Pink Ladies

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Cardiff People First is a Organisation run by people with a Learning Disability My name is Dawn Gullis and I am the Pink Ladies Project Officer.

About Me I am a lady with a learning disability and I live independently by myself. I did work for Mencap Cymru for 12 years as a campaigner for people with a learning disability. I did lots of campaigning for people to get easy access to their rights and equality. I have been in paid work for 14 years.

What is the Pink Ladies? • Cardiff People First has had 3 year funding from Comic Relief to do the work with the ladies. • We are a group of ladies that meet every week to talk about health issues, women’s identity, education and jobs. • We have big meetings once a month and invite services to listen to what we think.

Planning • The planning group meet once a week • We network with other organisations to help women to take part more in their community.

What have we done so far? • We have worked with Breast Test Wales to produce an accessible film about cervical screening. • We have given our views to the Welsh Government on Priority outcomes on equality for women. • We have worked with Macmillan on cancer awareness

What have we done so far? • We have planned an event for International Women’s Day. • We have worked with the Job centre for them to give us information on benefits and work opportunities. • We are doing a “Women for Change” course with Women Making a Difference.

Planning Group Members I visited local day centres and supported living providers to tell them about us. We have since had 3 women referred to us. In March we asked what women thought about the project, using flipcharts and films: Here is what the ladies said.............. “I feel it’s helped women have a voice” “The Pink ladies has made me happy and get out more” “It has helped me to meet new people” “It has made me more aware of women’s issues, mostly health” “Changed my life” “I like going to other events in the community” “I get support, the ladies listen to me” “It has made me want to learn more” “It has helped me to be much more confident”


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