About: Naomi Moore
Naomi Moore has primarily worked in schools or childcare in her professional career. In 2018, she trained in India to become a certified Yoga instructor. She currently only caters to private clients. Her Bachelor’s degree is in English with a minor in Psychology. From Naomi: I lived in a conscious community in 2017 in Costa Rica which was a very life-changing and healing experience for me. I meditated every day in the jungle, partook in sacred medicine ceremonies, and other indigenous peoples' traditions, and then it shows on my resume that I was a teacher in the community's school (a work exchange opportunity they offer... basically work for stay/experience). This experience dramatically changed the trajectory of my life, and has led me on the spiritual path of healing. Now meditation and yoga are my daily spiritual practices, as well as service to helping those less fortunate. I've had a consistent Kundalini yoga practice since January. I like to take out my ukulele to play medicine music and kirtan (mantra music). I feel I've been blessed with a voice and have plans to explore that deeper :)
Contact Naomi: ​h​ttps://www.linkedin.com/in/naomilynnmoore/