Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 • A 11
Girls’ Night Out, Oct. 1, is fun for a great cause ‘Beautiful, Healthy You’ is theme; Tiara Trot kicks off the day Thirty-two stores have signed up to participate in Port Townsend Main Street’s “Girls’ Night Out” event on Thursday, Oct. 1. This year’s theme is “Beautiful, Healthy You,” and the day starts with a free early-morning “Tiara Trot.” Meet at 213 Taylor St. to register for this 1.47 mile walk/ jog/run, which starts at 7 a.m. All participants get a tiara, while supplies last. Refreshments are provided by Arran Stark of Jefferson Healthcare after the Tiara Trot. From 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Girls’ Night Out participating businesses are offering special events, in-store promotions and refreshments. The evening ends with the popular Wrap Party at 8 p.m. at the Belmont Restaurant, 925 Water St., with a no-host bar, appetizers, dessert and door prizes. Admission is by a $5 suggested donation at door. Sporty attire is encouraged. Goodie bags, $10, filled with OZONE socks and small gifts, are on sale on Oct 1. Participating businesses are: About Time Clothing*, Abracadabra, April Fool & Penny, Too*, Bickie’s Cotton Casuals*, The Boiler Room, The Clothes Horse*, Conservatory Coastal Home, Elevated Ice Cream, Expressions Apparel, Face of Grace, Getables, Glow Natural Skin Care*, The Green Eyeshade, Jefferson Healthcare Pop-up at 213 Taylor St., Lively Olive Tasting
Bar, Maestrale, Magpie Alley, Maricee*, The Perfect Season, Pippa’s Real Tea, Port Townsend Fudge Co.*, Posh Hair Salon and Day Spa*, Quimper Mercantile, Sea Salt Cottage, The Spice and Tea Exchange, Summer House Design, Tickled Pink*, Wandering Angus, Wandering Wardrobe, What’s Cookin’, The Wine Seller, and World’s End. (* Indicates goodie-bag sponsors.) Raffle tickets, for a prize valued at over $700, are available in advance for $5 at many of the participating merchants. The prize includes an overnight stay at the Bishop Victorian Hotel; a Deja View Photography studio session and print; a $100 Belmont gift certificate; a Port Townsend Athletic Club one-month membership; Rose Theatre tickets/treats; two haircuts at Seasons Hair Salon, one with Jolene, one with Mary Lou; a Posh Salon gift certificate; membership to the Wine Seller wine club; pampering gifts; jewelry and more. PROCEEDS HELP WOMEN Proceeds from raffle sales and goodie bag purchases benefit Jefferson Healthcare Foundation to help provide breast and cervical cancer screenings, care and treatment for low-income Jefferson County residents and the Port Townsend Main Street Program, both 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The newly established Jef-
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Diagnostic Imaging department located on the second floor of the hospital. 3D mammography (tomosynthesis) screening and diagnostic tools, designed for early detection of breast cancer, can be done in conjunction with a traditional 2D digital mammogram. The technology provides three-dimensional images of the breast by using a technology similar to CT scans, or computed tomography. According to the Jefferson Healthcare website, researchers are finding that Hologic 3D mammography combined with 2D mammography provides greater than 25 percent improvement in overall cancer detection rates, finding invasive cancers 40 percent earlier than conventional 2D mammography alone; better visualization of masses, distortions and asymmetric densities; and significant reduction in false-positive recall rates by up to 40 percent. Visit jeffersonhealthcare.org for more information. To date, Port Townsend Main Street’s Girls’ Night Out event has raised nearly $30,000 to assist local women in need to receive cancer screenings. This event is sponSue Arthur, Bickie Steffan, Kris Nelson, Connie Segal and Amy Jordan get sored by the Port Townsend Main in the Girls’ Night Out spirit. Arthur, Steffan and Segal are PTMS Promotion Street Program, Jefferson HealthCommittee members, and Nelson and Segal are board members. The 12th care, OZONE Socks and particiannual event takes place in downtown Port Townsend on Thursday, Oct. 1. pating businesses. For program Photo by Deja View Photography updates, visit ptmainstreet.org. The Port Townsend Main Street Program fosters economic vitality care, according to a press release ferson Healthcare Foundation’s and preservation of place within mission is to develop relationships from Main Street. the historic business districts, Patients at Jefferson Healthand financial resources to support while maintaining our small town the healthcare programs, projects care can receive the latest in 3D quality of life. mammography screening at the and services of Jefferson Health-
For more Information, visit