Chamber Newsletter: May 2014

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May 2014

Luncheon Speakers

Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce luncheon meetings are held at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge, 555 Otto St., at noon each Monday, federal holidays excluded. Everyone is welcome!

May 5 – PT Robotics Team

The robotics team sponsored by Port Townsend High School and the Northwest Maritime Center will present its 2014 robot and share experiences from their rookie year. Sponsor Resort at Port Ludlow

May 12 Future City Challenge

Students from Chimacum Schools will talk about their participation in this competition where more than 35,000 middle schoolers from across the United States are tasked with re-imagining transportation systems. Sponsor Korean Women’s Association

May 19 - Dave Robison

The executive director of the Port Townsend Public Development Authority will provide an update on Fort Worden operations. Sponsor Sirens

May 26 - No Meeting.

Enjoy Memorial Day and the beginning of summer.

Taking business from good to great Great leadership, careful hiring keys to progress

By Jordan Eades In March, the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce board gathered to listen to a presentation by Heather Bailey, board member and Chief Human Resources Officer for Jefferson Healthcare. She began by performing a simple survey. Each member received a blank post-it note on which we answered the following question: “As a board member, how do you feel like we are doing? OK, good, or great?” One by one we began filling up the columns of OK, good, and great. Our results were good. Most felt that, we as a board, and as an organization, have been achieving our goals and making a difference to our membership. Then, she challenged our board by asking what it would take raise the bar, not settling for just a “good” organization, but a great one. It was an inspiring and informative hour, where Bailey shared the work of Jim Collins, author of Good to Great. In his book, Collins describes his research on how good companies, even mediocre companies, make the leap from standard performance to amazing, longlasting performance. Over the course of five years, Collins compiled data that determined

Zach and Jordan Eades are co-owners of HOPE Roofing & Construction. Jordan says she was recently inspired by the guidance offered by author Jim Collins in the book “From good to great.” the universal distinguishing characteristics that cause a company to go from good to great. Among many valuable insights, was his emphasis on the fact that when all is said and done, it’s people who really make the difference and distinguish great companies from good ones. Great organizations and companies consistently demonstrate the ability to connect current and future employees with the opportunities and roles that fit their passions, their natural abilities, and what makes them significant within the organization.

Overall, it was a fantastic exercise that provided our board with keen insight on how we structure our committees, approach board development, and continue to offer Jefferson County business members with amazing avenues for promotion, information, advocacy and support. Fired-up with our board’s resounding commitment to excellence, I returned home to ponder the same questions for our business, HOPE Roofing & Construction. I wondered how my husband and co-owner would describe our business.

How did our team members feel about their performance, the work we perform, and the state of the business overall? As I considered these questions for myself, it became clear that the road to excellence starts with honesty, courage and desire. Now on our third year, I feel good about the work we have performed and the relationships that we have with our customers. That being said, I am not content to settle for the “status quo.” I think that we owe it to ourselves to dig deeper, aim higher. Continued on Page 2

HOPE: Sustained effort over time brings change

Continued from Page 1 By delving further into Jim Collins work, we learn that there is no “overnight success” on the road from good to great. In fact, he explains that “in each of these dramatic, remarkable, good-to-great corporate transformations, we found the same thing: There was no miracle moment. Instead, a down-toearth, pragmatic, committed-to-excellence process -- a framework -- kept each company, its leaders, and its people on track for the long haul.” Additionally, we as business owners and leaders need to dispel the myths for creating largescale change. Change will not come with a flashy new branding campaign, a crisis that supposedly “motivates” employees, higher pay and incentives as motivators, acquiring your way to growth, or the belief that superior technology will outwit the competition. I admit that I too, have occasionally fallen into these traps. However, Collins warns that these strategies fall short when looking at long-term success.

So, how do we go from good to great? It starts with great leadership; the “Who” before “What.” Part of HOPE’s current strategy has been to retain and attract the best of the best. When we interview potential job candidates, we ask them how they feel about the position. Those who answer “it’s a job” move on down the line. Those whose eyes light up, who express their passion and enthusiasm for their craft, and demonstrate superior skill win a place on our team. However, with today’s labor shortages in the construction industry, it can be hard to wait for that next amazing candidate to come along. However, we are steadfast in our search for quality people, knowing that just hiring warm bodies to fill an opening won’t create the winning team we desire. The great news is that when organizations succeed in placing the right people in the right roles, the resulting benefits and contributions to the overall success of the enterprise are abundant.

“In the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life.”

The right employees tend to be self-motivated in doing the best work they can – they want to be part of a winning team, and they want to contribute real results for the benefit of the company. This type of commitment is contagious, so the greater the alignment between talent and values, the better a company is positioned to prevail through challenging shifts in the market and to embrace opportunities. Talent is just one part of the equation. Momentum is the other. How do we create this momentum in our business? Collins calls it “the Flywheel Effect.” As he explains, “right now, the flywheel is at a standstill. To get it moving, you make a tremendous effort. You push with all of your might, and finally, you get the flywheel to inch forward. After two or

and the fortitude to keep pushing, but I do know if we continue our efforts the transition eventually takes place. In those moments, when hard work and diligence are finally creating change, I can see how we three days of sustained ef- are making the transition fort, you get the flywheel going from good to great. to complete one entire There are many other turn. You keep pushing, great nuggets of wisdom and the flywheel begins in Collins’ work that are to move a bit faster. It worth exploring. Overall, takes a lot of work, but at this new-found knowledge last the flywheel makes a has brought me a sense second rotation. You keep of relief, as well as, more pushing steadily. It makes confidence. I know now three turns, four turns, that lasting change doesn’t five, and six. With each happen overnight, and turn, it moves faster, and that a “steady pace” really then -- at some point, you is the name of the game. can’t say exactly when Greatness in business -- you break through. stems from commitment The momentum of the to “the flywheel,” creating heavy wheel kicks in your a strong leadership team, favor. It spins faster and finding self-motivated talfaster, with its own weight ent, encouraging a culture propelling it. You aren’t of discipline with an ethic pushing any harder, but of entrepreneurship, and the flywheel is accelasking the tough questions erating, its momentum about what your business building, and its speed is truly able to achieve. increasing.” If you are not already I can certainly reinspired to take the next late to this process. As step, (I know I am) I’ll we grow our business, leave you with one last there are times that feel quote from Mr. Colclunky, slow and difficult. lins, which pretty much I struggle with patience surmises why one would

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2 May 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

challenge themselves and their business to make the leap. “When [what you are deeply passionate about, what you can be best in the world at and what drives your economic engine] come together, not only does your work move toward greatness, but so does your life. For, in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work. Perhaps, then, you might gain that rare tranquility that comes from knowing that you’ve had a hand in creating something of intrinsic excellence that makes a contribution. Indeed, you might even gain that deepest of all satisfactions: knowing that your short time here on this earth has been well spent, and that it mattered.” Jordan Eades is the President and co-owner of HOPE Roofing & Construction and the President elect of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce.

Follow the Chamber

If you are a member of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce and use Twitter or Facebook -- please follow us @JeffCoChamber on Twitter and Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce on Facebook. We use Twitter and Facebook to showcase our members and bring you the latest business news that is important to our members.

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Ferino’s Pizzeria celebrates new ownership with a ribbon cutting. On hand to help celebrate were, from left to right: Karen Anderson (VIC), Debra Rogers (Nerium Anti-aging Skin Care), Adam Burns (Ferino’s Owner), Celinda Ladue, Chelsey Johnson, Mukda Chabairum, Zach Koenig (Ferino’s employees), Laura Brackenridge (JCCC), Laurie Liske (First Federal) and former owner Scott Browning is the photo bomb. Photo by Steve Mullensky

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Use social media effectively By Elaine Jones Many business owners avoid using social media for business or are using it, but are not sure it is worth the effort. If this describes you, here are some tips that may be helpful. There is now a workbook for business use of YouTube that applies to virtually any kind of social media: http://think. docs/creator-playbookfor-brands_research-studies.pdf. Social media experts agree that achieving engagement is the key; getting attention or generating “likes” is not enough. Studying who is responding to your current efforts is a first step — is it who you want to engage? Do you need to tweak your content? Try looking at what others are doing that is prompting engagement. Target the core customer who is emotionally invested, rather than a broader audience. Responding to posts, comments and reviews is as important, if not more

important, than getting content out there. This includes responding to any negative reviews and thanking people for their feedback and their business. Your response to a complaint may not turn around an unhappy customer, but it will convince other readers that you are listening and care about customer service and quality. Failing to respond has the opposite effect. Giving things away -including helpful information and relevant news -- can foster engagement, as can contests with more tangible prizes. Eric Spellmann has a good short video available on how to run a Facebook contest: http://www.ericspellmann. com/how-to-run-a-successful-facebook-contest. html. And his entire library of free 10-minute videos on online marketing and social media is well worth exploring. The number of free or almost-free social media monitoring tools is proliferating and radically sim-

plifying the job of keeping track of where and how your business is mentioned. There are many sites reviewing these, such as: http://www. top-10-free-social-mediamonitoring-tools/ or http://www.toprankblog. com/2009/12/near-freesocial-media-monitoring/. Of course these links barely scratch the surface of the resources available. With the rapidly expanding role the Internet is playing in shopping and buyer behavior, businesses can’t afford not to add social media as another arrow in their quiver of marketing tools. Elaine Jones is the Certified Business Advisor at the WSU Small Business Development Center serving Jefferson and Clallam Counties. The Center provides confidential, one-on-one advising for existing and aspiring business owners at no cost to the client. Call 360-344-3078, or email:

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May 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter 3

Port Townsend to host Furniture Society conference More than 300 woodworking artists who design and build beautiful furniture will descend on Fort Worden June 19-21, 2014, when The Port Townsend School of Woodworking hosts the Furniture Society’s 2014 national convention. These visitors will have a major economic impact on the city and the surrounding area. In addition to the conference, a number of events and guided tours are planned in and around Port Townsend. These will offer attendees and their families the opportunity to explore what will be, for many of them, new and exciting territory. The Furniture Society, based in Durham, North Carolina, is a nonprofit educational organization with an international membership comprised of furniture makers, designers, educators, museum and gallery professionals, scholars, journalists, collectors, students and the interested public. Its

mission is “to advance the art of furniture making by inspiring creativity, promoting excellence and fostering an understanding of this art and its place in society.” While the focus during the conference sessions will be on the art and craft of furniture making, society members and their friends and families will have plenty of free time to browse and sample Port Townsend’s unique shops, fresh local food and beverages, maritime activities, and to experience our unique and diverse community. Regularly scheduled buses will shuttle conference participants between Fort Worden and downtown Port Townsend, providing easy access to local businesses and community points of interest. “Tim Lawson and the School’s Board should be commended for their efforts to bring the Furniture Society Annual Conference to Port Townsend. The economic impact of having these attendees

that the Port Townsend School of Woodworking is pleased and excited to host this year’s Furniture Society conference, and to welcome the Society and its members to Port Townsend and the Pacific Northwest,” said Tim Lawson, Executive Director of the Port Townsend School of Woodworking. For more information about the conference, visit www. or call 828-255-1949. For more information about the school, visit www. or call 360-344-4455. The Furniture Society, founded in 1996, works to realize its mission through educational programs, publications, exhibitions, recognition of excellence in Michael Cooper considers himself a sculptor as much as a furniture maker. This chair the field, and annual is one of his unique pieces of art. Cooper is one of the Furniture Society’s members. conferences. With more than 850 members from visiting and exploring ference planners and PDA offer to greet and checkPort Townsend is signifi- staff more flexibility. in conference participants across the United States, Canada, Europe and cant,” said Dave Robison, “When Jean Aslund, at the Chapel.” stated Australia, the Furniture Executive Director of the of the Furniture Society Fort Worden PDA GenSociety is the premiere Fort Worden PDA. wanted to ensure that all eral Manager Michael The PDA takes over attendees had an opportu- Deighton. The Members’ organization of studio the management of Fort nity to see the Members’ Furniture Gallery will be furniture makers and Worden May 1. One of Furniture Gallery in the open to the public from 9 academics in the field. For more information many changes will be a Chapel during registraa.m. to 5 p.m. during the or to become a member, new registration system. tion, we were able to conference. The upgraded registration accommodate. With our “I speak for everyone please call 828-255-1949 system will provide connew system, we could at the school when I say or visit

Biz Buzz Learn to make your business efficient


4 May 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

EDC/Team Jefferson presents “Tools to simplify your business” with Dr. Earll Murman. The class is at 5 p.m., Tuesday, May 13. Even small businesses often need to simplify. Learn tools to help your business get rid of procedural clutter and help you use your time effectively. Dr. Earll Murman will help you apply prin-

ciples of LEAN thinking to your small business.

Library answers tech quesitons

The Jefferson County Library regularly schedules “Tech Tuesday” classes from 3 to 4 p.m. Here are topics coming in the weeks ahead: May 6 – eBooks: Discover the various titles of eBooks and eAudio books available through your li-

brary. Learn how to prepare your computer or device to enable downloading the titles you wish to read and how to check-out and return the books you borrow. May 13 – Computer Security: Learn about how to make your home computer and mobile devices more secure. The class will cover spyware, viruses and other malware and how to protect your devices from these threats.

May 27 – Microsoft PowerPoint: Learn some of the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint and find out about additional resources for continuing your PowerPoint program education at home. Following each class, staff members will be available until 6 p.m. to answer questions. Bring your device or use laptops provided by the library.

Thanks to our top chamber contributors! Business investors

Port Ludlow 74 Breaker Lane Port Ludlow, WA 98365 360-437-7863

Port Hadlock 69 Oak Bay Road Port Hadlock, WA 98339 360-344-3424

East Sims 2313 East Sims Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-385-0123

*New loan requests only. Single family owner-occupied homes only. 80% loan to value; subject to current appraisal from a Kitsap Bank approved appraiser. 5 year balloon with loan payment amortization not to exceed 20 years. Must have auto charge to Kitsap Bank deposit account. Other limitations may apply. Limited time only. **On all loans over $50,000.

The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce staff checks out new wayfinding signs in downtown Port Townsend. From left to right are: Visitor Information Center manager Karen Anderson, Executive Director Teresa Verraes and Events and Program Manager Laura Brackenridge.

Know the rules: Service animals and your business Supporting customers and providing a place for them to conduct business with you is vital to operating successfully. More than 50 million Americans -- 18 percent of the population -- have disabilities, and each is a potential customer. Knowing what environment facilitates business is crucial to a business owner. Often businesses such as stores, restaurants, hotels, or theaters have policies or operate under regulations that can exclude people with disabilities if not properly carried out. It is required by regulation to exclude pets in food service establishments. A “no pets” policy or regulation may be continued, but an exception must be made for service animals. In 2010, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was revised and set standards for accessible buildings. The definition

of “service animal” is now limited to a dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the service animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. For example, many people who are blind or have low vision use dogs to guide and assist them with orientation. Many individuals who are deaf use dogs to alert them to sounds. People with mobility disabilities often use dogs to pull their wheelchairs or retrieve items. People with epilepsy may use a dog to warn them of an imminent seizure, and individuals with psychiatric disabilities may use a dog to remind them to take medication. Service members returning from war with new disabilities are increasingly using service animals to assist

them with activities of daily living as they reenter civilian life. Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents him from using these devices. Individuals who cannot use such devices must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. Businesses may exclude service animals only if the dog is out of control and the handler cannot or does not regain control; or the dog is not housebroken. Under the ADA, “comfort,” “therapy,” or “emotional support animals” do not meet the definition of a service animal. For more information, please visit:, ada. gov/2010_regs.htm or ada. gov/service_animals_2010. htm.

Business builders • Port Townsend Paper Co. • Food Co-op • Gold Star Marine

• Homer Smith Insurance • Cafe Bon Appetit at Fort Worden

May 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter 5

Roger, Kevin and Sandy Short raise grass fed beef and provide Jefferson County gardeners with Magical Dirt, infused with Chimacum Valley magic.

Chickens roam the lush green grounds of Finnriver Farm & Cidery. In addition to cider, Finnriver supplies fruits, vegetables, and eggs at the Farmers’ Market.

Volunteers tour Short Family, Finnriver farms

Often times, a spring trip to the many farms in the Chimacum Valley will result in some wet toes and muddy shoes. Don’t let that stop you though. Don those muck boots and head over to where some of the most fertile soil in the area produces some of the best products. Short’s Family Farm and Finnriver Farm and Cidery are only two businesses located within the low rolling hills of Chimacum Valley, both of which will sell direct from their farms and at the Port Townsend and Chimacum farmers’ markets.

the truth. But you have to ask what they finish with,” she told us. Many farmers will finish with grain to get the weight on the cows fast; and the difference is in the taste, “Everybody says fat is flavor, and to some extent fat IS flavor, but also the quality of grass that you feed is flavor.” Their grass is grown in both the Chimacum and Beaver Valleys. Two locations provide grazing areas for the beef, one for new calves and cows and the other for the cattle who are getting ready to go to market. Beef which finish the final six to eight Short’s Family Farm weeks before slaughwas purchased as a dairy ter eating high quality farm by the Short family grass will provide good in the early 1940s. Around marbling and a lean cut. 2005, they converted to a Kevin (third generation 100 percent grass fed beef on this farm) likes to say, farm. Sandy Short showed “From birth to plate, they Port Townsend Visitor get nothing but grass.” Information Center volBeef aside, we’ve all unteers around the farm seen and wondered about while explaining how their that Magical Dirt sign beef is raised and how on Beaver Valley Road. grass is the key to good Sandy has most of the flavor. answers about that too, but “People will tell you not all, because there is they’ve got grass fed beef, a part of it that is magiand they are telling you cal. The fertile Chima6 May 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

cum Valley provides an ancient muck that is full of different types of organisms. The muck used to be sold straight out of the ground by Sandy’s father-in-law, but Roger Short has developed and refined his father’s process of creating Magical Dirt, making it more accessible and user friendly. Roger mixes the muck with various other substances to create a variety of dirt for different uses. He has created a lawn mix separate from the dirt and compost. He even delivers! Magical dirt and beef can be purchased directly from the Short’s Family Farm and beef can also be found at the Farmers’ Market. Don’t feel like cooking? Short’s beef is used at select restaurants in Port Townsend, Chimacum and Sequim. Short’s Family Farm • 1594 Center Rd. • Chimacum • 360-732-4601 • www.shortsfamilyfarm. com Next door to the Shorts live the Kislers and their crew. Crystie and Keith Kisler, owners of Finnriv-

er Farm and Cidery, a 33-acre certified organic farm, have blasted off in the past few years expanding from traditional hard cider into craft cider, fruit brandies and wines. The popularity of their ciders has necessitated a facility expansion as well. A new production and storage house is going up quickly to house ciders made from heirloom apples grown on the Finnriver property and organic apples grown in eastern Washington. Finnriver doesn’t stop with the cider. A working farm, Finnriver supplies fruits, vegetables, and eggs at the Farmers’ Market. They’ve also begun selling free range chickens and pigs for your tastebuds’ delight. They are driving the ag-toruism band wagon by offering U-pick blueberries seasonally (which are kept organic and diseasefree by allowing ducks to run free among the blueberry bushes), Sunday Dented Buoy pizza nights beginning May 1, and participating in three Olympic Peninsula wine tours annually. Finnriver

is committed to community involvement as well as a quality product by partnering with several other Jefferson County businesses. You can find Finnriver’s products at the Port Townsend Food Coop, the Chimacum Corner Farmstand, and the Port

Townsend and Chimacum Farmers’ Markets. Their tasting room and farm are open to the public daily from noon to 5 p.m. Finnriver Farm & Cidery • 62 Barn Swallow Rd. • Chimacum • 360-732-4337 • www.

Colorful signs point the way at Finnriver Farm, which is becoming a regional destination with its tasting room and its scenic location.

Testimonial “So I just wanted to say thank you quickly to the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce. One of our clients found us from utilizing the Chamber website to find a contractor they were comfortable using. This one client along with a host of solid contacts and useful networking has made us realize the value of Chamber membership for us far outweighs the small cost of joining this organization. I especially want to thank Laura and Teresa for their willingness to share information and insight with us freely and for being a present help when called upon. Thank you ladies very much for the time and consideration you have offered when needed.”

Goats lead the opening day parade

A big crowd turned out for the first day of the Port Townsend Farmers Market last month and Chamber members were on hand to help celebrate the occasion. Festivities included the traditional goat parade.

Kat Inglis Kat’s Homeowner Helper 360-390-8830

Chamber contacts CHAMBER STAFF


Executive Director Teresa Verraes

President Amanda Funaro NW Maritime Center

Event Coordinator Laura Brackenridge 385-7869 VIC Manager Karen Anderson (360) 385-2722

President Elect Jordan Eades Hope Roofing Past President Dominic Svornich Kitsap Bank Vice President, Records Mari Stuart Community Enrichment Alliance

Vice President, Membership Vi Koenig Port Townsend Laundromat & Self Service Car Wash

Kris Nelson Sirens, Alchemy, Addie Mae’s

Vice President Outreach Heather Bailey Jefferson Healthcare

Susan Windle Resort at Port Ludlow

DIRECTORS Katherine Baril Small Business Consultant Tanya Rublaitus Port Townsend Schools

Austin Henry Altas Technologies

Nancy McConaghy Coldwell Banker Jennefer Wood Maestrale Will O’Donnell Jefferson County Farmer’s Markets

ADVERTISING Catherine Brewer The Leader 360-385-2900 The content of this publication is prepared by the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce for its members. We welcome submissions. Send articles and photos to director@ or mail to 440 12th St. Port Townsend, WA 98368.

May 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter 7

Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce 440 12th St. Port Townsend, WA 98368


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new members ATTORNEY NICK GUNN Nick Gunn is a trademark and business attorney located in Quilcene. For many years, Nick and his family visited the family farm outside of Quilcene while living and working in Seattle. In 2012, after building a successful and mobile practice, the family relocated to Quilcene for a change of pace. To his surprise, the move to the country did not affect his practice or his ability to serve clients in Seattle or elsewhere. The ability to head out to the Olympics to hike, go out on the water to fish, or to take the kids to the beach at a minute’s notice convinced him to make the move permanent. Nick joined the Chamber earlier this year to connect with more local businesses and to get involved in the community. Nick advises businesses on trademark and other intellectual property matters. Intellectual property rights are increasingly important for businesses of all sizes and scope. He can help register and protect trademarks and other intellectual property rights. Nick also dedicates a significant portion of his practice to business transactions, general business consulting and acting as general counsel for businesses. In addition, there are five other attorneys in Ironmark Law Group, PLLC with expertise in other areas including nonprofit organizations, civil litigation, employment law and international law. To reach Nick, call (206) 547-1914 or email directly at The website is 8 May 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

Port Ludlow prepares to build first new division in seven years In recent months, Washington State, along with the rest of the country, has begun to see an improved economy and housing market. Although these trends often affect Jefferson County a little later than the Seattle area, our county has already seen a number of positive indicators of growth in our economy. One such indicator is the steady stream of home sales occurring in Port Ludlow. Specifically, closed home sales have increased by 26 percent year to date compared with 2013, according to Trendgraphix Inc. With this information as well as a number of other positive indicators of growth, Port Ludlow Associates, LLC (PLA) made the decision to begin work on their first new home community in seven years. In January, after working with the County Planning Commission, going through the required public disclosures and comment period, and securing financing through their local partner, Kitsap Bank, PLA was given the go-ahead to begin clearing land immediately across from the Port Ludlow Village Center businesses. This new neighborhood is not only Port Ludlow’s newest neighborhood but the first to occur in Jefferson County in many years. The neighborhood will be called Ludlow Cove Cottages and will be made up of 42 charming, cottage-style, single-family homes, located on a choice of woodland, park-front and waterfront lots. Although there has been quite a bit of activity

hard at work to create selection of new cottage home designs for the new neighborhood. Union Studio has worked with GHC on other successful Pacific Northwest projects and they were recently awarded at the International Builder’s Show the National Association of Home Builders’ Best in American Living Awards. The award was given to the company for its work on the cottage community Concord Riverwalk, located in West Concord, Mass., which took home one of the International Builder’s Show top honors, “Community of the Year,” as well as a Platinum Award in the “Green Community” category. The community was designed to preserve 50 percent of the site as open space while providPort Ludlow’s newest neighborhood will be called Lud- ing residents with access to low Cove Cottages and will be made up of 42 cottage- the adjacent river. Union Studio’s design style, single-family homes. concepts for the new the help of Seattle firm home layouts are nearly in recent weeks, there is Geyer Coburn Hutchins, finalized, however pricing still quite a bit more to do LLC (GCH) Planning and and marketing materiwithin the planning realm Landscape Architecture. als showcasing the new before home building neighborhood are still in begins. According to Diana GHC is known for its progress. As new details Smeland, President of Port extensive experience and regarding Ludlow Cove Ludlow Associates, “Once expertise in creating innovative, environmentally Cottages become availthe land was cleared, sensitive and sustainable able, Port Ludlow Associwe began surveying the design solutions for resort ates along with builder property in order to grade communities both here in Westharbor Homes will it properly for the placethe Pacific Northwest as send out e-mail updates to ment of water and sewer well as around the world. those who are interested in lines, locations of the Once the elements of the the project prior to public future streets and homes, landscape plan are finalrelease. and drainage pathways. To be included on these Next, we will be hiring the ized, GCH will begin work updates, simply provide Jefferson County PUD and on artistic renderings of the site to share with the your name and e-mail adWave to install electripublic. dress at www.LudlowCovcal and cable lines for the Simultaneously, with where you neighborhood.” While the infrastructure the ground work and land- can view basic information on the new community. for Ludlow Cove Cottages scape planning underway, Union Studio Architecture This website will also be goes in, the community’s features and landscape plan and Community Design of updated as new details are Providence, RI has been made available. are being finalized with

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