Yearbook 8

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Message to Everyone

It is with great pleasure that we share our eighth edition of the Lead8 Year Book.

Our collection of annual books showcases the designs, thinking and outreach of our international team each year. We are incredibly proud to see this edition feature so many of our completed developments over the last twelve months. Seeing our designs come to life and make a positive impact on the communities they serve is truly rewarding.

In this issue, we pay tribute to our home city of Hong Kong. Lead8 is designing and delivering two of the most futuredefining schemes in the city, Site 3 of the New Central Harbourfront and 11 SKIES next to the Hong Kong International Airport. These developments will transform the environments around the city’s iconic harbourfront and world-class airport and play a valuable role in activating these connective and highly sought-after districts.

Looking internationally, we embraced the opportunity to finally reconnect with clients, partners and friends around the world as borders reopened. From visiting new sites to presenting at events, conducting workshops, and receiving awards, it was uplifting to be able to experience new places and forge new relationships once again.

Through our travels, we have experienced the undeniable shift that has seen resilient and responsible design rise to the top of the agenda. Reimagining our developments to emphasise the health of our environments and communities is informing design on a broader scale. In this edition, we share our thoughts on how buildings can evolve more sustainably and consider design approaches that reduce our carbon impact, from adaptive reuse to heritage preservation to new biophilic strategies and pedestrianisation.

Finally, our Year Books are not possible without the dedication, talent and commitment of our teams. This year, we are proud to see Lead8 recognised once again within the Top 100 Architecture Firms in the World, ranking 53rd in the WA100 by Building Design. We are also proud to receive 2nd place in the global retail sector, showcasing our ongoing capability and success as leading retail design experts.

Congratulations to all at Lead8 on our eighth year in design and business. We look forward to continuing our mission to transform visions into viable, experiential, and sustainable realities for the future.

The Executive Directors of Lead8

Christine Hau, Claude Touikan, David Buffonge and Simon Chua



我们很高兴与大家分享 Lead8 的第八册年刊。

我们的年鉴系列展示着我们国际团队每年的重点设计、所思所 想和外联活动。我们感到非常自豪,能于此年刊与大家分享我们 许多在过去十二个月竣工的项目。看到我们的设计实现落成,并 对它们所服务的社区产生积极影响,确实别具意义。

这一期年刊,我们向我们的家——香港致敬。Lead8 正在设计和 交付城內两个未来最具意义的项目,分別是中环新海滨三号用 地和香港国际机场旁的 11 SKIES。这两个开发项目将改变香港 标志性海滨和世界级机场的周边环境,同时为激活这些高连接 性的焦点地区,发挥举足轻重的作用。

放眼国际,随着世界各地重新开关,我们抓紧机会再次与全球客 户、合作伙伴和朋友们联系。从考察新项目到担任研讨会讲者、 举办活动和出席颁奖典礼,能够再次亲临新场地、建立新关系 实在令人振奋。

通过到访各地,我们更深刻体会到一个不可否认的转变,就是 具韧性且负责任的设计已然成为关键议题。重新构想我们的发 展项目,以强调我们环境和社区的健康,已成为现今的一个设计 框架。在此年刊中,我们从活化再利用到保留历史建筑,再到新 的亲自然策略和步行区方面,分享了对建筑如何可持续地发展 的想法,还有我们如何从建筑设计着手减少碳影响。

最后,我们的年刊总结了我们团队长期努力、出色才干和坚持不 懈的成果。今年,我们很自豪 Lead8 再次跻身全球百大建筑公

司之列,在 WA100 建筑设计榜单中排名第 53 位,同時在全球 零售领域中名列第二,反映了我们作为零售设计领导者的专业 能力及持续成功。

衷心祝贺 Lead8 的每一位并感激大家一起走过了设计和业务的 第八个年头。我们将继续堅守使命,化愿景为现实,致力实现可 行、可体验及可持续的未来。

Lead8 合伙人 侯佩芳、崔接成、巴大卫及蔡尚文

Our Executive Directors (From Left to Right) - Claude Touikan, David Buffonge, Christine Hau and Simon Chua 合伙人 (由左至右) - 崔接成、巴大卫、侯佩芳及蔡尚文

MixC Nanjing

Nanjing, China | 中国南京
PROJECT FACTS Service : Architecture | Client : China Resources Land | Size : 83,800 sqm 項目详情 服务:建筑设计 | 客戶:华润置地 | 规模:83,800 平方米

Developing a Centuries-Old Site

MixC Nanjing is a retail-led development located in the city’s central 700-year-old Sanshan Street district.

The 83,800-square-metre scheme is developed by China Resources Land and takes the form a low-rise retail precinct that pays respect to the location’s centuries-old context.

The scheme is located near the famous Qinhuai Tourist Area, known for its historical landmarks and rich mix of ancient cultural sites. The immediate area surrounding the site features heritageprotected buildings and high-density living with little commercial development currently existing.


南京万象天地以商业零售为主导,位于具有七百年历史的南京历 史中心区三山街。

项目由华润置地开发,占地 83,800 平方米,属低层零售商場,以 尊重该区已有数百年历史的地理环境。

项目毗邻具丰富历史和古文化遗址的秦淮旅游区。地块周边为 文物保护建筑和高密度住宅,目前只有少量商业项目。


Historic Street Texture

Urban Texture Before Demolition

Overlapping Analysis of Historical Street Texture

New Planning Preserving Key Historic Roads

Historic Roads

街巷历史肌理 拆迁前的城市肌理 街巷历史肌理叠合分析 新规划保留了重点历史道路
历史道路 16

Protecting the Urban Grain


Respect the historic urban fabric and retain 'Heizan Lane' and 'Gong Jian Fang'.

Preserve in-situ 'Yunzhang Gongsuo' and enlarge the main plaza and former plaza.

尊重城市肌理,保留 “黑簪巷” 和 “弓箭坊”。 原址保留 “云章公所” 及扩大其前广场, 同时扩大其他入口形成广场。

Connect the first floor on the left side of the 'Yunzhang Gongsuo' to form a dynamic street network.

在首层连通 “云章公所” 左侧道路,丰富街道网络。 内街设置单元式商铺,与“云章公所”协调。

Arrange single-unit shops on the inner street to interface with the historic building. Create entrances to urban roads and abide by height restrictions with layered setbacks.


Use the roof setback on the fourth floor to create outdoor green and leisure-activated spaces for the community.

充分利用第 4 层顶层的屋面退台,形成室外绿化空间,为 市民提供丰富的休闲用地。


Preserving Local Identity

Within the site for MixC Nanjing sits an original ‘Yunzhang Gongsuo’ building, the centrepiece of the retail development.

The overall planning has diverged from the closed box format by creating an open scheme, supporting connectivity and visibility to the traditional cultural building. Internal pedestrian streets have been carved into the site to echo the urban fabric and surround the historic building and its open courtyard.


该项目最具特色之处是在地块原址的中心保留了历史建筑 “云章 公所”。

Lead8 的团队在总体规划中改变了传统的 “封闭式” 商场设计, 以 “开放、融合” 的手法将商业与城市文脉有机地结合在一起。内 部步行街呼应城市结构,并围绕历史建筑及其开放式活动庭院。


Interpreting Traditional Architecture

The architectural design of MixC Nanjing captures the identity of Nanjing through its selection of materials, style, scale and colour. The design language has been informed by studying the city’s building typologies and adapting the core elements.

The triangular site offers opportunities to adapt the façade design strategy along each side to fit comfortably within the district. Facing the main commercial boulevard, the multistorey façades represent an interpretation of traditional Nanjing architecture. Within the development, the façades facing the inner streets feature layered setbacks, an adaptation of old village streets. Facing the redeveloped Chengnan Residential area is a ‘Yanliaofang’ inspired design

Well-connected, MixC Nanjing is strategically located near multiple train stations in the city, and its open format has enhanced street mobility and network accessibility. The fourth-floor rooftop serves as a retreat from the bustling streets, offering green outdoor spaces and places for quiet recreation for the public.


南京万象天地的建筑设计通过材料、风格、比例和颜色来捕捉南京 的独特气息。该设计充分展现出我们对城市建筑类型的深入研究, 以及如何将城市的核心元素巧妙地与设计整合。

三角形地基分别具有三种不同的立面设计策略,以迎合各街道界 面的特性。面向繁华的商业街道,多层立面展现了对传统南京建筑 的诠释。内街界面形成逐层退台,以呼应原有的城市肌理。而 “颜 料坊” 街面则充分体现城南居民的复刻。

南京万象天地的地理位置优越,靠近城中多个铁路站。其“开放、 融合”的手法加强了行人流动性和丰富了街道网络。第四层顶楼充 分利用屋面退台,形成室外绿化空间,为市民提供丰富多样的休闲 空间。


Far Eastern Department StoreZhubei


Hsinchu, Taiwan, China | 中国台湾新竹

PROJECT FACTS Service : Interior Design | Client : Far Eastern Group | Size : 87,500 sqm 項目详情 服务:室内设计 | 客戶:远东百货股份有限公司 | 规模:87,500 平方米

A Platform for Cultural Inheritance

The Far Eastern Department Store in Zhubei is a development that goes beyond retail design to become a platform for cultural inheritance.

The department store is spread over eight above-ground levels and two basement levels with a design inspired by the importance of celebrating the local culture.

Hakka culture is a dominant part of Hsinchu, with Hakka family groups accounting for over 80% of the total population. The design team interpreted elements from the local culture through colour, texture and lighting, and transposed them into different settings and experiences for visitors.


远东百货竹北店打破一般传统零售项目的框框,充当了传承地区文 化的平台。


客家文化是新竹地区的核心。该县是典型的客家县,客家族群超过 总人口的 80%。我们的设计团队从色彩、纹理和灯光方面,诠释当 地文化元素,并将它们转换成不同环境,在每个楼层呈现出不同主 题和体验。


Tulou Architecture


Textile Design Tea Culture Bamboo Weaving 竹编 布艺 茶文化 35

Inspired by Tulou Architecture

The Tulou, traditional in Hakka architecture, is a major inspiration within the development, with the designers introducing a Tulou roof structure to crown the top floors and atrium. The traditional architecture symbolises a ‘roof over everyone’, protecting from rain and sun, and becoming a gathering place for the community. Above the structure, a ceiling roof with LED screens mimics an open sky over the interiors

On the same top floor, a traditional ‘Hakka Old Street’ enlivens the interior atmosphere with its characteristic red brick façades, replica wooden doors and windows, flower lanterns and flooring retaining the old charm of local restaurants and cafes. The reproduction of the ‘Hakka Ancient House’ allows visitors to immerse themselves in cultural history.


商场的主要设计灵感来自传统客家建筑 - 土楼,设计引入了传统土

楼屋顶结构来覆盖高层和中庭,屋顶设有擬真的天空造景 LED 屏 幕,象征“团结互助的家庭观念”,不但为人民遮风挡雨,亦成为 社区的聚集点。

顶楼传统的“客家老街”为室内气氛增添生气,其独有的红砖外墙、 仿木门窗、花灯和地板保留了客家餐馆和咖啡馆的古老魅力。“客家 古厝”的再现,让游客能沉浸于文化历史的氛围中。


Traditional Design Influences

Traditional bamboo weaving is a technique that has been passed down through generations in Hakka culture. As part of the interior design, the concept has been transposed into feature walls, column motifs and signage elements across the scheme. Tea culture also plays an important role and the interior material palette references Hakka teahouses and tea preparation rituals through wood, tea colours, fragrance, and greenery.

The design and zoning of the project provides a background and framework for tenants to express their brand identity fully; allowing their own styles to coexist harmoniously. The team also collaborated closely with Japanese art master Shinji Ohmaki to incorporate the ceiling artwork on the second level into the overall design.

The development makes efforts to be environmentally aware and has obtained a gold-level green building certification.


传统竹编是客家文化中世代相传的技艺。室内设计将此传统竹编 概念融入到整个商场内不同的特色墙、立柱图案和标识元素。茶文 化在客家文化中同样扮演了重要角色。室内建筑材料的色调采取自 客家茶馆及茗茶礼仪,而木材、茶色、茶香和绿植皆用以打造舒适 怡人的地库餐饮空间。

项目的设计和区域规划为租户提供背景和框架,让各品牌和谐地 于商业空间共存,亦不失其独有风格。设计团队亦与日本当代艺术 大师大卷伸嗣(Shinji Ohmaki)携手,将其设计的天花艺术装置设 置于二楼,为整体室内设计加添艺术气息。

整个商场的设计于环保节能方面非常积极,并已获得黃金级绿建 筑认证。


A design that immerses visitors in the essence of a culture.

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Ceiling Artwork by
Ohmaki | 由日本艺术大师大卷伸嗣设计的天花板艺术品 47

MixC Wuhan


PROJECT FACTS Service : Architecture (Retail), Interior Design (Retail) | Client : China Resources Land | Size : 190,000 sqm 項目详情 服务:建筑设计(零售)、室内设计(零售) | 客戶:华润置地 | 规模:190,000 平方米
Wuhan, China | 中国武汉

A New Jewel for the City

MixC Wuhan is a new retail development that forms the centrepiece of a major lifestyle-driven urban destination for central China’s most populous city.

Located in the central Hankou District, facing the Central Business District in Wuhan, the landmark development features the sevenstorey MixC retail mall and an open-air pedestrian shopping street.

The concept looks to create an interactive city interface, creating a pulse in the central district and bringing an energy that harmonises with the city’s natural and urban edge. Unlike traditional ‘closed box’ shopping malls, the design of MixC Wuhan opens up the retail development through diverse and multi-level green experiences.


武汉万象城是新的零售开发项目,位于中国中部人口最密集的城 市,以生活方式设计为主导。

此地标性开发项目位于汉口区中心地带,面向武汉中央商务区,设 有七层万象城购物中心和步行街区。

设计概念旨在构建互动感的城市界面,为该区打造命脉。设计与城 市自然和周边氛围相互协调,同时亦形成强烈对比。有别于传统的 “封闭盒子” 购物中心,武汉万象城通过创造多样化的空间和跨层的绿 色体验作为零售空间的引子。

Create a Connection to the Street 连接街道 52

Terraced Architecture

Iconic City image


The Crystal Crown

The iconic ‘Crystal Crown’ forms the overall IP for the project, giving the scheme its strong sense of identity in the city.

To create the floating effect of the structure, the design team had to overcome the challenges of the cantilevered structure in several ways. The double-skin façade features an interactive design that brings media lighting effects to new levels, bringing magical designs that create a new form of entertainment for the area.


标志性的 “水晶之冠” 透明天幕为该项目独有的设计,令项目 的城市形象更鲜明深刻。


双层立面采用交互式设计,将媒体灯光效果提升到新水平,呈现 梦幻及璀璨的设计,为该区提供一种新的娱乐体验。


Multi-layered Green Spaces

As part of the sustainable design attributes, the multilayered green spaces, ground scapes, terraces, openair shopping street and roof gardens help to replace landscape within the city and developed central district.

The terraced building façades introduce and aid ventilation across the site. The expansive skylights help lower energy consumption, with swaths of natural light able to enter and penetrate the sevenstorey scheme.


项目融入大量可持续设计元素,多层绿化空间、地面景 观、平台、露天步行街及顶层花园有助强化城市和繁嚣 中央区的景观。

梯田式的建筑立面带动整个地块的空气流通,而偌大 的天幕为七层建筑物引入充足的天然光线,减低能源 消耗。


Enriching the experience of streets in central Wuhan.

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Reflective and Permeable Interiors

The design concept is inspired by the river, the connective element of the city. The sweeping and organic lines can be seen through the ceiling lighting, void edges, flooring and walls and aim to enhance visibility and permeability. The material palette is natural and neutral, with hints of luxury detailing creating focal points, such as the reflective geometric tiling that lines the main atrium.

Overall, MixC Wuhan serves as a new co-sharing social hub for the public to enjoy, a brand new outdoor and retail experience with accessibility to a diverse array of spaces and activities. A jewel for the city.


设计概念的灵感源自河流,一个连接城市的重要元素。流丽的有机 线条连绵不断地遍布在天花照明、中庭边缘、地板和墙壁,旨在提高 能见度和渗透性。建材采用自然和中性色调,低调地以奢华细节创 造焦点,比如铺砌在主中庭的反光几何瓷砖。

总体而言,武汉万象城作为一个新型共享社交中心,交通便利,同时 提供全新户外零售体验以及多样化的空间和活动,是城市中心的耀 眼瑰宝。



Hong Kong, China | 中国香港

PROJECT FACTS Service : Masterplanning, Architecture, Interior Design | Client : New World Development Company | Size : 570,000 sqft

項目详情 服务:总体规划、建筑设计、室内设计 | 客戶:新世界发展有限公司 | 规模:570,000 平方尺

Limited 图片由新世界发展有限公司提供 | 69
Image courtesy of New World Development Company

A New Workplace Community

K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES is a 570,000-square-foot workplace community that forms the first phase of the HK$20 billion 11 SKIES mixed-use destination at SKYCITY next to Hong Kong International Airport.

11 SKIES is set to become Hong Kong’s largest hub for retail, dining and entertainment (RDE) once complete. As part of the mixed-use offering, the scheme integrates three grade A office towers operated under K11 ATELIER. The commercial hub is the first within an RDE destination to combine office space for Greater Bay Area enterprises, including wealth management and wellness services.

The three office towers are positioned in the northeast corner of the site, optimising the connectivity to two neighbouring hotels and the AsiaWorld-Expo development. The buildings also benefit from integrating into the wider 11 SKIES destination and transport hub. Connecting the towers is a central rooftop garden that brings a green break-out space and open views across the area.


K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES 组成总楼面面积达 570,000 平方尺的工作社 区,毗邻香港国际机场,是航天城中投资逾 200 亿港元的 11 SKIES 综合发展项目的第一阶段。

11 SKIES 建成后将成为香港最大的零售、餐饮和娱乐商业区。该综合 体包含了三座 K11 ATELIER 甲级办公大楼,属首个为大湾区企业、财 富管理及健康服务等企业提供办公空间的项目。

三座办公大楼位处地块的东北角,加强了与邻近两家酒店和亚洲国 际博览馆的连通性。新工作社区更与整个 11 SKIES 发展项目和庞 大的交通枢纽相结合,成为其独特优势。连接办公大楼的是一个中 央屋顶花园,提供了绿意盎然的休憩空间和跨越赤鱲角岛的开阔 视野。

Limited | 图片由新世界发展有限公司提供 71
Image courtesy of New World Development Company

Boundless Exploration

Bringing to life the 11 SKIES theme of boundless exploration, the grade A office tower interiors feature an eye-catching design. Welcoming visitors, a striking double-helix staircase occupies the office lobby and forms the backdrop to the coworking space.

The design concept for the feature staircase is inspired by an aeroplane engine’s wind vortex and movement through a turbine. The form and materials capture the essence of the 11 SKIES concept and elevate the experience and ambience of the commercial environment.


甲级办公大楼的室内设计别出心裁,呼应 11 SKIES 无限探 索的主题。在办公楼大堂迎接访客的是亮眼的双螺旋楼梯, 同时形成了共用工作空间的背景。

特色楼梯的设计概念源自飞机发动机的风涡,模拟风在涡轮 机中移动。形态和材质不仅突出了 11 SKIES 的理念核心,还 提升了商业环境的体验和氛围。


Staircase design concept


Image courtesy of New World Development Company Limited 图片由新世界发展有限公司提供

Strategic Positioning

Each of the towers serves a strategic purpose, Tower 1 – Greater Bay Area Hub, Tower 2 – Health and Wellness and Tower 3 –Wealth Management. The concept is helping to redefine the traveller, consumer and business experience, creating a business hub in one synergic ecosystem.

The development is strategically positioned next to the Hong Kong International Airport, the Hong Kong Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link, benefitting from the high volume of travellers.

K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES has attained BEAM Plus (New Buildings) v1.2 Provisional Platinum, LEED Platinum Precertification and WELL Building Standard Platinum Precertification, taking the lead in best practices to promote a greener tomorrow.


三座办公大楼都具有个别策略性的主题,分别为大湾区枢纽、健康 与保健及财富管理。这样布局有助于建立更好的旅游、消费和营 商体验,在一个协同生态系统中创建一个活力充沛的商业中心。

项目尽用其极佳位置及人口优势,毗邻香港国际机场、港珠澳大 桥和屯门至赤鱲角连接路,并受惠于香港国际机场的大量旅客。

K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES 已获得绿建环评(BEAM Plus)新建建筑

v1.2 暂定评估铂金级、LEED 铂金级预认证和 WELL 建筑标准铂 金预认证,以最佳实践体现其环保理念,推动绿色未来。


An integrated workplace community that turns Hong Kong into an airport city.


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New World Development Company Limited | 图片由新世界发展有限公司提供 81
Image courtesy of
Image courtesy of New World Development Company Limited | 图片由新世界发展有限公司提供 83

Site 3 New Central

PROJECT FACTS Service : Lead Design Architect | Client : Henderson Land Development Company Limited 項目详情 服务:总建筑设计师 | 客戶:恒基兆业地产有限公司
中环新海滨三号用地 Hong Kong, China | 中国香港

For reference only and subject to further design development 此效果图仅供参考及将以最终设计为准

| For reference only and subject to further design development 此效果图仅供参考及将以最终设计为准 87

Reimagining Hong Kong’s Waterfront

Site 3 of the New Central Harbourfront is a world-class development that will form one of the most important and strategic additions to Hong Kong’s Central Business District.

The design’s concept of the “Bridge” aims to curate an iconic landmark for the city, enhancing the connectivity between the hinterland and the harbourfront in Central, and creating a vast amount of green and public spaces.

The project is expected to achieve good integration with the surrounding environment and to vitalise the harboufront area. The design creates over 300,000 square feet of urban park over various levels, that will be open for public enjoyment with 24-hour access.

Site 3 will be developed into a mixed-use destination with indoor facilities providing various experiences of innovation, cultural and leisure activities. It will be a place where work and play intersect, along with shopping, eating, socialising, and leisure.

Lead8 is the the Lead Design Architect for the development.


中环新海滨三号用地是一个世界级的发展项目,将成为香港中央商务区最 重要的战略补充之一。

设计方案以 “桥” 作为整个发展的设计概念,希望透过项目建设一个世界 级地标 ,加强中环内陆和海滨连接 ,同时带来大量的绿化及公共空间 。

该项目不但将与周边环境融和,为海滨区注入活力,设计亦透过不同层面 打造合共超过 30 万平方尺的都市公园,并将 24 小时全天候向公众开放。


文化和休闲活动的体验。它将是一个工作和娱乐交汇的地方,同时也是购 物、饮食、社交和休闲的热点。

Lead8 是该项目的总建筑设计师。

For reference only and subject to further design development | 此效果图仅供参考及将以最终设计为准 89

Transforming the shoreline of Central into an iconic international hub.


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For reference only and subject to further design development 此效果图仅供参考及将以最终设计为准 | 91
| For reference only and subject to further design development 此效果图仅供参考及将以最终设计为准 93
in Hong Kong : 投资香港 - 回馈我们的家 95
Christine Hau
Giving Back to our Home City Investing

Hong Kong will always be a special part of Lead8.

It is our home city, the place where we founded our design firm and started our journey almost a decade ago. Over the last few years, Hong Kong has faced challenges and much uncertainty but through the difficulties we have always believed in its perservering spirit.

Investing and giving back to this place we call home has been a passionate pursuit, and once again, we are seeing Hong Kong emerge as a leader.

香港对于 Lead8 独具意义。近十年前,我们在这个家成立 Lead8 事务所并开展我们的设计旅程。




A Resilient City

From super typhoons to land reclamation, Hong Kong has a history of resilience. Where a challenge is presented, whether it be developable land, or extreme rain and wind, our city has innovated.

One of our first Hong Kong appointments was based on a challenge of the same nature. How can the land surrounding Hong Kong International Airport be maximised and evolve into a true airport city? It is with 11 SKIES that we helped to take on this task, designing a development never-seen-before in the city, a destination connected by air, land and sea that serves to bring people together in an immersive experiential environment.

In 2022, we saw the first phase of this revolutionary development open with K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES. Not only delivering a new gateway to Hong Kong, 11 SKIES also fulfils a vital sustainable promise for the city, earning multiple platinum green ratings.

Transformation is continuing across the city and we’re fortunate to be a part of many projects that are bringing this theme to life. In Kwun Tong, we have been involved in the 98 How Ming Street commercial development. This former bus depot has become a catalyst for rejuvenation in an area traditionally known as one of Hong Kong’s industrial heartlands, and helps to set the tone for possibility in the district and further afield.

We also can’t deny that Hong Kong’s harbourfront has captured our collective interest. Now, the most expensive land sale in the city’s history and a future development that will completely redefine the New Central Harbourfront of Hong Kong is being conceived by Lead8. Site 3 is a window into the future of our city and we are proud and humbled to have a chance to create this icon on the waterfront.


从超级台风到填海造地,香港有着坚韧不拔的历史。面临挑战,无 论是开发土地,还是极端风雨,我城都创新前行。

我们其中一个在香港的首批项目同样面对相同性质的挑战。如何将 香港国际机场周边的土地发挥最大作用,并演变成一个真正的机场 城市?我们凭借 11 SKIES 完成了这项任务,设计出一个于香港前所 未见的开发项目,一个连接海、陆、空的地标,将人们聚集在沉浸式 的体验环境中。

2022 年,这一革命性发展项目的第一阶段 — K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES 落成并启用。11 SKIES 不仅成为香港的新门户,还为这座城市实现 了重要的可持续发展承诺,获得了多项铂金级绿建认证。

整个城市正持续进行转型,我们很幸运能参与许多相关项目,助力 将目标化为现实。我们设计的观塘巧明街 98 号商业开发项目前身

为巴士车厂,项目不仅成功作为活化重建该香港传统工业区的催化 剂,并为其他地区的发展可能性定下基调。

我们也不能忽视早已引起了社区高度关注的香港海滨。目 前,Lead8 正为香港历史上最昂贵的地块进行设计,这将是一个彻 底重新定义香港新中环海滨的未来开发项目。香港中环新海滨三号 用地连结香港的未来,我们很自豪也很荣幸有机会在香港海滨创建 这个标志性建筑。


For reference only and subject to further design development 此效果图仅供参考及将以最终设计为准

The Key is Collaboration

With Hong Kong’s rebound has come renewed connection with our industry peers and friends. In our eighth year, we were able to welcome a calendar of face-to-face events and discussions once again, an opportunity we have embraced as designers knowing the power of collaboration.

From MIPIM Asia to the Urban Land Institute, Build4Asia, Hong Kong Institute of Architects, ESG Asia, and more, the number of platforms bringing together thought leaders in our city is invaluable. Hong Kong has always been a city of connection and this is where we will shine as we move forward.


随着香港的复苏,我们与业内同行和朋友重新结连。作为设计师的 我们一向深知协作力量的重要性,步入我们成立的第八个年头,我 们再次迎来了一系列实体活动和讨论。

无论是 MIPIM Asia 房地产领袖峰会,还是城市土地学会研讨 会、Build4Asia 展览会、香港建筑师学会活动、ESG 亚洲论坛等,这 些汇聚我们城市的思想领袖的平台都非常珍贵。香港一直拥有优厚 宽广的人脉资源,而这正是助力我们继续前进、发光发亮的地方。


Building Communities

At the core of architecture and design is thinking for the future, and what better way to protect that than supporting the generation that will one day be our decision makers. We are always proud of our ability to mentor students and introduce them to the remarkable world of design.

This past year we have led groups from ESF South Island School, Kellett School, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, exploring everything from placemaking and the city’s cultural landmarks to designing and planning waterfronts, and creating a world for all ages.

No matter the pathway these students choose as they continue their studies, they take away a greater understanding of the environments surrounding them. This is one of the most meaningful ways we can contribute to building our Hong Kong community of the future.


建筑和设计的核心在于对未来的高瞻远瞩、未雨绸缪,是守护我们 下一代、未来决策者的基础。我们始终为能够协助学生认识非凡的 设计世界而感到自豪。

在过去的一年里,我们指导了香港南岛中学、启历学校、香港中文大 学和香港理工大学的学生,与他们探索建筑设计的方方面面,从场 所营造、城市文化地标到海滨的设计和规划,为不同年龄的学生开 创了一个新世界。

无论这些学生选择何种学业和事业发展,他们都对身边环境有了更 深入的了解,这是我们为建设香港的未来最有意义的方式之一。


建筑和设计的核心在于对未来的高瞻远瞩、未雨绸缪, 是守护我们下一代、未来决策者的基础。

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At the core of architecture and design is thinking for the future, and what better way to protect that than supporting the next decision makers.

One Bangkok

Bangkok, Thailand | 泰国曼谷

PROJECT FACTS Service : Lifestyle Mall: Retail Planning, Architecture; Multi-Concept Square: Retail Planning, Interior Design

Client : TCC Assets (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Frasers Property Holdings (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | Size : 16 ha

客戶:TCC Assets (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Frasers Property Holdings (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | 规模:16 公顷

項目详情 服务:商场:零售规划及建筑设计, 多概念广场:零售规划及室内设计
Image courtesy of Frasers Property Holdings (Thailand) Co., Ltd 图片由 Frasers Property Holdings (Thailand) Co., Ltd 提供 | 105

Thailand’s Largest Integrated Development

One Bangkok is a highly-anticipated future development that will deliver 1.83 million square metres of integrated mixed-use on a 16-hectare site in the heart of Bangkok.

The scheme aims to be the first LEED-Neighborhood Development Platinum destination in Thailand. Featuring eight hectares of green and open spaces, the architecture and tropical planting will seamlessly intertwine to establish a tranquil setting in a vertical environment.

Lead8 is working with a team of local and international design consultants to complete the multi-retail development component of One Bangkok. The project is currently under construction.


万众期待的综合性社区 One Bangkok 占地 183 万平方米,座落于 曼谷市中心一幅 16 公顷的土地。

One Bangkok 将成为泰国首个按照 LEED 社区发展铂金标准建设 的区域。这垂直环境提供占地 8 公顷的绿色开放空间,新颖的建筑 配合内里的热带植物,营造出一个舒适宁静的空间。

Lead8 目前正与当地和国际设计顾问团队合作设计 One Bangkok 的零售空间。项目正在施工中。


ITC Shanghai


Shanghai, China | 中国上海

PROJECT FACTS Service : Lot 3 & 4: Retail Planning, Architecture, Interior Design; All Lots: Footbridge Design, Branding, Signage, Hoarding

Client : Sun Hung Kai Properties | Size : 700,000 sqm

項目详情 服务:第3及第4号地块:零售商业规划、建筑设计、室内设计, 整体项目4块地块:行人天桥、品牌设计、标识设计、工地围墙设计 客戶:新鸿基集团 | 规模:700,000 平方米

ITC Shanghai under construction (December 2022) 徐家汇中心施工中 (2022 年 12 月) | 111

Integrating a Neighbourhood-Scale Development

Currently one of the largest sites under development in Shanghai’s city centre, ITC Shanghai combines four plots of land and totals 700,000 sqm of development. The project will include grade-A offices, a premium retail mall and a luxury hotel, all with direct access to the Xujiahui metro station where five lines converge.

The future-forward design of this neighbourhood-scale scheme aims to seamlessly integrate into the already bustling Xujiajui district’s shopping and entertainment quarter. The design concept physically stitches the new development with the surrounding local sites to set a new precedent for the district.

The development is progressing construction on site and due to complete in 2024.


上海徐家汇中心是目前上海市中心其中一个最大型的开发项目,由 四个地块组成,总开发面积达 700,000 平方米,将包括甲级写字楼、

高端商场和豪华酒店,并连接可换乘五条地铁线的徐家汇地铁站。 该城市级规模的创新项目旨在与位处的繁华地段现有的购物和娱 乐热点无缝结合,为该区开创先例。

该项目仍在建设中,预计 2024 年竣工。

ITC Shanghai under construction (December 2022) 徐家汇中心施工中 (2022 年 12 月)
年 12 月) 117
ITC Shanghai under construction (December 2022)

Development Ecosystems :

How Built Environments Can Evolve Sustainably

发展生态系统 :建筑环境如何可持续发展


Designing and building responsibly is at the top of the agenda as we emphasise the health of our environment and communities. Imagining our developments as living ecosystems that can evolve, adapt and regenerate over time can give us a greater ability to meet our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals for the future. Here we explore different building typologies and how adaptive reuse, pedestrianisation, zero-carbon mobility networks, integrated mixed-use, landscape-enriched and transit-oriented design can shape models for sustainability in our cities moving forward.

不可否认,今天我们看城市的目光改变了。我们重视环境和社区的健康,所以必须尽责任地设计和建 筑环境,此乃重中之重。

将我们的建筑发展项目想象为可随时间进化、适应和再生的活生态系统,这让我们更有能力实现为未 来而订定的环境、社会和治理(ESG)目标。

在这篇文章中,我们会探索不同的建筑类型,以及活化再利用、行人专用区、零碳交通网络、全面性综 合体、丰富景观和交通导向的设计如何塑造出可持续发展的模型,以支持我们城市的未来发展。

There is an undeniable shift in how we conceive our cities today.

The Pedestrian City

Buildings are necessary, but the spaces between them are even more important. Creating active and pedestrianised streets and networks through our cities yields enormous environmental benefits. Walkability and cyclability provide zero-carbon mobility networks, connecting communities, businesses and attractions, and have the power to revitalise neglected and under-utilised areas.

Dense cities like Hong Kong offer so much opportunity for pedestrianisation. With such a large population living within a small footprint, the impact of a walkable city loop would be significant. This is a concept Lead8 has explored with HarbourLoop, connecting both sides of Victoria Harbour with a 23-km activated waterfront pathway – addressing air pollution, mobility and liveability metrics for the city.


建筑物固然不可或缺,但它们之间的空间更为重要。创建活跃的行 人街道和步行网络能产生巨大的环境效益。可步行性和可骑行性提 供零碳交通网络,连接社区、商铺和景点,并能激活被忽视和未被 充分利用的地区。

像香港这样人口稠密的城市,对发展行人专用区提供了莫大的机 会。由于人多地少,一个围绕城市的步行环线会带来重大的影响。

这是 Lead8 设计的 HarbourLoop 提出的一个概念,将香港维多利

亚港两岸连接成一条 23 公里长的活化海滨回廊,以应对城市的空 气污染、流动性和宜居性相关的问题。


The Transit City

Density is inherently sustainable, and when we consider our major transportation hubs and the millions of people they can accommodate each year, we should be striving to meaningfully develop the land surrounding transit-infrastructure. Integrated mixed-use formats and ‘airport city’ models are gaining traction as the developers and city-makers understand the benefit of expanding the programming around people-centric transport hubs.

In Hong Kong, 11 SKIES is completely transforming the gateway to the city, bringing synergy to the international airport by expanding the opportunities and experiences available to passengers, visitors, workers, nearby residents and businesses. With office towers, world-class attractions, immersive edutainment, retail and dining, the development enhances the transport and development planning investment already made in the area, and all within an environmentally friendly design that has earned LEED, WELL and BEAM certifications. 中转城市

高密度城市在本质上是较为可持续的,而在考量我们的主要交通枢 纽以及它们每年可以容纳的数百万人时,我们应该致力审慎地发展 和规划这些交通基础设施周边的土地。随着开发商和城市建设者了 解到围绕以人为本的交通枢纽进行扩展和规划所带来的好处,全面 性的综合体模式和“机场城市”的模型逐渐广受认同。

在香港,11 SKIES 正在彻底改变通往该城的门户,通过为乘客、访

客、工作人员、附近居民和商户提供更多的机会及体验,为国际机 场带来协同效应。该开发项目拥有办公大楼、世界级景点、沉浸式的 教育型娱乐、零售和餐饮,不仅加强了该地区原来的交通和开发规 划投资,同时提供一个已获得 LEED、WELL 和 BEAM 认证的绿色建 筑环境。

The Heritage City

Our buildings have the ability to express meaning within the places they inhabit, telling stories of their locale, people and culture. While we cannot avoid modernisation to meet the needs of our generation today and that of the future, it is also important that we pass down our cultural heritage from one generation to the next.

We have seen these worlds collide in Nanjing recently as Lead8 approached a retail-led development in the city’s 700-year-old Sanshan Street district. As areas develop over time it is possible to preserve the historic and cultural textures within commercial planning. Moving forward, balancing modernity and heritage will be one of the tenets driving our sustainability criteria more broadly.


建筑能够传递一个地方的意义,诉说着当地环境、人民和文化的故 事。为满足我们今世后代的需求,我们无法避免现代化发展,但同 样重要的是将我们的文化遗产代代相传。

Lead8 负责设计的一个南京零售开发项目最近落成并启用,该项目 位处该市拥有 700 年历史的三山街区,正正是新旧交替的两难局 面。随着地区发展,当中富历史和文化的遗迹可被保留在商业规划 中。展望未来,平衡现代和传统将是我们更广泛地推动可持续发展 的原则之一。


The Repurposed City

Today, we are told to avoid single use, and this message should also be the same for our buildings. We should be considering our existing building stock and innovating to reuse and change these developments over time. In the process, we would inevitably slow down the need to create new buildings, bringing a significant carbon saving advantage.

In Beijing, the Shougang district is acting as a huge platform for the green transformation and upgrading of industrial infrastructure for modern commercial use. Lead8 has been involved in revitalising former steel-factory warehouses into a new retail-led district, designing with a view that these buildings will eventually evolve again into a different use.


现在我们都懂得避免一次性使用,这个想法也适用于我们的建筑。 我们应该重新考量现有的建筑群,并创新地随时间进行重用和改 造。在此过程中,我们能减缓建造新建筑的需求,从而带来显着的 减碳效益。

在北京,首钢区正扮演绿色转型的巨大平台,将工业基础设施升级 至现代商业用途。Lead8 负责将原来的钢铁厂仓库设计及改造成一 个以零售为主导的全新区域,并赋予该建筑于日后再度演变成不同 用途的可能性。


随着建筑方面生物技术的进步, 我们现在可以更大范围地实现与大自然联系的愿望。

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With advancements in biotechnology in architecture, our desire to connect to nature can now be achieved on a much grander scale.

The Green Tech City

Urban ecology is the new biophilia. With advancements in biotechnology in architecture, our desire to connect to nature can now be achieved on a much grander scale. Imagine a collection of interconnected high-rise and lowrise buildings covering residential, commercial, hospitality, retail, entertainment, cultural and leisure programming that appear more like a forest than a mixed-use development.

These possibilities of the future will allow us to experience all the activities of modern life within mature, lush and diverse natural ecosystems of trees, ferns, plants, flowers, waterscapes and grasslands. These opportunities are leading to new market experiences, such as retail eco-therapy and forest bathing, enabling us to be within our cities and connected to the natural world through our senses. The biodiversity and landscape replacement value to our cities is invaluable. In essence, ESG has given our industry, and many others, the framework to proceed collectively and positively impact the world around us. These city models give us a glimpse at what we can continue to aim for.


城市生态属新型亲生物性。随着建筑方面生物技术的进步,我们现在 可以更大范围地实现与大自然联系的愿望。想象一下,一系列相互连 接的高层和低层建筑涵盖住宅、商业、酒店、零售、娱乐、文化和休 闲功能,看起来更像是一片森林,而不是一个综合用途的开发项目。

这些未来的可能性将可提供一个成熟、茂盛和多样化的自然生态系 统,让我们能置身四周散布树木、蕨类、植物、花卉、水景和草地的 环境,尽情体验各种现代生活的活动。这些机会正带来全新的市场 体验,比如零售生态疗法和森林浴,使我们能够处身城市中通过感 官与大自然相连。生物多样性和景观置换对我们的城市弥足珍贵。

总而言之,ESG 为业界和许多其他行业提供了框架,让我们携手前进, 并对我们的世界产生积极影响。而上述这些城市模型则让我们瞥见 了可以继续追求的目标。


Wenzhou Lucheng Plaza

温州鹿城广场 Wenzhou, China | 中国温州
PROJECT FACTS Service : Architecture – Retail | Client : Wenzhou Greenview Real Estate Co., Ltd | Size : 90,000 sqm 項目详情 服务:建筑设计(零售) | 客戶:温州绿城置业有限公司 | 规模:90,000 平方米

Innovating a City Landmark

The Wenzhou Lucheng Plaza sits at the base of the port city’s tallest future tower, standing at 379 metres tall, a landmark development on the Oujiang River. Lead8 is delivering the podium architecture, designed to complement the super-tall building and fulfil the commercial demand in the Binjiang Business District.

The geometric building form appears as a floating box, almost sculptural, creating a relationship between the building and the city from multiple angles and dimensions. Bringing commercial logic to the forefront, the development seamlessly integrates with the metro network and creates a continuous experience with programming that features a rich variety of retail, leisure, dining and entertainment for modern urban life.


温州鹿城广场坐落在温州这座港口城市未来最高塔楼的群楼,该塔 楼高 379 米,是瓯江上的地标开发项目。Lead8 负责设计和交付裙 楼建筑,设计上与超高层塔楼相得益彰,并满足滨江商务区的商业 需求。

几何形状的建筑形态像一个盒子漂浮在空中,犹如雕塑般耀眼,从 不同角度和维度创造了该建筑与城市间的关系。基于商业考量,该 开发项目与地铁网络无缝结合,并以连续流畅的功能体验,融合零 售、休闲、餐饮和娱乐,打造丰富多样的现代城市生活。








Shanghai, China | 中国上海 PROJECT FACTS Service : Interior Design‚ Signage | Client : Shanghai JC Mandarin Hotel Limited | Size : 71,500 sqm 項目详情 服务:室内设计、标识设计 | 客戶:上海锦沧文华大酒店有限公司 | 规模:71,500 平方米
JC Plaza

A Building Gains New Life

JC Plaza is an adaptive reuse project set in the central area of Nanjing Road within the Jing’an District of Shanghai, one of the most important clusters of economic and cultural activity in the city.

Through Lead8’s innovative design and craftsmanship, the former single-use 5-star JC Mandarin Hotel has been transformed into a mixed-use, high-end office and commercial development. The adapted scheme features a 20,000-square-metre retail centre across five levels integrated with a 35,000-square-metre and 21-storey office tower and four basement car park levels, giving the building a new lease of life.


锦沧文华广场活化再利用项目位于上海静安区南京路的中心地带, 位处上海最重要的经济和文化中心之一。

透过 Lead8 的创新设计及项目的精湛现代工艺,这座前五星级锦 沧文华大酒店被重新打造成一个有底蕴且高端的办公及商业空间,

包含地面 5 层共约 20,000 平方米的商业、 一座 21 层共 35,000 平 方米的办公楼,以及 4 层地下车库,为项目注入新活力。


Decarbonising Design :

Why We Need a Change of Mindset?

减碳设计 - 为什么我们需要改变思维模式
Simon Chua 蔡尚文 Co Founder & Executive Director 创办人兼合伙人 146

As countries and companies pledge to reduce emissions and reach net zero, decarbonising assets and production processes are rising. But what does it mean for our profession conceiving our current and future built environments? How can we meaningfully contribute to change?

The World Green Building Council has reported that the building sector is responsible for 36% of energy consumption and 38% of energy-related carbon emissions globally. They expect this footprint to double by 2060. As the architects of large-scale buildings, the tools and strategies available will determine how effectively we can respond to the challenge of reducing this impact.

减碳已然成为我们的流行语。随着不同国家和公司纷纷承诺减少碳排放并实现零碳,绿色建筑和 相关的建造过程越见普及。但这对我们设计和构思当前和未来的建筑环境意味着什么?我们又能如 何推动有意义的变革呢?

世界绿色建筑委员会的报告指出,全球 36% 的能源消耗和 38% 的能源相关碳排放均来自建筑行 业,而到了 2060 年预计这些数字将翻一倍。作为大型建筑的建筑师和设计师,如何有效地减低该 影响,取决于我们可采用的工具和策略。

Decarbonisation has become part of our lexicon.

Incentivising Change

As many of us know, being an early adopter can be risky, and incentives can help to balance the gamble and cost involved in setting a new direction. If we look at one of the global leaders in creating and maintaining a sustainable building stock for their city, Singapore is charting a path that should serve as an inspiration of what is possible.

The Singaporean government has been working on its sustainable development goals for years. In 2005, they launched the Green Mark certification scheme, a reward system that encourages developers to strive for the highest green building certifications in return for incentives, perhaps the strongest of which is gross floor area bonuses for their schemes. To meet these standards, developers are adopting strategies to decarbonise, and are awarded for doing so.

To achieve a wide-scale shift and meaningful change, government-led regulations can entice and influence developers to make the leap. This focus then flows down to open possibilities for designers and architects appointed by the developers. If there is a guideline established for the industry, a shared proposition to be invested, we can all begin to move in a new direction together –reducing the disconnect between aspiration and feasibility.


我们都知道,纳新转型存在风险,而奖赏措拖便有助于平衡制定新 方向所涉及的风险和成本。若论在城市中建构及维持一定数量的可 持续建筑群,新加坡可算是全球先锋之一,对于可持续发展的可能 性发挥了重要的参考作用。

新加坡政府多年来致力于实现其可持续发展目标。在 2005 年,他们 推出了绿色建筑标志认证计划,这是一个鼓励制度,推动开发商争取 最高等级的绿色建筑认证以换取奖励,其中最吸引的可能是项目总 建筑面积的增加。为了达到这些标准,开发商正在采取减碳策略。

为了实现大规模且有意义的变革,政府主导的法规能诱使和影响开 发商跟随其步伐。然后,关注点便落在由开发商任命的设计师和建 筑师身上,发掘不同的可能性。如果行业中有一个具指导性的方案, 作为共同的投资目标,我们就可以一起朝着新方向前进——减少愿 景与实践之间的落差。


Investment in New Tech and Ideas

The building industry is concerned with two forms of emissions. The first is operational carbon, the total energy used to keep our buildings warm, cool, ventilated, lighted and powered. Fortunately, we can continue to evolve and add renewable energy sources to offset a development’s carbon cost. With investment into renewable energy now overtaking those into fossil fuels globally, we can confidently say there is a significant drive and collective commitment to decarbonise our energy sources.

Embodied carbon is where we need to do more work. Building materials contain embodied carbon, and what we choose to build our developments with from the outset will carry a carbon cost throughout the lifespan of the building. Reusing original materials and extending the life of our buildings help to achieve lower carbon footprints – and we are seeing wonderful work being done in the regeneration and adaptive reuse space already.

Can we encourage alteration and upgrades to our existing buildings over demolition on an even larger scale? Imagine the cultural significance and value to our cities. How do we get the commitment to design and build assets with a lifespan of 100 years, instead of 40, so they can facilitate many more uses over longer periods of time? Architects and designers are ready to meet the challenge, but it comes with higher investments for developers and owners.

Research and development into greener building materials is also key to reducing embodied carbon. There is already a wide range of products designed to meet these needs, however, cost, access, shortages and delays can hinder their adoption. Green steel, for example, could reduce embodied carbon in commercial buildings as much as 70% by 2030, according to McKinsey. How can we enhance access to, and supply of, these materials to bring them into the mainstream?


建筑业关注两种形式的排放。第一种是运营碳,即用于保持建筑物 温暖、凉爽、通风、照明和供电的总能源。我们可以持续发展并增 加可再生能源,来抵消开发项目的碳成本。现在全球对可再生能源 的投资超过其之于化石燃料,我们看到的,是强大的推动力和减低 能耗的共同目标。

隐含碳是我们需要更花工夫的地方。建筑材料包含隐含碳,我们从 一开始选择的建材在建筑物的整个生命周期内都会产生碳成本。重 用原有材料及延长建筑物的寿命有助于降低碳足迹——我们已看到 一些出色的再生和活化再利用空间。

我们是否能更积极推动以更大规模的建筑物改造和升级取代拆 卸?想象一下文化对我们城市的影响和价值。我们如何能设计和建 造出100 年而不只是 40 年使用寿命的建筑物,使其能随时代需要而 转换不同的用途?建筑师和设计师已经准备好迎接该挑战,但对开 发商和业主方而言,这却带来更高的投资。

研发更环保的建筑材料也是减少隐含碳的关键。我们已有各种各 样的产品旨在满足这些需求,但成本、可达性、短缺和延迟等因素 都可能防碍到这些产品的应用。举例说,根据麦肯锡的报告,到了 2030 年,绿色钢材可以减少商业建筑中的隐含碳高达 70%。我们要 如何增加这些材料的可达性和供应量,使它们成为主流?


Culture of Influence and Education

There is still much to be discovered, learnt, and adopted in the pursuit of decarbonisation. We must ensure that discussion, knowledge sharing, education and corporate governance continue expanding across our industry and all disciplines, business types, and generations.

Collaboration will be the key, from governments to developers, designers, engineers, builders, manufacturers, and educators. We all play a role in driving change and moving towards a future that we can all be proud of; and a future where architecture and design can meet its full potential to reduce our impact.


在追求减碳的过程中,还有很多东西有待发现、学习和采用。因此 讨论、知识共享、教育和公司执行必须在我们行业内、以至于所有领 域、业务类型和世代中持续地扩展。

多方协作将是重中之重,政府与开发商、设计师、工程师、建造商、 生产商和教育工作者必须携手合作,共同推动革新,一起迈向我们 都引以为豪的未来,一个建筑和设计可以充分发挥其功能、有效减 低我们对环境带来影响的未来。


Imagine the cultural significance and value to our cities if we prioritised alteration over demolition on an even larger scale.

如果我们能优先推动大规模的建筑物改造取代拆卸, 这将对我们的城市有重要的文化影响和价值。

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98 How Ming Street

观塘巧明街 98 号 Hong Kong, China | 中国香港 PROJECT FACTS Service : Architecture – Retail | Client : Sun Hung Kai Properties | Size : 106,000 sqm 項目详情 服务:建筑设计 (零售) | 客戶:新鸿基地产 | 规模:106,000 平方米
Image courtesy of ROF Media 图片由 ROF Media 提供 | 157

Regenerating an Industrial District

The redevelopment of 98 How Ming Street has marked the start of a new era for the Kwun Tong district. The site was previously home to the KMB Bus Depot and has now transformed into a commercial development that will act as a catalyst for rejuvenating an area traditionally known as one of Hong Kong’s industrial heartlands.

Lead8 is delivering the architecture for the retail podium that supports the two-tower office development situated on a busy arterial road off the main Kwun Tong Road. The design has embraced the journey towards neighbourhood improvement, ensuring human scale and the right architectural proportions at street level. The scheme maintains visibility inside and out to allow the fabric of the district to be observed in all its fine detail.


观塘巧明街 98 号重建项目为该区带来全新气象。项目前身为九巴 车厂,重建后被打造为商业发展项目,带动并振兴这个传统香港工 业地区的新发展。

项目位于观塘繁忙主干道旁,Lead8 负责零售裙楼的建筑设计,而裙楼 之上为两座办公大楼。改善社区是我们设计的一大元素。在这个交 通极为繁忙的地区,设计必须同时顾及行人在地面上的需要和体 验,确保项目有合适的建筑比例,并保持内外的能见度,使大众于 这高密度地区仍能欣赏到该区所有细节。

济南华山环宇城 Jinan, China | 中国济南 UniPark PROJECT FACTS Service : Retail Planning, Interior Design, Signage Client : China Overseas Land & Investment LTD & China Overseas Property Group Co. LTD | Size : 115,000 sqm 項目详情 服务:零售商业规划、室內设计、标识设计 | 客戶:中国海外发展有限公司/中国海外房地产集团有限公司 | 规模:115,000 平方米

Designing for a New Generation

Located in the heart of Jinan and surrounded by a residential area, UniPark is a retail development designed for the families and younger generation residing in the district.

The concept has been inspired by the notion of ‘Dreamscape’ –bringing imagination and endless possibilities to the forefront. Experiential spaces have been designed throughout the visitor journey, from the main atrium and suspended LED display to feature staircases and animated amenities.

The design seeks to deliver an ever-changing experience to capture the attention of a new generation of shoppers.


济南华山环宇城位于济南心脏地带并邻近住宅区,是个主要为区内 家庭及年轻一代服务的崭新购物中心。

项目的设计灵感源自 “梦中幻境” (Dreamscape),试图创造 “梦幻

世界” 的奇思妙想,将想象力和无尽的可能性带到最前沿。从主中庭 和悬挂式的 LED 屏幕,到特色楼梯和动画设施,整个游客旅程都能 展现体验式空间的设计。

该设计旨在通过千变万化的购物体验,让新生代顾客更觉趣味盎然, 再三到访。


China Central Place Shanghai

上海华贸中心 Shanghai, China | 中国上海 PROJECT FACTS Service : Lead Retail Design Consultant and Architect | Client : Huamao Group | Size : 200,000 sqm 項目详情 服务:总商业设计顾问及建筑师 | 客戶:华贸集团 | 规模:200,000 平方米
图片由华贸集团提供 | 173
Image courtesy of Huamao Group

Exhibiting Luxury Retail

The future China Central Place Shanghai is a significant retail-led addition within the rapidly evolving North Bund area, currently the largest redevelopment zone in Shanghai.

The design is positioned to appeal to the need of luxury brands by creating a collection of individual ‘brand houses’, filling a gap in demand in the city. The development will respect the Shanghai vernacular and urban environment, integrating retail, cultural experiences, art, and exhibition opportunities, providing consumer groups with a new shopping and cultural experience.

The development will be comprised of 30 luxury flagship stores with historical and cultural features, a 180-metre-high international headquarters building, and multiple open landscaped plazas.


上海华贸中心以零售为主导,将成为急速发展的北外滩内一个重要 的新开发项目。目前该区是上海最大的再开发区。

设计旨在通过于上海首创一系列独立的 “品牌之家” 来满足奢侈 品牌的需要,并填补其于当地需求的空白。该开发项目同时也尊重 上海当地和城市环境,融合零售、文化体验、艺术和展览空间,为 不同的消费群体提供崭新的购物和文化体验。

方案将包含 30 栋具有历史文化特色的奢侈品旗舰店、一座高 180 米的国际化总部办公楼,以及多个开放式景观广场。


The World Looks to Asia :

Exporting Design Expertise to a Changing Globe

世界借镜亚洲 :输出设计专长以应对不断变化的环境


The pace of development in Asia is unrivalled.

The region has seen our teams amass an extensive portfolio and experience in large-scale, mixed-use, lifestyledriven, and transit-oriented developments. As the 2nd largest retail designer globally, as ranked by WA100, our team has also been successfully delivering diverse places for people in environments that are continually changing and evolving.

With countries moving beyond the pandemic, new geographies are calling for this design expertise from the world’s fastest-developing region to realise their vision for the future.

亚洲发展迅速,各行各业百花齐放,尤其中国在过去 20 年的强大崛起,态势一时无两。我们团队在亚 洲建立了丰富且扎实的项目经验,其中大规模、综合用途、带领生活时尚风格及以交通为导向的开发项 目尤其出色。作为 WA100 中排名全球第二大的零售建筑设计事务所,我们的团队成功在不断变化和发 展的环境中,为人们建构生活场所。

随着各国从疫情中逐渐复苏,不同地区对于亚洲这个全球发展最快地区的设计专业知识有着高度需 求,以实现他们对未来的愿景。


New Communities

The movement of communities throughout the pandemic is well documented as people left cities and moved outwards with the help of flexible working arrangements and changing economic conditions. In North America, 77 of the 88 cities with populations exceeding 250,000 experienced slower growth, or a decline, during the pandemic, according to the Brookings Institute.

This movement has created a two-way demand, with cities looking to rebuild and urban areas looking to manage their newfound growth with people-centric development that can enhance economic activity. As designers experienced in developing new metropolises and also creating destinations within the dense landscape of established Asian capitals, we have had the unique opportunity to develop skillsets in both realms.

Urban planning, multi-activity programming, retail activation, placemaking and experiential design are being sought after to create solutions for regions facing changing positions and outlooks. In many ways, Asia has been a strong training ground for design strategy and planning that can now be exported as new areas consider their evolution.


疫情促使灵活工作安排的实施,同时对经济环境造成改变。人们离 开城市向外迁移,形成显著的社区流动。美国布鲁金斯学会指出, 在疫情期间,北美 88 个人口超过 25 万的城市中,有 77 个出现了人 口增长放缓或下降的情况。

这次流动产生了双向需求,城市可进行重建活化,而城郊地区则可 根据新增长进行以人为本的发展,从而促进经济活动。由于设计师 对开发新都市拥有丰富的经验,亦擅于在景观资源丰富及发展完善 的亚洲首都城市中打造建筑场所,对我们来说显然是个独特的机 会,能在这两个领域一展技能。

城市规划、多功能规划、零售激活、场所营造和体验式设计变成关 键字,对于定位和前景都在演变的地区,这些新概念可成为创造解 决方案的基础。在许多方面,亚洲一直是设计策略和规划的强大培 育地,现在更可将这种先驱设计成果传递世界。


Repurposing and Repositioning

Asia has more buildings than any other region in the world. And so it goes that Asia also holds the most opportunity for repurposing and repositioning its building stock. Adaptive reuse in the region is expanding as long-term demographic trends and more recent structural demands shift. Ultimately, many existing buildings will need to be repurposed or upgraded to meet new market demand.

In the same vein, ESG performance has become a critical issue for property developers, owners and operators, globally. Expertise in Asia’s strong repositioning market has now come into focus as new strategies are sought across all international markets to achieve ESG goals. From Beijing to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Fuzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore and beyond, Lead8 has developed a portfolio of properties that place regeneration and reuse at their core.

Our expertise extends from the conversion of the single-use 5-Star Shangri-La Fuzhou into a mixed-use urban resort; the adaptive reuse of factory buildings into a new retail district at the gateway to the Bejing Winter Olympics site; the regeneration of a historic heritage building within a new commercially activated precinct; and more.

With North America, the UK, Europe and Australia all considering how best to retrofit and rejuvenate existing buildings for the future, where better to look than Asia for expertise?


亚洲的建筑物比世界任何其他地区都多。因此,亚洲也拥有最多的 机会去重新利用和定位其现存建筑群。该地区的活化再利用逐渐被 广泛应用,以回应长期人口趋势和近期结构性需求的转变。最终, 许多现有建筑将会被变更用途或进行升级以满足新的市场需求。

同时,ESG 绩效已成为全球房地产开发商、业主方和运营商的热点 议题。所有国际市场都在寻求新策略以实现 ESG 目标,而在项目重

新定位方面拥有专业知识的强大亚洲市场,已然成为国际焦点。从 北京到上海、深圳、南京、福州、香港、新加坡等地,Lead8 已创建了 一系列以再生和再利用为核心的发展项目。

就此,我们的专业领域广泛,包括将单一用途的五星级福州香格里 拉酒店改造成综合用途的城市度假地;将多个工厂建筑活化为北京 冬奥会场馆入口处的全新零售区;在一个新的商业活跃区内保留一 座历史遗产建筑等,还有更多。

北美、英国、欧洲和澳大利亚都在审视如何以最好的方式为未来而 改造和翻新现有建筑,哪里比亚洲更值得效法与借镜呢?


Travel and Tourism

The UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) predicts international tourist arrivals could reach up to 95% of prepandemic levels in 2023. The Middle East has enjoyed the strongest relative increase, reaching 83% of pre-pandemic arrivals in 2022. The region is also set to be one of the world’s fastest-growing economies over the next decade, with a pace of development that may well rival that of Asia in the coming years.

It’s not only the Middle East that is experiencing this surge and a refocusing on its travel and tourism-related developments. All regions are bouncing back and now looking to stand out amongst the competition. The renewed demand for tourism is leading governments to invest in their infrastructure and transit-oriented hubs. And as we know in Asia, developing around transport is not only commercially sound but sustainable, making the most use of the land that is servicing the largest footfalls in our cities.

Over the last decade, Asia revolutionised itself into a thriving travel hub and a world leader. As the globe poises itself for the next travel revolution, Asia is unique in its experience to guide the way.


联合国世界旅游组织(UNWTO)预测,2023年的国际旅客抵达人 数有望恢复至疫情前水平的95%,当中以中东地区的复苏最为强 劲,2022 年已达到疫情前游客数量的 83%。未来十年该地区将成 为全球增长最快的经济体之一,其发展速度很可能追赶上亚洲。

事实上不仅中东正经历游客激增,并重新专注其观光和旅游相关的 发展,所有地区都在逐渐复苏,希望在竞争中脱颖而出。人们恢复对 旅行的需求,促使政府投资于基础设施和以交通为导向的枢纽。而 我们从亚洲的发展都能看到,围绕交通网络发展不仅在商业上属明 智之举,而且具可持续性,能更善用土地以满足更多的城市人流。

过去十年,亚洲彻底转变为一个繁荣的旅游中心和世界先驱。随着 全球为下一次旅游革命做好准备,亚洲应以其独一无二的经验引领 发展之路。


所有国际市场都在寻求新策略以实现 ESG 目标, 而在项目重新定位方面拥有专业知识的强大亚洲市场,已然成为国际焦点。

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Expertise in Asia’s strong repositioning market has now come into focus as new strategies are sought across all international markets to achieve ESG goals.


PROJECT FACTS Service : Masterplanning, Architecture, Interior Design | Client : New World Development Company | Size : 350,000 sqm

項目详情 服务:总体规划、建筑设计、室内设计 | 客戶:新世界发展有限公司 | 规模:350,000 平方米

Hong Kong, China | 中国香港

Shaping an Airport City

11 SKIES is a future HK$20 billion mixed-use destination located at SKYCITY. Conceived as Hong Kong’s largest hub for retail, dining and entertainment (RDE), and the first such development to also combine office space for Greater Bay Area enterprises, completely transforming the land surrounding Hong Kong International Airport.

The scheme is set to become home to eight world-class and Hong Kong-first attractions, including a 4D motion flying theatre, Timeless Flight Hong Kong, Greater China’s first KidZania, an immersive media art exhibition, ARTE MUSEUM, and familyfriendly edutainment with the PaddingtonTM Play Experience.

The first phase of the development has completed, with K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES opening the doors to its trio of commercial office towers and workplace community in 2022.


位于香港国际机场航天城的 11 SKIES 是地标式综合发展项目,总投 资额高达 200 亿港元,将是香港最大型一站式零售餐饮娱乐(RDE) 枢纽,并成为首个为大湾区企业提供综合式办公空间的项目,将彻底 改变机场周边地貌。

11 SKIES 引入八大 “HK-first” 世界级娱乐设施,包括 4D 动感飞行 影院 “Timeless Flight Hong Kong”、大中华区首个 KidZania 趣志 家儿童职业体验乐园、沉浸式多媒体艺术博物馆 ARTE MUSEUM 和 亲子教育娱乐体验 Paddington™ Play Experience。

项目的第一期——K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES 三座甲级商厦经已于 2022 年落成并启用。

11 SKIES under construction (February 2023) | 11 SKIES 施工中 (2023 年 2 月) 189

Articulated Façades

The concept for 11 SKIES’ feature façades was inspired by flight and exploration. The design showcases the form of a paper plane that has been transposed and translated to create a distinctive articulated façade. The design language has been aggregated to become a pattern that embodies a holistic identity for the scheme. The forms are further emphasised by the use of a high performance coating that reflects the sky’s changing colour throughout the day.


11 SKIES 的特色立面设计概念源自 “飞行和探索”,以纸飞机形 态创造出独特的铰接式立面,不但能打造鲜明的形象,亦为项目 的设计带来统一性。立面采用高性能的涂层,将设计概念进一步 强化,反射及捕捉千变万化的天空色彩。

11 SKIES under construction (February 2023) | 11 SKIES 施工中 (2023 年 2 月) 193
| 11 SKIES under construction (February 2023) 11 SKIES 施工中 (2023 年 2 月) 195

Lead8 Celebrates Eight’

Each year, Lead8 manages to break new ground and achieve new milestones. Our eighth year has been no different as we have celebrated more awards and welcomed more project openings than any other. It has also been a year of reconnection, across our studios, the industry and international borders. We have been fortunate to collaborate with students, peers and clients on a diverse array of initiatives and projects.

“Our eighth anniversary is a special one for Lead8. Every year, there is so much to celebrate and be thankful for. We recognise our teams, the people helping to grow, shape and drive the future of our design firm. Thank you for hard work, commitment, dedication, creativity and belief – we look forward to building upon this strong foundation we have built together,” said Christine Hau, Co Founder & Executive Director of Lead8.

Lead8 庆祝成立八周年

每年,Lead8 锐意寻求新的突破,实现新的里程碑。踏入第八个年头, 我们的志向不变,荣获更多奖项,并乐见更多的项目落成并开幕。同 时,今年也是我们 Lead8 各地的办公室、业界以及国际间重建紧密联 系的一年。我们很荣幸能够与学生、同行和客户在一系列不同的议题 和项目上合作。

“对 Lead8 而言,八周年是一个特别的日子。每年我们都有琳琳总总 的事情值得庆祝和感恩。我们非常感激一直协助工作室成长、塑造并 推动 Lead8 发展的团队。感谢您们的辛勤工作、承诺、奉献、创造力和 信念。我们期待在这坚实的基础上继续精益求精。” Lead8 创办人兼 合伙人侯佩芳表示。

Lead8 Supports the CUHK Master of Architecture Year Show 2022 Lead8 支持 2022 年中大建筑系硕士年展 201
Reducing Waste for World Environment Day – Lead8 Collaborates with HandsOn Hong Kong to Upcycle Fabrics for Charity 为世界环境日减少废物 - Lead8 与牵手. 香港合作,为慈善升级再造布料
Lead8 Supports Children’s Mental Health in Hong Kong with the WEMP Foundation Lead8 与香港「爱望基金」携手支持儿童的心理健康 205
Learning Design with Lead8 – A Three-Day Studio Experience for Kellett School Secondary Students 与 Lead8 学习设计 - 启历学校中学生进行为期三天的工作实习 206
Lead8 and AIA Hong Kong Lead Tour of K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES Lead8 于美国建筑师学会 (AIA) 香港分会举办的 K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES 导赏分享设计
MIPIM Asia Summit Welcomes Lead8 to Discuss Repositioning Assets Lead8 在 2022 年 MIPIM 亚洲峰会上讨论重整资产
Lead8 Presents ‘Development Ecosystems’ at the ESG Asia Forum 2022 Lead8 在 ESG 亚洲论坛探讨 “发展项目的生态系统” 209
Circular Economy – Lead8 Donates Computers to Charity Organisations in Singapore 循环经济 - Lead8 向新加坡的慈善组织捐赠电脑 210
Lead8 Presents at the Mingtiandi ‘Future of the Office’ Forum Lead8 在 Mingtiandi 举办的“办公室的未来”论坛中分享
Lead8 at the HKU Master of Urban Design Semester 1 Studio Final Review Lead8 出席香港大学城市设计硕士的期末评审
探索香港的地方营造 - Lead8 香港工作室为香港南岛中学的学生提供设计实习机会 213
Exploring Placemaking in Hong Kong – ESF South Island School Joins Lead8 Hong Kong Studio Internship

End of Year Celebrations for the Lead8 Kuala Lumpur Studio (top), and Singapore Studio (bottom) Lead8 吉隆坡工作室(上)和新加坡工作室(下)欢度年终派对

Celebrating 2022 with Lead8’s Shenzhen Studio Lead8 深圳工作室庆祝 2022 年 219
AWARDS | 年度奖项
PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards Ceremony 2022 - Bangkok, Thailand | 2022 年 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖颁奖典礼 - 泰国曼谷 225
MIPIM Asia Awards Ceremony 2022 - Hong Kong, China | 2022 年 MIPIM Asia 大奖颁奖典礼 - 中国香港

MIPIM Asia Awards 2022

Gold Award - Best Futura Mega Project


Asia Pacific Property Awards 2022 - 2023

5-Star Winner - Best Mixed-use Development (Hong Kong)


Award Winner - Best Mixed-use Architecture (Hong Kong)


Award Winner - Retail Interior (China)

The Ring

Award Winner - Retail Architecture (China)

MixC Ningbo

Award Winner - Retail Architecture (China)

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

Award Winner - Architect Website (Hong Kong)

Lead8 Website

PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards 2022

Winner – Best Mega Mixed-use Development (Asia)


Winner - Best Retail Architecture Design (Asia)

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

Winner - Best Mega Mixed-use Architectural Design (Hong Kong, Macau)


Winner - Best Mega Mixed-use Interior Design (Hong Kong, Macau)


Winner - Best Mega Mixed-Use Development (Hong Kong & Macau)


Winner - Best Retail Architectural Design (Mainland China)

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

Highly Commended - Best Retail Architectural Design (Mainland China)

MixC Wuhan

International Property Awards 2022 - 2023

Winner - Best Mixed-use Development (Asia Pacific)


World Architecture News (WAN) Awards 2022

Silver Award - Future Projects (Mixed-use)

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

World Interior News (WIN) Awards 2022

Silver Award – Retail Chain Stores, Department Stores, Supermarkets and Show Rooms

The Ring

Build4Asia Awards 2022

Gold Award - Outstanding Future Project (Commercial)

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

Gold Award - Outstanding Interior Design (Commercial)

The Ring

Greenest Overall Project


Silver Award - Outstanding Future Project (Commercial)


#MyFavourite Future Project (By Public Vote)


MUSE Design Awards 2022

Platinum Award - Interior Design (Retail)

The Ring

Gold Award - Architecture (Retail)

Longfor Central

Gold Award - Concept (Architecture)

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

Gold Award - Interior Design (Retail)

MixC Ningbo

Silver Award - Architecture (Retail)

MixC Ningbo


International Design Awards 2022

Silver - Architecture - Retails, Shops, Department stores, Mall

MixC Wuhan

Honorable Mention - Interior Design - Retails, Shops, Department Stores, Mall

Far Eastern Department Store – Zhubei

Honorable Mention - Architecture - Conceptual


A’ Design Awards 2022

Platinum Award - Interior Space and Exhibition Design

The Ring

BLT Built Design Awards 2022

Winner - Interior Design (Retail / Shops)

The Ring

Winner - Architectural Design (Mixed-use Building)

Nantong Golden Eagle World

Winner - Interior Design (Other Interior Designs)

MixC IMAX Flagship Shenzhen Bay

Honorable Mention - Architectural Design (Commercial)

MixC Ningbo

Honorable Mention - Interior Design (Retail / Shops)

MixC Ningbo

DNA Paris Design Awards 2022

Winner - Interior Design (Retail)

The Ring

Winner - Architecture (Big Scale Building)

Nantong Golden Eagle World

Honourable Mention - Architecture (Big Scale Building)

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

Rethinking The Future Award 2022

First Award - Interiors Retail (Built)

The Ring

Architecture, Construction & Design (ACD) Awards 2022

First Award - Commercial (Built)

MixC Wuhan

First Award - Interiors Retail (Built)

Far Eastern Department Store – Zhubei

Outstanding Property Awards London 2022

Winner - Architectural Design (Mixed-use)


Winner - Architectural Design (Retail)

MixC Wuhan

Winner - Interior Design (Retail)

Far Eastern Department Store – Zhubei

Hong Kong Design Awards 2022

Gold Award - Interior Design (Retail)

The Ring

Silver Award - Architecture (Proposed)


Silver Award - Architecture (Mixed-use Constructed)

MixC Ningbo

Architizer A+ Awards 2022

Special Mention - Unbuilt Masterplan

Shougang Park Urban Weaving District

Architecture MasterprizeTM 2022

Honorable Mention - Mixed-use Architecture

Nantong Golden Eagle World

ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Architecture 2022

Selection - Architecture (Special)


Selection - Architecture (Urban Planning)

Shangri-La Fuzhou Mixed-use Development

International Property Awards Grand Final 2022 - 2023 - London, UK (left) | Asia Pacific Property Awards Ceremony 2022 - 2023 - London, UK (right) 2022-2023 年国际房地产大奖总决赛 - 英国伦敦(左) | 2022-2023 年亚太房地产大奖颁奖典礼 - 英国伦敦(右)
Build4Asia Awards Ceremony 2022 - Hong Kong, China | 2022 年 Build4Asia 大奖颁奖典礼 - 中国香港
A'Design Awards Ceremony 2022 - Como, Italy | 2022 年 A' 设计大奖颁奖典礼 - 意大利科莫

2022 年 MIPIM Asia 大奖

金奖 - 最佳未来大型项目


2022 - 2023 年国际房地产大奖

优胜奖 - 亚太综合开发项目


2022 - 2023 年亚太房地产大奖

五星奖 - 最佳综合开发项目 (香港)


优胜奖 - 综合建筑项目 (香港)


优胜奖 - 零售室内项目 (中国)


优胜奖 - 零售建筑项目 (中国)


优胜奖 - 零售建筑项目 (中国)


优胜奖 - 建筑网页 (香港)

Lead8 网站

2022 年 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖

优胜奖 - 年度大型综合开发项目 (亚洲)


优胜奖 - 年度零售建筑设计项目 (亚洲)


优胜奖 - 年度大型综合体建筑设计项目 (香港及澳门)


优胜奖 - 年度大型综合体室内设计项目 (香港及澳门)


优胜奖 - 年度大型综合开发项目 (香港及澳门)


优胜奖 - 年度零售建筑设计项目 (中国内地)


优秀奖 - 年度零售建筑设计项目 (中国内地)


2022 年世界建筑新闻大奖

银奖 - 未来项目 (综合体)


2022 - 2023 年国际房地产大奖

优胜奖 - 亚太综合开发项目


2022 年世界室内新闻大奖

银奖 - 零售连锁店、百货公司、超市和展示厅 重庆光环购物公园

2022 年 Build4Asia 大奖

金奖 - 杰出未来项目 (商业)


金奖 - 杰出室内设计项目 (商业)


整体最环保项目 11 SKIES

银奖 - 杰出未来项目 (商业)


我最喜爱的未来项目 11 SKIES

2022 年缪斯设计大奖

铂金奖 - 室内设计 (零售)


金奖 - 建筑设计 (零售)


金奖 - 概念设计 (建筑)


金奖 - 室内设计 (零售)


银奖 - 建筑设计 (零售)



2022 年国际设计大奖

银奖 - 建筑设计 (零售、商店、百货公司、商场)


优秀奖 - 室内设计 (零售、商店、百货公司、商场)


优秀奖 - 建筑设计 (概念) 11 SKIES

2022 年 A' 设计大奖

铂金奖 - 室内空间和展览设计


2022 年 BLT 建筑设计奖

优胜奖 - 室内设计 (零售 / 商店)


优胜奖 - 建筑设计 (综合体)


优胜奖 - 室内设计 (其他)

万象影城 (深圳湾万象城旗舰店)

优秀奖 - 建筑设计 (商业)


优秀奖 - 室内设计 (零售 / 商店)


2022 年 DNA 巴黎设计大奖

优胜奖 - 室内设计 (零售)


优胜奖 - 建筑 (大型建筑)


优秀奖 - 建筑 (大型建筑)


2022 年 Rethinking The Future 大奖

第一名 - 零售室內设计 (建成)


2022 年建筑、施工 & 设计大奖

第一名 - 商业 (建成)


第一名 - 零售室內设计 (建成)


2022 年伦敦杰出地产大奖

优胜奖 - 建筑设计 (综合体)


优胜奖 - 建筑设计 (零售)


优胜奖 - 室内设计 (零售)


2022 年香港设计大奖

金奖 - 室内设计 (零售)


银奖 - 建筑设计 (未来项目)


银奖 - 建筑设计 (已建综合发展项目)


2022 年 Architizer A+ 大奖

特别提名奖 - 未建成规划


2022 年美国建筑大师奖

优秀奖 - 建筑设计 (综合体建筑)


2022 年标志性设计奖·创新建筑奖

精选奖 - 建筑 - 特殊


精选奖 - 建筑 - 城市规划


PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards 2022 2022 年 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖 Build4Asia Awards 2022 2022 年 Build4Asia 大奖 236

International Property Awards 2022-2023 and Asia Pacific Property Awards 2022-2023

2022-2023 年国际房地产大奖及 2022-2023 年亚太房地产大奖

A&D Awards 2022

Certificate of Excellence - Best Shopping & Retail Interior Design

Far Eastern Department Store – Zhubei

The 7th REARD Global Design Award 2022

Gold Award - Commercial Interior

Far Eastern Department Store – Zhubei

Silver Award - Commercial Architecture

MixC Wuhan

Honorable Mention - Commercial Architecture


The 8th China Real Estate & Design Awards (CREDAWARD)

Gold Award - Interior Design

The Ring

Merit Award - Commercial Development

MixC Ningbo

Merit Award - Commercial Development

Xinhu Paradise Walk

World Architecture Festival (WAF) Awards 2022

Shortlisted - Completed Buildings (Shopping)

MixC Ningbo

World Festival of Interiors (INSIDE) Awards 2022

Shortlisted – Retail

The Ring WA100 2023

Ranked 53rd - Top 100 Architectural Firms in the World Lead8

Ranked 2nd - Top Architecture Firms (Retail Sector) in the World Lead8

Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) Awards 2022

Good MPF Employer and MPF Support Awards Lead8


PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards 2022

2022 年 PropertyGuru 亚洲不动产大奖

2022 年 A&D 大奖

优异奖 - 室内设计 (最佳购物与零售)


第七届 REARD 全球地产设计大奖

金奖 - 商业类 (室内)


银奖 - 商业类 (建筑)


优秀奖 - 商业类 (建筑)


第八届 CREDAWARD 地产设计大奖·中国

金奖 - 室内设计


优秀奖 - 商业项目


优秀奖 - 商业项目


2022 年世界建筑节大奖

入围 - 已建项目 (购物中心)


2022 年 INSIDE 世界室内设计节大奖

入围 - 零售项目


WA100 2023 世界百大建筑公司

全球第 53 大建筑事务所 Lead8

全球零售领域排名第 2 Lead8

强制性公积金计划管理局 2021 - 2022 年度 "积金好雇主"


积金好雇主及积金推广奖 Lead8

8 th China Real Estate & Design Awards (CREDAWARD) 2022 年第八届 CREDAWARD 地产设计大奖 REARD Global Design Awards in 2022 2022 年 REARD 全球地产设计大奖 MUSE Design Awards 2022 2022 年缪斯设计大奖
Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority Good MPF Employer 2021 - 2022 香港强制性公积金计划管理局 2021 - 2022 年度 "积金好雇主" 嘉许计划 241

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