10_2016 Voter Guide

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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 • A 13


Time to vote: the choices are yours

County has 439 more registered voters for general than in primary PATRICK J. SULLIVAN PSULLIVAN@PTLEADER.COM Jefferson County always ranks high in Washington state for voter turnout, and it should be no different for the Nov. 8 general election, said Betty Johnson, Jefferson County Auditor’s Office election coordinator. In the presidential election year of 2012, Jefferson County voter turnout was 88.35 percent. In 2008, turnout here reached 91.27 percent. “As far as turnout goes, we are expecting high 80s, low 90s for this election,” Johnson said. People who want to see their vote reflected in the election night returns made public shortly after 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8, the advice is simple: do not wait until that day to cast your ballot. The general election ballots are due Tuesday, Nov. 8,

either postmarked or placed in a dropbox by 8 p.m. Johnson noted that voters who wait until Nov. 8 to mail a ballot (first-class postage required) are encouraged to take it to the post office counter and have it canceled by hand. There is no guarantee a letter dropped into a mail slot on Nov. 8 would be processed with that day’s date, Johnson noted, because of how the postal service routes mail. Jefferson County has issued 24,319 ballots for the Nov. 8 general election, up from 23,880 registered for the August 2016 primary election. Ballots have already been mailed to people in the military, and people living overseas. Additionally, some people have gone to the auditor’s office to request a paper ballot as they intended to be traveling during the weeks leading up to the election. This week, 23,662 ballots are

due to be mailed, according to Sandi Eldridge of the auditor’s office. People who do not receive a ballot in the next few days or who need a replacement ballot should contact the auditor’s office at 385-9119.

certified on Nov. 29. PHONE NUMBER? New this year, the ballot secrecy envelope includes a place for a telephone number next to the signature line (signature is required). A phone number is not required, Johnson noted. Should a ballot be unsigned or mismarked in some manner, the auditor’s staff is required to mail a letter to that voter’s last known address. Should the person not respond to such letter, three days before election certification, elections staff would call. “Sometimes we don’t otherwise have a valid telephone number, so that’s why there is a line for a phone number,” Johnson noted. “It is not required, it just could help us reach that voter if necessary.”

BALLOT RETURN All ballots must be returned or postmarked (first-class postage) by 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 8. Hand-delivered ballots go into drop boxes inside or behind the Jefferson County Courthouse, located at 1820 Jefferson St. in Port Townsend (office hours are 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) or at the Jefferson County Library, 620 Cedar Ave., Port Hadlock. The drop boxes located outside are accessible 24/7 until 8 p.m., Nov. 8. On Election Day, ballots also can be turned in to the auditor’s office between 8:30 STATE VOTERS’ GUIDE The general election bala.m. and 8 p.m. Election results are to be lot is one page, two sided,

and voters are reminded to look at and vote both sides. It’s full of local races, statewide offices and measures, and, of course, the race for president between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. There are six statewide measures (initiatives), two advisory votes and a proposed amendment to the state constitution, which concerns the deadline for completing state legislative and congressional redistricting. Learn more about each measure by viewing the Washington State Voters’ Guide posted on the county auditor’s website, at https://wei.sos.wa.gov/county/jefferson/en/Pages/OnlineVotersGuide.aspx The voter guide also includes statements from state, federal and judicial candidates.

area do not vote in the Jefferson County Public Utility District commissioner race (their electric service comes from Mason County), but do have a voice in a proposed six-year property tax levy requested by Jefferson County Parks and Recreation District 2. ACCESSIBLE VOTING An “accessible voting unit” is available in the hallway outside the auditor’s office beginning Oct. 19. It allows people with hearing or eyesight impairment to vote. People may bring in the ballot that has arrived by mail, or enter the auditor’s office and ask for a replacement ballot.

BEING REGISTERED If you are not registered to vote in Washington State and wish to do so for the general election, you must go to BRINNON PARKS & REC an auditor’s office in person Voters in the Brinnon by Oct. 31.

Senate hopefuls clash on social issues Turissini, Van De Wege seek to replace Hargrove NICHOLAS JOHNSON NICHOLAS.JOHNSON4@GMAIL.COM If elected, the independent GOP candidate looking to replace six-term state Sen. Jim Hargrove says she’ll stay above the fray of party politics. “The best solutions do not come out of political silos,” Danille Turissini of Port Ludlow told about 25 people during an Oct. 4 forum in Port Townsend. Turissini, 58, said she had not planned to run for the open seat until Senate leaders encouraged her, although she made it clear she is beholden to no party. “I’m running to represent a district of diverse people and nations and not a political party or bosses,” said Turissini, a founding member of EDC Team Jefferson and executive director of a leadership program funded by the EDC, Peninsula College and Washington State University. In the two-way August pri-

mary, Turissini received 39.2 percent of the vote districtwide. She received 29.4 percent in Jefferson County. Her opponent for the 24th District seat – Democratic state Rep. Kevin Van De Wege of Sequim – has served five terms in the Legislature, the last three as majority whip, the third-highest-ranked office in House leadership. “Part of my job as being majority whip is I help the freshmen, the new people coming in,” he said, adding that he always stresses the importance of relationships. Danille Turissini of Port Ludlow, campaigning as an independent Republican, is challenging Kevin Van De “The relationships I’ve Wege of Sequim for the 24th District Senate seat being vacated by Jim Hargrove. Photo by Nicholas Johnson been able to build have been “Not everybody might tion that impacts that too large polluters to reduce carenormously helpful in getting agree, but I believe the Port much, it could force it to be- bon emissions in accordance legislation passed.” Townsend mill is important to come no longer profitable and with the state’s Clean Air Act. the structure and community then we have a problem,” he That came after the 2016 LegJOBS, CARBON Van De Wege, 42, has been of Jefferson County,” he said, said, noting, “We’re all very islature rejected Gov. Jay Ina firefighter/paramedic with noting that legislative efforts worried about” Nippon Paper slee’s cap-and-trade proposals. “All the mills have reClallam County Fire District to limit manufacturers’ car- Industries in Port Angeles beally gone off fossil fuels and 3 since 2001. He said his top bon emissions may upset the ing up for sale. Van De Wege acknowl- use much less emissions,” he priority is jobs, particularly “thin” profit margin on which edged new state Department said, noting that he favors family-wage manufacturing they operate. “If there’s carbon legisla- of Ecology rules requiring carbon sequestration, or the jobs with benefits.

capture and long-term storage of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. “If we protect forests here on the Olympic Peninsula, we win. If we use wood products in building, we win. It can really be a win-win for all of us.” Turissini said she would grow jobs by cutting taxes on small businesses and championing legislation to fund vocational training at a level similar to that of the state’s university system. “Right now, vocational training is not funded as much as, say, going to a university,” she said. “Kids are different, and they need to be able to be on a track that meets who they are. There are shortages in truck drivers; there are shortages in all kinds of different things. These are things people are begging for around the district.” Regarding carbon, Turissini said that after learning of the Sierra Club’s opposition, she, too, opposes I-732, which would impose a tax on the sale or use of fossil fuels in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. “They’re against it because of the revenues and the hardSee SENATE, page 17▼

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A 14 • Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

State representative, District 24 Position 1


Mike Chapman

Voter Guide

Position 2

George Vrable

John D. Alger

Steve Tharinger Age: 67

Age: 53

Age: 72

Age: 62

Years as a resident here: Lifelong Washington resident, 20-year Clallam County resident

Years as a resident here: 14 years

Years a resident here: 37 total (born and raised in Aberdeen – 19 years, moved to Sequim in 1998 – 18 years).

Years as an elected public official: Fourterm Clallam County commissioner, elected in 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. Your qualifications: “I have a bachelor’s (organizational management) from Northwest College and masters (leadership & liberal studies) from Duquesne University. Since 1991: police officer/sergeant, U.S. customs inspector and Clallam County commissioner. Served as chair, board of commissioners; chair, board of health; chair, Clallam Transit System; and chair, Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization.”

Years as an elected public official here: None, this is my first time to run for public office. Your qualifications: “At 72 I have a broad background of experience including construction, commercial fishing, the Air Force and over 35 years in the fire service. I retired from the fire department as a battalion chief. I am not a professional politician. I don’t think we need any more of them.”

Years as public official here: None. This is my first request to serve.

Years as a resident here: 38 Years as an elected public official here: “12 years as a Clallam County Commissioner. 6 years as a Representative for the 24th LD”

Your qualifications: “Olympic Peninsula resident for 37 years. USAF member 22 years, serving in locations in Asia, Europe, South Pacific, and Central America. Supervised hundreds of people, managed scores of millions of dollars in resources, and solved complex national security problems, all while leading teams of diverse backgrounds and expertise.”

Your qualifications: “I have over 25 years of experience successfully working on issues from health care to the environment for the people of the Olympic Peninsula.”

“Washington has made progress in fulfilling McCleary by investing another $4.8 billion into K-12 since 2011. Next year’s Legislature will solve the remaining funding gap most likely by reducing the over reliance on local levies and finding new sources of revenue. I look forward to serving as a member of the Legislature that finally fulfills the state’s constitutional duty to fully fund basic education.”

“I have not been in the Legislature and cannot answer for that failure. I intend to advocate that K thru 12 education be first in line for funding. I understand that many politicians do not like to prioritize funding. To pay for it I will advocate a more aggressive equalization of the state K-12 levy portion of property taxes. A flatter K-12 levy will be beneficial to the poorer school districts.”

“The same chronic lack of action by the legislature that brought the McCleary case before the court in the first place is behind their continuing failure to comply. The legislature allowed daily issues to overshadow their constitutional responsibility. Monies for education were diverted to other programs/services and our children suffer.”

“The legislature has work to improve the states education system putting over $4B toward K-12 and Early Learning program even during the recession. The final piece is to equalize funding across the 295 school districts in the state, which will happen this session.”

2) The Irondale/Port Hadlock Urban Growth Area sewer project is on hold due to lack of funding. For economic, environmental and affordable-housing reasons, it’s considered a priority in Jefferson County. What can the state do to speed this project along?

“Clallam County funded a new sewer in Carlsborg by obtaining a low-interest loan from the Public Works Trust Fund. We are also using Opportunity Fund dollars we receive from the State for public infrastructure projects. I will oppose efforts to raid the Public Works Trust Fund for other budgetary needs. I also support maintaining the Opportunity Fund rural counties rely upon to fund public infrastructure investments.”

“I will work with the county commissioners to raise state funding and I will work on behalf of Jefferson County to seek federal funding.”

“This much needed project has drug on too long and too much has been spent without visible result. As your representative, I would work to get the county commissioners and the State Public Works Board in the same room to hammer out required funding through the state construction budget.”

“The challenge is the the sewer system is expensive and the tax base is low for the area. State and federal assistance will be necessary. The best state program for this effort is the Public Works Trust fund, but the Republican majority in the Senate uses the trust account to balance its budget. As Capital Budget Chair in the house I have been trying to maintain the fund and will continue to do so.”

3) What two committee assignments would fit your expertise and best serve 24th District residents?

“Agriculture/Natural Resources and Transportation Committees.”

“House Public Safety Committee, House Transportation Committee.”

“Labor and Workplace Standards & Business and Financial Services. Both fit for the same reason; our communities, families, friends, and neighbors need jobs. Unemployment figures for our District are shameful and they’re not getting better. Membership on these committees positions me to help bring jobs home to the 24th District.”

“I sit on three committees that are important to the 24th LD; Chair of the Capital Budget, Health and Wellness, Appropriations.”

4) On the campaign trail, what is the most common thing you’ve heard from voters?

“The top issues facing the 24th Legislative District are fully funding basic education with increased employment and income growth. I will work hard to see that good paying jobs with benefits and retirement security can flourish. When we fully fund our educational system we can begin to build an economy where everyone can achieve their full potential and find or create living wage jobs.”

“So many of the people of our District have suffered from years of neglect from the elite in Seattle and Olympia. Our people need jobs. Some of our founding fathers served in public office in the early years of our Republic. They did not consider themselves politicians. They thought of themselves as citizens serving the public. I do not think I need to be a polished politician to be a good representative for the people of our District. I will stand firm against some of the nonsense that has been going on in our Capitol.”

“We’re too heavily taxed and over regulated! The current legislature is not doing its job. We want it fixed! And everyone is totally underwhelmed with both candidates at the top of the national ticket.”

“The most pressing issue on voters minds is school funding which we will complete this session by adjusting local levies and the state property tax, along with additional revenue from a capital gains tax and closing tax loop holes.”





1) Why has the Legislature failed to comply with the state Supreme Court’s McCleary decision ordering an increase in school funding?

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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 • A 15

County commissioner, District 1


Kate Dean

Voter Guide

Tim Thomas Age: 46

Age: 42 Years as a resident here: 17

Years as a resident here: 43

Years as an elected public official here: 0

Years as an elected public official here: 0

Your qualifications: “I manage a Council of Governments on the North Olympic Peninsula and work with nearly every level government to support economic development projects throughout the region. I know Jefferson County’s issues, the players, what works and what doesn’t, and will be able to hit the ground running.”

Your qualifications: “My 25-year career building local infrastructure and navigating state and county environmental requirements will be critical to creating economic development and affordable housing, especially in Districts 2 & 3. I have devoted over 8,000 hours consulting on wastewater and land use management with multiple state and local agencies.”

1) There is consensus that without a sewer system, the Irondale/Port Hadlock Urban Growth Area won’t meet housing or business needs. What should the county do to move this project forward?

“The county must commit to a timeline and action plan to secure funding through many sources: the state capital budget and Public Works Trust Fund, federal and state grants. Additionally, they must work with Tri-Area residents and businesses to generate support for the project. This means working together to identify funding for hook-ups and ongoing costs, including potential assessments that are fair and feasible.”

“A blended approach will allow us to complete the project in a reasonable time without a huge financial burden on the public (1) A business district sewer funded by a combinations of grants, with contributions from local business partners. Phase (2) will be a residential section (enabling high-density housing), funded by tax receipts from newer employers.”

2) Personnel costs are the greatest part of the county’s budget. Would you consider conducting union contract negotiations in public, as allowed by state law? Why or why not?

“I have enormous respect for workers’ rights and how hard organized labor has fought for them. County staffing is 10 percent below pre-recession levels and pay increases have not kept up with inflation. Fairly compensating hard-working staff is my priority. Unless the bargaining process is not working, I see no reason to negotiate in public. State law exempts collective bargaining from the open public meetings act.”

“Most employees prefer to discuss their employment benefits privately with their employers, we should extend the same respect to our county employees.”

3) The City of Port Townsend is to consider zoning changes promoting economic development and affordable housing. Should the county consider relaxing certain zoning to accommodate growth?

“The county needs good planning to direct where and what kind of growth will occur, and weigh impacts to the economy, the environment and quality of life. I support flexible regulations within well-defined zoning. For example, clustering development to maintain open space or permitting tiny houses with increased density to promote affordability.”

“To promote growth we need to grant permits to developers for the construction of higher-density housing options within and next to Port Townsend, since it is currently the only place with sewer access. As we increase the infrastructure in Glen Cove, Hadlock and Quilcene we will be able to provide more affordable housing options.”

4) On the campaign trail, what is the most common thing you’ve heard from voters?

“What does a county commissioner do? How can we grow more living-wage jobs here?”

“A common frustration people express is that residents of District 2 and 3 have been forgotten and tax funds divert disproportionately into District 1. The lack of a sewer in District 2 and safe drinking water in District 3 are long standing problems that should only exist in 3rd world countries. Affordable sewer, access to safe water & housing will be my top priorities.”

Public Utility District commissioner, District 1


Barney Burke

Jeff Randall

Age: 61

Voter Guide

Age: 49 (50 as of Oct. 20, 2016)

Years as a resident here: 16

Years as a resident here: 19

Years as an elected public official here: 7

Years as an elected public official here: This would be my first elected position.

Your qualifications: Seven years’ experience overseeing local and regional power utilities. I’m a strategic thinker who consistently stands up for the public interest. I have the 20 to 30 hours a week the job requires and no conflicts of interest. Twenty-year career, planning and economic development. Master’s in planning, University of Michigan.

Your qualifications: “My 10 years in the energy sector, my 13 years as a city and county land-use planner, my background as an attorney and mediator, and my record of community engagement demonstrate my ability to provide the vision, leadership and cooperative effort necessary to guide our PUD toward a bright future.”

“In a heartbeat. As JFK said, ‘We don’t do these things because they are easy, we do them because they are hard.’ I helped deliver affordable, carbon-free power, more than 30 living-wage jobs (our apprentice linemen graduated from Chimacum and Quilcene) and local control of our grid. This was the vision of Prop 1.”

“In the long run, I think our PUD’s purchase of PSE’s assets will be considered a good decision, one that makes our county stronger. In the near term, we have a lot of work to do to transform our PUD into a successful organization. My skill set can help.”

2) What do the failed state financial audits say about PUD management?

“Insufficient finance staffing; new position of controller, assisting CFO, was added in 2016. The PUD must continue improving its procedures and ensure that staff has adequate training on financial operations. The concerns I raised in 2012 about our financial software were valid. As the auditor noted, that software (upgraded in 2011) was not adequate for an electric utility with USDA funding; it was replaced in 2014.”

“Our PUD commissioners are supposed to hold the PUD management accountable for performance. The failed audits, revolving door on finance managers (five in four years), and failure to adopt balanced budgets are not acceptable. I understand government, business and budgets. If elected, I would provide management staff the proper resources to do the job, then hold them accountable for performance.”

3) What is the most important factor to consider when the PUD decides rate increases?

“The obvious factor is sufficient revenue, but the most important – strategic – factor is encouraging conservation (with a low base fee and tiered consumption rates). Conservation is the most cost-effective way to meet load growth and reduce carbon. Rates must be fair, and offer low-income customers a break.”

“Fairness. Our PUD commissioners are considering rate increases that impact our public schools and homeowners more than other customers. We need balanced budgets, but I believe all rate classes should share increases.”

4) On the campaign trail, what is the most common thing you’ve heard from voters?

“We’re supporting you! (Reasons: We like the PUD, staff, service are great, local apprentices, zero carbon, Barney’s a trustworthy, effective commissioner who refuses to accept campaign contributions.)”

“Voters want a change of leadership. They are disappointed with the lack of financial accountability, the lack of assistance for low-income customers, the proposed rate increases for schools, and the inability of the current commissioners to collaborate. Voters are excited to hear I will bring new energy and a practical problem-solving spirit to our PUD.”

events & activities

1) If the PUD commission voted today, would you endorse the PUD’s purchase of the electric system from Puget Sound Energy?


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A 16 • Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Tharinger, Alger diverge on how to pay for education Legislative candidates spar in PT forum NICHOLAS JOHNSON NICHOLAS.JOHNSON4@GMAIL.COM All that’s left is the how – how does the state pay the ongoing cost of providing every child in this state a basic education? That’s the top question facing the 2017 Legislature and a primary sticking point between two men running to represent residents of the Olympic Peninsula. Democratic Rep. Steve Tharinger and independent Republican John D. Alger, both of Sequim, told about 25 people during an Oct. 4 forum in Port Townsend that reliance on local tax levies to pay for teachers and school supplies is unconstitutional and disproportionately benefits property-rich school districts. Each said they would like to see those levies reduced and equalized, but they diverged on how the state would pay for salaries and supplies. According to the state Supreme Court’s 2012 McCleary ruling, that’s its

“paramount duty” under the state constitution. The court ruled Oct. 6 it would not lift its $100,000-per-day contempt fine against the state, which now totals about $42 million. It also told lawmakers to provide a plan by the end of the 2017 session on how the state would pay for education and be prepared to implement that plan Sept. 1, 2018. “Funding K-12 is the number-one thing we’re supposed to be doing, and the Legislature has not been doing that,” said Alger, 62, who spent 22 years in the U.S. Air Force and has a master’s degree in theology. “They’ve been chronically underfunding education.” So far, lawmakers have increased education funding by more than $4.5 billion – with about $2.3 billion addressing all-day kindergarten, classsize reductions and school supplies. “We’ve got to solve the rest of the problem this session,” said incumbent Tharinger,

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John D. Alger of Sequim is campaigning for state representative as an independent Republican. Photos by Nicholas Johnson

67, who suggested reducing local levies and increasing the state property tax. “That problem is about a $3.2 billion ongoing [per biennium] cost to provide equity among the 295 school districts. There’s going to be additional dollars needed. I think one of the things that’s most realistic is a capital gains tax, closing some tax loopholes and maybe pulling in the B&O tax.” Alger, however, said increasing taxes should not be necessary. “The revenue forecast for this biennium is a 12.2 percent increase over last, and the next biennium, they’re predicting 6.9 percent,” he said. “With the additional funding that’s projected, I don’t think we’re going to have to raise taxes.” Tharinger cautioned against reliance on what may be a short-lived bump in tax monies. He noted thirdquarter revenues were up $330,000 above projections. “When you’re talking $3.2 billion on an ongoing basis, that’s not a lot of money,” he said. “Depending on a 9 percent bump that’s happening right now is just not a good way to write a budget.” During the Oct. 4 forum, Tharinger and Alger also disagreed on the idea of a carbon tax, public financing of political campaigns and the necessity of state debt. The two agreed on automatic voter registration as well as Initiative 735, which would urge the state’s congressional delegation to propose a federal constitutional amendment that would effectively overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision by clarifying that constitutional rights belong to people rather than corporations and that campaign spending is not free speech. ELECTIONS, RECORDS Both said they would support ratification of such an amendment if approved in Congress, although Alger said he’s concerned it would only limit corporate spending. “The way I read the literature, it’s left open that associations and clubs and PACs and unions will continue to exist,” he said. “If we’re going to cut one from contributing, we cut all and we say the only

State 24th District Rep. Steve Tharinger, D, Sequim, speaks to an audience of about 25 people during an Oct. 4 candidate forum at the Port Townsend Community Center.


Voter Guide ones who can contribute are individuals. I like that idea a lot.” Tharinger blamed the media, saying the billions of dollars spent to influence this year’s elections could be better spent. “The media creates a conflicting environment so they can sell more media, so they can generate more dollars,” he said. “I think it’s a conflict of interest. There’s a whole industry that’s developed around campaigning. I think the process is alienating people. It’s not healthy.” Tharinger said he would like to see the campaign

“We’ve got to solve the rest of the problem this session.” Steve Tharinger 24TH DISTRICT, POSITION 2 REPRESENTATIVE

season shortened and would support public financing of campaigns. Alger said he’s leaning away from that idea. “I’m not at a point where I couldn’t be convinced it’s a good idea,” he said. “I don’t like the idea of my tax dollars being provided to somebody whose campaign I wouldn’t have supported on my own.” Regarding public records disclosure, Tharinger said the state’s Public Records Act has become a burden to local governments. “Your county is a good example of where one individual uses that not in the public interest, but to basically disrupt government,” he said. “I think we need to find a balance between the public’s right to know and a more sane, commonsense way to manage it.” As long as it’s not classified, Alger said, government records should be available to the public. “I had a top-secret codeword clearance when I was in the military, so I know there

are certain things you can’t talk about,” he said, “but other than those things that are actually classified, I don’t have any problem with transparency at all.” CLIMATE CHANGE Both said climate change is real and requires action. Tharinger said he and former state Rep. Dave Upthegrove unsuccessfully worked on a carbon tax plan a few years ago that would have helped upgrade the state’s transportation system. “I am in favor of a carbon tax,” he said, noting that transportation represents 40 percent of the state’s carbon footprint. “I-732 in my view is too complex. When you start getting earned-income credits and other things that tie into that carbon policy, you’re getting away from using the dollars to really address the issue.” I-732 would impose a tax on the sale or use of fossil fuels in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. Alger said transportation – or Seattle-area traffic – is actually second to forest fires and wildfires in carbon emissions. “If we can engage more hotshot crews and put them out immediately, then you’re going to reduce carbon emission,” he said, adding that it currently takes too long to put out fires. “We can do thinning of timber so that if a fire begins, it stays on the ground where it can be fought, rather that jumping to the crown of the trees and running. That, too, will reduce the carbon because it can be put out immediately.” BUDGET, JOBS Since Tharinger first took office six years ago, state spending has increased 30 percent and the debt has risen from $15 billion to $82 billion, Alger said. Considering that, he said, he doesn’t understand why state agencies have been operating at reduced levels. “While the budget has in-

creased, so has the debt, so it wouldn’t make sense to me that you’d have this and that simultaneously,” he said. Tharinger said the recession caused cuts to operating expenses. The debt, he said, comes from capital investments, such as selling bonds. “Right now, money is probably as cheap as it’s ever been in my lifetime,” he said. “If you look at our infrastructure needs, now is the time to be selling bonds and borrowing money to make those investments, whether it’s ports, roads, bridges or schools.” Alger agreed that now is the time to invest, but said the debt is still too great. Alger, who called job creation his top priority, said unemployment in the 24th District is “abysmal” and “should make you sad. “We’ve got to bring jobs here,” he said. “I’d like to offer the same kinds of incentives that we’ve offered to Boeing across the water to bring industry in.” In the two-way August primary, Alger received 39.1 percent of the vote district wide. He received 28.1 percent in Jefferson County. Tharinger credited the relationships he’s built in the state Legislature for

“With the additional funding that’s projected, I don’t think we’re going to have to raise taxes.” John D. Alger 24TH DISTRICT, POSITION 2 CANDIDATE

his successes. At the outset of the Oct. 4 forum, Alger praised Tharinger for urging a concerned constituent who called into a radio show on which the two candidates appeared together to contact him further and stay in touch. “That’s exactly what we need in a representative,” Alger said sincerely, evoking laughter from the audience. “And I’m telling you, I would have done the same thing.” In response, Tharinger said, “Thanks, John.”

Mike Chapman is a 4-term Clallam County Commissioner seeking the position of State Representative for the 24th Legislative District. Endorsed by: Jefferson County Democrats, Clallam County Democrats, former State Representative Lynn Kessler, Grays Harbor Democrats, 24th Legislative District Democrats, and many Olympic Peninsula residents.

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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 • A 17

Senate: Candidates showcase differences

pro-life, but this is a different issue. This is about how the state spends our revenue. I don’t think they [Planned Parenthood] need it anymore. I would say the same thing if it was DIFFERENCES During the Oct. 4 forum, Little Sisters of the Poor, the candidates primarily di- honestly.” Van De Wege said he verged on social issues, such as gay rights, right-to-work laws supports state funding for and state funding for women’s Planned Parenthood, which ▼Continued from page 17

ship it’s going to put on the budget and the state when we have so many other things to cover,” she said.

he said provides “important services. “Oftentimes their clientele are low-income, and I would fear that if we cut funding for Planned Parenthood, those services may be lost and there might be no access,” he said. Right-to-work laws are on the books in 26 states and allow workers to choose whether

Senate, District 24 reproductive services. “I support Planned Parenthood’s right to exist, but I


Voter Guide don’t think they need public funding,” said Turissini, adding that the state pays the nonprofit some $58 million per biennium for essentially one unique service – abortion. “Most people know I’m

Danille Turissini

Kevin Van De Wege

Age: 58

Age: 42

Years as a resident here: 15 years

Years as a resident here: 15

Years as an elected public official here: None

Years as an elected public official here: 10 as state representative

Your qualifications: “Thirty-two years public policy experience; former journalist; public, media relations’ consultant; 2006: Session aide for WA State House; local, regional economic development; e.g., a founding member, EDC Team Jefferson; 2008-11: Director, PEAK Leadership Program; 2013-16: Trained 1,000-plus Washingtonians in how to navigate Olympia: legislative process, campus, relationships; personal life experiences.”

Your qualifications: “I have spent the past five terms in the House working with colleagues and building relationships that have benefited our district through cooperation and funding. For the past six years, I have served as the Majority Whip, a position critical to passing legislation on job creation and government accountability.”

1) Why has the Legislature failed to comply with the state Supreme Court’s McCleary decision ordering an increase in school funding?

“The Legislature has failed to comply because its priorities are wrong. Rather than focus on its paramount duty to fund education, for the past 10 years, it has focused too much attention and wasted the state’s time and resources on whatever the majority party deems its best ‘special’ interest.”

“The state has made progress on McCleary. We have passed policy to establish a framework for success and have put over $3 billion of new dollars into education. We have more work to do and must push through the partisan politics to find new revenue. This means making tough decisions, something I have proven capable of completing.”

2) The Irondale/Port Hadlock Urban Growth Area sewer project is on hold due to lack of funding. For economic, environmental and affordablehousing reasons, it’s considered a priority in Jefferson County. What can the state do to speed this project along?

“I live in East Jefferson and am very familiar with the Hadlock Urban Growth Area sewer project. As a state senator, I would make this a priority and work with county commissioners to get state funding and help them lobby for the federal funding needed to get this thing done.”

“The state needs to fund the accounts that allow local governments to make low-interest loans against. During the recession this funding stopped. Local governments need it to fund projects like sewer. The state can look at putting capital budget dollars (bond money) into this project.”

3) What two committee assignments would fit your expertise and best serve 24th District residents?

“Human Services, Mental Health & Housing – Both my professional and personal experience would lend itself to this position. Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development.”

“Natural resources – many of our economies are based off timber and plenty of constituents enjoy the beauty natural resources provide. Healthcare – access, costs, providers, and plans are always an important issue on the Olympic Peninsula.”

4) On the campaign trail, what is the most common thing you’ve heard from voters?


“People do not feel like the state is working for them. The number one issue I hear is issues, concerns don’t really matter if legislators aren’t willing to work together. People are ‘sick and tired’ of the partisan party politics in Olympia. They want to be heard, not herded.”

“Concerns about public education; funding and how we are going to come up with court-ordered new money; testing and how we are going to ensure children are ready for a global economy while at the same time enabling schools to teach to all children despite ability, social and economic factors, and the goals of the student.”

Barney Burke to Jefferson PUD

or not to join a labor union. “I think there should be choices,” Turissini said in support of such laws. “It has the sole goal of watering down unions and breaking them and defunding them,” Van De Wege said. “We have not passed anything similar to that in Washington and it will be my goal to keep it that way.” Asked if she supports gay rights, Turissini said yes, but considering the case of Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, Washington, she also supports the rights of smallbusiness owners. “I support gay rights,” she said. “I also support the rights of small-business owners. I think they should be able to make decisions that are according to their conscience and not be penalized for that.” The owner of Arlene’s Flowers declined to make flower arrangements for a same-sex couple’s wedding because she said such a wedding is inconsistent with her Christian faith. State Attorney General Bob Ferguson and the American Civil Liberties Union have filed lawsuits. “She felt like it violated her faith,” Turissini said. “It’s the equivalent of somebody going into a Jewish deli and telling them that they must serve them pork or for a pacifist Web master being asked to do a website on assault weapons.” Van De Wege said this is a case of refusing service based on faith and lifestyle. “I think every business should have the right to refuse service for somebody that is acting belligerent – a no shirt, no shoes, no service kind of thing,” he said. “But to refuse service based on the way somebody lives, the color of their skin, their religion is wrong in this country.” FUZZY AREAS The candidates did not

disagree but offered differing rationales on several issues, such as gun rights, salmon hatcheries, education funding and campaign financing. Both, however, could agree on automatic voter registration and the need for a state voting rights act. On gun control, Attorney General Ferguson in September said he would ask the 2017 Legislature to ban semiautomatic weapons with military-style features and high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. “I do not personally believe that inanimate objects are responsible for death,” Turissini said. “When I think about it pragmatically and practically, people use Crockpots and knives.” She said Ferguson’s proposal would also ban the use of a laser on a handgun. “I think it’s really flawed and I don’t think it really solves the problem,” she said. Van De Wege agreed, saying the proposal likely would not be effective. “People do bad things with guns because they have a mental illness I think almost all the time,” he said. Van De Wege said he supports Initiative 1491 – known as the extreme-risk protection orders initiative – which would allow people to petition a court to temporarily suspend a person’s access to firearms. “I have alienated a lot of gun rights advocates with that support, but I believe we’re going to have the most progress and the best results if we can keep guns out of the hands of those that have a mental illness,” he said. Asked if they support hatcheries in recovering salmon runs, Turissini bemoaned farmed fish based on her time working with Sound Experience on the schooner Adventuress. “They really impressed

upon me that farmed fish are mutants,” she said. “I know there’s a place for it and I wouldn’t want to say outlaw it, but I don’t know that it’s the best thing for you.” Van De Wege said he, too, opposes farmed fish, but supports hatcheries. “The only type of farm fishing I would support would be upland, and then I think there has to be a lot of things in place to make sure that the water that’s returned is not polluted,” he said, noting that the state, tribes and federal government run the hatcheries well and should continue doing so to increase runs. Regarding education funding per the state Supreme Court’s 2012 McCleary ruling, both said cutting tax exemptions could free up money. Turissini suggested budget cuts could cover the cost. “I’m convinced there are things we’re paying for in the state Legislature that we just kind of write checks to by default,” she said. “We need to assess all these different things.” On campaign finance, Van De Wege said he supports I-735, which would urge the state’s congressional delegation to propose a federal constitutional amendment clarifying that constitutional rights belong to people rather than corporations and campaign spending is not free speech. Turissini said she has mixed feelings, but is leaning toward support. “I had always been led to believe that it [Citizens United] only applies to corporations, which I thought was very out of balance,” she said, noting that she equally concerned by unions and political organizations influencing elections. “I discovered today that it applies to unions as well, so that kind of pushed me over a little bit closer to being in support of this.”

giving back your freedom and mobility

Jefferson Healthcare Free Orthopedic Health Seminar: Degenerative Joint Pain, an Orthopaedic Perspective November 2, 2016, 4 pm – 5:30 pm Port Ludlow Bay Club, Spinnaker Road An ailing knee can reduce your ability to do the activities you enjoy. Meet Jefferson Healthcare’s new orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Edward Eissmann to learn about treatment options to manage pain and evaluate what works best for you. Joining Dr. Eissmann is Mitzi Hazard, DPT, Physical Therapist who will present on our total joint replacement program and the full array of physical therapy services to keep your joints healthy. Stay afterwards for some light refreshments and time to speak directly with Dr. Eissmann and Mitzi Hazard. Dr. Edward Eissmann, FACOS, and Dr. Paul Naumann will be joining the new and expanding orthopedic clinic, led by Dr. John Osland, and Physician Assistants Gretchen Wambach and Jodi Stickler-Ivie.

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A 18 • Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Expand: Customers continue to be asked for input ▼Continued from page 1

“I think a lot of members are going to be relieved and pleased. They like where we are and who we are, and don’t want us to change a lot.”

square feet of space. “Right now, we’re at the stage of ‘What can we do?’ and ‘How can we look at it differently?’ and ‘Will those ideas pencil out?’” Eaton noted. In addition, Eaton said, the plan is to invest in new energy-efficient equipment. “Some of it was used when we moved here in 2000,” she said of a refrigerator, fondly referred to as “the chill,” in which dairy products are kept.

CUSTOMER OUTREACH The co-op plans to continue to communicate with customers and keep getting their feedback before any decisions are made, Eaton said. Co-op members were told about crowding issues in 2015 and that a survey revealed the advantages of the current location over building a new facility. To continue with that communication, Eaton said, there would be more outreach efforts. “We’ll have an online outlet, and we’ll be communicating in the store with signs and letting people know what we’re up to and develop a forum for member feedback,” she said. Co-op members are welcome – and urged – to come to board meetings, which take place at 5:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of every month at 2110 Lawrence St. in Port Townsend. “I also want to be sure people are comfortable


In addition to more space for shopping at the Food Co-op, new, more energy-efficient equipment is being planned for the future. Co-op members could be asked to approve the expansion plans if those plans cost $1.5 million or more. Photo by Allison Arthur

coming to me,” Eaton said. There is to be an online survey at the end of October Kenna Eaton that a randomly selected group of about half of the current members is to be asked to take. There currently are 6,500 active members of the Some of the employees of the Port Townsend Food Co-op, including Roarke Jennings, a stocker, currently co-op. That’s more than triwork under a tent in the back of the co-op. To continue to operate at its existing site, there’s talk of expanding ple the number of members the store by roughly 2,500 square feet in an effort to improve the shopping experience for customers and who were active in 2000, workspace for staff. Photo by Allison Arthur when the co-op moved from


Kate Dean

Kevin Van De Wege

County Commissioner

State Senator

David W. Sullivan

County Commissioner

Mike Chapman


YES on I-1433

Increase minimum wage, sick leave

NO on I-1464

State Representative

Campaign finance reform

Steve Tharinger

YES on I-1491

State Representative

Extreme risk protection orders

YES on I-1501

Protection of vulnerable persons


YES on I-735

Jay Inslee

Get big money out of politics

Cyrus Habib

Advisory Vote 14

Tina Podlodowski

Advisory Vote 15



Lieutenant Governor


Hillary Clinton/ Tim Kaine

President/Vice President

Patty Murray

United States Senator

Derek Kilmer

US Representative


Secretary of State


Duane Davidson

Amendment to the State Constitution SJR 8210

State Treasurer

Pat McCarthy


Bob Ferguson

State Supreme Court Justice

Hilary Franz

State Supreme Court Justice

Chris Reykdal

State Supreme Court Justice

Mary Yu

State Auditor

Barbara Madsen

Attorney General

Charles Wiggins

Commissioner of Public Lands Superintendent of Public Instruction

Mike Kreidler

Insurance Commissioner

To learn about ALL the ballot items go to jeffcodemocrats.com


VOTE November 8

Your ballot must be postmarked by Drop-off Ballot Box Locations: • Jefferson County Library, Port Hadlock • County Courthouse, back parking lot, PT • Auditor’s Office, County Courthouse, PT

FROM 40 TO 95 There are 127 local vendors, including 47 local farmers and 80 local producers, supplying the store with products, according to a co-op press release. The co-op has 95 employees. It had 40 employees in 2000. Eaton said any project would be put out to bid and likely start in the early part of 2017. For more information and updates, which are to start this week, visit foodcoop.coop.

Spay, neuter clinic a success


its storefront on Lawrence Street to what had been the Key City Lanes bowling alley. The co-op borrowed $320,000 from outside lenders, and members contributed another $300,000 to make the move. Today, Food Co-op sales for 2016 are anticipated to be more than $14 million.

VOTE EARLY! Once you vote, we can take you off our call list.

If you drop your ballot in the mail, do it before the last pickup or it won’t be postmarked on November 8.

Follow the directions. Remember to sign the outer envelope. Remember to mark both sides. Provide a number so the Auditor can call you if they need to. Your number will not become public.

info@jeffcodemocrats.com • Like us on Facebook Paid for by Jefferson County Democrats | P.O. Box 85 Port Townsend, WA 98368

Next low-cost event set for Oct. 26 in Quilcene Thirty-six dogs and cats now have a better life and won’t be repopulating the local area with more cats and dogs, thanks to a low-cost spay and neuter clinic offered recently by Center Valley Animal Rescue (CVAR), Spay to Save and Olympic Mountain Pet Pals. “It was an exciting day,” said Sara Penhallegon, CVAR director, in a press release. “The immediate response and the number of dogs and cats we reached proved that this clinic was definitely needed.” The clinic was held at CVAR’s new clinic in Quilcene, and the Port Angeles–based Spay to Save brought down its mobile clinic to increase the clinic’s capacity for spaying and neutering the animals. Between Dr. Robert Nathan, operating inside CVAR, and Dr. Karen Mueller, operating in the mobile clinic, 36 animals were given a new lease on life and a chance to live longer, healthier lives. Numerous volunteers from all three organizations helped throughout the day. CVAR has pledged to do more low-cost clinics – for spaying and neutering, microchipping animals and administering routine vaccines – and plans to do one clinic per month. The next spay and neuter clinic is to be on Oct. 26. For more information or to make an appointment for the next clinic, call CVAR at 360765-0598 and leave a message for Penhallegon.

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