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How Does Coronavirus Affect YOUR Pesticide & Fertilizer Applicator Recertification??
As in previous years, your MTC Board planned to provide three (3) combined Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Recertification classes for your convenience during the Spring and Summer. They were scheduled to occur at:
• MDA Headquarters, Annapolis on March 27, 2020.
• University of MD Turf Research Farm, College Park on June 26, 2020 – Procrastinators class.
• Talbot Agriculture & Education Center, Easton on August 19, 2020 – Early Bird Class
However, for every one’s health and protection, Gov. Hogan closed many building and businesses as well as recommended no groups larger than 10 and staying 6 feet apart due to the Coronavirus. This of course makes the classes currently scheduled impossible to provide. At the same time
Gov. Hogan is allowing a 30 days grace period for you to meet any requirements to renew driver’s licenses or any other professional licenses like your Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator licenses once the virus is controlled and we are back to normal.
This sounds very helpful, but 30 days to locate a meeting space, get a staff of presenters and get your program approved by both In-State and Out-of-State Regulators is not possible.
Therefore, to meet your needs, the MTC Board postponed the March 27 and rescheduled the class on May 15. The class will occur at MDA with registration opening at 8 and hopefully concluding by 2 with coffee, sweets and lunch included. If we are still fighting this virus, with closures still occurring, we will notify all members in early May by e- mails and posting on our website of another date in late June.
MDA has approved a full 8 CEU credits for MD Pesticide Recertification and 3 CEU credits for MD Fertilizer Applicator Recertification. We are also applying for CEU credits from D.C., VA, DE, PA and DNR (Tree experts license).
We still have limited space in all 3 classes so please complete the form below and fax, e-mail or US mail to the MTC Office found on page 6, today to hold your spot. Anyone who previously registered for Mar. 27 is automatically registered for the May 15 class. •