Wednesday November 25, 2015
Hadlock Building creates community
Legacy of giving continues with owners, employees joining in By Viviann Kuehl Contributor
William, 13. A daughter, Jacklyn, from a previous Hadlock Building Supply marriage, worked in the has been a community store for about 10 years. presence for decades. The couple loaned their Second-generation owners own car to an employee Elena Lovato-Kraut and who needed transportation Bill Kraut, who have run after an accident. When an the store on their own since employee’s car was stolen, 2013, want to maintain they stepped up again to loan a legacy of helping the their car. When they had community through the trouble coordinating their store, and the donations it sons’ schedules without it, makes possible. they loaned out a work truck This year, they’re starting to the employee. a pilot program to round up “Going back several years, the amount of each sale at we had an employee that the register for designated needed a vehicle, and all the causes, with a different cause other employees got together each month. and pooled their money and The store has helped bought that employee a car. many community causes They’ve done that a couple with donations of money, times,” said Lovato-Kraut. materials or discounts. It The couple knows the has helped Little League, value of a car. Habitat for Humanity of When Kraut had health East Jefferson County, problems with epilepsy, the Port Townsend Film Lovato-Kraut had to drive Festival, Kiwanis, Friends him everywhere. Hadlock Building Supply owners Elena Lovato-Kraut and Bill Kraut are proud of the long line of store-sponsored Little League of Chimacum School, the “You can’t drive for six teams, whose plaques extend up the stairs and into the store’s office area – just one of many causes the store has supported. Photo Chimacum School marching months after an episode,” by Viviann Kuehl band, a Rhody float, peewee explained Lovato-Kraut. football, Dove House “He would be almost done, Kraut. “It’s like being on an priority, but we always tell a wonderful community, we Advocacy Services, Reading then he’d have another one, airplane, where you have people that your family can love giving back, to the point with Rover, the Boeing so I drove him for probably to put your oxygen mask on come first if you need to take 18 months. It also made it of [it] being painful. Chain “We’re a family Bluebills, Hadlock Days, before you can help others. time off to go to your kids’ groups focused on Christmas stores do donations; to them, so [that], since I had to take company, and That’s been a learning ball games or participate in it’s just a write-off. To us, it’s for children, women’s him to Rotary, I became a other activities with your personal.” groups, food banks, the family values are experience.” Rotarian.” The couple tried to budget children,” said Lovato-Kraut. “We’ve been giving for so homeless, Jefferson County important to us.” their giving one year, but “We try to be as flexible long that people expect it,” A POT OF GOLD Library, among others. they ran out of money by as we can to let them be said Lovato-Kraut. As Rotarians, the two “I wish people would Bill Kraut February, and that was the involved with their kids,” They are sometimes have donated both time and realize that when co-owner end of that plan. said Kraut. “We’re a family frustrated with the lack of money, with a particular they buy here, it helps Hadlock Building Supply They know the company, and family values awareness on the part of interest in donating to a the community,” said importance of family and are important to us.” recipients. fund dedicated to eradicating Lovato-Kraut. are proud to support the “There are things that are polio. Some recipients have “When someone’s in need, community as much as special to our heart, children even gone so far as to send “My heart went out to we try to do as much as we FIRST THINGS FIRST they can. They start with being the biggest one,” said letters of complaint when polio, which also affected my can,” said Kraut. Still, business must come employees. Lovato-Kraut. donations weren’t what dad’s partner, Morris,” said “If it has kids involved, first. “I think our core culture The couple, who recently they expected, but Hadlock Lovato-Kraut. we help however we can. The “If we can’t get the store is very family-centered. We celebrated their 16th Building Supply continues When she won a $10,000 sad thing, with the economy to make money, we can’t give are a business and we need anniversary, have two sons the way it is, we can’t help as to donate as much as it away,” explained Lovatopeople to make business a together, David, 15, and possible. See HADLOCK, Page 5▼ much as we want. It’s such
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