Rhody Schedule...................1-4 Event Route Map.....................2 Grand Marshal..........................4
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Rhody Run Tips.........................5
festival updates:
Turn out for ‘Rockin’ Rhody’ Festival Festival provides free, family-friendly entertainment By Leader Staff The 81st Rhododendron Festival honors Washington’s state flower and is the oldest community-based festival in Port Townsend and Jefferson County. The following list features Rhododendron Festival Association events as well as other special events and performances traditionally staged in conjunction with Rhody Fest week. The Rhododendron Festival Association is a volunteer-based organization that welcomes new members – and fundraising support. The association’s 2016 executive board members are Debbie LaFollette, president; Juanita Maples, vice president; Brandi Hamon, secretary; and Polleen Johnson, treasurer. Volunteers are welcome and needed. Learn more via its Facebook page or at
TRIKE RACES Trike race registration 5:30 p.m., races 6 p.m. Sponsors: Sunrise Rotary Club Location: Downtown
Children ages 1-6 are eligible; assemble at the corner of Madison and Water streets at City Hall. Races start at Madison and finish
Rhody’s Royal Quartet
The royal court of the 2016 Rhododendron Festival, the only festival in Washington named after the official state flower, are (clockwise, from back left) Princess Kayla Calhoun, Princess Morgan Wilford, Rhody Ambassador Eryn Reierson and Queen Fiona Shaffer. They posed Monday in the Centennial Rhododendron Garden at Fort Worden State Park. Photo by Nicholas Johnson
See SCHEDULE, Page 2▼
Welcome to Rhody! Here comes the 81st Rhody Fest Grand Parade!
Saturday’s 81st Rhododendron Festival Grand Parade starts at 1 p.m. in Uptown on Lawrence Street at the fire hall, proceeds downhill to Monroe Street and then to Water Street, turning to an end on Adams Street. Spectators, especially those along the Monroe Street hill and downtown, are asked not to leave too early, even if there are gaps in the parade. (With marching bands, which do stop and perform along the way, gaps between units are inevitable.) When the Cake Picnic contingent appears, followed by the DM Disposal garbage truck, the parade is over. Spectators can then follow the Grand Parade downtown to Pope Marine Park and the fourth annual Cake Picnic: 2,000 slices of free cake, a dance party and a tug-of-war contest.
51 Kitsap Mustang Car Club
CHECK IN Stop! All Grand Parade units must check in between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at the sign-up desk at the former visitor center on Sims Way (you can’t miss it as you drive into Port Townsend past the boatyard) to receive an entry number and parking space staging. Neighborhood residents and businesses are thanked in advance for their cooperation during this busy day on the side streets adjacent to the parade route.
57 Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce
OUR ENTRIES This is the Grand Parade lineup as of May 16. Late entries could be added toward the parade’s end. Please remember to show your appreciation and give all parade participants your applause! PRE-PARADE Tenino Motorcycle Drill Team GRAND PARADE 1 East Jefferson Fire Rescue 2 Port Townsend Police Department 3 Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Dave Stanko
52 Port Townsend Main Street “Taste of PT” 53 The Quimper Corgi Clan 54 Forks Old Fashioned 4th of July Festival 55 Meridian Middle School Band & Color Guard 56 Elect Bill Bryant, Governor
Queen Fiona Shaffer is front and center, with Princesses Morgan Wilford (left) and Kayla Calhoun, on the “Rockin’ Rhody” float in the Sequim Irrigation Festival, where it was judged a first-place award. Courtesy photo by Brandi Hamon
8 Rhody Fest Ambassador Eryn Reierson
19 Life Care Center of Port Townsend
9 Rhody Fest Queen’s Court: Marissa Kieffer, Te Amo Lanphear-Ramirez and Jenessah Seebergoss
20 Port Townsend High School Alumni Association
10 Rhody Junior Royalty on George Earl Memorial Kiwanis Choo Choo: firstgraders Pierce Edgar, Lily Justis, Lorelei Turner, John Neville, Tim Manly Jr. and Miranda Banker 11 Port Townsend Senior Royalty Jim and Karen Pate 12 Tri-Area Senior Royalty Hester McKinney-Cumming and Greg Vinson
21 Marysville Strawberry Festival 22 Habitat for Humanity of East Jefferson County 23 Rakers Car Club 24 Jefferson Healthcare
36 Rhody Run, Port Townsend Marathon Association
82 Hadlock Motel 83 Hadlock Building Supply 84 San Juan Baptist Church 85 The Boiler Room
58 Jefferson Transit
86 Chimacum High School Band & Color Guard
59 Relay for Life of Jefferson County (July 16-17)
87 Olympic Community Action Programs
60 Sumner High School Band & Drill Team
88 Centrum Arts Foundation
61 The Station Signs & Screen Printing 62 Les Schwab Tire Center
89 Daffodil Festival 90 Jefferson County Democrats 91 Meridian High School Band
65 Seaport Landing
92 Daughters of the American Revolution
66 Jefferson County PUD
93 Rainer Classic Chevy Club
67 Key City Public Theatre
94 The Great Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Skulpture Race
39 Clan Gordon Pipe Band 40 Port Orchard Fathoms O’ Fun Festival 41 Ukuleles Unite
26 Peninsula Midwives
42 The Church United
27 Elect Tim Thomas, County Commissioner
43 Jefferson County Historical Society 44 Port Angeles High School Band
30 Arrow Lumber
5 Port Townsend High School Band
14 Marrowstone Island Citizen of the Year Mike Zimmerman
45 Clallam County Fair Royalty
31 Unexpected Brass Band
46 Port Townsend Street Ministry
6 Grand Marshal Jim “Kiwi” Ferris, Edensaw Woods
15 Rhody Fest Weekly Event Winners
32 KPTZ-FM Radio
47 Thunderbird Rodeo 48 First Federal Bank
7 81st Rhododendron Festival float with Queen Fiona Shaffer, Princess Morgan Wilford and Princess Kayla Calhoun
16 Gideon’s Army
33 Washington State Apple Blossom Festival
18 Chimacum Middle School Band
81 Ingraham High School Band
38 Elect Mike Chapman, 24th District Representative
29 White River High School Band
17 Sunfield Land for Learning
80 First Robotics Team No. 4918
63 Capital Lakefair Festival
13 Naval Magazine Indian Island Cmdr. Nicolas Vande Griend
4 American Legion Marvin G. Shields Memorial Post 26 Color Guard
9 Double Wide Hunting Lodge
37 Port Townsend Braves Youth Football
25 Wells Fargo Stagecoach
28 Key City Fish Co.
78 Port Townsend School of the Arts
34 Jefferson County Fair
49 Port Townsend Elks Lodge 317
35 Totem Middle School Band
50 Interlake High School Band & Drill/Flag Team
64 Carl’s Building Supply
68 Classical Glass Corvette Club 69 Elect Jeff Randall for PUD Commissioner 70 QFC Quality Food Centers, Port Hadlock & Port Townsend 71 Jefferson County Public Health
95 Squalicum High School Band 96 Mason County Forest Festival 97 Port Townsend Sunrise Rotary Club 98 American Red Cross
72 Sequim Irrigation Festival
99 United Good Neighbors of Jefferson County
73 O’Meara Performing Arts Academy
100 Ferndale High School/ Middle School Band
74 Real American Pageants
101 Re-elect Keith Harper, Superior Court Judge
75 Tumwater Middle School Band & Color Guard
102 Kingston Lumber
76 Port Townsend Cub Scout Pack 4477
103 Cake Picnic (free slices, music downtown after parade)
77 St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Catholic Church
104 DM Disposal