201 rhododendron festival focus, 5 20 15, c1 c10

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Wednesday May 20, 2015


Rhody Fest by the numbers


boy in the Kiddie Parade who rode a pogo stick


children who cried during the Trike Race (one because she lost a balloon that matched her costume)


cases of oranges from the Port Townsend Food Co-op for Rhody Run finishers

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horses in the Grand Parade

Jefferson County Sheriff Dave Stanko (right) walked the Rhododendron Festival Grand Parade alongside the department’s 1951 Ford police car, followed by a color guard from Marvin G. Shields Memorial American Legion Post 26. Look on ptleader.com later this week for a photo gallery with hundreds of images from Rhody Fest events. Photo by Nicholas Johnson

members of royalty on one float, more than any other: Mason County Forest Festival


kegs of beer for Rhody Run participants (15.5 gallons in each)


“No parking” signs on the Monroe Street centerline, between Lawrence and Water streets, on Thursday

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Breanne Huntingford (left) and Makena Slimp sported the best-decorated trikes, as judged by Rhododendron Festival Royalty (from left) Queen Sam Smith, and princesses Morgan Chaffee, Deidra Morris and Lillian Kelly. Photo by Brandi Hamon

kids on unicycles in the parade

Rakers Car Club entries, the largest of three car clubs

police officers, deputies and volunteers who worked traffic control on Rhody Fest Grand Parade day


Funtastic Carnival filled Jefferson County Memorial Field with attractions for three days. Photo by Patrick J. Sullivan

Rhody Festivals experienced by Chimacum Valley resident George Huntingford, age 97. (He has seen them all; there were no big parades during the peak three World War II years.)


years old, the age of the eldest of the 1,604 Rhody Run finishers


dozen bagels for Rhody Run finishers, from Metro Bagel of Port Townsend

Every Rhody Run participant who runs the steepest sections of the Hastings Avenue hill is a superhero; Stacy Olson of Port Townsend wore the “S” on her chest. Coverage of the Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run XXXVII is on pages 6-9 of this Rhody Fest Keepsake Edition. Photo by Nicholas Johnson

Princesses Lillian Kelly (left) and Deidra Morris work with Queen’s Court member Dylan Tracer to convey “Hair and Beard Contest” to a team of bed racers in a game of charades, a new feature at the Rhody Fest Bed Race. Photo by Nicholas Johnson


volunteers who turned out for Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run XXXVII

600 1,049

participant ribbons distributed for the Kiddie Parade


chairs, benches and other kinds of seating set out on Lawrence, Monroe and Water streets at 8 a.m. on Grand Parade morning

Grand Parade

80,000 estimated smiles shown by your Rhododendron Festival Royalty

The Port Townsend High School marching band moves out as the Rhododendron Festival Grand Parade’s first musical unit. Photo by Patrick J. Sullivan


Trike Race


Pet Parade


Kiddie Parade


Hair/Bed Contests


Rhody Run Results



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