2023 Leachman Grasstime Sale

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Grass Time Sale

300 Yearling & 18-Month-Old Bulls Stabilizer, Charolais, and Angus

April 5-6, 2023 – A select offering will be available on


Starting April 7 – Bulls available Private Treaty

Leachman Bulls Build Better Cow Herds.
Lee Leachman, CEO • www.leachman.com Jerrod Watson, Bull Customer Service, (303) 827-1156 Aaron Rasmussen, Cow Herd Advisor, (308) 763-1361 Semen Division: (970) 444-BULL (2855) • Office: (970) 568-3983 “Out of just under 100 first-calf heifers – only three were open! Visit www.leachman.com for an online catalog and sortable spreadsheet. Leachman Grass Time Sale Buy Bulls with Higher Cow Fertility! 300 Yearling & 18-month-old Bulls by Private Treaty Stabilizer, Charolais, & Angus April 5th - 6th – A select offering will be available to purchase on .co Starting April 7th – Bulls available Private Treaty Ready for immediate turn out • Delivery to central points • Complete data First breeding season guarantee! We run our first-calf heifers with our cows. We were preg checking last fall when I realized that nearly every two-year old heifer came back in pregnant." Matt Jones, Midland, SD (The Jones family has used Leachman Stabilizer bulls since 1990.)

Two Sales – One Catalog!

Top 31 Bulls via Timed Auction on April 6th.

• Elite bulls with elite data and phenotype.

• Starting bids from $5,000 to $15,000.

• Timed auction will end at 4 pm on Thursday, April 6th.

• Go to smartauctions.co to see videos, register, and bid.

• Call today if you want our opinions on any of these bulls.

New Fertility Star System:

Fertility is the new EPD from Zoetis that predicts which bulls’ daughters will be more fertile. It was developed based on actual production records from the cattle in our 1.3 million head Leachman database. Bulls with more stars will produce daughters that produce more calves in their lifetime.

New Udder Star System: Based on thousands of cow udder scores and DNA analysis, we can now predict the udder quality of a yearling bull’s daughters. More stars means better udders.

Semen Interest:

Leachman Cattle of Colorado is retaining 100% Semen Revenue Interest on all bulls unless otherwise announced.

Terms and Conditions:

The cattle will sell under the terms and conditions at http:// www.leachman.com/terms

250 bulls Private Treaty starting April 7th.

• All priced individually from $2,750 to $8,000.

• These sell first come first serve.

• Videos and Data at: www.leachman.com

• Call Jerrod at 303.827.1156 or the office at 970.568.3983 to make a purchase.

Breeding Soundness Exam:

All bulls selling will have passed a breeding soundness exam. Several of the bulls featured in the sale were offered in the March Spring Sale, and scratched from that sale for being deferred on fertility. We plan to retest the bulls prior to delivery. Every bull sells with the Leachman Unconditional Breeding Season Guarantee.

Table of Content

Kickoff Yearling Bulls ............... Lots 1-26, pages 16-20

Kickoff Aged Advantage bulls .... Lots 27-31, pages 21

Private Treaty Aged Advantage Bulls

............................................... Lots 32-89, pages 22-31

Private Treaty Yearling Bulls

............................................. Lots 90-271, pages 31-61

Private Treaty Aged Advantage Reg Charolais Bull Lots 272-280, pages 62-64

Private Treaty Aged Advantage Reg Angus & Red

Angus Lots 281-283, pages 64

Private Treaty 3yr old Semen bulls (Virgin)

................................................ Lots 284-290, pages 65

Age advantaged bulls will cover more cows

We Make It Easy to Buy Bulls

We are bull experts and we will give you personal service to make sure that you get the bull or bulls that you want. We will listen to your needs and help you pick the bull that will ensure that you achieve your goals. Buy sight-unseen and we will guarantee your satisfaction 100%! We will organize delivery to a central location near you. If you don’t like the bull(s) when they get off the truck, we will take them back.

Call Aaron Rasmussen at (308) 763-1361 Call Jerrod Watson at (303) 827-1156 Call Craig Hays at (660) 373-1897
are Easy to Buy, Guaranteed, Affordable, and Objectively Superior!
Leachman Bulls
(970) 568-3983 Page 1

$Profit now re-focused for 2023 and beyond!

On December 12th, 2022, the Leachman $Profit system made one of the most significant Genetic Advancements in our Company’s history!

This unprecedented change was driven by new technology, better data, and changing markets. The primary drivers of the changes were as follows:

1. Leachman incorporated the Zoetis Fertility EPD into $Ranch and $Profit. The EPD predicts large differences in the calf crop percentage expected from a bull’s daughters!

• The Zoetis Fertility EPD was launched in May of 2021.

• After extensive investigation, Leachman believes that this EPD is the single best predictor of a cow’s lifetime productivity.

• Model analysis demonstrates that the number of calves produced in a cow’s lifetime is DIRECTLY related to that female’s probable annual calf crop percentage weaned.

• Higher Fertility EPD bulls produce daughters that will wean a higher average annual calf crop percentage weaned.

• These calf crop percentage differences drive HUGE differences in profitability

• High Fertility EPD bulls will build cowherds with consistently better breed back, higher calf crop percentage weaned, less culling requirements, and reduced replacement rates.

1-Star Fertility 2-Star Fertility 3-Star Fertility 4-Star Fertility 5-Star Fertility 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60%
Fertility EPD Percent Weaned Fertility 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page 2 video at www.leachman.com
Percent Calf Crop Weaned vs

2. Leachman raised the price of corn to $5.50 per bushel to reflect the new reality of future grain prices.

• This change increased the emphasis on feed intake and conversion. Cost of gain, not rate of gain, is the more important driver of feedlot profitability

• Selection for $Profit and $Feeder will place increased emphasis on feed conversion and reduced intake levels.

3. Zoetis and Leachman launch the industry’s most accurate, multi-breed carcass evaluation!

• The $Profit database combines thousands of carcass data records, tens of thousands of ultrasound records, and over 75,000 DNA records to produce the most accurate carcass data predictions.

4. 2022 markets showed a record Choice/Select spread and a record Choice/Prime spread that make marbling more valuable than ever!

These modifications have significantly changed the expected $Ranch, $Feeder, and $Profit for animals in the Leachman $Profit database.

• Selection for $RANCH will build the most fertile and efficient cows.

• Selection for $FEEDER will build steers that efficiently gain and reach Prime marbling.

• Selection for $PROFIT will create the industries leading cowherds for fertility, efficiency, marbling, and profitability.

Our cows bred up 94% and our 2-year-olds bred up 90% – all in a year with 3" less than normal rain. Plus, our calves weaned 30 pounds heavier.

We’ve been using high $Ranch and high Fertility Leachman Stabilizer bulls – over 700 bulls since 2008. Our cows are getting better and our calves are improving in the feedlot.”

“It’s all working…
(970) 568-3983 Page 3

Every Leachman sire sells with Genomically Enhanced EPDs from Zoetis!

What does that mean to you as a bull buyer?

1. More accurate EPDs. The bulls you buy have more accurate EPDs because of the genomically enhanced (GE) Zoetis analysis of our 1.4 MM animal database. In rough terms, these GE EPDs are TWICE as accurate as non genomically enhanced EPDs.

2. Parentage is verified on every bull we sell.

3. Far more accuracy on the maternal traits that cannot be measured on a bull. These traits include mature size of a bull’s daughters, daughter fertility, daughter milk production, and daughter teat and udder quality!

What does it mean for your commercial herd?

1. You can have EPDs to select your replacement heifers. You invest $1,500 to $2,000 in every replacement heifer that you keep back and put into production. Unfortunately, without data, this process is difficult. In particular, we keep females that come up open and fall out of the system.Parentage is verified on every bull we sell.

2. You can eliminate heifers that don’t fit your specifications. With EPDs, you can select optimal levels of milk, size, and feed requirements.

3. You can create higher value feeder calves. By selecting for the Zoetis Feeder Calf index, you can improve feedlot performance and carcass value in your future calves. What does this mean to you as a seedstock breeder?

1. Get GE-EPDs and Leachman $Ranch, $Feeder, and $Profit on your cattle. By contributing your seedstock data to the Leachman $Profit Share database, you will be joining leading seedstock producers from around the world. You will have predictions on the feed cost on your animals. You will also have global comparability for your genetics as our database includes cattle from the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the UK -- making it the largest, private, multi-breed, beef cattle database in the world.

2. Gain a new way to help your commercial customers. By linking your genetics to your customers replacement females, you provide improved services to your customers. You can become directly involved in helping them interpret their Inherit Select results. This will make them more loyal customers and better bull buyers.

Our Breeding Season Guarantee!

Leachman Cattle of Colorado is offering a 90-day breeding season guarantee, starting the first day of turnout, on all bulls that we sell. This guarantee will cover your purchased bull(s) against death, injury, infertility, and loss of use. If, during the first season, you lose the use of your Leachman bull for whatever reason, we will give you a credit towards the purchase of a new bull. We only ask that your herd veterinarian provide a written statement describing the death, injury, or infertility. If the bull in question can be salvaged, we would like you to keep the salvage value, and a credit will be issued, less the salvage amount you receive for the bull. If the bull is turned out for breeding, then the credit will be given at 75% of the original purchase value (less any salvage value). All claims must be made within 1 year from the date of purchase and cannot exceed the greater of 2 bulls per invoice or 15% of the total invoice.

Example 1: Your $5,000 bull dies before you turn him out to breed. You receive a full credit of $5,000. (Purchase Price - $0 Salvage - $0 Use).

Effective Sept. 1, 2021

Example 2: Your $5,000 bull injures his scrotum after you pull him from the cows. You sell him for $1000 in salvage. You receive a credit of $2,750 ($5000 purchase – $1000 salvage – $1250 usage).

Requirements for claims:

1. All claims must be made within 365 days of purchase.

2. A veterinary statement regarding the circumstances is required.

3. A verbal agreement from Leachman Cattle of Colorado is required prior to a bull being sold for salvage. Documentation of the salvage value of the bull, including identification of the bull on the sale barn ticket, that corresponds to the bulls Leachman identifications (ear tag or metal clip) is also required.

This credit can be used for the purchase of bulls, females, semen, and/or embryos from Leachman Cattle of Colorado. If the credit is not used within 24 months of the date of issuance, then it will expire.

Note: Guarantee will be revoked on all bulls that are not paid for within 30 days of invoice date.

For Commercial
For Seedstock Herds
Page 4 video at www.leachman.com

The following destinations have been selected as “Preferred Drop Points.” Drop points may be adjusted after the sale depending on the location and purchases of buyers. Please keep in mind that this is a guide for “preferred drop points” not guaranteed drop points. Please give the all of your phone numbers, directions, email and turn out dates at check out to make delivery as smooth as possible.

• Please note the cost of delivery associated with each drop point. These charges will be reflected on your invoice on a per head basis.

• On Purchases over $80,000, delivery will be made directly to the buyer’s operation at the per head cost of the nearest drop point.

Suggested Delivery Point Map

• Northeast and Southwest: Each year cattle are sent to these regions. Routes will be determined based on purchases.

• Canada: All cattle will be delivered to the nearest port of entry. Buyers are responsible for Export documentation / health fees.

Indicates a drop point that is a Leachman Rep or Cooperator. Select one of these reduced price drop points to have your purchases delivered to a friend of the system.

3 6 7 10 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 41 42 43 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 19 11 4 5 12 9 8 1 66 2 24 25 48 45 44 65 61 14 15 28 74 29 38 54 55 40 13 Northeast delivery sites arranged as needed Southeast delivery sites arranged as needed 46 39 79 80 47 1 Magazine, AR $310 2 Winslow, AZ $300 3 Aromas, CA $640 4 Bakersfield, CA $550 5 Orland, CA $390 6 Brush, CO $60 7 Burlington, CO $110 8 Burns, CO $80 9 Craig, CO $100 10 La Junta, CO $140 11 Loma, CO $180 12 Sanford, CO $110 13 Chiefland, FL $840 14 Knoxville, IA $240 15 Buffalo Center, IA $260 16 Denison, IA $300 17 Tama, IA $300 18 Blackfoot, ID $270 19 Caldwell, ID $380 20 Twin Falls, ID $310 21 Mt Vernon, IL $540 22 Princeton, IL $450 23 Indianapolis, IN $580 24 Norton, KS $110 25 Oberlin, KS $100 26 Pratt, KS $260 27 Salina, KS $250 28 Oronoco, MN $300 29 Pierz, MN $290 30 Joplin, MO $380 31 Kingdom City, MO $390 32 Kingsville, MO $310 33 Billings, MT $240 34 Glendive, MT $260 35 Great Falls, MT $410 36 Miles City, MT $230 37 Missula, MT $420 38 Plevna, MT $170 39 Big Timber, MT $240 40 Albemarle, NC $720 41 Mandan, ND $310 42 Minot, ND $350 43 Atkinson, NE $220 44 Ellsworth, NE $70 45 Alliance, NE $70 46 Lexington, NE $170 47 Ogallala, NE $110 48 Superior, NE $140 49 Belen, NM $280 50 Deming, NM $380 51 Roswell, NM $290 52 Fallon, NV $470 53 Winnemucca, NV $410 54 Eaton, OH $420 55 Gallipolis, OH $470 56 El Reno, OK $340 57 Woodward, OK $280 58 Burns, OR $470 59 Hermiston, OR $500 60 Aberdeen, SD $310 61 Highmore, SD $170 62 Mitchell, SD $280 63 Mobridge, SD $280 64 Philip, SD $200 65 Sturgis, SD $110 66 Dalhart, TX $140 67 San Angelo, TX $410 68 Tulia, TX $280 69 West, TX $460 70 Scipio, UT $280 71 St. George $350 72 Wendover, UT $300 73 Willard, UT $230 74 Viola, WI $320 75 Buffalo, WY $170 76 Glenrock, WY $100 77 Riverton, WY $140 78 Worland, WY $190 79 Sturgis, MI $420 80 Glasgow, KY $470
We will deliver at least 80% of the distance to your operation. We will not drop at your ranch except on purchases over $80,000. Preferred drop points are not guaranteed and are subject to change depending on load routes. Delivery times, for below pricing, will be at our convenience.
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Stabilizer Cows Work in the Sandhills

The Nielson Family Operation Ellsworth, NE

Mary and Sherman Nielson with children Paul, Mildred & John (Jonathan’s dad) Jonathan and Trenda Nielson Jonathan at the chute Trenda and baby Zella Delzer The Crew – Tara Nelson (she’s a cousin on Trenda’s side, not a typo!) Hazy and Eric Delzer, Tyler and Jonathan Nielson. The younger generation is taking the reins!
Page 6 video at www.leachman.com
Lee Leachman addresses the Leachman Cooperators. Hazy and Jonathan are listening and taking notes.

Leaving a Legacy

Jonathan Nielson gives a lot of thought to his ranch legacy, “Every ranch family has to be concerned about the future of their outfit. Who is going to sit in my chair and handle the reins?”

The Nielson operation is located in the heart of the Nebraska Sandhills just outside of Ellsworth, NE. The operation was originally part of the Spade Ranch, at the turn of the 19th century. Jonathan Nielson’s grandfather, Sherman John, homesteaded the country when the country was converted from open range. Jonathan’s father, John, then joined the operation.

“I first heard Jim Leachman speak at the Four-State Range Beef Cow Symposium in the late ‘70s. He was talking about Optimum Mainstream Crossbreeding. Then I followed Lee when he moved to Colorado in 2003. We liked crossbreeding, but we were having trouble finding genetics that would consistently do what we wanted. Lee seemed to have more data and his Stabilizer seemed to fit what we needed, so we started AI’ing to his bulls in 2014. Soon thereafter, we became a cooperator. We have had no regrets.”

The whole Nielson family now attends Leachman seminars, sales, and cooperator meetings. They have collected feed intake records and DNA on many of their cattle. In addition, the Nielson’s feed out steers at Lincoln County Feed Yard in Stapleton, NE.

Jonathan explains why they love their Stabilizer cattle, “Our Leachman Stabilizer cattle are more gentle, easier to handle, and breed back quicker. Our cattle are also way more uniform, despite the Stabilizes multi-breed makeup. Today we are confident that our ranch, family and cattle are on the right path and the reins are in good hands.”

(970) 568-3983 Page 7

Stabilizer Cows Work in the Hills of Ohio

“Becky and I run these 600 cows ourselves. My cows are pretty much Stabilizers. They are easy keepers and raise great calves. We topped the Blue Grass Stockyard sales for years, but now we finish them all in our Nebraska feed yard.

They are on grass all year. Fescue in the summer and fescue/legume mixes in the winter. I first saw year-round grazing at Leachman’s ranch southeast of Billings, Montana. We attended the sale in 1993. I was impressed, so I set out to make it work here in Ohio.”

Bobby & Becky Shugert
Page 8 video at www.leachman.com
The Shugert cows start calving March 15th –photos were taken May 10th, 2022.

Shugert Farms was awarded the “Commercial Cattleman of the Year” by the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association in 2021.

(970) 568-3983 Page 9

Stabilizer Cows Work in Northeastern Nebraska

Pierce, NE

(Stabilizer customers since 2008)

Todd & Travis Weinrich
“Our cattle do what the numbers say they should do in the pasture and on the rail!”
Page 10 video at www.leachman.com
Todd & Travis Weinrich

“In 2022, our home raised cows bred up 93.3% in 45 days. Our replacement heifers bred up 93% in 60 days. We’ve been emphasizing $Ranch on the bulls we buy.

We DNA test with Inherit. Every generation shows up higher than the last. We love our cowherd. We also love the performance on our fat cattle. The steers and heifers finished between 850 and 900 pounds on carcass weight. They graded 95% or better Choice.”

(970) 568-3983 Page 11

We make bull buying easy!

When it comes to picking bulls, the first thing you need to do is choose how to balance the traits. Maternal vs Terminal. $Ranch vs $Feeder. Moderate cow size & fertility vs growth and carcass weight. Leachman Cattle provides MORE data than any other bull producer. We also provide BETTER data. Most catalogs are pretty good at telling you which bulls are terminal -- just look at indexes like $Feeder, $Beef, or TI, or TSI. However, there are almost no good indexes for finding ideal maternal bulls. At Leachman, we have had the $Ranch index for some time. Now, we also have Udder stars and Fertility stars. As of today, neither Udder nor Fertility is in $Ranch. Thus, the best Maternal bulls combine $Ranch, Udder and Fertility.

Last year we introduced a new concept: AllAround Bulls™. These bulls score four stars or more on BOTH Maternal and Feed/Carc. They are elite for both $Ranch and $Feeder. By definition, they are high on $Profit. The Leachman sale offers more 4-Star and higher AllAround Bulls than any other sale in the country. Why or how? Simply put, we select for these bulls.

The AllAround Specialists are scored 4, 4.5, and 5 Stars. 5-Star AllAround bulls are five for both Maternal and Feed/Carc. 4.5-Star AllARound bulls are 4 on Maternal or Feed/Carc and 5 on the other. 4-Star AllAround bulls are 4 stars on both Maternal and Feed/Carc. We think that these AllAround bulls are the most valuable bulls in the industry. They give you maximum flexibility to keep heifers, sell calves, and/or feed our your calves and sell on a grid. These bulls will bring a little more, but they are worth it. Choose

First choose your trait emphasis. Then buy as much $Profit as you can afford.

High gaining and heavy carcass weight Better conversion and more grid value

These bulls combine 4 & 5 stars on both Maternal & Feed/Carc

How you get it: Buy Four & Five Star Maternal bulls Buy Four & Five Star Feed/ Carc bulls Buy bulls with 4 - 5 AllAround Stars

Footnote designation: Maternal Specialists Terminal Specialists AllAround Specialists

NOTE: AllAround bulls can also be used as either Maternal or Terminal Specialists. They are just as good as the specialist. Be sure to include them on your lists.

Hooks Capitalist 37C

This 5-Star Accuracy, 5-Star Maternal, Senior AI Herd Sire exemplifies the tremendous opportunity within our system to build an elite commercial herd that will stand the test of time. $Ranch 189 (Top <.1%), F:G -.02 (Top 33%), Intake -15 (Top 14%), Mat. Wt. 2, Gest. -1.4, 4-Star Udder, 4-Star Disp., 5-Star Fertility. All with proven Balanced Proofs and a -3.1 bw. ABC/EPD.

between: Maternal trait Emphasis Terminal trait Emphasis Balanced trait Emphasis
What you get:
fertile, longlived cows More pounds per acre
MATERNAL Five-Star Page 12 video at www.leachman.com

Leachmans is committed to helping ranchers reduce the losses from brisket disease.

We know from our own cowherds that losing calves to brisket at any time from birth through yearling stage can have significant financial cost. We are convinced that pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) scores are very strong predictors of whether or not animals will have the disease. For this reason, we have collected over 7,705 PAP scores on cattle in our program. Unfortunately, taking measurements will not solve the problem. Most ranchers know that buying PAP tested bulls reduces the problems with brisket, but most still report losing 3% - 8% of their calves to brisket depending on the year. This level of calf loss is still unacceptable!

We believe that the best strategy to reduce brisket disease is to use genomically enhanced expected progeny differences (EPDs) for PAP. Think of selecting for low birth weight. Just buying bulls under 80 pounds would help calving ease, but using low birth weight EPD bulls is a much more effective strategy. This is true, because an EPD takes into account much more information. For example, buying a 75 lb. BW bull out of a sire that generally sires very heavy calves is far less likely to be easy calving than is a similar BW bull out of a sire that generally sires light calves. The same is the case with PAP.

Our PAP EPD closely relates to the actual PAP score of the bulls as shown in the graph below. The correlation between the PAP scores and the PAP EPDs are 85%. This is typical in a trait like PAP that is 30% heritable. However, as with all EPDs, you can see that some bulls score better or worse on the EPDs than on the actual score. Ranchers concerned with PAP scores should use the EPDs – not the actual PAP scores.

Key points regarding PAP and PAP EPDs:

• We have taken 7,705 PAP scores (all by Dr. Tim Holt).

• PAP is 30% heritable.

• The PAP EPDs reported were calculated by Zoetis. They include information related to the genomics of the bulls. This increases the accuracy of the prediction, even without a PAP test.

• Selecting bulls using the PAP EPD is FAR more accurate than simply using the PAP scores.

• Herds that have significant brisket disease should use the lowest PAP EPD bulls.

Leachman Cattle of Colorado Guidelines for High Altitude Selection of Cattle


you are taking our bulls to altitude, please only buy bulls that are below -1.0 on PAP EPD.

The following PAP guarantees ONLY apply to bulls with PAP EPDs of under -1.0.

1. You can take the bull home to altitude, test the bull with your other Leachman bulls, and then decide whether or not to keep or return the bull. Transportation will be at your expense. Any returned bulls must be virgins and must be unbranded.

2. If you decide to keep the bull, all -1.0 or less PAP EPD Leachman bulls will be guaranteed for brisket disease for four years. If they die, you will need to document their ID and photograph their heart to show that the death was caused by brisket. At that point, we will give you a credit equal to the original purchase price less 25% for each season the bull was turned out with the cows. For clarification, if the bull dies during or after the first season, you will receive a 75% credit. If the bull dies during or after the 2nd season, you will receive a 50% credit. If the bull dies during or after the 3rd season, you will receive a 25% credit. If the bull is turned out for the fourth season, then no credit would apply.

y = 6.0962x + 50.783 R² = 0.8531 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 PAP vs PAP EPD
Dr. Tim Holt PAP Testing.
AGE: Yearling Yearling 18 months + ELEVATION: 6,000 ft. and lower 7,000 ft. and higher 8,000 ft. and higher Low Risk 41 and lower 42 and lower 45 and lower Moderate Risk 42 to 48 43 to 48 46 to 51 High Risk 49 and higher 49 and higher 52 and higher EPD Criteria Results +3.0 and higher 30% Calf Loss 0.0 and lower Little to no loss -0.7 and lower Improve herd (970) 568-3983 Page 13

Leachman Stabilizers –

An American Beef "Breed" Success Story

• Built on Science: First designed in the 1970’s by USDA ARS scientists at the Meat Animal Research Center as the Marc II composite: ¼ Red Angus, ¼ Hereford, ¼ Simmental, ¼ Gelbvieh.

• Privatized: A private herd was developed by Pat Vinton, Gordon, NE and later sold to the Tessari family in Babb, MT – thus becoming the foundation for the Leachman Stabilizer herd.

• Modernized: From 1988 – 2003, Leachman modernized the Stabilizer composite:

▪ Reduced the birth weight.

▪ Made the cattle solid colored and polled.

▪ Increased the post weaning gain.

▪ Improved convenience traits including disposition and udder quality.

▪ Introduced black lines in addition to the original red lines.

▪ Injected top hybrid and purebred sires form the Angus, Simmental, and Gelbvieh breeds.

• Moved to Colorado: In 2003, Leachman Cattle of Colorado was formed with a nucleus of cooperators that included the Tessari herd and several other Stabilizer cooperators.

• Selected with $ProfitTM : LCoC began selecting the Stabilizer using $Profit with significant results:

▪ Dramatic further reduction in birth weight while increasing yearling growth.

▪ Significant improvement on marbling to now exceed average marbling Angus cattle.

▪ Substantial selection for reduced feed intake and improved feed efficiency.

▪ All of which coincided with a huge annual progress on $Profit.

• Expanded Internationally: In 2016, Leachman offered genetic analysis services to Stabilizer breeders in the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. This expansion increased the total Stabilizer herd being selected for $Profit to over 20,000 breeding females. Genetics are now flowing to and from each of these herds – increasing the rate of global selection improvement.

• Enhanced by DNA: In 2020, we partnered with Zoetis to build the largest, most accurate, composite DNA database in the world. This nearly doubles the accuracy of yearling EPDs, allowing even more rapid genetic improvement.

• Today: The most scientifically advanced, well identified, composite gene pool in the world.

Excerpts from a 2001 letter written by Dr. Keith Gregory, Research Geneticist at U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) to Jim Leachman:

“Your contributions to beef cattle breeding are unmatched in the history of beef cattle breeding. No one has had a greater impact on beef cattle breeding on a global basis. I have stated on several occasions that no one is implementing more of the available beef cattle breeding technology than Leachman Cattle Company.”

Page 14 video at www.leachman.com
Dr. Keith Gregory

Grass Time Private Treaty Grass Time Kick OFF

Lots 1-31 will be sold via smartauctions.co. Bidding will close at 4 PM MT on April 6th. Videos can be found at: smartauctions.co.

Lots 32 - 290 will sell first come first serve Private Treaty starting April 7th. Check in at www.leachman. com for availability & videos.

How To View Sale Videos and Access the Auction:

• The Leachman Grass Time Bull Sale will offer two different bidding formats:

• “Racehorse Style Bidding” on the Top 31 bulls closing on April 6th at 4 PM MT.

• “Buy Now” on the 250 bulls offered private treaty at www.leachman.com

Race Horse Style (Top 31 Bulls) Explained

• You will receive a text message when you have been outbid. This will save you from having to watch the entire auction if you do not wish to. If you have opted out of receiving text messages from any Smart Auctions sale in the past, but wish to opt back in to receive text messages for this sale then text “LEACHMAN” to 52182 and follow the prompts.

• What is a racehorse style auction? A racehorse style auction is a timed auction that has no sale order and closes every lot at the same time. Once the auction hits 4:00 pm MT on Thursday, April 6th there will be 5 minutes left on the clock. If nobody bids in this timeframe the auction closes and each lot sells to the highest bidder for that particular lot. If somebody does bid in this 5 minute time frame then the clock resets to 5 minutes and counts down again. This process will continue until no other bids are placed and the clock reaches zero. This approach eliminates the need for a sale order and allows customers the opportunity to select another lot once the lot they have been bidding on is beyond their limit.

• Should I wait until the last second to bid? No!! Your countdown timer is an estimate and may not match exactly with the auction server. If you wait until the last second to bid you run the risk of your countdown clock being off by a few seconds and the auction closing before you place your bid.

• Will the sale refresh automatically? Yes. If you are watching the auction on a smart phone and leave your web browser you may need to refresh when you first return to the webpage. If ever in doubt on any device go ahead and refresh.

• Can I make this to where I only see/follow the lots I’m interested in? Yes, once you click on an individual lot there will be a tab with a star next to it that says “Watch This Item”. Click on it and then when you return to the all items page you will see a tab at the top that says “My Activity”. Click on this and you will only see the items you have starred and/or bid on. You can also star an item from the “All Items” page and un-watch a lot by re-clicking the star on the individual lot.

Buy Now (250 Private Treaty) Option Explained

• To view the bulls with their complete information and videos go to www.leachman.com and click on the Grass Time Bull Sale.

• Use our unique filtering sytem to sort the bulls and either download an Excel spreadsheet or display data and videos online.

• Call the office at 970.568.3983, Jerrod at 303.827.1156 or Craig at 660.373.1897 for further assitance in selcting a bull(s) and/or to make a purchase.

• Website will be updated realtime as bulls are sold so check back often for current inventory.

(970) 568-3983 Page 15

Grass Time Kick Off Bulls Lots 1-31

Lot 1

Lot 2

Nt Reg 3/31/22 HLC Pen: EPDs 53B 47C PP BBK BW -2.7 IMF 0.90 Hook's Capitalist 37C WW 44 REA 0.7 Leachman Governor S006G YW 83 F/G -0.28 LAM Stabilizer EU103 MI 27 Intake -27 HAYS Complete 5Y75 MWT 1205 SCR 36.5 Hays Izzie 6E45 YHT 5.1 PAP -1.6 Hays Izzie 3B80 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $203 0.3% $Feeder $191 1% $Profit $33,463 0.1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $15000
S229K Nt Reg 2/25/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 60AN 4B 35C P BLK BW -5.5 IMF 1.04 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 34 REA 0.7 LCoC Accelerate U131F YW 73 F/G 0.31 MRPL Miss Absolute BJ033 MI 24 Intake 0 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1180 SCR 36.8 GRU Stabilizer FS019 YHT 4.7 PAP -0.4 GRU Stabilizer DX048 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eecaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $189 0.7% $Feeder $210 0.4% $Profit $33,326 0.1% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8250
Page 16 video at www.leachman.com
The Grubl cows out on pasture - I bet Lot 2 is out there somewhere.

Grass Time Kick Off Bulls Lots 1-31




Lot 3


Lot 4

C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo

eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeaa

Nt Reg 3/14/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 57B 42C P BRC BW -2.1 IMF 1.01 GAR-EGL Protege WW 41 REA 0.6 Hook's Capitalist 37C YW 90 F/G 0.15 Hook`s Xtravaganza 7X MI 28 Intake 93 Leachman 18 Karat X235C MWT 1201 SCR 35.7 RGR Stabilizer ET022 YHT 5.7 PAP 1.0 RGR Stabilizer CS964 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $166 2% $Feeder $194 0.9% $Profit $29,921 0.4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7750 4 LCOC
Nt Reg 12/19/21 RMP Pen: EPDs 60AN 3B 36C PP BLK BW -0.8 IMF 0.93 Leachman Doc X124B WW 54 REA 1.3 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 105 F/G -0.24 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 28 Intake 7 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E MWT 1230 SCR 36.5 RMP Stabilizer 0057 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.2 Rempe Stabilizer 8080 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $109 11% $Feeder $259 0.0% $Profit $28,830 0.5% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7750
Nt Reg 3/20/22 HLC Pen: EPDs 27AR 82C PP RED BW -2.8 IMF 0.61 Redhill Allabrd 5A 25E WW 36 REA 1.3 Leachman First Class W306G YW 70 F/G -0.04 SLK Hybrid D5141 MI 30 Intake -6 Hooks Shear Force 38K MWT 1216 SCR 36.1 Hays Promise 300Z YHT 5.5 PAP -2.7 Hays Promise 105T C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $158 2% $Feeder $189 1% $Profit $28,829 0.5% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8750 5 LCOC HEARTLAND S211K Nt Reg 3/1/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 57AN 11B 31C P BLK BW -5.1 IMF 0.90 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 48 REA 0.8 Leachman Heartland S928H YW 99 F/G -0.26 LAM Stabilizer FS263 MI 28 Intake -34 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1257 SCR 36.9 GRU Stabilizer EU068 YHT 6.2 PAP -1.9 GRU Stabilizer CU033 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $139 4% $Feeder $239 0.1% $Profit $30,384 0.3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8250 6 LCOC GLADIATOR U165K Nt Reg 3/15/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 56AN 8B 35C P BLK BW -4.7 IMF 0.58 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 41 REA 1.2 Leachman Gladiator S803G YW 85 F/G -0.19 RGR Stabilizer ZU661 MI 18 Intake -25 T C A Visionary 158 MWT 1208 SCR 38.0 RGR Stabilizer ET041 YHT 4.9 PAP 0.6 RGR Stabilizer BX895 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eaaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $167 2% $Feeder $191 1% $Profit $29,799 0.4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist
Available on
on April 6th. Price: $7750
U169K Nt Reg 3/17/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 70AN 3B 26C P BLK BW -4.6 IMF 0.71 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 46 REA 1.0 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 90 F/G 0.21 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 25 Intake -63 LCoC Absolute S012A MWT 1205 SCR 37.0 RGR Stabilizer CJ528 YHT 5.0 PAP 0.5 RGR Stabilizer AJ828
eeeea $Ranch $150 3% $Feeder $199 0.7% $Profit $28,639 0.6% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $12500 (970) 568-3983 Page 17

Grass Time Kick Off Bulls Lots 1-31

Nt Reg 2/25/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 62B 38C P BRC BW -2.9 IMF 0.94 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 48 REA 0.7 Leachman Groundwork S494G YW 96 F/G -0.27 RMP Stabilizer 0106 MI 34 Intake 3 LCoC Fur Prog X617D MWT 1214 SCR 36.8 LAM Stabilizer HS967 YHT 6.0 PAP -1.1 LAM Stabilizer EU823 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeaaa eeeea $Ranch $161 2% $Feeder $183 2% $Profit $28,671 0.6% Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $5250 10
Nt Reg 3/12/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 42AN 14B 43C P BLK BW -3.4 IMF 0.88 Leachman Decree X936D WW 53 REA 1.1 LCoC Decree S365G YW 106 F/G -0.21 LCoC Queen ES020 MI 27 Intake -13 Leachman Kitt S892E MWT 1230 SCR 35.4 GRU Stabilizer HS184 YHT 5.3 PAP -1.4 GRU Stabilizer WX453 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $123 7% $Feeder $238 0.1% $Profit $28,727 0.6% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7750 15 LCOC ADVANCE S822K Nt Reg 1/31/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 64B 35C P BBK BW -3.2 IMF 0.78 Leachman Advance S019A WW 49 REA 1.2 LCoC Advance S014G YW 89 F/G -0.35 LAM Stabilizer EU020 MI 30 Intake -5 Leachman Empire L016E MWT 1220 SCR 36.1 LAM Stabilizer HS961 YHT 6.1 PAP 1.3 LAM Stabilizer EU546 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $152 3% $Feeder $178 2% $Profit $27,424 0.9% Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $6250 16 LCOC HELIX U588K Nt Reg 3/2/22 SMR Pen: EPDs 70B 29C PP BBK BW -3.8 IMF 0.96 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 56 REA 0.9 Leachman Helix S930H YW 102 F/G -0.12 LAM Stabilizer FS312 MI 25 Intake 51 G A R High Security JSF 4005 MWT 1203 SCR 37.3 LCoC Tidy Bee HK050 YHT 5.5 PAP -0.3 LCoC Tidy Bee EM004 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeec eeeea $Ranch $138 5% $Feeder $197 0.8% $Profit $27,306 0.9% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $10000 13 LCOC DECREE S125K Nt Reg 2/16/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 43AN 17B 39C P BLK BW -1.4 IMF 0.85 Leachman Decree X936D WW 41 REA 0.9 LCoC Decree S365G YW 72 F/G -0.18 LCoC Queen ES020 MI 21 Intake 11 Leachman Earnest S329F MWT 1219 SCR 34.6 GRU Stabilizer HS175 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.8 GRU Stabilizer DX190 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeee eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $156 2% $Feeder $173 2% $Profit $27,443 0.9% Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $6500
Nt Reg 2/20/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 53AN 1B 46C P BLK BW 0.5 IMF 0.79 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 47 REA 1.6 Leachman Framework K107G YW 89 F/G -0.20 Rempe Chocolate 5174 MI 29 Intake 57 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E MWT 1257 SCR 35.7 RGR Stabilizer HS621 YHT 5.4 PAP -1.5 RGR Stabilizer DX688 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eecaa eeeee $Ranch $93 16% $Feeder $260 0.0% $Profit $27,250 0.9% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $5250 12 LCOC
S985K Nt Reg 3/13/22 HLC Pen: EPDs 53B 47C PP BRC BW -2.6 IMF 1.00 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 60 REA 1.1 Leachman Heartland S928H YW 107 F/G -0.16 LAM Stabilizer FS263 MI 34 Intake 0 GW Robust 605Z MWT 1238 SCR 37.4 Hays Vienna/Robust 45D8 YHT 5.4 PAP -0.9 IR Ms Vienna U073 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $240 0.1% $Profit $28,069 0.7% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7250 11 LCOC HABANERO U059K Nt Reg 2/19/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 50B 46C P BRC BW -2.9 IMF 1.15 Leachman Decree X936D WW 37 REA 0.7 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 74 F/G 0.03 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 26 Intake 57 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1207 SCR 36.3 RGR Stabilizer HU516 YHT 4.9 PAP 1.5 RGR Stabilizer FU126 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eaaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $143 4% $Feeder $194 0.9% $Profit $27,612 0.8% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7250 Page 18 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Kick Off Bulls Lots 1-31





Nt Reg 3/29/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 57B 38C S BBK BW 0.5 IMF 0.85 Leachman Advance S019A WW 64 REA 1.0 LCoC Advance U319E YW 114 F/G -0.22 LAM Nancy BX113 MI 25 Intake 66 LCoC Disciple S025X MWT 1240 SCR 36.6 LAM Stabilizer CN001 YHT 5.6 PAP -1.7 LAM New Design RED395 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $125 7% $Feeder $208 0.4% $Profit $26,893 1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8250 18 LCOC
Nt Reg 3/28/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 57AN 43SM PP BBK BW 0.2 IMF 1.07 Hook's Eagle 6E WW 64 REA 1.1 Hook's Galant 58G YW 116 F/G 0.02 HOOK`S DOCILA 23D MI 29 Intake -11 44 All In 4405 MWT 1274 SCR 36.2 KLK Angus ES292 YHT 6.1 PAP 0.3 KLK Angus 816 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $68 28% $Feeder $287 0.0% $Profit $26,703 1% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8000 20 LCOC GALILEO U603K Nt Reg 3/7/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 50AN 0B 49C P BLK BW 2.1 IMF 1.12 Bridle Bit Eclipse E744 WW 72 REA 0.9 Hook's Galileo 210G YW 118 F/G -0.12 Hook's Evita 18E MI 32 Intake 62 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1259 SCR 36.9 KLK Stabilizer HU257 YHT 5.9 PAP -1.3 KLK Hybrid FM263 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $103 13% $Feeder $237 0.1% $Profit $26,675 1% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8250 19 LCOC CORNERSTONE M194K Nt Reg 3/30/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 69AN 30SM P BLK BW -3.1 IMF 0.79 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 58 REA 1.1 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 109 F/G -0.13 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 28 Intake -2 Red Hill Kawartha 127E MWT 1236 SCR 36.5 KLK Hybrid GM257 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.7 KLK Angus 153
eeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeee
eeeea eeeea $Ranch $105 12% $Feeder $232 0.1% $Profit $26,512 1% 5-Star Terminal Specialist
on SmartAuctions.co on April
Feet Dispo Pheno
6th. Price:
Nt Reg 1/18/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 63AN 36C P BLK BW -2.5 IMF 0.98 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 54 REA 1.0 Leachman Groundwork S494G YW 104 F/G -0.16 RMP Stabilizer 0106 MI 26 Intake 59 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1245 SCR 36.5 LCoC Rollanda HK023 YHT 5.7 PAP -1.2 LCoC Rollanda CX012
eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $108 11% $Feeder $234 0.1% $Profit $26,961 1% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7250
C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno
eeaaa eeeea
Lot 19
(970) 568-3983 Page 19
Lot 17

Grass Time Kick Off Bulls Lots 1-31


Lot 22

Nt Reg 3/30/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 69AN 30SM P BLK BW -0.8 IMF 0.65 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 51 REA 1.0 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 93 F/G -0.07 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 36 Intake -59 Red Hill Kawartha 127E MWT 1240 SCR 37.0 KLK Hybrid GM356 YHT 6.1 PAP -0.8 KLK Angus 488 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $119 8% $Feeder $210 0.4% $Profit $26,383 1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7250 25 LCOC LUXURY S116K Nt Reg 2/8/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 40AR 10B 50C P RED BW -2.2 IMF 0.92 IR Imperial D948 WW 58 REA 1.2 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 97 F/G 0.01 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 25 Intake 58 Leachman Dartmoor U842E MWT 1228 SCR 35.9 GRU Stabilizer HS076 YHT 5.9 PAP -1.3 GRU Stabilizer DX105 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $110 10% $Feeder $223 0.2% $Profit $26,439 1% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7500 26 LCOC ESCALADE S593K Nt Reg 3/13/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 54AN 1B 46C P BLK BW 0.7 IMF 0.91 Leachman Cadillac L025A WW 55 REA 1.0 Leachman Escalade U116C YW 101 F/G 0.01 RMP Stabilizer 2028 MI 27 Intake 5 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1196 SCR 36.7 GRU Stabilizer GS725 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.2 GRU Stabilizer DX205 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $112 10% $Feeder $219 0.2% $Profit $26,301 1% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $6750 24 LCOC VERCINGETORIX U056K Nt Reg 2/19/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 71AN 2B 21C P BLK BW -5.3 IMF 1.10 G A R Ashland WW 51 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 97 F/G -0.05 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 24 Intake 49 Leachman Judge X228C MWT 1197 SCR 36.5 RGR Stabilizer ET066 YHT 5.2 PAP 2.4 RGR Stabilizer ZX640 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $144 4% $Feeder $176 2% $Profit $26,493 1% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8250 23 LCOC DECREE S139K Nt Reg 3/7/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 30AN 37B 32C P BLK BW -3.9 IMF 0.87 Leachman Decree X936D WW 40 REA 0.7 LCoC Decree S365G YW 69 F/G 0.04 LCoC Queen ES020 MI 28 Intake 1 DLCC Excalibur 76E MWT 1182 SCR 35.2 GRU Stabilizer HS041 YHT 5.0 PAP -0.5 GRU Stabilizer FS029 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $154 3% $Feeder $157 5% $Profit $26,114 1% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7000
Page 20 video at www.leachman.com
Rollings Hills is a beautiful place in central Kansas using high $Feeder bulls.

Grass Time Kick Off Bulls Lots







Nt Reg 9/24/21 MEL Pen: EPDs 85AN 1B 14C P BLK BW -2.6 IMF 0.98 G A R Progress WW 46 REA 0.9 Leachman Foundation G081D YW 100 F/G -0.10 TCR Ever Focus XG071 MI 29 Intake 113 Leachman Doc X124B MWT 1247 SCR 36.5 MEL Stabilizer EW009 YHT 5.7 PAP 3.1 MEL Hybrid CC313 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $129 6% $Feeder $217 0.3% $Profit $27,846 0.8% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $10000 31
Nt Reg 10/8/21 LAM Pen: EPDs 65B 32C P BBK BW -1.8 IMF 1.01 Leachman Advance S019A WW 49 REA 0.8 LCoC Advance S014G YW 92 F/G -0.04 LAM Stabilizer EU020 MI 17 Intake 48 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1195 SCR 36.5 LAM Stabilizer FS208 YHT 5.5 PAP 0.6 LAM Stabilizer CX248 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $133 5% $Feeder $204 0.5% $Profit $27,341 0.9% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8250
Nt Reg 9/3/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 57AR 42SM P RED BW -4.2 IMF 0.54 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 47 REA 1.1 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 94 F/G -0.18 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 29 Intake 16 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1227 SCR 37.4 LCoC Rollanda GM433 YHT 5.5 PAP -1.3 LCoC Rollanda BJ074 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $142 4% $Feeder $181 2% $Profit $26,590 1% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $9250
Nt Reg 5/10/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 57B 43C PP BBK BW -3.6 IMF 0.71 Leachman Doc X124B WW 45 REA 1.1 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 82 F/G 0.11 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 32 Intake -75 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1203 SCR 36.5 LCoC Isabel GS975 YHT 4.8 PAP 0.6 LCoC Isabel BS037 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $149 3% $Feeder $189 1% $Profit $27,868 0.8% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $7750
Nt Reg 10/20/21 HLC Pen: EPDs 50B 50C PP BBK BW 2.6 IMF 0.88 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 60 REA 1.2 LCoC Foundation M519F YW 108 F/G -0.23 Hays Izzie 204W MI 25 Intake 33 HAYS Complete 5Y75 MWT 1237 SCR 36.7 HAYS Pear 4B01 YHT 6.1 PAP -1.1 HAYS Pear 2Y54 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $229 0.1% $Profit $27,313 0.9% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available on SmartAuctions.co on April 6th. Price: $8250
Lot 28 Lot
(970) 568-3983 Page 21
Lots 27-31 are 18 month Age
Stabilizer Bulls

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290




Nt Reg 5/10/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 50AN 4B 45C PP BLK BW -4.4 IMF 0.60 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 50 REA 0.8 Leachman Gladiator S803G YW 86 F/G -0.08 RGR Stabilizer ZU661 MI 21 Intake -85 Leachman MSF Hawkeye J046D MWT 1206 SCR 36.0 LCoC Endeavor GU112 YHT 4.6 PAP -0.7 Rempe Endeavor 7216 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeeea eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $157 2% $Feeder $152 6% $Profit $26,103 1% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750
Nt Reg 9/9/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 50B 50C PP BBK BW -2.0 IMF 0.72 Leachman Doc X124B WW 46 REA 1.2 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 94 F/G 0.10 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 27 Intake 33 Leachman Definite J243C MWT 1202 SCR 36.7 LCoC Sonya GL055 YHT 5.2 PAP -1.5 Hooks Sonya 20S (SL146) C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $134 5% $Feeder $193 1% $Profit $26,691 1% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750
Nt Reg 10/2/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 47AN 25B 29C PP BLK BW -2.8 IMF 0.90 Leachman Decree X936D WW 39 REA 1.1 Leachman Precept S023G YW 68 F/G 0.10 LAM Stabilizer EU537 MI 22 Intake 17 DLCC Coulee 97C MWT 1208 SCR 35.9 LCoC Define GU121 YHT 5.2 PAP 1.4 Rempe Define 6107 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $154 3% $Feeder $182 2% $Profit $27,897 0.7% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7750 Lot 33 Lot 34 Gary Rolland shows how Stabilizers work at Rolling Hills in Kansas. Lots 32-290 will be sold first come first serve. Leachman.com will maintain an updated list of available bulls. Please check in often as bulls will be removed as they are sold. Once a decision has been made or you need help with a selection, please call the office at 970.568.3983 or Jerrod at 303.827.1156 or Aaron Rasmussen at 308.763.1361 to finalize purchase. Page 22 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


Lot 35


Lot 36




C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa

Nt Reg 4/26/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 52AN 1B 47C P BLK BW -1.1 IMF 0.56 Leachman Doc X124B WW 52 REA 1.3 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 96 F/G -0.25 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 26 Intake 25 Leachman Prophet J030Z MWT 1232 SCR 36.1 NRC Hybrid DU138 YHT 5.1 PAP 1.4 NRC Hybrid 2131-Z C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $122 7% $Feeder $193 1% $Profit $25,481 2% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250 36
Nt Reg 5/2/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 50AN 4B 45C PP BLK BW -2.6 IMF 0.38 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 54 REA 1.2 Leachman Gladiator S803G YW 87 F/G -0.16 RGR Stabilizer ZU661 MI 24 Intake -92 Leachman MSF Hawkeye J046D MWT 1196 SCR 36.3 LCoC Endeavor GU112 YHT 4.9 PAP 0.5 Rempe Endeavor 7216 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeeea eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $163 2% $Feeder $130 12% $Profit $25,155 2% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 39 LCOC
(3944671) 1/18/21 Pen: EPDs 56AN 44SM PP BRC BW -1.6 IMF 0.99 G A R Momentum WW 36 REA 1.1 G A R Drive YW 71 F/G -0.02 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 MI 30 Intake 21 CDI Verdict 220Y MWT 1246 SCR 36.1 Rempe Stabilizer 9216 YHT 5.6 PAP -1.9 Rempe Chocolate 5174 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeee eeaaa eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $85 20% $Feeder $233 0.1% $Profit $24,622 2% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Nt Reg 4/30/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 65AN 1B 34C P BLK BW 0.5 IMF 0.81 Leachman Yosemite X730Y WW 61 REA 1.0 Leachman Doc X124B YW 109 F/G -0.25 TES Stabilizer TL089 MI 23 Intake 23 Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre MWT 1228 SCR 36.6 NRC Hybrid 3107-A YHT 5.5 PAP 1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $110 11% $Feeder $218 0.3% $Profit $25,977 1% 4-Star
Nt Reg 9/8/21 MEL Pen: EPDs 58AN 4B 37C P BLK BW -2.4 IMF 0.34 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 59 REA 0.9 Leachman Gladiator S803G YW 109 F/G -0.15 RGR Stabilizer ZU661 MI 16 Intake 2 Leachman Doc X124B MWT 1222 SCR 37.2 MEL Stabilizer GW460 YHT 5.2 PAP 2.0 MEL Hybrid WB001
Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 40 LCOC
$Ranch $163 2% $Feeder $116 18% $Profit $24,229 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist
Private Treaty
April 7th. Price: $6000
Nt Reg 9/7/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 43AN 56C P BLK BW -3.5 IMF 0.73 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D WW 25 REA 0.6 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 54 F/G -0.30 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 MI 27 Intake 0 MR BHSF FHG Prophet B006 617D MWT 1188 SCR 36.5 LCoC Treasure GW415 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.0 LCoC Treasure DG184
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eecaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $181 0.9% $Feeder $115 18% $Profit $25,903 1% 5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000
(970) 568-3983 Page 23

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290








Nt Reg 9/26/21 MEL Pen: EPDs 63AN 5B 34C P BLK BW -3.2 IMF 0.79 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 40 REA 0.8 Leachman Geronimo S205G YW 77 F/G -0.10 LCoC Lakina BS140 MI 24 Intake -16 Leachman Doc X124B MWT 1236 SCR 36.2 MEL Stabilizer EW013 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.4 MEL Hybrid CC375 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $120 8% $Feeder $183 2% $Profit $24,526 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6500
Nt Reg 9/7/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 57AN 1B 42C PP BLK BW 0.2 IMF 0.53 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 48 REA 1.2 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 92 F/G -0.39 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 31 Intake -86 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E MWT 1257 SCR 37.2 LCoC Sonya GS984 YHT 5.6 PAP 1.7 LCoC Sonya CL017 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $116 9% $Feeder $216 0.3% $Profit $26,535 1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7500
Nt Reg 9/28/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 56AN 44GV PP BLK BW 1.8 IMF 0.70 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D WW 48 REA 0.7 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 79 F/G -0.35 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 MI 22 Intake -26 MCC Daybreak MWT 1240 SCR 37.0 LCoC Blackcap XG528 YHT 6.3 PAP 0.2 LCoC Blackcap RG005 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $111 10% $Feeder $153 6% $Profit $21,531 5% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750
Nt Reg 7/21/21 GRU Pen: EPDs 59B 40C P BRC BW 2.9 IMF 0.51 T C A Visionary 158 WW 64 REA 1.0 LCoC Visionary J099D YW 102 F/G -0.14 Hooks Sarita 4S MI 30 Intake 32 Leachman Escalade U116C MWT 1268 SCR 37.1 GRU Stabilizer EU360 YHT 6.2 PAP -0.5 GRU Stabilizer XX058 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeca eeeee eeeaa eecaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $88 18% $Feeder $166 3% $Profit $20,224 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 44 LCOC DECREE
Nt Reg 9/16/21 MEL Pen: EPDs 50AR 1B 47C P RED BW 0.9 IMF 0.57 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 56 REA 1.3 Leachman Decree X936D YW 100 F/G -0.11 Rempe Bentley 4053 MI 31 Intake 61 Leachman Big Gene L019X MWT 1249 SCR 35.9 MEL Stabilizer B058 YHT 6.2 PAP 0.1 MEL Hybrid W037 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $86 19% $Feeder $203 0.6% $Profit $22,557 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 45 LCOC
Nt Reg 10/1/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 51B 48C PP BRC BW 2.2 IMF 0.94 Leachman Decree X936D WW 63 REA 1.0 Leachman Precept S023G YW 107 F/G 0.09 LAM Stabilizer EU537 MI 20 Intake 54 Rissington Bullseye 135159 MWT 1264 SCR 36.4 LCoC Avenue GU068 YHT 6.0 PAP -0.8 RMP Avenue 3071 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea $Ranch $65 29% $Feeder $225 0.2% $Profit $22,032 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250
Nt Reg 4/27/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 45AN 1B 54C P BLK BW -7.0 IMF 0.52 Leachman Doc X124B WW 36 REA 1.4 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 78 F/G 0.17 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 26 Intake 42 CCR Boulder 1339A MWT 1199 SCR 37.6 NRC Hybrid FM364 YHT 4.8 PAP 1.4 NRC Hybrid 158-Y C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $155 3% $Feeder $160 4% $Profit $26,508 1% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250
work in Ohio. Page 24 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290









54 LCOC BB E752 M310J

Nt Reg 4/29/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 55AN 1B 55C P BLK BW -3.7 IMF 0.33 Leachman Doc X124B WW 49 REA 1.3 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 90 F/G -0.17 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 22 Intake -9 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1219 SCR 36.8 NRC Hybrid CX412 YHT 4.8 PAP 0.6 NRC Hybrid 142-Y C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $128 6% $Feeder $141 8% $Profit $22,506 4% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Nt Reg 5/3/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 40AN 2B 62C P BLK BW 1.8 IMF 0.35 Leachman Yosemite X730Y WW 52 REA 1.4 Leachman Doc X124B YW 92 F/G -0.15 TES Stabilizer TL089 MI 25 Intake 20 Sand Ranch Hand MWT 1266 SCR 36.4 NRC Stabilizer BX740 YHT 6.0 PAP -1.1 NRC Stabilizer 170W C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $69 27% $Feeder $187 1% $Profit $19,722 7% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 51
Nt Reg 5/6/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 32AR 28B 42C PP RED BW -1.5 IMF 0.43 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 37 REA 0.8 Leachman Guiness U835G YW 72 F/G -0.10 GRU Stabilizer DX290 MI 27 Intake 11 DLCC Coulee 97C MWT 1197 SCR 36.2 LCoC Avenue GU074 YHT 5.6 PAP 0.1 RMP Avenue 3071 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $136 5% $Feeder $99 28% $Profit $20,295 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 50 LCOC
Nt Reg 5/2/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 43AN 1B 56C P BLK BW 1.8 IMF 0.51 Leachman Yosemite X730Y WW 66 REA 1.3 Leachman Doc X124B YW 109 F/G -0.02 TES Stabilizer TL089 MI 25 Intake 20 LRS Time Zone 28U MWT 1242 SCR 36.7 NRC Hybrid 281-Z YHT 6.2 PAP -0.9 NRC Hybrid 829-U C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $80 22% $Feeder $190 1% $Profit $21,095 5% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000
Nt Reg 4/23/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 56AN 44SM P BLK BW 0.7 IMF 0.98 Hook's Bozeman 8B WW 66 REA 0.7 Colorado Bridle Bit E752 YW 100 F/G -0.21 Bridle Bit Miss B452 MI 33 Intake -36 T C A Visionary 158 MWT 1250 SCR 36.6 KLK Angus 4262 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.4 KLK Angus 2201 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $151 3% $Feeder $183 2% $Profit $27,626 0.8% 5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7000
Nt Reg 4/27/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 60AN 4B 36C P BLK BW 1.0 IMF 0.83 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 50 REA 1.0 Leachman Geronimo S205G YW 88 F/G -0.35 LCoC Lakina BS140 MI 26 Intake -35 TNT Revenant C217 MWT 1235 SCR 37.0 NRC Hybrid ES622 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.8 NRC Hybrid CJ211 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $93 16% $Feeder $212 0.3% $Profit $23,928 2% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6500
Nt Reg 4/22/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 75AN 4B 17C P BLK BW -1.1 IMF 0.82 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 52 REA 0.7 Leachman Geronimo S205G YW 103 F/G -0.10 LCoC Lakina BS140 MI 29 Intake 93 Mill Bar Hickok 7242 MWT 1242 SCR 37.3 NRC Stabilizer GW638 YHT 5.8 PAP -0.5 NRC Stabilizer EW176 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $77 23% $Feeder $181 2% $Profit $20,183 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
(970) 568-3983 Page 25
Stabilizer pair at Nielson’s in the sandhills.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290







Nt Reg 9/22/21 MNB Pen: EPDs 60AR 38C P RED BW -1.9 IMF 0.84 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 54 REA 1.1 Leachman Groundwork S494G YW 96 F/G 0.01 RMP Stabilizer 0106 MI 24 Intake 75 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1250 SCR 36.7 LCoC Stabilizer AX194 YHT 5.9 PAP -2.1 RMP Stabilizer 121 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $128 6% $Feeder $196 0.8% $Profit $26,294 1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7750
Nt Reg 2/15/21 REV Pen: EPDs 36AN 64SM PP BRC BW -0.7 IMF 0.76 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 48 REA 0.9 Leachman Decree X936D YW 81 F/G 0.08 Rempe Bentley 4053 MI 33 Intake 129 LCoC Progress J071A MWT 1249 SCR 36.1 LCoC Michelle CX017 YHT 5.8 PAP -0.1 LCoC Michelle YL004 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeee $Ranch $113 10% $Feeder $158 4% $Profit $22,183 4% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250
Nt Reg 4/30/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 60AN 1B 41C P BLK BW -1.8 IMF 0.40 Leachman Doc X124B WW 46 REA 1.4 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 88 F/G -0.12 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 28 Intake -9 Leachman Captain J067B MWT 1196 SCR 36.2 NRC Hybrid DU073 YHT 4.6 PAP 1.9 NRC Hybrid 302-A C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $104 12% $Feeder $162 4% $Profit $21,491 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500
Nt Reg 4/29/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 48AN 2B 50C P BLK BW -1.5 IMF 0.39 Leachman Yosemite X730Y WW 50 REA 1.3 Leachman Doc X124B YW 98 F/G -0.34 TES Stabilizer TL089 MI 23 Intake 52 Leachman Judge X228C MWT 1192 SCR 35.9 NRC Stabilizer FU446 YHT 5.4 PAP -0.2 NRC Hybrid 057-X
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno
eecaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $124 7% $Feeder $127 13% $Profit $21,100 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 58
Nt Reg 9/8/21 MEL Pen: EPDs 58AR 3B 39C P RED BW -0.5 IMF 0.61 Leachman At Last U353E WW 48 REA 0.9 LCoC At Last U118G YW 101 F/G 0.29 TES Stabilizer WU479 MI 39 Intake 160 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1212 SCR 35.9 MEL Stabilizer GM485 YHT 5.6 PAP 0.6 MEL Hybrid ED047 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $116 9% $Feeder $138 9% $Profit $21,078 5% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Nt Reg 9/21/21 DHL Pen: EPDs 63AN 38GV PP BLK BW 0.7 IMF 0.69 G A R Sure Fire WW 53 REA 1.1 G A R High Security JSF 4005 YW 90 F/G -0.01 G A R High Design 781 MI 21 Intake 66 Carolina Fortune 2564JET MWT 1179 SCR 36.5 Clinch Mt Fortune 1006X YHT 5.6 PAP 0.1 11N C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $108 11% $Feeder $179 2% $Profit $23,133 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 Lot 56 Lot 58 Page 26 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290




Nt Reg 8/9/21 GIL Pen: EPDs 47AN 1B 52C P BLK BW -5.0 IMF 0.63 Leachman Doc X124B WW 38 REA 1.2 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 72 F/G -0.06 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 19 Intake -52 J BAR J Nightride 225Z MWT 1214 SCR 36.0 Gilbrea Angie FL043 YHT 4.8 PAP 0.2 Gilbrea Porter Angie 104A C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $172 1% $Feeder $158 5% $Profit $27,985 0.7% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7750
Nt Reg 3/2/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 55AN 1B 44C P BLK BW -5.1 IMF 0.73 Leachman Doc X124B WW 41 REA 1.1 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 86 F/G 0.05 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 20 Intake 37 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1243 SCR 36.4 KLK Hybrid GM283 YHT 5.0 PAP -1.9 KLK Hybrid 3241
Feed/Carc Feet
eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $125 7% $Feeder $184 1% $Profit $25,213 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist
Treaty on
7th. Price: $5000
C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert
Dispo Pheno
Available Private
Nt Reg 8/23/21 GIL Pen: EPDs 44AN 3B 52C P BLK BW -5.0 IMF 0.73 Leachman Doc X124B WW 39 REA 0.9 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 75 F/G -0.34 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 25 Intake -49 Redhill Muskoka 71C MWT 1192 SCR 36.6 Gilbrea Bianca FU651 YHT 4.2 PAP 1.3 Gilbrea Bianca Zodiak 54B C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $176 1% $Feeder $143 8% $Profit $27,326 0.9% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $8250 62 LCOC CORNERSTONE
Nt Reg 9/16/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 83B 16C P BRC BW 0.7 IMF 0.56 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 49 REA 1.0 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 89 F/G -0.03 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 28 Intake 18 MJB Shur Loc 106S MWT 1242 SCR 37.1 DLCC Belle 115Y (YR003) YHT 5.8 PAP -0.6 DLCC Coco 28M C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeea $Ranch $87 19% $Feeder $165 3% $Profit $20,021 7% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500
(970) 568-3983 Page 27
Lot 61

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290




Weighing each calf is just the beginning of the data collection process that each animal undergoes.


Nt Reg 8/28/21 GIL Pen: EPDs 44AN 2B 54C P BLK BW -3.5 IMF 1.05 Redhill Muskoka 71C WW 36 REA 0.8 Leachman Ecstatic S806E YW 70 F/G -0.26 Gilbrea Bianca Zodiak 54B MI 21 Intake -26 J BAR J Nightride 225Z MWT 1177 SCR 36.0 Gilbrea Sandy Catalina EL020 YHT 4.8 PAP 1.5 Gilbrea Sandy Catalina 2C C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $148 3% $Feeder $190 1% $Profit $27,887 0.7% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $8250
Nt Reg 3/2/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 63AN 5B 31C S BLK BW -0.2 IMF 1.17 A A R Ten X 7008 S A WW 62 REA 1.0 Leachman Devout X799D YW 102 F/G 0.02 Rempe Bankroll 4077 MI 22 Intake 56 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1210 SCR 36.3 KLK Stabilizer GU689 YHT 5.2 PAP 1.0 KLK Hybrid 5209 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $132 6% $Feeder $210 0.4% $Profit $27,666 0.8% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Nt Reg 3/26/21 GWV Pen: EPDs 49B 26C PH BBK BW 0.0 IMF 0.62 Bennett Apollo A340 WW 66 REA 1.0 LCoC Apollo J049D YW 116 F/G -0.23 LCoC Isabel ZG034 MI 24 Intake 3 Leachman Doc X124B MWT 1263 SCR 35.9 GWV Stabilizer 859 YHT 5.1 PAP 2.9 GWV Stabilizer O101 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $196 0.8% $Profit $24,960 2% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250
Nt Reg 8/26/21 GIL Pen: EPDs 27AR 71C P RED BW 0.9 IMF 0.52 WS All-Around Z35 WW 68 REA 1.3 WS All Aboard B80 YW 113 F/G -0.16 WS Little Sister W37 MI 24 Intake 48 NLDF Yankee 319Y MWT 1226 SCR 37.0 Gilbrea Blair Lasa Yankee 61B YHT 6.4 PAP -2.3 Every Lasa Hood 93U C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $131 6% $Feeder $180 2% $Profit $25,522 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 69 LCOC SECRET AGENT L038J Nt Reg 2/10/21 REV Pen: EPDs 13AR 87C P RED BW 0.6 IMF 0.65 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 60 REA 0.9 CDI Secret Agent 407C YW 104 F/G 0.00 CDI MS Beef King 43A MI 26 Intake 37 Leachman 18 Karat X235C MWT 1248 SCR 36.8 Rempe Stabilizer 7081 YHT 5.7 PAP -0.7 Rempe Certified 5219 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $129 6% $Feeder $186 1% $Profit $25,651 2% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6500 68 LCOC DOC U863J Nt Reg 4/2/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 53AN 1B 46C S BLK BW -1.5 IMF 0.61 Leachman Yosemite X730Y WW 62 REA 1.4 Leachman Doc X124B YW 103 F/G 0.05 TES Stabilizer TL089 MI 18 Intake 74 THR Testament 5451C MWT 1229 SCR 36.5 KLK Hybrid FM190 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.9 KLK Angus 433 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $130 6% $Feeder $185 1% $Profit $25,797 1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6500 67 LCOC DOC S443J Nt Reg 3/1/21 GRU Pen: EPDs 45AN 5B 49C p BLK BW -0.3 IMF 0.48 Leachman Yosemite X730Y WW 46 REA 1.5 Leachman Doc X124B YW 82 F/G -0.04 TES Stabilizer TL089 MI 26 Intake 51 LCoC Talismans S393W MWT 1202 SCR 36.6 GRU Stabilizer DX295 YHT 6.1 PAP -1.2 GRU Stabilizer YX124 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $156 2% $Feeder $180 2% $Profit $27,984 0.7% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Page 28 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290









Nt Reg 4/18/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 57AN 6B 42C P BLK BW -0.4 IMF 0.99 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 54 REA 1.1 Leachman Genuine S030G YW 94 F/G 0.23 MSF Thelma DU055 MI 31 Intake 148 LCoC Advance U353D MWT 1245 SCR 36.4 NRC Stabilizer GU278 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.6 NRC Hybrid DU138 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeec eeeea $Ranch $111 10% $Feeder $196 0.8% $Profit $24,617 2% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Nt Reg 8/18/21 GIL Pen: EPDs 47B 54C P BRC BW -0.5 IMF 0.67 WS All-Around Z35 WW 66 REA 1.1 WS All Aboard B80 YW 117 F/G -0.09 WS Little Sister W37 MI 21 Intake -20 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1258 SCR 37.2 LCoC Blackcap DG109 YHT 5.6 PAP -2.2 G A R Load Up 1802 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $74 25% $Feeder $221 0.2% $Profit $22,605 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 3/19/21 RGR Pen: EPDs 54B 43C P BRC BW -0.1 IMF 0.93 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 49 REA 0.7 Leachman Decree X936D YW 90 F/G 0.21 Rempe Bentley 4053 MI 30 Intake 109 Leachman Atlas S011C MWT 1221 SCR 36.3 RGR Stabilizer FK105 YHT 5.4 PAP 1.8 RGR Stabilizer DX605 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeee $Ranch $69 27% $Feeder $160 4% $Profit $17,811 11% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 2/27/21 GRU Pen: EPDs 24AR 53B 22C p RED BW 0.5 IMF 0.42 MJB Cool 548C WW 52 REA 1.0 Davelle Cool Beau N51 YW 89 F/G 0.36 Davelle Progress D'Rose H57 MI 24 Intake 97 Leachman Denali X054D MWT 1262 SCR 36.2 GRU Stabilizer FU063 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.4 GRU Stabilizer CX125 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $149 3% $Feeder $92 32% $Profit $21,149 5% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
Nt Reg 4/22/21 NRC Pen: EPDs 63AN 1B 36C P BLK BW -1.9 IMF 0.38 Leachman Doc X124B WW 55 REA 1.1 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E YW 105 F/G -0.04 LCoC Stabilizer BX512 MI 26 Intake 121 Leachman Judge X228C MWT 1207 SCR 36.5 NRC Hybrid GK089 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.8 NRC Hybrid BX823 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $113 10% $Feeder $118 17% $Profit $19,345 8% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
Nt Reg 3/11/21 RGR Pen: EPDs 66AN 13B 19C P BLK BW -0.6 IMF 0.68 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 37 REA 0.9 LCoC Accelerate K079F YW 69 F/G -0.09 KLK Angus 0217 MI 23 Intake -23 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1220 SCR 36.9 RGR Stabilizer DX610 YHT 5.4 PAP -2.4 RGR Stabilizer AU740 C. Ease
Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $120 8% $Feeder $144 8% $Profit $21,836 4% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
Maternal Cow Fert
Nt Reg 4/2/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 49AN 1B 49C S BLK BW -1.8 IMF 0.70 Leachman Yosemite X730Y WW 52 REA 0.9 Leachman Doc X124B YW 95 F/G 0.40 TES Stabilizer TL089 MI 18 Intake 56 CLRS Dividend 405D MWT 1240 SCR 36.3 KLK Hybrid FM068 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.1 KLK Angus 2238 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $93 16% $Feeder $167 3% $Profit $20,741 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
(970) 568-3983 Page 29
Stabilizers working at the Shugert Farm in Ohio.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290








C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa

Nt Reg 9/5/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 57B 42C PP BBK BW 2.0 IMF 1.04 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 69 REA 1.1 Leachman Generator S202G YW 117 F/G -0.21 LCoC Lakina BS140 MI 27 Intake 92 Leachman Foundation G081D MWT 1291 SCR 36.8 LCoC 3000A GK104 YHT 6.2 PAP -1.3 CCR MS Singletary 3000A C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $19 57% $Feeder $245 0.0% $Profit $18,908 9% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 9/10/21 GIL Pen: EPDs 52AN 5B 43C P BLK BW -0.5 IMF 0.70 Hook's Capitalist 37C WW 45 REA 0.8 LCoC Finn S401F YW 85 F/G -0.02 RGR Stabilizer DX654 MI 28 Intake -31 Redhill Muskoka 71C MWT 1211 SCR 36.4 Gilbrea Time for Tia GU928 YHT 5.1 PAP 0.4 Millers Dollars for Time Tia C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $131 6% $Feeder $156 5% $Profit $23,797 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 3/26/21 TRM Pen: EPDs 38AR 13B 50C P RED BW 1.7 IMF 0.71 Hooks Shear Force 38K WW 51 REA 0.8 Leachman Forceful L155W YW 70 F/G -0.18 PG719 MI 26 Intake -63 MWT 1247 SCR 37.0 TRM Stabilizer 623 YHT 6.1 PAP -0.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $89 18% $Feeder $151 6% $Profit $19,194 8% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000
Nt Reg 3/24/21 TRM Pen: EPDs 26AR 9B 55C S RED BW 1.5 IMF 0.61 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 47 REA 1.0 Leachman Decree X936D YW 70 F/G -0.03 Rempe Bentley 4053 MI 29 Intake 10 MWT 1248 SCR 35.1 TRM Stabilizer GW920 YHT 5.1 PAP -0.5
$Ranch $75 24% $Feeder $143 8% $Profit $17,316 12% Available
Nt Reg 9/21/21 MEL Pen: EPDs 66AR 45C P RED BW 3.5 IMF 0.48 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 65 REA 1.2 Leachman Decree X936D YW 106 F/G 0.06 Rempe Bentley 4053 MI 30 Intake 80 Leachman Forceful L155W MWT 1237 SCR 36.0 MEL Stabilizer EU984 YHT 6.0 PAP -2.0 MEL Hybrid BB068 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $58 33% $Feeder $165 3% $Profit $17,147 12% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
Nt Reg 8/25/21 GIL Pen: EPDs 36B 64C P BRC BW 1.4 IMF 0.87 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 52 REA 1.2 CDI Secret Agent 407C YW 77 F/G 0.09 CDI MS Beef King 43A MI 29 Intake -50 Redhill Muskoka 71C MWT 1211 SCR 36.9 Gilbrea Blackbird FU665 YHT 5.5 PAP -0.5 Benchmark Blackbird 208 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $84 20% $Feeder $211 0.4% $Profit $22,882 3% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 8/23/21 LAM Pen: EPDs 65B 34C S BRC BW -2.1 IMF 0.65 Leachman Advance S019A WW 34 REA 0.9 LCoC Advance S014G YW 62 F/G -0.17 LAM Stabilizer EU020 MI 28 Intake -28 Leachman Denali X054D MWT 1210 SCR 36.5 LAM Stabilizer FS322 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.9 LAM Stabilizer UU319 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $114 9% $Feeder $134 10% $Profit $20,578 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 Headquarters in spring. Stop by to visit! Page 30 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls





Lot 88

Lots 32-290


Lots 90-271 are Yearling Stabilizer Bulls

Nt Reg 7/25/21 LAM Pen: EPDs 66B 34C P BBK BW 1.5 IMF 0.81 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 53 REA 1.2 LCoC Foundation N001G YW 104 F/G -0.20 MISS Y504 C249 MI 29 Intake 75 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1231 SCR 36.8 LAM Stabilizer GS383 YHT 5.3 PAP 0.1 LAM Stabilizer CS085 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $29 51% $Feeder $209 0.4% $Profit $17,294 12% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
Nt Reg 4/13/21 TRM Pen: EPDs 30AR 15B 50C P RED BW -1.5 IMF 0.78 Brown Oracle B112 WW 55 REA 0.4 Leachman Red Hot U123E YW 102 F/G 0.11 RMP Stabilizer 5035 MI 14 Intake 77 MWT 1261 SCR 36.2 TRM Stabilizer FY806 YHT 5.9 PAP 2.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $65 29% $Feeder $127 13% $Profit $15,127 18% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 90 LCOC GRANITE
Nt Reg 1/9/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 57AN 1B 42C P BLK BW -1.7 IMF 0.77 MR BHSF Prophet B006 WW 57 REA 1.1 Leachman Granite U211G YW 104 F/G -0.15 MRPL Miss Nightride DL028 MI 20 Intake 11 Leachman Doc X124B MWT 1202 SCR 37.7 Rempe Stabilizer 9198 YHT 5.0 PAP 0.4 Rempe Stabilizer 7048 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeee eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeee $Ranch $188 0.7% $Feeder $220 0.2% $Profit $34,019 0.1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $8250 89 LCOC
Nt Reg 3/21/21 TRM Pen: EPDs 44AR 7B 45C P RED BW 3.5 IMF 0.30 Leachman Escalade U116C WW 54 REA 0.9 Leachman Waldo U341E YW 95 F/G 0.04 GRU Stabilizer XX055 MI 32 Intake 67 Leachman 18 Karat X235C MWT 1229 SCR 37.9 TRM Stabilizer 701 YHT 6.2 PAP 0.0 TRM Stabilizer S5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $94 16% $Feeder $78 42% $Profit $14,605 20% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 87 LCOC DISRUPTER A124J 4570181 11/5/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 100AR P RED BW -1.0 IMF 0.87 Spur Franchise of Garton WW 47 REA 0.8 Lorenzen Disrupter 9930 (A125G) YW 96 F/G 0.16 NELSON L Heavenly 1605 MI 27 Intake 112 Brown Real Deal A7701 MWT 1250 SCR 36.8 LCoC Zara DA112 YHT 4.6 PAP 1.0 LCoC Zara BA154 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $26 36% $Feeder $183 0.9% $Profit $15,171 9% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
Lot 90 (970) 568-3983 Page 31

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290




4057553 3/5/22 PAY Pen: EPDs 47AN 2AR 50SM PP BRC BW -4.6 IMF 1.10 GAR-EGL Protege WW 34 REA 0.7 Hook's Capitalist 37C YW 74 F/G 0.20 Hook`s Xtravaganza 7X MI 25 Intake 15 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1196 SCR 36.3 MRPL Miss Decree HL011 YHT 5.2 PAP 1.0 MRPL Miss Sonya FK059 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $148 3% $Feeder $215 0.3% $Profit $29,614 0.4% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $8250
Nt Reg 2/7/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 62B 37C P BRC BW -2.8 IMF 1.06 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 48 REA 0.9 Leachman Heartland S928H YW 104 F/G -0.08 LAM Stabilizer FS263 MI 26 Intake 59 Leachman At Last U353E MWT 1199 SCR 37.7 LAM Katie HS966 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.7 LAM Katie EU821 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $122 7% $Feeder $231 0.1% $Profit $28,157 0.7% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7250
Nt Reg 3/31/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 59AN 5B 36C P BLK BW 0.5 IMF 0.72 Leachman Judge X228C WW 58 REA 1.1 LCoC Judge S990F YW 105 F/G -0.14 GRU Stabilizer DX088 MI 27 Intake -3 K C F Bennett Absolute MWT 1253 SCR 36.5 GRU Stabilizer CS031 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.0 GRU Stabilizer ZX023 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $120 8% $Feeder $208 0.4% $Profit $26,337 1% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 95 LCOC MOMENTUM M072K Nt Reg 3/13/22 HLC Pen: EPDs 63AN 38SM PP BBK BW 0.1 IMF 0.91 G A R Progress WW 63 REA 1.5 G A R Momentum YW 106 F/G -0.17 G A R Big Eye 1770 MI 25 Intake 20 Hook's Xavier 14X MWT 1237 SCR 37.3 Hays Izzie 48D0 YHT 5.4 PAP -1.6 Hays Izzie 204W C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee $Ranch $69 27% $Feeder $278 0.0% $Profit $26,089 1% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7500 94 LCOC HERITAGE S195K Nt Reg 2/20/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 54AN 3B 42C P BLK BW -2.9 IMF 0.67 Hook's Capitalist 37C WW 51 REA 0.8 Leachman Heritage S122H YW 103 F/G -0.02 GRU Stabilizer DX140 MI 28 Intake 57 Leachman Courageous S278C MWT 1216 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer GS742 YHT 5.6 PAP 0.1 GRU Stabilizer BX060 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $155 3% $Feeder $170 3% $Profit $27,143 1.0% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500 93 LCOC
S086K Nt Reg 2/10/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 55AN 5B 39C P BLK BW -5.9 IMF 0.83 Leachman Decree X936D WW 37 REA 0.7 Leachman Precept S023G YW 79 F/G -0.12 LAM Stabilizer EU537 MI 24 Intake 55 Leachman Foremost U034D MWT 1230 SCR 36.5 LCoC Flora FU039 YHT 5.1 PAP 0.0 LCoC Stabilizer ZL045 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $160 2% $Feeder $164 4% $Profit $27,220 0.9% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Page 32 video at www.leachman.com
Lot 95
work at altitude in Colorado.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290

Lot 97 Lot 98

97 LCOC HABANERO S077K Nt Reg 1/26/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 49B 47C PP BRC BW 0.8 IMF 1.04 Leachman Decree X936D WW 46 REA 1.1 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 77 F/G -0.39 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 31 Intake -5 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1217 SCR 36.9 LCoC Darcy FU029 YHT 5.8 PAP -1.4 TES Stabilizer YS007 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeee $Ranch $90 17% $Feeder $239 0.1% $Profit $25,573 2% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 98 LCOC HABANERO S494K Nt Reg 1/12/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 41AR 4B 50C P RED BW -6.1 IMF 0.97 Leachman Decree X936D WW 33 REA 0.8 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 66 F/G -0.11 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 26 Intake 21 LCoC Fur Prog X617D MWT 1206 SCR 37.4 LAM Stabilizer HS967 YHT 5.0 PAP -0.6 LAM Stabilizer EU823 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeee $Ranch $126 7% $Feeder $189 1% $Profit $25,548 2% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750
(970) 568-3983 Page 33
There is nothing better than the attention of your mother.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290

Lot 99


Lot 102

Nt Reg 1/8/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 69AN 31SM P BLK BW -0.7 IMF 0.87 Hoover Dam WW 39 REA 0.8 CCR Boulder 1339A YW 69 F/G -0.03 CCR Ms L Taylor 1339Y MI 31 Intake -48 K C F Bennett Absolute MWT 1234 SCR 37.1 Rempe Stabilizer 7013 YHT 4.8 PAP 0.6 Rempe Certified 5219 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeec eeeea $Ranch $126 7% $Feeder $185 1% $Profit $25,261 2% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750
Nt Reg 3/5/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 47AR 0B 53C P RED BW -0.4 IMF 0.65 IR Imperial D948 WW 58 REA 0.8 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 89 F/G -0.05 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 27 Intake -37 Leachman Perception U001A MWT 1220 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer EU378 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.2 MATH Regal BL056 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeec eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eecaa eeeee eeeea $Ranch $147 3% $Feeder $150 6% $Profit $24,966 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 104 LCOC STARFLEET U005K Nt Reg 1/20/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 54AN 4B 35C P BLK BW -1.0 IMF 0.77 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 45 REA 1.1 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 89 F/G 0.37 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 22 Intake 58 Leachman Security X124C MWT 1230 SCR 37.3 LCoC B C Sunset ES975 YHT 6.0 PAP -3.1 LCoC B C Sunset YG014 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eecaa eeeea $Ranch $106 12% $Feeder $203 0.6% $Profit $24,511 2% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 102 LCOC HEADLINE U224K Nt Reg 2/1/22 SBG Pen: EPDs 55AN 27B 19C P BLK BW -1.4 IMF 0.56 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 61 REA 0.8 Leachman Headline K038H YW 102 F/G 0.01 RGR Stabilizer FU104 MI 26 Intake -8 Leachman Prophet J030Z MWT 1199 SCR 35.9 SC Willow 9D YHT 5.2 PAP 0.5 DLCC Bows 24Z C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $170 1% $Feeder $117 17% $Profit $25,006 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 101 LCOC VERCINGETORIX G048K 20577579 2/2/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 100AN PP BBK BW -1.9 IMF 1.25 G A R Ashland WW 57 REA 0.8 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 115 F/G -0.12 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 32 Intake 96 G A R Sure Fire MWT 1246 SCR 37.5 TCR Whitney's Fire FG015 YHT 5.4 PAP -0.8 TCR Whitney's Absolute DG078 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeee eecaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $69 17% $Feeder $262 1% $Profit $25,025 2% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 100 LCOC GALANT M181K Nt Reg 3/23/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 42AN 58SM P BLK BW -1.9 IMF 0.80 Hook's Eagle 6E WW 58 REA 0.7 Hook's Galant 58G YW 104 F/G 0.28 HOOK`S DOCILA 23D MI 19 Intake 29 Red Hill Kawartha 127E MWT 1237 SCR 36.6 KLK Hybrid GM427 YHT 5.9 PAP -0.2 KLK Hybrid 5200 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeea $Ranch $130 6% $Feeder $179 2% $Profit $25,250 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7500
Page 34 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



105 LCOC FRAMEWORK U097K Nt Reg 2/25/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 52AN 1B 46C P BLK BW -1.9 IMF 0.89 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 51 REA 0.8 Leachman Framework K107G YW 93 F/G -0.03 Rempe Chocolate 5174 MI 33 Intake 29 Leachman Reality U049C MWT 1196 SCR 36.1 RGR Stabilizer ET024 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.0 RGR Stabilizer CX926 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $175 1% $Feeder $177 2% $Profit $29,603 0.4% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 107 LCOC HEARTLAND S140K Nt Reg 2/22/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 56AN 2B 41C P BLK BW -2.0 IMF 0.78 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 58 REA 0.8 Leachman Heartland S928H YW 102 F/G -0.10 LAM Stabilizer FS263 MI 25 Intake -58 Hook's Consensus 34C MWT 1199 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer HS743 YHT 5.2 PAP -1.1 GRU Stabilizer EU438 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeeea eaaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $164 2% $Feeder $177 2% $Profit $28,572 0.6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 111 LCOC FRAMEWORK U146K Nt Reg 3/5/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 60AN 2B 38C P BLK BW -1.5 IMF 0.85 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 56 REA 1.2 Leachman Framework K107G YW 101 F/G 0.10 Rempe Chocolate 5174 MI 38 Intake 46 Leachman Courageous S278C MWT 1232 SCR 37.4 RGR Stabilizer FU131 YHT 5.9 PAP 0.6 RGR Stabilizer CJ982 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $119 8% $Feeder $216 0.3% $Profit $26,784 1% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 109 LCOC GROOMSMAN
Nt Reg 2/9/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 62AN 7B 31C P BLK BW -4.5 IMF 0.90 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 37 REA 0.7 Leachman Groomsman S029G YW 74 F/G -0.20 MSF Stabilizer DX047 MI 20 Intake -4 LCoC Advance X644D MWT 1215 SCR 36.1 GRU Stabilizer HS789 YHT 5.4 PAP -0.4 GRU Stabilizer DX029 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $195 0.5% $Feeder $173 2% $Profit $31,363 0.2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7250 108 LCOC HEADLINE S276K Nt Reg 2/2/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 70B 30C PP BRC BW -1.1 IMF 1.03 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 64 REA 1.1 Leachman Headline K038H YW 106 F/G -0.80 RGR Stabilizer FU104 MI 32 Intake -137 Leachman MSF Hawkeye J046D MWT 1236 SCR 35.6 RMP Stabilizer 0164 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.7 Rempe Stabilizer 8080 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeee eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $138 5% $Feeder $272 0.0% $Profit $32,588 0.1% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7750
Nt Reg 1/9/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 41AR 4B 50C P RED BW -2.8 IMF 1.05 Leachman Decree X936D WW 49 REA 0.6 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 97 F/G -0.56 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 29 Intake 36 LCoC Fur Prog X617D MWT 1206 SCR 36.4 LAM Stabilizer HS967 YHT 5.6 PAP -1.8 LAM Stabilizer EU823 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $134 5% $Feeder $178 2% $Profit $25,695 1% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500
Nt Reg 2/25/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 62AN 1B 34C P BLK BW -5.8 IMF 0.88 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 33 REA 1.0 Leachman High Yield U514H YW 73 F/G 0.04 GRU Stabilizer DX351 MI 28 Intake 26 Leachman Yosemite X730Y MWT 1170 SCR 36.6 GRU Stabilizer DX059 YHT 4.8 PAP -0.9 GRU Stabilizer BU142
Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $175 1% $Feeder $170 3% $Profit $29,150 0.5% 5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7750 110 LCOC REDHILL 25E M019K Nt Reg 2/2/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 31AR 2B 66C P RED BW -4.4 IMF 0.78 WS All Aboard B80 WW 43 REA 1.0 Redhill Allabrd 5A 25E YW 82 F/G 0.17 Redhill 36X 14Y 5A MI 28 Intake 19 LCoC Total Package X571Y MWT 1212 SCR 36.8 Rempe Bankroll 4077 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.8 RMP Matriarch 2019 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $141 4% $Feeder $194 0.9% $Profit $27,396 0.9% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7250 (970) 568-3983 Page 35
C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290

Lot 113

Lot 114

115 LCOC GLOBAL U140K Nt Reg 3/3/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 65AN 1B 32C P BLK BW -4.2 IMF 0.66 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 34 REA 1.2 Leachman Global M043G YW 68 F/G 0.15 Rempe Stabilizer 6062 MI 32 Intake -18 Leachman Judge X228C MWT 1182 SCR 36.4 RGR Stabilizer GU333 YHT 4.8 PAP -1.3 RGR Stabilizer ET071 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eaaaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $156 2% $Feeder $126 14% $Profit $24,156 2% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 113 LCOC HABANERO S014K Nt Reg 1/12/22 MNB Pen: EPDs 44AR 7B 42C P RWF BW -3.9 IMF 0.76 Leachman Decree X936D WW 53 REA 1.0 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 94 F/G -0.20 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 33 Intake 12 Leachman Scalia S979F MWT 1221 SCR 37.2 MSF Stabilizer HS670 YHT 5.4 PAP -0.9 MSF Stabilizer FS711 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeec eeeea $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $186 1% $Profit $24,297 2% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 114 LCOC ROCKET MAN S798K Nt Reg 1/27/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 64B 36C P BBK BW -1.4 IMF 0.84 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 53 REA 0.9 Leachman Rocket Man U099F YW 95 F/G -0.20 LCoC Canyon Lass BX129 MI 29 Intake 33 Leachman Deputy K040F MWT 1215 SCR 37.5 LAM Stabilizer HS979 YHT 5.4 PAP -2.2 LAM Stabilizer FS200 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $125 7% $Feeder $169 3% $Profit $24,168 2% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Page 36 video at www.leachman.com

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Lot 118



C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca

Nt Reg 2/18/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 70AN 3B 27C P BLK BW -4.0 IMF 0.87 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 57 REA 0.8 Leachman Groomsman S029G YW 102 F/G -0.14 MSF Stabilizer DX047 MI 21 Intake 78 LAZY TV Final Answer B47BA MWT 1236 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer DX030 YHT 6.2 PAP -0.4 GRU Stabilizer BU021 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $144 4% $Feeder $143 8% $Profit $24,144 2% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 118 LCOC HOME TOWN S361K Nt Reg 2/22/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 74AN 6B 21C P BLK BW -1.3 IMF 1.13 G A R Ashland WW 55 REA 0.6 G A R Home Town YW 103 F/G 0.06 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 MI 24 Intake 24 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1249 SCR 36.9 Rempe Stabilizer 8306 YHT 5.1 PAP -1.0 TES Stabilizer YX172 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeee eeaaa eeeca eeeee $Ranch $84 20% $Feeder $227 0.1% $Profit $24,064 2% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 121 LCOC DOUBLE AGENT S370K Nt Reg 2/24/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 41AR 2B 56C P RED BW -6.6 IMF 0.73 CDI Secret Agent 407C WW 34 REA 1.2 Redhill Double Agent 139H YW 73 F/G 0.13 Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E MI 27 Intake -19 Brown Oracle B112 MWT 1214 SCR 37.0 Rempe Stabilizer 8001 YHT 4.3 PAP 1.1 Rempe Bankroll 4077 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $132 6% $Feeder $182 2% $Profit $25,698 1% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000 119 LCOC ACCELERATE S564K Nt Reg 3/1/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 42AN 6B 48C P BLK BW 0.9 IMF 0.72 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 51 REA 0.8 LCoC Accelerate U479F YW 93 F/G 0.02 LCoC Stabilizer AX182 MI 18 Intake 32 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1226 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer HS128 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.9 GRU Stabilizer DX129 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $151 3% $Feeder $171 3% $Profit $26,769 1%
Maternal Specialist
Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000
Nt Reg 2/19/22 SMR Pen: EPDs 34AR 0B 65C PP RED BW -2.4 IMF 0.76 IR Imperial D948 WW 48 REA 1.1 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 85 F/G -0.02 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 27 Intake 42 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1230 SCR 35.6 RMP Stabilizer HS344 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.7 Rempe Stabilizer
eeeaa $Ranch $118 8% $Feeder $193 1% $Profit $25,054 2% 4-Star All Around Specialist
Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6500
Nt Reg 3/25/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 59AN 4B 30C P BLK BW -0.6 IMF 0.72 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 46 REA 1.0 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 91 F/G -0.29 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 25 Intake -16 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1227 SCR 36.8 KLK Stabilizer GK114 YHT 6.0 PAP -2.2 KLK Angus 9200 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $110 11% $Feeder $190 1% $Profit $24,068 2% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7250 120 LCOC HEARTLAND U052K Nt Reg 2/19/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 60AN 7B 31C P BLK BW 1.0 IMF 0.96 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 51 REA 0.8 Leachman Heartland S928H YW 96 F/G -0.08 LAM Stabilizer FS263 MI 27 Intake 0 Leachman Foundation G081D MWT 1222 SCR 37.4 RGR Stabilizer HS640 YHT 6.0 PAP 1.1 RGR Stabilizer BX843 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $95 16% $Feeder $236 0.1% $Profit $25,780 1% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750
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Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290





Nt Reg 2/16/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 49AN 26B 22C P BLK BW -1.7 IMF 0.75 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 50 REA 0.7 Leachman High Yield U514H YW 91 F/G -0.25 GRU Stabilizer DX351 MI 36 Intake 54 DLCC Excalibur 76E MWT 1223 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer HS167 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.3 RGR Stabilizer ZU655 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $149 3% $Feeder $149 6% $Profit $25,015 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750
Nt Reg 2/6/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 58AR 2B 39C P RED BW 0.3 IMF 0.75 Hooks Augustine 73A WW 65 REA 1.2 Leachman Augustine U927E YW 117 F/G -0.27 GRU Stabilizer BL025 MI 29 Intake 24 Brown Oracle B112 MWT 1259 SCR 37.5 Rempe Stabilizer 8001 YHT 5.0 PAP 1.8 Rempe Bankroll 4077 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $98 14% $Feeder $226 0.2% $Profit $25,401 2% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000 128 LCOC HEARTLAND
Nt Reg 3/1/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 74B 26C P BBK BW -2.2 IMF 0.94 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 52 REA 0.4 Leachman Heartland S928H YW 105 F/G -0.04 LAM Stabilizer FS263 MI 31 Intake 38 PA Safeguard 021 MWT 1241 SCR 36.9 LAM Stabilizer BJ052 YHT 6.0 PAP 0.6 LAM Devonaire MX676 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $203 0.6% $Profit $25,494 2% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 129 LCOC ADVANCE S636K Nt Reg 3/18/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 48AR 9B 42C P RED BW -1.4 IMF 0.77 Leachman Advance S019A WW 31 REA 1.0 LCoC Advance X644D YW 60 F/G 0.02 LAM Stabilizer YL042 MI 36 Intake 28 Leachman Testify D003Z MWT 1184 SCR 36.9 GRU Stabilizer BX059 YHT 5.5 PAP 0.1 GRU Stabilizer YX118 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $136 5% $Feeder $163 4% $Profit $24,727 2% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 126 LCOC FRAMEWORK S147K Nt Reg 2/17/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 52AN 8B 40C P BLK BW -2.7 IMF 0.65 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 43 REA 0.9 Leachman Framework K107G YW 91 F/G -0.09 Rempe Chocolate 5174 MI 32 Intake 6 LCoC Advance X644D MWT 1229 SCR 36.5 GRU Stabilizer HS775 YHT 5.5 PAP -0.5 GRU Stabilizer CS022 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eecaa eeeaa $Ranch $150 3% $Feeder $176 2% $Profit $27,056 1% Available Private
$4750 127 LCOC HEADLINE S083K Nt Reg 2/3/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 66AN 2B 31C PP BLK BW -4.0 IMF 0.80 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 42 REA 0.8 Leachman Headline K038H YW 83 F/G -0.24 RGR Stabilizer FU104 MI 33 Intake -17 Colorado Bridle Bit E752 MWT 1192 SCR 35.6 LCoC Blackcap HK016 YHT 4.5 PAP -1.0 LCoC Blackcap DG095 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno
eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $161 2% $Feeder $144 8% $Profit $25,948 1% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 125 LCOC STARFLEET S854K Nt Reg 2/21/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 57B 37C P BBK BW -1.7 IMF 0.39 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 58 REA 1.3 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 106 F/G -0.48 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 32 Intake 13 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1214 SCR 36.4 LAM Stabilizer CS084 YHT 6.0 PAP -2.7 LAM Stabilizer XX356 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $139 4% $Feeder $166 3% $Profit $25,313 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750
up a
bulls. Page 38 video at www.leachman.com
Treaty on April 7th. Price:
eeeee eeeec eeeee
pen of

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc




Nt Reg 3/16/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 56B 42C P BRC BW 0.1 IMF 0.60 Hook's Xavier 14X WW 44 REA 0.8 Hays Xavier 3C46 YW 73 F/G 0.10 HAYS Meta 0S72/SI 3A46 MI 23 Intake -1 Leachman Perception U001A MWT 1209 SCR 36.0 GRU Stabilizer DX208 YHT 5.3 PAP -3.0 GRU Stabilizer ZU011 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $159 2% $Feeder $130 12% $Profit $24,825 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 132
Nt Reg 1/19/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 48AN 3B 48C P BLK BW 1.0 IMF 0.89 MR BHSF Prophet B006 WW 56 REA 1.1 Leachman Granite U211G YW 104 F/G -0.22 MRPL Miss Nightride DL028 MI 27 Intake 32 Leachman Security X124C MWT 1260 SCR 36.4 RMP Stabilizer 0240 YHT 5.0 PAP -2.5 RMP Stabilizer 4084 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeee eecaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $85 20% $Feeder $229 0.1% $Profit $24,245 2% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 135 LCOC EAGLE
Nt Reg 2/24/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 41AN 1B 57C P BLK BW -3.2 IMF 0.58 Hook's Black Hawk 50B WW 53 REA 1.1 Hook's Eagle 6E YW 103 F/G -0.01 Hook`s Crystal 1C MI 19 Intake 35 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E MWT 1234 SCR 36.8 GRU Stabilizer GW029 YHT 5.5 PAP -0.1 GRU Stabilizer DX316 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeeee eaaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $132 6% $Feeder $158 4% $Profit $24,033 2% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 2/27/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 28AN 2B 69C P BLK BW 2.1 IMF 0.54 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D WW 61 REA 1.0 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 107 F/G -0.29 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 MI 24 Intake 75 DLW Last Call 5115Y MWT 1248 SCR 37.3 GRU Stabilizer AX103 YHT 6.3 PAP -2.2 GRU Stabilizer XX026 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $128 6% $Feeder $165 3% $Profit $24,158 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 12/24/21 RMP Pen: EPDs 66AR 34SM P RED BW -4.6 IMF 1.04 HXC Authority 7794E WW 32 REA 0.6 LSF SRR Control 9191G YW 69 F/G -0.49 LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 MI 24 Intake 46 Hook`s Delegate 64D MWT 1203 SCR 36.2 RMP Stabilizer 0296 YHT 5.5 PAP -0.8 RMP Stabilizer 5191 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $127 7% $Feeder $168 3% $Profit $24,186 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 1/5/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 62B 37C PP BBK BW -4.9 IMF 0.87 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 47 REA 0.9 Leachman Helix S930H YW 70 F/G 0.20 LAM Stabilizer FS312 MI 13 Intake -74 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1195 SCR 36.9 RMP Stabilizer 0017 YHT 4.4 PAP 0.3 Rempe Stabilizer 8020
Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eecaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $146 3% $Feeder $148 7% $Profit $24,733 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000
CLASS S406K Nt Reg 1/9/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 50AR 0B 47C P RED BW -2.4 IMF 0.55 Redhill Allabrd 5A 25E WW 38 REA 1.2 Leachman First Class W306G YW 75 F/G -0.21 SLK Hybrid D5141 MI 34 Intake 30 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1191 SCR 37.2 Rempe Stabilizer 9187 YHT 4.9 PAP -2.2 Rempe Stabilizer 6036 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $147 3% $Feeder $138 9% $Profit $24,128 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 It’s hard to beat a steak
(970) 568-3983 Page 39
grilled by Lee.

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Nt Reg 1/2/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 66AR 2B 31C PP RED BW -0.3 IMF 0.82 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 52 REA 0.9 Leachman Headline K038H YW 95 F/G -0.33 RGR Stabilizer FU104 MI 24 Intake 4 Leachman MSF Hawkeye J046D MWT 1234 SCR 35.9 RMP Stabilizer 0158 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.4 Rempe Stabilizer 7264 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $180 2% $Profit $23,884 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 3/15/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 56B 43C P BRC BW -4.7 IMF 0.78 Leachman Distinction D008D WW 31 REA 0.6 LCoC Distinction M033G YW 64 F/G 0.06 Rempe Stabilizer 7023 MI 26 Intake -21 Leachman Atlas S011C MWT 1187 SCR 36.9 GRU Stabilizer GS820 YHT 4.9 PAP 1.2 GRU Stabilizer EU606 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $157 2% $Feeder $119 17% $Profit $23,835 3% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7000 142
Nt Reg 3/4/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 59AN 4B 36C P BLK BW -1.0 IMF 0.54 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 43 REA 0.9 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 82 F/G 0.00 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 34 Intake -22 Leachman Atlas S011C MWT 1192 SCR 37.4 RGR Stabilizer FU057 YHT 4.8 PAP 1.2 RGR Stabilizer DX690 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $135 5% $Feeder $147 7% $Profit $23,535 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 141 LCOC BOULDER U089K Nt Reg 2/25/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 55AN 2B 43C P BLK BW -3.5 IMF 0.81 Hoover Dam WW 52 REA 0.9 CCR Boulder 1339A YW 91 F/G 0.26 CCR Ms L Taylor 1339Y MI 29 Intake 14 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1245 SCR 37.7 GRU Stabilizer HS126 YHT 5.5 PAP 1.7 GRU Stabilizer DX193 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $177 2% $Profit $23,609 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 140 LCOC VERCINGETORIX K083K Nt Reg 3/1/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 78AN 22SM P BLK BW -3.7 IMF 1.15 G A R Ashland WW 42 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 81 F/G -0.28 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 31 Intake 62 Colorado Bridle Bit E752 MWT 1203 SCR 36.0 KLK Hybrid HM135 YHT 4.9 PAP 0.1 KLK Angus ES311 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $108 11% $Feeder $188 1% $Profit $23,750 3% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 139 LCOC GALILEO
Nt Reg 3/26/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 60AN 2B 47C P BLK BW -2.2 IMF 1.01 Bridle Bit Eclipse E744 WW 50 REA 1.0 Hook's Galileo 210G YW 104 F/G 0.09 Hook's Evita 18E MI 34 Intake 90 Leachman At Last U353E MWT 1242 SCR 37.7 KLK Stabilizer GK102 YHT 5.6 PAP 0.1 KLK Stabilizer ES364 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $76 24% $Feeder $235 0.1% $Profit $23,831 3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
141 Nothin’ prettier than cows on green grass! Page 40 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


Lot 143




Nt Reg 2/27/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 76B 24C PP BBK BW -2.6 IMF 1.17 G A R Ashland WW 50 REA 1.0 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 103 F/G -0.19 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 30 Intake 33 Leachman Boost U102D MWT 1246 SCR 36.2 RGR Stabilizer HS637 YHT 5.6 PAP -2.2 RGR Stabilizer EU721 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $57 34% $Feeder $258 0.0% $Profit $23,532 3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 144 LCOC HABANERO S430K Nt Reg 1/8/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 48AR 1B 47C P RED BW -2.8 IMF 1.19 Leachman Decree X936D WW 41 REA 0.6 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 75 F/G -0.05 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 26 Intake 2 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1199 SCR 37.6 RMP Stabilizer 0060 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.0 RMP Stabilizer 5203 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $114 10% $Feeder $176 2% $Profit $23,455 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 148 LCOC VERCINGETORIX S207K Nt Reg 2/20/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 68AN 3B 25C S BLK BW -6.0 IMF 0.76 G A R Ashland WW 39 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 82 F/G -0.27 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 31 Intake 40 LCoC Trinity L190Z MWT 1200 SCR 36.5 GRU Stabilizer DX286 YHT 5.3 PAP -1.5 GRU Stabilizer YX002 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeaa $Ranch $135 5% $Feeder $145 7% $Profit $23,423 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 146
Nt Reg 3/30/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 48AN 2B 31C P BLK BW -0.5 IMF 0.91 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 54 REA 1.1 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 102 F/G -0.14 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 32 Intake 18 Leachman At Last U353E MWT 1225 SCR 36.9 KLK Stabilizer GU463 YHT 6.0 PAP -1.4 KLK Hybrid ES080 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $73 25% $Feeder $233 0.1% $Profit $23,430 3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 145 LCOC DISTINCTION S648K Nt Reg 3/19/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 62B 37C P BRC BW -6.3 IMF 0.92 Leachman Distinction D008D WW 33 REA 0.4 LCoC Distinction M033G YW 70 F/G 0.38 Rempe Stabilizer 7023 MI 33 Intake 2 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1178 SCR 36.6 GRU Stabilizer GU977 YHT 5.1 PAP 0.2 RGR Stabilizer ZJ622 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeea eeeee eeaaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $157 2% $Feeder $114 19% $Profit $23,451 3% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750
Nt Reg 3/20/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 53AN 4B 42C P BLK BW -1.4 IMF 0.60 Leachman Perception U001A WW 44 REA 1.2 LCoC Perception U114E YW 71 F/G 0.22 Rempe Bankroll 4077 MI 28 Intake 32 LCoC Talismans S393W MWT 1203 SCR 37.0 GRU Stabilizer DX282 YHT 4.5 PAP -1.3 GRU Stabilizer XX051 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeee eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $151 3% $Feeder $120 16% $Profit $23,287 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000 147 LCOC LUXURY S280K Nt Reg 1/25/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 47AR 1B 51C PP RED BW -1.8 IMF 0.67 IR Imperial D948 WW 47 REA 1.0 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 88 F/G 0.04 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 28 Intake 38 Leachman Indivisible U194E MWT 1235 SCR 35.6 RMP Stabilizer 0215 YHT 5.4 PAP -1.4 Rempe Stabilizer 7052 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $112 10% $Feeder $182 2% $Profit $23,714 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250
(970) 568-3983 Page 41

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290




Nt Reg 3/18/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 27AN 49B 22C P BLK BW -0.6 IMF 0.87 DLCC Manhattan 33Z WW 37 REA 0.9 DLCC Excalibur 76E YW 64 F/G 0.26 DLCC Bindi 71X MI 32 Intake 66 Leachman Porterhouse L094W MWT 1177 SCR 35.8 GRU Stabilizer BX057 YHT 5.1 PAP -1.2 GRU Stabilizer YU016 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $129 6% $Feeder $152 6% $Profit $23,243 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000
Nt Reg 1/4/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 41AR 1B 57C P RED BW -3.4 IMF 0.65 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D WW 43 REA 0.8 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 85 F/G -0.32 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 MI 24 Intake 9 Brown Oracle B112 MWT 1216 SCR 37.4 Rempe Stabilizer 8001 YHT 5.6 PAP 2.1 Rempe Bankroll 4077 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $157 2% $Feeder $135 10% $Profit $24,853 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000 155 LCOC GROUNDWORK
Nt Reg 1/15/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 58AR 1B 41C P RED BW -3.4 IMF 0.60 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 44 REA 0.8 Leachman Groundwork S494G YW 87 F/G 0.30 RMP Stabilizer 0106 MI 27 Intake 7 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1241 SCR 35.7 LCoC Emalee HS197 YHT 5.6 PAP -1.4 LCoC Emalee EU898 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $129 6% $Feeder $160 4% $Profit $23,865 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 156 LCOC STARFLEET S218K Nt Reg 2/15/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 47AN 2B 43C P BLK BW -3.3 IMF 0.61 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 32 REA 1.3 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 67 F/G -0.04 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 28 Intake 30 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1185 SCR 37.5 GRU Stabilizer EU402 YHT 5.4 PAP -1.3 GRU Stabilizer AU027 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eecaa eeeca eeaaa $Ranch $116 9% $Feeder $173 2% $Profit $23,492 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500 153 LCOC HOME TOWN S353K Nt Reg 2/21/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 76B 24C PP BBK BW -2.5 IMF 1.05 G A R Ashland WW 48 REA 0.9 G A R Home Town YW 92 F/G -0.30 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 MI 22 Intake -6 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E MWT 1238 SCR 36.2 RMP Stabilizer 0040 YHT 4.5 PAP -0.7 Rempe Stabilizer 8165 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $86 19% $Feeder $230 0.1% $Profit $24,493 2% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000 154 LCOC ACCELERATE S422K Nt Reg 1/31/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 56B 44C P BRC BW -0.6 IMF 0.70 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 55 REA 0.8 LCoC Accelerate U154G YW 98 F/G -0.09 GRU Stabilizer DX100 MI 24 Intake 45 Leachman 18 Karat X235C MWT 1218 SCR 36.7 Rempe Stabilizer 7207 YHT 5.5 PAP -0.3 RMP Stabilizer 3080 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $126 7% $Feeder $167 3% $Profit $24,013 2% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 152 LCOC EASY JOURNEY N002K Nt Reg 1/21/22 TJM Pen: EPDs 28AN 1B 71C P BLK BW -3.6 IMF 0.57 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D WW 31 REA 0.7 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 61 F/G -0.10 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 MI 28 Intake -61 RC Bonus 201C MWT 1167 SCR 36.3 LCoC Anna FU535 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.8 LCoC Anna DU047 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeaaa eeaaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $172 1% $Feeder $108 22% $Profit $24,506 2% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000
Page 42 video at www.leachman.com
This Rempe Capitalist cow is raising a big Vercingetorix son in Nebraska.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


Nt Reg 2/15/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 57AN 1B 42C P BLK BW 2.2 IMF 0.83 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 64 REA 1.0 Leachman Framework K107G YW 111 F/G -0.05 Rempe Chocolate 5174 MI 26 Intake 69 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1249 SCR 36.2 RGR Stabilizer HU504 YHT 6.0 PAP -0.9 RGR Stabilizer FU214 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $104 12% $Feeder $184 1% $Profit $23,087 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 157 LCOC TRINITY S675K Nt Reg 3/29/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 39AN 6B 53C P BLK BW 0.0 IMF 0.44 Hooks Trinity 9T WW 46 REA 1.0 LCoC Trinity U039E YW 82 F/G 0.18 GRU Stabilizer CX064 MI 27 Intake 3 LCoC Talismans S393W MWT 1197 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer DX290 YHT 5.7 PAP -2.0 GRU Stabilizer YU047
eeeea eeeea
eeeca eeeea $Ranch $145 4% $Feeder $129 13% $Profit $23,243 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 160 LCOC
Nt Reg 1/8/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 51AR 1B 46C PP RED BW -1.7 IMF 0.67 Redhill Allabrd 5A 25E WW 48 REA 1.2 Leachman First Class W306G YW 90 F/G -0.23 SLK Hybrid D5141 MI 17 Intake -9 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1224 SCR 36.9 RMP Stabilizer 0359 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.0 Rempe Stabilizer 8053
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $100 14% $Feeder $187 1% $Profit $22,875 3% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000 158 LCOC EAGLE K002K Nt Reg 1/15/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 63AN 36SM PP BBK BW 1.8 IMF 1.03 Hook's Black Hawk 50B WW 74 REA 1.2 Hook's Eagle 6E YW 128 F/G 0.50 Hook`s Crystal 1C MI 21 Intake 116 A A R Ten X 7008 S A MWT 1269 SCR 36.5 LCoC Ellen Erica CG008 YHT 6.0 PAP 0.5 LCoC Ellen Erica TG082 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeee $Ranch $73 25% $Feeder $224 0.2% $Profit $22,787 3% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
(970) 568-3983 Page 43
C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth
Feet Dispo Pheno
eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa
Lot 158

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290






Nt Reg 2/27/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 34AR 66C P RED BW -2.3 IMF 0.34 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D WW 51 REA 1.2 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 89 F/G -0.48 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 MI 25 Intake 15 Leachman Testify D003Z MWT 1200 SCR 37.0 GRU Day DX054 YHT 6.4 PAP -1.0 GRU Day BL044
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder
Pheno eeee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $164 2% $Feeder $101 26% $Profit $23,239 3%
Private Treaty
Price: $4750
Nt Reg 2/3/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 60B 40C P BRC BW -0.1 IMF 0.77 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 69 REA 0.9 Leachman Heartland S928H YW 118 F/G 0.15 LAM Stabilizer FS263 MI 23 Intake -26 Leachman Prophet J030Z MWT 1279 SCR 36.7 LAM Stabilizer BX012 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.2 LAM Stabilizer XX349
eeaaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $88 18% $Feeder $207 0.5% $Profit $23,094 3% 4-Star Terminal Specialist
Private Treaty
7th. Price: $4000 164 LCOC
Nt Reg 3/10/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 78AN 22SM P BLK BW -2.3 IMF 0.91 G A R Ashland WW 47 REA 0.9 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 82 F/G -0.16 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 30 Intake 15 Colorado Bridle Bit E752 MWT 1192 SCR 36.6 KLK Hybrid HM144 YHT 5.0 PAP -0.4 KLK Angus 6-7255 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $114 9% $Feeder $165 3% $Profit $22,733 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250 165 LCOC ACCELERATE S660K Nt Reg 3/24/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 67B 30C P BRC BW 0.7 IMF 0.96 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 63 REA 0.7 LCoC Accelerate U131F YW 111 F/G 0.17 MRPL Miss Absolute BJ033 MI 29 Intake 32 Leachman Distinction D008D MWT 1253 SCR 36.9 GRU Stabilizer GU972 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.3 GRU Stabilizer AU021 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $95 15% $Feeder $190 1% $Profit $22,631 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 Lot 164
Nt Reg 3/5/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 85B 15C PP BBK BW -2.5 IMF 1.21 G A R Ashland WW 65 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 122 F/G -0.14 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 38 Intake 151 Leachman Deputy K040F MWT 1228 SCR 36.7 KLK Stabilizer HU243 YHT 5.5 PAP -1.3 KLK Stabilizer FK113 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $79 22% $Feeder $217 0.3% $Profit $22,835 3% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 162 LCOC
Nt Reg 3/25/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 47B 51C P BRC BW -1.2 IMF 0.66 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 43 REA 1.0 Leachman Decree X936D YW 73 F/G 0.04 Rempe Bentley 4053 MI 34 Intake 30 Leachman Denali X054D MWT 1232 SCR 36.3 GRU Allexina FS989 YHT 5.8 PAP -2.1 GRU Allexina CU043 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $132 5% $Feeder $140 9% $Profit $22,783 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750
Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo
on April 7th.
Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeea
on April
Nt Reg 2/3/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 27AN 6B 67C P BLK BW 1.5 IMF 0.83 CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z WW 75 REA 1.1 WS Proclamation E202 YW 116 F/G -0.02 WS Miss Sugar C4 MI 29 Intake -45 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1275 SCR 37.5 Rempe Stabilizer 8306 YHT 6.0 PAP -2.4 TES Stabilizer YX172 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa $Ranch $64 30% $Feeder $236 0.1% $Profit $22,747 3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 Page 44 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290

168 LCOC HONCHO S541K Nt Reg 3/28/22 MNB Pen: EPDs 71AN 8B 21C P BLK BW 1.2 IMF 1.15 LCoC Fur Prog X617D WW 62 REA 0.8 Leachman Honcho U447H YW 103 F/G 0.05 LAM Stabilizer EU555 MI 29 Intake 27 G A R Wide Brim W46 MWT 1248 SCR 37.0 LCoC Anna GS305 YHT 5.1 PAP -1.0 LCoC Anna EU650 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $76 23% $Feeder $224 0.2% $Profit $23,090 3% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 170 LCOC NIGHTRIDE S611K Nt Reg 3/22/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 59B 40C P BRC BW -2.9 IMF 0.52 J BAR J Nightride 225Z WW 35 REA 0.5 LCoC Nightride R072E YW 69 F/G 0.04 MJB Testify 5561C MI 27 Intake 49 Leachman Perception U001A MWT 1171 SCR 36.8 GRU Stabilizer CU033 YHT 5.7 PAP -0.6 GRU Stabilizer ZU308 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $183 0.8% $Feeder $68 49% $Profit $22,782 3% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 173 LCOC HABANERO S079K Nt Reg 1/29/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 41AR 0B 55C PP RED BW -1.9 IMF 0.98 Leachman Decree X936D WW 39 REA 0.9 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 64 F/G -0.24 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 25 Intake 15 Leachman MSF Hawkeye J046D MWT 1186 SCR 37.0 LCoC Stabilizer GU089 YHT 5.2 PAP -0.1 RMP Stabilizer 3107 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeeaa eeaaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $115 9% $Feeder $163 4% $Profit $22,719 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 171 LCOC PROCLAMATION U574K Nt Reg 2/3/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 27AN 6B 67C P BLK BW 1.4 IMF 0.92 CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z WW 67 REA 1.0 WS Proclamation E202 YW 110 F/G 0.05 WS Miss Sugar C4 MI 32 Intake -3 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1262 SCR 36.6 Rempe Stabilizer 8306 YHT 6.0 PAP -2.1 TES Stabilizer YX172 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $63 30% $Feeder $238 0.1% $Profit $22,755 3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 174 LCOC HIGH YIELD S718K Nt Reg 2/14/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 60B 36C P BRC BW -3.2 IMF 0.79 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 45 REA 0.8 Leachman High Yield U514H YW 88 F/G -0.06 GRU Stabilizer DX351 MI 30 Intake 55 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1232 SCR 36.9 RGR Stabilizer HT581 YHT 5.9 PAP -1.0 RGR Stabilizer ET022 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $121 8% $Feeder $154 5% $Profit $22,629 4% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 169 LCOC
Nt Reg 1/3/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 75AN 3B 29C PP BLK BW -0.9 IMF 0.71 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 61 REA 0.6 Leachman Headline K038H YW 114 F/G -0.75 RGR Stabilizer FU104 MI 26 Intake 67 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E MWT 1226 SCR 37.2 RMP Stabilizer 0021 YHT 6.0 PAP -0.9 Rempe Stabilizer 8008 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $139 4% $Feeder $133 11% $Profit $22,946 3% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 172 LCOC CORNERSTONE U128K Nt Reg 3/2/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 63AR 9B 27C P RED BW -2.3 IMF 0.76 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 43 REA 0.9 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 83 F/G -0.08 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 34 Intake -16 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1231 SCR 37.1 RGR Stabilizer DX610 YHT 5.7 PAP -0.9 RGR Stabilizer AU740 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeaaa $Ranch $113 10% $Feeder $171 3% $Profit $23,042 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
(970) 568-3983 Page 45
Jenelle has many talents! She is equally at home roping in the branding pen as running payroll and accounting.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


Lot 175 - he has grown!

Lot 177

Nt Reg 1/17/22 LKN Pen: EPDs 35AN 7B 58C P BLK BW -1.1 IMF 0.76 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D WW 32 REA 0.6 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 68 F/G -0.23 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 MI 24 Intake 18 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1253 SCR 37.1 LCoC Elsie Mae DS008 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.9 LCoC Elsie Mae BJ020 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeeee eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $119 8% $Feeder $155 5% $Profit $22,592 4% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 176 LCOC LUXURY S209K Nt Reg 3/6/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 41AR 2B 57C P RED BW -0.9 IMF 0.84 IR Imperial D948 WW 54 REA 0.9 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 87 F/G -0.01 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 26 Intake -1 LCoC Total Package X096B MWT 1252 SCR 35.5 GRU Stabilizer DX172 YHT 5.6 PAP -1.3 GRU Stabilizer BX034 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $111 10% $Feeder $162 4% $Profit $22,254 4% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4500 180 LCOC EAGLE S159K Nt Reg 2/15/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 37AN 1B 59C P BLK BW -0.6 IMF 0.97 Hook's Black Hawk 50B WW 67 REA 1.1 Hook's Eagle 6E YW 118 F/G 0.14 Hook`s Crystal 1C MI 27 Intake 61 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1243 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer HS117 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.5 GRU Stabilizer CX060 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $54 35% $Feeder $243 0.1% $Profit $22,171 4% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500 178 LCOC HARMONY S554K 4057537 3/25/22 PAY Pen: EPDs 47AN 53SM PP BBK BW 0.5 IMF 0.68 G A R Drive WW 57 REA 1.1 Hook's Harmony 207H YW 92 F/G 0.24 Hook`s Xtravaganza 7X MI 23 Intake -9 Leachman Prophet J030Z MWT 1238 SCR 36.5 MRPL Miss Sonya FL011 YHT 5.6 PAP 2.0 Hooks Sonya 20S (SL146) C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $87 19% $Feeder $200 0.7% $Profit $22,508 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 179 LCOC VERCINGETORIX S257K Nt Reg 2/4/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 75AN 12B 13C P BLK BW -2.6 IMF 1.02 G A R Ashland WW 48 REA 0.8 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 89 F/G -0.10 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 22 Intake 58 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1220 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer HS016 YHT 5.1 PAP 0.6 GRU Stabilizer FS931 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $89 18% $Feeder $194 0.9% $Profit $22,287 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500 177 LCOC EXCALIBUR S603K Nt Reg 3/20/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 26AR 49B 24C P RED BW 1.2 IMF 1.06 DLCC Manhattan 33Z WW 44 REA 0.8 DLCC Excalibur 76E YW 82 F/G 0.06 DLCC Bindi 71X MI 28 Intake 80 LCoC Testify U233C MWT 1176 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer EU388 YHT 5.5 PAP -1.8 GRU Stabilizer CL015 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $83 20% $Feeder $206 0.5% $Profit $22,522 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
Page 46 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


Lot 181

Nt Reg 2/26/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 60AN 6B 33C P BLK BW 2.2 IMF 0.71 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 49 REA 1.2 Leachman Rock Solid W132G YW 99 F/G -0.27 GRU Stabilizer CX062 MI 30 Intake 62 Leachman Perception U001A MWT 1258 SCR 36.7 GRU Stabilizer CU023 YHT 6.1 PAP -2.1 LCoC Stabilizer ZX004 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeee $Ranch $75 24% $Feeder $206 0.5% $Profit $21,712 4% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 182 LCOC DRIVE M066K Nt Reg 1/30/22 HLC Pen: EPDs 63AN 6AR 31SM PP BBK BW 1.5 IMF 0.92 G A R Momentum WW 63 REA 1.0 G A R Drive YW 112 F/G -0.17 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 MI 24 Intake 22 GW Predominate 848A MWT 1251 SCR 35.8 Hays Izzie 7F21 YHT 5.7 PAP -2.2 Hays Izzie 3B94 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $56 34% $Feeder $236 0.1% $Profit $21,899 4% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500 186 LCOC DOUBLE AGENT S108K Nt Reg 2/20/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 45B 53C P BRC BW -1.2 IMF 0.71 CDI Secret Agent 407C WW 47 REA 0.9 Redhill Double Agent 139H YW 78 F/G -0.13 Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E MI 35 Intake -7 K C F Bennett Absolute MWT 1245 SCR 37.0 GRU Stabilizer CJ020 YHT 6.0 PAP -0.2 LCoC Stabilizer AX129 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $109 11% $Feeder $162 4% $Profit $22,078 4% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 184 LCOC HELIX S421K Nt Reg 1/22/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 63AN 2B 34C P BLK BW -3.7 IMF 0.72 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 50 REA 0.9 Leachman Helix S930H YW 93 F/G -0.03 LAM Stabilizer FS312 MI 18 Intake -14 T C A Visionary 158 MWT 1239 SCR 37.5 Rempe Stabilizer 7034 YHT 5.5 PAP -2.0 RMP Stabilizer 5139 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $110 11% $Feeder $169 3% $Profit $22,538 4% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 183 LCOC GALILEO U616K Nt Reg 3/18/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 56AN 1B 43C P BLK BW 1.6 IMF 1.07 Bridle Bit Eclipse E744 WW 65 REA 0.9 Hook's Galileo 210G YW 126 F/G -0.17 Hook's Evita 18E MI 32 Intake 132 Leachman Earnest S329F MWT 1245 SCR 38.3 KLK Stabilizer HK158 YHT 5.8 PAP -0.1 KLK Angus CS349 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $40 44% $Feeder $260 0.0% $Profit $21,997 4% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 187 LCOC VERCINGETORIX K081K Nt Reg 3/10/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 78AN 22SM P BLK BW 1.3 IMF 1.06 G A R Ashland WW 66 REA 1.0 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 109 F/G -0.20 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 26 Intake 90 Colorado Bridle Bit E752 MWT 1253 SCR 36.6 KLK Hybrid HM193 YHT 6.0 PAP 1.3 KLK Angus 6-8185 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $53 36% $Feeder $236 0.1% $Profit $21,660 5% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000 185 LCOC STARFLEET S259K Nt Reg 2/13/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 52AR 13B 28C P RED BW -2.1 IMF 0.64 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 41 REA 0.8 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 81 F/G -0.12 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 30 Intake 38 Leachman Foundation G081D MWT 1224 SCR 37.1 GRU Stabilizer HS116 YHT 5.9 PAP -1.6 GRU Stabilizer BS010 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $141 4% $Feeder $117 17% $Profit $22,019 4% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000
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Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



Nt Reg 3/13/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 34AN 42SM P BLK BW 2.9 IMF 1.00 Bridle Bit Eclipse E744 WW 64 REA 0.9 Hook's Galileo 210G YW 102 F/G 0.06 Hook's Evita 18E MI 30 Intake 9 Hook Capitalist Sons MWT 1238 SCR 36.7 KLK Hybrid 0-830 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.2 KLK Hybrid FM232 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeaaa eeaaa eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $49 39% $Feeder $238 0.1% $Profit $21,290 5% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 3/29/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 59AN 16SM P BLK BW 0.3 IMF 0.72 CCR Boulder 1339A WW 67 REA 0.8 Leachman Cornerstone M444F YW 122 F/G -0.16 NRC Hybrid 991-W MI 28 Intake 28 KLK MS 019 MWT 1259 SCR 37.7 KLK Stabilizer GU542 YHT 5.5 PAP 0.9 KLK Angus 6-37 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $85 20% $Feeder $184 1% $Profit $21,146 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 193 LCOC LUXURY S390K Nt Reg 1/17/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 43AR 0B 57C P RED BW -2.2 IMF 0.82 IR Imperial D948 WW 48 REA 0.9 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 91 F/G 0.12 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 28 Intake 80 Lorenzen Next Episode D100 MWT 1244 SCR 36.2 Rempe Stabilizer 9003 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.5 Rempe Eclipse 7096 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeee $Ranch $84 20% $Feeder $178 2% $Profit $20,579 6% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 191 LCOC DARTMOOR S618K Nt Reg 3/15/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 71B 28C P BRC BW -3.5 IMF 0.66 DLCC Cowboy Chap 63C WW 46 REA 0.8 Leachman Dartmoor U842E YW 84 F/G 0.16 LCoC Rollanda BJ074 MI 28 Intake 63 LAZY TV Final Answer B47BA MWT 1229 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer DX037 YHT 6.0 PAP -1.1 GRU Stabilizer BX053 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $108 11% $Feeder $146 7% $Profit $20,770 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 192 LCOC GEYSER S858K Nt Reg 3/14/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 56B 44C P BRC BW 2.1 IMF 0.75 Leachman Empire L016E WW 56 REA 0.9 Leachman Geyser S025G YW 102 F/G -0.07 LAM Lady EU097 MI 24 Intake 76 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1221 SCR 36.5 LAM Lady CX214 YHT 5.9 PAP -2.8 LAM Lady YJ015 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $97 15% $Feeder $160 4% $Profit $20,671 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 190 LCOC ACCELERATE S574K Nt Reg 3/9/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 45AN 7B 45C P BLK BW 0.2 IMF 0.71 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 46 REA 0.6 LCoC Accelerate U479F YW 87 F/G -0.20 LCoC Stabilizer AX182 MI 23 Intake 7 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1213 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer HS032 YHT 5.3 PAP -1.2 GRU Stabilizer FS859 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $121 8% $Feeder $133 11% $Profit $21,169 5% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
189 Lot 193 Page 48 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


Nt Reg 2/23/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 60AN 17B 23C S BLK BW -3.3 IMF 0.60 Leachman Advance S019A WW 31 REA 1.0 LCoC Advance X644D YW 75 F/G -0.22 LAM Stabilizer YL042 MI 36 Intake 35 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1224 SCR 36.9 GRU Stabilizer CS027 YHT 5.4 PAP -0.5 RGR Stabilizer ZJ622 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeec eeeea $Ranch $105 12% $Feeder $143 8% $Profit $20,282 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 194 LCOC VERCINGETORIX
Nt Reg 3/7/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 88AN 4B 8C P BLK BW -1.4 IMF 1.20 G A R Ashland WW 60 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 119 F/G -0.14 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 27 Intake 93 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1234 SCR 36.0 KLK Hybrid HK125 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.3 KLK Angus Y-130
eeeea $Ranch $37 28% $Feeder $243 0.0% $Profit $20,482 2% 5-Star Terminal Specialist
Private Treaty
April 7th.
$5250 197 LCOC
Nt Reg 2/7/22 BRO Pen: EPDs 63AN 26B 8C P BLK BW -1.3 IMF 1.24 G A R Ashland WW 58 REA 0.8 G A R Home Town YW 103 F/G 0.12 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 MI 26 Intake 92 DLC Mr Blackfoot 300 MWT 1223 SCR 36.4 MJB Queen Sparta 0513H YHT 5.1 PAP 0.5 MJB Karat 8607F C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $46 40% $Feeder $224 0.2% $Profit $20,050 7% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 195 LCOC GROOMSMAN S145K Nt Reg 2/11/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 63AN 3B 34C P BLK BW -1.8 IMF 0.58 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 54 REA 1.0 Leachman Groomsman S029G YW 99 F/G -0.11 MSF Stabilizer DX047 MI 17 Intake 21 Leachman Kitt S892E MWT 1242 SCR 36.1 GRU Stabilizer HS122 YHT 6.1 PAP -1.1 GRU Stabilizer BX169 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $97 15% $Feeder $157 5% $Profit $20,450 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeea
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Lot 194

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



Nt Reg 2/27/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 72AN 3B 24C P BLK BW -3.7 IMF 0.98 G A R Ashland WW 53 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 101 F/G 0.26 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 29 Intake 94 HHS Mr Prophet 883C MWT 1226 SCR 36.4 RGR Stabilizer GU475 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.5 RGR Stabilizer DX698 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $62 31% $Feeder $200 0.7% $Profit $20,027 7% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5500
Nt Reg 3/18/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 31AN 55B 14C P BLK BW -2.8 IMF 0.64 DLCC Manhattan 33Z WW 37 REA 0.4 DLCC Excalibur 76E YW 69 F/G 0.14 DLCC Bindi 71X MI 28 Intake 21 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1206 SCR 35.6 GRU Stabilizer EU049 YHT 5.3 PAP 0.9 GRU Stabilizer CX057 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeea eeaaa eeaaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $152 3% $Feeder $68 49% $Profit $19,726 7% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 203 LCOC
Nt Reg 3/28/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 42AR 7B 49C P RED BW -1.5 IMF 0.74 CDI Verdict 220Y WW 39 REA 0.7 Leachman Decree X936D YW 59 F/G 0.16 Rempe Bentley 4053 MI 27 Intake 2 Lchmn Stabilizer M/S MWT 1178 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer FS854 YHT 5.7 PAP -0.5 GRU Stabilizer DX060 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeaaa eeaaa eeeea eecaa eeeaa $Ranch $129 6% $Feeder $113 20% $Profit $20,592 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 204 LCOC DECREE S123K Nt Reg 3/2/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 46AN 15B 37C P BLK BW 0.0 IMF 0.63 Leachman Decree X936D WW 54 REA 1.0 LCoC Decree S365G YW 94 F/G 0.03 LCoC Queen ES020 MI 20 Intake 98 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1236 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer HS105 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.0 GRU Stabilizer FU416 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $112 10% $Feeder $153 6% $Profit $21,679 5% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 201 LCOC DOUBLE AGENT S250K Nt Reg 3/6/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 45AR 3B 51C P RED BW -4.8 IMF 0.65 CDI Secret Agent 407C WW 54 REA 0.9 Redhill Double Agent 139H YW 109 F/G 0.07 Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E MI 23 Intake 41 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E MWT 1250 SCR 37.6 GRU Stabilizer HS054 YHT 5.6 PAP -2.2 GRU Stabilizer FS858 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $99 14% $Feeder $164 4% $Profit $21,075 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 202 LCOC MINER S763K Nt Reg 3/26/22 HLC Pen: EPDs 54B 46C S BBK BW 1.1 IMF 0.55 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 56 REA 0.7 Leachman Miner W664G YW 93 F/G -0.03 LCoC Anna AU005 MI 27 Intake -32 Connealy Consensus 7229# MWT 1195 SCR 36.0 Hays Izzie 3B84 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.0 Hays Izzie 190W C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $123 7% $Feeder $126 13% $Profit $20,951 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 200 LCOC GLOBAL U100K Nt Reg 2/25/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 64AN 4B 31C P BLK BW -1.4 IMF 0.56 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 50 REA 1.0 Leachman Global M043G YW 90 F/G -0.02 Rempe Stabilizer 6062 MI 28 Intake -13 Leachman Judge X228C MWT 1229 SCR 36.5 RGR Stabilizer FU111 YHT 5.7 PAP -1.7 RGR Stabilizer DX601 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $135 5% $Feeder $113 19% $Profit $21,182 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000
Page 50 video at www.leachman.com
Lot 199

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290




Nt Reg 3/13/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 51AR 20B 29C P RED BW -3.3 IMF 0.59 DLCC Cowboy Chap 63C WW 45 REA 0.7 Leachman Dartmoor U842E YW 78 F/G 0.08 LCoC Rollanda BJ074 MI 15 Intake 39 Leachman Reality U049C MWT 1186 SCR 36.6 GRU Stabilizer EU060 YHT 5.3 PAP 0.3 GRU Stabilizer CU011 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeee eaaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $159 2% $Feeder $76 43% $Profit $20,950 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 210 LCOC
Nt Reg 1/15/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 51AR 1B 48C P RED BW -0.8 IMF 0.52 IR Imperial D948 WW 57 REA 1.0 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 92 F/G 0.26 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 32 Intake 38 Leachman Denali X054D MWT 1224 SCR 36.3 Rempe Stabilizer 8034 YHT 5.3 PAP 0.4 Rempe Stabilizer 6020 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $116 9% $Feeder $118 17% $Profit $19,625 7% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000 208 LCOC EAGLE S205K Nt Reg 2/19/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 31AN 10B 57C P BLK BW -5.5 IMF 0.65 Hook's Black Hawk 50B WW 43 REA 1.0 Hook's Eagle 6E YW 75 F/G 0.08 Hook`s Crystal 1C MI 24 Intake 45 LCoC Shear Force L081U MWT 1166 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer CX102 YHT 5.9 PAP -1.3 GRU Stabilizer S605 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $132 6% $Feeder $95 30% $Profit $19,643 7% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5000 207 LCOC HABANERO U132K Nt Reg 3/2/22 RGR Pen: EPDs 53B 42C P BRC BW -4.0 IMF 0.76 Leachman Decree X936D WW 47 REA 1.0 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 89 F/G 0.13 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 27 Intake 49 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1245 SCR 36.8 RGR Stabilizer GS423 YHT 4.7 PAP -0.7 RGR Stabilizer ZJ690 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $82 21% $Feeder $171 3% $Profit $19,929 7% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Nt Reg 3/20/22 MNB Pen: EPDs 71AN 1B 22C P BLK BW -1.0 IMF 0.78 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 46 REA 0.8 Leachman Hawkins S935H YW 84 F/G -0.05 LAM Stabilizer FS267 MI 30 Intake -17 Leachman Darkhorse G045X MWT 1209 SCR 37.0 MSF Hybrid BJ181 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.4 Comm Angus Dam C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $83 21% $Feeder $165 3% $Profit $19,587 7% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250
Nt Reg 2/25/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 61AN 6B 30C P BLK BW -2.9 IMF 0.69 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 38 REA 0.8 Leachman High Yield U514H YW 74 F/G 0.07 GRU Stabilizer DX351 MI 33 Intake 63 LCoC Talismans S393W MWT 1171 SCR 36.4 GRU Stabilizer YX099 YHT 5.2 PAP -2.3 GRU Stabilizer WU434 C. Ease
Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $137 5% $Feeder $105 24% $Profit $20,757 6% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4500 209 LCOC MS STABILIZER S272K Nt Reg 1/30/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 34AN 14B 51C S BWF BW 0.7 IMF 0.25 LCoC Stabilizer Herd Sire WW 45 REA 1.3 Lchmn Stabilizer M/S YW 70 F/G 0.25 LCoC Stabilizer Elite Cow MI 21 Intake 75 Hooks Augustine 73A MWT 1203 SCR 37.0 GRU Stabilizer EU600 YHT 5.8 PAP -1.7 GRU Stabilizer BU136 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $133 5% $Feeder $94 30% $Profit $19,628 7% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Maternal Cow Fert Udder
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and Cody getting a game plan.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


Stabilizer cows work on Missouri fescue!


Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250


Nt Reg 2/13/22 LAM Pen: EPDs 63B 35C P BBK BW -1.3 IMF 0.44 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 46 REA 0.9 Leachman Global M043G YW 68 F/G 0.19 Rempe Stabilizer 6062 MI 30 Intake -14 LCoC Protege U135Y MWT 1200 SCR 36.2 LAM Stabilizer CX213 YHT 5.8 PAP -1.2 LAM SimAngus YL034 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $161 2% $Feeder $81 39% $Profit $21,556 5% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 217 LCOC
Nt Reg 3/13/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 50AN 2B 46C P BLK BW 0.0 IMF 0.60 Leachman Judge X228C WW 48 REA 0.6 LCoC Judge S990F YW 88 F/G 0.02 GRU Stabilizer DX088 MI 27 Intake 38 LCoC Profitmaker L104X MWT 1195 SCR 36.8 GRU Stabilizer ZX050 YHT 5.5 PAP -1.0 GRU Stabilizer WX431 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $119 8% $Feeder $103 25% $Profit $18,870 9% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 218 LCOC
Nt Reg 1/25/22 HEN Pen: EPDs 63AN 36SM PP BBK BW 0.3 IMF 0.95 Hook's Black Hawk 50B WW 67 REA 1.0 Hook's Eagle 6E YW 113 F/G 0.06 Hook`s Crystal 1C MI 26 Intake 66 JNSR In Focus G599Y MWT 1248 SCR 36.3 LCoC Isabel DG112 YHT 5.2 PAP -0.2 LCoC Isabel YG005 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $37 46% $Feeder $218 0.3% $Profit $18,721 9% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 215 LCOC STETSON S268K Nt Reg 2/25/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 68AN 2B 29C P BLK BW -3.3 IMF 0.71 G A R Wide Brim W46 WW 40 REA 0.7 Leachman Stetson G308G YW 84 F/G 0.29 LCoC Emulation AG178 MI 34 Intake 95 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1201 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer YL006 YHT 5.5 PAP 0.7 GRU Stabilizer WX451 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $105 12% $Feeder $132 11% $Profit $19,561 7%
Nt Reg 3/6/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 56B 40C P BRC BW 3.4 IMF 0.53 Leachman Perception U001A WW 51 REA 1.1 LCoC Perception U114E YW 84 F/G 0.22 Rempe Bankroll 4077 MI 27 Intake 30 Leachman 18 Karat X235C MWT 1239 SCR 37.2 GRU Stabilizer EU488 YHT 5.2 PAP 0.5 GRU Stabilizer YU022 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $89 18% $Feeder $148 7% $Profit $19,074 8% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 214 LCOC VERCINGETORIX B024K Nt Reg 3/4/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 88AN 4B 8C P BLK BW -1.6 IMF 0.99 G A R Ashland WW 56 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 107 F/G 0.08 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 25 Intake 125 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1219 SCR 37.0 KLK Hybrid HK143 YHT 5.2 PAP -0.7 KLK Angus 4282 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeee $Ranch $66 12% $Feeder $176 1% $Profit $18,656 3% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 213 LCOC HABANERO S400K Nt Reg 1/8/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 44AR 2B 51C P RED BW -1.6 IMF 1.01 Leachman Decree X936D WW 43 REA 1.0 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 75 F/G 0.33 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 27 Intake 86 Rissington Bullseye 135159 MWT 1193 SCR 37.1 Rempe Stabilizer 9156 YHT 5.3 PAP -1.3 RMP Stabilizer 3020 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $94 16% $Feeder $156 5% $Profit $20,130 7% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
Page 52 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290

Lot 220


Lot 221

Nt Reg 1/9/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 72AR 25SM P RED BW -1.6 IMF 0.48 Bieber CL Atomic C218 WW 51 REA 1.0 Bieber CL Energize F121 YW 106 F/G -0.13 Bieber CL Adelle 575D MI 26 Intake 112 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1218 SCR 37.5 Rempe Bentley 4053 YHT 5.5 PAP -0.3 RMP Stabilizer 189Y C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea $Ranch $77 23% $Feeder $151 6% $Profit $18,056 10% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 219 LCOC
Nt Reg 2/22/22 DHL Pen: EPDs 63AN 38GV PP BBK BW -0.7 IMF 0.95 G A R Wide Brim W46 WW 44 REA 0.8 Leachman Stetson G308G YW 88 F/G -0.08 LCoC Emulation AG178 MI 34 Intake 118 Mr Black Cross 8137 MWT 1208 SCR 37.3 DHL Miss Beverly 352 YHT 6.1 PAP -0.3 Miss Beverly 527B ET C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $58 33% $Feeder $186 1% $Profit $18,614 9% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 220 LCOC GUINESS S349K Nt Reg 2/10/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 52B 46C P BRC BW 2.7 IMF 0.52 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 63 REA 1.0 Leachman Guiness U835G YW 106 F/G 0.20 GRU Stabilizer DX290 MI 28 Intake 73 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1248 SCR 37.2 Rempe Stabilizer 9028 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.0 Rempe Entourage 7026 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeea eaaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeee $Ranch $86 19% $Feeder $139 9% $Profit $18,073 10% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
(970) 568-3983 Page 53

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



Nt Reg 11/18/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 46B 53C PP BBK BW 0.4 IMF 0.64 Hook's Black Hawk 50B WW 68 REA 1.2 Hook's Eagle 6E YW 121 F/G -0.06 Hook`s Crystal 1C MI 21 Intake 51 Leachman Einstein U070E MWT 1277 SCR 37.0 LCoC Lakina GS977 YHT 6.3 PAP -0.8 LCoC Lakina BS140 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeaaa eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $49 39% $Feeder $187 1% $Profit $17,715 11% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 223
4627285 3/16/22 PRM Pen: EPDs 75AR 25SM P RED BW -1.0 IMF 0.67 Brown Oracle B112 WW 57 REA 0.7 9 MILE Ukiah 954 YW 111 F/G 0.44 Lorenzen Miss Fusion D7 MI 27 Intake 24 WS All Aboard B80 MWT 1257 SCR 37.1 MATH Aboard GL034 YHT 5.7 PAP 2.6 Bieber Sierra 311C C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $53 36% $Feeder $177 2% $Profit $17,466 12% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 228 LCOC TURBO S319K Nt Reg 1/14/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 51B 48C PP BRC BW -1.0 IMF 0.69 Leachman Accelerate X166D WW 64 REA 0.9 Leachman Turbo U202F YW 106 F/G 0.30 GRU Stabilizer DX072 MI 20 Intake 52 CDI Secret Agent 407C MWT 1224 SCR 36.4 RMP Stabilizer 0039 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.2 Rempe Stabilizer 8003 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $85 20% $Feeder $154 5% $Profit $19,010 8% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 229 LCOC ESCALADE S610K Nt Reg 3/22/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 59AN 1B 39C P BLK BW 1.8 IMF 0.61 Leachman Cadillac L025A WW 48 REA 1.0 Leachman Escalade U116C YW 92 F/G -0.09 RMP Stabilizer 2028 MI 30 Intake 44 Hook's Capitalist 37C MWT 1220 SCR 35.8 GRU Stabilizer FS794 YHT 5.1 PAP -2.5 GRU Stabilizer CS034 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $67 28% $Feeder $175 2% $Profit $18,687 9% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500 226 LCOC HOME TOWN S713K Nt Reg 2/21/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 73AN 2B 24C P BLK BW -2.5 IMF 0.99 G A R Ashland WW 60 REA 1.0 G A R Home Town YW 110 F/G -0.08 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 MI 23 Intake 67 Leachman Escalade U116C MWT 1251 SCR 36.2 GRU Stabilizer HS756 YHT 5.3 PAP -2.1 GRU Stabilizer BX187 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $47 40% $Feeder $212 0.4% $Profit $19,300 8% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 227 LCOC XAVIER S606K Nt Reg 3/21/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 56AN 3B 41C P BLK BW 1.6 IMF 0.64 Hook's Xavier 14X WW 53 REA 1.0 Hays Xavier 3C46 YW 92 F/G -0.11 HAYS Meta 0S72/SI 3A46 MI 21 Intake 70 Leachman Quarterback D002Z MWT 1220 SCR 36.3 GRU Stabilizer CU062 YHT 5.8 PAP -1.3 GRU Stabilizer YU020 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $77 23% $Feeder $167 3% $Profit $19,113 8% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 225 LCOC
S624K Nt Reg 3/16/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 51AN 6B 41C P BLK BW -0.7 IMF 0.80 Leachman Judge X228C WW 57 REA 0.6 LCoC Judge S990F YW 93 F/G -0.14 GRU Stabilizer DX088 MI 27 Intake -3 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1241 SCR 37.5 GRU Stabilizer FU415 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.3 GRU Stabilizer AU046 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eaaaa eeaaa eaaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $76 24% $Feeder $142 8% $Profit $17,286 12% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 224 LCOC ESCALADE S659K Nt Reg 3/24/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 56AN 1B 44C P BLK BW 2.9 IMF 0.41 Leachman Cadillac L025A WW 70 REA 0.8 Leachman Escalade U116C YW 112 F/G -0.11 RMP Stabilizer 2028 MI 28 Intake -7 HAYS Nightride 4E19 MWT 1238 SCR 35.6 GRU Stabilizer GS846 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.3 GRU Stabilizer EU387 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $99 14% $Feeder $110 21% $Profit $17,399 12% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 Page 54 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290






Nt Reg 3/7/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 58AN 42SM P BLK BW 1.3 IMF 0.78 Bridle Bit Eclipse E744 WW 61 REA 0.8 Hook's Galileo 210G YW 102 F/G -0.03 Hook's Evita 18E MI 24 Intake 76 LCoC Sure Bet S175B MWT 1264 SCR 36.7 KLK Hybrid HJ082 YHT 6.4 PAP -1.9 KLK Angus 332 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $59 33% $Feeder $185 1% $Profit $18,632 9% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000
Nt Reg 3/10/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 81AN 0B 27C P BLK BW -1.9 IMF 0.75 G A R Ashland WW 54 REA 0.9 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 99 F/G -0.63 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 29 Intake 51 Colorado Bridle Bit E752 MWT 1249 SCR 36.5 KLK Stabilizer HU217 YHT 5.2 PAP -0.3 KLK Hybrid ES338 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $79 22% $Feeder $167 3% $Profit $19,380 8% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 233 LCOC HEADLINE S434K Nt Reg 1/5/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 70B 33C P BRC BW -4.0 IMF 0.65 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E WW 43 REA 0.7 Leachman Headline K038H YW 79 F/G -0.14 RGR Stabilizer FU104 MI 25 Intake -35 LCoC Cadillac L028C MWT 1197 SCR 36.9 Rempe Stabilizer 8255 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.1 RMP Stabilizer 2035 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $125 7% $Feeder $105 24% $Profit $19,579 7% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 232 LCOC LUXURY M008K Nt Reg 1/8/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 50AR 50SM P RED BW -3.6 IMF 0.91 IR Imperial D948 WW 56 REA 0.7 CACA Leachman Luxury M478G YW 94 F/G 0.13 Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D MI 28 Intake 59 Leachman Distinction D008D MWT 1230 SCR 35.8 RMP Stabilizer 0322 YHT 5.6 PAP -1.1 Rempe Clarity 5043 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $75 24% $Feeder $155 5% $Profit $18,098 10% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
Nt Reg 1/15/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 56AR 15B 28C P RED BW -6.8 IMF 0.95 Leachman Devout X799D WW 28 REA 0.3 LCoC Devout S002H YW 62 F/G 0.23 LCoC Maid Range 809F MI 26 Intake 23 Leachman Distinction D008D MWT 1203 SCR 36.0 RMP Stabilizer 0292 YHT 4.9 PAP 0.1 Rempe Stabilizer 8200 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeaaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $118 8% $Feeder $111 20% $Profit $19,330 8% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000 231 LCOC
Nt Reg 2/15/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 39AN 2B 57C P BLK BW -2.0 IMF 0.41 Hook's Black Hawk 50B WW 50 REA 1.2 Hook's Eagle 6E YW 93 F/G -0.10 Hook`s Crystal 1C MI 23 Intake 20 Leachman Yosemite X730Y MWT 1222 SCR 36.0 GRU Stabilizer CX034 YHT 5.8 PAP -0.7 GRU Stabilizer AU040 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $97 15% $Feeder $125 14% $Profit $18,188 10% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 234 LCOC DARTMOOR S575K Nt Reg 3/9/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 64B 33C P BRC BW -0.9 IMF 0.52 DLCC Cowboy Chap 63C WW 54 REA 0.8 Leachman Dartmoor U842E YW 95 F/G -0.01 LCoC Rollanda BJ074 MI 30 Intake 20 Leachman Porterhouse L094W MWT 1253 SCR 36.9 GRU Stabilizer CX274 YHT 5.9 PAP -0.8 GRU Stabilizer YU002 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeaa $Ranch $96 15% $Feeder $145 7% $Profit $19,572 7% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
(970) 568-3983 Page 55
Sorting goes much easier with a crew.

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



Lot 237


Lot 239

Lot 241

Nt Reg 2/8/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 56AR 44SM PP RED BW 0.1 IMF 0.46 Bieber CL Atomic C218 WW 57 REA 1.2 Bieber CL Energize F121 YW 106 F/G 0.25 Bieber CL Adelle 575D MI 30 Intake 137 Hooks Xpectation 36X MWT 1263 SCR 37.2 HSF Ms Xpect B151 157E YHT 5.1 PAP 0.2 HSF Shear 81U B151 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeee $Ranch $60 32% $Feeder $150 6% $Profit $16,319 15% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
Nt Reg 2/9/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 52AR 0B 43C PP RED BW -2.2 IMF 0.89 Leachman Decree X936D WW 49 REA 0.8 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 91 F/G -0.01 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 30 Intake 82 Leachman Distinction D008D MWT 1234 SCR 37.0 RMP Stabilizer 0352 YHT 5.4 PAP -0.9 Rempe Stabilizer 6041 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eecaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $45 41% $Feeder $171 3% $Profit $16,205 15% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 240 LCOC MERLIN M046K Nt Reg 1/10/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 58AR 42SM PP RED BW -3.0 IMF 0.82 LJC MERLIN T179 WW 45 REA 0.9 WFL Merlin 018A YW 91 F/G 0.44 WFL COMMITMENT 042Y MI 29 Intake 75 IR Imperial D948 MWT 1251 SCR 35.9 HSF Miss Imperial 157E 102G YHT 5.7 PAP -2.4 HSF Ms Xpect B151 157E C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $48 39% $Feeder $167 3% $Profit $16,252 15% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000 239 LCOC STETSON S714K Nt Reg 2/16/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 73AN 9B 16C P BLK BW -3.2 IMF 0.50 G A R Wide Brim W46 WW 43 REA 0.5 Leachman Stetson G308G YW 94 F/G 0.17 LCoC Emulation AG178 MI 28 Intake 83 Leachman Advance S019A MWT 1225 SCR 37.4 GRU Stabilizer EU440 YHT 5.8 PAP 0.1 GRU Stabilizer AX082 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeec eeeee $Ranch $102 13% $Feeder $100 27% $Profit $16,910 13% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 238 LCOC HAWKINS S056K Nt Reg 2/7/22 MNB Pen: EPDs 71AN 1B 29C P BLK BW -4.9 IMF 0.80 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 40 REA 1.1 Leachman Hawkins S935H YW 77 F/G 0.10 LAM Stabilizer FS267 MI 32 Intake 2 PA Fortitude 5495 MWT 1222 SCR 36.5 MSF Hybrid GJ005 YHT 4.8 PAP -0.1 MSF Hybrid b640 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $60 32% $Feeder $180 2% $Profit $18,400 10% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
Page 56 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290

244 LCOC AUGUSTINE S051K Nt Reg 2/2/22 MNB Pen: EPDs 48AR 1B 49C P RED BW 1.9 IMF 0.42 Hooks Augustine 73A WW 57 REA 0.7 Leachman Augustine U927E YW 93 F/G 0.23 GRU Stabilizer BL025 MI 29 Intake 34 Traxs Rushmore X103 MWT 1227 SCR 37.3 LSF Crystal U8915 B4134 YHT 5.8 PAP -1.1 LSF Crystal T7129 U8915 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $122 7% $Feeder $81 39% $Profit $17,692 11% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000 242 LCOC STARFLEET U686K Nt Reg 3/28/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 52AN 0B 41C P BLK BW 3.2 IMF 0.55 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 69 REA 1.2 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 112 F/G -0.26 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 29 Intake 108 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1310 SCR 36.6 KLK Hybrid GM278 YHT 6.6 PAP -1.9 KLK Angus 2262
$Ranch $40 44% $Feeder $175 2% $Profit $16,051 15%
LCOC HELIX U955K Nt Reg 3/15/22 RTH Pen: EPDs 79B 20C PP BBK BW -0.2 IMF 0.72 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 76 REA 1.4 Leachman Helix S930H YW 135 F/G -0.20 LAM Stabilizer FS312 MI 22 Intake 110 G A R Sunbeam MWT 1285 SCR 37.0 RTH Queen HG033 YHT 5.4 PAP 2.8 WayView Queen 685-875
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eecaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $33 48% $Feeder $207 0.5% $Profit $17,527 11% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500 243 LCOC DOUBLE AGENT M104K 4627373 3/18/22 PRM Pen: EPDs 56AR 2B 42C PP RED BW -0.5 IMF 0.39 CDI Secret Agent 407C WW 54 REA 0.8 Redhill Double Agent 139H YW 98 F/G 0.08 Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E MI 25 Intake 55 Loosli Hobo 007 MWT 1241 SCR 37.0 MATH Hobo AA115 YHT 5.6 PAP -1.0 MATH Capacity XA114 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $94 16% $Feeder $94 30% $Profit $15,727 16% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500
C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeee
Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price:
(970) 568-3983 Page 57
Lot 243

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



We have drop points all over the U.S.

Nt Reg 1/14/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 29AR 25B 50C P RED BW 0.1 IMF 0.41 Leachman Decree X936D WW 51 REA 1.0 Leachman Mandate W091G YW 89 F/G -0.03 MJB Zenith 7661E MI 36 Intake 69 Hook`s Delegate 64D MWT 1222 SCR 36.7 Rempe Stabilizer 8245 YHT 5.6 PAP -0.5 RMP Stabilizer 5203 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $127 7% $Feeder $79 41% $Profit $17,926 11% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250
Nt Reg 2/8/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 73AN 8B 18C S BLK BW -1.8 IMF 0.63 G A R Ashland WW 54 REA 1.2 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 95 F/G -0.16 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 30 Intake 72 Leachman Einstein U070E MWT 1244 SCR 36.5 GRU Stabilizer HS121 YHT 5.1 PAP -0.3 GRU Stabilizer XX053 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $60 32% $Feeder $170 3% $Profit $17,667 11% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4250 251 LCOC DISTINCTION
Nt Reg 3/26/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 54B 46C P BRC BW -2.8 IMF 0.60 Leachman Distinction D008D WW 41 REA 0.4 LCoC Distinction M033G YW 78 F/G 0.04 Rempe Stabilizer 7023 MI 32 Intake 56 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E MWT 1227 SCR 37.4 GRU Stabilizer GW028 YHT 5.7 PAP -1.1 GRU Stabilizer DX030 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeec eeeea $Ranch $116 9% $Feeder $70 47% $Profit $16,270 15% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 252 LCOC ERNEST K015K Nt Reg 2/3/22 MNB Pen: EPDs 81AN 2B 16C P BLK BW 0.3 IMF 1.24 SydGen Exceed 3223 WW 59 REA 0.5 Ankonian Ernest 8149 YW 98 F/G -0.37 Green Garden Effie QB80 MI 27 Intake 0 Leachman Order S439F MWT 1229 SCR 36.8 MSF Stabilizer HS592 YHT 5.6 PAP -2.3 MSF Stabilizer FD017 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $23 55% $Feeder $199 0.7% $Profit $15,982 15% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 250 LCOC MANDATE S465K Nt Reg 1/12/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 47AR 25B 31C P RED BW -1.7 IMF 0.35 Leachman Decree X936D WW 52 REA 0.9 Leachman Mandate W091G YW 92 F/G 0.49 MJB Zenith 7661E MI 27 Intake 66 Dunn HeatWave 07B MWT 1194 SCR 36.5 Rempe Stabilizer 7019 YHT 5.2 PAP -0.6 Rempe Stabilizer 5014 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $128 6% $Feeder $53 60% $Profit $16,282 15% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000 249 LCOC
Nt Reg 3/21/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 56B 42C P BRC BW -1.4 IMF 1.02 Leachman Distinction D008D WW 58 REA 0.4 LCoC Distinction M033G YW 104 F/G -0.10 Rempe Stabilizer 7023 MI 31 Intake 65 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1238 SCR 36.5 GRU Stabilizer GS775 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.0 GRU Stabilizer DX052 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $59 33% $Feeder $159 4% $Profit $16,786 13% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500 248 LCOC ENERGIZE M155K Nt Reg 2/8/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 56AR 44SM P RED BW 1.3 IMF 0.28 Bieber CL Atomic C218 WW 58 REA 1.0 Bieber CL Energize F121 YW 109 F/G 0.00 Bieber CL Adelle 575D MI 29 Intake 82 Hooks Xpectation 36X MWT 1259 SCR 36.6 HSF Ms Xpect B151 157E YHT 5.3 PAP 0.5 HSF Shear 81U B151 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeee eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $79 22% $Feeder $106 23% $Profit $15,109 18% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
Page 58 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290





Nt Reg 3/17/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 69AN 1B 30C P BLK BW -1.1 IMF 0.73 G A R Ashland WW 52 REA 0.6 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 95 F/G -0.05 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 17 Intake 32 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1239 SCR 35.8 GRU Stabilizer EU061 YHT 5.4 PAP -1.7 GRU Stabilizer CX034 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $60 32% $Feeder $144 8% $Profit $15,764 16% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500
Nt Reg 3/11/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 46AR 1B 51C P RED BW -3.1 IMF 0.52 Leachman Distinction D008D WW 50 REA 0.6 LCoC Distinction M033G YW 89 F/G 0.18 Rempe Stabilizer 7023 MI 32 Intake 53 Leachman Decree X936D MWT 1233 SCR 36.2 GRU Stabilizer GS835 YHT 5.5 PAP 0.0 GRU Stabilizer EU491 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $88 18% $Feeder $95 30% $Profit $15,281 18% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 258 LCOC
4627387 3/16/22 PRM Pen: EPDs 56AR 2B 42C P RED BW -1.8 IMF 0.42 CDI Secret Agent 407C WW 47 REA 0.7 Redhill Double Agent 139H YW 93 F/G 0.23 Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E MI 24 Intake 62 LW Hay Day T509 Z01 MWT 1238 SCR 37.0 MATH Day DA042 YHT 5.5 PAP 0.4 MATH Packer XA100 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $87 19% $Feeder $92 32% $Profit $14,877 19% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 257 LCOC
Nt Reg 2/15/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 61AN 4B 31C P BLK BW 3.2 IMF 0.81 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 50 REA 1.0 Leachman Rock Solid W132G YW 99 F/G -0.15 GRU Stabilizer CX062 MI 33 Intake 144 LCoC Jackpot U042X MWT 1257 SCR 37.1 GRU Stabilizer AU046 YHT 6.1 PAP -1.0 GRU Stabilizer WX433 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eecaa eeeec eeeee $Ranch $18 58% $Feeder $185 1% $Profit $14,479 20% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500 256 LCOC
Nt Reg 2/26/22 MRL Pen: EPDs 42AN 26B 31C P BLK BW 1.9 IMF 0.24 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 52 REA 1.0 Leachman Miner W664G YW 94 F/G 0.04 LCoC Anna AU005 MI 25 Intake -4 Leachman Excalibur X828D MWT 1193 SCR 36.3 JTM Shirley 022H YHT 5.4 PAP -1.0 JTM Shirley 421E C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $107 12% $Feeder $100 27% $Profit $17,455 12% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 254
4627391 2/25/22 PRM Pen: EPDs 51AR 2B 47C P RED BW 2.6 IMF 0.69 CDI Secret Agent 407C WW 57 REA 1.1 Redhill Double Agent 139H YW 103 F/G 0.16 Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E MI 23 Intake 85 LCoC EEC Premier A041C MWT 1256 SCR 36.8 MATH Premier HB024 YHT 5.9 PAP 0.2 MATH Judge ED033 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $35 47% $Feeder $177 2% $Profit $15,670 16% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500
(970) 568-3983 Page 59
Lot 257 Lot 258

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



4627375 3/17/22 PRM Pen: EPDs 56AR 2B 42C PP RED BW -3.0 IMF 0.46 CDI Secret Agent 407C WW 56 REA 0.9 Redhill Double Agent 139H YW 102 F/G 0.09 Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E MI 32 Intake 72 LSF Prospect 2035Z MWT 1238 SCR 37.7 MATH Pro BA040 YHT 5.7 PAP -0.9 MATH Car ZA143 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeca eeeee $Ranch $75 24% $Feeder $104 24% $Profit $14,507 20% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750
Nt Reg 1/9/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 67AR 0B 28C P RED BW -3.4 IMF 0.97 Leachman Decree X936D WW 48 REA 0.7 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 87 F/G 0.08 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 23 Intake 83 Brown Oracle B112 MWT 1224 SCR 36.6 Rempe Red Angus 7293 YHT 4.8 PAP 3.2 LCoC Zara BA154 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eecaa eeeee eeeaa $Ranch $75 24% $Feeder $124 14% $Profit $15,994 15% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500 265 LCOC DUAL THREAT K177K Nt Reg 2/15/22 BRO Pen: EPDs 95B 5C P BRC BW 1.7 IMF 0.63 G A R Sure Fire WW 44 REA 0.6 G A R Dual Threat YW 73 F/G 0.31 G A R Daybreak A3010 MI 30 Intake 29 JVM Flynn 853F MWT 1224 SCR 36.1 MJB Virginia 0617H YHT 5.6 PAP 0.8 MJB Ms Testify 6500D C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $86 19% $Feeder $87 35% $Profit $14,407 20% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 263 LCOC GLADIATOR X059J Nt Reg 11/17/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 33AR 28B 39C PP RED BW -0.7 IMF 0.32 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E WW 50 REA 0.9 Leachman Gladiator S803G YW 85 F/G 0.06 RGR Stabilizer ZU661 MI 19 Intake 54 DLCC Coulee 97C MWT 1239 SCR 36.4 LCoC Avenue GU074 YHT 5.6 PAP 1.7 RMP Avenue 3071 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeee eeeaa $Ranch $88 18% $Feeder $92 32% $Profit $14,997 18% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 264 LCOC ENERGIZE M041K Nt Reg 1/5/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 72AR 25SM P RED BW 0.5 IMF 0.38 Bieber CL Atomic C218 WW 44 REA 1.0 Bieber CL Energize F121 YW 91 F/G -0.16 Bieber CL Adelle 575D MI 31 Intake 109 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1233 SCR 36.6 Rempe Bentley 4053 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.4 RMP Stabilizer 189Y C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $64 30% $Feeder $115 18% $Profit $14,165 21% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 262 LCOC STARFLEET U694K Nt Reg 3/30/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 56AN 0B 41C P BLK BW -1.1 IMF 0.35 Leachman Astronaut J028D WW 61 REA 0.6 Leachman Starfleet U874G YW 102 F/G -0.21 RTC Stabilizer DX945 MI 33 Intake 46 Hooks Trinity 9T MWT 1237 SCR 36.6 KLK Hybrid GM353 YHT 5.7 PAP -2.1 KLK Angus 369 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $95 16% $Feeder $87 35% $Profit $15,338 17% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 261 LCOC HABANERO S308K Nt Reg 1/6/22 RMP Pen: EPDs 67AR 0B 28C P RED BW -0.7 IMF 0.69 Leachman Decree X936D WW 54 REA 0.8 Leachman Habanero W022H YW 102 F/G -0.34 GWV Stabilizer 804 MI 23 Intake 74 Leachman Absolute Red G108D MWT 1238 SCR 37.6 RMP Zara HA007 YHT 5.8 PAP 1.6 LCoC Zara DA112 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $47 40% $Feeder $158 4% $Profit $15,552 17% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250
264 Page 60 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290

266 LCOC HOME TOWN K176K Nt Reg 2/14/22 BRO Pen: EPDs 59AN 34B 7C P BLK BW 0.3 IMF 1.03 G A R Ashland WW 58 REA 0.9 G A R Home Town YW 106 F/G -0.15 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 MI 24 Intake 103 LCoC Accelerate T015F MWT 1258 SCR 37.1 MJB Accelerate T015F 0622H YHT 5.2 PAP -0.7 Cimarron Darling 467B C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $-3 70% $Feeder $199 0.7% $Profit $13,412 24% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 268 LCOC MOMENTUM N010K Nt Reg 2/24/22 DHL Pen: EPDs 63AN 8AR 28GV PH BBK BW 0.5 IMF 0.87 G A R Progress WW 58 REA 1.2 G A R Momentum YW 108 F/G 0.30 G A R Big Eye 1770 MI 33 Intake 149 Red Marlo 020 MWT 1275 SCR 37.0 BTBR Ms Black Cross 3384 YHT 6.0 PAP -1.6 Ms Black Cross 9075 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $-6 71% $Feeder $218 0.3% $Profit $14,444 20% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 270 LCOC FIREPROOF S035K Nt Reg 1/18/22 MNB Pen: EPDs 49AN 1B 47C P BLK BW 0.1 IMF 0.77 EGL Firesteel 103F WW 50 REA 0.9 LCDR Fireproof 206H YW 82 F/G 0.18 WS Miss Sugar C4 MI 36 Intake 65 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E MWT 1249 SCR 37.2 MSF Stabilizer HS578 YHT 5.8 PAP -1.9 MSF Hybrid BJ181 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $28 52% $Feeder $164 4% $Profit $13,992 22% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 269 LCOC SPOTLIGHT U868K Nt Reg 2/14/22 BRO Pen: EPDs 20AN 32B 48C P BLK BW 4.0 IMF 0.37 Hook's Beacon 56B WW 80 REA 0.9 Nichols Spotlight SME037 YW 131 F/G -0.12 Nichols Miss C47 MI 28 Intake 183 MJB Cool 548C MWT 1261 SCR 37.0 MJB Cool Breze 0670H YHT 5.9 PAP 0.1 MJB Karat 8540F C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeaaa eeeea eeeec eeeaa $Ranch $84 20% $Feeder $87 35% $Profit $14,294 21% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 267
Nt Reg 3/24/22 GRU Pen: EPDs 55AR 6B 38C P RED BW 0.2 IMF 0.50 Leachman Cadillac L025A WW 59 REA 0.6 Leachman Escalade U116C YW 100 F/G -0.08 RMP Stabilizer 2028 MI 31 Intake 62 Leachman Accelerate X166D MWT 1230 SCR 36.1 GRU Stabilizer FS974 YHT 5.6 PAP -2.3 GRU Stabilizer YU008 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $54 35% $Feeder $94 31% $Profit $11,706 31% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3750 271 LCOC VERCINGETORIX U597K Nt Reg 3/6/22 LCC Pen: EPDs 78AN 5B 5C P BLK BW -0.3 IMF 0.83 G A R Ashland WW 70 REA 0.7 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 131 F/G -0.48 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 27 Intake 119 LCoC Advance S511F MWT 1273 SCR 36.4 KLK Stabilizer 7236 YHT 5.7 PAP 0.0 KLK Stabilizer ES152 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $12 62% $Feeder $179 2% $Profit $13,439 24% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3250 (970) 568-3983 Page 61

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290



M957073 3/17/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 100CH P WHT BW 2.5 IMF 0.22 Harms Lunch Money 5530 WW 56 REA 0.7 HPR Free Delivery 8156(P056F) YW 97 F/G 0.01 HPR Cade's Milky Way 9748 MI 25 Intake 27 Leachman MSF 49er P013B MWT 1241 SCR 35.9 LCoC Dante FP028 YHT 5.9 PAP -1.3 FINK Dante 1177 7746 BG C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eecaa eeeca eeeea $Feeder $130 5% $PTerm $9988 7% $Profit $15,930 12% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500 274 LCOC LEAD TIME P041J M954531 5/11/21 MNB Pen: EPDs 100CH P WHT BW -4.7 IMF 0.41 FF About Time Y07 WW 45 REA 0.5 OW Lead Time 6294 PLD YW 92 F/G -0.21 OW Miss Sandcreek 3031 PLD MI 10 Intake 2 LT Ledger 0332 P MWT 1186 SCR 35.8 Dusty of Trojan 614 YHT 5.2 PAP -2.0 Dusty of Trojan 309 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Feeder $97 22% $PTerm $9818 8% $Profit $21,803 2% 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6000 273 LCOC MARGIN P096H M972374 12/8/20 HTZ Pen: EPDs 100CH S WHT BW 0.5 IMF 0.26 LT Ledger 0332 P WW 45 REA 0.6 Leachman Margin P007F YW 80 F/G -0.08 LCoC Ms America CP051 MI 25 Intake 87 VPI Free Lunch 708T MWT 1232 SCR 37.6 HB Free Y424 651 YHT 5.7 PAP -0.4 HB Fast N344 424 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Feeder $120 8% $PTerm $9503 10% $Profit $16,497 10% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4500 Lot 273
tremendous set of
Page 62 video at www.leachman.com
Lots 272-280 are a
Registered 2 yr old

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290


M969774 12/1/20 CRK Pen: EPDs 100CH P WHT BW -1.9 IMF 0.25 VPI Free Lunch 708T WW 54 REA 0.5 Leachman Liberty P041E YW 95 F/G -0.24 FINK Miss 1162 7736(YP047) MI 22 Intake 7 LT Ledger 0332 P MWT 1215 SCR 36.9 KC Ms Ledger 3D YHT 5.4 PAP -1.7 KC Ms Platinum 7Z C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eecaa eeeca eeeaa $Feeder $75 42% $PTerm $7992 25% $Profit $15,276 14%
April 7th. Price: $3500 275 LCOC MARGIN P091H M972370 10/30/20 HTZ Pen: EPDs 100CH P WHT BW -4.5 IMF 0.38 LT Ledger 0332 P WW 48 REA 0.5 Leachman Margin P007F YW 82 F/G -0.14 LCoC Ms America CP051 MI 29 Intake 96 VPI Free Lunch 708T MWT 1206 SCR 37.2 HB Free Y603 663 YHT 4.9 PAP -1.9 HB TTW U337 603 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Feeder $102 18% $PTerm $8895 15% $Profit $16,783 9% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4500 278 LCOC LEAD TIME P093H M972371 12/14/20 HTZ Pen: EPDs 100CH P WHT BW 1.0 IMF 0.24 FF About Time Y07 WW 57 REA 0.5 OW Lead Time 6294 PLD YW 95 F/G 0.03 OW Miss Sandcreek 3031 PLD MI 29 Intake 29 BJR Leachman PhD 738 P092T MWT 1228 SCR 36.6 HB PhD C582 782 YHT 6.4 PAP -2.4 HB Blanco 568 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeaaa eecaa eeeca eeeaa $Feeder $113 12% $PTerm $10343 6% $Profit $18,023 6% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4000
Available Private
M957033 1/22/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 100CH P WHT BW -4.2 IMF 0.24 FF About Time Y07 WW 44 REA 0.4 OW Lead Time 6294 PLD YW 83 F/G 0.15 OW Miss Sandcreek 3031 PLD MI 28 Intake 8 Leachman HF Scholar P042C MWT 1175 SCR 36.3 LCoC Dante FP049 YHT 5.0 PAP -1.9 LCoC Dante AP059 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eaaaa eecaa eeeea eeeee $Feeder $59 59% $PTerm $8532 19% $Profit $18,020 6% 4-Star Maternal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
(970) 568-3983 Page 63
Lot 275

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots




Lots 281-283 are Registered Angus and Red Angus Age Advantage bulls.



M972372 11/24/20 HTZ Pen: EPDs 100CH S WHT BW -3.1 IMF 0.19 PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET WW 39 REA 0.3 WCR Icon 756 P YW 81 F/G -0.16 WCR Ms Countyline 5251 P MI 30 Intake 25 BJR Leachman PhD 738 P092T MWT 1231 SCR 35.2 HB PhD E604 901 YHT 6.2 PAP -0.9 HB Firemaker U342 604 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeaaa $Feeder $72 45% $PTerm $7163 36% $Profit $14,887 16% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500
EM954533 4/20/21 MNB Pen: EPDs 100CH H WHT BW 2.8 IMF 0.25 CCC WC Resource 417 P WW 59 REA 0.6 WC Uncharted 7328 P YW 105 F/G -0.03 WC Brenda 4035 P MI 36 Intake 81 LT Rio Bravo 3181 P MWT 1257 SCR 36.2 LCoC Ms America UP045 YHT 5.7 PAP -1.0 LCoC Ms America RP005 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeaaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeaaa $Feeder $85 32% $PTerm $8340 21% $Profit $10,727 38% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3500
4539493 3/19/21 LCC Pen: EPDs 100AR PP RED BW -6.6 IMF 0.79 LSF SRR Commander 5906C WW 63 REA 0.3 LSF SRR President 8177F (A135F) YW 88 F/G 0.28 LSF SRR Flo-Marie 961 D6451 MI 27 Intake -52 BECKTON Julian GG B571 MWT 1209 SCR 36.8 HXC 502R YHT 4.4 PAP -0.4 HXC Jaylo LB136 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeaaa eeeaa eecaa eecaa eeeaa $Ranch $88 5% $Feeder $120 13% $Profit $16,949 5% Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $3000 282
20311779 8/27/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 100AN PP BBK BW -4.3 IMF 1.47 G A R Ashland WW 39 REA 0.8 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 78 F/G -0.03 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 40 Intake 82 SydGen Exceed 3223 MWT 1219 SCR 36.8 LCoC Erica GG385 YHT 5.1 PAP 0.0 LCoC Erica CG024 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeca eeeee $Ranch $58 22% $Feeder $226 4% $Profit $21,417 6% 4.5-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6750 281 LCOC VERCINGETORIX G367J 20311877 9/14/21 HEN Pen: EPDs 100AN PP BBK DDC BW -2.9 IMF 1.11 G A R Ashland WW 41 REA 1.0 HPCA Vercingetorix YW 69 F/G 0.08 H P C A Sure Fire P245 MI 32 Intake 30 G A R High Security JSF 4005 MWT 1187 SCR 36.6 LCoC Rita FG062 YHT 5.3 PAP 0.8 LCoC Rita ZG045 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $85 11% $Feeder $256 1% $Profit $26,236 2% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $7500
Lot 281 Happy Trails!
Page 64 video at www.leachman.com

Grass Time Private Treaty Bulls Lots 32-290





Nt Reg 2/10/20 Pen: EPDs 75AN 25GV PP BBK BW -2.6 IMF 1.18 T C A Visionary 158 WW 43 REA 0.9 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E YW 83 F/G -0.17 Top Norel BG276 MI 35 Intake -56 G A R Progress MWT 1202 SCR 36.6 RTH Katie AJ220 YHT 5.3 PAP -0.4 RGEN KATE C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeee eecaa eecaa eeeaa $Ranch $64 30% $Feeder $258 0.0% $Profit $24,253 2% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750
3756182 3/29/20 Pen: EPDs 67B 49C PP BBK BW 0.3 IMF 1.02 Leachman Advance S019A WW 64 REA 0.9 Leachman Accelerate X166D YW 113 F/G -0.08 GRU Stabilizer AX103 MI 27 Intake 126 LCoC Progress J071A MWT 1294 SCR 36.8 LCoC Michelle CX017 YHT 5.9 PAP -2.2 LCoC Michelle YL004 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $43 42% $Feeder $227 0.2% $Profit $19,909 7% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750 287
K199H Nt Reg 2/1/20 LCC Pen: EPDs 44AN 6AR 50SM PP BBK BW -1.9 IMF 1.21 J BAR J Nightride 225Z WW 50 REA 1.0 Leachman Empire L016E YW 93 F/G -0.19 MRPL Miss Testify CX205 MI 25 Intake 2 G A R Prophet MWT 1226 SCR 37.1 K M J MS Prophet D303 (DL055) YHT 5.6 PAP -1.1 CCR MS Singletary 3000A C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $44 42% $Feeder $266 0.0% $Profit $22,765 3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $6250 286
Nt Reg 4/2/20 Pen: EPDs 44AN 6AR 50SM PP BBK BW 2.1 IMF 1.28 J BAR J Nightride 225Z WW 49 REA 1.2 Leachman Empire L016E YW 95 F/G -0.29 MRPL Miss Testify CX205 MI 29 Intake 73 G A R Prophet MWT 1248 SCR 36.1 K M J MS Prophet D303 (DL055) YHT 5.8 PAP -0.2 CCR MS Singletary 3000A C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eecaa eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $34 48% $Feeder $288 0.0% $Profit $23,334 3% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250 284 LEACHMAN U566H Nt Reg 5/15/20 Pen: EPDs 61B 27C P BRC BW 1.1 IMF 0.87 T C A Visionary 158 WW 50 REA 1.0 LCoC Visionary K060F YW 91 F/G -0.05 Hooks Sonya 20S (SL146) MI 25 Intake -57 LCoC Rito Revenue G108B MWT 1245 SCR 37.0 RTC Stabilizer FT101 YHT 5.4 PAP 0.8 RTC Stabilizer ZU365 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $118 8% $Feeder $224 0.2% $Profit $27,316 0.9% 4-Star All Around Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5750 288 LEACHMAN M159H Nt Reg 3/29/20 Pen: EPDs 63AN 38SM PP BRC BW -1.2 IMF 1.06 G A R Momentum WW 50 REA 1.1 G A R Drive YW 92 F/G -0.17 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 MI 25 Intake 30 Hooks Shear Force 38K MWT 1255 SCR 35.9 Hooks Sonya 20S (SL146) YHT 6.0 PAP 0.0 TSN MISS 1407 P146 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeee eecaa eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $54 36% $Feeder $250 0.0% $Profit $22,625 4% 5-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $5250
LEACHMAN ST007 W273H Nt Reg 2/14/20 Pen: EPDs 56B 41C PP BBK BW 1.5 IMF 0.47 Leachman Definite J243C WW 57 REA 1.2 LCoC Definite K159F YW 107 F/G -0.03 RMP Stabilizer AU109 MI 25 Intake 24 MWT 1252 SCR 37.7 Bell Cow S-26 YHT 5.8 PAP -2.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $66 29% $Feeder $186 1% $Profit $19,373 8% 4-Star Terminal Specialist Available Private Treaty on April 7th. Price: $4750
(970) 568-3983 Page 65
Lots 284-290 are 3 yr old bulls that we collected semen on for our system. They are Virgin bulls.


There seems to be a big disconnect in today’s beef industry. On sale day we want heavy, high quality steers to pay the bills. The rest of the time we want efficient cows to keep our costs as low as possible. Simply selecting for smaller cows with no regard for feed efficiency is not the answer. Likewise, selecting for shear growth with disregard for cost is just as poor of a strategy. The best way to make your cowherd truly efficient, and your calf crop earn more, is to use Leachman $Profit®. This is the only index in the industry that works on both sides of the ledger (production AND cost). Cows that work! Steers that pay!

Are all small cows really efficient?

How $Profit ® Works

$Profit assumes that the average commercial bull will have 100 progeny over its lifetime. The model assumes that you keep 30% of your heifers as replacements and that you retain ownership on the remainder of the calves through finishing and sell on a grid. We realize that many don’t retain ownership, but doesn’t it make the most sense to select from birth all the way to slaughter? Feedlots have already proven their willingness to pay premiums for superior Leachman sired calves.

Our simulation model then factors in all of the effects on both income and expense to come up with a net profit figure for each bull. $Profit allows you to compare any two bulls and calculate the difference in profit that they are expected to generate in your herd. Let’s compare a $10,000 $Profit bull to $6,000 $Profit bull (the average 2008 born Angus bull). The predicted difference between the bulls is $4,000 or about $40 per calf. $Profit works for us and it will work for you too.

What Traits are Included in $Profit ®

$Profit includes nearly every trait that impacts profitability. The effect of most traits on profit is fairly simple to understand. Here is the list of what is included and its effect:

Revenue Traits

▪ Calving ease = more calves

▪ Weaning and yearling EPD = more weight

▪ Cow Fertility = more calves at weaning

▪ Carcass weight = worth more up to 1050 lbs.

▪ Marbling = valued based on grid premiums

▪ Ribeye area = value as impacts yield grade

▪ % Retail Product = more yield is more meat

Cost Traits

▪ Cow mature size = in general bigger eats more

▪ Cow intake = more intake costs more

▪ Feedlot feed efficiency = cost of gain

Some traits are not so easily characterized for $Profit. Milk, for example, is a good thing until you get too much. When over +25, milk EPD has a more negative effect on fertility than it has a positive effect on weaning weight. There are a few traits not yet included in $Profit: udder, structure, and disposition. These traits are important but difficult to express in dollars.

Star System Explained

Calving Ease: The predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers.

The easiest calving bulls in the industry.

 Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed.

 Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected.

(If no stars are shown, the animal is recommended for use on cows only.)

Good qqq

Better qqqq

Best qqqqq

Maternal: An estimate of the maternal efficiency of the daughters this bull will produce. It includes cow size, milk, udder quality, fertility/longevity, growth, feed efficiency/intake and calving ease.

 Keep these heifers! They will make the most profitable females in the business.

Cow Fert: An estimate of the amount of calves the daughters will have in their lifetime.

Will produce about 2 more calves in their life time than 1-Star fertility. This translates into a probable advantage in calf crop percentage of nearly 20%!

Udder: An estimate of the daughter’s udder quality.

Thumb size teats and tight bag suspension.

Growth: A formula combines WW and YW to predict how much performance the bull will pass on to their progeny.

Most growth.

Feed/Carc: A formula that combines: gain, conversion, carcass weight and carcass merit to predict post weaning performance.  Maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

Feet: An observation of the bull’s claw shape.

 Average, 4 & 5 star will improve you herd.

Disposition: An observation of the bull’s disposition.

 Average - respects flight zones and handles well, but is not a pet.

Pheno: An observation of the bull’s type and kind.

 Average - 4 and 5 star bulls will add phenotype.

Page 66 video at www.leachman.com

Leachman Financial Indexes

Allow You to HAVE IT ALL !

$Ranch ® – Profit from birth through weaning. Includes:

• Fertility, Milk, Growth

• Cow feed intake and mature size

$Feeder ® – Profit from weaning to harvest. Includes:

• Feed conversion

• Carcass value

• Carcass weight

$Profit ® – Puts it all together. $Ranch ® + $Feeder ®

• One number that predicts your bottom line !

Feed:Gain – Difference in the amount of feed a bull's progeny will consume to produce one pound of gain.

Example: A -0.50 F:G EPD means this animal's progeny will consume 1/2 pound less feed per pound of gain than would progeny of a 0.00 F:G EPD sire.

Feed Intake – Difference in feed consumption of each of a bull's progeny in a 112 day feeding period.

Example: A steer whose sire has a -100 Intake EPD will eat 100 pounds less feed in 112 days than one whose sire had a zero Intake EPD.

Across Breed Comparisons

Dare to compare! You cannot afford to make mistakes in your breeding program! Choosing to use sires with incomplete or low value data can unknowingly make your herd less profitable –same work, same cost, poor results - unacceptable. Leachman ABC’s are the most reliable and comprehensive EPDs in the industry. They are backed by a large (nearly a million), longstanding (over 30 years), multi-breed (over 15 breeds) database. Using this system assures you of making sound breeding decisions with minimal risk of failure.

$ Indexes Explained

Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% BW 1.9 0.4 -3.3 WW 38 47 70 YW 65 82 124 MILK 22 26 36 SC 0.54 0.79 1.41 HT 0.53 0.73 1.22 MAT WT 27 13 -21 REA 0.51 0.70 1.17 IMF 0.31 0.51 1.02 CAR WT 42 46 58 BF -0.02 0.00 0.06 PAP 0.07 -0.8 -2.93
Feed Efficiency Explained Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% Feed:Gain 0.01 -0.07 -0.25 Intake 23 -6 -78 Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% $Profit $8,000 $14,112 $29,065 $Ranch $30 $76 $189 $Feeder $60 $107 $221
(970) 568-3983 Page 67
On the Ranch, In the Feedlot, and On the Rail, $PROFIT ® simply works!

Professional Bull Buyers Guide

How to read this catalog

1. Reg#: the registration number of the animal. NotReg means the animal is not registered. Pending means that a registration number has been applied for, but was not issued at the time of catalog printing.

2. Brd: breed of the animal if two breeds or less are involved. If more than two breeds are in the animal, then the composition shows the percent British and the percent Continental, i.e. 58B 42C means 58% British and 42% Continental.

3. DOB: date of birth

4. P = polled. S = scurred. H = horned. PP = Homozygous Polled. PH = Heterozygous Polled.

5. Cooperator herd where the bull was raised.

6. Color: BBK=homozygous black, BLK = black, BWF = black white face, BBF = black brockle face, RED = red, RWF = red white face, WHT = white, BRC = black red carrier.

7. Pen where the bull is located.

8. Genetic Defect codes - a C appended to the end denotes carrier and an F denotes tested free and P denotes possible but untested.

NH - Neuropathic Hydrocephalus

AM - Arthrogryposis Multiplex

CA - Contractural Arachnodactyly

OS - Osteopetrosis

DD -Developmental Duplication

Phenotype Scores to Make Bull Buying Easier:

9. CE: Calving Ease is the predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers. If there is a number in the brown box, this indicates the breed calculated calving ease direct EPD. In addition, we provide our Leachman estimated calving star system.

***** The easiest calving bulls in the industry.

**** Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed

*** Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected.

10. Maternal: This is an estimate of maternal efficiency, NOT milk. It includes $Ranch, Udder EPD and Fertility EPD as the basis for the Star system. The bulls are scored from one star to five stars. Five Star bulls will produce some of the most profitable, good uddered cows in the industry.

11. Fertility: Predicts the number of calves that a bull’s daughters will have in the first 8 years of their life. As Fertility stars go up we would expect you to have a higher % weaned calf crop.

12. Udder EPD: This EPD assesses the bag attachment and teat size of the bull’s daughters. Bulls with 5 & 4 stars should sire females with exceptional udder quality.

13. Growth: This is a score from one star to five stars, where five stars means maximum growth. Even the one star bulls are as growthy as any bull in America 20 years ago.

14. Feedlot: This looks at all of the post weaning traits including gain, conversion, carcass weight, and carcass merit. Scored from one star to five stars, where five stars would produce maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

15. Feet: Is an estimate of the claw shape of an animal’s feet. The bulls are scored on a 1 to 5 scale. Bulls that are 5 and 4 Star for Feet should improve your herds feet and have a low incidence of claw issues himself. One star bulls should be used in a terminal breeding program.

16. Disposition: Our traditional score of 1 – 5 on disposition. Score 5 bulls are bulls you can walk up to and touch. Score 3 is about average historically for Leachman bulls. However, we are making a concerted effort to improve disposition, so most bulls score 3 or higher. The bulls scored 2.5 or 2 are nervous and do not like to be in close quarters with people on foot – but they are great for big range operations.

17. Phenotype: A combination of eye appeal and overall kind. Scored from one star to five stars. Five star bulls are the best phenotypic bulls in the sale (in our opinion)! Two star bulls are less attractive visually than average.

1 LEACHMAN KINGPIN S350K Nt Reg 2/3/22 RMP Pen:21 EPDs 75B 24C PP BRC BW -3.8 IMF 1.42 Leachman Foundation G081D WW 49 REA 0.8 Leachman Groomsman S029G YW 97 F/G -0.25 MSF Stabilizer DX047 MI 25 Intake 40 Leachman Devout X799D MWT 1221 SCR 36.6 Rempe Stabilizer 9255 YHT 5.6 PAP 1.0 Rempe Stabilizer 7025 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee $Ranch $157 3% $Feeder $276 0.0% $Profit $35,061 0.1% #5 $Profit. #7 Marbling. 856 AWW. #8 for Total Stars. Top 10% F:G! A 4.5 Star AllAround Bull. We will collect this bull for Leachman use.
11 10 12 13 14 15 16 27 29 26 25 24 23 28 22 21 20 19 18 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 30 31 32 17 Page 68 video at www.leachman.com

18. $Ranch EPD: This Leachman profit index that predicts weaning profitability based on calving ease, weaning weight, maternal milk, cow cost, and FERTILITY. Based on producing 100 calves. This EPD assumes a slide on calf prices of $10 / cwt.

19. $Feeder: This number is expressed in terms of the bull’s added value to the sale price of your feeder calves. It is expressed in dollars per head. Thus when comparing a +100 bull vs. a +50 bull, we expect the first bull to sire calves worth $50 per head more at weaning (regardless of their weight).

20. $Profit™ EPD: One, simple, proven number that gives each trait a weight according to its impact on profit.


Breed Association EPDs (Expected Progeny Differences) are listed for all registered animals. Leachman ABCs (Across Breed Comparisons) are listed for all un-registered animals. All ABCs are on an Angus base and can be compared across breeds within this catalog. EPDs are appropriate association EPDs without any adjustments.

21. Birth weight EPD/ABC expressed on an Angus scale (or breed scale for Red Angus, and Charolais).

22. Weaning weight EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

23. Yearling EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

24. Milk EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale. This is the best predictor of a bull’s daughter’s ability to milk. It measures the difference in weaning weight that will be produced between one bull’s daughters and another bull’s daughters due solely to milk.

25. MWT is the predicted mature weight of daughters that you will get if you use the bull on a 1250 pound cow. If your cows weigh 1350, add 100 to this predicted weight. If your cows weigh only 1150, subtract 100 from this predicted weight. This EPD is the best indicator of daughter size -- far better than frame score or yearling height.

26. YHT is an EPD, expressed as frame score, predicting the yearling frame score of a sire’s progeny, compared to that of other sires.

27. IMF is the ultrasound based EPD/ABC for marbling expressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

28. REA is the ultrasound based EPD/ABC for ribeye area expressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

29. F:G is the pedigree estimated feed to gain EPD that predicts the feedlot efficiency of the bulls offspring. A negative number means that the bull’s progeny will feed more efficiently. Example: -0.50 means that the bulls progeny will require ½ pound less feed per pound of gain.

30. Intake: is an estimate of the amount of feed that the bull’s progeny will consume over a 112 day feeding period. It is expressed in pounds. Animals with higher intake will consume more throughout their life. Animals with lower intake will consume less.

31. SC is an EPD, expressed in centimeters, predicting the yearling scrotal circumference of a sire’s progeny, compared to that of other sires.

32. PAP: PAP EPD. If there is a number in the green box, this is the actual PAP score of the animal. If there is a circle around the score, this indicates that the score was collected above 8500 ft in Walden CO.

Key to bull comments:

• Any reference to % rank is the percentile rank within that bull’s breed. Top 1% means the animal ranks better than 99% of the population on that trait.

• Reference to the number rank (i.e. #2 $Profit) is the bulls rank within his breed within the sale bulls for that trait. So, #4 F:G ST means the 4th best Feed:Gain Stabilizer bull in the sale.

• Other abbreviations used in the comments include:

• Dam 5@101 NR – indicates that the bull’s dam has five calves with an average weaning ratio of 101

• WR & NR = weaning or nursing ratio. How the calf ranked within herd on their adjusted weaning weight.

• YR = yearling ratio. How the calf ranked within herd on adjusted yearling weight.

• AWW = adjusted 205 day weaning weight. AYW = adjusted 365 day yearling weight.

• REA & IMF = either adjusted data or ratios for ultrasound ribeye area and inter-muscular fat (marbling).

• ADG = average daily gain on test. WDA = weight per day of age at a year.

• Stay = the Red Angus EPD for Stayability. This predicts the likelihood that a bull’s daughters stay in the herd. +14 means that 14% more of this bull’s daughters will be in the herd at age 6.

(970) 568-3983 Page 69

The Rep Team

Just as we are not your typical semen company, these are not your typical semen salesmen. The following cowmen & women represent the Elite Semen Division and Leachman Cattle of Colorado.

2. Rick Collins Calistoga, CA (707) 803-3334 collinscxlivestock@gmail.com 6. Cassidy Johnston Canon City, CO (303) 921-3531 cassidy.a.johnston@gmail.com 5. Steven Reed Sanford, CO (719) 580-5218 anniereed22@yahoo.com 9. Lucas Grubl Fort Collins, CO (605) 206-1043 lucas.grubl@gmail.com 13. Matt Mellema Dalhart, TX (806) 316-0004 mattmellema@hotmail.com 15. Matthew Jones Midland, SD (605) 515-4294 ropeonthecorner@yahoo.com
2 1 6 5 13 25 11 16 19 17 15 18 23 20 21 24 26 29 28 30 27 33 34
14. Nathan Evans Wadena, SK, Canada (306) 560-0232 ndevans10@hotmail.com
14 ↑ Wadena, Saskatchewan, Canada
3 12 31 &32 22
3. Dr. John Pollard Hawi, HI (740) 275-2822 jpollard@therionscience.com Hawi, Hawaii 1. Todd Stegall Colusa, CA (530) 713-8755 tmstegall@gmail.com 17. Kevin Unger Oberlin, KS (785) 470-1131 kevin@leachman.com 18. Jerry Kusser Highmore, SD (605) 870-1790 klazykcattle@gmail.com 20. Isaac Detweiler Creston, IA (641) 202-9800 isaacrd1998@gmail.com 21. Zach Meinders Buffalo Center, IA (515) 320-3835 meinders2@hotmail.com 19. Sam Rempe Superior, NE (402) 879-5034 sam@leachman.com
9 7 4 Page 70 video at www.leachman.com
4. J. Kyle Larsen Wellsville, UT (435) 770-1432 jkliphone555@icloud.com

The Rep Team

894-3742 machgenetics@gmail.com

23. Tony Rossman Oronoco, MN (507) 259-2174 redbullajr@gmail.com

24. Jeff Liston Lovilia, IA (641) 891-1270 jliston@iowatelecom.net

25. Bruce Staton Magazine, AR (479) 675-6531 lazysranchar@gmail.com

26. Paul Petersen Custer, MI (513) 461-5686 pauljpetersen1975@gmail.com

27. Jason Botts Glasgow, KY (270) 308-5224 jbotts1974@yahoo.com

28. Josh Moreland Camden, OH (937) 336-1088 jtmoreland@gmail.com

29. Scott Rittenhouse New Carlisle, OH (937) 408-4402 srittenhouse@uproducers.com

30. Kurt Schenkel Lancaster, OH (740) 208-0035 kurt@leachman.com


Pogue Guelph, ON, Canada (519) 830-1274 bdpogue@rogers.com

32. Bob Wilson Hillsburgh, ON, Canada (519) 831-0962 bob@leachman.com

33. Jessie Driggers Glennville, GA (912) 237-0608 jessie.driggers76@gmail.com

34. Samantha Talley Marshville, NC (704) 791-1385 sctalley03@gmail.com

If you do not have a rep in your area, call: 970-444-BULL

Leachman Semen Division Management Team

Lee Leachman

CEO Fort Collins, CO

Office: (970)568-3983 info@leachman.com


LCoC Semen Division Manager/

CO (660) 373-1897


7. Jerrod Watson LCoC Customer Service & Sales Loveland, CO (303) 827-1156 jerrod@leachman.com

General Manager Wellington, CO Office: (720) 598-1313, Cell: (970) 413-0993 russ@rmssbulls.com

16. Aaron Rasmussen LCoC Commercial Genetics Coordinator Alliance, NE (308) 763-1361 buckskincattle@gmail.com

12. Brice White LCoC Semen Div. Office Asst. Byers, CO 80103 (970) 629-8858 brice@rmssbulls.com

When you can't make it to one of our sales, you can trust your Rep to buy you bulls as if it were for their own herd. We will work with you to find the bulls you are looking for in a price range you are comfortable with, and then be there to support you after the sale!
Brian 10. Craig Hays LCoC Bull Operations Manager & $Profit Share Team Leader Pierce, Russ Princ RMSS
(970) 568-3983 Page 71
22. Abe Mach Sturgeon Lake, MN (651)

Simplify A.I. with Leachman Beef Blends!

The concept is simple – one straw of semen blended with four carefully chosen A.I. sires.

Leachman Beef Blends utilize the same technology the dairy industry has relied on for years. Not only does this product simplify your AI program, but using a 4-bull blend offers genetic risk management. The average of these EPDs has very high accuracy.

Make your breeding decisions easy with these three options. Each meets a specific need and offers the highest level of genetic merit.

Terminal Specialist

A blend of the highest $Feeder, BBK sires you can find in the industry. This blend is specifically designed to make you more profit in the feed yard.

Maternal Specialist –Red or BBK

A blend of the most fertile, high-udder and foot quality, and highest $Ranch sires available. This blend is specifically designed to make replacement heifers.

Page 72 video at www.leachman.com
ELITE SEMEN COOPERATIVE Order Today! Step 1) Select Your Blend • Red Stabilizer Maternal • Black Stabilizer Maternal • Homozygous Black Stabilizer Terminal Step 2) Select Your Quantity Semen starts at $25 – 10% off 50+ units, 20% off 100+ units, AND 30% off 200+ units. Free shipping on orders over 100 units. Step 3) Place Your Order No more planned matings. No more struggling over which sire to use. No more hassle at the semen tank. Enjoy watching those calves! Call your area Rep or (970) 444-BULL today! Scan to view our 2023 semen catalog for individual sires & have teamed up to offer an innovative solution to your beef cattle A.I. program! Leachman Beef Blends (970) 568-3983 Page 73
2056 West County Road 70 Fort Collins, CO 80524 Some people ride bulls, some fight bulls and some people show bulls… We breed bulls. More Bulls. Better Bulls. More Profitable Bulls. Leachman Grass Time Sale 300 Yearling and Age-advantaged Bulls for Sale Stabilizers & Angus & Red Angus Top Bulls via Timed Auction on April 6th. Private Treaty Beginning April 7th Ready for immediate turn out. • Delivery to central points. Complete data – including the new Zoetis Fertility & Udder EPD. Lee Leachman, Managing Partner Jerrod Watson, Bull Customer Service (303) 827-1156 Semen Division: 970-444-BULL (2855) Office: (970) 568-3983 • www.leachman.com

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