2016 Graduation

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A 10 • Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

The members of the Port Townsend High School Class of 2016 gathered June 8 in the gym for a class photo. Pictured are (from left, front row) Sadie Palatnick, Lillian Kelly, Camilla Costa Goetz, Rachel Marx, Elli Coupe, Bethany Goodenough, Mysti Willmon, Samantha Smith, Hannah Hooten, Kaleigh Adams, Emily Slough, Fruini Rubio; (second row) Reilly Berkshire, Diana Bond, Camille Ottaway, Abigail Clemons, Samantha Young, Laure Mounts, Bryce Van Leuven, Jackson Schott, Jack Pickard, Lorraine Krissy Schmucker, Sinai Lopez, Emily Harrenstein, Katie Jennings, Alexandria Norvell, Kassie Olin, Alycia Myers; (third row) Chloe Rogers, Tyler Manthe, Bennet Fischer, Wesley Wheeler, Shenoa Snyder, Noah Falge, Miguel Salguero, Ezekiel Whitney, Tristan Minnihan, Corbin Simmons-Reimnitz, David Hoglund, Koby Weidner, Cody Morgan-Erfle, Calvin Leckenby, Josef Hoffmann, Clarice Forbes, Zarah Smith; (fourth row) Ella Becker, Mitchell Morris, Austin Khile, Matthew Widmer, Austin Widmer, Oliver Parish, Elijah Fenter, Alexander Genaw, Andrew Coulson, Steven Riepe, Zephyr Petrick, Elijah Maxwell, Alexandar Brown, Jacob Ralls, Keegan Khile, David Su’a, Jake Vande Griend, Aija Thomas; (back row) Greta Gamble, Chase Gardner, Zachary Judd, Patrick Charlton, Vincent Noirhomme, Tristan Barnes, Lucas Foster, Benjamin Cundiff, Thierry Williamson, Benjamin Rolland, Ellis Henderson, Jack Doyle, James Groves Moore, Sean Wall, Sean Westlund, Brett Lawrence, Sebastian Thomas-Anderson, Ezra Easley, Morgan Chaffee. Photo by Nicholas Johnson

PT grads ready to change the world Class of 2016 enters ‘a world tearing itself apart’

decorated state-tournament wrestler in school history, tore off her gown and delivered a speech while wearing her wrestling singlet, shoes and graduation cap. “My mother always told NICHOLAS JOHNSON me, ‘Don’t ever let anyone LEADER STAFF tell you you can’t do something,’” she said in describPort Townsend’s Class ing how her mother inspired of 2016 is ready to make its her to face her fears, public mark on the world, “bring- speaking being one of them. ing beauty and brightness “Yes, failure is frightening, Clarice Forbes (left) and Diana Bond, with Jackson Schott on piano, perform “Belle nuit, o nuit d’amour” as their classmates shine light from their wherever we go.” but don’t let the possibil- cell phones June 10. Photos by Nicholas Johnson Salutatorian Clarice Forbes foreshadowed the challenges she and her classmates stand to inherit. “We are exiting high school and entering into a world tearing itself apart: the waters are rising, tensions are mounting between nations, and our country has such an unclear political future,” she said. Nearly 80 graduates – each donning a customdecorated cap and, for the first time in the school’s history, their choice of a red or white gown – gathered June 10 at McCurdy Pavilion to celebrate each other and recognize their respective duties to make the world a better place. “Society has given us our education; now it’s time for us to give back to society,” Valedictorian David HoPatrick Charlton, with help from Brett Lawrence on piano, performs “Common Ground” by Alasdair Fraser glund said. “Be women and during graduation June 10. men of action. We didn’t spend the last 13 years of our lives studying just to Stevie Riepe and Koby Weidner embrace before accepting their diplomas be able to take tests and June 10 at McCurdy Pavilion. get good grades. Our learnPokémon. ing is meant to be applied ity of defeat keep you from “This world needs some in the real world, so let’s winning the most valuable help and we are just the make our teachers, mentors prize of all: happiness.” Class speaker Stevie crew to do it,” Riepe told and parents proud by using his classmates, saying that our knowledge to better the Riepe said he would miss unlike some he’s not after hearing his classmates world.” fame and riches. “I’m going Kassie Olin and Lucas chant his name for no rea- to change the world. I don’t Foster opened the ceremo- son, which was promptly know how it will happen, ny with bad jokes, light rib- followed by a united chant but I am going to change bings and a made-you-look. of “Stevie, Stevie, Stevie.” “I love you more than the world.” Musical performances came milk,” Riepe said of his from Diana Bond, Clarice classmates. “I love you Forbes and Jackson Schott; RIGHT: Port Townsend graduates Patrick Charlton and Brett more than soccer; I love you line up outside the chapel at Lawrence; and Emily more than acting; I love you Fort Worden June 10 before Harrenstein and Tristan more than Naruto; I love marching through the Centennial you more than superheroes; Rhododendron Garden to McCurdy Minnihan. Chloe Rogers, the most I even love you more than Pavilion.

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 • A 11

Scholarships send PTHS seniors off to school Graduating students in Port Townsend High School’s Class of 2016 and their local scholarships and awards, along with their prospective college or university choice, current as of June 9, are: KALEIGH ADAMS Washington State Opportunity Scholarship. Attending Washington State University.

tending Northwest College of Arts and Design. CLARICE FORBES PT High School Scholarship Foundation Scholarship, UWF/AAUW STEM Award for Science. Attending University of Washington.

DAVID HOGLUND PT High School Scholarship Foundation Scholarship, Thea Foss No. 45 ELLA BECKER Daughters of Norway ScholMacalester College De- arship, East Jefferson ChapWitt Wallace Distinguished ter of Puget Sound Anglers Scholarship. Attending Ma- Scholarship, PTHS Alumni calester College. Association Scholarship, Elks National Foundation REILLY BERKSHIRE Legacy Award. Attending Friends of the Arts Schol- Purdue University. arship. Attending Western KATIE JENNINGS Washington University. Pacific Lutheran UniALEXANDAR BROWN versity Merit Scholarship. PTHS Alumni Asso- Attending Pacific Lutheran ciation Scholarship, Win- University. dermere Port Townsend Realty Scholarship, Grace LILLIAN KELLY Rhododendron Festival Lutheran Church Scholarship, Scottish Rite of Free- Royalty Scholarship, Past masonry Bremerton Valley Rhododendron Festival RoyScholarship, Seattle Pacific alty Award. University Dean’s Scholarship. Attending Seattle Pa- TYLER MANTHE cific University. Oregon Out of State Opportunity Scholarship. AtMORGAN CHAFFEE tending Portland State PEO Chapter FF-WA University. School Supplies Award, Rhododendron Festival Royalty TANNER MATTHEW Cornish College of the Scholarship, Discover Idaho Scholarship. Attending Uni- Arts Scholarship. Attending versity of Idaho. Cornish College of the Arts. PATRICK CHARLTON Port Townsend Elks Lodge No. 317 Most Valuable Student Award, Port Townsend Kiwanis Charitable Foundation Scholarship in memory of Rilla Phillip, PT High School Scholarship Foundation Scholarship, Port Townsend Noon Rotary Charitable Trust Scholarship, Willamette University Scholarship. Attending Willamette University.

RACHEL MARX Western Oregon University Dean’s Scholarship. Attending Western Oregon University. LAURE MOUNTS Port Townsend Noon Rotary Charitable Trust Scholarship. University of Puget Sound President’s Scholarship. Attending University of Puget Sound.

KASSIE OLIN Deb Johnson Memorial Scholarship, PT High School Scholarship Foundation Scholarship, Glenn Abraham Memorial Scholarship, PTHS Alumni Association ELIJAH FENTER Scholarship, University of Olympic Driftwood Sculp- Washington Merit Scholartors Art Scholarship. At- ship. Attending University

ELLI COUPE Western Washington Merit Scholarship. Attending Western Washington University.

of Washington. CAMILLE OTTAWAY Port Townsend Kiwanis Charitable Foundation Scholarship in memory of Rilla Phillips , K.C. Nomura STEM Scholarship, PT High School Scholarship Foundation Scholarship, Holiday Wreath Scholarship, Port Townsend Noon Rotary Charitable Trust, Neil Potthoff “Service Above Self” Scholarship, Washington State Opportunity Scholarship, American Association of University/University Women’s Foundation STEM Award for Math, Western Washington University President’s Scholarship. Attending Western Washington University.

Kaleigh Adams

Ella Becker

Reilly Berkshire

Alexandar Brown

Morgan Chaffee

Patrick Charlton

Elli Coupe

Elijah Fenter

Clarice Forbes

David Hoglund

Katie Jennings

Lillian Kelly

Tyler Manthe

Rachel Marx

Laure Mounts

Kassie Olin

Camille Ottaway

Jack Pickard

Benjamin Rolland

Fruini Rubio

Miguel Salguero

Samantha Smith

David Su’a

Jacob Vande Griend

Koby Weidner

Mysti Willmon

JACK PICKARD Washington State Opportunity Scholarship. Attending Washington State University. STEVEN RIEPE Steven Riepe Chloe Rogers The Barbara Marseille Arts Scholarship, Tyrrell-Sokolow Perseverance Award, ship, Washington State Andy Palmer Scholarship, Council of Firefighters BeGlenn Abraham Memorial nevolent Fund, Macalester Scholarship, PTHS/Boost- College Dewitt Wallace Disers Male Activity Leader of tinguished Scholarship. Atthe Year Award. Attending tending Macalester College. Clark Community College. FRUINI RUBIO Port Townsend Baptist CHLOE ROGERS PTHS/Boosters Female Church Scholarship. AttendAthlete of the Year Award, ing Shoreline Community Port Townsend Education College. Association Scholarship, Terry Purviance Martin Me- MIGUEL SALGUERO Port Townsend Elks morial Scholarship. AttendLodge No. 317, Most Valuing Simon Fraser University. able Student Award, William E. Whitney Scholarship, BENJAMIN ROLLAND American Legion Marvin Kelly Foundation ScholarG. Shields Memorial Post ship, Board Members of No. 26 Scholarship, Port the Port Townsend Aero Townsend Kiwanis Charita- Museum Scholarship, Port ble Foundation Scholarship Townsend Kiwanis Charitain memory of Rilla Phillips, ble Foundation Scholarship Port Townsend Elks Lodge in memory of Rilla Phillips, No. 317 Most Valuable Stu- PTHS Alumni Association dent Award, Elks National Scholarship, Port Townsend Foundation State Scholar- Noon Rotary Charitable ship Most Valuable Student, Trust Scholarship, anonyElks National Foundation mous scholarship, Cal Poly National Scholarship Most Outreach Scholarship. AtValuable Student, PT High tending California PolytechSchool Scholarship Foun- nic State University. dation Scholarship, Port Townsend Noon Rotary SAMANTHA SMITH American Association of Charitable Trust Scholar-

University/University Women’s Foundation Scholarship, Port Townsend Kiwanis Charitable Foundation Scholarship in memory of Rilla Phillips, PTHS/Boosters Female Activity Leader of the Year Award, Jefferson County 4-H Council Scholarship, Rhododendron Festival Royalty Scholarship, PTHS Alumni Association Scholarship, Port Townsend Noon Rotary Charitable Trust Scholarship, OSU Evergreen State Scholarship, OSU University Scholars Program Scholarship. Attending Oregon State University. DAVID SU’A Port Townsend Elks Lodge No. 317 Vocational Grant, Washington State Elks Lodge Vocational Grant, PTHS/Boosters Male

Athlete of the Year Award. Attending Yakima Valley Community College. JACOB VANDE GRIEND Air Force ROTC Scholarship, OSU Evergreen State Scholarship, Grace Lutheran Church Scholarship, OSU University Scholars Program Scholarship. Attending Oregon State University. KOBY WEIDNER PTHS Alumni Association Scholarship. Attending Peninsula College. MYSTI WILLMON Western Washington University Foundation Scholarship, Western Washington President’s Scholarship. Attending Western Washington University.

PTHS students receive academic awards Academic letter award – first year, 3.8 GPA or higher: Stephen Tate Braden, Richard Berkley Hill, Liam McLane, Tate Munnich, Tyler Sudlow, Kaya Wiant, Jacob Vande Griend Academic letter award – second year, 3.8 GPA or higher: Ella Becker, Patrick Charlton, Clarice Forbes, Greta Gamble, David Hoglund, Laure Mounts, Kassie Olin, Camille Ottaway, Jack Pickard, Benjamin Rolland, Miguel Salguero, Koby Weidner, Mysti Willmon

David Su’a and Jacob Ralls take a selfie as Su’a makes his way to accept his diploma June 10 at McCurdy Pavilion. Photo by Nicholas Johnson

ASB President’s Award – leadership award chosen by the ASB president: Reilly Berkshire, Morgan Chaffee, Patrick Charlton, Lucas Foster, Tyler Manthe, Kassie Olin, Jack Pickard, Stevie Riepe, Chloe Rogers, Benjamin Rolland Department awards for juniors and seniors: Art: Wylie Carter-Douglas, Benjamin Cundiff, Kaylie Proctor

Ellis Henderson hugs Kassie Olin as Tyler Manthe stands to applaud June 10 at McCurdy Pavilion. Photo by Nicholas Johnson

Band: Alexander Genaw


English: Benjamin Cundiff, Oliver Parish

Art: Emily Harrenstein

French: Etienne Ballou, Iain Coates, Amelia Grant, David Hoglund, Samuel Jasper, Tate Munnich, Camille Ottaway, Liam McLane

Culinary arts, baking: Shenoa Snyder

Math: Liam McLane Physical education: Jacob Lundgren Spanish: Ella Becker Yearbook: Lydia Arthur, Reilly Berkshire, Mitchell Morris, Stevie Riepe Honor cords, 3.33 GPA or higher: Ella Becker, Reilly Berkshire, Alexander Brown, Patrick Charlton, Elli Coupe, Benjamin Cundiff, Noah Falge, Clarice Forbes, Greta Gamble, David Hoglund, Tyler Manthe, Laure Mounts, Kassie Olin, Camille Ottaway, Sadie Palatnick, Jack Pickard, Benjamin Rolland, Miguel Salguero, Corbin Simmons-Reimnitz, Emily Slough, Samantha Smith, Jacob Vande Griend, Koby Weidner, Mysti Willmon

Kassie Olin and Lucas Foster offer greetings from the class of 2016 on June 10 at McCurdy Pavilion. Photo by Nicholas Johnson

Band: Bryce Van Leuven

Culinary arts, cooking: Kaleigh Adams English: Laure Mounts French: Greta Gamble, Kassie Olin Math: David Hoglund Media studies: Rachel Marx, Alycia Myers Orchestra: Camille Ottaway PE: Jacob Vande Griend Science: Clarice Forbes Social studies: Clarice Forbes Spanish: Ella Becker Yearbook: Koby Weidner Phi Beta Kappa Book Award: Samantha Smith SBAC academic excellence awards (recognition of students who scored at the college- and careerready levels in both language arts and math on the Washington state Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium exams): Alexandar Brown, Elli Coupe, Clarice Forbes, Alexander Genaw, Bethany Goodenough, Emily Harrenstein, Josef Hoffman, Katie Jennings, Sinai Lopez Ibarra, Mitchell Morris, Kassie Olin, Oliver Parish, Jackson Schott, Koby Weidner, Mysti Willmon Washington State Honors Awards: Ella Becker, Reilly Berkshire, Patrick Charlton, Elli Coupe, Clarice Forbes, Greta Gamble, David Hoglund, Laure Mounts, Kassie Olin, Camille Ottaway, Noah Phillips, Benjamin Rolland, Miguel Salguero, Corbin Simmons-Reimnitz, Samantha Smith, Jacob Vande Griend, Koby Weidner, Mysti Willmon

A 12 • Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

The members of Chimacum High School Class of 2016 as seen at their graduation ceremony on June 9 at McCurdy Pavilion, Fort Worden. Pictured (from left, front row) Anda Yoshina, Nicola Pieper, Melanie Pieper, Kyah McKinlay, Bailey Castillo, David Johnson, Olivia Ejde, Deidra Morris, Jaycie Eldridge, Sophia Thurston, Mukda Chabairum, Henry Lovekamp, Jonathan Rogers, Samuel Golden, Trevon Noel; (second row) Taylor Cerna, Nicole Cerna, Chelsey Johnson, Alina Preston, Mathew Torres, Heidi Schleiger, Hadlei Garten, Tyler McLaughlan, James Porter, Quinn Dowling, Hollie Maples, Celeena Lechtenberg, Mathew Torres, John Pace, Jacob Kinney, Veronica Hagerman; (third row) Tristan Geron, Joshua Voss, Kaleb Collier, Ryley Eldridge, Christopher Bainbridge, Eoin Hartnett, Sean Miller, Ryle Gepitulan, Amiee Harding, Catalina Lima Leiva, Haley Schryver, Vanessa Stone-Ulrich, Brandon Lingle, Audrey Thacker, Gabriel Sohn-Garcia, Kendon Hopkins, Marcus Kiedrowski, Chelsea Adams; (fourth row) Alexandra Emmons, Madelline Stanton, Quynn Tidwell, Hannah Whitbeck, Patricia Noble, Ashton LaDue, Thitikorn Seccareccia, Zachary Smith-Mifsud, Matthew Koenig, Adam Ogden, Conner Cottier, Justin Kim, Taylor Purser, Hanah Mead, Michael Walton, Justin Taylor, Kira Linden, Michael Slagle; (fifth row) Tristan Nydegger, Aaron Reyes, Shasha Shaw, Braden Brebberman, Devan Kleinman, Hannah Craighead, Hailey Bartl, Elizabeth Poole, Dakota Rogers, Hunter Taylor, Caleb Lee, Megan Greenfield, Kelly Brown, Summer Peacock, Shantelle Hall, Taan Morrison, Jacob Schmidt, Alisha Bruner and Megan Hillier. Photo by Patrick J Sullivan

Gratitude, optimism for Chimacum grads VIVIANN KUEHL CONTRIBUTOR

Chimacum High School graduated the 89 members of its Class of 2016 in McCurdy Pavilion with love, gratitude and optimism on June 11. Principal Whitney Meissner thanked those who made the event possible and shared her thoughts on perspective, noting that she started as a principal when the graduating class started kindergarten. “Class of 2016, live well, laugh often and may love fill your life,” she concluded. Superintendent Rick Thompson reminded the class members, which he described to be as fine a group as he’d ever encountered in his career – caring, resilient, good-looking and smart – that they’ll be 68 in just 50 years, and encouraged them to give of themselves, and be encouraging, during that time. Student-elected faculty speaker Todd Miller elicited laughter and tears sharing stories of gratitude about the students, making apologies for teacher lapses, and singing (an act not performed in public since he was in fourth grade) the words of “that famous career counselor, Bob Marley: ‘Don’t worry about a thing / Everything is gonna be all right.’” Class President Deidra Morris reviewed the history of the class in her speech, “Lights, Camera, Action.” “Continue to be the light in others’ lives, pause to capture important moments on a camera and take action to be the best you know you can be,” she concluded. Class-elected speaker Jonny Rogers shared thoughts on the nature of success. Being

rich is not a matter of money, but of risk and interaction, he concluded, and a large part of life is pushing the “on” button and seeing what happens, creating loving ties in the process. “It is these meaningful things that piece life together so beautifully and make us rich,” he said. Faculty-elected speakers Bailey Castillo, Samuel Golden and Henry Lovekamp joined to enact a serendipitous airport reunion in 14 years, recalling high school experiences in the context of a future full of success, including Rogers making it huge on Wall Street. Salutatorian Anda Yoshina used a sailing metaphor, and a story of capsizing, to note that change is inevitable, but reaction to it is in our control. “Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over,” she noted. Lessons learned in high school will help in adjusting sails, she said. “The best thing I have to say today is that while we can’t change everything, we can still change a lot.” Valedictorian Olivia Ejde celebrated her class and experiences with adventure, dreams, joy and giving back to the community, including nurturing families. “Wherever you may go, remember this community, keep your mind open, learn from everyone you meet and always treasure the love given to you,” she said. Diplomas were presented by board members Cammy Brown, Kevin Miller and Maggie Ejde, with names announced by seniors Jaycie Eldridge and Trevon Noel. After turning their tassels, class members linked arms to sing “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts, tossed caps, and went forth with joy and gratitude.

Chimacum Class of 2016 members (from left) Eoin Hartnett, David Johnson, Matthew Torres, Chris Bainbridge, Alina Preston, Olivia Ejde, Henry Lovekamp and Trevor Noel are all happy to be graduating together. Photo by Viviann Kuehl

Michael Slagle (left), Nicola Pieper, Anda Yoshina, Melanie Pieper, and exchange student Catalina Lima wear big smiles and various medals and laurels while gathered in the Fort Worden USO Building minutes before the Chimacum commencement ceremony. Photo by Viviann Kuehl

CHS students awa�ded medallions The following Chimacum High School students received medallions for excellent work: Olivia Ejde, All Around; Henry Lovekamp, Art; Ryle Gepitulan, Band; Matthew Koenig, Band; Gabriel Sohn Garcia, Business;

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Melanie Pieper, Science; Anda Yoshina, Science; Jacob Kinney, Senior Project; Veronica Hagerman, Senior Project; Trevon Noel, Social Studies; Taan Morrison, Woods; Deidra Morris, Yearbook; Quynn Tidwell, Yearbook.



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Johnson, Horticulture; Bailey Castillo, Leadership; Mathew Torres, Leadership; Chelsey Johnson, Math; Sophia Thurston, Math; Dakota Rogers, Media; Eoin Hartnett, Physical Education; Jonathan Rogers, Running Start;


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Quinn Dowling, Choir; Megan Hillier, Choir; Alisha Bruner, Drama; Nicola Pieper, Drama; Samuel Golden, English; Hannah Mead, Focus; Jaycie Eldridge, Foods; Zachary Smith-Mifsud, History; Sean Miller, French; David




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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 • A 13

Chimacum seniors start with scholarships Graduating students in SAMUEL EASTWOOD Rakers Car Club, $1,500 Chimacum High School’s Class of 2016 earned the (renewable); Friends of Chifollowing scholarships and macum (Trista Colton Veith Fund), $500. Attending Penawards: insula College. CHELSEA ADAMS Friends of Chimacum OLIVIA EJDE Friends of Chimacum (Judy Gunter Memorial), $500 ; Peace Lutheran (Jeannine and Duke Shold), Fellowship, $500. Attending $1,500 ; Norman Christie Science/Math/Engineering, Peninsula College. $1,200 (renewable); Port Townsend Elks Most ValuALISHA BRUNER Friends of Chima- able Student, $2,500; Americum (Dinah Reed Memo- can Association of University rial), $1,000; University of Women/University Women Washington (Undergrad Foundation, $2,500; Rotary University Grant), $5,252; Club of East Jefferson CounUniversity of Washington ty, $3,000; Rose-Hulman (University Scholarship, Se- Merit Scholarship, $14,500 Rose-Bud attle), $4,000; East Jefferson (renewable); Rotary, $1,500; Dollars for Scholarship, $8,000 (renewScholars, $1,000. Attending able); Rose-Hulman Catapult Scholarship, $2,500 University of Washington. (renewable); Rose-Hulman Laptop Award, $2,200; RoseBAILEY CASTILLO Friends of Chimacum Hulman Endeavor Scholar(Jeannine and Duke Shold), ship, $4,000 (renewable); $500; Friends of Chimacum Port Townsend Kiwanis (Discovery Bay Ladies’ Golf Club, $4,000; Midori Bowen Club), $1,000. Attending Scholarship, $2,000. AttendBates Technical College . ing Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. NICOLE CERNA Friends of Chimacum JAYCIE ELDRIDGE East Jefferson Little (Max Swenson Memorial), $300; Brown Memorial, League, $500; Brad Brown $500; Chimacum Alumni As- Memorial, $500. Attendsociation , $1,500; Port Lud- ing Whatcom Community low Artists League, $1,000. College. Attending Bellevue College. RYLEY ELDRIDGE East Jefferson Little TAYLOR CERNA Port Ludlow Art- League, $500; Jodi Cossell ists League, $1,000; Port Memorial, $500. Attending Townsend Arts Guild, $250; Bellevue College. Peninsula Family Dental, $500; Brad Brown Memorial, SAMUEL GOLDEN Friends of Chimacum $500; Chimacum Alumni, $1,500. Attending Peninsula (Jeannine and Duke Shold), $500; Big Blue Boosters, College. $250; East Jefferson Rotary, $1,500; Seattle University QUINN DOWLING Friends of Chimacum Campion, $20,000 (renew(Jeannine and Duke Shold), able). Attending Seattle $500; Friends of Chimacum University. (Tina Johnson Memorial: Debra Knauss), $300. At- VERONICA HAGERMAN Friends of Chimacum tending Olympic College. (Fiona DeDominick Memori-

Chelsea Adams

Alisha Bruner

Bailey Castillo

Nicole Cerna

Taylor Cerna

Quinn Dowling

Jaycie Eldridge

Ryley Eldridge

Samuel Golden

Veronica Hagerman

Eoin Hartnett

Jacob Kinney

Celeena Lechtenberg

Henry Lovekamp

Hollie Maples

Kyah McKinlay

Deidra Morris

Trevon Noel

Melanie Pieper

Nicola Pieper

James Porter


Zachary Smith-Mifsud

Audrey Thacker

Sophia Thurston

Hannah Whitbeck

al: Mark DeDominick), $500; Nordland Garden Club, $1,000. Attending Peninsula College. EOIN HARTNETT Friends of Chimacum (Franson Trucking and Excavating), $500; Jodi Olivia Ejde Cossell Memorial, $500. Attending Washington State University. CHELSEY JOHNSON Friends of Chimacum (Jeannie and Duke Shold), $1,000. Chelsey JACOB KINNEY Michael Beery Memorial Johnson Children’s Fund, $1,000. Attending Fire Academy.

CELEENA LECHTENBERG Friends of Chimacum (Community Enrichment Alliance), $1,000. Attending Washington State Sean Miller University. HENRY LOVEKAMP Friends of Chimacum (Greg Bolling Memorial: Michelle West), $1,000; Lane Community College Scholarship, $600 (renewable). Attending Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon.

Alina Preston

Rogers HOLLIE MAPLES Cinderella Scholarship Program, $1,500; Miss Evergreen State College. American Rose, $250; College Bound Scholarship. At- TREVON NOEL Friends of Chimacum tending Olympic College. (Community Enrichment Alliance), $1,000; Friends of KYAH MCKINLAY Friends of Chimacum Chimacum (Fiona DeDomi(Fiona DeDominick Memori- nick Memorial: Heather al: Mark DeDominick), $500; Mitchell), $1,000; Big Blue Brad Brown Memorial, $500. Boosters, $250; Brad Brown Attending Bellevue College. Memorial, $500; Jodi Cossell Memorial Scholarship, $500; Peace Lutheran Fellowship, SEAN MILLER Friends of Chimacum $500; Port Townsend Win(Chimacum Payroll De- dermere Real Estate; $500. duction), $500; Friends of Attending Central WashingChimacum (Green Family ton University. Scholarship), $250; Judy and MELANIE PIEPER Andy Mackie Memorial, Friends of Chima$500; Chimacum Education Scholarship, $500. At- cum (Jeannine and Duke Shold), $2,000 (renewtending Olympic College. able); Bremerton Scottish Rite, $1,500; East Jefferson DEIDRA MORRIS Friends of Chimacum Rotary, $2,000; George Fox (Community Enrichment Al- Merit Scholarship, $16,000 liance), $1,000; Peninsula (renewable); Port Ludlow Family Dentistry, $500; Port Amateur Radio Club, $500 Townsend Rhododendron ; Sarah (Dusty) Westall MeFestival, $1,000; East Jef- morial Scholarship (First ferson Little League, $500; Presbyterian Church of East Jefferson Rotary, $1,250; Port Townsend). Attending . America’s National Teenage George Fox University Pageant, $12,000; Miss West Sound, $2,000; Sarah (Dusty) NICOLA PIEPER Friends of Chimacum Westall Memorial Scholarship (First Presbyterian Church of (Jeannine and Duke Shold), (renewable); Port Townsend). Attending $2,000 Brigham Young University, George Fox Merit Scholarship , $17,000 (renewIdaho. able); George Fox Leadership Scholarship, $1,000 (renewJESSE NICHOL Mary Novak, Chimacum High School administrative assistant, registrar The Evergreen State Col- able); George Fox Theater and commencement ceremony organizer, takes a moment to pose with lege Scholastic Achievement Scholarship, $1,500 (renewgraduate Ryle Gepitulan. Novak is retiring this year, after 26 and a half Award, $900. Attending The able); Port Townsend Elks, years and 26 graduations. Photo by Viviann Kuehl

Walking from the USO Building to Fort Worden’s McCurdy Pavilion for commencement, seniors are about to become graduates. Photo by Viviann Kuehl

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$2,500; Washington State Elks, $2,000; Bremerton Scottish Rite, $1,000; East Jefferson Rotary, $2,000; Port Townsend Arts Guild, $500; Sarah (Dusty) Westall Memorial Scholarship (First Presbyterian Church of Port Townsend). Attending George Fox University. JAMES PORTER Friends of Chimacum (Chimacum Payroll Deduction), $500; Friends of Chimacum (Quilcene Lions Club), $200; Brad Brown Memorial, $500. Attending Washington State University.

County Bar Association, $1,000; Western Washington University Merit Scholarship, Anda Yoshina $2,000 (renewable). Attending Western Washington University .

SOPHIA THURSTON Friends of Chimacum (Larry Weiner/Edward Jones), $500; Friends of Chimacum (First Federal), $500; East Jefferson Rotary, $1,250; Sumiko Vandenberg Scholarship, $2,000. ALINA PRESTON Attending University of Friends of Chimacum Washington. (Women in Education: Karen Newman) $1,000 (renewHannah Whitbeck able); Brad Brown Memorial, Dosey Dux, $500; West $500; Chimacum Alumni As- Sound Technical Foundasociation, $1,500. Attend- tion, $1,000; Grand Caning Central Washington yon University Dean, University. $5,750 (renewable); Priority Registration Grant, JONATHAN ROGERS $750 (renewable); East Friends of Chimacum Jefferson Rotary, $1,500; (Henry C. Rogers Memo- Sarah (Dusty) Westall Merial), $1,000; East Jefferson morial Scholarship (First Little League, $500; Brad Presbyterian Church of Brown Memorial, $500; Nor- Port Townsend). Attending man Christie Science/Math/ Grand Canyon University. Engineering, $1,200; East Jefferson Rotary, $2,000. ANDA YOSHINA Friends of Chimacum Attending University of (Jeannine and Duke Shold), Washington. $2,000 (renewable); Port ZACHARY SMITH-MIFSUD Townsend Elks, $2,500; Friends of Chimacum Washington State Elks, (Rogland Family Charitable $1,000 (renewable); National Fund), $1,000; East Jefferson Elks, $1,000 (renewable); Rotary, $1,250. Attending American Legion Marvin G. University of Washington. Shields Memorial Post No. 26, $1,000; Scottish Rite, AUDREY THACKER $1,000; East Jefferson RotaDosey Dux, $500; Francis- ry, $2,500; Minerva Schools can Health System, $1,250 Academic Scholarship, (renewable); American Le- $2,500; East Jefferson Chapgion Marvin G Shields Me- ter of Puget Sound Anglers, morial Post No. 26, $1,000; $1,000. Attending Minerva Chimacum Alumni Associa- Schools at Keck Graduate tion, $1,500; East Jefferson Institute. Rotary, $1,500; Jefferson

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We love you very much!

Love, Grandma Pepper, Uncle Don, Aunt Wendy

A 14 • Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Quilcene High School’s 105th graduating class gathered by the senior rocks on June 11, 2016. Pictured are (from left) Colton Johnsen, Samuel Mateo, Matthew Goff, Elysah Schryver, Landon Pleines, Jerrica Viloria, Dillon McEdwards, Jordan Cawyer, Nathan Weller, Dolores Perez-Lopes, Piers Senner, Megan Weller, Zachariah Collins, Katlyn Hitt, Katherine Carstensen, Stephany Brown, A.J. Prater, Alexandrea Johnsen, Eli Harrison, Emily Bartlett-Ward, Trevor Burnston, Aaron Jones and Janet Conley. Photo by Ryan Parks

Quilcene celebrates 105th graduating class RYAN PARKS THE LEADER Quilcene High School’s 105th graduating class made the big move on Saturday, June 11 surrounded by friends, family and loved ones in the school’s gymnasium. Principal Gary Stebbins gave a warm welcome to families and friends of the 24-member class following the traditional candlelit processional and the Pledge of Allegiance. Salutatorian Alexandrea Johnsen remarked that most of the class had been together since elementary school. “We’ve gone through all of it” she said. “There’s one main thing we all have in common; it’s the passion we have for our own individual interests. “Given the choice, I wouldn’t choose anyone else to have taken this journey with,” Johnsen said. Valedictorian Megan Weller spoke about the future and the emotions of her classmates. “Well guys, we did it,” she said. “Today marks both the end and the beginning of different chapters in our lives. “Here we are, finally on top and ready to take on the

world,” Weller said. “We understand that it takes risks and standing up for what you believe in to accomplish goals.” Class advisor Sue Bettinger spoke fondly about the memories she made with the graduating class. “The time with them sure has seemed to fly by,” she said. “Now we are here, graduation day, the day we have all waited for.” Commencement speaker Jim Weller, high school math teacher, gave strong words of encouragement. “We know your potential,” he said. “We know that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. “Each of you has something important to contribute to this world and the world is a better place because you are here,” Weller said. Students received their diplomas from counselor Katie Braaten, Principal Gary Stebbins and the Quilcene School Board of Directors. Eli Harrison, class president, gave the class farewell and led the other students in the turning of their tassels before they exited the gym under an arch of purple and white balloons.

Samuel Mateo delivers his flowers of appreciation at the commencement ceremony for Quilcene’s Class of 2016. Photo by Ryan Parks

Scholarships netted by Quilcene seniors Graduating students in la College or Dakota College Quilcene High School’s Class at Bottineau. of 2016 earned the following scholarships and awards, ELI HARRISON Seattle Bergman, $2,500 listed here with their college (two years); Quilcene Bergpreference: man, $2,000; Quilcene STEPHANY BROWN Alumni Association, $1,500. Stephany Seattle Bergman, $2,000 Olympic College. Brown (two years); Quilcene Alumni Citizenship Award ($250). KATLYN HITT Seattle Bergman, $2,500 Peninsula College. (two years); Quilcene BergTREVOR BURNSTON man, $1,000 (two years); Seattle Bergman, $1,000 Rotary, $1,000; Veterans of (two years). Plans to join the Foreign Wars, $1,000. Olymworkforce. pic College. Katlyn Hitt ZACHARIAH COLLINS ALEXANDREA JOHNSEN Quilcene Bergman, Seattle Bergman, $5,000 $3,000; Seattle Bergman, (two years); Quilcene Berg$1,000 (two years). Peninsu- man, $3,000; Friends of the Arts, $2,500; Count Me in for Quilcene, $1,000. Seattle Art Institute.

Excitement and happiness are dominant among Quilcene’s graduating seniors. Pictured are (from left) Jerrica Viloria, Jordan Cawyer and Dolores Perez-Lopes. Photo by Ryan Parks

Elysah Schryver looks off to the side in between speeches at the Quilcene commencement ceremony on Saturday, June 11. Photo by Ryan Parks

Trevor Burnston

Zachariah Collins

Eli Harrison

Alexandrea Johnsen

Dillon McEdwards

Dolores Perez-Lopez

Elysah Schryver

Piers Senner

Jerrica Viloria

Megan Weller

DILLON MCEDWARDS Berman scholarship, $750 (two years). Plans to Landon Pleines Anthony Prater complete college online. PIERS SENNER DOLORES PEREZ-LOPEZ Quilcene Historical MuOlympic College, one-year seum, $200; Quilcene Harbor tuition waiver; Quilcene Berg- Yacht Club, $200. man, $5,000 (two years); University Women’s Foundation, JERRICA VILORIA $2,500; Nora Stone Smith, Quilcene Bergman, $2,500 $2,000; Jefferson County Bar (two years); Seattle BergAssociation, $1,000; AAUW man, $2,000 (four years); Technology Award, $100. Quilcene Alumni, $1,000; Olympic College. Dosey Dux, $500. Washington State University. LANDON PLEINES Quilcene Bergman, MEGAN WELLER $3,000; Jandl/Rancich MeSeattle Bergman, $5,000 morial, $1,250; Seattle Berg- (four years); Quilcene Bergman, $1,000 (two years). man, $2,500 (two years); Olympic College. Quilcene Alumni, $1,500; Rotary, $1,250; Veterans ANTHONY PRATER of Foreign Wars, $1,000; Seattle Bergman, $2,500 University Women’s Foun(four years); Quilcene Berg- dation, $1,000; Quilcene man, $2,000; Rotary, $1,000. Education Association, $500; Dakota College at Bottineau Dosey Dux, $500; AAUW Scior another junior college. ence Award, $100. Central Washington University. ELYSAH SCHRYVER Ruby Jean Murray Memo- NATHAN WELLER rial, $500. Olympic College. Seattle Bergman, $4,500;

Quilcene Bergman, $3,000; Veterans of Foreign Wars, $1,000; Navy-Marine Corps Relief, $1,000; Quil- Nathan Weller cene Education Association, $500. Spokane Community College/Avista Line School.

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