do a good job
Or that you can only work a few hours a week
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Or that you can’t come off benefits
None of this is true
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If you work 16hrs or more it will be more money then your benefits
Working makes you feel happy
You have something to look forward to every day Presentation title here
You meet new people.......
Learn new skills.......
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Good Employees People with learning disabilities CAN do a good job
We usually stay in the job for a long time.
Are generally good timekeepers
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Seldom off sick
And give a 100% effort in the job.
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Things that don’t work for us
Filling out application forms
Practicing telephone skills
Practicing interview skills
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Confidence building
We find it hard to learn about work in a branch or classroom
People with learning disabilities learn best on the job Presentation title here
Working Interviews
It is much better for someone with a learning disability to have a working interview
This is different from the usual way of interviewing
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Instead of talking about how you can do the job
You actually show how you can do the job.
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If you have shown that you did the job well
The job should then be offered to you.
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With the right support we can do the job very well
For a person with a learning disability good support is very important
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Job Coaching
A job coach can ‌
Help you learn the job‌
Answer any questions you are not sure about
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Help you to feel more confident
Stay with you until you feel happy to do the job on your own
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This is very important for someone with a learning disability
As it can sometimes take us longer to learn things
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I would like to tell you a little bit about myself When I left college
I worked at a swimming pool
I was paid out of the petty cash from the clothes lockers!!!!!!!!!! Presentation title here
I also worked in a clothes shop where I was not paid any money!!!!!!!!!!!!
Instead I was given coat hangers for my work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This made me feel angry!!!!
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I also worked in a department store where again I wasn’t paid!!!!
I began working for Remploy at the Barking factory in 1999
This was the first time that I got paid for working...
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I did lots of different jobs there like....
And inputting data onto computers
I worked there for 13 years Presentation title here
I have been working as Remploy’s learning disability spokesperson for almost 2 years
I love my job as I meet more people
And more people listen to me
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I think that my job is important
I will help people in Remploy and employers to understand people like me better
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I want to end by saying If we believe in ourselves…
And with good support…
People with learning disabilities … Presentation title here
Can work Will work and Want to work!!!!
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