Living Green 2016

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Living Green



Wednesday April 20, 2016



Stepping up to the carbon conundrum Taming Bigfoot teams confront carbon emissions, lifestyle, transportation choices By Nicholas Johnson of the Leader

to residential (23 percent), commercial (9 percent) and industrial Win or lose, those who partici- (29 percent) energy use. pated in the countywide Taming “Transportation, generally, Bigfoot competition are now more and air flight, in particular, are attuned to their own carbon foot- really the big problems,” said prints and how they can continue Rick Doherty, a member of a team to reduce them. called Newts, which was in secThat’s exactly what Bob Bind- ond place at the end of the first schadler and fellow members reduction phase, having produced of Local 20/20’s Climate Action 8,152 fewer pounds of carbon for a Group had hoped for when they 65 percent reduction. launched the three-phase, teamDoherty and many others took based competition in January. airplane trips during the competi“I am getting a very positive tion, whether for business, vacasense that this has influenced, tion or to visit family. at least in their consciences, how “You can do everything you their actions translate into carbon can [to cut your carbon footprint] emissions,” said Bindschadler, all year long, and then take one who has been compiling data sub- flight and wipe out all your progmitted by some 13 teams, ahead ress,” he said. “We don’t have to of a final celebration and prize do all this flying. We live in a ceremony set for 7 p.m., Friday, beautiful natural playground. April 22 at Quimper Unitarian With everything we have here, it Universalist Fellowship in Port seems irresponsible to me to be Townsend. traveling long distances by air for “That’s a big step. Ultimately, pleasure. I think we need to be that’s where we want people to more educated on what’s in our be – with a greater awareness own backyard.” of their carbon Kathleen footprint. If Kler, chair of Get involved the competiJefferson Beyond the outreach and pre- the tion helped in paredness efforts of the Climate County Board some way with CommisAction Group, Local 20/20 offers of that, I think it’s other ways to get involved and sioners and a been a raging affect change, such as the Trans- member of the success.” portation Lab (TLAB), the Energy Hellbenders The comAction Group, Citizens for Local team, said she petition was Food, and Beyond Waste. Learn came into the split into three, competition almore at roughly monthready living a long phases – a green lifestyle, baseline phase and two reduction aside from car and air travel rephases. Using a custom-made quired of her as the board’s legiscalculator, teams recorded their lative representative. During the carbon emissions in three areas competition, she drove to Olym– transportation; home energy pia weekly and flew to Washingand water use; and garbage pro- ton, D.C., once, on top of regular duction, food consumption and drives between Port Townsend shopping. and her home in Quilcene. “For almost every team, trans“We were rather low on carbon portation was at least half of their emissions until I got this job and footprint in the baseline period,” had to start commuting north,” Bindschadler said. “In some cas- she said. “We deliberately bought es, it was 80 percent.” a Prius because of that. I know I By uncovering the most car- have very few choices for transbon-intensive parts of their own portation with where I live and lifestyles, participants came to what I do. That makes it more see what collective behaviors are incumbent that I make good decidriving greenhouse gas emissions sions in other areas of my life.” locally. Bill Ferguson of the Gray Transportation accounts for 39 Wolves team said he tries to visit percent of all carbon generated in family in Seattle twice a month Jefferson County, according to a and typically drove until the com2005 baseline inventory of energy petition prompted him to try pubuse and emissions by the joint lic transit. Port Townsend–Jefferson County “In this last phase, I have deClimate Action Committee. The cided to park my car the whole other 61 percent can be attributed time,” Ferguson said, noting that

Aliina Lahti, 29, of Port Townsend uses her cellphone to take a picture of her underground, hard-to-reach and hard-toread water meter April 14. Lahti, a member of the Newts team, said the Taming Bigfoot competition forced her to pay attention to her water and electricity use, rather than just paying her utility bill each month. Photos by Nicholas Johnson

he has enjoyed walking around town, rather than driving. “I have used the bus to get to Seattle and to the airport. I had never used the bus. I was really impressed with the service and the price. It takes a bit longer, but at a more leisurely, enjoyable pace. I typically make the trip myself, so it’s nice to sit back and enjoy the scenery or talk with someone sitting next to me.” Ben Bauermeister of the Hellbenders team said he burned propane to heat his house during the baseline phase. “After that, we dialed down the thermostat that controls our main furnace and used electrical space heaters instead,” he said. “The change in our carbon load was huge. I think switching over to an electric heating system is in my future.” PUD GREEN POWER Barney Burke, a Jefferson County Public Utility District (PUD) commissioner and member of the E.T. team, said electricity here is nearly carbon-free because the PUD’s power comes from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and locally generated solar power. BPA’s power is about 89 percent hydroelectric and nearly 10 percent nuclear, Burke said, compared to Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) power, which is 36 percent hydroelectric, 35 percent coal, 24 percent natural gas and about 5 percent from renewable sources. “I think an eye-opener for a

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lot of people is that without our electricity having a carbon footprint, it’s transportation that becomes the big factor,” said Burke, who has been working to secure grant money to purchase and install fast-working electric vehicle chargers in key areas around the Olympic Peninsula. “It’s amazing how much carbon can be reduced with electric vehicles.” When the PUD purchased PSE’s holdings in East Jefferson County in 2013, effectively becoming carbon-free, the county’s total greenhouse gas emissions fell 25 percent from what they were in 2005, according to Climate Action Committee chair Cindy Jayne.

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MILL DOWN, INDIVIDUALS UP The Port Townsend Paper Corp., which represented nearly 29 percent of the county’s emissions in 2005 when it produced 153,000 metric tons of carbon, reported a 59.4 percent reduction in 2014.

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She said propane and other fuel sources used for heat have become bigger carbon culprits locally. “In the county, we’ve noticed that propane use is driving up carbon emissions, because it has more carbon than our very clean electricity,” she said.

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Barney Burke, a Jefferson County Public Utility District commissioner and member of the E.T. team, notes his electricity usage April 14 after reading the meter on his home in Port Townsend.

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