INSIDE: Health & Wellness Focus
September 30, 2015 Issue 39/Vol. 126
Celebrating Tom Jay: B1
Fighting cancer with facts, food PT nutritionist debuts NPR program By Allison Arthur of the Leader Daniella Chace says women with breast cancer can benefit now from new research and shouldn’t have to wait for research to become routine and part of care protocols or medical therapies. It’s why the 50-year-old Port Townsend clinical nutritionist has written two new books, one technical, one fun. It’s why she said yes to producing to a nutrition program for National Public Radio (NPR).
It’s why she’s developed an app to help people pick foods that contain healing nutrients while they are shopping in the grocery store. And it’s also why she said yes to writing another smoothie book, this one specifically to take on breast cancer. “I think it’s fascinating that so much new research is available, and if the general public had access to it, it would change the course of disease in this country and the epidemics we have,” Chase said one day recently over a cup of turmeric tea at Pippa’s Real Tea. “There’s new information all the time, and I get very excited about it and I want to translate it into See CHACE, Page 15▼
Port Townsend nutritionist Daniella Chace enjoys a cup of turmeric tea at Pippa’s Real Tea. Chace uses green tea in a number of her smoothie recipes. She’s also producing a nutrition program for National Public Radio that debuts this month. Photo by Nicholas Johnson
Hadlock housing plans on hold Inn at Port Hadlock needs more repairs By Allison Arthur of the Leader
Charlie Bodony, 59, is pictured in front of his Port Townsend shop and two of his wacky contraptions – the Magic Bus and the Spirit of Muckle Flugga – along with Jim Rondeau (left) on Monday, Sept. 28. Photo by Nicholas Johnson
Kicking off kinetics education PT’s Bodony founds Applied Education Foundation
and they’re not going away until they learn something.” Under the auspices of 4-H and the WSU Jefferson County Extension, AEF promotes “STEAM” education, which is science, technolBy Robin Dudley of the Leader ogy, engineering and math (STEM), a recent focus in American education, amped up with Underneath his top hat, Charlie Bodony is the addition of “A” for a serious guy, not that you would know it from arts. Teams of AEF the wacky contraptions he has engineered and educators are to built for entry in the Great Port Townsend Bay bring kinetic Kinetic Skulpture Race. sculptures to The Port Townsend resident is serious about schools, let using kinetic sculptures as a way to inspire and kids pilot educate students. He’s serious about teaching them, and kids the skills needed to design, build, repair also provide and use machines like the ones in 33rd annual teachers with Great Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Skulpture curriculum that Race, taking place this weekend, Oct. 3-4. builds on that The master of engineering behind some of inspiring, hands-on the biggest, most technical sculptures built experience. here – Port Townsend hosts the second-oldest “Kids like to see machinery,” Bodony said. race in the world of kinetic sculpture racing When children study physics, geometry or engi– has formed a kinetics education nonprofit neering in school, “it’s all esoteric; there’s nothcalled the Applied Education Foundation ing tangible to apply it to. We provide that.” (AEF). The goal is to bring kinetics to the children. BASIC KINETICS “All you gotta do is pull into the schoolyards A kinetic sculpture is a human-powered vewith a human-powered monster truck” and hicle that can float as well as go down the road, school gets a lot more fun, Bodony said. “You’ve and also must be able to get through mud and got 60 faces pressed up against the window, sand. It may have battery-powered lights or
inside this issue
34 pages
A: FRONT Business...........................................................6-7 Letters.............................................................9,10 Health & Wellness Focus.......................11-15 Community Record...................................... 17 Sports...........................................................19-21
music, but its propulsion uses no electricity, no gasoline, no diesel – only muscles. The sculptures are pieces of art, too. Designed to look like a flowerpot, dragon, spaceship, Sasquatch, whale, butterfly, fire-breathing goat, dollar bill, peanut, Viking ship or anything imaginable, their teams of pilots, pit crew and entourage are also judged on pageantry. As such, they’re just plain fun to watch. This weekend, check out the Wanna-Be Parade at noon on Saturday along Water Street downtown, to be followed by the skulpture brake and float test on Monroe Street and in Port Townsend Bay via the boat ramp adjacent to the Northwest Maritime Center. The race itself begins at noon, Sunday, on Water Street. [See a komplete skedule of kinetic events on page 8.] KINETICS NEEDS EVERYBODY Bodony’s goal with the nonprofit is to help teachers as well as kids. Upon learning that they, too, can build stuff like this, kids are inspired to sit up and pay attention in class. Bodony has already brought sculptures to schools. “The world of possibilities opens up when we show up,” he said. “We had just wanted to share what we know ... but kids light up in ways we never imagined.”
B: ThisWEEK & CLASSIFIEDS Arts & Entertainment..................................1-4 Community Calendar......................................3 Classifieds & Legal Notices..................... 6-10 Education......................................................... 12 Law & Justice................................................... 11
See BODONY, Page 8▼
INSERTS: Hadlock Building Supply, Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter, Honda Power
The Inn at Port Hadlock likely will see another Christmas come and go without being open. Last Christmas, affordable housing advocates were hopeful that the inn – which was shuttered in June of 2011 – would be reborn this year as Bayside Hotel, a place where those in need of clean, affordable housing could find temporary sanctuary. For now, those hopes are on hold. A lease between Bayside Housing & Services, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit led by John Cantlon, and the inn’s owner, Gary Keister, is in default, Cantlon said. “We’re heartbroken,” Cantlon said on Sept. 28. “There’s a lot of momentum that you get from starting and if you stop and take a breathe, you lose your momentum. But at this point, you can’t spend money you don’t have.” Cantlon said that when a licensing inspection was set up in June, it had to be canceled because so much was unfinished. “There was a lease and we were making payments but we stopped. We had hoped to occupy it by April,” said Cantlon. Keister said that it has been a challenge to make necessary repairs and that some original estimates for repairs didn’t hold up, and cost more than he anticipated. “I would say that we are close to 90 percent finished now and we’ve related that to John last Friday,” Keister said on Sept. 28. “It certainly has been difficult for them to hold on and do the fundraising that they need to do without having a facility available to them and we obviously couldn’t turn it over to them until these things are comSee BAYSIDE, Page 16▼