november 2012
Luncheon Speakers Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce luncheon meetings are held at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge, 555 Otto St., at noon each Monday, federal holidays excluded. Everyone is welcome!
Nov. 5 - Mike Pritchard
From 5 Circles Research, Pritchard will discuss how businesses can measure customer satisfaction. Sponsor Kitsap Bank.
Nov. 12 - No Meeting (Veteran’s Day) Nov. 19 – Dr. Marvin Pitts
Dr. Pitts will describe how Washington State University’s program in Mechanical Engineering at Olympic College in Bremerton can provide BS engineering degrees to Jefferson County students and engineers to Jefferson County i n d u s t r i e s. S p o n s o r Kitsap Bank
Nov. 26 -- Dr. David Engle
Dr. Engle, the new Port Townsend School District superintendent, will be speaking about his vision for integrating a comprehensive maritime framework into the Port Townsend School District’s future development, which will benefit the larger community of Jefferson County. Sponsor Kitsap Bank.
Coffee Talk
Nov. 6, 8 to 9 a.m. - At Resort at Port Ludlow, 1 Heron Rd., Port Ludlow. Marketing 101 panel with Jordan Eades, Rachel Paz, Business Guides, and Michele Jewett, Marketing Sense.
Kitsap Bank has deep, local roots Kitsap Bank began in 1908 as a small bank with one location in Port Orchard, Wash. Of its four founders, Peter Nordby, a Norwegian immigrant, became the bank’s first president. Prior to his arrival in Port Orchard, Mr. Nordby founded the first settlement on Marrowstone Island in 1891—the area known today as Nordland -- just a few miles southeast of Port Townsend. Today, Kitsap Bank has grown to be a leader among community banks in the nation with 20 offices in the Greater Puget Sound region. It is also one of the longest-running locally owned and operated community banks in the state of Washington. For 90 of its 104 years, Kitsap Bank has been owned and managed by the Langer family, a testament to the stability of the organization and the family’s commitment to serving the financial needs of this community. Kitsap Bank’s assets are nearly $1 billion strong, and the organization employs over 250 people. Kitsap Bank is a full-service community bank, offering products and services tailored to the needs of businesses, non-profits, public entities and consumers in the Greater Puget Sound region. True to its roots as a commercial bank, Kitsap Bank is in business to serve businesses, and banks some of the largest business and government entities in our region. The bank’s size puts it in the
Kitsap Bank staff members are proud of their contributions to the community. Here the staff presents a $10,000 check to the Port Townsend Main Street Program. From left are Susan Whitmire, VP Commercial Lending, Tammy Allaire, VP Regional Operations Manager, Operations Manager Dominic Svornich, and from the Main Street Program, Heather Dudley Nollette and Mari Mullen. unique position of being small enough to grow relationships with its customers and provide fast, locally-made decisions while being large enough to help its customers with their most significant banking requirements. While Kitsap Bank has served the Olympic Peninsula for nearly 20 years with offices in Sequim and Port Angeles, its first Jefferson County branch opened in Port Ludlow nearly 10 years ago. In 2006, Kitsap
Bank expanded its footprint in Jefferson County by merging with then Port Townsend-based MarinerBank, and gained branches in Port Hadlock and Port Townsend. Committed to meeting the lending needs of businesses in Jefferson County, Kitsap Bank also opened a commercial loan office in 2006 in Port Townsend’s historic Mount Baker Block Building. Vice President & Commercial Loan Officer, Susan Whitmire, is
based out of the Port Townsend Loan Office, and is dedicated solely to meeting the borrowing needs of businesses in Jefferson County. Commercial loans can be written and approved without the decision in many cases even needing to leave the county. In 2011, Kitsap Bank lent over $5 million to Jefferson County businesses. Lending isn’t limited to businesses. Kitsap Bank offers competitive rates on home Continued on page 2