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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, February 28, 2018 • C 3



The Port Townsend Paper Corp. has been a major employer in Jefferson County since it opened in 1929. Crown Paper Group, which owns the mill, says it plans to “optimize our recycled and wood fiber areas” this year. Three trucks full of wood fibers were lined up Monday making deliveries to the mill. Behind the trucks, steam rises from the aerated stabilization basin, a pond that treats roughly 10 million gallons of water a day that comes from the mill. The pond also is considered a source of odor pollution. Photo by Allison Arthur

Mill forges ahead to stay ‘competitive, reliable’ Changes to continue; ‘focus on running the business’ not talking about possible sale Allison Arthur aarthur@ptleader.com Crown Paper Group executives estimate they have pumped $90 million into improvements at Port Townsend Paper Corp. since buying the mill in 2015. And because of that $90 million investment, mill officials have acknowledged that “the business would be of interest to multiple parties,” a euphemism for the possibility that it could be for sale. Mill spokesperson Alan Ulman wrote in an email in early January that CEO Steve Klinger had said that “the progress has been comprehensive and rapid, and as such, the business would be of interest to multiple parties.” Klinger also said in that same release, “While we understand and appreciate this, we are focused on running the business, and not commenting on any speculation.” The mill employs 280 people, most of

whom live in Jefferson County, and has been the county’s largest private employer since it opened in 1929. The Leader recently invited Klinger to comment on what the future holds for the mill this year. Through Ulman, Klinger responded to the following questions.

issues been remedied to your satisfaction? Are profits up? Is that equipment now working out?

A. We have not been adversely affected by currency rates, nor do we expect to be.

A. In 2017, we installed new equipment on the paper machine (and a silencer on the new equipment) that improved efficiency and reduced noise to normal background levels.

Q. Are there any plans this year to make changes that address odor complaints being raised by MillOdorous? If so, what?

Q. Since purchasing the Port Townsend Paper Corp. in 2015, you estimate that you have invested $90 million in improvements at the mill. How much are you investing this year and what’s left to be done, in your mind, to make the mill the best it can be?

Q. In the fall of 2016, you converted to compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel the boilers. How is that going? Are you seeing the savings you expected? A. Our conversion to compressed natural gas has been successful, improving boiler efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas by 23 percent.

Site- Cure d Ultr aviolet Ceramic Fort ified Waterbor ne Woo d Floor Finish A. When we acquired the mill, we developed and began executing a plan to improve competitiveness through strategic capital investments and maintenance updates. We have achieved positive results, improving overall mill productivity and reliability each year. We expect continued improvement in 2018. This year we will develop a plan and investment strategy to optimize our recycled and wood fiber areas, and will continue to evaluate other opportunities to improve operations and invest in maintenance.

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Q. There’s been a lot of talk nationally about trade agreements. Where is the kraft paper you make in Port Townsend going these days – aside from your mills in Canada? A. We export most of our unbleached kraft pulp to Asia, and have seen no change in our ability to do so. Q. You said last year that the Trump administration appears to be focused on foreign currency issues “which are relevant to us.” Any thoughts on that this year in terms of how Trump has changed the economic climate?

40% More Durable than traditio nal 2-component Q. Last fall, you installed equipment that madeFinishes the paper machines work more efficiently. Have immediate cure - immediate Use the noise WelcomeSafe to for the Next the environment RETHINK YOUR FLOORS • SITE-CURED ULTRA VIOLET

A. In 2015, we began developing and executing a focused maintenance plan [for] the aerated stabilization basin [ASB]. We have invested $2.5 million to improve the basin’s performance, including a planned dredging program, predictive and preventative maintenance and cleaning, and studies with wastewater experts to improve system efficiency. We plan to continue these efforts. Q. You are still the biggest single private employer in Jefferson County. Where do you fit into the community in terms of contributions to the community? Have you made any major donations to any organization that you could share? A. We match 100 percent of our employees’ donations to the United Good Neighbors. Our employees are highly engaged in fulfilling our environmental obligations.

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