Port Townsend Rotary "Good Works"

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Port Townsend Rotary Club

At home & around the world


Welcome to PT Rotary Letter from the President


elcome to Port Townsend Rotary, serving Jefferson County and the international community since 1929! Rotarians are a diverse community minded group who share a common motivation – SERVICE ABOVE SELF. Rotary truly walks the talk on this. Through our fundraising efforts we support many local non-profit organizations, provide scholarships to Port Townsend High School graduating seniors, and participate in projects that improve the quality of life in foreign countries where so much help is needed. We sponsor several youth programs in the local high school - the international youth exchange program and the InterAct Club, both which promote leadership, community service and international goodwill. This year the mission of Rotary International is “Peace Through Service.” In addition to serving this lofty ideal, one underlying thread is a part of everything we do – having

Bill James, 2012-2013 club president fun. While our objectives address very serious needs in the community and in the world, we try to involve an element of fun and humor throughout it all. If you wish to learn more about our projects feel free to contact me or another member—we’re all listed in this publication. Be my guest at a meeting to see what we are all

about. We meet every Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. in the Northwest Maritime Center, upstairs, over a delicious lunch catered by Jordini’s. In the meantime, read on to learn more about what we do in our community—not only in Jefferson County, but also the larger world community that we all share. And one more thing: Port Townsend Rotary is able to pay for its good works here and in needy parts of the world through the proceeds generated at our annual auction gala. The auction and dinner this year comes May 11. It’s called “Treasure Island: Sharing the Bounty,” and our nautical theme is perfectly placed in the upstairs of the Northwest Maritime Center. Plan to come if you can, or donate an item or service to auctioned if you can’t. Email porttownsendrotary@ gmail.com for tickets or information, or go to our website: www. porttownsendrotary.org. Bill James President


What Rotary does

ully 90 percent of all Rotary charity giving goes to support local concerns, causes and charities. The club invests thousands of dollars and countless hours of volunteer service to the betterment of our neighbors. Look around and you’ll see evidence of Rotary’s impact on the community: • The beach trail and signs at Point Hudson • Rotary Park at the ferry terminal • The major upgrade of the American Legion winter homeless shelter • The sidewalk at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds • Continuing support of Jumping Mouse Children’s Center • Habitat for Humanity houses built and painted with Rotary labor • Support for important community projects, such as the construction of an all-weather outdoor basketball court for our youth at the Jefferson County Courthouse. • And much much more. Other previous recipients include the American Red Cross, Chimacum PTSA, Critter Co-Op 4-H Club, Dove House, Gathering Place, KPTZ Radio Port Townsend, PT Community Orchestra, Jumping Mouse, ECHHO, J.C. Mash Clinic, Jefferson Farm-to-School Coalition, YMCA Building Futures Program, Jefferson County Fair, Centrum, Jefferson AIDS Services, Andy Mackie Music Foundation, the outdoor basketball court at the Jefferson County Courthouse, Books for Bicol (Philippines literacy program), Key City Public Theatre, Twisters Gymnastics and West Camp for Girls. Where do the funds come from? Mostly from the annual charity auction, and from the holiday wreath sale.

Rotarians are active helpers for renovating the Haines Street Cottages. Incoming club President Le Hornbeck was among the dozen who helped.

Rotary’s key donation helped make possible a new all-weather, full-sized basketball court for local youth at the Jefferson County Courthouse. Rotarians also helped guide the project in partnership with the Port Townsend Basketball Club. 2 March 2013 Port Townsend Rotary Club

ON FRONT COVER: Top images, clockwise from top left: Rotarian Dave Backman assists InterAct students on a construction project. Wearing red shoes as part of the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event in support of the domestic violence/sexual assault program, Rotarians Jim Maupin, Mike Kenna and Homer Smith III take the to street. A Guatemalan girl enjoys a new school desk in Batzaja. Bottom images, from left: Rotarian and former District Governor Erik Frederickson awards Neil Potthoff a plaque commemorating 50 years as a Rotarian. Several Rotarians gather for a Texas Hold ‘em fundraising night. Four new Rotarians are introduced by former President Jim Maupin.

Rotary teens “at your service” S

orting and shelving at the Food Bank before morning classes, waiting tables for the Jumping Mouse Children’s Counseling Center fundraiser, assembling emergency first aid and disaster relief kits, providing and running childrens’ games for First Night on New year’s Eve, and marching in red high heels to raise community awareness of domestic violence and sexual abuse are examples of the many ways teens in Port Townsend High School’s Rotary InterAct Club volunteer hundreds of hours to local community service each year. Helping in the community is what all local service clubs do. What makes InterAct different is the Rotary requirement that these teens also promote international goodwill and peaceful global relations by donating to humanitarian aid abroad. It’s key to the name of the club – INTER (international) ACT (action.) Each of the 10,700 InterAct clubs around the world in 109 countries commit to completing at least one project to help others outside their own country, building a world fellowship network as part of the “Rotary Serves Peace” pledge. PTHS Interact Club goes beyond requirements, investing in many efforts of international assistance each year. Last year they provided funds to pay orphaned Rwandan students to produce eco-friendly cookstoves sold and used in their village to improve air quality. The money they earned then paid their school fees providing the orphans a means to make a living and a better future through education. The club also donated money to the Rotary effort to stamp out Polio worldwide, to support KIVA international microloans, to fund malaria prevention, and for Heifer International projects. Such contributions require many hours of fundraising by the students who learn to keep charitable funds strictly separated from the club’s operating and “fun” budget which is collected from the dues they pay. While most InterAct international assistance is given as donations of money, Port Townsend InterAct students were able to travel to Guatemala for a week in 2009, working with village men and Rotarians from the Port Townsend Rotary Club to rebuild a modest wooden schoolhouse for the local children. Though they were proud of the completed school building, overcoming the villagers’ fears of American teenagers and building friendships with the observing children were the InterActors’ fondest personal accomplishments.

InterAct students led the way for the “Be the Solution” march to raise awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault for the Dove House. Many boys wore high heel shoes to “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.”

InterAct student Madeline Levy helped at the Port Townsend Food Bank.

Since its launch, the Port Townsend High School InterAct Club has put brain and brawn into local and international projects. In 2008, Rory Kenna helped pack 15,000 school books bound for the Bicol region of the Philippines.

Claire Foden packed food for a family who relies on the food bank. The 2013 Port Townsend High School InterAct Club has 33 members – only 18 could gather up for this photo. The rest were playing baseball, mentoring younger students, volunteering to help at Grant Street Elementary or getting ready for Mock Trial or Knowledge Bowl competitions. Advisors Kim Hammers and Kate Smallwood are in the center.

March 2013 Port Townsend Rotary Club 3

Do you know a Rotarian? (Probably)

Here are some typical members of Port Townsend Rotary

Neil Potthoff

Many will remember Neil Potthoff as your teacher or principal in Port Townsend schools. Beginning in 1949 he served first as sixth-grade teacher, then principal of the old Lincoln Grade School, followed by 21 years as principal of Port Townsend High School. As Port Townsend Rotary’s most longstanding member, with 55 years in the club, Neil has held most of the responsible positions including 43

years as perennial secretary. “When I joined Rotary in the spring of 1957, I don’t recall

thinking of it as an opportunity to pursue our motto ‘Service Above Self.’ It was probably more about getting to know more people, enjoy the fellowship and do some public relations work in education. But as I grew in my appreciation of what Rotary is, I realized that each Rotarian must be a part of its missions in community and international service. So, whether I am a part of administering vaccine in the Polio Plus program, bringing clean water to remote villages or providing shelter for the homeless, I am making the world a better place through Rotary. Now, I am on board with ‘Service Above Self’.”

Carla remarks, “When I was invited to join Rotary, my first thought was ‘Why would

I do that?’ My husband, Tim, was the Rotarian in the family. I never imagined I would be one. Now I am a Rotarian for me. For the satisfaction I get every Tuesday as I chat over lunch with people who care about the community the way I care about it. At a time when our country is so politically polarized, it is a breath of fresh air to work with others who are motivated by the Rotary Four-Way Test: Is it the Truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”

Carla Caldwell

You probably know Carla Caldwell as the executive director of United Good Neighbors, but she is also a prominent Rotarian active in all aspects of community service. Carla has a Master of Divinity degree, has served as a lay minister, theology teacher, high school teacher and principal. Her husband’s (Tim) roots in the community reach back for six generations.

Upcoming Events Treasure Island: Sharing the Bounty – the Annual Dinner and Auction of Port Townsend Rotary – will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2013. The proceeds from this event help Rotary achieve the good works described in this supplement; the Fund-a-Cause portion of the live auction will raise funds for the expansion of Jumping Mouse Children’s Counseling Center. To buy tickets contact Susan at (360) 385-1997 or sjacob49@hotmail.com.

4 March 2013 Port Townsend Rotary Club

Annual Hearts of Service Awards – The Heart of Service recognizes the dedication, sacrifice and accomplishments of local people who do extraordinary things for their neighbors, their community or the environment. The award, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Port Townsend (noon club), the Port Townsend Sunrise Rotary Club, the East Jefferson Rotary Club and the PDN – has recognized 31 “unsung heroes” over the last eight years. The Hearts of Service Awards ceremony will be held at the Northwest Maritime Center luncheon on May 21, 2013.

Brock A. Tidball

Brock Tidball, a financial advisor with the Edward D. Jones company, is a newcomer to Port Townsend, having settled here in 2012. Jumping right in to establish himself as a contributing community member, he has become a proactive business person and enthusiastic Rotarian. In June Brock married wife Amy. Both are excited about what Port Townsend has to offer and are looking forward to starting their family here. Brock says, “I joined Rotary because of the incredible service commitment this club has to this community and internationally as well. As a young person I joined

my father, a past Rotary president, at meetings and events in the community. Once I attended my first meeting here, I knew I would fit right in. This is a great way for an individual to partner with a great group and make a huge impact in someone’s life. I am a proud Rotarian!”

Reto Filli

As the owner of Circle & Square Auto Care for more than 25 years, Reto Filli is a familiar figure in Port Townsend. As a member of the 1980 Swiss luge team at the Lake Placid Winter Olympics and via subsequent travels around the world by car, train, bus, bicycle, sailboat, freighter, airplane and on foot, Reto has forged friendships in dozens of countries. As a Rotarian, he is currently responsible for the outstanding success of our student exchange program which recruits and dispatches local students to exchange families all over the globe. He also spends much of his time setting up programs for visiting foreign students including lining up local host families during the school year.

“I count another 1.2 million friends all over the world through Rotary and I believe that expanding friendships will help to bring peace and tolerance to our planet,” said Reto. “I believe that youth exchange is a vital avenue to foster peace and understanding and that is why I am so involved with Rotary.”

See page 5

Thanks from Batzaja Rotarians, InterAct students rebuild Guatemalan village


he Port Townsend Rotary Club helped a northern Guatemalan village, Batzaja, rebuild. The village was devastated by civil war, and the club helped it revive and rebuild over a four-year period from 2006 through 2010. The effort was initiated when Rotarian Bill Howard and his wife Gwen (now also a Rotarian) discovered the demolished village in the mountains. Batzaja was trying to regroup and in need of access to fresh water, which otherwise had to be hauled from a spring miles away. The club donated funds for materials. Then in a series of work-party visits, club members volunteered ditch digging and concrete pouring labor to help villagers bring water from the mountains to their site. Rotary volunteers brought back news of the needs for latrines, and for a

rudimentary school building to be dismantled and moved off private property. So the Rotarians returned. With villagers, they constructed latrines and built a “Lavamano” of water spigots for hand washing. That included a centralized source of fresh water on village common ground - the site determined best for the relocated school. Half a dozen Port Townsend InterAct students returned with Rotarians to help village men rebuild the school during the school spring break of 2009. Villagers encouraged by a revived feeling of community planned a community kitchen and combination dance/basketball court just outside the school building. What began as a clean water project blossomed into revival of a village, establishment of the Batzaja community center,

and new appreciation and fond memories between the Americans and the Guatemalans who worked together to make it so. The plaque commemorating the partnership and Bill Howard’s determination to launch it was placed in appreciation.

Plaque says it all: Bill Howard inspired several years of volunteer work by Rotarians and Port Townsend High School students to build a new water system and a school for the village of Batzaja, Guatemala.

Sophie Wilson, then an Interact Club member, worked with villagers to rebuild the school in March 2008. Also on that work party was Morgan Maupin, on the cover of this magazine.

Do you know a Rotarian? Susan Jacob(Probably) Humiston

From page 4

Catharine Robinson

If you follow Port Townsend civic affairs, you know Catharine Robinson as a long-serving city council member (since 2001) and former mayor. Catharine is a licensed therapist at Jumping Mouse Children’s Center. Her work with children provides a relationship and opportunity to process challenges and heal traumas in their young lives. She also works with parents of JMCC’s child clients to support and aid their understanding of their children’s

needs, developmental requirements and challenges. When Catharine speaks of Rotary, she states, “I am a Rotarian for some of the same reasons I got involved in

city government and chose to work with children and their families. For me, it’s about service to my community and its people. Rotary emphasizes community service both locally and internationally, ultimately working toward a more peaceful world. When visiting Rotarians in another culture through the Rotary Friendship Exchange or hosting foreign students here and supporting our students in another country, we are creating a web of friendships around the globe. With our resources, both financial and energetic, Rotarians do good work in aiding others to have safer and healthier lives.

As the owner of Sport Townsend, the well-known outdoors store on Water Street, Susan Jacob-Humiston has been an active member of the Port Townsend business community since the early 1990s. “I love what I do here and I love that I have so many loyal customers who rely on me to carry what they need for the outdoors,” she said. “While the work can be difficult and the hours long, I’m rewarded knowing that I am able to employ four other members of my community.” Of Rotary, Susan says, “Several years ago I became active with Jumping Mouse Children’s Center. When I was given the opportunity to join Rotary, I jumped at the

chance to get involved with another organization that not only makes a difference in my community, but around the world. Rotary’s weekly lunch meetings give me the chance to get involved with programs and charities I wouldn’t otherwise know of. I am blessed with health and success, and my membership in Rotary not only keeps this in perspective, it also affords me the opportunity to help others less fortunate than me.”

March 2013 Port Townsend Rotary Club 5

Families find housing; Rotary helps T

he path from homelessness to permanent housing is usually a difficult, if not an impossible one, for many families. Over the past two years, the Rotary Club of Port Townsend has partnered with Olympic Community Action Programs (OlyCAP) to help local families make that transition successfully. By matching a $10,000 Gates grant for two consecutive years, our club has been able to provide $40,000 of financial support to OlyCAP’s Rental Education Accessing Community Housing Program (REACH). Now in the second year of the partnership, Rotary’s grant committee members meet regularly with OlyCAP staff to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and to continue to learn about the

Susan Jacob-Humiston applies the paint to one of the Haines Street Cottages during a “Day of Caring” work party to help provide housing for lower-income residents. ongoing housing needs of many “A strong aspect of the Jefferson County families. REACH program,” says Steve

And the winner is . . . P

ort Townsend Rotary provided $8,000 in scholarships to PTHS graduates last year to help them pursue either vocational training or college education. Each year, Rotary looks for students who have demonstrated enthusiasm for serving others in our community, a strong work ethic, and initiative or integrity in dealing with others in addition to a strong academic record. The outstanding young men and women we have awarded with scholarships in the past three years are:

Arizona Alli Emelina Berkshire Jennifer Grauberger Rosie Harris Madeline Levy Gabriel Montgomery James Campbell

2009-2010 Jordyn Holbroook Ryan Unbedacht Sebastian Lyons Breanna Hemsley Michael Meza Trisha Minihan

were placed into permanent housing through the REACH program, including 34 children. Some 80 percent of the funds was used for rental assistance to stabilize families, 8 percent for food, gas, and utilities assistance, and 12 percent for administration. The matching funds for the Gates grants were raised at the 2011 and 2011 Rotary auctions. “Our auction attendees come through for our community year after year,” said Bill James, 2012-13 Rotary president. “Rotary supporters come to our events to have fun, yes, but they are serious when it comes to helping others. We ask. They give. We give. And our community is better off because it.”

Port Townsend Rotary Club officers: President Bill James Past President/Vice President Jim Maupin President Elect Le Hornbeck President Elect Nominee Karen Gose Clemens Secretary Erik Frederickson Treasurer Nathanael O’Hara

Port Townsend Rotary Board of Directors Kay Smallwood Chris Ota Lowell Bogart Pat Vaughan Leslie Fellner Susan Jacob-Humiston

2011-2012 Alicia Brady Luke Coppenrath Dylan Holbrook Todd Maegerle Juchi Pratt Averi Richert Benjamin Ryweck Madelaine Sarff-Foden 2010-2011 Elena Aiken

Rafoth, member of the Rotary Grant Committee, “is that families receive education about personal budgeting and housekeeping in addition to financial help to pay their first month’s rent or to buy gas to get to work until they are on an even keel.” Kathy Morgan, the REACH coordinator, works closely with each family to tailor REACH services to its unique needs. “Sometimes all that keeps a family from sustaining a rental agreement over the long haul is not being able to pay an electric bill. We supply them with emergency funds while teaching them how to budget effectively so they will be able to meet their expenses in the future.” In the first year of the RotaryOlyCAP partnership, 17 families

Among these 2012 PTHS grads were winners of Rotary scholarships, enabling them to go to college.

6 March 2013 Port Townsend Rotary Club

Do Business with a Rotarian!

Whether a buyer, consumer, or seller, when you do business with a Rotarian, you know you will be treated to the standards of The Rotary Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? Port Townsend Rotary thanks the businesses and Rotarians listed below for their support of this supplement:


Promoting creative experiences that change lives 360.385.3102 www.centrum.org kclemens@centrum.org PT Rotary Member: Karen Gose Clemens

Circle & Square Auto CareHome of the 3-Year 30,000 Mile Warranty 360.385.2070 www.circleandsquare.com reto@circleandsquare.com PT Rotary Member: Reto Filli

Edward Jones For all your financial service needs 360.385.2243 PT Rotary Member: Brock Tidball

Enclume The leading manufacturer of gourmet cooking racks for nearly four decades 360.386.6100 www.enclume.com srafoth@cablespeed.com PT Rotary Member: Steve Rafoth

Frederickson Electric Serving Jefferson County since 1974, it is our pleasure to help with all your electrical needs, including everything from small projects and service work to new construction and solar arrays. 360.385.1395 www.fredelectric.com hans@fredelectric.com PT Rotary Member: Hans Frederickson

The Port Townsend and Jefferson County Leader Daily news, connections for Port Townsend & Jefferson County, Washington 360.385.2900 www.ptleader.com swilson@ptleader.com PT Rotary Member: Scott Wilson

Rwandan orphans earning school fees, improving village air quality, and reducing deforestation by building eco-friendly cookstoves. InterAct donations help provide the funds they earn.

Rotarians in Port Townsend and around the world have raised funds to purchase shelter tents to assist families whose housing has been lost due to natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and fire.

Port Townsend Computers Olympic Peninsula’s only authorized Apple repair facility for Macs-COMP TIA A= certified— see us for computers and computer supplies, printers, inks and toners, AT&T cell phones, plans and upgrades. We make house and business calls. 360.379.0605 porttownsendcomputers.com info@porttownsendcompuers.com PT Rotary Member: Le Hornbeck

Presbyterian Counseling Center of Port Townsend Dave Eekhoff has provided counseling services for individuals, couples & families for over 25 years. His private practice is located in the historic 1st Presbyterian Church in Uptown Port Townsend. 360.379.4849 www.pccpt.com david.eekhoff@pccpt.com PT Rotary Member: David Eekhoff

& Star Copy Center A dedicated team of coworkers committed to quality solutions for your business, locally & globally, for over 32 years 360.385.1256 www.printery.com PT Rotary Member: Mike Kenna

International Committee Activities KIVA Micro Loans. The International Committee surprised club members by pulling names from a hat and handing out actual $50 bills to teams of them and asking those teams to go spend it - on helping others from around the world to build better lives for their families through KIVA Micro Loans. The teams have received a 100% return on their investments and have started a second round of loans. Mufindi Highlands Orphan Project. The International Committee is working with Gary Drobnack of Seattle 4 Rotary on a Future Vision grant for the Mufundi Highlands Orphan project. We have supported this project for several years with modest grants to supply formula to babies whose mothers are infected with HIV. Honduras Water Project. The goal of the project is to drill 23 wells in Honduras and install handwashing stations and toilet facilities at each, all located in impoverished areas without clean water. Rwanda Orphans Project. In war-torn Rwanda, young people orphaned by civil strife are raised by their grandmothers, who lack the means to feed, shelter, and educate their grandchildren. PT Rotary has provided school tuition for eight of these Rwandan youth, and helped families build eco-friendly cookstoves that improve air quality and reduce deforestation. March 2013 Port Townsend Rotary Club 7

Endless thanks for your support! Contributions from local businesses and community members were vital to the success of last year’s “Caribbean Carnival—Havana,” Port Townsend Rotary’s annual charitable gala auction. Thanks to these civic-minded leaders, we raised over $60,000 to help shelter the homeless and fund charitable organizations throughout Jefferson County. Port Townsend Rotary thanks these businesses and community members for their support: 123 Thai Food AA Tax Service AAA Washington About Time Abracadabra Admiral Ship Supply Advanced Equipment Corporation Alaska Power and Telephone All City Auto Body Ann Starrett Mansion Anne Morrison Anne Schneider Anonymous Anthony’s Bayview Restaurant April Fool & Penny, Too Aramark Parks and Destinations Auto Works Bags by Sonya Banana Leaf Asian Bistro Barry and Hilda Anderson Bazaar Girls Belmont Restaurant & Saloon Bergstrom’s Antique & Classic Autos Bergstrom’s Sewing Machines Bill and Linda James Bill Humiston and Susan Jacob Bishop Victorian Hotel Bloedel Reserve Blue Gull Inn Bob Snow Brock and Amy Tidball Bruce Marston

Byron Wolfe, Market Force Carlson Chiropractic Center Carol Brennan Central Market Centrum Chimacum Café Chris Little Christine Ota Circle and Square Auto Care Clipper Vacations Clothes Horse Colleen Swantner Commander’s Beach House Completely Puzzled Courtney Caldwell Courtyard Café Crossroads Music, Inc. Curt and Brit Danielson Cuts & Curls Dana Pointe Interiors Dancing Silver Designs Dave and Geri Eekhoff Dave and Ruth Whitney David and Janet Nelson David and Lynne Stanko David and Sally Gooding David and Teresa Goldsmith David Chuljian David Woodruff Davis Chiropractic Debby Dickson Deborah Wiese Debra Brochin Dennis and Leslie Fellner Dennis McDaniel Diane Plank Dimitri Kuznetsov Discovery Bay Golf Club Discovery Physical Therapy Dolf and Kelli Conrads Donald and Celeste Dybeck Donna and Kurt Strep Doug Kurata Douwe Rienstra Dream City Catering Eagle Harbor Book Co. Earthenworks Gallery East Jefferson Fire and Rescue Edensaw Woods Ltd. El Sarape Restaurant Elevated Ice Cream Enclume Design Products, Inc. English Specialty Arts Erik and Marnie Frederickson Evergreen Fitness Face of Grace Fair Winds Winery Finn River Farm Food Co-op Forest Gems

Four Corners Grocery Store Frameworks Fred Hill Materials Frederickson Electric Inc. Gardens at Four Corners Gary Kennedy Geoff and Betsy Pentz Gilded Age Massage Experience Glenda Hultman Gooding O’Hara & Mackey PS Grace Lutheran Quilters Grant and Jacinta Howard Grey Wolf Ranch Groves and Company Gwen Howard Hair Studio Hanazono Asian Noodle Hank Sukert Harold and Karen Jensen Harold J. Sherwood Harris, Mericle and Wakayama Harry Holloway III Heart Space Helga Winter Henery Do It Best Hardware Henery’s Garden Center Henry Nichols, D.D.S. Herb and Nancy Payson Hildt & Reid Law Office Holly Carlson Holly’s Fine Flowers Homer Smith Homer Smith Insurance Hoodsport Winery Hotel Grand Pacific, Victoria, B.C. Houlton Madinger Howard Learned Imprint Bookstore Inside Jefferson County Real Estate Integrated Therapies, LLC Irene East Skin Care Clinic Izadora’s Tanning & Day Salon Jacque Peters Janel Carlson Janel Carlson Janet Getzendaner Janet Jacobs

8 March 2013 Port Townsend Rotary Club

Janice Speck Jefferson County Family YMCA Jefferson County Historical Society Jefferson County Library Jens and Karle Coppenrath Jesse and Dawn Mohrbacher Jim and Amanza Funaro Jim and Carole Marshall Jim and Nora Maupin Jim Ferris and Auman Van Sandt Jim Maupin Joe and Cindy Finnie Joe Schodowski Joglo John English John Miller Jordini Subs & Deli Joy Luck Restaurant Joyful Body Healing Arts Judy Lynn Karen and Mark Clemens Keidren Devas Keith C. Harper, Atty. Key City Classic Carwash Key City Fish Co. Key City Public Theatre Khu Larb Thai Restaurant Kids’ Discovery Museum Kitsap Bank Knox Christie KPTZ Radio Krista Branson-Meyer Lanza’s Ristorante

Le and Willean Hornbeck Leavitt Trucking Inc. Les Schwab Tire Center Lila Drake Jewelry Lisa’s Jewelry Little Stone Flyfisher Lorna Smith Lowell and Barbara Bogart Lulu’s B&B for Dogs, Ltd. Lyn Smallwood Madrona Mind Body Mari Friend Mariana Van Blair Marianne Walters Maricee Fashions Martin Musson Marty Bluewater Massey Copper Max Grover Gallery Melanie and Ken Mohler Metro Bagels Mike and Kay Smallwood Mike Kenna Miriam Landsdon Moonflower Massage Mt. Townsend Creamery Mus Kan Restaurant Myrtle Holm Estate Nancy Scott Necessito Burrito Ned and Carla Jean Pugh Nora Petrich Northwest Man Nourishing Life Chinese Medicine

O’Reillys Auto Parts Oak Bay Animal Hospital Oak Table Café Olympic Art and Office, Inc. Olympic Game Farm Olympic Optical Inc. Olympic Outdoor Store Owl Sprit Pacific Eye Care Palace Hotel & Captain Tibbals Pam Botnen Pane d’Amore Park Place Grooming Pastry Designs by Anca Pat Vaughan Patrice Barry Patti Ragan Patti Wickline Peninsula Daily News Peninsula Floors and Furnishings Peninsula Paint Company Personalize It! Pet Town Petals Peter Geerlofs Pettit Oil Co. Point Wilson Company Port Hadlock Marina Port Hadlock Yarns Port Ludlow Golf Course Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader Port Townsend Aero Museum Port Townsend Air, LLC Port Townsend Athletic Club Port Townsend Brewing Company Port Townsend Computers, Inc. Port Townsend Film Festival Port Townsend Golf Club Port Townsend Police Department

Port Townsend Rigging Port Townsend Rotary Club Port Townsend School of Maritime Art Port Townsend School of Woodworking Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op Printery Communications Public House Grill & Ales Puget Sound Dairy Distributors, Inc. QFC Quilted Strait Quimper Sound Music & Media Ramon and Tiela Dailey Resort at Port Ludlow Reto and Jana Filli Rick Shaneyfelt Robert and Elaine Grimm Ron and Barb Dunlap Ron and Pam Dionne Rose Theatre Russ Hoover and Brock Tidball, Edward Jones Russell Harding Salal Café Salon Calypso Salon Delucca Sam and Andrea Raymore Sand Castle Savage Plants Scott and Jennifer Wilson Scott and Anne Lindquist Seattle Mariners Seth Rolland Shannon Davis Sheila Westerman Shirley Moss Shold Excavating Inc. Sideshow Variety Silverwater Café Simon Mace Gallery Sofia Christine

We ask for your help again! You, too, can be part of the good we do. Please save the date and plan to be part of Treasure Island—Sharing the Bounty, Port Townsend Rotary’s annual dinner and auction on Saturday, May 11, 2013 at the Northwest Maritime Center. Tickets are $75 each or $650 for a table of ten table. Guests will raise their paddles for the expansion of Jumping Mouse Children’s Counseling Center and support an array of nonprofit service providers throughout Jefferson County.

Sorenson Cellars Sport Townsend Steve Scharf Steven and Cheryl Rafoth Stig Osterberg Strait Floors, Inc. Sunny Farms Country Store Sunshine Propane Sweet Laurette Patisserie Ted Rogers Terra Creations Terrapin Architecture Terry Lynn Wagner The Cup The Dog & I The Recyclery Thomas and Christine Crubaugh Thrreen Smith Tides Inn Tim and Carla Caldwell Today’s Hair Tom and Delores Neal Uptown Custom Catering Uptown Dental USA Pan Company Vasu Video Veronica’s Hair Studio Vicki Adams Washington State Fish and Wildlife Water Street Creperie Waterfront Pizza Wes Dickson West Bay Auto Parts What’s Cookin’ Whistle Stop Toys Wildernest Outdoor Store William James Bookseller Williams Gallery Windemere Port Townsend Wine Seller Yvonne Starkey Zachary R. and Jordan Eades of Hope Roofing

To donate contact: Brock Tidball at (360) 385-2243 or brock.tidball@ edwardjones.com To buy an ad in the auction catalog contact Susan Miller at (360) 3012555 or susanmiller@olympus.net, or Jim Maupin at (360) 301-1210 or jimmaupin46@gmail.com To buy tickets contact Susan at (360) 385-1997 or sjacob49@hotmailcom for reservations.

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