Yearbook 6

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Message to Everyone

Design Stories





Project Highlights

Studio Updates




Awards List 奖项


Message to Everyone

The last year has been very different for everyone – with creativity, commitment and compassion, we have managed to navigate these unusual times. As we reflect on the year that was, we would like to thank our clients, partners, friends and colleagues for their commitment and support in making a successful year possible during this unpredictable period.

We also witnessed our work come to life in 2020 with nine projects completed on-site and opened to the public. This is a remarkable achievement during a difficult year. With over 15 projects currently under construction and a further 30 due to open in 2021 and 2022, we are optimistic and energetic about what lies ahead.

Following our strategic move to 1063 King’s Road in Hong Kong in 2019, we have been busily building upon this platform to expand and bolster Lead8 in our sixth year. As part of this planning, we are delighted to announce the opening of our first China studio in Shenzhen, and fifth location globally, to support our growing presence. Our new Lead8 design studio is based in the China Resources Tower, overlooking our award-winning design for MixC Shenzhen Bay. We are incredibly proud to be working next to our portfolio piece and welcoming our long-term partners and new friends to Shenzhen Bay as of May 2021.

While 2020 has unfortunately seen event participation for many of Lead8’s CSR activities cancelled due to public health concerns, we have remained active in our commitment to a wide range of causes. Lead8 proudly supported the vital work being done by World Vision Hong Kong and the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children this year alongside global movements for International Women’s Day, World Environment Day and International Youth Day, among others. For our own teams, we have focused on helping studio life continue safely by gifting reusable and environmentallyfriendly Lead8-branded mask and sanitiser sets for each employee.

Over the last twelve months, we have been humbled to be recognised with awards by both international design and business programmes. With 19 new accolades on our shelves, Lead8 won more awards in 2020 than any other year in our journey. As much as this is a success for the Lead8 studio, it is also a recognition of the talent and hard work of our teams and the trusted relationships with our clients and collaborators. We share these celebrations with everyone involved.

As you will see in the collection presented in our Year Book 6, our body of work is diversifying, innovating and breaking new ground. We are thrilled to be at the forefront of industryleading projects such as 11 SKIES in Hong Kong, the Hubei Coordination Urban Renewal Scheme in Shenzhen and Solaris Parq in Kuala Lumpur, to name but a few. In this book, we share and unveil the design insight behind our portfolio as we strive to create meaningful, resilient and sustainable spaces for our communities.

Lead8 was also ranked for the first time in the WA100 – Building Design’s annual compendium of the world’s largest architecture practices. We were named the 53rd largest firm and the 4th largest in the retail sector. To have grown in only six years to one of the globe’s top 100 practices has been an extremely proud moment.

We hope you enjoy this collection of our sixth year. Thank you for your support.

From the Executive Directors of Lead8 Christine Hau, Claude Touikan, David Buffonge and Simon Chua


Our Executive Directors (From Left to Right) - David Buffonge, Claude Touikan, Christine Hau and Simon Chua 我们的执行董事 (由左至右) - 巴大卫、崔接成、侯佩芳、蔡尚文


致各位读者 过去的一年,所有人的生活变得截然不同。凭着创意、承诺和关 怀,我们攜手并肩度过了不平凡的时刻。回望过去一年,我们衷 心感谢客户、合作伙伴、朋友和团队,在这段变幻莫测的年代中 为Lead8丰盛的一年而付出的努力和支持。

紧随着2019年搬迁到香港英皇道1063号后,我们一直忙于品牌 发展并继续交付各类项目。适逢Lead8 六周年,我们很高兴宣 布Lead8在全球设立第五家工作室,于深圳开设首家中国大陆的 工作室以应付不断扩充的业务。 Lead8全新的设计工作室位于深圳湾华润大厦,这座著名的摩 天大楼毗邻并俯瞰由Lead8设计并屡获殊荣的深圳湾万象城。 我们非常荣幸能够于2021年5月起,在自家设计的项目附近设立 新业务,并欢迎长期合作伙伴和新朋友到访深圳湾并会面。 过去的12个月,我们很荣幸获得多个国际设计奖项和企业殊 荣。Lead8 在2020 年获得自成立以来最多肯定的一年,共获得 19个新奖项。这不仅是对Lead8非凡创意的认可,更表彰了专业 团队的杰出设计和卓越表现,以及展现了我们与客户和合作伙 伴之间搭建的成功合作关系。我们衷心感谢在Lead8发展旅程 中的每一位。

Lead8亦首度登上由英国权威建筑杂志《Building Design》发 表的世界建築公司100強 (WA100) 榜单。我们很荣幸凭借综 合实力排名全球第 53大建筑公司,并于零售领域中排名第4。 Lead8在仅仅六年时间发展迅速,跻身世界建築公司100強确实 是一个令人鼓舞的成就。 尽管2020年充满挑战,Lead8在这艰难的一年中仍然致力提供 优越设计,我们欣然见证9个项目顺利竣工落成。目前有超过15 个项目正在兴建,另外将有30个项目于2021年和2022年逐步开 幕。我们对未来发展充满信心和期待。

由于疫情的关系,我们基于安全考虑无奈地取消现身参与多个 企業社會責任活动,但我们仍然不遺餘力地以不同途径參與各 类社會公益事務。除了支持全球节日包括国际妇女节、世界环境 日和国际青年日等,Lead8亦热心地为香港世界宣明会和残疾 儿童救济协会开展其核心的救助工作。为了提供安全的工作环 境予Lead8团队,公司更特意为每位员工提供可重复使用且环 保的Lead8品牌口罩和消毒套装,以感谢各位在困难的时刻依 然谨守岗位。 本年刊将向您呈现我们具前瞻性、多样化及创新的设计。我们 很高兴能走在行业的最前沿并负责一些备受瞩目的项目,包括 香港11天空、深圳湖贝项目整体商业规划和吉隆坡的Solaris Parq等等。我们亦很乐意分享思维领导并揭示项目背后的设计 理念,致力于为我们的城市创建有意义、弹性化和可持续发展 的空间及场所。 我们衷心希望您享受阅读本年刊,亦在此再次感谢您的支持。 Lead8 執行董事 侯佩芳、崔接成、巴大卫、蔡尚文 謹啟



New Shenzhen Studio / 全新深圳工作室 /

Lead8 has expanded, opening a new design studio in Shenzhen. The studio is Lead8’s first in mainland China and fifth globally, joining an already established network in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and London. The new presence can accommodate a team of up to 20 and is based in the China Resources Tower in Shenzhen Bay, overlooking Lead8’s award-winning design for MixC Shenzhen Bay. Lead8最近扩充其业务并正式成立深圳办公室。该工作 室将成为Lead8在中国大陆的首家工作室,并继香港、 新加坡、吉隆坡和伦敦之后,成为在全球的第五家工作 室。Lead8的新业务设立于著名的深圳湾华润大厦,俯 瞰由Lead8设计并屡获殊荣的深圳湾万象城。



With the rise of the Greater Bay Area and the significance of our projects across the mainland, we are excited to begin our next chapter in Shenzhen. Christine Hau

随着大湾区近年来的急速发展以及Lead8正扩大在中国的业务发展, 我们欣然在深圳开启新一页。- 侯佩芳 11



Longfor Central


Chengdu, China 中国成都

The opening of Longfor Central in Chengdu, China has marked the first new-generation transit-oriented development (TOD) collaboration between Lead8 and Longfor Properties. The mixed-use scheme aims to transform and shape inner-city Chengdu by delivering a vibrant development and platform for working, living and socialising. Located above a new metro interchange within the city’s 1st inner-ring district, Lead8 helped to revitalise a former industrial printing factory site into a new model for community-focused TOD design in the area.


成都龙湖上城的盛大开幕标志著Lead8与龙湖地产合作的首个 新一代公共交通导向发展(TOD)完美竣工。

成都龙湖上城旨在将现有的旧城区,塑造成一个崭新和充满活 力的工作、生活和休闲的城市客厅。综合体项目龙湖上城位于 成都人民北路地铁站交汇处上方,Lead8与客户攜手合作,重新 打造前身为印刷工厂的场地,使其焕发活力并成为一环城市中 心的TOD设计新典范。

Service : Masterplanning, Architecture (Retail Mall, Retail Precinct, SOHO Tower, LOFT Towers, Office Tower), Interior Design (Retail), Signage Design | Client : Longfor Properties | Size : 590,000 sqm 服务:总体规划、建筑设计(零售购物中心及区域、LOFT、SOHO、办公塔楼)、室内设计(商业零售)、标识设计 客戶:龙湖地产 | 规模:590,000平方米




Longfor Central is a transit-oriented development that delivers a highly-connected community. 龙湖上城是以公交为导向的项目,旨在打造一个高度连接的社区。

The 590,000 square metre mixed-use development consists of a retail podium, retail precinct, a SOHO tower, two LOFT towers, and an office tower – masterplanned and designed by Lead8. A further four residential towers complete the development by sitting on the podium roof landscape. The 198m-tall LOFT tower sits atop the six-storey mall, acting as a visual gateway to welcome visitors travelling from the train station to the city centre.


Lead8负责为590, 000平方米的综合体提供总体规划,以及负责集中 商业、街区商业、SOHO塔楼、两座LOFT塔楼及办公楼的建筑设计。 该总体规划亦包括四座住宅塔。其中一座198米高的LOFT塔楼坐落 于6层高的零售中心之上,作为火车站前往市中心的门户形象。


The highly integrated scheme serves as a superconnector to multiple public transport connection points. Direct integration with various transportation networks such as the North Train station, Lines 1 and 6, and the connectivity of new above and below ground pedestrian routes strengthens the accessibility between spaces. A sunken courtyard has been strategically designed to transform the commuter experience, injecting daylight into the basement transport interchange. 本综合体作为超级枢纽连接各种交通网络,重点连接地 铁1号线及6号线,大大提升项目和周边城市功能的可达 性。龙湖上城是城市更新的代表作及催化剂,是一项为 提升城市环境和便利社区活动的发展项目。下沉庭院经 过精心设计,旨在融合交通和商业体验,为地下交通枢 纽注入自然光。




Organic Architectural Form The original architectural form has been inspired by the Sichuan landscape of quiet mountain scenery and flowing rivers. Like natural streams coursing over pebbles, the arrangement of blocks has been rotated and stacked, and edges smoothed, to reflect a unique and organic arrangement. Extending the architecture inside, the interiors create a holistic effect by blending form with function. 有机建筑

商场和塔楼建筑的形态概念受清幽山景和潺潺山泉启发,商场体量设计成如同山泉中的溪石, 以泉水起伏般的横向玻璃条有机地包裹。灵动线条穿插极富未来感,抽象地表达了建筑与当地 人文历史的联系。 23

'Double Skin' Ribbon Façade Referencing the province’s traditional ‘bamboo over porcelain’ craftsmanship, an undulating horizontal glass ribbon façade wraps the building’s architecture. Composite glass and LED ribbons are woven across the exterior, taking on different expressions during the day and night to develop a strong identity. Parametric design tools were used to conceive the form and structure. The ‘double skin’ system reduces energy consumption by regulating seasonal heat loss and gain through conventional curtain wall systems.



考虑到项目为成都未来的高端商业,商场外立面设计以成都著名工艺 「竹丝扣瓷」为启发概念,旨在为金牛区注入动感活力。外立面的有 机形态由多条横向多媒体「飘带」幕墙组成,并利用参数化设计分析 玻璃和铝板的分格大小。幕墙系统背面的混凝土墙有利节能,减少 室内空调能源消耗。


Leveraging the full opportunities of the site and development with a multi-disciplinary scope.

Lead8 的全方位设计充分探索地块及项目发展的可能性。

Urban Landscape An elevated outdoor park on Level 5 acts as a rainwater collection system, creating a cost-effective but visually vibrant green space. The landscape design across the mixed-use site utilises complementary organic forms to integrate with the architecture and interiors. 城市景观

位于5层的室外屋面公园设于住宅区和购物中心之间,该花园充当雨水收集系统, 创造了一个经济高效但充满活力的绿色空间。屋顶环境有利户外活动,景观设计 跨越整个综合体,利用互补的有机形态将其与建筑和室内设计融为一体。 26






Grand Designs /

Balancing Business and Creativity

By Christine Hau Co Founder & Executive Director 侯佩芳,创办人兼执行董事




This year, amongst many accomplishments, Lead8 was listed in the Top 100 architecture firms in the world. It was an amazing recognition to receive, and one of which we are incredibly proud of as a business. To achieve this within our first six years of operation was a stand-out milestone for us. Reflecting on our journey, we believe it has been our commitment to our founding vision that has led us to this success.

今年,Lead8创造了不少成就,当中包括跻身世界建筑设计公司100强榜单。这 是一个令人振奋的荣誉,作为一个企业,我们深感自豪。

对我们来说,在公司成立仅仅六个年头便获得这个殊荣,绝对是卓越的里程碑。 回顾过去的日子,我们相信一切成功有赖团队对创始初衷的承诺。 33

We founded Lead8 under a shared goal of creating the freedom to work on projects that expressed our own visions for design, commercial opportunity and community engagement. Like-minded yet individual in our style and personality, our co-founding team had worked together for more than a decade already, building a portfolio and expertise in Asia and internationally. While my co-founding partners concentrate on the firm’s design capability, it is my role to oversee the commercial, operational, branding, legal and financial management of Lead8. As an intermediary between the design and operating divisions, it is how we guide the creative-management fulcrum that has been immensely rewarding for our firm.

Management by Design Our approach to business is creativity and it has informed the platform that we have established to support our designers to deliver the work they do so brilliantly, while at the same time growing our business successfully. Working in a creative industry has shown us how to be creative in the operational management and leadership of our company. Running a successful architecture and design firm involves blurring the boundaries between creative, operational and management teams. Unlike many businesses, our operations and administration teams are front of house, helping to lead the functional operations for the project design teams.


我们成立Lead8的共同目标,是创造一种率性自由,好让我们可 透过设计、商业机遇和社区参与表达个人愿景。我们有近似理念 却具个人风格的创始团队已经合作十多年,在亚洲和国际有不 少备受瞩目的标志性作品。 当其他创办人专注公司的设计能力时,我的角色是带动并监督 Lead8的商业、运营、品牌、法律和财务管理,并作为设计和运 营部门之间的中间人;这是我们引导创意管理支点的方式,对 我们公司而言是难能可贵。 由创意设计管理

我们的经营方针是创意,这也为我们建立的平台提供了参考,以 支持设计师创造出色的项目,同时让我们的业务迈向成功。在 创意行业的工作经验,让我们知道如何在公司的运营管理和领 导中发挥创意。 经营一家成功的建筑和设计公司,需要模糊创意、运营和管理 团队之间的界限。与许多企业不同的是,我们的运营和管理团 队是前台,帮助领导项目设计团队的职能运作 。

We truly believe that to be successful; you need to show your teams that you believe in them. Giving people ownership and not just responsibility is key to our philosophy. Christine Hau

我们深信要取得成功,您需要向团队展示您的信任,赋予员工自主权, 而不仅仅是责任,这是我们理念的关键。- 侯佩芳 35

Leading by Example We truly believe that to be successful; you need to show your teams that you believe in them. Giving people ownership and not just responsibility is key to our philosophy. Collaboration is a part of our brand DNA, and across our international studios, our projects teams are crafted by our colleagues' skills no matter where they are based. We are constantly sharing, communicating and collaborating. A vital ingredient for Lead8 is the priority we place on fostering a culture and ethos that sees this importance. The way we see it, teamwork makes the dream work. A glance around our studios may also make Lead8 look young. However, our mindset in the way we operate is based on experience. We believe generations change trends, and by trusting young talent, we are continually discovering new ideas and keeping our imaginations open to the unexpected. The Power of Relationships Central to every building project is having the expertise on hand to see it come to fruition. Our relationships with our contemporaries in the industry have been developed on a personal level through mutual respect. Lead8 now counts some of the world’s most recognised property owners, developers and operators as our clients and partners. To influence change and bring new ideas to the industry, we need to have the trust and belief of those we work with. Building meaningful relationships with the people and businesses we work alongside is a real source of pride. We also hold close the relationships we build with the communities in we work. Our Corporate Social Responsibility agenda has always been at the heart of Lead8. If we can positively contribute to the people and places around us throughout our journey, we have achieved our greatest goal.



我们深信要取得成功,您需要向团队展示您的信任,赋予员工自 主权,而不仅仅是责任,这是我们理念的关键。协作是我们品牌 以及全球工作室其中一个DNA,无论同事身处哪个国家,每个 项目都是他们才华与技能的心血结晶。 我们乐于不断地分享、沟通和合作。对于Lead8来说,培养一种 文化和精神,并明白它的重要性是我们的中流砥柱。在我们眼 中,只有团队合作才能让梦想成真。 环顾我们的工作室, Lead8看起来或许很年轻。然而,我们的 思维方式是基于经验。我们相信年轻人引领着未来的趋势, 通过对年轻人才的信任,我们不断发掘新构思,并保持豁达的 想象力去迎合难以预测的未来需求。 人际关系的力量

利用专业知識,以确保它們成功是每个建筑项目的核心。我们与 业内同行的关系建立在相互尊重的基础上。Lead8现在的客户 和合作伙伴,包括享负盛名的房地产商、开发商和运营商。 为影响行业变化和带来新构思,我们需要合作伙伴给与信任和 信心。能够与合作伙伴和企业成功建立有意义的关系,实在让 我们感到骄傲。

我们也非常重视与社区建立关系。企业社会责任一直是Lead8 的核心,我们最大的目标,就是能够在工作过程中为周围的人和 地方做出积极的贡献。



Urban City Cultural Plaza

文化广场竞赛项目 Location Confidential 地点保密

This competition proposal by Lead8 reimagines the relationship between local landscape and commercial development in our cities. Integrating architecture, technology and ecology, the design models an example of how urban city environments could look in future. The project is based on a waterfront area in a primarily commercial district. The dialogue between the site’s two distinct sides, existing development and parkland, built and natural environments, formed the design basis. Blurring the boundaries between these two land uses underpins the approach which unites public realm, cultural, retail, commercial and transport functions.

Lead8 提出的方案重新构想了当地景观与城市发展之间的关系。 设计将建筑、科技和生态融为一体,为未来城市环境的建模树立 新典范。 该项目以城市核心区的生态环境为根基,结合现有城市商业脉 络、建筑环境和自然环境,旨在加强地块内外之间的对话与连 接。透过模糊文化和商业之间的界限,方案提倡结合公共领域、 文化、零售、商业和交通等多功能,打造新一代复合型都市 综合体。

设计旨在探索全新的城市空间类型,提供转化并以前所未有的方 式将项目与在地景观相融合。团队深入分析并研究公共与私人、 室内与室外、科技与自然之间的关系,从而打造出理想方案。

Exploring new typologies, the relationships between public and private, indoor and outdoor, technological and natural, shape the proposal.


Service : Competition Design






Exploring the juxtaposition between built environments and nature. 一场文化、商业、自然与科技的协奏曲 。

The design is unveiled over the one-kilometre-long site connecting five land plots. Each block is terraced toward the water’s edge, the block density decreasing in the process. A dynamic slice through the architecture is evident along the city edge, revealing the organisational structure of people, places and spaces inside. A dramatic ‘Earth’s crust’ edge facing the parkland is eroded, covered in trees, vegetation and water landscapes.

Lead8的设计长达一公里并连接五块土地。南侧面向城市,以功 能剖面的形式打造前卫解构的城市界面。北侧面向公园,则以 有机的形态打造生态自然的城市肌理。建筑高度由西向东逐层 递减,实现由城市向景观的空间过渡。项目旨在连接城市脉络, 打造属于市民的全天候开放场所。











Animating Spaces The distinctive architecture mimics organic and natural forms. The diverse urban experience features a network of indoor, outdoor and semi-open environments, defining the area with pedestrian bridges, canopies and streets linked throughout the site. Conscious of the disconnect between many underground and above-ground experiences, design continuity across the basement and lower levels enhances the arrival zones. The building’s transparency is deliberate with the porous quality allowing spaces to effortlessly appear, making exploration feel organic. Where roads intersect the site, the architecture has been animated above – shaping the experience from all perspectives. 活化空间体验

独特的建筑模仿有机和自然形态,并在视觉和物理上连接地下及地面 空间。多样化的城市体验以室内、室外和半开放环境网络作亮点,通过 连接整个地块内的行人天桥、天蓬和街道来形成该区独有的城市名片。 了解到不少开发项目中的地下与地上之间的体验常常出现断层的情况。 设计故意针对地库和较低楼层的连续性和可见性。同时亦加强建筑物 的透明度及自然通风廊道,从而打造无缝的探索感觉。在纵横交错的道 路上,设计特意在建筑的不同角度上以动画投影来塑造独特体验。 47

Challenging Conventions The proposal aims to break down the standard commercial conventions for retail and dining. Ascending the levels, new ecosystems appear containing cultural programmes, theatres, libraries, galleries, museums, leisure and nature. The ‘Floating Park’, an ecological landscaped deck, acts as a super-connector across the full site. A place of exploration and discovery, this activated public realm serves as a world-class attraction, urban farm, water treatment facility and green roof with 360-degree views all in one.



该方案旨在打破零售和餐饮业一贯的商业惯例。不同于传统街区, 本案创新型的建筑形态创造出别具一格的半室外空间。作为一个前 所未有的城市客厅,全新的生态系统涵盖文化计划、剧院、图书馆、 美术馆、博物馆、休闲和自然等元素。

设计在天蓬的中央打造几个光井,为下方的空间提供光线。生态景 观平台“林端公园”是城市与湾区水系之间最好的连接。这个充满活 力的公共场所为访客带来充满趣味的探索与发现,是极具标志性和 可持续的世界地标。露天的生态空中公园集结城市农场、污水处理 设施和具有360度全景的绿色屋顶。


Diversifying how natural environments are curated and celebrated in human-made developments. 在人为发展中展示多样化的自然环境策划 。





Advanced Technology With the advancement of elevator technology, the design integrates high-performance magnetic elevators transporting visitors vertically and horizontally. 3D projection mapping techniques on the façades bring large-scale visualisation opportunities. Considering the project’s sustainable qualities, research was undertaken to ensure local biodiversity protection, rainwater collection, greywater recycling and energy consumption minimisation were all factored into the design. 前卫科技

随着科技的急速发展,Lead8提出变向磁悬浮电梯,可以分 别以垂直运输或水平方向快速地运送乘客。3D 投影将影像 投影至有机的建筑主体上,为项目带来了大型艺术文化和 品牌展示机会。 考虑到该项目的可持续性,团队进行了深入的研究以确保 设计能保护当地的生物多样性、雨水收集、污水处理及降 低建筑能耗。 54






Xinhu Paradise Walk


Suzhou, China 中国苏州

Xinhu Paradise Walk is a 110,000 square metre retail development located within Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) – the 288 square kilometre zone of China-Singapore bilateral cooperation in Suzhou, China. Positioned along a waterway that connects two neighbouring lakes, the design capitalises on the waterfront edge. A generous courtyard is carved out of the larger plot as the main gathering and landscaped public space. Two covered pedestrian bridges create a connected realm that allows visitors to cross over the site at each end. The water-facing façade showcases a series of ‘Treehouse’ structures which define focal points in the architecture. The design acts as a system for navigation within the development as well as creating specialty zones and activity experiences. An open floor retail layout is adopted inside.


星湖天街占地110,000平方米,是一个以商业零售主导的综合 体。项目位于苏州工业园区(SIP)内,这是中国和新加坡两国政 府间的重要合作项目,园区行政区域面积达288平方公里。

项目紧邻阳澄湖与青剑湖, 南北两个立面的滨水空间成为本案 立面设计的重点。设计在项目中较大的地块上打造了一个大型 庭院,作为主要的聚会空间,并沿水边优化其邻近的公共领域。 两道有盖的行人天桥分别在两端连接开发项目。

水边立面设计以树屋为亮点,充当著进入商场的窗户,允许租户 增加曝光率,同时允许从外面看到商场活动。外立面的独特设计 充当导航系统并划分主题区域和活动体验,让客群感受出一番 新的购物体验。内部采用开放式零售布局。

Service : Architecture | Client : Longfor Properties | Size : 110,000 sqm

服务:建筑设计 | 客戶:龙湖地产 | 规模:110,000平方米







Three Design Lessons from COVID-19 /

How the pandemic is reforming our approach to design

By Simon Chua Co Founder & Executive Director 蔡尚文,创办人兼执行董事


新型冠状病毒的三个提醒 /


We are all aware of our current situation. The global pandemic has disrupted the lives of millions across the globe. Our work, travel and living patterns have been altered, communities around the world stretched to the limits, and there remains no defined timeline for returning to ‘normality’. But the pandemic is teaching us lessons, ones which will ensure we don’t repeat this experience in the near future. As architects and designers, they are reforming our approach from urban design to technological integration, and everything in between.

我们都很关注现况。全球大流行已破坏全球数百万人的生活。我们的工作、旅遊和生 活方式已经被彻底改变,各地的社区都已经近乎达到极限,至今还未能估计何时能 恢复正常状态。 无疑,全球大流行正是一个重要的警号,提醒我们在未来的日子绝不要重複2020年 的经历。作为建築师和设计师,我们正改变从城市设计到技术融合的方法,以及介於 两者之间的种种。 67

As we reflect on the quality and function of our built environments, what will help to bring long-lasting change? Simon Chua 当我们反思已建环境的质量和功能时,怎样才能带来持久的变化?- 蔡尚文

Self-sufficient Cities The experience of lockdown for many has had far reaching implications and complications. In our studios, we have been discussing how next-generation masterplans may enable the effective isolation of blocks or districts, without disturbing whole cities. How can we ensure clusters within our urban areas can be self-sufficient for periods of time, providing essential goods and services, as well as functioning transport routes? While there has been a call for distancing and greener utopias, we must be realistic in understanding that the modern tech-driven industrialist economy is in motion, and with that, continued urbanism. The World Bank identifies three essential attributes for modern economic development – higher densities, shorter distances and better market integration. They may hold the keys to understanding how we shape our neighbourhoods and cities to be more resilient in the future. The pandemic has hit densely populated cities hard, from New York to Paris to Singapore. The answer doesn’t lie in spreading out the population, but in understanding the right mix and framework to allow them to thrive as a whole, and as a collection of mini cities. 68


对许多人而言,封城的经验具有深远的影响和複杂性。在我们的工作 室,我们一直在讨论新一代的总体规划如何在不影响整个城市的情况下 有效地隔离街区或区域。我们如何能确保区内的集群在一段时间内能够 自给自足,并提供足够的商品和服务以及交通路线? 儘管人们大力提倡社交距离和绿色乌托邦,但我们必须在现实中理解到 现代科技驱动的工业主义经济正在发展,而随之而来的是持续的城市 化。世界银行分析了现代经济发展的叁个基本特徵:高密度、短距离和 改善市场整合。这些关键影响我们如何塑造未来社区和城市,使其变得 更有韧性。 这场流感大流行严重打击了人口稠密的城市,比如纽约、巴黎和新加坡 等。答案不在于分散人口,而是在于了解正确的配搭和框架,使他们能 够在整体以及在迷小城市中蓬勃发展。


Diversity Around Ecologygy The arrival of the pandemic has come at a time when we were already questioning our protection of the natural world. Our shift in priorities has now been amplified – we have referred to this public health crisis in moments as a crying out from Mother Nature. As we reflect on the quality and function of our built environments, especially within our large, dense cities, what will help to bring long-lasting change? The timelessness of nature as a design concept is receiving renewed enthusiasm. Why over-engineer concepts when our desire for natural surroundings is so strong? Open, green and, importantly, usable spaces would redefine the experience of our cities and act as natural corridors or barriers in urban areas. The purifying qualities of indoor gardens and forests, with the right mix of species, has real health advantages for our internal spaces. It is time to further explore the diversity of our living ecologies within our man-made environments. Safe is the New Smart You may have noticed that many ‘smart buildings’ are empty at the moment. Our focus on smart development in a pre-COVID era measured success through efficient performance and lowering the impact on our environment. This is still incredibly important, but we have also learned that making a building smart is also how we use it. Cities are smart when they become liveable. Buildings are smart when they can be used safely. How do we make our environments and buildings safer? New technologies are the answer and are already in use. Not only will we see mass temperature readers and contactless services, but distancing behavior sensors, full in-room sanitisation, and airborne bacteria devices. The acceleration of technological development will mean our buildings’ ability to handle the next public health crisis and pandemic will be markedly different.



流感大流行出现前,我们已开始反思对自然界的保育是否足够。我 们扩大了优先处理的范畴 - 暂时将这场公共卫生危机视为大自然 的呼唤。 当我们反思已建环境的质量和功能时,尤其是在人口稠密的大城市 中,什么能有助带来持久的变化? 以大自然的永恒作为设计理念,现正成为被追捧的热潮。当我们对 自然环境的渴望如此强烈时,为什么会出现过度设计?开阳、绿化, 和更重要的可用空间将重新定义我们的城市体验,并充当城市内的 自然走廊或屏障。室内花园和森林的净化质量以及正确的植物品种 配搭,能有效在室内空间提升健康水平。


您可能已注意到,目前有许多“智慧建筑”都处于空置状态。在全球 大流行前,我们通过有效的评估并降低对环境的影响来衡量智慧发 展项目是否成功。这仍然非常重要,但是我们也了解到,打造智慧建 筑物亦取决于我们的使用方式。 当城市变得越来越智慧化,它们变得更加宜居。当建筑变得越来越 智慧化,它们变得更安全。我们如何使环境和建筑更安全?答案无 疑是新技术,并且已在广泛使用。我们不仅看到大量自助体温测量 和非接触式服务,而且会发现距离传感器、室内消毒和防止细菌传 播等设备已变得越来越普及。 科技迅速发展意味着我们的建筑物应对下一次公共卫生危机和大 流行的能力将会变得大为不同。



Kunfu Paradise Walk

昆府天街 Hainan, China


Kunfu Paradise Walk is located adjacent to the Hainan Island High-speed Railway, the world’s first circular high-speed railway, and is one the largest transit-oriented development (TOD) projects in Hainan. Situated in Haikou, the retail-led development and wider mixed-use masterplan will directly connect to the Chengxi High-speed Rail Station. The highly-integrated design will span 220,000 square metres and also act as a thriving platform serving 14 surrounding mixed-use towers. Haikou’s unique natural elements and its name's meaning as 'mouth of the sea’ have informed Lead8’s design for the TOD scheme. The concept is influenced by the many estuaries and rivers that meet together before joining at the sea. The podium massing is carved with multiple channels and planned around an open central atrium that links the east and west zones of the 600m-long site.


昆府天街是海南最大的公共交通导向型开发项目(TOD)之一, 项目邻近全世界第一条环岛高铁- 海南岛高铁。 海口昆府天街商业体量达22万平方米,是该TOD综合体项目的 核心亮点。作为多维立体交通枢纽,项目亦被视作为与周边14 座综合塔楼的连接平台。

Lead8设计灵感源自海口得天独厚的地理优势,团队以百川入 海的自然形态想像水流灌溉地块的情景,由此打造浮岛花园并 创建新一代的TOD商业综合体。长达600米的集中商业设有多 个中庭,以开阳的生态主中庭作为核心并带动东西区人流。

Service : Masterplanning, Architecture (Retail), Retail Planning | Client : Longfor Properties | Size : 220,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计(零售)、零售商业规划 | 客戶:龙湖地产 | 规模:220,000平方米












Yanlord Dream Centre

仁恒梦中心 Shenzhen, China


This future mixed-use destination integrates people and space, business and city, and life and nature to establish a new green community in Shenzhen. Located in the heart of Longgang District, the site is situated above a subway station and will be the first subway superstructure in eastern Shenzhen. The 920,000 square metre mixed-use scheme features a 90,000 square metre retail mall, two office towers and two serviced apartment towers by Lead8. The project is neighboured by four million square metres of industrial parks, which are home to over 20 large-scale industrial businesses. The project aims to transform traditional retail into an unbounded experience that promotes transparency, connectivity and ecology. Commercial spaces have been reimagined as a green urban oasis programmed with leisure, entertainment and social activities. The central courtyard is a shared public space within the city, animated by gardens and interactive waterscapes.


仁恒梦中心将打造繁荣的绿色社区,成为一个模糊大众与空 间、商业与城市、生活与自然界限的综合地标。

项目位于龙岗大运商圈,紧邻地铁站并是深圳东部首个地铁上 盖,复合众多业态的城市共同体项目。整个项目综合体总建筑 面积约30万平米,其中包括由Lead8设计达9万平方米的购物中 心及商业街、两座办公塔楼及两座服务式公寓。项目周围聚集 逾400万平方米的产业园区,吸附超过20家大型产业基地。

项目旨在转化传统商业空间为惊喜不断的社区型地标商办综合 体,并提倡透明度、连接性及生态保护。商业空间通过年轻潮 流、绿色生态、家庭生活及休闲娱乐等主题要素,全方位呼应不 同的客流需求,从而营造悠闲的城市绿洲。独具特色的中央庭 院通过绿化、水景、广场等元素形成与城市共享的公共空间。

Service : Masterplanning, Architecture (Retail, Office, Serviced Apartment) Client : Yanlord Land Group Limited | Size : 90,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计(零售、办公塔楼、服务式公寓) | 客戶:仁恒置地 | 规模:90,000平方米







场所营造与屋顶綠化 83


Timeless City - Riverside Paradise Walk

梵城滨江天街 Chengdu, China 中国成都

Timeless City – Riverside Paradise Walk opened in 2020, undergoing a remarkable transformation from land purchase to completion in only 28 months. The project also marked the first completion for Lead8 with developer Longfor Properties. The 740,000 square metre mixed-use development is uniquely situated alongside the Cheng Hua Avenue and Sha He (Sand River) on the East 2nd Ring Road of Chengdu. The scheme features a 140,000 square metre retail mall and two SOHO, LOFT and hotel towers. A retail street with four SOHO towers sits adjacent to a residential district. The design concept has drawn from the adjacent Sand River. The dynamic architectural form extends the curvilinear appearance of the podium to the towers. A ‘crystal dome’ makes up the upper levels of the retail development as a main attraction and offers a sweeping visual connection to the natural environment.


梵城滨江天街于2020年正式开幕。该项目从购买土地到竣工仅 需28个月,展现了非凡的发展过程,同时亦标志著Lead8 与龙湖 集团之间的首个落地项目。 740,000平方米的综合体开发项目位于成都东二环的成华大道 和沙河旁。该项目包括一座 140,000 平方米的购物中心、2 座 SOHO、LOFT、酒店复合式塔楼。另外南则的商业街区亦包括4 座SOHO塔楼。 建筑设计灵感源自地块毗邻的沙河,形态宛如流线跃动的船 体。地标式的水晶穹頂是设计中的另一个亮点,幕墙如朝露晶 莹通透,让外界可感受建筑核心位置的商业气氛,提升项目的 地标感。

Service : Masterplanning, Design Architect (Retail, SOHO, LOFT, Hotel), Interior Design (Retail) Client : Longfor Properties | Size : 740,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计(零售、SOHO、LOFT、酒店)、室内设计(零售) | 客戶:龙湖地产 | 规模:740,000平方米
















Why Architects are Ready for the Tech Revolution /

为何建筑师已为科技革命做好准备 / 5G与AI(人工智能)结合

The Union of 5G and AI

By Claude Touikan Co Founder & Executive Director 崔接成,创办人兼执行董事


The integration of the digital and physical worlds is something we explore every day as architects. We know our lifestyles are being driven by technology; we are living in a highly connected-digital era. You might think designers would prefer to mimimise the impact of these virtual worlds to protect our physical realms but it’s quite the opposite. With the acceleration of technology and the oncoming union of 5G and AI, we are embracing what the next tech revolution holds for our real-world environments.

作为建筑师,我们每天都在探索数字世界与物理世界之间的融合。我们现正身处在智 能网络数码时代,科技大幅改變了我們的生活方式。您可能会认为设计师会倾向尽 量减少这些虚拟世界的影响,从而保护我们的实体空间,但事实却恰恰相反。 随着科技的迅速发展,以及5G与AI的结合,我们正期待着新一轮科技革命对现实环 境的影响。 97

The Value of Being Offline Being in the business of designing destinations and places for people, we instinctively know that our most valued experiences are offline. Multiple research studies over the last few years have consistently backed this up. Much of our life is accessible at the touch of a button; shopping, entertainment, work, connection with family and friends. Yet, no matter how integrated and effective this technology is, in-person, human experiences still win. The value of our physical environments is the opportunity to activate our senses, socialise, meet, experience, be immersed and entertained. How are we designing to capture this demand? In commercially-focused developments, we were already creating spaces that drive experience not just transactions. For a post-COVID world, we know these need to go even further. With experience now driving the agenda, our future destinations will be competing to deliver nature, entertainment, culture, art, technology, hospitality, transport, education, retail, health, workspaces in boundary-breaking ways. Making Technology Disappear A recent study by Ernst & Young reported that there will be more than 125 billion IoT sensors in our homes, cars, offices and streets by 2030. This presents a huge opportunity for smart cities and developments to become more sustainable, effective and accurate. However, how does this growth of technology impact how we experience our spaces? As Mark Weiser, the father of ubiquitous computing, famously said ‘the most profound technologies are those that disappear’. The coming together of AI and 5G is giving rise to a new generation of unseen technology – promoting contactless behavior and systems. The immediate benefit to public health and safety is one timely advantage. These new technologies are streamlined, integrated, undetectable, and space efficient. They are giving back GFA which can be reprogrammed to indoor gardens, art installations, commercial activity and entertainment. These capabilities are helping us humanise our spaces and improve our lives without compromising on the design, aesthetic and ambience of the places we create. 98


为人们打造地标和空间时,我们深切地知道最有价值的是线下的实体体 验。过去几年中的多项研究一直印证了这一点。现今,我们只需触动几个 按钮,便可以满足日常生活的需要;包括购物、娱乐、工作、与家人和朋 友联系等。然而,无论科技怎样高效及融合我们的生活,亲身互动地体 验仍然有优胜之处。 物理环境的价值在于有效激活我们的感官,提供社交、见面、体验和娱 乐的机会。我们应该如何设计以满足这种需求呢?在以商业为导向的开 发项目中,我们已经在创造推动体验的空间,而不仅仅是作买卖。针对 疫后的世界,我们知道这些需求会作进一步的演化。凭借现在的经验推 动发展方向,未来的地标将以突破性的方式交付自然、娱乐、文化、艺 术、技术、款待、运输、教育、零售、健康和办公空间。


安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)最新的研究报告指出,到2030年 时,我们的家庭、汽车、办公室和街道中将有超过1,250亿个物联网(IoT) 传感器。这为智慧城市提供了巨大的机会,使其变得更加可持续、高效 和准确。但是,科技的发展如何影响我们对空间的体验呢? 正如普适计算之父Mark Weiser所言, “最深刻和强大的技术应该是“看 不见”的技术”。 AI和5G的结合将产生新一代看不见的技术 - 促进非接 触式的识别技术和系统,并对公共卫生安全提供了及时及直接的好处。 这些新技术精简、完整、不可检测且节省空间。它们有助充分使用总建 筑面积,将其重新编程为室内花园、艺术装置、商业活动及娱乐用地。 创新技术有助我们打造人性化空间并改善生活,同时又不会影响创造场 所的设计、美学和氛围。


Exploring New Realities The latest technological revolution is also delivering a new platform to undertake and communicate the design process. The union of 5G and AI is supporting the growth of augmented, virtual and mixed reality (AR, VR and MR) technologies – giving architects new tools for collaboration with clients, stakeholders, consultants and importantly, the future users. With the pandemic showing us the impact of restricted travel in our personal and professional lives, these new platforms are arriving at an apt time. The future possibilities go well beyond what we have seen from AR mobile apps or VR head-set experiences. MR perhaps presents the most expansive opportunities, blending 3D holographic content with our physical worlds. The reality is that the acceleration of technology in our daily lives is driving our demand for improved, humanised, and meaningful built environments – and our ability to deliver them. 探索新现实

最新的技术革命还提供了一个进行和交流设计过程的新平 台。 5G和AI的结合正在支持AR(增强现实)、VR(虚拟现 实)、MR(混合现实)技术的发展 - 为建筑师提供了新工具, 能更有效地与客户、持份者、顾问以及未来的用户进行协 作。 随着流感大流行各地實施旅遊限制,对我们工作及个人生活 深受影响,这些新平台正来得合时。未来的可能性远远超出 我们从AR手机应用程式或VR头戴式耳机体验中看到的一 切。 MR也许提供了更加多元化的全息体验,让人们可以沉 浸在虚拟与现实叠加的混合世界,令三维模型全息显示在现 实环境中。 日常生活中的创新技术发展推动我们追求更美好生活、人性 化和有意义的建筑环境,以及我们交付这些设计的能力。





11 天空

Hong Kong 香港

11 SKIES is a brand new HK$20 billion mixed-use destination at SKYCITY. The development will be Hong Kong’s largest hub for Retail, Dining and Entertainment (RDE), and the first such scheme to combine wealth management and wellness services. The destination features 2.66 million square feet dedicated to dining and retail outlets and 570,000 square feet for experiential entertainment facilities. There will be over 800 shops including more than 120 dining concepts together with entertainment never seen before in the region, including Greater China’s first KidZania and the launch of SkyTrack, the world’s largest indoor and outdoor karting track. As part of the mixed-use development, 11 SKIES also integrates three grade A office towers covering 570,000 square feet. Strategically located next to the Hong Kong International Airport, the Hong Kong Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and the future Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link, the destination will benefit from a high volume of passenger movement, and a further 72 million people residing in the Greater Bay Area.



11 天空是坐落于香港国际机场SKYCITY航天城的世界级綜合 商业项目,总投资额高达200亿港元。项目将成为香港最大型 的一站式零售饮食娱乐 (RDE)枢纽,并集结医养和财富管理等 产业。

全新目的地的零售餐饮部分占地266万平方呎,并将设全港最 大室内娱乐区,总占地57万方呎。11 天空云集超过800家店 铺,涵盖逾120种餐饮概念。项目更引入首度进驻大中华区的 KidZania儿童职业体验乐园,以及全球最长的室内外小型赛车 场SkyTrack。

作为综合体的一部分,11 天空亦设有三幢由K11 ATELIER负责 营运的甲级写字楼,总楼面面积达57万平方呎。11 天空地理位 置优越,与香港国际机场无缝连接,毗邻屯门至赤鱲角连接路 及港珠澳大桥。项目商业发展潜力庞大,落成后势将成为香港 市民、海外人士以至整个大湾区7,200万人口必到的崭新地标。

Service : Masterplanning, Architecture, Interior Design | Client : New World Development Company Limited Size : 3.8 million sqft 服务:总体规划、建筑设计、室内设计 | 客戶:新世界发展 | 规模:380万平方呎







Hongkong Land JL Central


Nanjing, China 中国南京

This development by Hongkong Land sits next to the busiest intersection of Xinjiekou, Nanjing. The area is the third largest business district in China after Wangfujing, Beijing and Nanjing Road, Shanghai. As many as half a million people pass through Xinjiekou every day, rising to one million during peak holiday periods. With the surrounding retail developments well established over the last 10 to 20 years, the site presented the opportunity to have impact with a new and refreshed destination. The project consists of two sites with the first featuring a fourstorey retail podium with an integrated office tower delivering a mix of lifestyle brands and shopping experiences. Another high-end shopping mall anchors the other site with a serviced apartment and grade A office tower above. The design aims to bring a new oasis to the dense and bustling Xinjiekou area.


香港置地旗下的开发项目毗邻南京市中心最繁华地段新街口 的十字路口。南京新街口是仅次于北京王府井、上海南京路的 中国第三大商业街。日常人流量达50多万人次,双休日约100万 人次。 在过去的10到20年中,零售业发展日益蓬勃,该地标将为南京 带来全新面貌。

该项目由两部分组成,第一地块包括一座楼高四层的零售裙楼 并集结办公塔楼,提供一系列生活品牌和独特的购物体验。 另一个地块以高端购物中心为主打,配以服务式公寓及甲级办 公楼。该设计旨在把新绿洲带入繁荣的新街口区。

Service : Architecture, Retail Planning | Client : Hongkong Land | Size : 235,000 sqm

服务:建筑设计、零售商业规划 | 客戶:香港置地 | 规模:235,000平方米







Changchiang Centre


Wuhan, China 中国武汉

The future Changchiang Centre in Wuhan is part of one of the most significant integrated developments currently under construction in the city. The prime retail scheme is located within a 1.5 million square metre mixed-use waterfront destination along the Yangtze River near the Central Business District. The large-scale destination will feature Wuhan’s tallest tower, currently under construction, once complete. The retail scheme by Lead8 will occupy 210,000 square metres of above-ground area across two of the masterplan’s nine plots; functioning as a key connective centre and social heart of the integrated waterside development.

正在兴建的武汉长江中心是该市最重要的综合开发项目之一。 该主要的零售开发项目位于占地150万平方米的多功能滨水地 带,邻近长江中央商务区。 该大型项目的地块将位于武汉市一个正在发展的商业区,邻 近武汉绿地中心,该塔楼一旦建成,将成为武汉最高的塔楼。 Lead8负责占地210, 000平方米的零售计划,主力打造总体规 划中九块地块的其中两块,旨在成为水滨沿岸综合开发项目的 核心地标。

建筑设计延续现有的城市肌理并连接四周的公共空间。Lead8 负责的两块地块以漂浮在空中的“连桥舞台”紧密连接。

The architectural design is stitched into the urban fabric, connecting to surrounding public realms and neighbouring developments. The scheme’s two plots designed by Lead8 are connected over ground by way of a five-storey ‘floating stage’ bridge.


Service : Architectural Design (Retail) | Client : China Fortune Land Development | Size : 210,000 sqm

服务:建筑设计(零售) | 客戶:华夏幸福 | 规模:210,000平方米







International Trade Exchange

国际贸易交易中心 Location Confidential


This development seeks to bridge the space between countries and provide a platform for international businesses. Due to the global pandemic, many businesses are being affected by the restriction of travel and closed borders. This scheme's concept aims to create a physical space for online operators to have an offline presence. A series of galleries, exhibition rooms and halls are designed and planned to cater to different products for companies wishing to expand their presence to new geographic markets. Together with a highly flexible and modular furniture system designed by the Lead8 Interior Design Team, each brand and product can be displayed in a retail-like environment to promote awareness and drive marketing and sales initiatives, creating 'instant' offices. These offices also offer an opportunity to incubate new businesses within a country, encouraging international trade and exchange.



由于全球大流行肆虐,一眾企业都受到出境限制和封城影响。 该计划的概念旨在为线上经营者创造一个线下的實物空间。我 們设计和规划了一系列画廊、展览室和展示厅以满足不同企业的 需求,为希望将业务拓展到新市场的企业提供服务。

配合由Lead8室内设计团队设计的高度灵活和模块化家具系统, 每个品牌都可以在类似零售的环境中展示产品,以提高知名度、 推动营销和销售,就像一个"即时 "陈列室。这些陈列室也提供了 在境内培育新业务的机会,鼓励国际贸易和交流。

Service : Interior Design | Client: Confidential | Size: Confidential

服务:室内设计 | 客戶:保密 | 规模:保密








Images courtesy of Lenovo (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd and Tishman Speyer 图片来源: 联想集团、铁狮门


Lenovo Tishman Speyer Shenzhen

铁狮门联想综合体项目 Shenzhen, China


As Tishman Speyer’s first project in Southern China, this development represents a flagship for the company’s future China operations. The mixed-use commercial complex spans 280,000 square metres and is located in the fast-growing Houhai CBD within the Nanshan District. The commercial complex comprises two grade A office buildings, a retail mall, and a cultural centre. The design is defined by its main axis, the central green open plaza that intersects the site. The concept connects the indoors and outdoors to create a multi-layered and multi-dimensional spatial experience.

作为铁狮门集团在华南地区的第一个项目,该综合体也是未来 中国业务的旗舰项目。综合商务建筑群总建筑面积达28万平方 米,坐落在中国深圳市南山区高速发展的后海中心商务区。 该商用综合物业包括两座甲级写字楼、零售商场和一座文化中 心。项目设计聚焦在其主轴线上,其中央绿化公共空间贯穿整 个项目。设计概念旨在将室内和室外空间无缝连接起来,以创 建多层和多维的空间体验。 该项目前正在施工建设,预计于2021年末竣工。

The project is currently under construction and due to complete in late 2021.


Service : Architecture, Interior Design, Retail Planning (Podium) | Client : Lenovo Shenzhen, Tishman Speyer Size : 280,000 sqm 服务:建筑设计、室内设计、商业建筑规划(裙楼) | 客戶:联想集团、铁狮门 | 规模:280,000平方米




Retail Ecology and the new Biophilia /

What is the future of post-COVID retail environments?

By David Buffonge Co Founder & Executive Director 巴大卫,创办人兼执行董事


商业零售生态及亲生物设计 / 疫后商业零售环境的未来

In recent months, there has been quite a bit of talk about the future of post-COVID retail environments. Many of the following topics have been relevant to the retail industry long before the pandemic, but it has been the economic effects and the ramifications of self-isolation that have probably given us time to think more about a green revolution. It is not surprising that words such as ‘Biophilia’, originally coined by Edward O. Wilson, have now become so relevant, reminding us that humans have an innate affinity for the natural world. Through design, we can make a significant contribution to delivering these experiences.

在最近的几个月,相信已有很多关于疫后零售环境未来的讨论。当中许多主题早在大 流行之前已经与商业零售业相关,但是,受着经济和自我隔离政策的影响下,促使我 们去思考绿色革命。 毫无疑问,最初由爱德华·威尔逊(Edward O. Wilson)所提出的概念「Biophilia」 (亲生物设计)如今变得日益重要。该概念假定人类对自然有一种先天的嚮往和亲和 关系。我们绝对可以透过亲生物设计打造非凡体验。 133

New Retail Ecosystems Today, the somewhat outdated terms like Shopping Centre and Mall are being replaced with descriptions such as Urban Living Room, Integrated Campus, Mini-City, Retail Precinct, Retail Village and Urban Resort. These destinations focus on ‘experience and community’, and promote a human desire for mixed-use, pedestrianised places with a bit of everything for everyone, including nature. These new slivers of city try to maximise the use of sunlight, open space, natural ventilation, nature and landscape, blurring the boundaries between inside and out. We are all experiencing this change in attitude towards placemaking and the evolution of ‘development’ to ‘ecosystem’.



如今,购物中心和商场之类等过时术语已被别名取代,包括城市客厅、 一体化校园、迷你城市、零售村和城市度假区等。这些目的地注重“体 验和社区”,并促进人们对综合体和行人专用区的渴望,其中包括与自 然界的联系。 这些新的城市空间试图最大程度地利用阳光、开放空间、自然通风、自 然环境和景观,从而模糊室内和室外的界限。我们都在经历对场所营造 的态度转变以及从发展到生态系统的演变。

Organic Retail As a result of the pandemic, there has been a greater desire to connect our internal spaces with nature. Concepts such as Biophilia are gaining wider traction, influencing design across many sectors, most especially retail. More than the free-flowing lines of modern retail design, and alongside the introduction of living plant-life, this movement addresses the desire for a materiality of warmer, natural tones, the use of wood, bronze and brass, organically crafted into space. Sustainable product sourcing has also become a priority; minimising carbon footprints, costs and giving more support to local and regional economic supply chains and fair trade. Urban Ecology In the future, we see our landscape architects working together with urban ecologists to integrate nature in a way that better contributes to our human environments. Specialist knowledge sharing by those who have a true understanding of plant species, insects, birds and other city wildlife will push the boundaries of design far beyond simply aesthetic needs. The concept of wellness, wellbeing and retail eco-therapy is encouraging the use of more dense and authentic landscapes that need minimum maintenance, allowing our senses to connect through nature. Retail Without Borders The design of people circulation patterns post-COVID are also changing. We have already noticed a greater desire to take escalators and stairs as opposed to lifts to maintain better social distancing. We are finding the most memorable retail spaces accommodate more open retail layout concepts and formats, coming to be known as ‘Retail without Borders’.


受流感大流行的影响,人们更加渴望室内空间与大自然连结。亲生 物设计之类的概念正获得越来越广泛的关注,并影响许多行业的设 计,尤其是零售业。 除了现代商业零售设计的人流动线外,还引入动植物花卉。这举动 满足了人们对温暖、自然色调、木材、青铜和黄铜的使用需求。 采购可持续产品成为当务之急;减少碳足迹、成本,并为本地和区 域经济供应链和公平贸易提供更多支持。


在未来的日子,我们会看到更多景观设计师与城市生态学家攜手融 合大自然于设计中,为未环境作出贡献。对植物种类、昆虫、鸟类和 其他动植物有真正了解的专家分享的专业知识将使设计的界限远远 超出单纯的审美需求。 健康、福祉和零售生态疗法的概念鼓励使用需要较少保养,但更密 集和更真实的景观


疫后的人流模式设计亦正在转变。我们已留意到,人们比以往倾向 乘坐自动扶梯和楼梯,而非乘坐电梯,以保持适当的社交距离。我 们发现最令人难忘的商业零售空间可容纳更多开放式零售布局概念 和形态,被称为“无边界零售”。 精心策划的开放式零售布局,将没有实体障碍物将租户分隔开,再 加上充足的自然光线,可提供完全身临其境的人流体验。新的零售 目的地将成为城市的独有基因,并作庆祝、融合艺术、文化、剧院、 景观以及现在著重的自然环境等多元化用途。

Carefully curated, open retail layouts with no physical barriers separating tenants, together with an abundance of natural light, allow for a completely immersive people flow experience. New retail destinations will take on the DNA of a city; a celebration and integration of art, culture, theatre, landscape, and now, NATURE!


We are all experiencing a change in attitude towards placemaking and the evolution of 'development' to 'ecosystem'. David Buffonge

我们都在经历对场所营造的态度转变,以及从发展到生态系统的演变。- 巴大卫 136



Hubei Coordination Urban Renewal Scheme

湖贝项目整体商业规划 Shenzhen, China 中国深圳

The Hubei Coordination Urban Renewal Scheme is one of the largest urban regeneration schemes in Shenzhen, China. The project will see the protection and transformation of a 500-year-old village as part of a major regional cultural, commercial and tourism destination. Lead8 is delivering the integrated retail environment which serves as the connective layer to unite the site’s seven plots. Spanning 490,000 square metres, the retail design is spread across three interconnected zones: The East Zone (Open Retail Streets); the Central Zone (Basement Retail); and the Middle West Zone (Integrated Mall and Sky Village). The design provides the platform to link Old Hubei Village with the mixed-activity programme featuring more than 25 commercial, residential and hotel towers. As a major transit-oriented hub, the retail spaces also define the arrival experience from the five underground metro lines.

湖贝项目整体商业规划是深圳市落实先行示范区和粤港澳大湾 区建设的重大项目之一。该项目传承了湖贝500年古村的历史文 脉,同时在深圳发展历程中收获了独特的新城市文化,成为新 一代的城市综合体和区域引擎。

该项目总商业面积逾490,000平方米,分为东(立体化商业)、中 (地下商业)、西(购物中心为主体的多元业态)三个区。Lead8 负责提供一体化的零售环境,将整个统筹片区串联起来。 项目整体以五个地铁站为基础形成强大的多样化交通基盘,以 TOD为城市片区开发导向,力图打造业态融合的活力城区。 相关设计正全面推进,设计将以最终决定的方案为准。

The design process is ongoing and rendered images shown are subject to further change.


Service : Retail Planning, Retail Architectural Design (A1-A4) | Client : China Resources Land (Shenzhen) Limited Size : A1-A4 Plots Commercial Building Area: 120,000 sqm, Overall Commercial Planning Floor Area: 490,580 sqm 服务: 零售商业规划、零售建筑设计(A1-A4) | 客戶:华润置地(深圳)开发有限公司

规模 (A1-A4 地块商业建筑面积):120,000平方米 | 规模(整体商业规划建筑面积):490,580 平方米













Solaris Parq

Solaris Parq

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 马来西亚吉隆坡

Located in one of Kuala Lumpur’s prestigious residential neighbourhoods, Solaris Parq is a contemporary urban living destination that integrates leisure, work and culture. Lead8 won the competition to design the unique and large-scale mixed-use development with a concept that celebrates the seamless integration of built environment, open spaces and people. The development will comprise premium office buildings, luxury residential towers, interconnected lifestyle retail precincts, art and cultural hubs, and a series of public spaces infused with lush landscape. Channeling the concept of "Theatres of green”, where green spaces and people come together, the development will provide a new typology for urban living and urban business in Kuala Lumpur.

Solaris Parq位于吉隆坡著名的住宅区之一,是一个集休闲、工 作和文化于一体的现代都市生活目的地。 Lead8在竞赛中突围 而出并设计独特且大规模的综合体,该设计概念旨在表彰建筑 环境、开放空间和大众的无缝融合。

该开发项目将包括高端办公楼、奢华住宅塔楼、相互连接的时尚 零售区、艺术和文化枢纽以及一系列注入郁郁葱葱景观的公共 空间。秉承 "绿色剧院"的概念,让绿色空间和群众联系在一起, 项目将为吉隆坡的城市生活和城市商业提供一个全新面貌。 相关设计正全面推进,渲染图展示了项目的初步设计。

The design process is ongoing and the rendered images shown depict the initial competition design scheme.


Service : Masterplanning, Architecture | Client : UEM Sunrise

服务:总体规划、建筑设计 | 客戶:UEM Sunrise





Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

首钢北京园区城市织补创新项目 Beijing, China


The Shougang Park Urban Weaving District in Beijing is an urban regeneration masterplan and future gateway to the 2022 Winter Olympics site. The masterplan forms part of a significant rejuvenation undertaking in the capital as the site transforms a 100-yearold Capital Steel Factory Park into a thriving multi-activity destination. Comprising retail, office, hotel, entertainment, public transport interchange (PTI), and MICE, the development is highly integrated and features five metro line exits within the design. Echoing the government’s initiatives to regenerate the Shougang District, the masterplan will preserve the original urban fabric and rebuild the historic buildings while retaining the industrial remains’ authenticity. This includes the reuse of existing heritage columns and brickwork. Sustainably minded, the scheme is designed to meet the Three Star Green Building standard.


首钢北京园区城市织补创新项目不但是城市更新总体规划,亦 是未来通往2022年冬季奥会场地的门户。

该总体规划是北京城市更新的重点项目,旨在将拥有百年历史 的首都钢铁工厂园区改造成一个繁荣及多用途的城市地标并引 入高科技企业进驻。综合园区将涵盖零售、办公、酒店、娱乐、 公共交通交汇处(PTI)和企业客厅(MICE),其建筑设计连接 地下转乘站的五个地铁出口。

该总体规划呼应当地政府的计划,打造新时代首都城市复兴新 地标,不但保留原有的城市结构并复建部分历史建筑,同时保留 工业遗存特色及真实性。这包括重用原厂房中的牛腿柱和格构 柱以及红砖。项目的设计符合三星级绿色建筑标准,以达至可 持续发展的需求。

Service : Masterplanning, Architecture (Phase 1) | Client : Shougang Group | Size : 938,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计(第一期) | 客戶:首钢集团 | 规模:938,000平方米











Hangzhou Waterfront Masterplan

杭州海滨总体规划 Hangzhou, China 中国杭州

This masterplan competition design imagines a major transitoriented waterfront park on the banks of a scenic river in Hangzhou, China. The vision was to create a car-free urban riverside park animated by performing arts, entertainment, sports and leisure, and art installations. The transit-oriented design takes on a three-dimensional approach, combining subways, bus interchange stations and sunken roads to provide the greatest advantage to pedestrians and people flow throughout the site. A continuous aerial bridge system connects the mixed-use scheme, linking the commercial street, retail development, science and technology museum, offices, hotels, waterfront park and floating platforms.

该总体规划竞赛选址于中国杭州风景秀丽的河岸上,旨在设计 一个大型并以交通为导向的滨水公园。设计愿景是缔造一个真 正无车行的城市滨水公园,设置以演艺娱乐、运动休闲、艺术展 览为主题核心。 该公共交通导向型开发通过立体的手法,结合地铁、公交换乘 站、下沉路等,发挥交通与人流最大的优势。项目通过一条连续 的空中连桥将整个片区相连,把商业街、商场、科技馆、办公、 酒店、滨水城市公园、亲水平台连接成一个完整的体系。

该设计充分利用自然景观优势,从而打造一个将当地风光与现 代商业生活融为一体的探索之旅,成为一个“一半风景,一半生 活”的都市心灵栖息地。

The design takes full advantage of the natural, ecological setting, creating a journey of discovery that unites local scenery with modern commercial life.


Service : Competition Design









4 172


International Women’s Day ‘Each for Equal’/ 响应国际妇女节 '人人平等'的主题 /


In 2020, Lead8 took the initiative to stand out and be counted, speaking up for equality in the workplace for International Women’s Day. Equality is not a women’s issue but a collective one. Our personal behaviours, actions and mindsets all work towards determining the impact we have on our places of work and the communities around us. 2020年,Lead8主动成为国际妇女节工作场所的平等代表。平等不仅是关乎女性,而 是一个与集体相关的问题。我们的个人行为、举止和思维方式都有助于确定我们对工 作场所和周遭社区的影响。


“Each day, we individually make choices in the way we act and think. We actively choose how we react to discrimination, bias, and sexism. It is within our individual powers to broaden the perceptions of society, improve situations and celebrate the achievement of women. But we must act collectively. Through collective individualism, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.” “每天,我们都会以自己的行为和思维方式作出选择。我们积极选 择如何应对有关歧视和偏见的问题。其实,我们每个人都有能力去 扩大对社会的观念,改善现况并庆祝妇女的成就和代表。但是我们 必须集体地进行, 通过集体个人主义,我们每个人都可以共同创建 一个性别平等的世界。”

Christine Hau, Co Founder & Executive Director 侯佩芳, 创办人兼执行董事

“Collective Individualism draws a strong parallel to our approach as architects. Nothing can be delivered in isolation. We need to bring our individual thoughts, talents and insight together, working collaboratively, if we want to deliver something that is successful and brings lasting change. Don’t rest on your laurels, continue to evolve best practice, listen and learn, and be proactive in striving for equality.” “集体个人主义与我们作为建筑师的理念很类似。没有任何项目可 以单一地交付。如果我们要交付成功并带来持久变化的方案,我们 需要结合我们的个人思想、才华和创新思维,从而进行协作。不要 固步自封,继续发挥所长、聆听他人和不断学习, 并积极争取平 等。”融合我们的生活,亲身互动地体验仍然有优胜之处。

David Buffonge, Co Founder & Executive Director 巴大卫, 创办人兼执行董事


“In our industry, we work together in teams every day. Diverse, multi-disciplinary groups where we combine our expertise to deliver amazing projects. Collective individualism is the same, we need to work together towards the same goal if we want to achieve it. Be conscious of others – tune in to your colleagues, the teams you work within, your leadership. Supporting equality comes in many different forms and no act is too small, or too big.” “在我们的行业中,我们每天与多元化及多学科的团队合作,从而 结合我们的专业知识来交付高水准的项目。集体个人主义正是同一 道理,如果我们渴望实现同一目标,我们则需要共同努力。留意身 边的同事、团队和领导,因为支持平等的形式多种多样,任何行为 都有其意义及作用。”

David Yu, Project Director 于大为, 项目董事

“As a woman in the professional world, I want to know that my career progression is based on my merit, and that alone. I feel fortunate that this has always been my experience. I hope this becomes the reality for more women around the world. I believe many people want to see the same outcome for gender equality. Collective individualism empowers us, no matter our gender, race, age or profession, to be a part of this change.” “作为专业领域的女性,我的职业发展是基于我的能力及表现。 幸运地,这是我一直以来的经历。我希望这成为全世界更多女性的 待遇。我相信许多人都希望看到男女平等的实现。集体个人主义使 我们不论性别、种族、年龄或职业都能够成为这一变化的一部分。”

Janet Ng, Senior Associate Director 吳素如, 高级副总监


“To support equality, we need to be willing to stand up when we see inequality. It is not only the role of governments and businesses - we as colleagues, friends and professionals need to advocate for change when we see the opportunities to do so. Our thoughts, words, and actions matter, as we each realise our own role in altering the path of future generations.” “为了支持平等,我们必须在面对不平等时勇于站起来。这不仅是政府和企业的角色 我们作为同事、朋友和专业人士,更需要在机会来临时倡导变革。我们的思想、言语和 行动极为重要,因为我们每个人都可以在改变未来新一代的道路上发挥自己的作用。”

Christine Villaroman, Associate Director

Christine Villaroman, 副总监

“Greater equality benefits everyone. Social equity is an ideal that as a society we should all strive for. How we get there requires all of us to have greater awareness of inequality, to know what it looks like, and to speak out when we see it. It is the responsibility of everyone to be the change they want to see in the world. Our choices, collectively, add up and shape our future.” “真正的平等使所有人受惠。社会平等是大众都应努力争取的理想。能否达至理想在 于我们对不平等现象的了解及关注度,并在面对不平等现象时勇于发声。每个人都有 责任为他们理想中的世界出一分力。我们的选择共同决定了我们的未来。”

Christopher Slater, Associate

“I was raised and educated in an era of ‘girls can do anything’. For me, equality in the workforce means maintaining the attitude that gender has no basis on success, satisfaction or how far you can climb. Collective individualism inspires me to speak up and drive discussions. You never know who you may influence and inspire along the way.” “我在一个“女性可以做任何事”的时代长大并接受教育。对我而言,职场平等意味 着保持一种态度 - 性别与成功、工作满意度或攀登事业的高峰无关。集体个人主义启 发着我发声并推动讨论。您永远不知道他人可能在过程中受到您影响和启发。”

Elaine To, Associate 杜婉宁, Associate


For true equality, the doors need to be open to everyone to fully realise their goals. Christine Hau

真正的平等是为所有人打开门户,以实现他们的目标。- 侯佩芳 179

3D Mapping HarbourLoop Districts / HarbourLoop地区三维行人网络地图 /


Lead8 is in the final stage of its preliminary impact study for HarbourLoop in collaboration with the University of Hong Kong (HKU). The research uses innovative Spatial Design Network Analysis (sDNA), developed by Cardiff University in conjunction with HKU, to map a 3D pedestrian network around HarbourLoop. Lead8与香港大学(HKU)携手对HarbourLoop进行的初步影响评估已步入最后阶 段。该研究使用由香港大学开发的创新空间设计网络分析(sDNA),该软件由香港大 学、卡迪夫大学和同济大学共同开发,旨在HarbourLoop周边绘制3D步行网络。 181

The ongoing project aims to produce a comprehensive understanding of the current walkability between districts and Hong Kong’s harbourfront. The software enables the HarbourLoop proposal to be analysed with real data and reveal the effect of integrating neighbourhoods to a waterfront mobility network. The initial phase selected Quarry Bay as the case study from which future districts could be modelled. With the decentralisation of Hong Kong’s CBD, emerging waterfront commercial districts such as Island East present compelling opportunities. Using network science, the team has mapped the current pedestrian networks across Quarry Bay and can model the result of differing interventions.


这个正在进行的项目旨在全面了解地区与香港海滨之间的可步行性。该 软件促使HarbourLoop方案可以利用真实数据进行分析,并揭示将邻里 汇聚到海滨网络中的效果。 初始阶段选择了鰂魚涌作为案例研究,并从中模拟未来的地区。随着香 港中央商务区去中心化,新兴的海滨商业区,如港岛东,提供了诱人的发 展机会。利用网络科学,团队绘制了整个鰂魚涌现时的行人网络,并可 以对不同组合的结果进行建模。


The latest findings uncover the strength of Quarry Bay’s indoor networks and the interconnectedness of the existing commercial and residential developments. The access points to the Quarry Bay Promenade, however, prevent much of the thriving neighbourhood from interacting with the harbour. Using the sDNA software, Lead8’s team is modelling a series of design opportunities that would promote greater access to the waterfront and proposed HarbourLoop network. “The ability to investigate the impact of different designs on the flow of pedestrians and commuters to the waterfront is powerful for the HarbourLoop cause. Our collaboration with HKU is allowing us to build a framework analysis that will in time produce a macro perspective of Hong Kong’s harbourfront connectivity. Armed with this research, our team can clearly demonstrate the transformative effect HarbourLoop could have on Hong Kong.” - Claude Touikan, Co Founder & Executive Director. 184

最新的研究发现鰂魚涌室内网络的优胜之处以及现有商业和住宅开发 项目的相互联系。然而,通往鰂魚涌海滨长廊的接触点阻碍了繁荣社区 与海港的互动。 Lead8的团队透过使用sDNA软件对一系列设计进行建 模,这将推动海滨优化和拟议HarbourLoop网络的实行机会。 “对于HarbourLoop而言,这个方案的意义之一就是能够调查不同设计 对行人和通勤者在海滨的流动影响。我们与香港大学的合作使我们能够 建立框架分析,从而产生对香港的宏观看法。借助这项研究,我们的团 队可以清楚地证明HarbourLoop对香港可以产生变革性影响。” - 崔接成,创办人兼执行董事


Website Launch The release of the latest research findings coincided with the launch of Lead8’s new website for HarbourLoop – www. The site offers an interactive overview of the HarbourLoop proposal and aims to drive further conversation and awareness for Hong Kong’s harbourfront development.


最新研究结果的发布恰逢Lead8推出HarbourLoop全新网站。全新网站以互动方式为HarbourLoop 提供概览,并提高大众对香港零碳交通网络和海滨连接的认识和 了解。


500+ Projects / 500+项目


40+ Cities 40+城市


Empowering Future Architects /

Lead8 was privileged to welcome returning students from international universities to participate in the annual summer internship. Despite the travel challenges, students studying in the UK (Edinburgh University and Newcastle University) and USA (Cornell University) were able to safely join students from Hong Kong in the six-week programme with Lead8’s architecture teams. 188

海外留学生参与暑期实习 /

Lead8欣然欢迎赴海外留学的回流学生参加本年度的暑期实习计划。 尽管受到国际旅行限制令的影响,但赴英国(爱丁堡大学和纽卡斯尔 大学)和美国(康奈尔大学)留学的学生于较早前安全回港,能够与本 地学生共同参与Lead8的建筑团队举办为期六周的实习计划。




ULI‘ New Central: Walk & Talk’Webinar ULI 网络研讨会: 新中环

Urbanism and Design / Urban design was high of the industry agenda this year as the pandemic brought forward new challenges and opportunities for cities. Lead8 joined discussions with the leading industry bodies to raise the profile for new thinking for urban city areas and contributed to initiatives that promote urban development awareness with the younger generation.


城市规划与设计 / 疫情无疑为各个城市带来了新的挑战和机遇,城市设计因而在今年 的讨论中占了重要的一席。 Lead8先后与领先的行业机构进行讨 论,以新思维探讨城市地区的未来发展,并旨在提高年轻一代对城 市发展的关注。

Greater Bay Area Urban Design Conference 2020 大湾区城市设计会议 2020

ULI Urban Plan Workshop Training ULI 城市规划工作坊训练

ULI Urban Plan Workshop ULI 城市规划工作坊

Lead8 Design Study - Urban City Realms Lead8 设计研究 - 城市空间 193

Real World Experience /

Fortunately, before the pandemic, Lead8 was able to host 30 students from the Hong Kong Polytechnic Community College as part of a student experience day. The first and secondyear students were guided through the real working world of architects and designers, equipping them with active learning, critical thinking and confidence to launch their future careers.


培育年青设计师 /

幸运地,在疫情爆发之前,Lead8为近30名来自香港理工大学专上学 院(HKCC)的学生举办“学生体验日”,让一、二年级学生参观其香港 工作室。Lead8创办人兼执行董事和高级领导团队透过真正的工作 环境,与学生分享并进行指导。




Hong Kong 香港

Singapore 新加坡

Shenzhen 深圳

London 伦敦


Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡

250+ Specialists /

250+专才 199

Chu Hai College Hong Kong Graduation Show 珠海学院建筑系毕业展

Community Engagement / Supporting the communities in which Lead8 works is a constant driving force. While many physical events were postponed in 2020, Lead8 was proud to support a diverse collection of initiatives. These included the World Vision Hong Kong Campaign, the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children’s ‘Step out for Children’, the Chu Hai College and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate Shows, and the K11 Craft & Guild Foundation ‘Wooden Architecture’ exhibition promoting the preservation of historical design techniques.


回馈社会 /

支持社区发展是Lead8持续不断的动力。尽管许多活动在2020年被 延期或取消,但Lead8仍为能够支持各种慈善活动而感到自豪。其 中包括香港世界宣明会、香港弱能儿童护助会的“童步行”活动、珠 海学院和香港中文大学毕业展,以及K11 Craft & Guild Foundation (KCG) 的“木构复兴”展览,推广保护和传承当地传统工艺的重要 性。

K11 Exhibition - Wooden Architecture K11建筑艺术节 - 木构复兴

World Vision Spring Charity Walk for Children 世界宣明会 - 新春童乐慈善行

CUHK MArch Graduation Show 香港中文大学建筑硕士毕业展 201

Pre-pandemic - Fai Chun Writing for Chinese New Year 2020 疫情前 - 贺年挥春活动 202


COVID Realities /

Lead8 Employee Gift - Mask Set Lead8口罩套装

Lead8 has been embracing the realities of COVID over the last year. Pivoting and finding new ways to support colleagues, keep working environments safe and creating occasions to mark special milestones has been ongoing. Lead8-branded masks and sanitisers were gifted to protect and thank colleagues, themed presents and online celebrations replaced physical events, and the collective commitment and hard work saw Lead8 enjoy its sixth, and most successful, year.


新冠肺炎下的大环境 /

Lead8 Studio Celebrates Chinese New Year Lead8欢度新春佳节

在过去一年,Lead8一直积极地接受新冠肺炎下的大环境,不断寻找 新的方法来勉励同事,保持工作环境安全,并创造不一样的里程碑。 Lead8将自家口罩和消毒用品送赠同事,作为个人保护和感谢他们紧 守岗位,同时以主题礼物和在线庆祝取代了实体活动,我们集体的承 诺和辛勤的工作,见证了Lead8第六个年头,也是最成功的一年。

K11 Kulture Webinar with Lead8 K11 Kulture 网络研讨会

Lead8 Employee Gift - Refillable Sanitiser Lead8消毒搓手液

Christmas Gifts for All Staff 员工圣诞礼物

Lead8 Birthday Icecreams Lead8 周年庆祝 205


Awards List WA100 2021 Ranked 53rd – Top 100 Architectural Firms in the World Lead8

Asia Pacific Property Awards 2020/21 5-Star Best Mixed-use Architecture Award Shangri-La Fuzhou Mixed-use Development 5-Star Best Retail Interior Award MixC Shenzhen Bay Retail Architecture Award MixC Shenzhen Bay Leisure Interior Award MixC IMAX Flagship – Shenzhen Bay Retail Interior Award MixC Jinan

Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards 2020 Fast Enterprise Award Lead8 Master Entrepreneur Award Christine Hau, Co Founder & Executive Director

Hong Kong Most Outstanding Service Awards 2020 Asia Pacific Best Practice in Architecture and Design Lead8

World Interior News Awards 2020 Cinemas, Theatres and Music Venue - Gold Award MixC IMAX Flagship, Shenzhen Bay

PropertyGuru Asia Pacific Awards 2020 Best Retail Architecture Design (China) MixC Shenzhen Bay Best Entertainment Facility Design (China) MixC IMAX Flagship, Shenzhen Bay Best Mixed-use Interior Design (China) Beijing Daxing International Airport (Commercial Landside Terminal) Best Retail Interior Design (China) Yorkville – The Ring Best Retail Interior Design (China) – Highly Commended MixC Shenzhen Bay Best Retail Architecture Design (China) – Highly Commended Timeless City – Riverside Paradise Walk

MPF Schemes Authority (MPFA) Awards 2020 Good MPF Employer and MPF Support Awards Lead8

World Vision Spring Charity Walk for Children Top Fundraiser (Corporate & Group) Award First Runner Up Lead8 Highest Number of Enrolled Participants (Corporate & Group) Award Lead8




奖项 WA100 2021 世界建築公司100強 - 第53 Lead8

PropertyGuru亚洲不动产奖 年度最佳零售建筑设计大奖 深圳湾万象城

亚太房地产大奖 2020/21 中国最佳综合建筑5星奖 福州香格里拉综合开发项目

年度最佳综合体建筑室内设计奖 北京大兴国际机场综合服务楼

中国最佳室内商业零售5星奖 深圳湾万象城 中国商业零售建筑优胜奖 深圳湾万象城

中国室内休闲优胜奖 万象影城 (深圳湾万象城旗舰店) 中国最佳室内商业零售优胜奖 济南万象城 亚太企业精神奖 2020 迅速增长企业大奖 Lead8

杰出企业家大奖 侯佩芳 Lead8创办人兼执行董事 香港最优秀企业大奖 2020 亚太区最佳建筑与设计大奖 Lead8 世界室内新闻大奖 电影院、剧院和音乐场所’组别 - 金奖 万象影城 (深圳湾万象城旗舰店)


年度最佳娱乐设施设计大奖 万象影城 (深圳湾万象城旗舰店)

年度最佳零售大奖 重庆约克郡光环购物公园

年度最佳零售室内设计优秀奖 深圳湾万象城

年度最佳零售建筑设计优秀奖 梵城滨江天街 强制性公积金计划管理局积金好雇主嘉许计划 积金好雇主及积金推广奖 Lead8 宣明会新春童乐慈善行 最优秀筹款大使 – 亚军 Lead8 最多参与人数机构 Lead8

Asia Pacific Property Awards 2020/21 2020-21年亚太房地产大奖

Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards 2020 亚太企业精神奖 2020

Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business Awards 2020 香港最优秀企业大奖 2020


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