Rhody2017 pages

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Rhody Schedule ..................1-4 Event Route Map ....................2 Grand Marshal .........................4

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Wednesday Wednesday May18, 17, 2016 2017 May

Rhody Run Tips........................5

festival updates:


81ST RHODY PROGRAM 82nd Festival Program

Turn out forfor Turn out ‘Enchanted ‘Rockin’ Rhody’ Rhody’ Festival Festival WEDNESDAY, Festival provides free, family-friendly MAY 17 he 82nd Rhododendron entertainment Festival honors


By Leader Staff

Washington’s state By Leader Staff flower and is the oldest community-based festival in The 81st Rhododendron Port Townsend and Jefferson WEDNESDAY, Festival honors WashingCounty. MAY 18 ton’s state flower and is the The following list features oldest community-based fesRhododendron Festivaland tival in Port Townsend Jefferson County. Association events as well as Thespecial following list features other events and perRhododendron Festival Asformances traditionally staged sociation events as well as in conjunction with Rhody Fest other special events and week. performances traditionally The in Rhododendron Festival staged conjunction with Rhody Fest week. Association is a volunteer-based The Rhododendron Fes- new organization that welcomes TRIKE RACES Rhody royalty: The royal court of the 2017 Rhododendron Festival, the only festival in Washington state named for the official state tival Association is a volmembers – and fundraising Trike race registration 5 p.m., flower, are (from left) Princess Sarah Smith, Queen Lauren Montgomery and Princess Taylor Tracer. All three are related to past Rhody unteer-based organization support. The association’s 2017 races 6 p.m. royalty. This photo was taken earlier this year at the Whitney Gardens & Nursery in Brinnon during Brinnon’s Loyalty Day festivities. that welcomes new memTRIKE RACES executive members Photo courtesy Rhododendron Festival Association Coordinator: bers – andboard fundraising sup-are 5:30 p.m., Club Debbie LaFollette, president; Sunrise Rotary port. The association’s 2016 Trike race registration compete, with ribbons going to Rhody Fest royalty presents races 6 p.m. executive board vice members Brandi Hamon, president; Sponsor: first, second and third places in the “best decorated” award, are Debbie LaFollette, presiLes Schwab Tire Center Rotary Club Lori Morris, secretary; and Sponsors: Sunrise each race. which come with an invitation to dent; Juanita Maples, vice Location: Downtown Location: Downtown Merrilee Ridgeway, treasurer. All entrants receive a partici- be in Saturday’s Grand Parade. president; Brandi Hamon, ages ages 1-6 1-6 areare eligible; pant ribbon. The wheel groups Volunteers are welcome and Children Children secretary; and Polleen John- eligible; assemble at the cor-Hall. Races include tricycles, big wheels (All bikes must have three assemble at City needed. Learn more via the son, treasurer. The royal court of the 2016 Rhododendron Festival, the only festival in Washington ner ofstart Madison and Waterand finish and small two-wheel bikes with wheels; two-wheeled bikes are at Madison festival’s Facebook page at rhoVolunteers are welcome streets at City Hall. Races named after the official state flower, arewheels (clockwise, from back left)in Princess Kayla Calhoun, Princess Morgan Wilford, Rhody training wheels (all four not permitted this race.) before Monroe Street. and needed. Learn more via start at Madison and finish Ambassador Eryn Reierson and Queen Fiona Shaffer. They posed Monday in the Centennial Rhododendron Garden at Fort Wordyfestival.org, or by email Each age and each wheel must touch the ground at the its Facebook page or at rhoden State Park. Photo by Nicholas Johnson rhodyfest@gmail.com. group has a separate chance to same time).
 See enchanted rhody, page 2▼

Rhody’s Royal Quartet


See SCHEDULE, Page 2▼

Here comes the Welcome to Rhody! 82nd Rhody Fest Grand Parade

HereRhody comesflowerthepower 81st Rhody Fest Grand Parade!

Get out the lawn chairs and be ready to enjoy the 82nd Rhododendron Festival Grand Parade, which starts at Saturday’s 1 p.m. in Uptown on Lawrence Festival Grand Parade 81st Rhododendron Streetat at1the and on proceeds starts p.m.fire in hall Uptown Lawrence Street at the fire hall, downhill downhill to Monroe and thenand then to Water Street, proceeds toStreet Monroe Street to Water street, turning to end turning to an end on Adams Street.on Adams Street. especially those along the Monroe Street hill Spectators, After the parade, everyone is too early, even if there and downtown, are asked not to leave welcome to gather at Pope Marine are gaps in the parade. (With marching bands, which do stop Parkperform for the fifth Cake and along theannual way, gaps between units are inevitable.) Picnic ,where 2,000 slices of When the Cake Picnic contingentfree appears, followed by the DM cake andgarbage a party truck, is planned. Here’s Disposal the parade is over. theSpectators list of entries of Monday, May canas then follow the Grand Parade downtown to 15. Marine Park and the fourth annual Cake Picnic: 2,000 Pope You’ll know theparty show slices of free cake,when a dance andisa tug-of-war contest. over when the Cake Picnic and D&M Disposal come yourCHECK way. IN

55 Sequim High School Marching Band

56 SEIU Local 925 51 Kitsap Mustang Car Club 78 Port Townsend School of the ArtsFestival 57 Sequim Irrigation 52 Port Townsend Main Street “Taste of PT” 58 Arrow 9 Double Wideand Hunting Lodge Lumber Hardware 53 The Quimper Corgi Clan

80 First Robotics Team No. 59 Ferndale High/Mid 4918 54 Forks Old Fashioned 4th Marching Band of July Festival 81 Ingraham High School 60 PTHS Alumni Association Band 55 Meridian Middle School Band & Color 82 Hadlock Motel 61 The Boiler Room Guard 83 Hadlock Building Supply 56 Elect Bill Bryant, 62 Rainier Classic Chevy Club 84 San Juan Baptist Church Governor 63 The Great Port Townsend 57 Jefferson County 85 Sculpture The BoilerRace Room Kinetic Stop! All Grand Parade units must check in between 8 a.m. Chamber of Commerce 1 East Fire & Rescue 86Jefferson Chimacum HighFair School and 12:30Jefferson p.m. at the sign-up desk at the former visitor center 64 County 58 Jefferson Transit Band & Color Guard on Sims Way (you can’t miss it as you drive into Port Townsend 2 Port Townsend 65 Clallam County Fair Royalty past the boatyard) to receive an entry number and parking 59 Relay for Life of Jefferson 87 Olympic Community Police Queen Fiona Shaffer is front and center, with Princesses Morgan space staging. Department County (July 16-17) Programs 66 Action First Federal Neighborhood residents and businesses are thanked in ad- Wilford (left) and Kayla Calhoun, on the “Rockin’ Rhody” float in 3 Jefferson County Sheriff 60 Sumner High School the Sequim Irrigation Festival, where it was judged a first-place 88 Centrum Arts Foundation vance for their cooperation during this busy day on the side 67 Jefferson County PUD Band & Drill Team award. Courtesy photo by Brandi Hamon streets adjacent to the parade 4 American Legion Post route. 26 89 Daffodil Festival 61 The Station Signs & Color Guard 68 Ukuleles Unite! 36 Rhody Run, Port 19 Life Care Center of Port 8 Rhody Fest Ambassador 90 Jefferson County Screen Printing OUR ENTRIES Townsend Marathon Townsend Eryn Reierson 5 Port Townsend School Band 69 HabitatDemocrats for Humanity 62 Les Schwab Tire Center This is the Grand Parade Association of East Jefferson County 20 Port Townsend High 9 Rhody Fest Queen’s Court: 91 Meridian High School lineup as6ofGrand May 16. Late enJefferson County’s Rhododendron Festival float and royalty won the Grand Sweepstakes award at Pierce County’s Daffodil Festival Marshals 63 Capital Lakefair 37 Port Braves School Alumni Marissa Kieffer, Te Amo Festival on April 8. That festival’s grand paradeAssociation starts in Tacoma, moves onTownsend to Puyallup, then to Sumner and Orting. “Can’t get tries could added toward Pat &beJudy Lundgren 70 CaveleroBand Middle/Jr. Youth Football Lanphear-Ramirez and quipped Brandi Hamon, vice president of the Rhododendron 64 Carl’s Building Supply any better than that,” Festival, of their win. (From left) Princesses the parade’s end. Please re21 Marysville Strawberry Marching Band 92 Daughters of the American Sarah Seebergoss Smith and Taylor Tracer and Queen Lauren Montgomery rule38 onElect the float. Courtesy photo 7 Enchanted Rhody member to show yourFestival appre- Float Jenessah Mike Chapman, Festival 65 Seaport Landing Revolution ciation and give all parade 71 The Quimper Corgi Clan 24th District Representative 10 Rhody Junior Royalty 66 Jefferson County PUD 8 Rhododendron Festival 22 Habitat for Humanity of participants your applause! 93 Rainer Classic Chevy Club on George Earl Memorial 42 Key City Public Theater 29 Ariel Speser for City Council 18 The Port Townsend 39 Clan Gordon Pipe East Jefferson County Queen’s Court 72 Rakers Car Club 67 Key City Public Theatre Kiwanis Choo Choo: firstMain Street Program 94 The Great Port Townsend Band PRE-PARADE 43 Daffodil Festival 30 Port Angeles Roughriders graders Pierce Edgar, Lily 23 Rakers Car Club Bay73 Kinetic Skulpture Race 9 Kiwanis of Port Townsend 68 Classical Glass Corvette Chimacum Tenino Motorcycle Drill Chimacum Justis, 19 Lorelei Turner,High JohnSchool Band 40 Port Orchard Fathoms O’ Club George Earl Middle School Band 24 Jefferson Healthcare 31 Port of Port Townsend Team 95 Squalicum High School Neville, Tim Manly Jr. and Fun Festival 44 Hadlock Building Supply Memorial Choo-Choo Train 20 Jefferson County 69 Elect Jeff Randall for 74 Jefferson County BandDemocrats Miranda Banker 25 Wells Fargo32Stagecoach Sunfield Land for Learning 41 Ukuleles Unite 45 Totem Middle School Chamber of Commerce GRAND PARADE PUD Commissioner 10 Senior King & Queen 11 Port Townsend Senior 96 Mason County Forest 1 East Jefferson Fire Rescue 26 Peninsula Midwives 75 Congressman Derek Kilmer 42 The Church United 33 Mason County Forest Festival Mary & David Crozier Royalty21 70 QFC Quality 1955 Festival Jim andRhododendron Karen Pate Festival 46 North Olympic Orca Pod Food 2 Port Townsend Police Centers, Port Hadlock & 27 Elect Tim Thomas, Queen Jefferson 76Port Fathoms O’ FunSunrise 97 Townsend 34 Port Townsend Elks43 Lodge 317 County 47 Kitsap Mustang 11 Tri-Area Senior Royalty 12 Tri-Area Senior Royalty Department Port Townsend County Commissioner Club Historical Society Hester McKinney-Cumming Rotary Club 22 2016 Rhody Royalty Walter Russell and Penny Dietz 77 Double M Garage 71 Jefferson County Public 35 Hoquiam High School and Greg Vinson 3 Jefferson County Sheriff’s Co. Fiona, Kala and Eryn 28 Key City Fish 44 Port Angeles High 48 Jefferson Healthcare 98 American Red Cross Health Office, Sheriff Dave Stanko Marching Band School Band 12 Naval Magazine Indian Island, 13 Naval Magazine Indian 29 White River High 78 United Good Neighbors 23 Ingraham High School Band Cmdr. Nick Vande Griend Island Cmdr. 99 United Good Neighbors of 49 Rochester School 72High Sequim Irrigation Nicolas Vande 4 American Legion Marvin School Band 36 Classical Glass Corvette Club 45 Clallam County Fair wife Sonja Jefferson Festival Marching Band 79 Central Kitsap HighCounty School Band Griend G. Shieldsand Memorial Post 26 24 Life Care Center Royalty 30 Arrow Lumber Color Guard 37 Port Townsend Public Library, of Port Townsend 100 Ferndale High School/ 73 O’Meara Performing Arts 13 Marrowstone Island Citizens of14 Marrowstone Island 80 Olympic Peninsula Rat Racers 46 Port Townsend Street50 Jefferson Transit Friends and Foundation 31 Unexpected Brass Middle School Band Academy Citizen of the Year Mike the Year Greg and Paula Lalish 5 Port Townsend High Care Club 25 McCleary Bear Festival Ministry Band Zimmerman School Band 51 Key City Fish Company 74 Real American Pageants 101 Re-elect Keith Harper, 38 Rochester Middle School 14 Rhododendron Festival Weekly 81Superior Seaport Court Landing 47 Thunderbird Rodeo 26 Jefferson 15 Rhody Fest Weekly County 32 KPTZ-FM Radio Judge Marching Band 6 Grand Marshal Jim “Kiwi” 75 Tumwater Middle Events Winners 52 Sound Storage Historical Society Event Winners Ferris, Edensaw Woods 48 First Federal Bank School Band & Color 33 Washington State Apple 82Kingston MadronaLumber 102 w/Brass Screw Confederacy 39 Peninsula Midwives 15 Gideons Army Guard Blossom Festival 1627 Gideon’s Army MindBody Institute Meridian High School Band & 7 81st Rhododendron 49 Port Townsend Elks 103 Cake Picnic (free slices, 53 Rogers76Paint 40County Washington Faire317 Drillfor Team Festival float withPack Queen Lodge PortGarage Townsend Cub 17 Sunfield Land 34 Jefferson Fair Renaissance 16 Cub Scout 4477 music downtown 83 Cake Picnic after & Northwest Jousting Association Fiona Shaffer, Princess Scout Pack 4477 Learning parade) 54 Descendants of Italian 50 Interlake High School 35 Totem Middle School 28 O’Meara Morgan Wilford and 17 Carl’s Building Supply 84 D&M Disposal Pioneers Past Royalty 77 &St. Mary’s Star of the Sea 18 Chimacum Middle Band & Drill/Flag Team Band 41 St. Mary’s Performing Arts Studio 104 DM Disposal Princess Kayla Calhoun Celebrating 70 years Catholic Church School Band

C 2 • Wednesday, May 17, C 22017 • Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Grand Parade. Street The parade progresses along ScheduleSaturday’s Lawrence from Harrison to Quincy

▼Continued from page 1


street – do not stop on the street Be alert to the wooden “no or it will back up placards the parade. After parking” along and in before Monroe Street. the parade, Safeway provides goodstreets, set up well in advance Each age and each wheel ies for the participants on the Port group has a separate chance of specific events. Violators may Townsend Community Center Motorists: Please pay to compete, with ribbons go- be towed. attention to signs and personnel lawn. ing to the first three places at the event Pets must be locations. contained or in each race. All entrants participants On Saturday, May 21,younger the Grand receive a participantleashed. ribbon. All thantri6 must have adult Parade routeancloses at with noon. The wheel groups include Hudson the (offcategory Monroe them. LinePoint up behind cycles, big wheels and small Street) is closed vehicle traffic sign relating to your pet.toQuestions? two-wheel bikes with trainingress and at egress from about ing wheels (all fourContact wheels Elsa Golts 379-1676 or must touch1the ground at the 11:30 a.m. until about 3 p.m., as 643-1339. Continued from page is the parking lot next to the city same time). Also, plan ahead and park your skateboard along Monroe. Rhody Fest royalty prescar near the end of the parade THURSDAY, ents two “best decorated” May 22, the That Rhody notOn atSunday, the beginning. with anwalking Run XXXVIII meansthe traffic cloMAYawards, 18 which comeroute, means to reach startsures along its 7.46-mile route, invitation to be in Saturday’s ing line, but it’s less disruptive particularly Cook Avenue. Grand Parade. FUNTASTIC to the parade than walking back through the parade route when it’s Location: Uptown CARNIVAL THURSDAY, closer the carnival Arrive on to Lawrence Street Funtastic Traveling Shows over. (It is also for children MAY 19downtown,between Pierceand andfamilies Van Bubrings a carnival to Jefferson that bydirection.) 3:30 p.m. Judging County Memorial Athletic Field heading inren begins promptly at 4 p.m. – downtown. Carnival opens at 4 participants must have a regp.m., Thursday and runs through FRIDAY, istration ribbon to be judged. Saturday. No pets and no smoking Line up two by two; the judges on the field. MAY 19

Enchanted Rhody

look at each group and determine first, second and third places perPARADE category. Ribbons KIDDIES are awarded for each category Kiddies Paradeanimals, registration (unusual cats and kittens, rabbits, small dogs, 2 p.m., judging 3 p.m., FUNTASTIC CARNIVAL medium3:30 dogs,p.m. large dogs, and parade Funtastic Traveling one category for goats, llamas Sponsor: Shows brings a carnival to and horses). Remember to Kiwaniswalk Clubslowly, of Port Townsend Jefferson County Memorial so that people can Athletic Field downtown. Location: Uptown to downtown take in the sights. Carnival starts at 5 p.m. Fest royalty Arrive inRhody Uptown in the awards lawn Thursday and runs through title of “bestCenter decorated,” thenoPTthe Community at Saturday. No pets of and whichTyler includes an invitation streets for regsmoking on the field.Lawrencetoand be in Saturday’s Grand istration at 2 p.m.; judging begins Parade. promptly atThe 3 p.m. Participants parade progresses must havealong a registration to Lawrence ribbon from HarPET PARADE be judged. Parade starts at 3:30 rison to Quincy streets – do Pet Parade registration p.m. on not Lawrence stop on theStreet, street or goes it will 3:30 p.m., judging 4 p.m., from Quincy and down backtoupMonroe the parade, where parade 4:30 p.m. the hill, ending Watergoodies Street, Safeway at provides for with participants dispersing Sponsor: the participants on theonto Port Madison (City Hall). Safeway of Port Townsend Townsend Community Center Awardlawn. categories are: Location: Uptown PetsGroups, must be Disney/ contained Preschool Arrive on Lawrence Street Storybook, or Wheels, leashed. Superheroes, All participants between Pierce and Van Buren by Sports, Nature, youngerAnimals, than 6 must have an Fantasy, 3:30 p.m. Judging begins promptly Original/Unique adult with them. up beandLine Youth at 4 p.m. – participants must have Groups (e.g., hind the category signdance, relating gymnastics, a registration ribbon to be judged. scouts, 4-H). to your pet. Questions? Contact Elsa Golts at 379-1676 or Line up two by two; thePET judges PARADE Ribbons for first, second and 643-1339. look at each group and determine Pet Parade registration 3:30 p.m., places third are awarded in each Also, plan ahead and park first, second and third perstartscategory. judgingplaces 4 p.m., parade 4:30 p.m. The “best overall” entry, your car near the end of the category. Ribbons are awarded for as decided by Rhody royalty, Sponsor: parade route, not at thewill beeach category (unusual animals, Safeway of Port Townsend be invited to join in thewalking Grand ginning. It means to cats and kittens, rabbits, small

dogs, medium dogs, large dogs, and one category for goats, llamas and horses). Remember to walk slowly, so that people can take in the sights. Rhody Fest royalty awards the title of “best decorated,” which includes an invitation to be in

Parade. Parents and other adults are asked to remember that this is a kiddie parade and not to walk in the parade unless absolutely necessary. Again, plan ahead and park your car near the parade route’s end.

It’s Rhododendron Festivalweek weekin inPort PortTownsend, Townsend,which whichcomes comes with with family familyfun fun–– and and parking parkingrestrictions. restrictions.Please Please be be alert alert to to nonoIt’s Rhododendron Festival parkingrestrictions restrictionsleading leadingup uptotoour our parades and including Rhody on Sunday. Remember to your plan arrival your arrival to parking parades and including thethe Rhody RunRun on Sunday. Remember to plan time totime make it for the registration event registration (if needed) to secure a viewing spot. Lisa Jensen itmake for the event (if needed) and to and secure a viewing spot. Map byMap Lisaby Jensen

Arrive in Uptown at cor- unless absolutely neces- BED RACE reach theFUNTASTIC starting line, but ahead that is less disruptive to the ner of Adams and Lawrence sary. Again, plan Bed CARNIV AL Race registration 5 p.m., races parade than walking back streets for registration and park your car near the 6:30 p.m. Carnival rides and games are through the parade route at 2 p.m.; judging begins parade route’s end. located within Jefferson County Coordinated by: when it’s over. (It is also closer promptly at 3 p.m. Must Memorial Athletic Field downtown. Janet Emery and the Kinetic Kops FUNTASTIC CARNIVAL have a registration ribbon to the carnival downtown, for Opens p.m. Carnival rides and gamesLocation: Downtown children4and families heading to be judged. Parade starts at 3:30 p.m. on Lawrence are located within Jefferson in that direction.) It’s more than just four wheels, KIWANIS Street, from Quincy to County Memorial Athletic four pushers and one rider; the Monroe and down the hill, BRATS & BREW Rhody Fest Bed involves Post 26,Race corneralso of Water and at Water Street, Location: Legion Hall, 4-8 ending p.m. fun and games. Gather along Monroe streets (enter door with units dispersing onto Sponsor: Water Street between Monroe from Water Street). Food Madison (City Hall). HAIR & BEARD Kiwanis Club of Port Townsend (Legion Hall) Madison ticketsand are $8; beer and(City wine Award categoriesCONTEST are: Hall) streets catchsoda the or action. is $5 to a glass, water Preschool Groups, DisThe Kiwanis Club hosts a famHairWheels, and Beard Contest Entry forms mayarebeindoor downis $2. There and ily-friendly Brats and Brew ney/Storybook, fest at registration 5 p.m., judging 5:30 outdoor gardens. Brats loaded from thebeer Rhododendron Superheroes, Sports, Nathe American Legion Marvin G. p.m. served until 8 p.m., brew Festival are Facebook page or from ture, Animals, Fantasy, Shields Memorial Post 26, corner until 10 p.m. Music is by Original/Unique and Youth rhodyfestival.org. Coordinated by: of Water and Monroe streets alt-rocktheir band Groups (gymnastics, dance, mustanprovide Janet Emery and the Kinetic KopsOpens 4Contestants Field downtown. p.m. Timberfoot, (enter door from Water Street). with undertones ofa foam blues scouts, 4-H, etc). own beds. Beds must have KIWANIS BRATS & BREW Food tickets are $10 and includes Location: Downtown and jazz.a headboard Proceeds benefit Ribbons for first, second or p.m. pad mattress, and Location: Legion Hall, 4-8 brat and bun, baked beans,and coleKiwanis community service Hair categories third places are award- for kids 12 and a footboard. FRIDAY, MAY 20 Wheels cannot exceed slaw,KIDDIES sauerkraut, and lemonade, Sponsor: younger: Longest, ed in each category. The Coolest Braid, 12 inchesprojects. PARADE in overall diameter and water and coffee. Also available Club of for Port Townsend of all categories Rhody Spirit. Hair Kiwanis categories Kiddies Parade registration 2 p.m., top winner 3 inches in width. Bed must have are hot dogs for kids, and New this year, the Kimay join the Grand Longest, Parade. Coolest women: Braid, judging 3 p.m., parade 3:30 p.m. one rider who weighs at least 100 vegetarian hot dogs. Beer Parents and other wanis Club and adults Spirit. Rhody Hairhosts cat-a Brats pounds (judges check), and four Sponsor: and wine can be purchasedare asked to remember that Brew Fest (instead of a fish egories for men: Best Kiwanis Club of Port Townsend people must propel the bed. The for $5 a glass. There arethis is a kiddie parade and Use fry)of atHair, the American Legion Most bed must remain in its assigned Location: Uptown to downtown indoor and outdoor beernot to walk in the parade Unique Marvin G. Shields Memorial See SCHEDULE, Page 3▼ Overall,

gardens. Proceeds benefit Kiwanis community service projects.

Join Us As We Celebrate the Join Us As We Rhododendron Celebrate the Festival!

Rhododendron Festival!

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Longest Beard.

lane throughout each race. The racing grid is determined at registration. There is an award for the best-decorated bed, so pick a theme – or use this year’s 82nd festival theme, “Enchanted Rhody.” See enchanted rhody, page 3▼

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 • C 3

Enchanted Rhody Continued from page 2

SATURDAY, MAY 20 RHODY BREAKFAST BPO Elks Lodge 317 hosts its annual pancake breakfast fundraiser, 8-10 a.m. at the lodge, 555 Otto St. Tickets are $8. Groups are asked to RSVP by calling 385-0317 by Friday morning.

RHODY GOLF Port Townsend Golf Club hosts the Jim Caldwell Memorial Rhody Festival Golf Tournament. Players can attend events on one or both days. On May 20, the tourney begins at 8 a.m. and is an individual stroke play event with an entry fee of $35 plus $10 greens fees for nonmembers. On May 21, it’s two-person best-ball, same fees. Proceeds benefit the Rhododendron Festival Association. There are plenty of prize opportunities. Call 385-4547.

FARMERS MARKET The Port Townsend Farmers Market is to be in its usual location on Tyler Street this year and will not be moving, director Amanda Milholland reports. Its hours also remain the same: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The market’s presence means additional food and beverage options for parade watchers, and more demand for parking spaces.

FUNTASTIC CARNIVAL Carnival rides and games are located within Jefferson County Memorial Athletic Field downtown. Opens at noon.

Be prepared for street closures Be alert to the wooden “no parking” placards along and in streets, set up well in advance of specific events. Violators may be towed. Motorists: Please pay attention to signs and personnel at the event locations. On Saturday, May 20, the Grand Parade route closes at noon. Point Hudson (off Monroe Street) is closed to vehicle traffic ingress and egress from about 11:30 a.m. until about 3 p.m., as is the parking lot next to the city skateboard park on Monroe. On Sunday, May 21, the Rhody Run XXXIX means traffic closures along its 7.46-mile route, particularly Cook Avenue.

Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. The winning ball earns its “owner” $2,000, with $500 for second place and $250 for third place. Extra prizes are being donated this year by businesses in Jefferson County. The event is a fundraiser to support grants to the community as well as a dictionary project for third-graders. Every third-grade student in Jefferson County receives a dictionary each year thanks, in part, to this event, said organizer Rita Hubbard. For more information and tickets, contact Hubbard at 301-1104.

GRAND PARADE Grand Parade registration 8 a.m.-noon at the Visitor Center on Sims Way; parade at 1 p.m. Sponsor: Rhododendron Festival Association Location: Uptown to downtown The parade forms on Lawrence Street and begins at Harrison Street (fire hall), proceeding to Monroe and then to Water, ending at the corner of Water and Adams streets, turning onto Adams. The review stand, with announcer Janet Emery, is on Water Street between City Hall and the American Legion. (See parade lineup on program, page 1.) Let the participants hear from you! Vehicle access to Point Hudson resumes at about 3 p.m.

for 2,000 slices of free cake, in the interest of building community through celebration. The baking team of volunteers, led by Kellen Lynch, is joined by Crust Bakery staff and Dalla Notte Baking. The cake flavors are a secret, ingredients are mostly organic, and there is a gluten-free option. Once the 2,000 slices are served, a dance party commences with DJ Captain Peacock handling the music. Music features Dirty Beats Duo, the Unexpected Brass Band and the O’Meara Dance Studio. Art created for the Cake Picnic is by painter Jesse Watson. Food vendors also are set up at Pope Marine Park this year. Donations to sustain the Cake Picnic are welcome; visit cakepicnic.com.

Sunrise Rotary Club sponsors this golf ball “race” down a course on Monroe Street, with some of the balls funneling into the winner’s circle. Setup begins at noon, with CAKE PICNIC, the race at 12:30 p.m. AFTER-PARTY Advance “Running of the Cake Picnic, begins after Balls” tickets are available at parade ends, about the Saturday Port Townsend 2:30-3 p.m. Farmers Market. Tickets are Presented by: Thunderbull sold on parade day at the Productions top of the course at Monroe and Lawrence streets, and Location: Downtown at the bottom, at Monroe Follow the Grand Parade and Washington streets downtown to Pope Marine from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Park (across from City Hall)

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SPAGHETTI FEED BPO Elks Lodge 317 hosts its annual post-parade spaghetti feed fundraiser, 5-7 p.m. at the lodge, 555 Otto St. Tickets, $10.

SUNDAY, MAY 21 RHODY BREAKFAST BPO Elks Lodge 317 hosts its annual pancake breakfast fundraiser, 7-9 a.m. at the lodge, 555 Otto St. Tickets, $8. There is no need to RSVP on this day.



At Life Care, we are proud of the people we serve every day. Our residents’ inspiring stories truly represent the “Spirit of America.” Their kindness and generosity make our facilities feel more like home to all who enter. We celebrate their influence on our lives during National Nursing Home Week, May 14-20.

Port Townsend Golf Club hosts the Jim Caldwell Memorial Rhody Festival Golf Tournament. On May 21, starting time is 9 a.m. for this two-person, best-ball event. Entry fee is $30 plus $10 greens fees for nonmembers. Proceeds benefit the Rhododendron Festival Association. Call 385-4547.


Bed races start at 6:30 p.m., Friday. Members of the Port Townsend High School Youth Entertainment Coalition (left) and the East Jefferson Fire Rescue teams stop mid-race to run around their beds before continuing toward the finish line during last year’s bed race. Leader file photo




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RHODY RUN Rhody Run XXXIX’s online registration ends 5 p.m., Thursday, May 18. People already registered can pick up packets 4-7 p.m. See enchanted rhody, page 4▼

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Has Your Internet Access Got You Down? Take the PUD broadband survey!

All Jefferson County PUD households are invited to take our broadband survey. The PUD is gathering information to determine the level of interest in improved access to broadband services. The survey will be used to determine satisfaction with existing services, de-

termine demand for fiber optic or wireless residential service and the willingness to pay for broadband services, particularly in unserved or underserved areas within the county. Take our survey and ask your friends and neighbors to do so as well! We want to hear from all of you!

Go to www.jeffpud.org to get started.

Four Corners Operations Center • 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend • Administration Building • 230 Chimacum Road, Port Hadlock

C 4 • Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Rhododendron Festival Royalty for 2017 includes (from left, back row) Princess Sarah Smith, Queen’s Court members Kaylee Krajewski and Charlotte Falge, Queen Lauren Montgomery, Queen’s Court member Mary Neville, Princess Taylor Tracer, (front row) Junior Royalty Prince Levi Lafollette, Princess Madelyn Apeland, Princess Hope Quinn, Princess Amber Thompson, Princess Justus Tyrrell and Prince Landon Bergen. Photo courtesy Rhododendron Festival Association

Race begins and ends at Fort Worden State Park. Race starts at 11 a.m. This 12K (7.46-mile) race/run/ jog/walk prides itself as being “the run that cares for the runner.” New this year is the 1/2 Rhody 6K course (3.72 miles), which is not USATF distance certified. Entry fees are $45 for adults the day of the race, Continued from page 3 $25 for active-duty military, $25 for seniors (ages on Saturday and 8:45-10:45 65 and older) and $15 for a.m. on Sunday inside Fort children younger than 18. Worden Commons. Register online at Day-of-race registra- rhodyrun.com. The fifth tion opens at 8:45 a.m., annual Kids Sprint for Sunday and closes at 10:15 Health is a pre-Rhody Run a.m. inside Fort Worden event for youngsters ages 9 Commons. and younger. Registration S p o n s o r : J e f f e r s o n opens at 9 a.m. and sprints Healthcare, P o r t begin at 9:30 a.m. on the Townsend M a r a t h o n Fort Worden Parade Association and friends Ground.

Enchanted Rhody

Consider public transit Jefferson Transit Authority advises people to check its website for rider alerts regarding route deviations on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday to take into account street closures for Rhody Fest events: jeffersontransit.com. Grand Parade attendees may use the Haines Place Park and Ride near Safeway and ride the No. 11 shuttle to their favorite spot for $1.50 round trip, $1 for children and seniors. The last shuttle before the parade departs the park-and-ride at 11 a.m. on Saturday and resumes service at 3 p.m.

LEADER DEADLINES NEwS Arts, Community Calendar: 1 p.m. wednesday Press Releases, Letters to the Editor: 10 a.m. Friday ☛ news@ptleader.com ADvERtISINg Entertainment: Noon Friday All other Display: Noon Monday ☛ cbrewer@ptleader.com ☛ jclark@ptleader.com ☛ classifieds@ptleader.com

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Judy and Pat Lundgren were born and raised in Port Townsend. They own Hilltop Tavern, where they host charity events to support the community. Photo by Chris Tucker

Lundgrens named Rhody Festival grand marshals Chris Tucker ctucker@ptleader.com A Port Townsend couple who uses bingo games to raise thousands of dollars to donate to charity has been named Rhododendron Festival grand marshals for 2017. Judy and Pat Lundgren, owners of the Hilltop Tavern on Sims Way, are honored to play the Rhody role. “I’m a little overwhelmed . . . I actually asked them if they ran out of people to be the grand marshal,” Judy Lundgren joked. “Usually we fly under the radar up here on the hill,” she said. The 2017 Rhody Festival Grand Parade is Saturday, May 20. Lundgren said she didn’t think serving as grand marshal would be too taxing.

“I think we’re just riding in a car leading the parade, smiling and waving.” Both of the Lundgrens were born and raised in Port Townsend. They bought the Hilltop Tavern in 1987, and celebrated 30 years of running the business this March. According to Judy Lundgren, Jim Daubenberger started the tavern in 1953. “We were chosen for all the money we raised for charitable things in Port Townsend through our barstool bingo,” she said of being named marshals. Hilltop Tavern’s bingo games are Wednesdays at 7 p.m. “Last month we made $1,330 . . . it would almost pay for a scholarship,” she said. “It’s usually between $1,000 and $1,500 that we raise every month for

charities, and I can’t, off the top of my head, think of how many years we’ve been doing it.” Lundgren guessed that the bingo games and “our customer’s good hearts” have raised more than $100,000 for charity over the years. Beneficiaries of the bingo charity have included Relay for Life; the Port Townsend Public Library; Olympic Neighbors, which is working to provide housing for adults with developmental disabilities; the Rhododendron Festival; the Elks charities; Kiwanis’ Christmas for Children; Port Townsend High School scholarships; the North Olympic Salmon Coalition; and the kids’ demolition derby. “This month, we’re doing it for the Humane Society,” she said.

Rhody families

With all the marching bands, floats and classic cars lining up on the side streets, park your car at the Park & Ride near Safeway and ride the Shuttle to the Grand Parade.

Youth 7-18 & Seniors - $1.00 6 & under ride FREE

Adults ride all day for


Our #11 A & B Shuttles will be running every half hour until 11:30 am to get you to your lawn chair without any hassle. Please check our website for maps and schedules for the Trike Race, Pet Parade, Kiddie Parade, Bed Race and the Grand Parade.

Try Transit and have an Enchanted Rhody!

Debbie LaFollette (far left), president of the Rhododendron Festival Association, sports a pink sweatshirt while son Levi shows off a gray sweatshirt, and Brandi Hamon, Rhododendron Festival vice president, and her son, Nick, wear the adult-size sweatshirts. Festival sweatshirts, $30, are available at Cherry Blossom or by emailing rhodyfest@gmail.com. Sales benefit the Rhody scholarship program. Photo by Chris Tucker


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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 • C 5

Joining with our friends and neighbors to CELEBRATE

Rhody Festival Rhody Fest

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Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run (shown in pink) is “the run that cares for the runner,” which includes people who turn out along the 12K (7.46-mile) course to cheer. A new 1/2 Rhody Run 6K (shown in gold) has been added this year. Cook Avenue is closed to vehicle traffic on Sunday, May 21 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A police patrol vehicle follows the last participants, signifying the course is open to traffic. Map by Leader Grafix

Rhody Run: ‘The run that cares for the runner’ • Please do not use someone else’s bib. • Runners younger than 18 must have an adult cosign their registration form. • People pushing strollers are asked to start toward the back of the pack and share the road. • Avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water in advance and during the run, but not so much that you get hyponatremia. • Don’t hesitate to pause, stop or seek help from aid crews if you think you’re experiencing symptoms of heat exhaustion or other problems.

percent of those had signed up for the 1/2 Rhody. Online Rhody Run registration ends at 5 p.m., Thursday, May 18. People already registered for the Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run XXXIX may pick up their registration packets between 4 and 7 p.m., Saturday, May 20 inside the Fort Worden Commons. Day-of-race registration opens at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday, May 21 and closes at 10:15 a.m. inside the Fort Worden Commons. Raceday entry fees are $45 for adults, $25 for active-duty military, $25 for seniors (ages 65 and older) and $15 for children younger than 18. On race day, the upper Fort Worden campus is open for parking; follow the RACE REGISTRATION signs. Rhody Run had 1,250 regFor more details, go to istrants as of May 15, and 8 rhodyrun.com.

KIDS SPRINT FOR HEALTH The fifth annual Kids Sprint for Health starts at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday on Fort Worden’s parade ground. Sponsored by Jefferson Healthcare, the sprint is free and open to all kids ages 9 and younger; registration begins at 9 a.m. Distinctive finishers’ shirts are awarded to all participants. There are five heats intended to match runners’ ability: Heat 1 (100 yards, ages 8-9); Heat 2 (100 yards, ages 6-7); Heat 3 (75 yards, ages 4-5); Heat 4 (50 yards, ages 2-3); and Heat 5 (50 yards, 1 and younger). Awards for first-, secondand third-place age-group winners are given out at the awards tent on the parade grounds.

R ACE SUPPORT A big thanks goes to the Port Townsend Police Department, East Jefferson Fire Rescue, Washington State Parks and Fort Worden Public Development Authority personnel, who do so much to help on Rhody Run day and throughout the festival, Little noted.

FERRY REMINDER Reminder: There is no shuttle bus to transport participants or spectators to and from Fort Worden from the Port Townsend ferry terminal or Haines Place Park and Ride. In terms of ferry service, walk-on passengers from the Coupeville terminal who are heading to Port Townsend should have no concerns, but if you are taking a vehicle onto the ferry, reservations are recommended. There are 7:15 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. departures from Coupeville; the 10:15 a.m. departure may not give enough time for someone to arrive in downtown PT and reach Fort Worden by the Rhody Run’s 11 a.m. start. To AFTER-RUN REFRESHMENTS make a ferry reservation, The Fort Worden Public call Washington State Development Authority Ferries reservations at crew is handling the 800-843-3779.


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• No dogs or other pets are allowed on course.

post-race cup of beer offered to legal-age finishers. Soft drinks are available as well.


y even ears! ys

Walk, jog or run – Rhody Run Sunday turns out the best Port Townsend has to offer in the 39th staging of “the run that cares for the runner.” The Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run 12K course (7.46 miles) is certified by USA Track and Field (USATF). A new 1/2 Rhody 6K course (3.72 miles) being tested this year is not USATF distance certified. Race director Jeni Little, who has been in charge for a decade, is looking forward to the race and handing the baton to Sarah Davis, who is shadowing her this year to learn the ropes as race director for 2018. Little then will shadow Davis for next year’s run to make a smooth transition. “We’re running buddies,” Little said of Davis, adding that it’s time to have the next generation take over. “Sarah’s amazing. She runs pushing a stroller,” Little said of Davis, who now pushes her two children in a stroller during her runs.

Rhody Run tips


39th Rhody race adds 6K course this year

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Absolute Beginning Yoga ~ Basic Yoga Inside Out The scene at the starting line is always intense at the Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run at Fort Worden, as elite runners jockey for position. There were 1,727 finishers in 2016. Photo by Steve Mullensky


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