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“No More Confusion?”
Back in 1962, a group of sod farmers with assistance of the MD State Board of Agriculture and the University of Maryland saw a need for a unified voice and increased education opportunities so they formed the Maryland Turfgrass Association (MTA).
Ten years later, the need was recognized that we were a small group when speaking to legislatures on issues important to everyone in turfgrass. Additionally, we were duplicating a number of educational opportunities as well as taxing our University staff, so with the Mid Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents (MAAGCS) we created an “umbrella organization” for all turfgrass industries and called it the Maryland Turfgrass Council (MTC). The MTC is open to all Turfgrass Professionals in Maryland including Sod Farms, Golf Courses Superintendents and their crews, Lawn Care companies, Landscapers, Sports Turf Manger and crews, Municipalities and any other Turfgrass Professional.
However, it was not long before the confusion began between the MTA and the MTC. Members of both organizations often confused dues payments between the two organizations. Similarly, our members and customers were unable to find information because unknowingly they were searching the wrong website. For example, homeowners were calling or searching the MTC website in an attempt to order sod.
A little over two years ago, the MTA Board of Directors decided to resolve the confusion. After much research and debate, the membership of the MTA has successfully voted to become “The Turfgrass Producers of Maryland” (TPM). At the same time, we became the first State Chapter of the Turfgrass Producers International. As a chapter member we are part of the world’s largest association for turfgrass producers and industry suppliers.
The purpose of the TPM is to promote and provide quality turfgrass production in the state of Maryland; to exchange scientific and practical knowledge relating to improved methods of sod production, marketing and installation, at the same time encouraging cooperation with other associations whose interests parallel or complement those of the TPM.
So, in the months to come, the MTA will be disbanded and the TPM will be fully up and running with a new and updated web page.
Active Membership in the TPM is open to all Maryland sod growers and Associate Membership is available to outof-state producers and all industry suppliers. If you would like to join us or have any questions or need other assistance, please feel free to contact me. •
Turfgrass Producers of Maryland, Inc.
Vernon W. Cooper, Exec. Dir.
303 S. Talbot St. #389
St. Michaels, MD 21663
Office: 410-745-9643
Cell: 443-742-6618
Fax: 410-745-8867
E-Mail: Vernon@AllStatesTurf.com