LEB 2010 Summer Catalogue

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books to lov e & s h a r e

T h e I n d e p e n d e n t B o o k s e l l e r 's


o u t n ow ! Po s t e r b a c k g r o u n d i m a g e f r o m t h e c o v e r o f A p e H o u s e b y S a r a G r u e n , p u b l i s h e d b y A l l e n & U n w i n .

BOOKS TO LOVE AND SHARE THAT dEAdMAn dAnCE Kim scott Paperback rrP $ 32.99 Set in 19th century Western Australia, this is a sublime tale of a young Noongar man named Bobby Wabalanginy. Bobby is a gregarious man, eager to engage with the European settlers. But as the two cultures collide, Bobby must choose between the old ways of his ancestors and the new fledgling colony. limited edition hB available (RRP$49.99)

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roberta lowing Paperback rrP $ 32.99 The story centres on a diary by Rimbaud written in the Sahara desert in 1890, and the people who come across it. But it’s the desert, both physical and metaphysical, that is the core of the book. A heartbreaking love story, a tragic family saga and a political thriller come together in a remarkable debut novel.

*While stocks last.

Our Pick When Colts Ran


Roger McDonald Paperback RRP $32.95 Spanning decades through the landscape of Australia’s outback, Roger McDonald follows the desires, heartbreak and victories of a group of disparate men grappling with the vagaries of their lives. Centered around the lives of Major Dunc Bucker, ‘misplaced genius, authentic ratbag’, and his ward, Kingsley Colts, and written in Roger McDonald’s inimitably rich and beautifully descriptive writing, When Colts Ran will proudly sit next to McDonald’s Miles Franklin Award-winning The Ballad of Desmond Kale.

How iT FEEls Brendan Cowell Paperback rrP $ 32.99 Four school friends are on the verge of adulthood, but events over a period of 12 hours change the course of their lives. Friendships are broken, virginity is lost, love is unleashed and secrets are buried. A decade later, one is dead, one is famous, two are getting married, and the truth is about to erupt...


THE disTAnT Hours

Monica Mcinerney Paperback rrP $ 32.95 OUR PRICE $27.95

Kate Morton Hardback rrP $ 39.99

When the Templeton family moves from England to country Australia they seem unusual and peculiar to the locals. The lives of single mother Nina and her son Tom are changed forever when they become entangled with the younger Templeton daughter Gracie. Relationships between the two families bring some lifechanging events until tragedy tears them apart. This is a wonderful story of love, friendship and family by a master storyteller.

‘It started with a letter. A letter that had been lost a long time…’ Edie Burchil, unravels the fifty-yearold mystery which began with her mother’s wartime evacuation from London to Milderhurst Castle in Kent, where she discovered not only the joys of books and fantasy and writing – but also the dangers. Full of intrigue, this is the third excellent novel by the author of Shifting Fog and Forgotten Garden.

THE BEsT AusTrAliAn sToriEs/PoEMs/ EssAys 2010 Paperbacks rrP $ 29.95, $24.95, $29.95 The best writing from 2010 in three superb collections: renowned author Robert Drewe selects the year’s finest essays, short story writer Cate Kennedy collects the year’s most exciting short fiction, and award-winning poet Robert Adamson puts together a selection of the most outstanding Australian poems. Vibrant, diverse and indispensable.

sAnd robert drewe and John Kinsella Paperback rrP $ 27.95 The seaside and especially the sand evoke memories – both personal and cultural – that inspire the writing in this book. Digging into its shifting foundations, the authors use their own lives to explore the significance of sand in the Australian psyche. From renowned novelist Robert Drewe and internationally acclaimed poet John Kinsella.

WI N a Li brary of 100 Books! For your chance to WIn a collection of books worth over $4000, simply tell us in 25 words or less why are independent bookshops important to you and your community and which of their services you value most. The prize of 100 books includes a fantastic mixture of new and classic fiction and non-fiction for the whole family. NAME RRP $95.00


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RRP $49.99

EMAIL RRP $260.00

A set of four Limited Edition Special HB’s; individually signed and numbered.

Entry forms must be returned to the store named on the cover of this catalogue. Entries close 31/12/10. The winning entry will be judged by the General Manager of Leading Edge Books on 12/01/11 at 3 Fitzsimons Lane, Gordon NSW 2072. The winner will be notified by phone. Employees and immediate relatives of Leading Edge Books members and their direct suppliers are ineligible to enter. All entries remain the property of Leading Edge Books, the judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The prize is not redeemable for cash. Full terms and conditions available at www.indies.com.au

best of australian writing Hugh Mackay Paperback rrP $ 35 After having taken a long hard look at the Nation in Advance Australia Where?, Hugh moves on to examining our personal desires and the contradictions contained in all of us. An entertaining and enlightening account sure to raise some questions and generate discussion.

HErE on EArTH Tim Flannery Paperback rrP $ 34.95 On the cusp of a new understanding about our place in a sustainable future, Tim Flannery harkens back to our beginnings in Here on Earth. He explores and expounds on the many schools of scientific discovery that explain humanity’s success as a dominant species, and implores us to heed the environment’s dire warnings.

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January 11

Hetti Perkins Hardback rrP $ 89.99 This lavishly illustrated book, a companion to the television series, is a journey of discovery through Aboriginal art. Hettie Perkins presents her personal view and insights into the many works shown and creates for the reader a glimpse into the colourful and exciting world of Aboriginal artists throughout Australia. exClUsIve oFFeR: WIn 1 of 10 double passes to the art+soul exhibition at the art Gallery of nsW, with a personal guided tour by author. For details go to the competition page at www.indies.com.au


How To MAKE GrAvy Paul Kelly Hardback rrP $49.95 This unique memoir has one hundred chapters, each one a Paul Kelly song with an accompanying story. Some of the stories are confessional; some are personal; others are small essays or tell of the songwriter’s art. Together they paint an extraordinary portrait of a funny, compassionate and intelligent singer-songwriter, one of the finest in Australia. also available in a slipcase containing the book and 8-CD boxed set featuring the 100 songs discussed in the book (RRP$125). *While stocks last.

Our Pick oo


ArT + soul

the WoRlD FRoM DoWn UnDeR

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George negus Paperback RRP $35 Following on from the bestselling The World from Italy and The World from Islam, respected journalist George Negus now turns his attention to Australia. Drawing on his extensive travels and journalistic background, he examines some of the big issues confronting Australians: climate change, the role of women, politics, poverty, indigenous affairs and philanthropy - as well as some lighter stuff! He talks about how Australia is regarded by the rest of the world, and also brings in some of the things he has learned from the world’s movers and shakers.

AusTrAliAn EnCounTErs

uPsidE down world

EuCAlyPTs: A CElEBrATion

shane Maloney and Chris Grosz Hardback rrP $ 24.95

Penny olsen Paperback rrP $ 39.95

John wrigley and Murray Fagg Hardback rrP $ 65.00

december release, advanced orders welcome.

Written by Shane Maloney and illustrated by Chris Grosz, this one-of-a-kind book tells of 50 true encounters between a renowned Australian and an international mover and shaker. These lively encounters – public or private, ill-fated or fortuitous – capture their famous subjects in a fleeting moment when personalities and temperaments often collided!

wHAT’s THEir sTory? A HisTory oF AusTrAliAn words Bruce Moore Paperback rrP $19.95 december release, advanced orders welcome.

This captivating history of Australian words is a companion volume to Speaking Our Language, and provides many enjoyable stories in a very accessible format. This is an intriguing study for anyone interested in Australian history and language.

Written by Penny Olsen and lavishly illustrated with early drawings and paintings from the National Library of Australia, Upside Down World documents the early perceptions of Australia’s natural world, viewed by the new colonists as odd, inferior and even unbelievable. Scattered throughout are fascinating and colourful descriptions from collectors’ and naturalists’ journals, showing us how the scientific knowledge of Australia’s flora and fauna evolved.

HEArT & soul: AusTrAliA’s FirsT FAMiliEs oF winE Graeme lofts Paperback rrP $ 39.95 A mixed dozen of Australia’s best-known wine families tell their story, taking readers on a journey through the history, the people, the vineyards and the regions of Australia’s most famous wineries. Richly illustrated throughout, an ideal gift for historians and wine lovers.

Australian author

A superbly-illustrated celebration of the beauty and diversity of Australia’s most-iconic and best-known trees. Through historic and contemporary images, the book examines the many ways in which eucalypts have served Aboriginal, colonial and contemporary Australians in both practical and aesthetic ways. Eucalypts have quite literally been the building blocks of our nation and this beautiful book tells their complete story for the first time.

is THAT THinG diEsEl? Paul Carter Paperback rrP $ 24.99 The next eagerly awaited, high octane, seat-of-yourpants adventure from the author of the bestselling Don’t Tell Mum I Work on the Rigs sees Paul Carter circumnavigating Australia on a bio-diesel motorcycle... The result is a story full of characters, implausible (but true) situations, unlikely events and unfortunate breakdowns and accidents, all at a break neck pace.

Titles marked with this symbol are available in Bolinda audio format

N EW F i cti o n luKA And THE FirE oF liFE salman rushdie Paperback rrP $ 29.95

Our Pick aPe hoUse

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sara Gruen Paperback RRP $32.99 Sam, Bonzi, Lola, Mbongo, Jelani, and Makena are bonobos, capable of reason and developing deep relationships. John Thigpen, journalist, visits the Great Ape Language Lab in Kansas to see their work with bonobos and is deeply affected by his visit. But after a devastating attack on the Lab, the apes are sold, Isabel, the chief scientist badly injured and John gets involved in uncovering the perpetrators of the bombing and helping to secure the longterm future of the bonobos. Sara Gruen, beloved author of Water for Elephants, once again engages you in a story and characters that are richly satisfying.

surFACE dETAil iain M Banks Paperback rrP $ 35 The dazzling new Culture novel from a modern master of science fiction. It begins in the realm of the Real, where matter still matters. It begins with a murder. And it will not end until the Culture has gone to war with death itself. Surface Detail is a tour de force of brilliant storytelling, world-building and imagination.


By niGHTFAll Michael Cunningham Paperback rrP $ 27.99 Peter and Rebecca Harris seem to have everything – in their mid-forties, married for nearly twenty years, he is an art dealer, and she is an editor. Then Rebecca’s much younger look-alike brother, Ethan, shows up for a visit and Peter finds himself questioning his career and the entire world he has so carefully constructed. A masterful new novel by the author of Pulitzer Prize-winning, The Hours.

december release, advanced orders welcome.

With the same acute psychological observation and incisive prose that inform Miss Garnet’s Angel and The Other Side of You, Salley Vickers brings us a wonderful collection of stories which deals with love in all its aspects. Shimmering with warmth and wit, this beautifully-packaged offering is the perfect Christmas gift.

An oBJECT oF BEAuTy steve Martin Paperback rrP $ 32.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

Enter the world of the New York art scene with the wonderful Steve Martin as a guide. He takes you by the hand and introduces you to a compelling heroine and a scandal involving an art work. Martin tells his story with the wit of a master storyteller. Illustrated with 24 art works to appreciate, this is a wonderful read for Christmas and the summer.

HAnd ME down world lloyd Jones Paperback rrP $ 32.95


shaun Micallef Hardback rrP $ 29.95

nicholas Evans Paperback rrP $ 32.99 Powerful, epic and heartwrenching The Brave explores our quest for love and identity, the fallibility of heroes and the devastating effects of family secrets. Spanning 50 years, the novel effortlessly moves from the 50s and 60s to the present day as the main character’s dark secret is finally brought to light. By the bestselling author of The Horse Whisperer.

Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e B ooks to L ove and Share

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Our Pick oo


Lloyd Jones – author of the bestselling Mister Pip – has written a poignant tale of a mother’s quest to be united with her child. Hand Me Down World tells the story of a nameless African woman who sees her baby taken away from her just a few weeks after giving birth. Her journey to find him and her encounters with an array of individuals along the way gives the book its kaleidoscopic and haunting tone.

PrEinCArnATE Australian comic Shaun Micallef has turned his hand to fiction, and the result is a whimsical and witty blend of history, time travel, and adventure. Alexander Pruitt is murdered in 2005, but his soul is reincarnated in the body of Oliver Cromwell’s son in 1657. Mayhem ensues as Alexander attempts to prevent his future death by putting himself into suspended animation for 350 years. Droll humour, outlandish plot twists, and charming line illustrations make this a delightfully-different read.

salley vickers Hardback rrP $ 29.99

the hUnDReD-Foot JoURney

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Written as a gift for his son, Luka and The Fire of Life is a lyrical fable with the narrative tension of the classic quest stories. On a beautiful starry night in the city of Kahani a terrible thing happened: twelve-year-old Luka’s storyteller father, Rashid, fell suddenly and inexplicably into a sleep. To save him from slipping away entirely, Luka must embark on a journey through the Magic World, a seemingly impossible and exceedingly dangerous task. A wonderful gift for readers of all ages! sPeCIal oFFeR: Win 1 of 5 signed copies. For details go to the competition page at www.indies.com.au


Richard C. Morais Paperback RRP $27.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

When tragedy strikes, Hassan Haji and his family journey from the shantytown area of Mumbai to eventually settling in the remote French village of Lumiere. There they open an Indian restaurant, ‘Maison Mumbai’ opposite the very French and Michelin-star studded establishment of the formidable Madame Mallory. What ensues is a delightful story of contrasting tastes, aromas and attitudes. Charming, heart-warming and uplifting, a perfect summer read.

N EW F i cti o n Questions and Answers with LIAN HEARN

Q: Tsuru, the main protagonist in Blossoms and Shadows, struggles to reconcile her ambitions and aspirations with the traditional values of 19th Century Japan. Is her character based on a real person? Was there a Japanese Florence Nightingale? a: Tsuru is not directly based on any real person. There are two famous 19th Century women doctors in Japan, Kusumoto Ine, the daughter of Philipp Franz von Siebold (by his Japanese wife), who is mentioned in Blossoms and Shadows although Tsuru never gets to meet her, and Ogino Ginko, who was the first woman to be licensed as a doctor in Japan – twenty years after my novel takes place, in 1885. There were also a few not very well known women who worked alongside their fathers and brothers in medical practices, as Tsuru does.

Q: Was it easier for you to write fiction based on the more recent historical events in Blossoms and Shadows, or to develop the Middle Ages inspired fantasy world of the Otori trilogy? a: It is harder writing true historical fiction rather than historical fantasy as there is always conflict over which takes precedence, the narrative or historical events as they have been recorded. People have to be where we know they were on any given date. In Blossoms and Shadows I set out to present an actual historical event – the Meiji Restoration – so my own personal challenge was to be true to the historical characters – but of course, it is still fiction! Q: Do you have any news about the film production of Across the Nightingale Floor? Are you excited by the prospect of seeing your novels made into movies? a: There’s no news on the film, it doesn’t seem to be progressing at the moment. I have rather mixed feelings about it. It would be fun to have the movies, but if they are bad it would be worse than having no movie at all. Q: What inspires you? Do you have favourite authors and books? a: I am a lifelong reader and book lover. Really I like too many authors to list their names. But I am also inspired by the natural world and by birds and animals. Q: You have many dedicated independent bookshop fans. Tell us about your next project. Will it be based in Japan? a: I am so grateful to all the indie bookshops out there for being fans and supporting my books. I think I am going to stay in Japan for one more book. I will be reading, doing a bit of travelling to Japan and Korea, and thinking about it over the next year. That’s all I can say at the moment.

For more information see www.lianhearn.com

A Tiny BiT MArvEllous dawn French Paperback rrP $ 32.95 This first novel by Dawn French is told through the eyes of a mother and her two teenage children. Written in diary format, with each chapter narrated by a different voice, this is a hilarious, sharp and utterly compelling story about the ups and down of family life, sibling rivalry and growing up.

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BlossoMs anD shaDoWs lian hearn Paperback RRP $34.99 Set in the 1850’s, this is the story of an isolated Japan whose ports were invaded by the ‘black ships’, bringing the foreigners who would change their lives forever. The story is told through the eyes of a young woman Tsuru, the youngest daughter of a local physician, who sees a Japan struggling with its own internal divisions, those trying to retain the old order and those who want change. For her country to find peace and move into modernity there will be tragedy and violence which touches them all. Lian Hearn, author of the world-wide bestselling Tales of the Otori series, has woven a wonderful tale which will take you on a gorgeous and satisfying journey.

FAll oF GiAnTs

Marlena de Blasi Paperback rrP $ 27.99

Ken Follett Hardback rrP $49.99

An engaging novel with strong characters set in the war-torn France of World War Two. Amandine is abandoned as a baby to a convent where she is loathed by Abbess Mother Paul. Amandine is full of spirit and traits which make it easy for the reader to relate to her, with constant hope that she will find her mother.

MindinG FrAnKiE

Anita shreve Paperback rrP $ 32.99

Maeve Binchy Paperback rrP $ 35

Called to an early morning single car accident rookie paramedic Webster knows he shouldn’t get involved with the troubled Sheila, but can’t help himself. A stormy love affair results in the birth of a daughter, Rowan, and shortly after, the departure of Sheila. Nineteen years later Sheila appears back in their lives. Can she heal the wounds of their collective past and help the family move on? A novel of secrets, treachery and, ultimately, forgiveness from bestselling author Anita Shreve.

Our Pick


rEsCuE december release, advanced orders welcome.

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Q: Blossoms and Shadows is set in mid 19th Century Japan, a country on the brink of modernity. The major themes of the book echo the themes explored in your Tales of the Otori series: love, passion, honour, bravery, betrayal and death. Are these themes and values that attract you to the Japanese culture and history in general? a: I don’t know if these are exclusively Japanese. They seem universal themes that writers and artists have always explored. But Japanese traditional narrative forms, kabuki for example, have very dramatic, highly coloured plots, providing a safety valve for emotions that usually have to be tightly controlled. I am attracted by the juxtaposition of passion and restraint, the classic Japanese conflict between duty and human feelings.

This is a story of a little girl and the ‘parents’ who care about her – two people who have no relationship to her but are there because of a promise. It is a lovely story of families and how they come in all different sizes and combinations, from Maeve Binchy, Ireland’s best-loved storyteller.

Based around the monumental events of the First World War and the Russian Revolution, this book follows the destinies of five interrelated families from Russia, America, England, Germany and Wales throughout a complex, intriguing plot. A fantastic read for those who loved Ken’s Pillars of the Earth, this is a masterpiece of entertainment!

THE PHilAnTHroPisT John Tesarsch Paperback rrP $ 27.95 From the publisher of last year’s award-winning Things We Didn’t See Coming, this novel centres on Charles Bradshaw, an ageing tycoon haunted by his past. When he suffers a heart attack, he abruptly retires and announces that he will give his fortune to charity. This leads to conflict with his wife and adult children. John Banville deservedly calls The Philanthropist, a ‘very fine piece of work’.

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M O R E G R EAT F i cti o n THE EMPTy FAMily

sunsET PArK

Colm Tóibín Paperback rrP $ 29.99

Paul Auster Paperback rrP $ 32.99

These poignant stories are about characters that are slightly out of place. Stories about validating a secret love, coming home to a village that has no memory of you, or living in an alien culture make wry commentaries on human behaviour. Restrained, exquisite prose means that this selection of stories is an absolute treat.

By the bestselling author of Invisible and The Brooklyn Follies, this is Paul Auster at his best. Sunset Park follows Miles Heller and a group of friends sharing an abandoned house in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park, each with their own problems and struggles. Powerful and emotional, it is above all a story of love and forgiveness.

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Our Pick ks we

dEAd MAn’s CHEsT


To THE End oF THE lAnd

Kerry Greenwood Paperback rrP $ 22.99



the WeekenD


Bernhard schlink hardback RRP $29.99

Phryne is packing up her household and going on holidays to Queenscliff where she has promised Dot no more murders. But with Surrealists next door and pirate treasure and movie makers down the road, strange going-ons abound. The eighteenth mystery in this fantastic series has everything we have come to expect - couture, cocktails and of course, crime. try the fabulous Phryne Fisher – 3 books (in one) for just $29.99 – Introducing honourable Phryne Fisher, December release.

In his most electrifying novel since The Reader, Schlink explores the ramifications on the present of Germany’s turbulent political past. In a weekend fraught with emotional tension, a group of friends, once Baader-Meinhof sympathisers, reunite at an isolated country estate to celebrate the freedom of one of their number after his release from prison.

i CAME To sAy GoodByE


Caroline overington Paperback rrP $ 32.95

richard B. wright Paperback rrP $ 29.99

A young woman steals a baby from a hospital … so begins this brilliant and original story about family disintegration, narrated by the baby’s grandfather. This is a powerful and engrossing tale that will tug at your heartstrings and keep you guessing right until the end. Perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult.

In a quiet manor house in Oxfordshire, an ailing housekeeper by the name of Aerlene Ward feels the time has come to confess the great secret that has shaped her life – she is the illegitimate daughter of William Shakespeare, England’s most famous playwright. Richard B. Wright captures the style and tenor of the period perfectly in this intriguing blend of fiction and historical fact.

david Grossman Paperback rrP $ 35 Ora’s son has re-enlisted in the Israeli army. She keeps him ‘alive’ by relating her once happy but now shattered family story to her friend Avram, with whom she has recently reunited after twenty years. A profound, sad but wonderful, novel about personal conflict and loss.

FAll Girl Toni Jordan Paperback rrP $ 32.95 Australian author Toni Jordan’s first novel Addition was critically acclaimed and a bestseller. In Toni’s new novel Fall Girl, we meet Della Gilmore in her disguise as the beguiling Dr Ella Canfield who is seeking funding for a research project. It’s a tantalizing tale of passion, loyalty and deceit versus truth.

h i g h ly r eco m m e n d e d

Paperback, rrP $ 24.99

Hardback, rrP $ 35

Hardback, rrP $ 29.99

Paperback, rrP $ 23.99

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Paperback, rrP $ 32.99

Hardback, rrP $ 49.99

C R I M E A N D TH R I LLE RS John le Carré Paperback rrP $ 32.95

THE dEATH insTinCT Jed rubenfeld Paperback rrP $ 32.99 Jed Rubenfeld’s second novel is a thrilling mystery that weaves fact and fiction and characters both real and imagined into an exciting tale of crime and politics in the ‘20s. It is a compelling blend of history, politics, action and romance that is both suspenseful and intriguing from start to finish.

worTH dyinG For lee Child Paperback rrP $ 32.95 The sequel to 61 Hours starts with a cracking pace and never lets up. Reacher finds himself in Nebraska en route to Virginia when he gets caught up in the problems of a remote farming community. As the body count grows so does the action. A terrific read for the hot summer days ahead.

roslund and Hellstrom Paperback rrP $ 32.95 Piet Hoffman leads a secret life as Sweden’s most highly valued police informant. From the family home to the streets of the criminal underworld of Stockholm to the hardest prison in Sweden, Piet must fight to stay alive. Award-winning Swedish writing duo Roslund and Hellstrum’s first English translation is a fast paced thriller. In the tradition of Stieg Larsson and Henning Mankell.

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Our Pick oo


John le Carré is a master chronicler of crime and corruption in our contemporary world. In his new book, two lovers holidaying in Antigua are unwittingly drawn into the darkest recesses of the financial world. Their electrifying journey takes them dangerously close to the Russian Mafia and the corruption at the heart of the British establishment.

THrEE sEConds

MoonlIGht MIle sisTEr rosamund lupton Paperback rrP $ 32.99 Beatrice’s sister has been found dead. The police have written her death off as suicide, but Beatrice knows in her heart that something more sinister has happened. With no one believing her she sets out to discover the truth. This psychologically suspenseful page-turner shows the unbreakable bond between sisters. It will keep you guessing well into the night.

MillEnniuM TriloGy BoXEd sET stieg larsson rrP $ 99.95 Readers loved Stieg Larsson’s best-selling Swedish trilogy, which started with The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Now there is a deluxe, slip-cased set of the three hardcover novels – each unjacketed, bound in full cloth with maps and individual fullcolour endpapers – as well as On Stieg Larsson, a previously-unpublished collection of essays. The perfect collectible!

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our Kind oF TrAiTor

Dennis lehane Paperback RRP $32.99 In Gone, Baby, Gone Patrick Kenzie was asked to find missing 4-year-old Amanda McCready. He found her but was forced to make the toughest decision in his life. In Moonlight Mile, it’s 12 years later and Amanda has gone missing again. Patrick must revisit his past and opens doors he’s not sure he can close again. This is a thriller to devour and one you won’t soon forget. Find out why Dennis Lehane is considered the best in the business.

i’d Know you AnywHErE laura lippman Paperback rrP $ 24.99 Eliza Benedict, as a teenager, survived being kidnapped by a man later convicted of murder and sentenced to death. 22 years later her abductor gets in touch with her with the chilling words ‘I’d know you anywhere’. An exceptional novel that will keep you completely absorbed until the final pages.

THE rEvErsAl

nAKEd CruElTy


Michael Connelly Paperback rrP $ 32.99

Colleen McCullough Paperback rrP $ 32.99

Jeffery deaver eaver Paperback rrP $ 32.99

In The Reversal, Michael Connelly teams up two of his most interesting characters — Detective Hieronymus ‘Harry’ Bosch and his half brother defense lawyer FREE Mickey Haller. Jason Jessup BOOK has spent 24 years in prison but has been exonerated by new DNA evidence. Jessup is now out on bail and with the odds and evidence against them, Bosch and Haller work through conflicts between themselves to prove their case before Jessup strikes again. exClUsIve oFFeR: Receive a FRee copy of suspicions of Mr Witcher with purchase. *While stocks last.

In pre-DNA 1968 America, Captain Carmine Delmonico is chasing a rapist who calls himself didius ineptus (dodo). Rapes quickly escalate to murder. The Police Department is in turmoil, they seem to be out of their depth and out of control. A great new novel from one of Australia’s favourite authors. February 11

Detective Kessler is a Washington D.C. cop sidelined to routine investigations. So it’s a surprise when he’s targeted by a ‘lifter’, a person who ‘lifts’ information from people by whatever means necessary. And this lifter is one of the most terrifying: he prefers to get an ‘edge’ on his target by kidnapping or endangering their family. First class page-turner by this bestselling author.

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P I CTU R E BOO KS CHrisTMAs TiME Alison Jay Boardbook rrP $14.95

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Our Pick ks we se




olIvIa Goes to venICe

In Christmas Time, FREE a magical adventure XMAS DECOR unfolds wordlessly through Alison Jay’s beautiful illustrations: two wakeful children creep downstairs on Christmas Eve, meet Father Christmas and are taken on an amazing adventure to his home in the North Pole and back again. A lovely gift for the very young. 2+ exClUsIve oFFeR: Receive a FRee Christmas decoration with purchase. *While stocks last.

Ian Falconer hardback RRP $26.99 In her brand new adventure, everyone’s favourite piglet, Olivia, heads off to Venice for a family vacation. Join Olivia as she dodges pigeons in the Piazza San Marco, glides in a gondola and gorges on gelato! This internationally bestselling series continues with style and sophistication. exClUsIve oFFeR: Receive a FRee olivia FREE plush with purchase. PLUSH TOY *While stocks last.

FEATHErs For PHoEBE rod Clement Hardback rrP $ 24.99 This book has a heartwarming lesson for us all: with friends you can be happy being you. Phoebe is a very ordinary bird who is transformed from the top of her head to the tip of her wings. But glamour doesn’t bring Phoebe the results she wanted. Read on for the happy ending. 3+

MAudiE And BEAr Jan ormerod illus Freya Blackwood Hardback rrP $ 29.95 Jan Ormerod and Freya Blackwood combine their FREE creative talents in this LIBRARY BAG quintessential picture book containing five adorable stories about Maudie and Bear. Maudie is so confident of Bear’s love that she makes demands, throws tantrums, lays down rules and lets Bear do all the work, knowing he will love her unconditionally. And he does… right to the end. Accompanied by exquisite, full-colour illustrations and a silk ribbon bookmark! 3+ exClUsIve oFFeR: Receive a FRee library bag with every purchase. *While stocks last.


All THrouGH THE yEAr

lucy davey illus Katz Cowley Paperback rrP $14.99 When Timpkin gets a niggle, the teeniest titch that grows into a fidgety feeling and then an itch, Feather McDoo offers to scratch it for him ... but then Feather gets an itch, so along comes Possum Pie to help. But what do you do when you are last in the scratching queue? A hilarious tale about working together to solve a very itchy problem. 3+

Jane Godwin illus Anna walker Hardback rrP $ 24.95 A beautifully-illustrated view of one year through the eyes of a child. Terrific for learning about the months and seasons of the year and how the passage of time affects family life – mum, dad, big and small brothers, puppy ‘and me!’. The thoughtfulness and clarity of the rhyming text adds up to a seriously lovely read. 6+

HETTy’s dAy ouT

noni THE Pony

Pamela Allen Hardback rrP $ 24.95

Alison lester Hardback rrP $ 24.99

Hetty the cat wakes up, washes behind her ears and disappears out her cat flap in search of food ... Hetty loves food! What does she find? ‘One plate of baked beans, two pork pies, three lamb chops’ ... By the time Hetty has eaten seven sausages she’s so full she has trouble fitting back through her cat flap. A wonderful introduction to counting for young children from much-loved author, Pamela Allen. 2+

Noni, the gentle and kind pony, lives an idyllic life on PLUSH TOY her gorgeous farm by the sea with her friends Dave Dog, Coco the Cat and assorted cows, ducks and hens. This enticing new offering from children’s favourite Alison Lester has a story that is equally accessible through the fun colourful drawings and the appealing rhyming lines. 1+ Comes with a gorgeous plush pony. *While stocks last.


K I DS BOXE D S ETS GruG BoXEd sET Ted Prior rrP $ 29.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

‘Once the top of a Burrawang tree fell to the ground and became ... Grug!’ The classic, much-loved Aussie hero in a fabulous boxed set with board book, CD and plush toy. 3+

AliEns lovE undErPAnTs GiFT BoX Claire Freedman rrP $ 29.99 Ever wondered where those underpants you hung on the clothesline this morning have disappeared to? Delightful, laugh-out-loud story about what aliens love – no gruesome body-snatching, just a few lovable aliens in need of our underpants. Wonderful illustrations. 3+

Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e B ooks to L ove and Share

THE wonKy donKEy GiFT sET Craig smith illus Katz Cowley rrP $ 24.99 In this very delightful, funny, cumulative song, each page tells us something new about the donkey until we end up with a spunky hanky-panky cranky stinky-dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey, which will have children in fits of laughter! The set contains a special mini edition of the book with a CD and a cute (well, as cute as a one-eyed wonky donkey can be!) plush toy. 3+

fo r th e ve ry yo u n g alison lester Hardback rrP $19.99 A special 20th Anniversary edition of Alison Lester’s enduring favourite, Magic Beach, featuring a pull-out frieze to pin up. Imagine a beach where you can swim, surf, splash through the waves, make sandcastles, hunt for treasures, explore rock-pools, fish from the jetty, and build a bonfire under the stars. Imagine a beach where adventure begins... 2+

willBee tHe BuMBleBee craig smith Paperback rrP $16.99 Willbee’s jersey has unravelled and he’s showing his ‘bare bum’ to the whole garden! He’s getting cold, he’s lost his hum, and he can’t get home to his poor worried mum. Moni the butterfly has seen everything and knows what to do. A delightfully illustrated tale with bonus CD that will have your child humming. 3+

read the we

Our Pick b


tHe Quiet Book deborah underwood and renata lewska Hardback rrP $17.95 A gentle picture book that explores the many ‘kinds’ of quiet. ‘Quiet can be delicate. Quiet can be thundering! Quiet can be sweet, and cosy, and can most definitely help you fall asleep.’ With lovely illustrations, this delightful picture book can fill a child’s days from morning to night. 2+

incy Wincy SpiDer

let’s count Goats! Mem Fox and Jan thomas Hardback rrP $19.95 ‘City goats going for a run; mountain goats frisking in the sun’ ... If you loved Where is the Green Sheep? you will also love Let’s Count Goats!. The rhythmic text and beautiful illustrations introduce numeracy concepts to young children who will love counting the colourful goats. 2+ Special Offer: Win 1 of 6 packs of 4 mem fox hardcovers. for details go to the competition page at www.indies.com.au

tHe niGHt BeFore cHristMas

tHere’s GoinG to Be a BaBy

clement c Moore Hardback rrP $ 26.99

John Burningham Helen oxenbury Hardback rrP $ 29.95

This beautifully illustrated telling of the classic Christmas tale will entrance young and old as it brings the magic of Christmas to life. Included is a musical and narrative CD recorded by the legendary trio, Peter, Paul and Mary. 4+

ks we se


MaGic BeacH

This is a beautifully illustrated new picture book explaining to a child about the impending arrival of a new baby brother or sister. The book guides the child through the journey day by day, month by month, gently and with reassurance and humour, answering the many questions they may have. When will the baby come? What will the baby be called? What will the baby do? 3+

Susan hall hardback rrp $19.95 With glossy photographs and gorgeous botanical illustrations of spiders, cicadas, butterflies and many more, Incy Wincy Spider is a fantastic gift for any budding naturalist or a little person who just loves bugs! Each page features a poem, a fact and a flap to lift or a tab to pull. 2+ exclUSive Offer: receive a free gift card and wrapping paper with purchase. *While stocks last.

last tree in tHe city Peter carnavas Hardback rrP $ 24.95 Edward is sad after he finds the last tree in the city is no longer standing. After some reflection, he finds a way to make things better. A poignant tale about the environment and the way children relate to its beauty. 3+

K I DS BOXE D S ETS winnie-tHePooH 30 vol GiFt set a a Milne rrP $199.00 The ultimate gift set for the nursery or discerning Winnie-the-Pooh enthusiast: 30 individual hardback books beautifully-presented in an elegant chest, decorated inside and out with original E.H. Shephard illustrations. A stunning heirloom to keep for generations! 3+

koala lou GiFt set

tHe very cranky ranky Bear GiFt t Box

Mem Fox and Pamela lofts rrP $ 29.95

nick Bland Paperback rrP $ 24.99

december release, advanced orders welcome.

Koala Lou is in training for the Bush Olympics. She is sad because her mother always seems to be too busy to pay her any attention. If she wins the tree-climbing race maybe her mother might notice her again. Another Mem Fox classic in hardback which includes a gorgeous plush Koala Lou. 3+

In the Jingle Jangle Jungle on a wet and windy day, four little friends, Moose, Lion, Zebra and Sheep, found a cosy place to play. When the four friends encounter a cranky bear, Moose, Lion and Zebra all think they know how to cheer him up, but it is plain, boring Sheep who has the answer. Vibrant illustrations and a fun, engaging story make this perfect for reading aloud. Boxed set of mini HB and a gorgeous, cuddly, cranky bear plush toy. 4+

Age guides are approximate. Ask for more personalised advice in-store.

S H AR I N G M AG I C TI M E lulu and tHe Brontosaurus Judith viorst illus by lane smith Paperback rrP $16.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

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Our Pick ks we se




A gorgeous illustrated chapter book about a spoilt little girl called Lulu. Tantrums abound when Lulu is told that she can’t have a brontosaurus for a pet and she storms off to get one for herself. Things don’t quite go to plan when the brontosaurus agrees that pets are wonderful and decides that Lulu would be the perfect pet for himself! 7+

flip-O-SaUrUS Sara Ball hardback rrp $24.95 Create your own prehistoric beasts by mixing and matching the heads, bodies and tails of different dinosaurs to create a thousand different imaginary ones, like the Stegodocus, the Oviplosaurus, or the Diploraptops. It includes interesting facts about each dinosaur part, so you can figure out how your Flip-o-saurus would behave. The perfect gift for any kid who loves dinosaurs. 5+

tHe MuddleHeaded woMBat ruth Park Hardback rrP $ 39.99 This is a beautifully presented edition of Ruth Park’s classic children’s story. Wombat is an irresistible character and he and his mates will endure, to bring pleasure to many generations more. 8+

PiPPi lonGstockinG GiFt edition astrid lindgren illus by lauren child Paperback rrP $ 24.95 december release, advanced orders welcome.

The ever popular Lauren Child (of Charlie and Lola fame) has illustrated the classic Pippi Longstocking. Pippi is an exuberant nine year old that lives alone ‘which is actually quite nice, because it meant that no one could tell her that she had to go to bed just when she was having most fun’. Follow the adventures of Pippi and her friends, wrestling a circus strongman, dancing a polka with burglars, or even tugging a bull’s tail. This is a lovely gift edition for children who like to be read to or for more confident readers. 7+

tHe aussie nutcracker Heath Mckenzie Paperback rrP $14.99 It’s Christmas Eve and magic is in the air. Meet the Sugar-Plum Fairy, the seven-headed Mouse King and the Nutcracker Prince - but not like you’ve ever seen them before. An Australian retelling of the Christmas classic.

eJ12 Girl Hero GiFt Box

violet Mackerel’s Brilliant Plot

never sMile at a crocodile

rrP $ 29.99

anna Branford illus by sarah davis Hardback rrP $19.95

Jack lawrence and Frank churchill illus by shane devries Hardback rrP $ 26.99

This gift box contains the first four titles in the EJ12 Girl Hero series about Emma Jacks, aka Special Agent EJ12, who cracks codes and foils evil plans all over the world. Fully-foiled and in full colour, the gift box will be on every girl’s wish-list this Christmas. 6+

Violet Mackerel thinks she would quite like to own the blue china bird at the Saturday markets. This is not just a silly wish. It is instead the start of a very important idea. But what she needs is a plot. A brilliant plot. Introducing readers to a new warm and loveable character, Violet Mackerel’s Brilliant Plot is a story not to be missed. 5+

Beauty and tHe Beast PoP-uP

careFul wHat you wisH For

robert sebuda Hardback rrP $ 35.00

Maureen Mccarthy Paperback rrP $15.99

True love comes to life in Robert Sabuda’s classic retelling of the favourite fairytale, Beauty and the Beast. Once again bestselling pop-up and paper engineer, Robert Sabuda, has created amazing paper structures that will lead readers through the magical world of this age-old story. This three-dimensional retelling of a classic tale is certain to become a favourite in every family’s library. 5+

Ruth Craze longs for a different life - home and school just seem more unbearable every day. When offered three chances to wish herself into a perfect life she finds her imagined ideal isn’t what she thought it would be; and that what she already has is more valuable than she realised. 9+

Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e B ooks to L ove and Share

This lavishly illustrated book comes with a CD sung by Jay Laga’aia, who will be well known to friends of Play School. New audiences will engage with its warm humour and adults can enjoy a journey down memory lane. 4+

stew a cockatoo: My aussie cookBook ruthie May and leigh Hobbs Hardback rrP $ 24.95 The ultimate Australian cook book for children and you would be a flamin’ galah to miss it. This book is jam-packed with good ol’ Aussie recipes and anecdotal stories about how our cuisine came to be and fair dinkum definitions for words and phrases like ‘bush tucker’ and ‘spuds’. 7+

FANTASTI C WO R LDS alienoloGy Hardback rrP $ 29.95 Never before has a book entered the digital marketplace in this way. ‘Ology’ fans will have the opportunity to extend their Alienology knowledge online with new interactive content. Readers can take part in an SMS experience and communicate with aliens via an intergalactic messaging device (or mobile phone!). This experience will feature an animated graphic and ringtone, and will ultimately allow readers to become the 14th member of the Intergalactic Council! 8+

Harry Potter PoP-uP andrew williamson and Bruce Foster Hardback rrP $ 39.99 This collectible pop-up book will delight Harry Potter fans with dynamic pop up ingenuity, insights from the creative team who turned J.K. Rowling’s stories into movie magic, fascinating facts about the magical universe seen in the movies, and Harry Potter memories and memorabilia packed into every page. 8+

ranGer’s aPPrentice 10: tHe eMPeror oF niHon-Ja John Flanagan Paperback rrP $17.95 In this tenth adventure in the hugely popular Ranger’s Apprentice series, Horace has gone missing on a diplomatic visit to the kingdom of Nihon-Ja. Will, Halt, Alyss and Cassandra, with the help of several old friends, journey to rescue the errant knight and find a feudal uprising, mythological creatures and perhaps more than they bargained for. 8+

draGonworld: a PoP-uP Guide to tHese scaled Beasts Milivoj ceran Hardback rrP $19.95 This book presents a thrilling pop-up exploration of the dragon types found throughout the world. Carefully researched text and art reveal the fantastic powers that made them both worshipped and feared. Recent fossil finds and a fossil location map offer up-to-date information on these ancient beasts. 8+

zoMBies ies vs unicorns nicorns Holly Black and Justine larbalestier Paperback rrP $18.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

Zombies Vs Unicorns is a unique short story feud that pits horned beasts against the shuffling undead. Contributors to this unique collection include bestselling teen and YA authors, Garth Nix, Meg Cabot, Scott Westerfeld, Cassandra Clare, Libba Bray, Maureen Johnson and Margo Lanagan. Zombie Vs Unicorns challenges you to pick a team, and stick to it. But be warned, these are stellar story-tellers, and they can be very convincing...14+

star wars: MillenniuM Falcon Hardback rrP $ 29.99 The Millennium Falcon as you’ve never seen it before! This novelty format dissects the most famous ship in the galaxy section-by-section, revealing the ship’s secrets and special modifications. Includes technical notes from Han Solo as well as a detailed overview of each of the ship’s main functions. 7+

Questions and Answers with TONY DITERLIZZI Toni DiTerlizzi pushes the boundaries of bookmaking with his latest, The Search for WondLa, which combines a traditional novel with a graphic novel and the interactivity of a computer. The Search for WondLa, the start of a fantasy trilogy for kids starring a 12-year-old girl raised by a robot on an alien planet, will include three symbols that link to digital maps of the girl’s quest for other humans. Readers with a webcam can see 3-D interactive maps of the girl’s search. Readers without a webcam can access the Internet and link to a regular map and a video. Q: How did you come up with the premise for The Search for WondLa? read the we

Our Pick ks we se




tHe searcH For wondla tony diterlizzi Hardback rrP $ 24.99 From the bestselling author of the Spiderwick Chronicles comes a new fantasy story for young readers. Twelve year old Eva Nine, raised by the robot Muhr, is forced to flee from her underground home when her world is attacked. So begins a search for another human, a search for a place to belong. This is the first instalment of a trilogy that is sure to become a modern classic! 7+

a: The seeds for Wondla are in my sketchbooks from 1997-98. There are early drawings of Eva Nine (the heroine) and her friends right next to early drawings of Thimbletack and Hogsqueal (from The Spiderwick Chronicles). Back then, all I knew was it was a story about a girl who was the only human on an alien planet. A robot raised this girl and together they went on a fairy tale-like adventure in a world full of aliens and spaceships. Over time, I thought about the premise and the characters. Once you get past the inspiration of an idea, how does one develop its potential and harness the initial excitement to sustain a 500-page novel? For me, it was all about taking the time to figure out what this story was and wasn’t.I thought about the heroines in stories I loved as a kid. Protagonists like Dorothy Gale, Wendy Darling and Alice Liddell. Why did I keep returning back to their stories over and over again through the years? What about them excited my imagination? I wondered if kids today could still relate to those characters that, to me, seem both timely and timeless. I tried to harness the magic that I felt within those old classics and create something new that also contained the challenges kids face today.

Q: How do you get inspired? a: For The Search for WondLa I was inspired by a confluence of several of my favourite things. Obviously there is a nod to old fairy tales, like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I also drew from the action in some of my favourite movies such as the original Star Wars trilogy or Hayao Miyazaki’s films. While I worked I listened to electronic music and soundtracks to help me get into the right mood. In particular, John Barry’s music to the film The Black Hole was a favourite as was the soundtrack to Gattaca. However, the biggest inspiration that I drew from was nature. Bizarre plants, insects, deep-sea fish, extinct animals and even microscopic plankton inspire me with endless design possibilities. And you can find many examples of this in WondLa. Eva’s large loyal companion, Otto, is a prehistoric-sized water bear drawn from the minute animal of the same name. Some of the aliens, and even the alien city, were inspired from plankton comprised of juvenile sea lilies and starfish. Nature is a never-ending source of creative influence on my work. Q: What is your next book called and when will it be released? a: I am plotting away on the second book, tentatively titled The Story of WondLa, which is due to be released early in 2012. I am designing new bizarre alien life forms for Eva Nine to meet and new wondrous lands for her to explore. I really want each consecutive story to be better than its predecessor. I’ve got all three books planned out where I will continue to push at the boundaries of bookmaking. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

For full interview go to www.indies.com.au

Age guides are approximate. Ask for more personalised advice in-store.


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Our Pick ks we se

More Bloody Horowitz

H i larry Paperback rrP $19.95

anthony Horowitz Mick Brownfield Paperback rrP $17.95

Zac Power is facing his biggest challenge ever! And this time the whole world is in danger ... GIB’s worst enemies have joined forces for their most evil plan yet, led by a mysterious new enemy called Mr Shadow. This mission will be the ultimate test of Zac’s spy skills – especially if it means the end of the Government Investigation Bureau. 6+

The creator of Alex Rider gives horror a whole new look in this mischievous collection of macabre tales, presented in an exciting large format. Stories of ultimate revenge, from uncontrollable robots to reality TV where death is the penalty – all told with dark humour and gruesome relish, and made even more fiendish by the retro illustrations. 12+

escaPe FroM kids’ cluB/tHe GorGon in tHe Gully

terry denton’s BuMPer Book oF silly stuFF to do

Philip Gwynne; Melina Marchetta Paperbacks rrP $7.95 each

terry denton Paperback rrP $16.95




zac Power: ultiMate Mission

The Ugly TrUTh: Diary Of a Wimpy KiD 5 Jeff Kinney paperback rrp $14.95 The fifth book in the hugely popular kids series. Where is Greg Heffley going with his life now? Will it be more frightening encounters with girls? Is he old enough to shave yet? Is Nanny ever going to talk? Book number five will engage us all with glee and giggles. 8+

sPace scout Jet Pack H Badger rrP $ 29.95 The first four Space Scout books - The Robot King, The Big Freeze, The Jelly People and The Shrinking Race in a cool backpack. Readers will identify with Kip as the ordinary boy and be swept away with his extra-ordinary space mission to save mankind. Perfect for emerging readers, the Space Scout books are high-octane adventures. 6+

viewFinder Fossils / insects /rePtiles douglas Palmer; John woodward; Barbara taylor Hardbacks rrP $ 24.99 each Explore the natural world in stunning close up. Each book comes with its own magnifying glass. Find the icons and magnify the incredible images. Then pull out the sliders to examine the special features. 7+

Two titles in the Pocket Money Puffins series. In Escape from Kids’ Club, Max, Lily, Boaz and Jesse are stuck in Kids’ Club at an island resort, forced to watch endless Pirates of the Caribbean re-runs while their parents relax by the pool. After eight days they decide to break out and let the real fun begin. The Gorgon in the Gully is a gently told story about overcoming fear and looking at things from all angles. 8+

Battle Boy 9: wHite war/ Battle Boy 10: caveMan BasH charlie carter Paperbacks rrP $7.99 each Battle Boy Napoleon Augustus Smythe is off on more time-travelling adventures! Experience Christmas on a World War I battlefield or a Stone Age fray between Cro Magnons and Neanderthals. A great series for anyone who loves a bit of fact with their fiction. 6+ also available Book 1: Open fire with a free Battle Boy watch (rrp$7.99). *While stocks last.

Movie Maker tim Grabham Boxed set rrP $ 34.95 The ultimate guide to making films. Movie Maker is the exciting kit for every aspiring young movie director, containing ideas and practical information about how to make great movies. The director’s handbook contains all the techniques needed to shoot drama, documentary and animation. Learn how to make movies like a professional and create a masterpiece with your friends and family. 8+

Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e B ooks to L ove and Share

december release, advanced orders welcome.

A must-have for holidays and long trips with games, puzzles, drawing activities, cartoons, maps and all those funny, crazy, yucky, weird and downright silly things that children love! Great for developing skills in puzzle-solving, creative thinking, visualisation, visual logic, fine motor and penmanship. 6+

Monster Blood tattoo #3: FactotuM d.M. cornish Hardback rrP $ 29.99 This is the eagerly awaited third book in this wonderful series set in a world of tri-corner hats, frockcoats and flintlock pistols. Monster Blood Tattoo is also a world of monsters, chemical potions and surgically altered people. Rossamund and the Branden Rose will face the ultimate battle against their enemies, the black-hearted schemers, who would destroy them both. 10+

tHe klutz Book oF inventions Hardback rrP $ 32.99 This book contains 90 amazing products you never knew you needed, created by inventors who look beyond the obvious. Suitable for all ages, these inventions are in equal part brilliant and ridiculous. With each invention illustrated, this funny book allows your imagination to run wild. What will they think of next? 8+

FO R K I DS O F A LL AG E S Anna Fienberg & Barbara Fienberg Paperback rrP $ 29.99

zoG Julia donaldson illus by Alex scheffler Hardback rrP $ 27.99 Another instant classic from the creators of The Gruffalo. Zog is a zesty dragon learning how to become a fearsome princess capturer and knight slayer. However, when he meets the tender and caring Princess Pearl and the not so conventional Sir Gadabout, his destiny takes an unexpected turn. 5+

MusEuM oF THiEvEs: THE KEEPErs lian Tanner Paperback rrP $ 22.99 This is a thrilling story, full of wild beasts, evil villains and captivating heroes. Imaginative and well written, Museum of Thieves is a gripping fantasy novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat till the very end. The Keepers Trilogy promises to be a fantastic series. 9+

Mini CHEF sheridan rogers Hardback rrP $ 24.95 The ability to cook is one of the most important skills we can pass onto children. Mini Chef contains 65 easyto-follow, fun recipes that children can prepare under adult supervision. With a step-by-step instructions and pictures, as well as how-to guide to prepping and measuring, Mini Chef will ensure that children have a practical, exciting guide to their culinary adventures.

Frances Hodgson Burnett illus by robert ingpen Hardback rrP $ 39.95 First published in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s story is one of the best-loved children’s books of the 20th century. Published to mark the centenary of the novel, this beautiful new edition brings together the complete and unabridged text with more than seventy evocative illustrations and botanical studies by award-winning Australian illustrator Robert Ingpen. 8+

CAMillE & MAdElEinE/ soPHiE’s MisForTunEs/ THE HolidAys – FlEurvillE TriloGy Comtesse de segur Paperbacks rrP $16.99 each december release, advanced orders welcome.

Wonderfully nostalgic, these stories follow Sophie as she explores just why she shouldn’t do the things her mother tells her not to. When she befriends Marguerite, Camille and Madeleine, the four friends have much fun and adventure. These delightful French classics have been translated into English for the first time ever and are sure to be enjoyed by young readers and parents alike. 7+

read the we

Our Pick oo


Tashi’s too cunning for the warlord and the wicked baron, and far too clever for giants, ghosts, witches and demons. When he comes face to face with sneaky strangers, ancient warriors, fearless kidnappers or even a haunted house, Tashi always knows what to do: stay calm, think hard and move fast! And Tashi tells the best stories ever! This is the biggest Tashi book ever, with all 32 Tashi stories in one gigantic volume – the perfect book to share. 5+


ks we se


THE GrEAT BiG EnorMous BooK oF TAsHi

the leGenD oF the GolDen snaIl Graeme Base Hardback rrP $ 29.95 A young boy’s favourite storybook tells of a Golden Snail that lived long ago in the mythical Spiral Isles. When it journeyed through its magical realm, it took on the shape of a fantastical golden sailing ship. One day the ship was captured by a Great Enchanter and banished to the Ends of the Earth so no one else could ever sail in it. There it remains until a new master comes to claim it. Could a young boy named Wilbur be its next master? Featuring Graeme Base’s visually stunning signature art and packed with details, including a hidden ‘snail and crossbones’ to search for in each picture, The Legend of the Golden Snail is an adventure unlike any other. 5+

BEHEMoTH scott westerfeld Hardback rrP $ 29.95 A follow up to Scott Westerfeld’s thrilling Leviathan, Behemoth follows the adventures of His Majesty’s Airship Leviathan to Istanbul, capital of the Ottoman Empire and home to countless secret societies and revolutionaries. Deryn and Alek find themselves at odds with their mentors and with each other, as their duties collide with the politics of war and peace. 10+

A wAlTz For MATildA Jackie French Paperback rrP $19.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

Steeped in Australian history, this book tells the story of Matilda, who flees the city in 1894 to find her father in outback Australia. As her journey unfolds, Matilda and the multi-cultural friends she makes, watch the birth of the nation we now call ‘Australia’. 8+

THE CloCKworK THrEE Matthew J Kirby Hardback rrP $ 24.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

An orphaned street musician, an apprentice clockmaker and a young housemaid find themselves working together to solve a puzzle. Each has their own treasure to find in this delightful mesmerizing tale with hints of magic and a touch of fantasy all interwoven with music and adventure. A story to be read again and again. 9+

noAH BArlEywATEr runs AwAy John Boyne illus by oliver liver Jeffers Hardback rrP $ 27.95 From the author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas comes this memorable fairytale. Noah runs away from home to escape reality, and finds himself on a fantastical and life-changing journey. A journey that will change his life and it could change yours too. A beautiful hardback edition illustrated by award-winning illustrator and author Oliver Jeffers. 8+

Age guides are approximate. Ask for more personalised advice in-store.


read the we

i AM nuMBEr Four


Pittacus lore Paperback rrP $19.95

Gemma Malley Hardback rrP $ 24.99

Imagine being one of only nine surviving members of your race. Three are already dead, you are number four and you are hunted! What would you do to stay alive? John Smith is one of only nine surviving ‘aliens’ hiding on Earth, fighting every day those who wish him dead. Pittacus Lore’s edge of your seat adventure is a must for all teenage readers. 12+

Our Pick ks we se


Cornelia Funke hardback RRP $29.99 Jacob Reckless has been searching for his father who disappeared many years ago. His search takes him through a magic mirror into another world of witches, giants and dwarfs that exist in magical forests. When his brother Will follows Jacob into this world, Will is cursed to turn to stone. Can Jacob save his brother? A fantastic new series by the bestselling author of the Ink trilogy.

THE HunGEr GAMEs TriloGy BoXEd sET suzanne Collins rrP $ 49.99 The Hunger Games takes place in an unidentified future time period after the destruction of North America, in a nation known as Panem. The story follows fatherless 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12 who volunteers for the Games in place of her younger sister, Prim. The extraordinary, ground-breaking New York Times bestselling series is now available for the first time in a boxed set. Stunning, gripping and powerful, the trilogy is now complete! 14+

noAH’s lAw


randa Abdel-Fattah Paperback rrP $16.99

Ally Condie Paperback rrP $19.95

dAsH & lily’s BooK oF dArEs rachel Cohn and david levithan Paperback rrP $19.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

David Levithan and Rachel Cohn are a fantastic writing duo. Perfect for those who loved their first title Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, and a great book for anyone who loves bookstores. Wandering the isles of The Strand Bookstore in New York, Dash finds a red notebook with the first of many literary dares. Quirky characters, fabulous dialogue, and a really fun story. 14+

James dashner Paperback rrP $16.99 A cross between Lord of the Flies and The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner is the first in a new series of pulse-pounding, postapocalyptic, sci-fi adventure thrillers for young adults. When the doors of the lift crank open, the only thing Thomas remembers is his first name. But he’s not alone. He’s surrounded by boys who welcome him to the Glade, a walled encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible stone maze...12+

december release, advanced orders welcome.

The first in a compelling new series. On her seventeenth birthday, Cassia meets her Match. Society dictates he is her perfect partner for life. Except he’s not. In Cassia’s society, Officials decide who people love. How many children they have. But Cassia is determined to make some choices of her own. 14+

THE rosiE BlACK CHroniClEs, BooK 1: GEnEsis lara Morgan Paperback rrP $ 24.95 Set in a bleak future where global warming has melted Earth’s ice caps, Rosie Black is running for her life after discovering an unusual box that causes all kinds of problems. Now her best friend is dead and her father has been kidnapped and it’s up to Rosie to learn the secrets of the box and save her family. An exhilarating read for both young-adults and not so young-adults. 12+

Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e B ooks to L ove and Share

CREsCEndO Becca Fitzpatrick Paperback rrP $ 24.99

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Our Pick oo


Noah is 16 years old. He’s in trouble at school, and his dad is a judge. As punishment for misdemeanours at school, Noah is sent to work at his aunt’s legal firm for the school holidays - when every other 16-year-old boy is hanging out at the beach watching girls. But Noah is soon enthralled by a murder case and a suspect who may have everyone else fooled. 12+

THE MAzE runnEr

ks we se





It appears Longevity isn’t working and the drugs promising eternal youth are failing to live up to their promises. A virus is sweeping the country, killing in its wake, and Longevity is powerless to fight it. When Richard Pincent of Pincent Pharma suggests that the Underground has released the virus, something has to be done to put the story straight and once and for all alert everyone to the truth, once and for all. A third gripping, powerful novel following The Declaration and The Resistance. 14+

ThE REPlaCEmEnT Brenna Yranoff Paperback rrP $ 24.99

december release, advanced orders welcome.

Not one, but two new novels for fans of the Twilight series. Crescendo is the hotly-awaited sequel to bestselling Hush, Hush. Nora should know better than to think her life can return to normal after falling in love with a fallen angel. Now Nora’s own life is in imminent danger. A wildly-imaginative debut, The Replacement is a dark faerie tale of friendships, belonging and discovering the truth of who you are. ‘I loved this eerie and beautiful story of ugly things. It should be read aloud after dark, at a whisper’ Maggie Stiefvater, author of Shiver. 14+

B I OG RA P H I E S THE Fry CHroniClEs

liFE Keith richards Hardback rrP $49.99

EvEn silEnCE HAs An End

THE ElEPHAnT To Hollywood

ingrid Betancourt Paperback rrP $ 35.00

Michael Caine Paperback rrP $ 35.00

Ingrid Betancourt was taken hostage by the FARC in 2002. She was held captive in the Colombian jungle for six and a half years. In this deeply moving book about the drama of her capture, her fight to survive and her eventual rescue, Betancourt reflects on what it is that makes us all human.

Michael Caine’s career has spanned nearly fifty years, earning him two Oscars and a knighthood. Funny, warm and honest, he now looks back over his life and recalls the films, the legendary stars and the curious twists in his career. Caine also shares his love of food and his remarkable success in the restaurant business. Win a signed copy of the elephant to hollywood. For details go to the competition page at www.indies.com.au


lAzArus risinG

oBAMA’s wArs

John Howard Hardback rrP $ 59.99

Bob woodward Hardback rrP $ 39.99

John Howard became Australia’s youngest ever Treasurer before being sidelined by his own party. After many years in the political wilderness he returned to lead the Coalition and put in place an extensive reform agenda. In his autobiography he covers it all: from his early childhood, to Iraq, gun control and his relationship with Peter Costello.

PArKy’s PEoPlE Michael Parkinson Hardback rrP $49.99 The doyen of chat show hosts reflects on 100 memorable guests drawn from 25 years and over 1000 famous people who appeared on his classic television show. From Muhammad Ali and Richard Burton to Shane Warne, this is a fascinating collection. also available: the bestselling Parky biography now in trade paperback format. Win a signed copy of Parky’s People. For details go to the competition page at www.indies.com.au


Now, at last, Keith Richards tells us the story of his four decades in rock and roll. And what a life! In a voice that is uniquely and intimately his own, with the disarming honesty that has always been his trademark, he brings us the essential life story of our times. The ultimate autobiography of a rock and roll legend.

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Our Pick oo


Much loved by the public and his peers alike, Stephen Fry continues to entertain and challenge us in his many roles: comedian, author, director and presenter. He recently shared his personal struggles in a groundbreaking documentary on bipolar disorder. His memoir is courageously frank and covers some of the most turbulent years of his life.

The Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Bob Woodward had access to hundreds of interviewees, letters, detailed chronologies, internal memos and meeting notes. His portrait of Barack Obama takes the reader “deep into the national security state and shows how Obama debates, decides and balances the enormous pressure facing the modern president”.

MAn BiTEs MurdoCH Bruce Guthrie Hardback rrP $49.99 This is Bruce Guthrie’s explosive account of almost forty years in the news industry, his falling out with Rupert Murdoch, his dismissal from Australia’s biggest selling paper and the celebrated court case that followed. It exposes the inner workings of the world’s biggest media company and the treachery of its most senior executives.

ks we se


stephen Fry Hardback rrP $ 39.95

anD FURtheRMoRe Judi Dench hardback RRP $45.00 From the moment Judi Dench appeared as a teenager in the York Mystery Plays it was clear that a new star was born. She became a household name via television, thanks to A Fine Romance, in which she played alongside Michael Williams, whom she married in 1971. Her marriage (Michael Williams died in 2001), daughter, and her impish sense of humour contribute vividly to her account of more than half a century as Britain’s best-loved actress. This is Judi Dench in her own words.

sToryTEllEr: THE liFE oF roAld dAHl donald sturrock Paperback rrP $ 35.00 Roald Dahl is one of the world most recognised and read children’s authors. More than fifteen years after his death, his popularity around the globe continues to grow. The man behind the stories, however, remains an enigma. Dahl was a single-minded adventurer, an eternal child, but his public persona was characterised by his blunt opinions on taboo subjects and often caused controversy. To his readers, though, Dahl was always a hero. In this masterly biography, Donald Sturrock sifts through the writings of Dahl’s life to present an intimate look at this unique and complicated man.

CoCo CHAnEl Justine Picardie Hardback rrP $45.00 In this revealing biography, Justine Picardie brings the extraordinary and mysterious Gabrielle Chanel out of hiding to celebrate her great achievements, while casting a clear eye over the darker and more disturbing parts of her life. She examines Chanel’s legacy, as well as her remarkable life, unpicking the seams between truth and legend, yet keeping intact the real fabric of her past.

B ooks to L ove and Share Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e

N O N - F I CTI O N AN D H I STO RY THE Mind’s EyE BliGH rob Mundle Hardback rrP $49.99 Told with warmth, depth and deep respect, Rob Mundle, bestselling author of the Fatal Storm, ventures into the life of Captain Bligh to find out the wonders behind the man who is often much maligned. There’s a lot more to the story of the infamous Captain Bligh than mutiny, rum and convicts - it is also the untold story of one of the world’s greatest sailors and navigators – and Rob’s story will hook you from page one.

oliver sacks Hardback rrP $ 34.99 december release, advanced orders welcome.

This is a fascinating study of how we experience the visual world. Using case studies, including his experience of a malignant tumour, Oliver Sacks explores the many ways we view the world and how people adapt when they lose those abilities. Extensive footnotes provide intriguing tangents to these ultimately inspirational stories.

THrEE FAMinEs Tom Keneally Hardback rrP $49.95

Gold! david Hill Paperback rrP $ 34.95 David Hill, former ABC chairman and highly successful author of Forgotten Children and 1788, has produced another enjoyable history, this time of the gold rush that changed Australian history. There are many absorbing nuggets of information here. The perfect gift for the history buff in the family.

This is a book guaranteed to make you think. Tom Keneally has written a brilliant and insightful book about three great famines which have shaken the world. Each has been explained as a failure of crops but all three were really the failures of governments to act for various reasons. A powerful and compelling book which at this time of year will make you stop and appreciate how lucky we are.

unsunG ordinAry MEn

THE FuTurE MAKErs: AusTrAliAn winEs For THE 21sT CEnTury

sally dingo Paperback, rrP $ 35.00

Max Allen Hardback rrP $ 59.95

Unsung Ordinary Men looks at the lives of ordinary Australian soldiers away from the battlefield as much as on it and the impact the return of these same men had on the families left behind. A close look at a generation of men told through Sally’s own experiences.

THE KorEAn wAr Cameron Forbes Hardback rrP $49.99 In this well-realised biography of a war that has never officially ended Cameron Forbes takes us from the details of individual soldiers’ experiences to the broad sweep of the history of the Korean peninsula. A very human story set in the context of ages-long geopolitical tensions.

Winemakers are facing unprecedented challenges for the 21st century: climate change, oversupply and the global financial turmoil. Max Allen examines the exciting ways Australia’s best grape growers are meeting these challenges – from new grape varieties to organic and biodynamic principles in the vineyard. Essential reading for anyone interested in Australian wine.

21st CEnTury HousEs downundEr Mark Cleary Hardback rrP $49.99 This exciting book presents a diverse sample of contemporary Australian and New Zealand architecture. It is a snapshot of how trans-Tasman architects are forging their own architectural identity. From rural retreats to inner city dwellings, from lakeside residences to suburban family homes, this collection showcases the finest examples of residential design downunder.

Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e B ooks to L ove and Share

ConvErsATions wiTH MysElF nelson Mandela Hardback rrP $ 54.99 This outstanding book gives us an insight to the thoughts of one of the most respected leaders of our time. His wise words are found in the many letters and diaries he has written over the course of his eventful life. You will find compassion, inspiration and hope. A book to treasure!

CHoColATE wArs deborah Cadbury Paperback rrP $ 35.00 Chocolate Wars tells the story of the family dynasties behind chocolate – the Lindts, Frys, Hersheys, Marses, Nestles - and of course, the Cadbury’s. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the Swiss discovered how to blend chocolate with milk, which started the competitive chocolate wars. Recently Kraft took over the last remaining independent company, Cadbury’s.

A sECrET GiFT Ted Gup Paperback rrP $ 32.95 The act of one man’s kindness and the discovery of a suitcase of letters reveals the hidden history of the Great Depression. Follow Ted Gup in his search for who his grandfather, Samuel Stone, really was and share the stories of the letter-writers and their descendants. A warm and nostalgic read.

THE AusTrAliAn PuB diane Kirkby Paperback rrP $49.95 A celebration of one of Australia’s most loved icons, this fabulous book details the role the ‘pub’ has played in Australian life since its beginnings. Proving more than just a place to drink, pubs continue to be a focal point of communities Australia over, whether it is a country local or a smart inner-city hotspot.

FOO D SA FA R I noMA: TiME And PlACE in nordiC CuisinE

Greg and lucy Malouf Hardback rrP $79.95

rene redzepi Hardback rrP $ 69.95 NOMA has recently been voted the best restaurant in the world. Here chef Rene Redzepi reinvents Nordic cuisine inspired by the local landscape. There is a comprehensive collection of recipes but it is the stunning, specially-commissioned photographs that will really inspire you. This book is almost too beautiful to be called a cookbook. It’s a work of art.

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Our Pick oo


Another delightful book from Melbourne chefs Greg and Lucy Malouf. This time they travel through Persia to discover all about Persian food, from its history to modern interpretations of classic dishes. This is a travel book and a cookbook which takes us on a fantastic journey from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf.

ks we se


sArABAn: A CHEF’s JournEy THrouGH PErsiA

InDIa, the CookBook iTAliAn Food sAFAri Maeve o’Meara and Guy Grossi Hardback rrP $ 55.00 The highly anticipated follow up to Food Safari is here! With mouth-watering recipes and beautiful colour photographs, Italian Food Safari shows why hearty Italian home cooking can’t be beaten. Based on the highly successful SBS TV show and featuring a host of recipes that leap off the page and demand tasting, this book is perfect for passionate lovers of good food.

Food FroM MAny GrEEK KiTCHEns Tessa Kiros Hardback rrP $ 69.95 Tessa Kiros explores her rich family heritage in this feast of traditional and everyday recipes. Garnished with seductive colour photographs of kitchens and beach cafés, street stalls and feast days, the book entices us to indulge in the flavours and exuberance of Greece.


A Food lovEr’s PilGriMAGE To sAnTiAGo dE CoMPosTElA dee nolan Hardback rrP $100.00 In this magnificently-produced book, Dee Nolan sets out to experience the thousandyear-old pilgrimage route and food traditions along the fabled Santiago de Compostela trail, the rich farming lands of southern France and northern Spain. Dee’s own emotional journey along the Camino took her back to the very heart of things: why we should care about what we eat and how it is produced.

Gary Mehigan and George Calombaris Hardback rrP $ 49.95

Come on a culinary journey with three of the most popular MasterChef personalities. In Poh’s Kitchen, Poh Ling Yeow takes you on a quest to learn more about the art of cooking. Based on her ABC TV show, in this book Poh cooks alongside leading chefs to create dishes that are both innovative and accessible. Then in Your Place or Mine, go behind the scenes and into the kitchens of George Calombaris and Gary Mehigan to discover their favourite ingredients and the art of putting together unforgettable dishes.

By the publisher of The Silver Spoon and 1080 Recipes, India: The Cookbook is the definitive guide to the rich and varied cooking of India, compiled and tested by Professor Pushpesh Pant, an expert on Indian cuisine. It contains 1,000 easy-to-follow, authentic recipes covering the length and breadth of India, including starter salads and kebabs; fish, vegetarian and meat main courses; breads and snacks; pickles and side dishes; and desserts and drinks. It also provides a wealth of information on the different regional cooking styles, the food philosophies of India, and guides to cooking equipment and ingredients. It comes with its own canvas carry bag. *While stocks last.

FrEnCH KiTCHEn serge dansereau Hardback rrP $ 59.99 Following on from his beautiful Bathers’ Pavilion cookbooks, Serge Dansereau serves up another wonderful guide for any cook. The photography is sumptuous and combines French techniques with Australian produce. This is cooking for every season and every meal and even has a section on cooking with kids to encourage the fussiest of eaters. The perfect gift for anyone that loves food.

Poh ling yeow Paperback rrP $ 39.99

your PlACE or MinE

Pushpesh Pant hardback RRP $69.95

PlAnET CAKE CuPCAKEs Paris Cutler Paperback rrP $45.00 Planet Cake is an integral part of the Sydney food scene and their first self titled book was a huge success. Planet Cake Cupcakes book will set a new standard among cake decorators and home cooks who want to try something more challenging than standard icing. All the techniques are fun and funky enough for every occasion and very easy to follow. The results will astound your family and friends.

Bill’s BAsiCs Bill Granger Hardback rrP $49.99 Bill Granger’s new offering is a practical, user-friendly cookbook packed with 100 simple but impressive recipes. It is a thoughtful collection of family favourites and classic dishes with the perfect meal for every occasion, from breakfast to dessert, all delivered with Bill’s usual pared back style and sense of ease.

Aww EdiBlE GArdEn Paperback rrP $ 39.95

Aww world TABlE Hardback rrP $ 69.95 Two inspirational books from the Australian Women’s Weekly. AWW Edible Garden teaches you how to grow and cook your own fruit, vegetables and herbs. AWW World Table gives you a delectable selection of recipes from all over the world.

B ooks to L ove and Share Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e


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DReaMInG oF Chanel

100 JournEys For THE sPiriT

THE GruEn TrAnsFEr

Hardback rrP $45.00

Jon Casimir Paperback rrP $ 39.99

Travel around the world to some of the most spiritual places on the planet with a collection of star authors including Michael Ondaatje, Alexander McCall Smith, Paul Theroux and Andrew Motion. Accompanying the superb photographs are evocative descriptions of each place, many of them from esteemed writers who share with us their personal responses in their inimitable style.

This is the essential coffee table book and conversation starter! The Gruen Transfer aims its fire squarely at the regal illusions of the advertising world. The message is THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES! For anyone questioning the power of the persuasion business, this colourful collection of quotes and anecdotes both entertains and champions the cause of public awareness. Stimulating!

Charlotte smith hardback RRP $35.00 Charlotte Smith inherited from her American godmother more than three thousand designer dresses dating from 1790 to 1995. When they finally arrived from the other side of the world Charlotte not only found the most exquisite garments but her godmother’s book of stories of the woman or man who wore each item for the first time. Like her previous book Dreaming of Dior this beautifully illustrated book offers unforgettable glimpses over the decades into the life and lifestyles, including the joys and heartaches, of the people who wore the items. A beautiful gift to treasure. exClUsIve oFFeR: Receive a FRee gift-wrapping paper with purchase. *While stocks last.

sEEKinG THE sACrEd: TrAnsForMinG our viEw oF oursElvEs And onE AnoTHEr stephanie dowrick Paperback rrP $ 32.99 A book for people wondering about God, faith, spirituality and the nature of belief. Seeking the Sacred invites us to discover what makes our lives sacred, satisfying and meaningful. Stephanie Dowrick shows us how to transform the way we understand and value life in the 21st century.

vinTAGE JEwEllEry Caroline Cox Hardback rrP $49.99 Decade by decade, Vintage Jewellery recounts over 100 years of history, from Lalique’s Art Nouveau enameling at the turn of the century to Cartier’s gemstones and Christian Dior’s mid-century costume pieces, to Harry Winston’s diamonds. Accompanied by archive images and specially commissioned photographs, the book explores the key designers and jewellery houses, technical developments and cultural influences that have shaped jewellery design.

wArdroBE 101 dijanna Mulhearn Paperback rrP $ 34.95 Written by top style guru Dijanna Mulhearn, this indispensable handbook will eliminate the confusion caused by the avalanche of fashion choices. Fool-proof colour combinations for teaming separates for weekday, weekend, workwear and evening are revealed to show you how to create your own signature style. Comes with its own matching paper carry bag.

reg Grundy Hardback rrP $45.00 For more than 40 years Reg Grundy has been a household name in Australian television, his production companies bringing us longrunning game shows such as Sale of the Century and dramas such as Neighbours. His stories behind the successes and failures of his long career become the story of television in Australia.

susTAinABlE HousE Michael Mobbs Paperback rrP $45.00 The second edition of Michael Mobbs’ Sustainable House is a great update of his groundbreaking book. Whether you’re a house owner or apartment dweller, it is full of advice on how to better achieve an environmentally friendly home, avoid the pitfalls and take advantage of the latest developments since the first edition was published.

*While stocks last.

sTrEET FiGHTs in nAPlEs

777 worKs oF ModErn ArT

Peter robb Hardback rrP $49.99

Paperback rrP $49.95

A journey through the history, culture and mean streets of Naples by the acclaimed bestselling author of Midnight in Sicily and M. It ranges across nearly three thousand years of Neapolitan life and art, from the first Greek landings in Italy to the time of Peter Robb’s own less auspicious arrival thirty something years ago.

rEG Grundy

777 Works of Modern Art is a visually-stunning guide through all the major paintings, sculptures and other works of modern art from the revolutionary developments of 19th century art to global art experimentation in the Post-Modern Age. Think how impressed your friends and family will be when you can walk through a museum and pick out works of art by such artists as Picasso, Chagall, Modigliani and Marc.

Su m m e r Read i n g G u i d e B ooks to L ove and Share

rurAl AusTrAliAn GArdEns Myles Baldwin Hardback rrP $ 89.95 Myles Baldwin travels throughout rural Australia revelling in the widely varied gardens he discovers. Baldwin describes in enthusiastic detail these stunning gardens and the stories behind them, evoking Australian gardeners’ true love of the landscape and the many approaches to creating sanctuaries within it. With stunning photography by Simon Griffiths, this book will fascinate and delight.

G I FT & H U M O U R A BooK To lovE

Edited by Eamonn McCabe Hardback rrP $ 59.95

Jennifer Byrne Paperback rrP $ 27.99

Decade provides an extraordinary insight into our recent history – dramatic, nostalgic, intimate and educational by turns. Arranged in chronological order, 500 beautiful, engaging and often startling photographic images depict the people and events that have shaped our history since 2000. Accompanied by extended historical captions and 15 essays exploring the events.

The perfect Christmas gift for any book lover! In this gorgeous companion publication to the ABC TV show First Tuesday Book Club, well-known authors share their passion for a particular book they love. The contributors include Ian Rankin, Augusten Burroughs, Christos Tsolkias, Michael Robotham, Peter FitzSimons, Malcolm Knox and many more.

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Our Pick b


MUsIC lovE PoEMs


dorothy Porter Paperback rrP $ 27.95

lonely Planet Hardback rrP $ 80.00

Love Poems collects Dorothy Porter’s most powerful love poetry: portraits of longing and infatuation, of bliss, passion, uncertainty and devotion. It includes extracts FREE from her award-winning and BOOK bestselling verse novels, as well as poems and lyrics spanning her whole career. A special gift for a loved one. exClUsIve oFFeR: Receive a FRee copy of Dorothy Porter’s the Bee hut with purchase of love Poems. *While stocks last.

A new edition of the worldwide travel bestseller. The Travel Book covers over 229 countries and destinations throughout the world and is the quintessential coffee table travel book. This edition offers all new text and new photography. also available in a cloth-look case with gold foil lettering and a magnetic closure, with bonus material included. (RRP $100) *While stocks last.

squirrEl sEEKs CHiPMunK

AudrEy Gordon’s TusCAn suMMEr

david sedaris Hardback rrP $ 26.99

Audrey Gordon with Tom Gleisner Paperback rrP $ 34.95

This collection of sharply observed animal-themed tales is a delight, told with David Sedaris’s trademark blend of hilarity and good naturedness. Though the characters may not be human, the situations in these stories bear an uncanny resemblance to the insanity of our own loves, relationships and personal struggles.

100 BEsT AusTrAliAn AlBuMs John o’donnell, Toby Creswell and Craig Mathieson Hardback rrP $ 59.95 Who’s missing from this line up? This beautifully designed hardback book is a Who’s Who of the Australian music scene covering the past 50 years. With clear presentation, each entry includes loads of detail, as well as wonderfully reproduced album covers. The perfect gift for the music lover in your life.

From the creators of Molvania and Phaic Tan, comes Audrey Gordon’s Tuscan Summer. Join Audrey Gordon, voted three times Britain’s sternest chef, as she shares the recipes and memories of her Tuscan summer. ‘This book is not directed at celebrity super chefs or haute cuisine high flyers. It’s written for you, the ordinary cook, stuck at home with insufficient bench space and a set of chipped mixing bowls!’

THE wisdoM oF doG

andrew Zuckerman hardback RRP $70.00 From Andrew Zuckerman, the creator of the acclaimed Wisdom, comes a unique photographic perspective on music. Music takes a heartfelt look at all types of music, from jazz and pop to classical and R&B. Over 60 legends and icons of the music industry give their insights and portraits to this spectacular and beautifully-produced book. Artists featured include Jimmy Barnes, Neil Finn, Dizzee Rascal, Danny Elfman, Sinead O’Connor, Billy Corgan, Mark Knopfler, Ani DiFranco and many more, including major figures from the Australian music industry. Music is full of discoveries and wisdom from some of the world’s most respected musical artists.

surF For your liFE: GroMMETs’ EdiTion Mick Fanning and Tim Baker Paperback rrP $19.95 The Grommets’ Edition of Mick Fanning’s bestselling biography, Surf for Your Life, is the ultimate grommet’s glimpse into the life of a two-time world champion and a guide to living and breathing the surf life. Mick tells his own story of overcoming the odds to become one of the best surfers in the world, while dropping pearls of wisdom gained from his life on and off the tour.

BEsT in sHow

Murray Ball Hardback rrP $ 27.99 Murray Ball’s ‘Dog’ - the central character in the Footrot Flats cartoon strips - was recently voted New Zealand’s best-loved fictional character. The Wisdom of the Dog features over 300 single, stand-alone cartoons, all with ‘Dog’ as the main focus. The majority of these hilarious cartoons have never before been published in book form.

ks we se



sally Muir Hardback rrP $19.99 A fun and funky way to immortalise your pampered pooch! Choose from a host of adorable dog breed patterns to knit a replica of your precious pet. Fullyillustrated with great colour shots, a perfect gift for any dog lover.

This catalogue is printed on paper which is fully PEFC Certified (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification scheme), a program which promotes the sustainable management of forests. In addition, the paper is Australian Made with 92% of the energy used coming from renewable sources providing an environmentally friendly paper with a low carbon footprint. The pulp was bleached using totally Chlorine Free (TCF) process. This Catalogue is produced in accordance with the environment ISO 14001 Standard

Environment ISO 14001 Certification applies to Offset Alpine Printing

books to love an d shar e TruTH Peter Temple Paperback rrP $ 23.95


Winner of the 2010 Miles Franklin literary award. According to the judging panel, ‘Temple’s winning novel is the much anticipated sequel to The Broken Shore and comprehends murder, corruption, family, friends, honour, honesty, deceit, love, betrayal - and truth. A stunning story about contemporary Australian life, Truth is written with great moral sophistication’.



Craig silvey Paperback rrP $ 23.99

Barbara Kingsolver Paperback rrP $ 23.99

Winner of the Book of the year award and literary Fiction of the year - 2010 australian Book Industry award. The Indie Book Award Winner 2009 received this year’s major booksellers’ and publishers’ award for a book which has been described as ‘ a riveting tale, studded with laugh-outloud and life-affirming moments yet underpinned by a clear-eyed examination of human weaknesses and misdemeanours.’ - Adelaide Advertiser

Winner of the 2010 orange Prize for Fiction Barbara Kingsolver, author of The Poisonwood Bible won the 15th Orange Prize for Fiction Award for a literary work written by a female author for The Lacuna. Chair of the judges Daisy Goodwin said about the winner: ‘We chose The Lacuna because it is a book of breathtaking scale and shattering moments of poignancy’.

THE HE FinKlEr FinKlEr quEsTion Howard Jacobson Paperback rrP $ 32.99 Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2010. Funny, furious and unflinching, The Finkler Question is a scorching story of friendship and loss, exclusion and belonging, and of the wisdom and humanity of maturity. It explores what it means to be Jewish today. Said to have ‘some of the wittiest, most poignant and sharply intelligent comic prose in the English language’, The Finkler Question has been described as ‘wonderful’ and ‘richly satisfying’ and as a novel of ‘full of wit, warmth, intelligence, human feeling and understanding’. According to Andrew Motion, Chair of judges, ‘The Finkler Question is a marvellous book: very funny, of course, but also very clever, very sad and very subtle. It is all that it seems to be and much more than it seems to be. A completely worthy winner of this great prize.’



HArry & HoPPEr

rana dasgupta Paperback rrP $ 24.99

Paul Harding Paperback rrP $ 24.95

Margaret wild and Freya Blackwood Paperback rrP $15.99

Winner of the overall Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best Book 2010. The jury of the 24th Commonwealth Writers’ Prize said they chose Solo, by Rana Dasgupta, a novel that looks at communist and post-communist regimes in Bulgaria from the perspective of a 100-year-old man, for ‘its innovation and courage’.

Winner of 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Awarded for distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life. This year’s winner was Tinker by Paul Harding. The board called the novel ‘a powerful celebration of life in which a New England father and son, through suffering and joy, transcend their imprisoning lives and offer new ways of perceiving the world and mortality’.

Winner of the 2010 CIlIP kate Greenaway Medal, awarded to Freya Blackwood for her outstanding work with Harry & Hopper. Kate Greenaway Medal is one of the world’s premier awards for illustrations. A poignant story about love and loss, Harry & Hopper was also named a Winner of the West Australian Premier’s Prize and shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary award.

R ec e nt i n d i e B e sts e lle r s FiCTion



1 Freedom by Jonathan Franzen

1 the happiest Refugee: a Memoir by Anh Do

1 Mockingjay: hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins

2 started early, took My Dog by Kate Atkinson

2 eat, Pray, love by Elizabeth Gilbert

2 skulduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil by Derek Landy

3 truth by Peter Temple

3 atlantic: a vast ocean of a Million stories by Simon Winchester

3 shadow Wave: CheRUB s. by Robert Muchamore

4 the Girl Who kicked the hornets’ nest by Stieg Larsson

4 the age Good Food Guide 2011 by Janne Apelgren

4 the very Bad Book by Andy Griffiths

5 the Girl with the Dragon tattoo by Stieg Larsson

5 a Journey by Tony Blair

5 tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden

6 lovesong by Alex Miller

6 the sydney Morning herald Good Food Guide 2011

6 Diary of a Wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney

7 Room by Emma Donoghue

by Joanna Savill & Terry Durack

7 the Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith

8 Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey

7 the Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge

8 Rodrick Rules: Diary of a Wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney

9 the Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson

8 how to Make Gravy by Paul Kelly

9 Clockwork angel: Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

10 the elegance of the hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

9 here on earth: a sustainable Future by Tim Flannery

10 Mirror by Jeannie Baker

10 salades by Damien Pignolet

Source: Nielsen BookScan

Prices listed in this catalogue as rrP refer to the publisher’s recommended retail prices. while every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of price and availability, these may be subject to change without notice by publishers. in most cases, any title not currently in stock can easily be ordered in at your request. All special prices and offers are valid from 8/11/10 to 31/12/10 unless otherwise stated or stock has sold out.

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