Dentistry Northwest campaign

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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 • A 11

Patients defend physician; most find care But Rotchford also has critics who cite impact of prescriptions Patients of Dr. James Kimber “Kim” Rotchford are coming out to support him as he attempts to sustain his medical practice in the aftermath of a dramatic federal raid of his home and office on Dec. 21. To date the information that led to the searches is secret; no arrest has been made and no charges filed. The Leader asked patients of Rotchford to step forward and tell their stories – and they did, in droves. On Monday, almost 20 people called to comment on how Rotchford’s loss of a license to prescribe pain medications had impacted them and what they experienced while under his care. Not everyone who commented on Rotchford was a supporter. At least one person who claimed to be a relative of a Rotchford patient gave a much harsher view of the physician’s practices.

“I couldn’t understand why they would do something to hurt this many people all in one whack,” said LeRoy. Originally he did not want to visit Rotchford, whose practice also encompassed treatment for addicts. “I thought it was just for drug addicts so I wasn’t going to go there, and there were a lot of addicts. But two thirds [of the patients] were just pain people,” said LeRoy. He said he suffers from chronic abdominal pain due to complications from bladder cancer surgery. He said he had been trading art for care with Rotchford. “He helped me so much,” said LeRoy, who used methadone but has been able to taper down from a dose prescribed by a previous doctor. “I know there are a lot of people who dislike him but those are usually the Not just addicts drug addicts,” LeRoy said. “I’m going to be OK, “He won’t prescribe opiates but there are other peo- unless they’re really needed.” ple,” said David LeRoy, 58, of Port Angeles, who has PaiN aNd dePressioN Christine Gullixson, 60, been coming to Rotchford for four years for treatment has been driving from Port of chronic pain. LeRoy has Angeles to Port Townsend been referred to another to see Rotchford for about five years. She said she pain clinic in Jamestown. has been disabled since she was injured by a gunshot wound in 1984. She also suffers from degenerative arthritis. “He’s the only doctor around who addressed the pain,” she said. “It seems a lot of people look down on this until they need it themselves. Dr. Rotchford was pretty brave in addressing the issue on the Olympic Peninsula. There are a lot


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Chairs are lined up for a free Tuesday class in pain management at Dr. James Kimber “Kim” Rotchford’s office Uptown. Photo by Allison Arthur

of people out here who are in a lot of pain who don’t know what they’re going to do now and have no primary care doctor.” “I think he saved my life. He got me out of a blur and state of depression.” Gullixson uses methadone to control her pain. Taken properly, “the way you’re supposed to, there are no ups or downs,” she said. Although she also will be seen now at the Jamestown clinic, Gullixson acknowledged that when she heard about Rotchford’s troubles and that he would not be able to prescribe medication, she started lowering her dose of methadone. She said methadone is a cheap, long-acting painkiller and that many chronic pain sufferers are switching to it from OxyContin or morphine. “If he was to start up again, I would go back to him,” said Gullixson. “He took care of the pain and the depression.”

ly gave his name but then changed his mind out of concern for his family, said he was shocked when he found out that Rotchford had lost his ability to prescribe painkillers. “I just knew the guy was a humanitarian,” he said. He moved to Port Townsend in June from Los Angeles and currently is employed. Like others, he attended a free clinic on Thursdays, which helped him to purchase Subutex, a drug that can stabilize and improve brain function. Now that Rotchford can’t prescribe that drug, the man said he planned to switch to a private physician “who will charge me $200 a visit.” The man said he is not on Medicare or Medicaid and “has never been on welfare.” “I’ve either suffered or I’ve worked,” the man said. He intends to pay for Subutex. “It’s expensive, but in comparison to say HeroiN addict better A 44-year-old former [what] a full blown opiheroine addict, who initial- ate addict [uses], it’s a lot cheaper,” he said. “There are a lot of people who won’t be [able to afford it] who will probably go back to using street drugs,” the man said. “It wasn’t a methadone clinic.

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Dr. Rotchford was trying to steer people away from methadone” and toward Subutex, he said.

asset to tHe commuNity

A 50-year-old Chimacum woman who is a social worker and a foster parent for two children said she wouldn’t have made it without Rotchford. “Dr. Rotchford is the strictest doctor I’ve ever had,” she said Monday, asking that her name not be used. “I think he’s paving the way in a world that just isn’t accepted right now.” She said she suffered from migraines and depression, lost her business and was homebound for months after being hospitalized for depression. Rotchford put her on methadone and required her to go to counseling just like drug addicts. After Rotchford gave up his license to dispense methadone, the woman said she called her primary physician in Port Townsend. She was told to try the emergency room at Jefferson Healthcare’s hospital, she said, or outside methadone clinics. The woman was able to see her physician on Monday. He gave her a new prescription for methadone. But he also told her that a methadone clinic in Seattle was overwhelmed with new patients from Jefferson County. She thanked Rotchford. “I would never have made it this far without Dr. Rotchford and I’m an asset to the community,” the woman said of wanting to support Rotchford and hoping people learn about his practice and what it really entails.

Insurance codes provided for reimbursement

David LeRoy Rotchford patient

rificing patient health for profits, blame him for exacerbating some patients’ medical problems and creating new addictions where they did not exist before. “Mental health sends people to him to get well and get off of there [sic] habits, which I think they do,” wrote Sarah Luzadder to the Leader. “But he gives them a nice little methadone habit instead. This is almost impossible to kick, and he knows this, which keeps the money flowing … I personally have family members that have suffered under his care, and ones that still do. I hold him responsible for everything.” The Leader made multiple attempts to contact Luzadder to learn more, but she did not respond by press time. She has a California area code. She submitted her comment to the Leader website with her name. Rotchford, asked for a response, said he understands that he has his critics among patients and their family members. “The person who wrote that is under the belief that the only way to get them off” drugs is to have them go through detox, he said. “And here I’m keeping them exacerbatiNg Problems on something. If they have While many have come that belief then it would out in support of Rotchford, follow that what I’m doing others accuse him of sac- is wrong.”

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“I know there are a lot of people who dislike him, but those are usually the drug addicts.”

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Advertise your services in print & on the web. Your ad includes a 1x2 display ad in our “Call the Experts” A classified service listing & a 1 week 4x4 news featurette & photo! Intrigued? Call, email or stop by for details 226 Adams St. PT 385-2900 Email:

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 • A 9

South county lights up for holidays up starting at 1 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 26, or 9 a.m. Ablaze with lights, on Saturday, Nov. 27, every edge outlined in depending on the weather. bright colors, with more Ricker believes her home spilling onto the lawn, Jack and business contest may and Dolly Renskers’ house produce many more lights in Quilcene still glows in for Quil’s celebration of the memory. Representing the holidays. apex of traditional holiThe free contest is open day lighting, it inspired to all residents and busithe South County Holiday nesses of the South County, Lighting Contest, now in with a chance to earn cash its 25th year. prizes of $100, $50, $25 and The Quilcene-Brinnon other prizes for residential Chamber of Commerce and commercial categories. sponsors the contest to raise “I just really want a holiday spirits and spread a bunch of people to do it,” little cash throughout the said Ricker. “It’s a lot of South County, said orga- fun.” The prizes are given nizer Anne Ricker. for creativity, brilliance Me a nwh i le , Tom and/or outstanding disBrotherton is not waiting plays that inspire cheerfulfor the contest. He has a ness and holiday spirit. plan to light up Quilcene’s Judging takes place business district. from 5 to 9 p.m. on Friday, “I just decided the town Dec. 10, when Ricker will needed to be lit up,” said be chauffeuring four judges Brotherton. to each entry that can be Brotherton got dona- located. Cash prizes will be tions, bought lights at cost paid promptly. at Henery Hardware, and Entry forms are availis arranging to decorate able at U.S. Bank in every business from Mount Quilcene, the Brinnon Store Walker Inn to Peninsula and Quilcene Espresso. Foods. He invites anyone They must be returned by who wants to help to check 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 9. his website at http://quilCall 765-4447 for details or email quilcenegallery@ The lights are going

Boiler Room brews holiday donations

By Viviann Kuehl Contributor

A kommunity thank-you

Port Townsend Kinetic Konsortium members share the summer’s unexpected bounty with the Food Bank last Thursday, Nov. 18. Their 28th annual Kinetic Skulpture Race having made a profit for the first time in ages, said head judge Marilyn Kurka, they were able to write a check for $1,000 to benefit locals in need. “The community gave us the money; we’re giving it back,” said Konsortium “High Empress” Janet Emory. Posing at the Food Bank’s Mountain View home are (from left, front) Dianna Denny, Emory, Lou Hightower, (second row) Food Bank assistant manager Shirley Moss, Food Bank manager Helen Kullman, Kurka, Katy Morse and (back) John Liczwinko. Photo by Steve Patch

Holiday cruise set by Marine Center

If you’re seeking some unique and fun activities to do with family and friends over the Thanksgiving weekend, the Port Townsend Marine Science Center (PTMSC) has something for everyone. Get that holiday shopping done early at the PTMSC’s Holiday Sale, taking place at its gift shop, from noon to 4 p.m., Friday-Sunday, Nov. 26-28. Discounts are given on books, field guides, clothThe Port Townsend items, toys and clothing for ing, games and toys, and Kiwanis club wants to put babies younger than 3 are this year there are many smiles on the faces of 100 especially needed. new stocking stuffers Kiwanis seeks participa- offered. The gift shop is children in our community tion by others who would located in the center’s this Christmas. The club’s Foster Kids donate new clothing and Natural History Exhibit. Then take a respite from Christmas Program arose toys, or those who would from the desire to reach out make a monetary donation to foster children, who were to be used to purchase the often forgotten around the needed items. Donations can be made holidays. In honor of her son Kiwanis has partnered payable to Port Townsend with Denise Irish at the Kiwanis and mailed to P.O. Wyatt, 2001-2006, Jenell state Department of Social Box 489, Port Townsend, DeMatteo of Port Hadlock and Health Services since WA 98368. Inquiries about sponsors Wyatt’s Holiday 2004. Club members the program should be Toy Drive each year to help families with children with pitched in to provide gifts directed to Conrad Oien at developmental disabilities to 20 foster children. As 360-643-3501. receive a great toy. To learn more about the economy got worse, the This is the fifth year of need became greater. This Kiwanis, contact Ken the toy drive. year, Kiwanis has set a Brink at 385-1327. Weekly DeMatteo tries to match goal of providing for 100 Rotary meetings are held requests to the right donor; at Castle Key Restaurant orders are sought by Dec. children. Irish said games, teen on Wednesdays at noon. 1. Purchased gifts should

Help foster kids enjoy the holidays

retail with a late fall bird migration cruise to Protection Island on Saturday, Nov. 27, or on Friday, Dec. 31. The trips leave from Port Townsend’s Point Hudson Marina at 1 p.m. and return at 4 p.m. It offers an opportunity to see and learn about numerous bird species as well as other wildlife on the island. PTMSC naturalists accompany each cruise. Tickets are $55 per person ($50 for members of the PTMSC, Burke Museum, Audubon or the Washington Ornithological Society). For reservations, call PTMSC at 385-5582 or 800-566-3932, or email for more information.

Join the Toy Drive


Thanksgiving is time to reflect on the things for which we’re truly grateful. At Edward Jones, we’re thankful to serve our clients and our community. During this holiday season and every day, we wish you all the very best. Dan Waterkotte Financial Advisor .

110 Harrison Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-379-2528

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be delivered on or before Dec. 20. For information contact DeMatteo at P.O. Box 84, Chimacum, WA 98325.

Conserve resources

Worried about where your donations of clothing and toys are going this holiday season? Hand them over to Marla Overman, Port Townsend Boiler Room’s social services intern, who will make sure they stay in Jefferson County. The Boiler Room is holding a coat and blanket drive, and participating in Toys for Tots through Dec. 24. It is the first year of the coat and blanket drive. “There’s no reason whatsoever for anyone to be cold or uncomfortable,” she said. “I also think, and I’m sure most people would agree, that every child deserves a Christmas. Something as seemingly small as a toy can brighten a child’s life in ways we, as adults, have a hard time imagining.” Overman assured that all donations stay in the

community, going to the Winter Shelter, Port Townsend’s Toys for Tots, OlyCAP or the Boiler Room to be handed out to those in need. Make a donation by dropping off winter coats, blankets and new toys at the Boiler Room – 711 Water St., open TuesdaySunday 8 a.m.-10 p.m. – and Overman will make sure they get to where they are needed most here in Jefferson County. C ontact O verma n by email, boilerroom. socialserviceintern@yahoo. com, or by calling the Boiler Room at 379-8247.

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B 4 • Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

health briefs

Jefferson Healthcare reaches out to Quilcene on Nov. 17 By Allison Arthur of the Leader

Jefferson Healthcare commissioners will be asking South County residents on Nov. 17 what they think of existing services the public hospital provides and what new services the community needs. Hospital commissioners are continuing their public outreach efforts this year by holding board meetings throughout the county. Commissioners meet with South County constituents from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at the Quilcene Community Center, 294952 Highway 101. While they are there, staff also will be available to administer flu shots. The board previously met with people in Port Ludlow, Port Hadlock and Brinnon. Chief governance officer

Jill Buhler, an elected commissioner, said last week that she hopes to see the quarterly meetings held outside Port Townsend continue next year. “Although they haven’t been highly attended, we’ve gotten some good ideas,” Buhler said. “I think we’ll continue to do it. It’s a good way to keep in touch with owners.” After introducing themselves, hospital commissioners will pose the following series of questions to people attending: • What medical services are important to your community? • How would you prioritize existing services? • Who in your community is falling through the gaps in our health-care system, and what’s the best way of reaching them?

Christine Burnell MN, ARNP Family Nurse Practitioner

Preventive & Primary Health Care for Adults, Children & Infants

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Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner

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New patients & most insurances welcome. 385-0800 • 385-0455 Fax

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• Are you currently using our services, and if not, why not? Hospital officials say they have taken to heart issues raised by Port Ludlow residents earlier this year over a clinic space that the hospital leases but doesn’t use. Jefferson Healthcare was unable to open a clinic in Port Ludlow last year after learning the clinic was within 35 miles of Harrison Hospital in Bremerton, and rules about operating distances between hospitals were being reinter-

American Red Cross to offer CPR classes in Port Townsend

preted. Jefferson Healthcare’s lease of the space, next to a Coldwell Banker office and the dental practice of Dr. Thomas Hagen, was to expire at the end of November, but hospital officials are talking to the owner about leasing the space on a month-tomonth basis. Services that can be offered at the clinic remain undetermined. Port Ludlow residents suggested using the space for educational and supportgroup meetings.

JHC volunteers feted The Seaport Landing retirement facility hosted the Jefferson Healthcare Hospital Auxiliary’s annual Appreciation Tea on Oct. 26. President Nita Edgcombe presented a thank-you award to Rose Horvath for her work on the annual homes tours, an event the auxiliary has been putting on for many years. As part of the activities of the Halloween-themed “Spooktacular” appreciation tea, planned by Elaine Johnson, members who came in costume were judged on the best costume. Tammie Dahinden, director of marketing at Seaport Landing, had a difficult job judging the best of

the best. There was a Harley bike rider, knights of the Round Table, a few witches and some cats wanting to be the best of show. Doris Unruh, dressed as a black cat with a mask and fur on her ankles and paws, won the $25 gift certificate given by Elaine Johnson on behalf of the hospital auxiliary. Tom Sass, executive director of Seaport Landing, donated the facility as well as the refreshments. Auxiliary members bought scarves and jewelry from the hospital gift shop to deck themselves out for the holidays. An assortment of this merchandise is still available for purchase at the gift shop.

A host of CPR and first aid classes are being offered by American Red Cross at Mountain View Commons, 1919 Blaine St., in November. Adult CPR class is 6-10 p.m., Monday, Nov. 15; first aid is 6-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 16; and CPR review is 10 a.m.-noon, Tuesday, Nov. 30. CPR and first aid classes are $45, payable in advance. CPR review is $20. Class reservation is not confirmed until payment is received in the office. Keychain face shields are available for an additional $6. The American Red Cross also has first aid kits available for purchase for $10.50 and $20. Call for a reservation (385-2737 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday to Friday) and then send payment to: American Red Cross, P.O. Box 1672, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

Elders invited to exercise class through YMCA 50+ program

At the Jefferson County Family YMCA there’s a special class called “Exercise for Ages 50+.” The class is unique in combining low-impact aerobics, strength training, balance and stretching to give a complete workout. The exercises have been selected to target the major problems people encounter as they age and can be performed at a variety of levels so people of different ages and strength can participate. While many classes never ensure a participant is doing exercises correctly, Lee Doughty, the class teacher, said, “I carefully observe performance of strength training exercises to be sure all exercises are being properly performed.” Doughty said that those attending regularly have reported many improvements in strength, balance, energy and medical conditions. Physical therapists and doctors have noticed improvements, too, he said. But it’s not all work, added Doughty. “We also have fun.” The classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, 9-10 a.m. For additional information and to register, contact the YMCA at 385-5811.

No time for the flu: Clinics are opening The tiny prick of a vaccine needle is a small price to pay when compared to the symptoms of the flu: fever,

aches, chills and perhaps you avoid this nasty bug: even vomiting. The follow• Madrona Hill Urgent ing organizations are offer- Care, 2500 Sims Way, Port ing flu shot clinics to help Townsend: Available dur-

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SPECIAL SAVINGS THROUGH END OF NOVEMBER: $4,000 for a full, adult invisalign treatment!

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Easy • Efficient • Effective • Economical* * As low as $140 per month for qualified patients. Contact us for your free consultation.

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Check cashing • Free money orders • Bill paying service 360-385-6656 • 2122 W. Sims Way Port Townsend

2 0 1 OLYMPIC PENINSULA 1 HEALTHCARE DIRECTORY The 2011 Olympic Peninsula Healthcare Directory will be the go-to resource for residents across the Olympic Peninsula when they are looking for a medical professional. Complete with categorized listings of health and wellness professionals and health advisory articles, this special publication is designed for a long shelf life. Inserted in The Leader with an additional 3,000 distributed throughout Jefferson, Clallam and Kitsap counties, the Olympic Peninsula Healthcare Directory will have a total circulation of 11,000. It will also appear on as an interactive PDF document, complete with active hotlinks to your practice’s website all year.

Ad deadline: Friday, Dec. 3 Published: Dec. 29 Ad prices start at $119; full color included. Enchance your directory listing! Add an email address, website URL or additional phone number for $5 each.


Hear the difference ... Hearing evaluations:

No obligation consultation Digital technology 30-day In-home trial All make repair Batteries, Accessories Serving Kitsap & Jefferson Counties since 1962


the pleasure of hearing

1208 Water Street • Port Townsend, WA 98368 360


ing regular clinic hours; Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Ages 18 years and older. Medicare and insurance cards accepted; all others, $25 cash. • Port Hadlock Medical Care, 121 Oak Bay Road: No long lines; call 379-6737 for appointment. Public welcome. Some cards accepted; all others, $25. • Quilcene Community Center, 294952 Highway 101: Wednesday, Nov. 17 6-8 p.m. Medicare cards accepted; all others, $25 cash or check. No private insurance. • QFC Pharmacy, 1890 Irondale Road, Port Hadlock: By appointment. Ages 11 and older. Pneumonia shots available. Medicare and insurance cards accepted; all others, $25 cash. • QFC Port Townsend, 515 Sheridan St.: Saturday, Nov. 13, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. No appointment necessary. Medicare and insurance cards accepted; all others, $25 cash. • Safeway Pharmacy, 442 Sims Way, Port Townsend: Walk-ins welcome; Mondays-Fridays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-4 p.m. Ages 8 and older. Pneumonia and high-dose flu vaccines available. Medicare, Medicaid and some insurance cards accepted; all others, $30 cash or check. State-supplied children’s flu vaccines are recommended for all children ages 6 months through 18 years old and are now available at the following clinics (please note that clinics – except for Jefferson County Public Health – are by appointment and you must call ahead to schedule one): Jefferson Medical and Pediatric Group, 834 Sheridan St., Port Townsend, 3824848; Olympic Primary Care, 1010 Sheridan St., Port Townsend, 379-8031; Port Townsend Family Physicians, 934 Sheridan St., Port Townsend, 3853500; South County Medical Clinic, 294843 Highway 101, Quilcene, 765-3111; and Jefferson County Public Health, 615 Sheridan St., Port Townsend, 385-9400, with walk-in immunization clinics 1-4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Women’s Healthcare Annual Exams • Paps • Menopause Care Contraception • Tubal Sterilization Treatment for Heavy Periods Surgery – Hysterectomy, Repairs PORT TOWNSEND



Jane Albee, ARNP • Robert Palmer, Jr., MD 1136 Water Street, Suite 105 • (360)344-3700

Appointments available Monday-Thursday

C 4 • Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Posters promote awareness

Displaying the “Everyone can work!” posters, which were created to spread awareness and employment opportunities for those with disabilities, are (from left) Carl Hanson, Developmental Disabilities (DD) Advisory Board co chair; Lisa Falcon, Skookum program manager; Lesly Sheinbaum, DD Advisory Board cochair; Janie Nelson, Concerned Citizens program manager; and Anna McEnery, DD coordinator. Submitted photo

be seen over the next year on posters that showcase local people with developmental disabilities working in the community.

Admiralty Dental Center

A smile happens in a flash... but its memory lasts a lifetime!

600 Cliff Street, Port Townsend • 360-385-7003

It’s time to talk about disabilities. October has been National Disability Awareness and Employment Month. Disabilities, including sensory, physical, mental and cognitive disabilities, affect more than 5,130 people who live in Jefferson County (more than 19 percent of the population). Jefferson County residents with developmental disabilities are unemployed at least twice the rate of residents without disabilities. Jefferson County Public Health and the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Program, in partnership with Skookum, Concerned Citizens and the DD Advisory Board, are promoting the message “Everyone can work!” This message will

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Become Cavity Free For Life

“Everyone can work!” recognizes the demonstrated benefits of a diverse workforce and the valuable contributions of people with developmental disabilities in the workplace. The hope is that this message encourages all community members to recognize the

Recognize exceptional women through award from Soroptimists club It’s not easy to raise a family, let alone do so while attending a training program or college. Soroptimist International of the Americas recognizes this struggle and honors exceptional women with its Women’s Opportunity Award. The award is for women with primary financial

Conserve our Resources RECYCLE

This Paper

You can control tooth aches, tooth loss, and dental costs for a lifetime by following one simple hygiene practice. It’s so easy it’s almost unbelievable. But it works very well!

Tooth decay is a preventable disease. When you eat, you also feed your oral bacteria. This increases acidity in your mouth, enabling decay-producing bacteria to multiply and create a higher risk of tooth decay. Harmful bacteria can be controlled simply by reducing oral acidity associated with them. This will keep your teeth and gums healthier.

Dr. Greg Barry, DDS When you finish eating, thoroughly rinse your mouth out with water. Rinsing with water significantly reduces oral acidity that naturally follows eating. Yes, simply swishing your mouth out with water actually makes a big difference. Add a pinch of baking soda to the rinse water to make your mouth even less acidic. After about an hour, brush your teeth. If your mouth tends to be dry, rinse with water often throughout the day.

This proactive approach really helps parents and children stay cavity free. When you maintain a less acidic mouth, minerals your teeth need to stay strong and healthy move from your saliva back into your tooth enamel, hardening it to help resist decay. Adults with gum health issues can also benefit greatly from rinsing after eating. Is your next cleaning and checkup on your calendar? If not, why don’t you call us to set up a dental exam followed by a professional cleaning right now?

Greg Barry, DDS

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642 Harrison Street, Port Townsend

serious impact that attitudinal barriers create, to work to eliminate these barriers and to join in efforts to ensure that persons with developmental disabilities in Jefferson County participate fully in community employment so “everyone can work!”

Everlasting Punishment

God has nothing to do with everlasting punishment – our subject for the week. ”Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah) Study this lesson at our Reading Room downtown this week and hear it Sunday at church in our sermon. Our Reading Room is at 633 Water St. It is open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily except Wednesday and Sunday. Our church – First Church of Christ, Scientist, Port Townsend – is at 275 Umatilla, near Discovery and San Juan. Sunday services and Sunday School are at 10 a.m. Midweek meetings, with testimonies of healing, are at noon Wednesday.

Leader advertising works!

responsibility for supporting their families and who attend or have been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program. The Peninsula College Port Townsend extension site is now accepting applications. The deadline for submitting the application is Dec. 15, 2010. Application forms are available at the extension, located at 298 Battery Way, in Fort Worden State Park, or online at The cash award of $1,000 may be used to offset any costs associated with efforts to attain higher education, including books, child care and transportation. Soroptimist is an international volunteer organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls in local communities and throughout the world. For more information, contact Pat Durbin at 3794956.

Kathryn Wadsworth and David Deardorff speak on plant problems and their diagnoses at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Quimper Grange. Submitted photo

Authors diagnose plant problems The Port Townsend coauthors of the award-winning book What’s Wrong with My Plant? (And How Do I Fix It?) explain how to diagnose plant problems in a talk on Wednesday, Nov. 3. A ut ho r s D av id Deardorff, botanist and plant pathologist, and Kathryn Wadsworth, photographer and naturalist, talk at 7:30 p.m. at the Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona St., at the end of Sheridan. The pair will answer questions and diagnose troubled plants, focusing on problems local growers have experienced with their vegetable and fruit production this year. Additionally, Deardorff and Wadsworth will discuss insect pests, fungus diseases and disorders due to environmental conditions such as temperature and nutrition, as well as organic solutions to these problems. Although the first printing of their book has sold out, they expect to receive new books in time for this talk. The couple’s plant experience is geographically diverse. Deardorff received his doctorate in

PSE accepting food bank donations




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Hey, what’s that in my mouth?

Doing “The Local” coupon last year was a great tool for us – it brought in people we have not seen before – and those people are now faithful customers! There’s a reason why we have won the “Best Coffee” award 3 years running! I didn’t hesitate to run a coupon again in this year’s Local. Creative advertising is a very important part of our business. My ad that recently ran in the Port Townsend Film Festival magazine was voted best ad by Leader readers! I really appreciate the time, effort and creativity from my ad rep, Tami, and the rest of the Leader crew. Jeromy Hewitt, owner MEAN BEAN COFFEE

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Puget Sound Energy’s Port Townsend Customer Service Office, 181 Quincy St., and Service Center, 310 Four Corners Road, are once again serving as collection sites for donations to Jefferson County food banks this holiday season. Community members are encouraged to drop by from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays to donate non-perishable food items or dry goods to benefit local families in need this winter. Those who make donations receive a free “Take Winter by Storm” ice scraper, while supplies last. In addition, for each donation, community members can enter their name for a raffle of LED holiday tree lights. The raffle drawing is held Friday, Dec. 10. The prize is delivered that same evening. “We appreciate the opportunity to help our local food banks help our neighbors,” said Tim Caldwell, PSE’s Jefferson County community partnership manager. “We hope to run out of ice scrapers!” In 2009, PSE’s Port Townsend office collected 500 pounds of non-perishable food items for Jefferson County food banks and gave away more than 100 compact fluorescent light bulbs in appreciation of customers’ donations.

Energy panel Oct. 28

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botany from the University of Washington. He was on faculty at University of Hawaii in plant pathology, where the couple owned an orchid and tissue culture laboratory. In Santa Fe, N.M., he started one of the country’s first xeriscape nurseries. Wadsworth earned a master’s degree in filmmaking at the University of New Mexico and has led natural history tours around the world, from Australia to Alaska and Mexico. Deardor ff a nd Wadsworth have just returned from a ninemonth book tour, where they appeared at bookstores, garden centers and garden shows. Their book is being translated into eight other languages. The authors, also garden coaches and consultants on garden and landscape issues, will be coming out with a new book on organic vegetable gardening next year. The grange program is preceded by a potluck dessert and finger food social half-hour starting at 7 p.m. Suggested donation is $5-$10. For information contact Charlotte Goldman, 385-3455.

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See Mean Bean’s coupon and many more in The Local, inserted in today’s paper.


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T he Pen i nsu la Development District and Resource Conservation and Development, organizations that serve Clallam and Jefferson counties, are combining forces to present a renewable energy panel at a joint work session on Thursday, Oct. 28. The work session is at the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Center in Blyn, in the Red Cedar Room beginning at 1 p.m. The public is invited. Audience questions are taken at the end of the panel presentations. For information, contact 360-582-1234 or

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