Yearbook 7

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1 2 3 4 DESIGN STORIES 设计故事






Message to Everyone

We are pleased to bring you the seventh edition of the Lead8 Year Book. The following pages present a compilation of what our teams and studios have achieved together in the last twelve months. While 2021 continued to bring challenges, we also had the fortune of delivering new milestones for the firm and building upon our portfolio of work, design thinking, and community initiatives.

Within the industry, Lead8 continues to be recognised within the globe’s top 100 largest architecture firms as part of Building Design’s annual WA100 compilation. We were similarly named within Hong Kong’s top 10 architecture firms of 2021 by BCI Asia. Leading the way, our studios continue to bring equality to the forefront, with Lead8 out-performing industry averages for female representation in architecture.

2021 has excitingly seen Lead8 expand into new territories and broaden our international reach. Our new studio in Shenzhen has helped provide a vital on-the-ground presence in our largest market, mainland China, and bolster our support to long-term partners and new clients. We have also had the privilege to take our design expertise further abroad. In the United Kingdom, our team was commissioned to draw up plans for a major mixeduse carbon-neutral development, a ground-breaking scheme for the country and Lead8.

Our commitment to the communities in which we work remains a key priority and we are fortunate that 2021 presented more opportunities to take part in giving back. We partnered with the HandsOn Hong Kong charity to allow our teams to volunteer their time to support the environment, underprivileged families, and students with different abilities. Our programme that aims to empower the next-generation was another focal point this year with our teams facilitating student internships, studio experience days and sponsorship of graduate events.

Closer to home, there has also been much to celebrate. This past year saw Lead8 as the design architect for Henderson Land’s winning two-envelope proposal for Site 3 of the New Central Harbourfront. This plot of land on Hong Kong’s harbour is undoubtedly one of the city’s most high-profile future developments and crucial strategic addition to the Central Business District. We are extremely proud to be involved in what will be an iconic transformation of the shoreline in Central.

Lead8 wouldn’t be the firm it is today without our dedicated and talented people. We were humbled to be recognised with a line-up of awards acknowledging excellence in both design and business throughout the year, marking our most successful year yet. Congratulations to our teams, our clients and our collaborators; these accolades are earned together.

From shaping our cities of the future to impacting how we experience environments today, Lead8 was proud to see a number of developments open to the public. The Ring in Chongqing is perhaps one of the most celebrated, a new biophilic retail destination that has integrated a 42m-tall botanic garden within a commercial development. The scheme brings to life many of the design concepts that have dominated design discussions during the pandemic and showcases our team’s ability to stay ahead of the curve and reimagine experiential placemaking of the future.

We hope you enjoy our latest edition. Thank you for your support.

The Executive Directors of Lead8 Christine Hau, Claude Touikan, David Buffonge and Simon Chua


Our Executive Directors (From Left to Right) - Claude Touikan, Christine Hau, David Buffonge and Simon Chua 我们的执行董事 (由左至右) - 崔接成、侯佩芳、巴大卫及蔡尚文


我们的寄语 我们欣然为您呈献 Lead8 第 7 册年刊。我们在这里结集了团队 和工作室在过去十二个月共同取得的成就。虽然 2021 年挑战重 重,然而我们有幸为公司实现了新的里程碑,同时再次为我们的 作品、设计思维和社区倡议迈进一步。

2021 年我们欣然见证了 Lead8 扩展到新的领域,并同时扩大 了工作室在国际的影响力。在深圳的新工作室,为我们在最大的 市场中国内地提供了扎实的基础,并加强了我们对长期合作伙 伴和新客户的支持。我们也有幸将设计专业知识带到国外。在英 国,我们的团队受托制定一项大型碳中和综合体开发项目,是当 地与 Lead8 的一个崭新合作。 除此之外,还有其他值得庆祝的事情。过去一年,Lead8 获委任 为恒基兆业地产中环新海滨三号用地双信封制中标标书的设计 建筑师。该用地位于香港海滨区,无疑是香港最瞩目的发展项目 之一,也是中环商务区的重要战略补充。我们非常荣幸能够参与 中环海岸线的标志性改造。

从塑造我们的未来城市到影响我们今天体验环境的方式,Lead8 看到有份参与的一众项目向公众开放,深感自豪。重庆光环购物 公园有可能是当今最著名的新零售目的地之一,这个商业项目结 合了一个 42 米高的植物园。在疫症大流行期间被业界广泛讨论的 设计概念,均套用到这个项目当中,突显了 Lead8 团队保持领先 地位和重新构想未来体验式场所的能力。

在行业方面,Lead8 再次成为年度世界建筑设计公司 100 强 (WA100),亦跻身 BCI Asia 2021 年香港十大建筑设计公司大 奖。我们的工作室在过去一年继续领导业界,将两性平等放在 首位,Lead8 的女性员工占比高于建筑界的平均水平。

回馈社区继续成为工作室的重心,我们很幸运过去一年有更多 机会为社区作出贡献。我们与牵手‧香港慈善机构合作,让团队 抽出时间来支持环境、贫困家庭与具有不同能力的学生。我们 在 2021 年的另一个重点为支持和推动我们的下一代,团队为 学生提供了实习和工作室体验日的机会,并赞助了研究生活动。

Lead8 今天的成就仰赖我们一群敬业乐业与才华洋溢的员工。 我们很荣幸过去一年获得多个奖项,确认了我们在设计和业务 方面的卓越表现,2021 年是我们迄今为止最成功的一年,祝贺我们 的团队、客户和合作伙伴,这些荣誉是属于我们每一位。 希望您喜欢 Lead8 最新一册的年刊。感谢您的支持。 Lead8 执行董事 侯佩芳、崔接成、巴大卫及蔡尚文





The Ring 重庆光环购物公园

Chongqing, China | 中国重庆



Service : Retail Planning, Interior Design, Signage Design | Client : Hongkong Land | Size : 154,000 sqm

服务:商业规划、室内设计、标识设计 | 客戶:香港置地 | 规模:154,000平方米



Redefining Commercial Destinations The Ring in Chongqing is a ground-breaking ecological retail destination designed around one of China’s largest indoor botanic gardens. The development is a first-of-its-kind for the city – a place that intertwines retail, nature, culture and experience. Coming to life with a 42-metre-tall botanical garden, interactive sports and culture, and a creative tenant mix, The Ring sets a new benchmark for experiential destinations in China. Truly innovative, the vision seeks to deliver a new-generation social destination, an urban natural community, and a landmark regional commercial centre. The power of biophilia and the desire to be close to nature is front and centre, pushing the agenda forward for future commercial developments.


重庆光环购物公园,一个崭新的生态零售目的地,围绕全国其中一 个最大的室内植物园而设计。

这个打破传统空间局限的项目,将人与零售、大自然、文化和经验结 合。重庆光环购物公园拥有 42 米高的植物园,互动运动和文化以及 富有创意的租户组合,为中国的体验目的地树立了新标杆。

百分百创新设计,项目旨在提供一个新世代的社交目的地,一个座 落城市并结合大自然的社区,以及一个具标志性的区域商业中心。 释放亲生物的力量与满足人们亲近大自然的愿望是项目的重中之 重,推动了未来商业发展的议程。





Retail Ecology and Biophilia The biophilic design for The Ring showcases the indoor botanical garden as the centrepiece of the interiors. With thousands of plants covering a wide range of species, the garden offers a living environment to enhance the interior experience. Allowing visitors to feel as though they have walked into a rainforest, the multi-level garden connects with each of the mall’s seven levels. The interior design blends the natural atmosphere by way of the material palette and open-space planning. Elevated walkways, public seating and hanging fixtures create intimacy with nature and help to extend the gardens upwards.


重庆光环购物公园的亲生物设计将室内植物园作为室内装饰的核 心。花园拥有过千种植物,提供翠绿而阳光充足的环境,以丰富室 内体验。 多层花园与七层的商场相连,让游客仿佛走进了热带雨林。室内设 计利用了大自然色調和开放空间规划,将大自然融入氛围。加上高 架坡道、公共座位、悬挂装置让访客有亲亲大自然之感,视觉上有 助花园向上延伸。 植物园并非项目的唯一特色,而是一种整合的体验,它将亲生物、 探索、自然之美和健康的室内环境与重庆光环购物公园结合。

The botanic garden is not a stand-alone feature but an integrated experience that brings the benefits of biophilia, exploration, natural beauty and healthy indoor environments to the Ring. 17


// 重庆光环购物公园展示了从'发展'到'生态系统'的演变。 18





The power of biophilia and the desire to be close to nature is front and centre. // 亲生物力量和亲近自然的愿望是项目的重中之重。

Experience-First Spaces The development is the first to be completed within Hongkong Land’s ‘The Ring’ retail series. Located in the Jinzhou Business District, the scheme is set within Chongqing’s residential centre, next to the picturesque Zhaomushan Forest Park. The destination occupies 430,000 sqm with approximately 154,000 sqm dedicated to the seven-level mall, 14,000 sqm to the retail street, 111,000 sqm to the super Grade A office building and 6,000 sqm to the indoor botanical garden. Direct connections to Chongqing Metro Line 5 (completed) and Line 15 (in planning) bring a transit-oriented approach to deliver convenient access across the city. Complementing the indoor gardens, specialty activity hubs such as the ‘Free+’ dynamic sporting facility and ‘Open Lab’, a calm public space for reading and gathering, help meet the diverse demands of changing consumer preferences. 22


重庆光环购物公园是香港置地零售系列中首个完工的项目。项目位 于金州商务区内,座落在重庆的住宅中心,毗邻风景如画的照母山 森林公园。 项目占地 43 万平方米,其中约 15.4 万平方米为七层高的购物中 心,1.4 万平方米为零售商业街,11.1 万平方米为超甲级写字楼,6 千平方米为室内城市绿色公园。重庆光环购物公园与重庆地铁 5 号 线(已开通)和 15 号线(规划中)无缝连接,交通便利畅达全城。 不单是室内花园,项目的特色活动中心,如动态运动设施"自由+"和 平静的阅读和聚会的公共空间"开放实验室",均有助于满足消费者 不断变化的偏好及需求。








MixC Ningbo 宁波万象城

Ningbo, China | 中国宁波



Service : Architecture, Interior Design | Client : China Resources Land | Size : 168,000 sqm

服务:建筑设计、室内设计 | 客戶:华润置地 | 规模:168,000平方米



A City Sanctuary MixC Ningbo is a new urban lifestyle destination that brings an innovative public realm and placemaking offer to the city. The brief was to create a sanctuary within the bustling metropolis, a place for families and the community to come together. As a result, the concept aims to enhance the quality of experiential developments, delivering open civic spaces and capturing the imagination of Ningbo.


宁波万象城是一个结合城市生活和体验,拥有独特公共领域 和崭新设计的目的地。

我们的任务是在繁华的大都市中创造一个圣地,一个让家庭 和社区聚集的热点。概念旨在提高体验式零售项目的质量, 提供开放的公共空间,捕捉宁波的无限潜能。 33



The Sky Walk A key feature within the development is the 24-hour public ‘Sky Walk’. The landscaped and elevated walking street spans the entire site and leads visitors to the city’s first Ferris wheel within a retail scheme. The multi-level ‘Sky Walk’ is the connective layer of the scheme. Accessible all hours of the day, the outdoor public space is activated by leisure, green spaces and terraces. A grand staircase welcomes visitors from street level and extends the pedestrian network – both externally and internally.



24 小时的步行街是项目的亮点,室外则设有高架步行街延伸到物业 内部。这条景观和高架步行街横跨整个场地,将游客引向宁波市首 个座落在购物商场内的摩天轮。 多层的步行街将整个项目连接。室外公共空间全天侯开放,连接休 闲、绿色和梯田式空间。还有从街道层引领访客进入内部的多层大 楼梯,在外部和内部的扩展了步行网络。





Uniting Ningbo’s heritage with a strong public realm and placemaking design. //

将宁波的历史遗产与公共领域及创新的场所设计相结合。 40

A Ripple Effect Drawing inspiration from Ningbo’s heritage, the architectural design celebrates the city’s historic sloping roof buildings. The main entrance showcases a striking house-shaped curtain wall façade, with the steeped lines continued across the architecture. Inside the development, a ‘Tree House’ atrium anchors the main gathering area while skylights provide glimpses of the outdoor entertainment and activities. The design takes on a ‘ripple’ effect to create different areas of interest throughout the destination.


设计灵感源自宁波历史遗产,项目保留了古代建筑的原始形态,以 特色屋顶打造独特的天际线。主入口利用楼房形幕墙立面,陡峭的 波浪线条贯穿建筑外围。 项目内部两座独特的"树屋"可俯瞰主中庭,并设有内部楼梯与各层 连接,特色天窗让訪客看到户外娱乐和活动。该设计具有"涟漪"效 应,在整个目的地创造了不同的兴趣区域。







The Power of Imagining New Possibilities 为更美好的未来挑战界限:想象潜在可能的力量

Christine Hau 侯佩芳

Co Founder & Executive Director 创办人兼执行董事 46

As designers, we know how to challenge convention. Our discipline, by its nature, looks to question, test and experiment with perceptions. We look to innovate the way we view and experience the environments around us by pushing boundaries. Imagining new possibilities is a powerful tool and we use it to leave a lasting mark on the communities for which we design and also to better the world around us.

作为设计师,我们深懂如何挑战惯例。建筑的本质着眼于质疑、测试和实验感知。我们希望 以崭新看法以及突破界限的方式体验身边环境。

我们想象一切潜在的可能,为我们设计的社区留下歷久不衰的印记,同时让我们打造更美 好的世界。 47


At Lead8, we believe in driving new conversations, raising new benchmarks and exploring new horizons. Christine Hau

// 在 Lead8 ,我们深明推陈出新、提升新基准和探索新视野的重要性。 侯佩芳

At Lead8, we believe in driving new conversations, raising new benchmarks and exploring new horizons. This is true for how we approach design, but it also for how we choose to contribute to one of our lifetime’s most important issues - a more equal and diverse world. As a company Co Founder, I recognise the unique position I hold to create and drive change and champion gender equality – for our studio, our industry and our society.


在 Lead8 ,我们深明推陈出新、提升新基准和探索新视野的重要 性。这不仅套用于我们的设计方法,也适用于我们如何为打造更 平等、更多元化世界作出贡献,皆因这是一个重要的人生课题。 作为工作室的创办人,我意识到自己在工作室、行业和社会创造 与推动变革,打造两性平等方面的独有角色。

Women in Leadership The equation is simple enough, to see equality in the workplace, more women need a seat at the table. At Lead8, we are proud to have women making decisions at each level across the firm, from our co-founding and executive team to project design leaders, and operational and corporate governance managers. Raising the profile of women in leadership is an important part of continuing the conversation and I have been proud to be a part of communities such as Prestige magazine’s Women of Power, a collective of women driving change in Hong Kong to bridge the gender gap and redefine power structures from the future. I believe you should be the change you want to see in the world and have had the opportunity to share Lead8’s beliefs and experiences supporting women in the workforce in publications from CEO Magazine to the Leadership Headquarters.


这是一个很简单的公式,要在工作场所实践平等,我们需要更 多女性的参与。 Lead8 让我们引以为荣,因为公司各個层面都 有女性参与决定,从创始人和执行团队,以至项目设计负责人、 运营和公司治理经理都有女性列席。 提高女性在领导层的形象是持续推动两性平等的重要组成部 分,我很自豪获邀加入权威杂志《Prestige》的 "女性的力量"系 列;它是一个推动香港变革以弥合性别差距,力求重新定义女 性并重塑权力结构的团体。我认同"你自己必须成为你在世上想 见到的那个改变"这句名言,并有幸能在行业刊物包括《CEO杂 志》以至《Leadership Headquarters》中分享 Lead8 支持女性劳动 力的理念和经验。



Gender Equality in Architecture

48% within Lead8


There has been much discussion surrounding the representation of women in architecture for some time. The profession has a reputation for being traditionally male-dominated, with women accounting for between 20 to 40% of accredited architects, depending on the country. I am proud to know Lead8's international team has 48% female representation in architecture, higher than industry standards, and still with room to grow. In order to achieve this, we actively support female colleagues throughout their careers, from students to senior management, ensuring everyone is given the same chance at defining their own trajectory.

20-40% within the industry

长久以来,围绕着女性在建筑界的声音有着不少讨论。建筑行业向 来以男性为主导,女性认证建筑师于不同国家的比例约为 20% 至 40% 。我很自豪在 Lead8 的国际团队中,女性占整体员工的48%, 高于行业标准,而且仍有增长空间。为了实现这一目标,我们积极 为女性同事的职业生涯提供支持,从学生到高级管理人员,我们都 确保每位女性拥有同样的机会来选择自己的道路。

Female 女性 50


Male 男性

As designers, we challenge boundaries and imagine new possibilities, traits that also help to propel women forward. 作为设计师,我们在工作领域和公司营运的模式中拥有很多突破界限的 机遇,这些特质亦推动我们不断改变和进步。



Platform for Young Talent I believe generations change trends. The way we operate is based on experience, but we also trust in our young talent. Within our teams, all levels share their insight at the table. By creating this environment, we offer our young designers a very immersive professional experience that builds confidence. We are also invested in seeing our next-generation flourish. Every year we engage young talent within high-school programmes, university internships and in-studio experiences. Our goal is to offer real-world opportunities and open students’ eyes to the world of design within an inclusive studio setting. We hope to foster curiosity, passion and a belief that it is possible to change the world around. At Lead8, we choose to challenge perceptions in our society and industry about equality every day. We are proud to be a part of the movement to change the conversation and reality for a more gender equal world where we all have the same opportunity to define our future.


我相信趋势随世代转变。 我们的运营方式以经验为基础 ,但同 时看重年轻人才。在我们的团队中,所有级别的员工都有机会分 享见解。通过创造这种环境,我们为年轻设计师提供了一个非常 沉浸式的专业经验,为他们建立了信心。我们也积极栽培下一 代,让他们茁壮成长。我们每年都会透過高中课程、大学实习和 工作室体验為年轻人才提供机会。我们旨在为他们提供真正的 工作机会,在一个包容性的工作室环境中扩阔学生对设计世界 的视野。我们希望培养学生的好奇心、热忱和改变周遭环境的 信念。

在 Lead8 ,我们每天都挑战着社会和行业中对两性的传统观 念。我们很自豪能突破惯例,以及在现实世界中为推动两性平等 出一分力,好让我们每个都同样有机会定义自己的未来。





Longfor Central Park 龙湖重庆公园天街

Chongqing, China | 中国重庆



Service : Masterplanning, Architecture | Client : Longfor Properties | Size : 597,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计 | 客戶:龙湖地产集团 | 规模:597,000平方米


As its name suggests, Longfor Central Park is situated next to Chongqing’s largest urban public park, the Chongqing Central Park that covers 1.5 square kilometres. The architectural and facade design take cues from the city’s natural landscape, its mountainous topography. The masterplan and architectural design by Lead8 promotes a pedestrian-friendly environment. Adapting to the local terrain, the development establishes a multi commercial ground level experience with footbridges and an underground corridor that seamlessly connects to the adjacent commercial developments and two metro lines. 龙湖重庆公园天街顾名思义,毗邻重庆最大的城市公园—重 庆中央公园,其占地 1.5 平方公里。项目的建筑和立面设计 灵感来自城市的自然景观和山区地形。

Lead8 的总体规划和建筑设计旨在打造行人友善环境。该项 目的设计因地制宜,利用重庆山地地势打造多层商业空间, 并以人行天桥、地下走廊與两条地铁线路及相邻的商业项目 无缝连接。 58


Design Highlights 设计亮点

Gathering 交汇

Dynamic 动态


Flowing 流动

Speed 速度






Nantong Golden Eagle World 南通金鹰世界

Nantong, China | 中国南通



Service : Architecture (Towers, Retail Precinct, Retail Mall), Interior Design (Retail – Plot A4) Client : Golden Eagle Group | Size : 545,000 sqm

服务:建筑设计(塔楼、零售步行区、零售商业)、室内设计(零售-第4号地块)| 客戶:南京金鹰国际集团有限公司 | 规模:545,000平方米



Located in the heart of the new Central Business District of Nantong, this development is an integrated and visionary mixeduse project for the city. The design seeks to establish a compelling destination and new contemporary world-class city centre. Informed by the views of the Langshan mountains and famous Yangtze River, the development comprises an incredible line-up of waterfront retail, F&B streets, super high-rise towers and premium office, hotel and serviced apartments. The skybridge is a special architectural feature where the three towers meet, bringing sky gardens, viewing platforms, cultural spaces and art galleries to an altitude of 240m.

项目位于南通新中央商务区的核心,是一个具前瞻性的城市综合 体。设计旨在打造一个引人注目的新地标,并成为崭新且意义重大 的世界级城市中心。

项目灵感来自该地段远眺狼山的壮丽景色和著名的长江,综合体涵 盖海滨零售、餐饮街、超高层大楼和高级办公空间 ,同時設有五星 级酒店和精品服务式公寓。架空天桥是项目的亮点,它将三座高楼 连接,并把空中花园、观景台、文化空间和艺术画廊带到海拔240 米之上。


山峰切角 Chamfered Massing

门庭 Gateway

城市 City

城市 City 狼山 Langshan Mountain

城市 City

门庭流水 Stream Through Gateway

狼山 Langshan Mountain

城市 City

紫琅湖 Zilang Park

紫琅湖 Zilang Park

峡谷 Valley

水流 Water Flow

河川 River


体量与视线 Massing & Views


门庭生成 Gate Forming


飞流成河 Water Falling 连桥 Bridge

退台 Set Back

峡谷 Valley

流水 Stream

连桥 Bridge

峡谷 Valley

流水 Stream

河流 Canal

亮点空间 Featured Space

亮点空间 Featured Space

4 70

峡谷生成 Valley Forming


峡谷 Valley

山水美景 Beauty of Nature

连桥 Bridge 亮点空间 Featured Space


连桥 Bridge

链接关系 Connection







The project is currently under construction 此项目仍在建设中



Regeneration Holds a Key 为我们的城市启迪未来:更新项目掌明日之匙

Simon Chua 蔡尚文

Co Founder & Executive Director 创办人兼执行董事 78

With calls to future-proof our cities and improve the resilience of urban design and planning, we consider what it means to also be 'future-ready' as we move further into the 21st century.

毫无疑问,我们都听过打造“面向未来城市”的呼唤。对于这个倡议,我们一直利用不同策略身体力行地支 持,尽力提高现今城市设计和规划的韧性。而其中最关键的是“为未来做准备”的概念。随着我们进一步迈向 21 世纪,我们如何确保现今设计的城市不辜负他日的需求和愿景? 79

Interestingly, our work on two major urban regeneration projects brings a new perspective to how we are preparing our cities for the generations to come. Stitching our Cities Back Together Creating cities is not all about building new; it is also about evolving along the way. Urban regeneration enables us to protect and preserve parts of our urban environment while helping to give them new life. As our cities cope with expanding populations, development has been fast-paced and the rush to build may have overlooked under-utilised sites. Regenerating disused areas helps to stitch our urban environment together, activating spaces to respond to life today, and delivering a more unified urban realm. In Shenzhen, we face this situation as we collaborate with a team to protect and transform a 500-year-old village as part of a major regional cultural, commercial and tourism destination. For this project, elevating the standards of the area's highdensity environment, from air quality to hygiene, street experience and visibility, helps to deliver a destination that allows visitors to appreciate and explore the history of the site in new ways. The scheme is also set in the ‘Golden Triangle’ financial and commercial circle of Luohu District, its revitalisation adds another piece to unite this district. Unlocking historic urban environments, making them more accessible, interconnected and experiential, allows them to survive and thrive. Historic areas of our cities represent collective memories, and their long-term sustainability relies on the renewal of critical components. Without urban regeneration, we may not have the opportunity to connect to these parts of our history, nor experience them.

我们在两个重要的城市更新项目上,充分 展现如何打造「不过时」城市。 重新拼接我们的城市

创建城市并非仅仅 大兴土木,当中也要考虑城市如何与时并 进。城市更新使我们能够保护和保留部分城市环境,同时为它 们注入新活力。随着人口不断增长,城市发展因需求而日渐急 速,建设热潮可能令我们忽视了未充分利用的土地。更新废弃土 地有助我们将城市环境拼接在一起,激活空间以响应现今生活, 并提供更谐调的城市领域。 我们的团队在深圳的一个城市更新项目中合力保护和改造一个 拥有 500 年历史的旧村,旨在将其活化并转化为区域性的文化、 商业和旅游胜地,为游客提供新视觉去欣赏和探索这个具历史 文化的目的地。除了提升高密度环境的标准,项目亦充分考虑到 空气质量、卫生、街道体验和可见度等元素。该项目同时座落在 罗湖区的“金三角”金融和商业圈,活化工程有助进一步壮大商 业圈的发展。

善用旧区的城市环境,并加强其可达性,强化它与其他地区的联 系和体验,使它们得以生存和发展。城市旧区代表着我们的集 体回忆,区内关键部分的更新将取决项目未来的可持续发展。如 果不放眼未来的城市更新,我们日后可能没有机会认识及体验 旧区的历史。 80



Addressing Old and New “One of the essential qualities of urban regeneration is not erasing the past as we prepare for the future,” explains Wilbur Long, Associate at Lead8, who is involved in our regeneration portfolio. “Our cities have stories to tell, they define a place’s character and its distinguishing qualities.” We all know the trend away from homogenised design and towards an authentic sense of place. There's a good reason for this – and managing the combination of old and new can come in many different forms. In Beijing, a 100-year-old Capital Steel Factory Park forms the site for a future mixed-use, transit-oriented destination by Lead8 that will serve the 2022 Winter Olympics area. “The industrial buildings that have stood for a century could have been demolished and a modern scheme built in its place. However, that would mean losing the area's identity as a significant steel producer that has served China's national infrastructure for many decades. As such, they have formed the platform of the scheme as the area is given its new purpose,” says Wilbur. In Shenzhen, our design has brought the network of the Old Hubei Village alleyways into the design, forming the layout for the pedestrian thoroughfares in the regenerated development. Sightlines across the mixed-use scheme to the village centrepiece have been protected and traditional building styles adapted for the new-build sections of the project. The design celebrates what makes this district of Shenzhen distinctive.


“在我们为未来做准备的过程中,其中一个城市更新的基本特 征,就是不能擦掉过去。我们的城市有它的故事,它们定义了一 个地方的个性特质以及人们的回忆。”参与 Lead8 多个城市更 新项目的 Associate 龙文灏 (Wilbur Long) 分享。我们都知道现 在的城市规划已从同质化设计,走向真实地域感发展的趋势,这 让我们有充分理由利用不同形式去组织新旧建筑融合。

Lead8 在北京为拥有百年历史的首都钢铁厂园区织补片区进行整 体城市更新规划设计并将其改造成以交通为导向的多用途综合 体地标,其一体化设计承载着 2022 年冬奥会客流出入口功能。 “这个拥有一个世纪历史的大规模工业遗迹以织补的方式复建 保留并和新建筑融为一体,承载全新的功能和产业。这也意味 着这个为国家发展建设贡献良多的重要钢铁产生基地,以焕新 的面貌继续谱写传奇。”Wilbur 补充道。 在深圳,我们将湖贝旧村小巷的网络带入设计中,从而形成了更 新项目中行人通道的布局。把综合方案带到城中村落,让传统的 建筑风格得以保存,也适应了项目的新建部分。这个设计突出了 深圳与众不同的原因。

保留这些建筑物和故事,对于打造目的地和体验至关重要,所以 一个平衡由城市发展建设诉求和历史遗传保留并符合未来市场 需求的综合设计策略必不可少。

Keeping these buildings and stories alive is important for placemaking and experience, tools that are increasingly vital to protect the quality of our cities.


Reaching Full Potential Urban regeneration also masters the art of balance. While sensitive and considered design helps to protect special parts of our cities, these developments are also a launch pad for new technology and infrastructure that can bring renewed potential to an area. The regeneration project in Beijing, for example, will feature smart transport with an electric train system and clean energy initiatives. For the Hubei Coordination Urban Renewal Project, we will see a multiple-ground-floor strategy come to life with connectivity to five underground metro lines, forming a substantial transitoriented development in eastern Shenzhen. The benefit of urban renewal is to embrace what makes places one-of-a-kind while introducing the modern capabilities that help our ever populating urban areas thrive. Readying cities for the future holds many meanings. One of the most important is to revitalise, and not leave behind, their stories as we build for the next generation. 84


城市更新也掌握了的艺术平衡。敏感并经过深思的设计,有助我 们保护城市的特殊地区,而这些发展也是新技术和基础设施的 起点,为该地区带来新的潜力。例如,北京的更新项目着力打造 富标准的绿色建筑,以及引入利用清洁能源的智能交通设施。 对于湖贝项目整体商业规划,我们将看到多楼层综合体的设计 得以实现,项目与五条地下地铁线路相连,在深圳东部打造了以 交通为导向的地标。 城市更新能保留地方独一无二的事物,同时引入现代功能,帮 助地区蓬勃发展,为城市更好地迎向未来。其中最重要就是活 化而不舍弃旧建筑,让它们的故事和城市精神得以延续到下一代。


How are we activating spaces to respond to life today and tomorrow? Simon Chua

// 我们要如何激活空间,以回应现今及未来的生活? 蔡尚文 85

ITC Shanghai 上海徐家汇中心

Shanghai, China | 中国上海



Service : Lot 3 & 4 : Retail Planning, Architecture, Interior Design All Lots : Footbridge Design, Branding, Signage, Hoarding | Client : Sun Hung Kai Properties | Size : 700,000 sqm 服务:第3及第4号地块:零售商业规划、建筑设计、室内设计 客戶:新鸿基集团 | 规模:700,000平方米




Seamlessly integrating a neighbourhood-scale development in the vibrant Xujiahui district, the design for ITC Shanghai weaves this high-profile, mixed-use development into the urban fabric through a series of elevated pedestrian footbridges. Currently one of the largest sites under development in Shanghai’s city centre, the mega integrated scheme combines four plots of land and totals 700,000 sqm of development. The project will include Grade A offices, a premium retail mall and a luxury hotel, all with direct access to the Xujiahui metro station where five lines converge. 上海徐家汇中心座落于充满活力的徐家汇区,设计旨在将一 个城市级规模的综合体与该繁华地段无缝結合,同時通过一 系列高架行人天桥将综合体与城市肌理相互交織。

目前,这个大型综合项目是上海市中心最大的开发项目之一, 它由四个地块组成,总开发面积达 70 万平方米。该项目将包 括甲级写字楼、高端商场和豪华酒店,并连接可换乘五条地 铁线的徐家汇地铁站。





The project is currently under construction 此项目仍在建设中 93

Uniwalk Longhua 龙华壹方城

Shenzhen, China | 中国深圳



Service : Masterplanning, Architecture, Interior Design, Retail Planning | Client : Horoy Holdings | Size : 320,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计、室内设计、零售商业规划 | 客戶:鸿荣源集团有限公司 | 规模:320,000平方米


The Longhua district in north Shenzhen is a former manufacturing centre that has been rapidly growing into a new community for the city. The vision for Unitown is to create a new civic heart, redeveloping brownfield land into new commercial and social opportunities. The Uniwalk retail scheme that forms part of this wider mixed-use masterplan is the first phase to complete and open to the public. The building has been designed with a covered city square entrance, a new civic gathering point that has a permeable relationship with the galleried retail levels beyond. 深圳北的龙华区曾经是制造业的中心,现已急速发展成为新 社区。壹方中心旨在该地段打造新热点,将棕地重新开发并 转化为商业和社交热点。

壹方城为大型综合项目规划的零售部分,将在首阶段完成并 向公众开放。该建筑被设计成一座“城市”作为广场入口,务 求为该区打造新的社交热点,并与周边的零售商业楼层一脉 相连。 96


Integration 整合

Entrance 1 人流吸纳口一 通透玻璃盒子

Entrance 2 人流吸纳口二 开放式连桥

Entrance 3 人流吸纳口三 开放式连桥







Yanlord Dream Center 仁恒梦中心

Shenzhen, China | 中国深圳



Service : Masterplanning, Architecture (Retail, Office, Serviced Apartment) Client : Yanlord Land Group Limited | Size : 920,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计(零售、辦公室、服务式公寓) | 客戶:仁恒置地 | 规模:920,000平方米



Integrating people and space, business and city, and life and nature, this future mixed-use destination seeks to establish a new green community in Shenzhen. Located in the heart of Longgang District, the development will be the first subway superstructure in eastern Shenzhen. The 920,000 sqm mixed-use scheme features a 90,000 sqm retail mall, two office towers and two serviced apartment towers by Lead8. The project aims to transform traditional retail into an unbounded experience that promotes transparency, connectivity and ecology. 这个即将落成的综合体热点,将人与空间、商业与城市、生活 与自然融为一体,务求在深圳建立一个新的绿色社区。

项目位于龙岗区,将是深圳东部首个地铁上盖的发展项目。 整个项目占地 92 万平方米,其中包括 Lead8 设计达 9 万平 方米的零售商场、两座办公大楼和两座服务式公寓大楼。项 目旨在将传统零售空间打造为具透明度、连通性和生态化的 崭新商业目的地。





The project is currently under construction 此项目仍在建设中 111



David Buffonge 巴大卫

Co Founder & Executive Director 创办人兼执行董事 112

To mark World Cities Day, we reflect on how design can answer the call for the creation of cities that are adaptable and resilient to the changing world.

借着联合国大会(UNGA)每年 10 月 31 日定为的世界城市日,Lead8 创办人兼执行董事巴大卫 阐释设计如何应对城市不断变化的需要,以及如何让环境更具韧性以应对气候变化。 113


The New Species of Building Form Although climate change has been a concern for many decades, recent events are escalating the need for us to focus more on creating resilient cities that deliver a greater urban contribution to the environment as a whole. The desire to use more sustainable building materials and the advancement of technology to monitor how much energy we use has made incredible steps forward, allowing us to better address our new agenda for more sustainable architecture. However, there is still work to be done to future-proof our building designs so that they can adapt and evolve into a variety of uses over time. The more flexible spaces are, and the greater mix of uses they offer will make these developments more sustainable. Ultimately, design should seek to increase the lifespan of the built form.

The Third Place It is quite apparent from our experiences through the pandemic that the adaptability of people, the way we work, live and socialise has evolved. There has been much discussion around how cities will adapt to shape the new workplace environment. Are we going to be working more from home, will we go back in the office, or will there be a ‘third place’? Buildings such as shopping destinations have the ability to evolve and facilitate new typologies of working platforms. The coffee shop workspace culture, for example, has already started to become the third place for many new-generation small businesses that are not in need of a physical address.


尽管气候变化是近数十年来备受关注的议题,然而直至疫情的 爆发,我们才更迫切创建具有韧性的城市,从而为整体环境做出 更大的贡献。

现在更多人钟情可持续的建筑材料,并透过先进的科技,协助我 们监察日常能源消耗。这种改变让我们能够更好地计划持续建 筑的新议程。 然而,我们还要为建筑设计多花心思,协助它们适应未来的发 展,以便它们能够随着时间的推移适应并转化为各种用途。空 间越灵活,它们提供的用途便会更广泛,同时让建设发展更具 可持续性。 归根究底,设计应该以增加建筑的寿命为本。


经历过疫情之后,我们看到普罗大众的适应性,以至我们的工 作、生活和社交方式都发生了变化。关于城市将如何适应以塑 造新的工作环境,已经有很多讨论。我们是否会更频繁地在家 工作?我们可会回到办公室?还是会有“第三个场所”作为选 择? 购物商场等建筑,有能力发展和推进新的工作平台类型。例如, 咖啡店早已成为那些不需要实际办公室的新一代小企业的第三 个场所。 确保我们的建筑具有足够的韧性,以适应不断变化的需要和大 环境的动态,是未来的挑战。那些能灵活使用的建筑物,将处于 有利位置。

The challenge going forward is ensuring our buildings are resilient enough to accommodate the changing dynamics in how we wish to use them. Those that are designed to be flexible are in the best position.


The Ecology of Building Materials To achieve flexibility, design can first consider the evolution of a building’s materials. Allowing creative reuse of a scheme’s materials or the entire structure itself can contribute to its green credentials. This doesn’t mean just building from recycled materials but consciously moving away from those that are ‘single-use’. In architecture, the evolution of the built environment can be regarded as ‘the change in the characteristics of a building over several generations.’ As in biology, this also relies on ‘a process of natural selection.’ Like people, our buildings are evolving but social customs are changing faster than developments are being built. Yes, the procurement of a building today is much quicker than before, but in most cases, a building’s anatomy is dated once completed. On completion, most buildings would not have the ability to harness the best technology of the day, because the technology would not have existed when it was being designed.


为了实现灵活性,设计首先要思考在建筑材料上的演变。鼓励 创意地循环再用建筑材料或整个结构,都为可持续建设做出贡 献。这并不意味着仅仅用回收材料,更准确的是,有意识地远离 那些“一次性使用”的材料。

在建筑中, “建筑物跨世代的特征变化”就是建筑环境演变的例 证。与生物学一样,这也依赖于“一个自然选择的过程”。

与人一样,我们的建筑虽然与时并进,但社会环境转变的速度往 往走得更前。的而且确,今天全球的建筑项目史无前例地增加, 然而很多时,在建筑物竣工那一刻,它便随即成为过时的设计。 建成后,大多数建筑物都无法活用那一刻最好的技术,因为在 项目动工时,最新的技术还未出现。



Ultimately, design should seek to increase the lifespan of the built form. David Buffonge

// 归根究底,设计应该以增加建筑的寿命为本。 巴大卫 117

Special Flexibility & Adaptation for Sustainable Architecture The only solution to this problem is to future-proof the building with the most flexible layouts. This allows it to accommodate multiple uses over its lifespan, in turn increasing the lifespan of the built form. The goal is the collaborative consumption of space, a place for shared usage, and architecture that allows for the rapid transformation to accommodate evolving uses. Our future mixed-use destinations are now fully embracing the need for a multi-use building economy. The notion of architectural adaption is an important process that encourages buildings to be designed to adapt to their habitat. This trait is important for the survival and longevity of the built form, an essential sustainable criterion for our cities of tomorrow. It is encouraging to see these ideas explored in the industry and the collaboration of developers, city governments and designers in their pursuit. Our transformation of a 100-yearold Capital Steel Factory in Beijing that preserves the site’s industrial remains as part of a future gateway to the Winter Olympics is just one example. This 3-Star Green Building initiative is creating a new ecosystem that aims to preserve heritage and reduce carbon wastage.


可持续建筑的特殊灵活性和适应性 要解决此问题,唯一方法是使用最灵活的布局使建筑物面向未 来。这方法有助建筑物在其生命周期内适应多种用途,从而延 长使用寿命。

通过空间的协作消费、共享使用的场所以及允许快速转变以适 应不断变化的建筑架构,我们未来的混合体可满足到多用途建 筑经济的需求。 建筑适应性的概念非常重要,它鼓励建筑的设计适应其所在环 境。这一特性大大影响建筑的生存和寿命,是未来城市可持续 发展的核心标准。

我很高兴看到业界积极探索这些概念,一众开发商、市政府和设 计师也为这个目标努力合作。我们将拥有百年历史的北京首都 钢铁工厂园区改造成一个繁荣及多用途的城市地标,并保留了 场地的工业遗迹作为 2022 年冬奥会的出入口,这便是城市改造 的例子。这个三星级绿色建筑计划正在创建一个新的生态系统, 以保护遗产和减少碳排放为目标。


JL Central


Nanjing, China | 中国南京



Service : Architecture, Retail Planning | Client : Hongkong Land | Size : 235,000 sqm

服务:建筑设计、零售商业规划 | 客戶:香港置地 | 规模:235,000平方米

Images courtesy of P&T Group

图片由巴马丹拿集团提供 121

Sitting next to the busiest intersection of Xinjiekou, Nanjing, JL Central is a new development by Hongkong Land. The area is the third largest business district in China after Wangfujing, Beijing and Nanjing Road, Shanghai. As many as half a million people pass through Xinjiekou every day, and one million during peak holiday periods. With the surrounding retail developments well established, the site presents the opportunity to have new impact with a refreshed destination. The project consists of two sites with the first featuring a four-storey retail podium with an integrated office tower. Another high-end shopping mall anchors the other with a serviced apartment and grade A office tower above. The design aims to bring a new oasis to the dense and bustling Xinjiekou area. 项目选址南京最繁忙的新街口十字路口,是香港置地的新发 展项目。该区是继中国北京王府井和上海南京路之后第三大 商业区。每天有多达 50 万人通过新街口出入,假日人流量高 达 100 万人。

随着周边零售开发相繼完善,该项目将为当地注入新动力。 项目由两个地块组成,第一个地块设有一座楼高四层的零售 裙与办公大楼。另一个地块则设有高端购物商场,配以服务 式公寓及甲级办公大楼。设计旨在把新绿洲引进繁嚣的新街 口区。

The project is currently under construction 该项目目前正在建设中 122




Original Massing 原体量

Pull up the drape to celebrate the entrance

Pull up the drape to celebrate the entrance. 外墙层次感强化入口区域。


Dividing into smaller massing 細分量块


Highlight Massing 亮点功能量块




The project is currently under construction 此项目仍在建设中 127


Hong Kong | 香港



Service : Masterplanning, Architecture, Interior Design | Client : New World Development Company Limited Size : 350,000 sqm 服务:总体规划、建筑设计、室内设计 | 客戶:新世界发展有限公司 | 规模:350,000平方米


11 SKIES is the future world-class HK$20 billion mixed-use destination at SKYCITY. The development will be Hong Kong’s largest hub for Retail, Dining and Entertainment (RDE), and the first such scheme to combine wealth management and wellness services. The destination features 2.66 million square feet dedicated to dining and retail outlets and 570,000 square feet for experiential entertainment facilities. There will be over 800 shops and 120 dining concepts together with entertainment never seen before in the region. The integrated K11 Atelier will bring a further three grade A office towers to the strategically positioned destination.


11 SKIES 座落于耗资 200 亿港元的世界级综合体航天城内。该开发 项目将成为香港最大的零售、餐饮和娱乐中心,也是首个融入财富管 理和健康服务计划的项目。 该目的地拥有 266 万平方尺的餐饮和零售空间,以及 57 万平方尺的 体验式娱乐设施。11 SKIES 将有 800 多家商店和 120 家餐饮场所, 以及前所未有的娱乐活动。K11 Atelier 将为这个具战略位置的目的 地带来三座甲级写字楼。





The project is currently under construction. 此项目仍在建设中。 135

K11 Atelier is due to open in 2022, with 11 SKIES further completing in phases from 2023.

K11 Atelier预计于 2022 年开放,11 SKIES将从2023年起分阶段完成。 136

Our Executive Director Claude cycled to the site for a visit



Low-rise Retail District 低层零售区

Location: Confidential | 位置:保密



Service : Masterplanning, Architecture, Interior Design | Client : Confidential | Size : 160,000 sqm

服务:总体规划、建筑设计、室内设计 | 客戶:保密 | 规模:160,000平方米



Hi-end Retail 品质零售

Green & Social 生态社交

Urban Oasis 城市绿洲 Green Roof 绿里酒香 Social Experiences 绿化天台

International Brands 国际一线 Designer Goods 设计选物 Jewelry & Watches 珠宝钟表 Women’s Brands 女装

This low-rise retail-led district development is located within a strategically connected, transit-oriented site. The concept was to create a living, culture and entertainment centre that would capture footfall at all hours of the day. A traditional circular circulation layout was integrated with three-dimensional blocks to realise a flexible and distinctive commercial form. The design takes ‘nature’ and ‘life’ as the starting point, combining the province’s native landscape and regional culture, and strives to establish a new lifestyle and social place within an old city. The development’s characteristic spaces feature a distinctive architectural design delivering living retail districts, experiential social squares and immersive dwelling spaces.

Trend-setting 潮流时尚

Sports Playground 酷玩运动场 Consumables 潮流选物 Retail 潮流零售 Technology 科技体验

这个以零售为主导的低层开发区位于一个具战略性连接、以交通为 导向的地方。设计概念是要创建一个生活、文化和娱乐中心,全天 侯吸引人流到访。传统的循环流通布局与立体建筑相结合,实现了 灵活而有特色的商业形态。

设计以“自然”和“生活”为出发点,结合了当地的乡土景观和地域 文化,力求在旧城区打造新的生活方式和社交场所。项目设特色空 间,透过独特的建筑设计提供生活零售区、体验式社交广场和灵活 的商业空间。




Grand Waterfall 岩芯叠瀑

Golden Forest 金林万象


Cultural Village 黔城百寨

Golden Forest 金林万象

Grand Waterfall 岩芯叠瀑

Cultural Village 黔城百寨

Night Life Village 百寨不夜街

Karst Heart 喀斯特之芯

Grand Oculus 金林之庭

Waterfall Plaza 叠瀑广场

Banyan Platform 古榕之阶

Fashion Village 百寨潮流街




BFS Donghu Sales Centre 金融街(东湖) 中心

Wuhan, China | 中国武汉



Service : Architecture, Interior Design | Client : Wuhan Lianghu Peninsula Real Estate Development Co Ltd Size : 38,500 sqm 服务:建筑设计、室内设计 | 客戶:武汉两湖半岛房地产开发有限公司 | 规模:38,500平方米


The design concept of the BFS Donghu Sales Centre is derived from petals. The concept borrows the budding form of "cherry blossoms" in the local Donghu Park that faces the project, and continues this poetic symbol with modern architectural techniques. The movement of water complements the organic petal shape, bringing the built and outdoor environments together. The main body of the building is curved, allowing the indoor and outdoor lines to flow as smooth as water. The Sales Centre represents the wider 1.6 million square metre BFS Donghu mixed-use development that features an office tower, three apartment towers, and a Lead8-designed retail podium.

金融街(东湖)中心设计灵感来自花瓣。项目面向东湖公园,设 计概念则参考了湖内“樱花”的萌芽形态,并通过现代建筑 手法将这诗意展现出来。水的流动与花瓣形状的小径相得益 彰,将建筑物和室外环境融为一体。建筑主体的弧形設計, 让室内外的线条如水般流畅。

中心为金融街(东湖) 中心综合开发项目的重要部分,占地 160 万 平方米,整个综合体包括一座办公大楼、三座公寓大楼和一个 由 Lead8 设计的零售裙楼。







Far Eastern Department Stores (Zhubei) 远东百货竹北店

Hsinchu, Taiwan | 台湾新竹



Service : Interior Design | Client : Chubei New Century Shopping Mall Co., Ltd Size : 87,500 sqm 服务:室内设计 | 客戶:竹北新世纪购物中心股份有限公司 | 规模:87,500平方米


The Far Eastern Department Stores (Zhubei) in Taiwan is an 87,500 square meter retail environment that brings to life the country’s culture with an experiential design by Lead8. The scheme is spread across nine levels and inspired by the local Hakka culture. Four distinctive themes define the interiors, which include references to a red-brick Hakka old street, woven crafts, tea farming and traditional fabric designs. The central atrium celebrates the tulou building architecture with a striking curvilinear design. 远东百货竹 北 店是 一 个占地 87, 5 0 0 平方米的零售项目, Lead8 运用体验式设计,将台湾的文化融入当中。

项目设有九个零售楼层,设计受当地客家文化启发。室内设 计主要分为四个独特的主题,分别参考了红砖客家老街、编 织工艺品、茶农 及传统布料设计。中庭则采用土楼建筑为 本,带来瞩目的曲线设计。

The development has opened to the public

项目已向公众开放 158





Images courtesy of Chubei New Century Shopping Mall Co., Ltd

图片由竹北新世纪购物中心股份有限公司提供 163


Partnerships Influencing Design 协作环境的兴起:影响设计的合作伙伴关系

Claude Touikan 崔接成

Co Founder & Executive Director 创办人兼执行董事 164

Across societies, industries, and organisations, we are experiencing a collaborative movement that is only just beginning. The power of collaboration has taken on new significance in a world seeking to understand and redefine the way forward.

一股协作的动力现正于我们的社会、行业和组织中崛起。在寻求知 识和重新定义未来路向的环境中,协作力量已被赋予新的意义。 165

Here we look at how different partnerships are influencing the design of our physical, built environments and how they will shape our human experience in the future. Unexpected Alliances In the past eighteen months, brand collaborations have continued gaining momentum as companies look to new ways to stay relevant, grow their customer base and cultivate exposure in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Think ‘Dior x Nike’, ‘H&M Home x Diane Von Furstenberg’, ‘Adidas x Lego’, and ‘Spotify x Starbucks’. These collaborations are progressively merging different industries and markets: luxury labels with sporting brands, homewares with fashion designers, sportswear with toy manufacturers, beverage chains with audio streaming giants. The cross-pollination will continue, moving into new realms, diversifying geographic markets, attracting emerging brands, and curating limited edition collections and experiences. This collaborative approach and quest to differentiate is also coming to life in the design of our physical environments. We have started to see this trend change the conventional commercial model already. A richer range of experiences blending retail, music, dining, culture, leisure, wellness, and entertainment is starting to take shape. Moving forward, the development of partnerships between different retailers and businesses will see the coming together of 'unlike' partners as part of a unified retail experience. We should expect this collaborative effect to lead to the creation of environments and experiences not yet seen before, where the result is not only the sum of its parts but the creation of entirely new typologies.


有关不同的伙伴关系如何影响我们对周遭 和建筑环境的设计,以及它将如何塑造我 们未来的体验。 破格结盟

随着一众公司在竞争日益激烈的市场中寻求新的方式来保持 相关性、扩大客户群并提高知名度,跨品牌合作日趋广泛。当中 例子包括“Dior x Nike”、 “H&M Home x Diane Von Furstenberg”、 “Adidas x Lego”和“Spotify x Starbucks”。

这些合作正在逐步融合不同行业和市场:奢侈与运动品牌、家 居用品与时装设计师、运动服与玩具制造商、饮料连锁店与音频 流媒巨头。跨界别协作将会持续并慢慢进入新领域,使地域市 场多样化,吸引更多新兴品牌,策划趋之若鹜的限量版系列和 用户体验。

这种协作方法和寻求差异化,在环境设计中亦开始受到追捧。 这种趋势开始改变了传统的商业模式。融合零售、音乐、餐饮、 文化、休闲、健康和娱乐等丰富体验的设计项目推陈而出。展望 未来,不同零售商和企业之间的合作伙伴关系,将结合“各具特 色”的品牌,让它们成为综合零售新体验的一部分。 我们可以预期这种协作效应将缔造前所未有的环境和体验,它 们带来的不仅是各品牌的结合,而是创造出崭新的建筑类型。


Boundaryless Capability The partnership of technology and design continues to deliver new possibilities to the retail landscape. The acceleration of e-commerce has rewritten our behaviour as consumers. Physical spaces now have new tools to adapt, operating as forums for product discovery and experience-based inspiration while increasingly recreating the conveniences of e-commerce capability. Cashless environments are helping to simplify and streamline the customer experience. Moving further, whole-store automation and the removal of points of sale systems all together are unlocking possibilities – from public health to eliminating costly physical check-outs. In the future, we could expect to see the physical space gained through these innovations transformed into on-site microfulfilment centres. Tech leaders like Microsoft are working together with retailers to create new inventory management systems that are seeking to revolutionise home delivery. For consumers, the experience of buying in-store will be as seamless as online, with purchases expedited to your front door. 168


技术和设计的合作,继续为零售业带来新的可能。电子商务改 变了消费者的行为模式,物理空间现在有了新概念以应对转变, 在重新创造电子商务的便利的同时,零售商场亦成为产品发现 和基于体验的新天地。 无现金环境有助于简化用户体验,全店自动化和销售点系统的 淘汰,从公共卫生以至降低昂贵的实体结账成本方面,都带来了 无限的可能性。

未来,我们将会看到更多零售空间通过这些创新,转型为更便 捷的微型配送中心。Microsoft等科技巨头现正与零售商合作创 建新的库存管理系统,以彻底改变订单配送流程。对于消费者 来说,在店内购买的体验将与在线一样无缝,购买的商品会更快 送达家门。


The power of collaboration has taken on new significance in a world redefining the way forward. Claude Touikan

// 在寻求知识和重新定义未来路向的环境中,协作力量已被赋予新的意义。 崔接成 169

Heathy, Living Spaces The pandemic has not only shone a new light on the significance of delivering safe environments from a public health perspective, mitigating the spread of viruses and bacteria through intelligent ventilation systems, distancing sensors, sanitisable surfaces, motion detectors and touchless systems. It has also illuminated the importance of healthy lifestyles and our desire to maintain a connection with nature. The coming together of our built and natural worlds is delivering new answers to how we can enhance the safety and experience of our indoor spaces in more engaging ways. Our desire to be connected with nature is well studied, and biophilic and sustainable design is finding renewed prominence. With technological advancements, we now have the tools to deliver large-scale living ecosystems within indoor spaces. Through scientific studies, these environments are also showing their contribution to removing pollutants from the air we breathe. Importantly, new reporting is indicating that viral infectivity decreases as air pollution decreases. By partnering nature with our interiors, we are improving both safe design and our human experience.


新冠疫情大流行不仅让人们从公共卫生的角度重新思考安全环 境的重要性,还通过智能通风系统、距离传感器、可消毒表面、运 动探测器和非接触式系统来减轻病毒和细菌的传播。此举还阐 明了健康生活方式的重要性,以及我们希望与自然结合的愿望。

建筑世界和自然世界的融合,正正是我们如何以更吸引人的方 式,提升室内空间的安全和体验的答案。

人类渴望与大自然联系早已肯定,亲生物和可持续的设计现在 重新受到重视。随着科技的进步,我们现在有工具在室内空间打 造大规模的生态系统。有科学研究指出,这种环境设计亦有利 于去除空气中的污染物。最重要的是,病毒传染性亦会随着空 气污染的减少而降低。 将大自然与我们的室内设计相互结合,有助逐步优化安全设计 和人类体验。 170





Supporting a New Generation of Designers 支持新一代设计师

Lead8 continued its commitment to the next generation of up-andcoming designers throughout the year. The team sponsored and attended graduation shows to support final year architecture students as well as hosted in-studio internships and experience days to provide real world learning opportunities. Lead8 继续致力于培养下一代的设计师。Lead8 赞助并亲身参加了建筑学 系的毕业展,以行动支持即将毕业的学生。同时,Lead8 亦举办了工作室实 习和体验日,为学生提供真实世界的学习机会。 174

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Renaissance College students’ design internship at Lead8 Hong Kong studio

启新书院同学于 Lead8 香港工作室的设计实习




Lead8 x Camel Lead8 collaborated with Camel, one of Hong Kong’s most recognised and beloved brands to create a limited edition gift. Camel was founded in Hong Kong in 1940 and for the past 80 years has designed and manufactured its signature flasks and metalware in the city. The business was started by the Leung family, who still operate the company today. “Camel epitomises Hong Kong and as a fellow locally-founded business, we wanted to create a meaningful gift that represents and gives back to this place that we call home. Camel has made a long-term commitment to Hong Kong, and we are happy to align with their support of locally designed and made products,” said Christine Hau, Co Founder & Executive Director at Lead8.

Lead8 x 骆驼牌 Lead8 与香港其中一个最受认同和爱戴的品牌─骆驼牌,携手打造了 一份特别的节日礼物。

骆驼牌于 1940 年在香港成立,80 年来一直在香港设计和制造其标志性 的隔热保温瓶和金属制品。该公司由梁氏家族创办,至今仍然运营。

Lead8 创办人兼执行董事候佩芳 (Christine) 说“骆驼牌就像香港的 缩影,作为本地企业的同仁,我们希望制作一份有意义的礼物回馈 香港这个家。骆驼牌对香港作出了长期的承诺,我们很高兴与他们 有着同样的理念,就是对本地设计和本地原创产品的支持。”



In the decades since Camel was established, its products became household essentials to many Hong Kong families. Despite the manufacturing trend in migrating to mainland China in the 80s and 90s, the company remained, making a commitment that every flask is made in Hong Kong and always would be. “Camel’s story carries much of the preserving spirit that defines Hong Kong. As a design business also founded in this wonderful city, we were inspired by their story. We are proud to promote their mission for local craftsmanship and manufacturing,” said Simon Chua, Co Founder & Executive Director at Lead8.

骆驼牌成立数十年来,其产品已成为不少香港家庭的生活必需品。 尽管 80 年代和 90 年代,香港制造业纷纷北上迁移到中国大陆,但 骆驼牌仍坚守承诺,公司所有产品都是百分百香港制造,并会继续 维持现况。

“骆驼牌承载了代表香港的本土精神。Lead8 作为同样立足香港的 设计公司,我们从他们的故事中获得灵感。我们很荣幸能够与它们 合作,肩负起宣传本土工艺和制造的使命。”Lead8 创办人兼执行 董事蔡尚文 (Simon) 说。

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Hands on for Community Giving “Giving back to the communities in which we work is a passion for Lead8. We are proud to partnerwith HandsOn Hong Kong and volunteer our time and skills for our local organisations that are invaluable to the people they support. HandsOn Hong Kong has a vision for all to serve together to meet the social needs of the community and we are empowered to join them in this mission,” said Christine Hau, Co Founder & Executive Director at Lead8. With the guidance of the HandsOn team, volunteers from Lead8’s Hong Kong studio gave their time to upcycle coffee grounds into luxury soap gifts. Lead8’s volunteers received a briefing on food waste issues in Hong Kong before being trained on how to turn coffee grinds into decorative soap bars. The handmade gifts were donated to the Hong Kong Christian Service Pui O School that supports children with physical disabilities.

携手参与社区捐赠 Lead8 创办人兼执行董事候佩芳(Christine)说"回馈社会是 Lead8 的 热忱所在。我們很高興能夠與牵手.香港合作,為专门服务有需要 人士的本地非牟利机构投入我们的时间和技能。牵手.香港的愿景 是动员热心人士一齊去解决香港社会的需求,我们有机会加入他 们的行列,实在非常幸运。"

在牵手.香港团队的指导下,Lead8 香港工作室的义工学习了将咖啡渣 再造成为精致的肥皂礼物。我们的义工在学习制造肥皂前,听取了 有关香港食物浪费问题的简报。手工制作的肥皂礼物最后会被捐 赠到香港基督教服务处培爱学校,该校专为肢体伤残儿童而设。

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Lead8 Celebrates 7 Years in Design Lead8 立足设计行业 7 周年


Lead8 celebrated its most successful year in its journey as it marked seven years in business in 2021. The firm has gone from strength to strength since its founding in 2014, with the twelve months of 2021 showcasing a number of “firsts” for Lead8.. “The past year has presented many challenges for us all. It has also proven to be incredibly rewarding to witness our Lead8 team`s show their resilience, ingenuity and strength; and, as a result, raise new benchmarks for our firm. Now more than ever, we are grateful to be working within an industry that can harness its power to imagine and shape better futures and environments for our cities and communities,” said Christine Hau, Co Founder & Executive Director at Lead8.

Lead8 于 2021 年迎来了七周年的纪念,同时也庆祝该年是自 2014 年成立以来最成功的一年。经过多年的努力与壮大,Lead8 的整体 实力不断增强,更收获不少“首次”的突破。

"尽管过去一年对我们所有人都带来许多挑战,但亦同时见证了 Lead8 团队的韧性、智慧和力量,同时提高了公司的基准,实在难能 可贵。能够利用设计的力量,为我们的城市和社区注入想象力,并 塑造更美好的未来和环境,我们感到前所未有的雀跃。”Lead8 创办人 兼执行董事侯佩芳分享。


Holiday Wishes for Students 为学生送上节日祝福

Volunteers within the Hong Kong studio joined together to spread festive cheer to local students with different abilities, wrapping gifts for primary and secondary students and creating hand-made cards to add a personal touch. The presents were delivered to a local school supporting children with disabilities to be gifted at their end-of-year Christmas celebrations. Lead8 香港工作室的义工齐心协力,为有不同学习困难 的本地学生传播节日的欢乐。义工亲手为中、小学生包 装礼物,并手绘圣诞卡,以增添个人风格。礼物包装完 成后,会被送到本地一所学校,让残疾儿童在他们的年 末圣诞派对中,获得礼物。

Scan the QR code to learn more

扫描二维码了解更多 190




Studio Spirit 激励士气

The Lead8 team didn't let the pandemic disrupt plans for celebrations. To mark special occasions where in-person events couldn't be held, the team designed gifts to be presented across the studios to keep spirits high. Fortunately, the studio was lucky to come together at the end of the year for the Lead8 Christmas Carnival and celebrate in style. Lead8 团队并没有因疫情影响而打乱了节日庆祝的计划。虽然实体活动暂时无法举行, 但团队特别安排在节日中,为工作室的同事送上礼物,以保持高昂的士气。幸运的是, 团队有幸在年底共聚一堂庆祝 Lead8 圣诞嘉年华。 194







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Simon Chua speaking at the A&D Industry Forum

蔡尚文在 A&D 行业论坛中发表演讲


David Buffonge filming for a client project


Christine Hau in Prestige Magazine’s Women of Power


End of year party for the Kuala Lumpur team

The Ring on the cover of PRC Magazine



Claude Touikan interviewed for the PropertyGuru Awards

Simon Chua presenting at South China University of Technology

The Singapore team enjoying Christmas lunch

Celebrating Chinese New Year in the Shenzhen studio

崔接成接受 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖采访







Asia Hospitality and Retail Design Asia Awards 2021 亚洲款待及零售设计大奖2021


BCI Asia Awards 2021 - Top 10 Architects in Hong Kong BCI Asia 大奖 2021 - 香港十大建筑设计公司大奖


Good MPF Employer and MPF Support Awards 积金局 "积金好雇主”嘉许计划积金推广奖

Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards 2021

Asia Pacific Property Awards 2021 – 2022

The 7th China Real Estate & Design Award (CREDAWARD)

The 6th REARD Global Design Award

2021 年亚洲 - 太平洋史蒂夫®奖


第七届 CREDAWARD 地产设计大奖·中国

2021 - 2022年亚太房地产大奖

第六届 REARD 全球地产设计大奖

MUSE Design Awards 2021

2021 年缪斯设计大奖

PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau) 2021

2021 年 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖 (中国内地、香港及澳门)

Awards List WA100 2022 Top 100 Architectural Firms in the World Lead8

Asia Hospitality and Retail Design Asia Awards 2021 Outstanding Retail Design - APAC Shopping Mall Gold Award The Ring

Asia Pacific Property Awards 2021-2022 Best Leisure Development - 5-Star Best Hubei Coordination Urban Renewal Scheme

Greenest Overall Project The Ring

Leisure Development - Regional Nominee Hubei Coordination Urban Renewal Scheme Retail Architecture - 5-Star Best MixC Nanjing Retail Development - 5-Star Best MixC Nanjing Retail Architecture - Award Winner Longfor Central

Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards 2021 Award For Innovative Management in Business Product & Service Industries - 100 Or More Employers - Gold Stevie® Award Lead8

MUSE Design Awards 2021 Architecture (Retail) - Platinum Award MixC Shenzhen Bay Concept (Architecture) - Platinum Award Urban City Cultural Plaza Architecture (Retail) - Platinum Award Xinhu Paradise Walk Interior Design (Leisure & Wellness) - Gold Award MixC IMAX Flagship, Shenzhen Bay Interior Design (Retail) - Gold Award U-fun Chengdu

Award For Excellence In Innovation in Business Product & Service Industries - More Than 100 Employers - Gold Stevie® Award Lead8

World Design Awards 2021 World Design Award Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

The 7th China Real Estate & Design Award (CREDAWARD) Interior Design - Gold Award MixC Shenzhen Bay

BCI Asia Awards 2021 Top 10 Architects in Hong Kong Lead8

Commercial Project - Merit Award MixC Shenzhen Bay Commercial Project - Merit Award Longfor Central, Chengdu Interior Design - Merit Award MixC IMAX Flagship, Shenzhen Bay


Outstanding Retail Design - APAC Shopping Mall Merit Award Xinhu Paradise Walk

The 6th REARD Global Design Award Commercial Architecture - Platinum Award MixC Shenzhen Bay

Asia Pacific Property Awards 2021 – 2022 2021 - 2022 年亚太房地产大奖

PropertyGuru Indonesia Property Awards 2021 Best Retail Architectural Design (Indonesia) - Country winner - Grand final Bintaro Jaya Xchange Best Retail Architectural Design (Indonesia) - Winner Bintaro Jaya Xchange PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau) 2021 Best Retail Interior Design (China) - Winner The Ring Best Mixed-Use Interior Design (China) - Winner Fuzhou Shangri-La Mixed-use Development Best Retail Architecture Design (China) - Highly Commended Hubei Coordination Urban Renewal Scheme Best Retail Architecture Design (China) - Highly Commended MixC Ningbo

International Design Award 2021 Architecture - Conceptual - Silver Urban City Cultural Plaza Interior Design - Retails, Shops, Department stores, Mall - Bronze The Ring Interior Design - Retails, Shops, Department stores, Mall Honorable Mention MixC Shenzhen Bay Other Interior designs - Other Interior Designs - Honorable Mention MixC IMAX Flagship, Shenzhen Bay Good MPF Employer Award 2020 - 2021 Good MPF Employer Award and MPF Support Award Lead8 A&D Awards 2021 Best Shopping & Retail - Interior Design - Shortlist The Ring

Best Mixed-Use Architectural Design (China) - Highly Commended Fuzhou Shangri-La Mixed-use Development 213

奖项 WA100 2022 全球 100 大建筑设计公司 Lead8

2021 年亚洲款待及零售设计大奖 杰出零售设计—亚太区 (购物中心) - 金奖 重庆光环购物公园

2021 - 2022年亚太房地产大奖 最佳休闲建筑五星奖 湖贝项目整体商业规划

杰出零售设计—亚太区(购物中心) - 优秀奖 星湖天街

亚太最佳休闲建筑入围 湖贝项目整体商业规划 最佳零售建筑五星奖 南京万象天地

2021 年缪斯设计大奖 建筑设计 (零售) - 铂金奖 深圳湾万象城

最佳零售建筑优胜奖 龙湖上城

建筑设计 (零售) - 铂金奖 星湖天街

最佳零售开发项目五星奖 南京万象天地

2021 年亚洲 - 太平洋史蒂夫®奖 创新管理(商业产品和服务行业)- 金奖 Lead8

卓越企业创新(商业产品和服务行业)- 金奖 Lead8 第七届 CREDAWARD 地产设计大奖·中国 室内设计 - 金奖 深圳湾万象城 商业项目 - 优秀奖 深圳湾万象城 商业项目 - 优秀奖 龙湖上城

室内设计 - 优秀奖 万象影城 (深圳湾万象城旗舰店)


整体中最环保项目 重庆光环购物公园

概念设计 (建筑) - 铂金奖 文化村竞赛项目

室内设计 (休闲及保建) - 金奖 万象影城 (深圳湾万象城旗舰店) 室内设计 (零售) 金奖 成都悠方购物中心

2021 年世界设计奖 综合体概念 - 优胜奖 首钢北京园区城市织补创新项目 2021 年 BCI Asia 大奖 香港十大建筑设计公司大奖 Lead8 第六届 REARD 全球地产设计大奖 商业建筑 - 铂金奖 深圳湾万象城

PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau) 2021 and PropertyGuru Indonesia Property Awards 2021 2021 年 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖 (中国内地、香港及澳门) 及 2021 年 PropertyGuru 印度尼西亚不动产大奖

2021 年 PropertyGuru 印度尼西亚不动产大奖 年度零售中心建筑设计奖 (印度尼西亚) - 入围亚太区总决赛 Bintaro Jaya Xchange 年度零售中心建筑设计奖 (印度尼西亚) - 金奖 Bintaro Jaya Xchange 2021 年 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖 (中国内地、香港及澳门) 年度零售中心室内设计奖 (中国) - 金奖 重庆光环购物公园 年度综合体室内设计奖 (中国) - 金奖 福州香格里拉综合开发项目

年度零售中心建筑设计奖 (中国) - 优秀奖 湖贝项目整体商业规划 年度零售中心建筑设计奖 (中国) - 优秀奖 宁波万象城 年度综合体建筑设计奖 (中国) - 优秀奖 福州香格里拉综合开发项目

2021 年国际设计大奖 建筑 - 概念 - 银奖 文化村竞赛项目

室内设计 - 零售, 商店, 百货公司, 商场 - 铜奖 重庆光环购物公园

室内设计 - 零售, 商店, 百货公司, 商场 - 优秀奖 深圳湾万象城 其他室内设计 - 其他室内设计 - 优秀奖 万象影城 (深圳湾万象城旗舰店)

2021 - 2021年 ”积金好雇主” 嘉许计划 积金好雇主及积金推广奖 Lead8 2021 年 A&D 大奖 最佳购物及零售 – 室内设计 – 入围 重庆光环购物公园




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