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Stay Healthy and Informed
When you get to be an old man like me with 45+ years working in Maryland Turfgrass issues you think you have seen it all, then along comes the Coronavirus Pandemic! I truly hope and pray that every single one of you, as well as your families and friends, are all surviving well and staying healthy.
The first case of the Coronavirus was reported on December 1, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China as something new and very contagious, as much of the world is showing some infection in just three months. This is a brand-new strain of virus and as such authorities are not certain how it will react and how best to try to control. Authorities in this country have tried to take the more conservative route of closing schools, businesses and trying to keep people home or in small groups.
Many businesses are closed or have had to drastically change the way they do business. However, at the time of this writing, the turfgrass industry remains relatively unchanged for now. An Interpretive Guidance document (COVID 19-04), issued March 23, 2020 by the Office of Legal Counsel of Governor Hogan, clearly states that Environmental Services Companies, Arborists, and Landscapers are exempt (Section 2.b.ii). Sod farms are also exempt (Section 2.i.vi).
Past MTC President Mark Schlossberg (President, ProLawn-Plus Inc) contacted Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Bartenfelder as to the specific status of the Lawn Care Industry and the ability to maintain Golf Courses and Sports Fields. Cassie Shirk, Director of Legislation and Governmental Affairs for MDA, responded back that at this time the Lawn Care Industry is considered part of “Landscaping” under section 2.b.ii. Additionally, Golf Course Maintenance and Sports Field Maintenance are still permitted even though the Golf Courses and Sports Fields are closed at this time.
The MAAGCS along with the ESGCS, MASTMA, and the MTC are working together to get legislation or a ruling to exempt Golf Courses for play as this does not involve large groups or gatherings.
As we get additional information, we will post it on the MTC web page and e-blast it to all members we have e-mail addresses for. If you would like to read the full Interpretive Guidance Document, you can find it at:
https://governor.maryland.gov/ wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ OLC-InterpretiveGuidance-COVID19-04.pdf
Please, submit your dues today if you have not yet done so. As members we can keep you better informed. Dues and Educational Sponsor forms can be found on page 10 & 11 within this issue.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Vernon W. Cooper
MTC Executive Director

Vernon W. Cooper