Relationship Circles

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Relationship Circles

Hannah Cox

Who am I? • My name is Hannah Cox • I work for the Real Opportunities Project

• We support young people aged 14-19 with a learning disability • We help young people think about what they would like their like their lives to look like when they leave school.

What is Important Have a think about what is the most

important thing in your life‌. You can talk about it with someone else if you want to

What is Important Can you tell everyone your name and you also

have a chance to say what they think is the most important thing in your life You do not have to say if you don’t want to.

What is Important Lots of young people tell us that relationships are the most important thing in their lives But sometimes when social services, schools or other services are planning for someone's future they do not think about the relationships and the people in that persons life.

Relationship Map

To help people think about who is in their life we use a tool called a relationship map

Relationship Map LOVE LIKE KNOW PAY

Our Relationship Maps • You can do your relationship map in whatever

style you want to. • You can do it in circles or any other way

• You can write names or draw people on • You can use whatever colours you want

It is YOUR map!

How does it help us?

Relationship maps will have a lot of information in them. To help us see how we can use this

information can you answer the following questions with your YES and NO cards


Did you put someone on your relationship map who you would like to help you if you were planning a big change?


Did you put people on your relationship map that

you do activities and hobbies with?


Would you be happier if you couldn’t see the

people you have put on your relationship map?


Did you put someone on your relationship map who you would like to keep in contact with if you were to move somewhere new?


Did you put someone on your relationship map

who you would like to spend more time with?


Did you put people on your relationship map that

you don’t get on well with?


If you were making big changes would you want some of the people on your relationship involved in helping you to make decisions?


Did you put someone on your relationship map

who you think could advocate for you?


Are most of the people on your relationship map

people that you have chosen to have in your life?


Would you like it if somebody else chose different people for you to spend your time with?


Does your relationship circle help you to see

anything that you would like to change?

Relationship Maps? • A relationship map helps show who is important to that person

• It can contain information about relationships we have now or relationships in the past • Helps see what kind of people someone likes to spend time with • Shows us who the person might like to be involved in thinking about their plan for their future • It might show if there are things missing in that person life

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