Leading Hearts March/April 2016

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HERE’S TO A NEW RESOLVE The beauty of this verse is that genuine renewal isn’t tied to a day at the spa, or a nice cup of chamomile tea (although I’ve never been one to turn those opportunities down when I’m feeling stress). It pinpoints our ultimate Source of renewal—mind, body, and soul—Jesus Christ. If I’m not plugged in on a vertical level to renew daily, I get worn out quickly with life on a horizontal level. In Him, I live, I move, and I have my being. Every day I want to tap into this reality more and more. Each day I need my hope to in Him renewed. As this issue of Leading Hearts focused on renewal, let me encourage you to dive into our magazine pages to find the tips you need to open the doors of your life wide open to God to get a fresh perspective on life and His love for you.

HAVE YOU ALREADY FORGOTTEN YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION? Why not push aside that guilt for falling short and try something different. Maybe it’s time to discover a secret that will most impact your life for good. For the way to make the changes you’ve wished for may not be as much about buffing up your willpower as it is about opening the door to God power. Isaiah 40:31 says, “...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” (NIV)

Find out how to entertain His ever-presence, to give Him your griefs, and to allow Him to abide and even update the decor of your heart from gloom to bloom! So what if you can’t even remember what your New Year’s resolutions were. You’ve got God, and He’s got you. And together, He’s going to speak to you through every page of our March issue. So here’s your new resolve: Resolve to spend a few moments opening these pages and getting renewed. That will give you the energy and the power to accomplish more not only with your day but also with your life. S Love, LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD PUBLISHER, LEADING HEARTS MAGAZINE

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EDITORIAL STAFF PUBLISHER.. ..................Linda Evans Shepherd EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR.....Amber Weigand-Buckley ADVERTISING. ........... Linda Evans Shepherd & Angelina Locricchio EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR.....Amber Weigand-Buckley EDITORIAL INTERN. ....Briana Goforth COPY EDITOR...............Julie Gillies EDITORIAL SECRETARY. ....Angelina Locricchio CONTRIBUTING WRITERS. ............................................. Rebekah Binkley Montgomery, Alicia Britt Chole, Penelope Carlevato, Kathy Collard Miller, Michelle S. Cox, Beth Duewel, Sharon Norris Elliot, Pam Farrel, Briana Goforth, Karen Porter, Rhonda Rhea, Saundra Dalton Smith, Pete Sulack, W. Terry Whalin and Karen H. Whiting

RIGHT TO THE HEART BOARD MEMBERS Linda Evans Shepherd (President), Dianne Butts, Sharon Norris Elliot, Karen Porter, Kathy Collard Miller, Rhonda Rhea and Carole Whang Schutter and Joy A. Schneider

INFORMATION Leading Hearts Magazine for Christian Women is published bimonthly by Right to the Heart Ministries 2016. ISSN 2380-5455 ADVERTISING | Display rates are available at leadinghearts.com. By accepting an advertisement, Leading Hearts does not endorse any advertiser or product. We reserve the right to reject advertisements not consistent with the magazines objectives. MANUSCRIPTS | Writers guidelines are available at leadinghearts.com. Leading Hearts | PO Box 6421, Longmont, CO 80501 phone: (303) 835-8473 | fax: (303)678-0260 email: lindareply@gmail.com MEMBER | 2015 Evangelical Press Association Award of Merit Winner All rights reserved. Copyrighted material reprinted with permission Photos courtesy of: aliciachole.com, Biscuit Media, Centricity Records, Dollar Photo Club, Fair Trade Services, Fortune Fall Records, Inlight Studios, Kerry Kara Photography /KLS Photos & Imaging, Real Life Church and theechofactor.com


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2015 Evangelical Press Association Award of Merit— Christian Ministry Digital Publication


DROPPING THE “H” BOMB “How little people know who think that holiness is dull. When one meets the real thing … it is irresistible. If even ten percent of the population had it, would not the whole world be converted and happy before a year’s end?” -C.S. Lewis No, don’t attempt to adjust the view of your computer screen or email us to report a typo in the quote above, you read it right—HOLINESS. As you mull over the role Jesus plays in your life and how that plays out in your leadership of others, it begs the question: What do you think of when you hear the word holy? I know it’s hard to choke back the word, sometimes. But it is the reality of God’s reflection in our lives, especially as we influence others for Him. “…For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy; for I am holy.” —Leviticus 11:44 (NIV) The idea that there is no absolute truth is the 21st-century cultural norm. The emergent doctrine embraces church “any way we like it.” In fact, according to a 2011 Barna Group study, 46 percent of churchgoing Americans reported that their lives had not changed at all as a result of attending church, and only 26 percent profess their lives had been impacted “significantly” by the experience. So, do we just stop going to church? The workout of the Christ-transformed life is for the individual, but strength is in the iron-sharpens-iron that happens as we move forward in the journey together in community, leading one another—i.e. The Church.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” —Romans 12:2 (NIV) According to Brent Crowe, author of Chasing Elephants—Wrestling With the Gray Areas of Life, we must not shy away from focusing on the biblical truth and pulling this to the surface as we live the example in teaching others. “We must guard against letting a false reality imprison our thinking. Let’s allow the Bible always define reality,” Brent says. The Truth is Truth is Truth—sometimes it’s an uncomfortable truth. Particularly as leaders, we must hit the refresh by asking ourselves, “Do I use my freedom to show others how to tiptoe as close as possible to the boundaries of sin or show them how to get closer to the feet of Jesus?” Joyce Meyer says that Christ is more interested in changing our nature than just changing our habits. It’s not about legalism, and it’s not about doing the right things. It’s not about your effort, but it is about discipline. A discipline birthed out of love and a desire to be transformed into His image. As this issue of Leading Hearts encourages you to REFRESH, REFOCUS AND RENEW in your leadership journey, take the time to ask God to reveal truth to you; ask to know His heart. Through your example the daily pursuit of righteousness can become irresistible to not only those who you lead, but everyone in your path, shaking the world to seek the face of a Holy God. S

Don’t get the wrong idea; at its core, the message of the cross is directly opposed to self-righteousness Peace! and self-justification. And actions and lifestyle may set you apart, but doing the right things does not AMBER WEIGAND-BUCKLEY equate holy. So the question is, what does real EDITOR, LEADING HEARTS MAGAZINE holiness and freedom in Christ look like? -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --{7.} --







A high fever, a few scans, multiple masses, possibly a lethal abscess . . . the specialists convened, conferred, counseled me to cancel all engagements, and began cutting. The reduction had begun. Though the masses, thankfully, were all benign, my body did not respond well to the invasion. The area’s organs went into hibernation and for the first time in my life, I became familiar with breathtaking pain. The experience redefined that word for me. It hurt to be awake. It hurt to see my children’s fear. It hurt to hear, “We don’t know why.” In time, it would even hurt to hope. Reductions, it seems, have blurry release dates. Days stacked upon one another in vain like whisper-thin blankets with no warmth to offer. Though technology blinked, beeped, and buzzed noisily around me, the organs slept on. This healing simply would not be hurried. The wound was evidently too great to risk haste. After eight days in the hospital, the doctors sent me home and my entire recovery-time “to do” list vaporized in the desert heat of pain. All I could do was sit and be loved—a need that my family filled extravagantly. Little did I know that the pain was under assignment: it was making room in my life

for another operation well beyond the reach of any surgeon’s scalpel. I would not trade that desert of pain for the world. As the days blurred into weeks and months, helplessness exposed the contents of my heart. My eyes were opened to see an invisible danger that had been growing within me. Prior to surgery, God was not absent. The challenge was that self was so very present. Though I had purposed to live simply, clutter was collecting around my faith. I was becoming more vulnerable to sin, but sin of a slightly different strain than in earlier years. We all guard against sins of commission and we are vigilant toward sins of omission. But achievements— even in small doses—can make us vulnerable to sins of addition: adding niceties and luxuries to our list of basic needs, adding imaginations onto the strong back of vision, adding self-satisfaction to the purity of peace. Years later, the pain from that surgery has, thankfully, disappeared. The fruit of pain’s assignment in my soul has, thankfully, remained. My desert decrease was divine. Let us rest assured that when Father God calls us to fast increase, decrease will purify our souls. S Excerpted with permission from 40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger. A Different Kind of Fast. by Dr. Alicia Britt Chole.






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honoring those around you. Picture those individuals as people autographed by God . . .imagine giving those people a standing ovation . . .another practical way to recognize the value of a person . . . is to keep a list of all the good qualities of that person. … That way I can see them as God sees them, and my perspective changes.”

Top 3 Tips for Red Hot Romance A man wants his body touched—but he also wants his heart, mind and life touched by your care and kindness. Reach out and express your loving touch:

Emotionally, guys guard themselves. For many a man, it is only his wife that he will completely open up with to and share the deepest hopes, fears, frustrations, pains, and stresses. When you are an expressive wife, your husband won’t feel so alone.

1. Touch His Loves: If you want a man to open up, to share what is going on inside his mind and soul; you have to love what he loves. A man is much more likely to open up as you “experience life” with him, side-byside, doing what he loves.

Genesis 2:18 notes, “It is not good that the man should be alone.” The term alone means to be isolated, curtained off, or in prolonged solitude. God made a wife so that man would not have to be facing life alone. As you express your love to your man, you create a secret safe house for your husband—and he will learn to be verbally expressive toward you.

Dr. William Harley in His Needs, Her Needs explains that the number two most pervasive need for a husband is recreational companionship.

If you were in the witness protection program, the legal authorities would lodge you in a safe house to ensure your ability to communicate vital truths at an appropriate time. In the same way, empathy, and an expressive caring heart can become a safe house for your husband. Les and Leslie Parrot, in Trading Places, recommend a simple empathy process: I notice you I feel with you, and so I act to help you. One action you can take to help your husband feel safe to open up is to create an honor journal to help you keep a soft heart toward your husband. Dr. Gary Smalley explains why he keeps an honor journal: “If you want to create a safe environment that encourages healthy relationships to grow, then start by

2. Touch His Body: You can open him up emotionally if you touch him physically. Even a small touch can do great good. Erin-faye Franns cites research that a six-second hug makes the receiver feel happier, braver and less fearful. When we feel emotionally close oxytocin is released, “Oxytocin helps ease our fears and increase our trust levels.” 3. Touch His Heart: Listen to him. In my book, Red Hot Romance Tips for Women, I teach wives to use the SOFTER listening method:

Stop what you are doing and turn toward him. Open up your body language Find keywords, or a key phrase to repeat. Try not to take it personally Express affirming emotions Respond with loving action

To help wives accomplish the goal of expressing a SOFTER side, we have a 26-Day Red Hot Wife Challenge to gain the traits, A to Z, to be a more loving wife. As you express a SOFTER touch, it will feel as if you have a stethoscope that will help you listen beyond the words and hear your man’s heart. S

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swung a smoking brazier of incense in rhythmic arcs as he led the procession of solemn, black-garbed priests. What was the purpose of this ceremony? My bewilderment must have shown. “They follow the Via Dolorosa (the road Christ followed to His crucifixion) every Thursday,” a shopkeeper whispered to me. “Would you like to see my shop now?” I declined, joining a clutch of sad-faced women trailing the procession ending inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. As I followed, my mind instantly connected with Luke 26:27-31. I remembered. A large number of people followed Him, including women who mourned and wailed for Him. Jesus turned and said to them: “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me…” (vss. 27, 28a). There are, of course, no archaeological remains to commemorate the tears of Jerusalem’s daughters. This part of the journey, embracing the eighth station of the cross, is marked by a beautiful, but wildly inaccurate bas-relief of a robust Jesus addressing two women and a baby. The road to Calvary is not the first time that the “daughters of Jerusalem” appear in the biblical narrative. They figure prominently as the muse of the Beloved in the Song of Solomon sonnet. They help her chose rightly



between the flashy wealth of the king and the ardent true love of the Shepherd. The women in Luke attempt to do the same. They call to the Beloved — Israel — to choose between a powerful, consolidated leadership and Jesus the Good Shepherd. The daughters of Jerusalem are the conscience of the nation. “Weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women...” (vss 28b-29a). Jesus’ prophecy addresses another facet of their tears: Despite the popularity of the Di Vinci Code alleging that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married with children, the women weep because they know Jesus is about to die and leave no offspring. “Then they will say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ And to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ If men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” (vss 30, 31). In less than a generation, Jerusalem was deforested and set to the torch, the temple buildings leveled so “not one stone is left standing upon another,” and the populace enslaved or slaughtered. The siege of Jerusalem and the aftermath was a terrible time for mothers and their babies. Women with no dead child to mourn were indeed blessed, just as Jesus said. On the day when Jesus spoke to the daughters of Jerusalem, they took the green tree and nailed the Savior of the world to it. The women wept because they thought Jesus had no one to carry on His name and His line would perish. But don’t cry for Him: For better or worse, we are His heirs! “ ...he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ … an inheritance that can never perish… kept in heaven for you,” 1 Peter 1: 3, 4 (NIV). S

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Real Ladies. Real Life. Real Leaders. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -{15.} ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

“I trust that He will supply whatever I need.” Church planter, Svetlana Papazov breaks every traditional constraint that women have ever had. Founder of Real Life Center for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Excellence, as well as the lead pastor of Real Life Church, Svetlana has had an incredible year so far. With the recent launch of the entrepreneurial center and the church just a couple months behind, Svetlana with husband Michael (who serves as worship pastor) by her side, the couple are already looking towards further expansion and growth. “Honestly, I have not taken a breath yet,” Svetlana says. She was nothing but joy and positive energy despite the recent launch and the demand for growth looming on the horizon. “I will say this,” Svetlana says, “It has been phenomenal to walk into the purposes of God, and to see them unfolding and become brick and mortar. It has be-

come a tangible expression of this dream that he has put in my heart and to see changed life.” Svetlana’s mission is extremely unique. Their building overlooks a beautiful lake in Midlothian, Virginia, where it operates as a facility for entrepreneurs looking to grow their business throughout the week. On the weekends, Svetlana lays down some serious Godbreathed truth in her sermons. “Dare to Dream” is the name of their current series, and it is no question that she is living out this message. Mixing business and Scripture is not a common mission field, but Svetlana has found a purposedriven way to minister to entrepreneurs who are just getting started. In combining ministry and the marketplace, Svetlana and her team have created a safe place for small business owners who are trying to get on their feet. She brings them into a faith-based facility, where they can rent out office space for their businesses. Meeting rooms are available, as well as business training. As an International Federation Coach, Svetlana provides support, mentorship, and one-on-one coaching for those interested in learning how to expand their businesses. But why all of the interest in these small business

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owners? When asked why Svetlana had such a focus on these small business owners, Svetlana says, “They are very courageous. They are out there doing it; they are making it happen. They are providing employment for themselves and others. There are very few people that have invested in them and come alongside them. So what we have created is a monolog of genuine care; we go into the community, and we come alongside those courageous individuals.” Although no stipulation says the small business owners who use the entrepreneurial center must attend the church as well, there has been a significant crossover that is undoubtedly God’s hand. Everyday Svetlana and Michael walk through and pray over the property. “People say that there is peace here, and that is why they want to set up office space, Svetlana says. “I have always been open to everything that we do to attribute that peace to the presence of the Holy Spirit. I don’t water down the truth that God is the focus of everything we do at the entrepreneurial center.” And people have noticed the difference and are drawn

“I used to take those spiritual gifts tests, and I would always get “faith.” So of course, I have always thought that I was pretty faith-focused,” Svetlana says. “But I will tell you that God has pledged and hardened in me faith like nothing else because I have to walk by faith in this mission. I have had to take some humongous leaps of faith and to trust that He is in it.” Walking by faith seems to come naturally to Svetlana, yet it is a struggle for most Christians. Svetlana cites Philippians 2:13 as a source of encouragement when her faith needs renewal. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” “I have embraced this verse specifically as I have been walking this church planting journey because it is God who has opened my heart to strongly desire to go after His purposes. I trust that He will supply whatever I need,” Svetlana says.

to it at its source. “Most of the people that came to the church launch were people that we had reached through the entrepreneurial center,” Svetlana says. “My heart was singing. We have people that are coming now that had not been to church for several decades.” Svetlana’s mission undoubtedly changed lives. It has brought others close to God in ways that no one, not even the Papazovs, ever expected. It has been a renewing ministry, to say the least. Moreover, Svetlana believes this minstry focus has changed her.

Svetlana and her husband Michael have created not only a shelter for those who aspire to expand their businesses, but also a church that lifts these individuals up. Her devout faith and commitment to God’s plan have enabled her to become a leader that all women should aspire to be. Through her strength and purpose, she has not only renewed others, but also herself. Svetlana takes the gospel beyond the pulpit and into the marketplace. S





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AUTHOR/SPEAKER www.Just18Summers.com


TIMEOUT FOR TIRED MOMS HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO POUR OUT OF AN EMPTY PITCHER? It doesn’t work too well, does it? The same goes for us as moms. We give and give to our families and others, depleting our energies physically, spiritually, and emotionally, and yet we’re crazy enough to think we can do that without replenishing ourselves. Think of it as Energizer Bunny Syndrome where we keep going and going until our batteries run out. Parenting is the best job in the world, but it can also be exhausting. Sometimes we forget that for us to pour into the lives of our loved ones, we have to take care of ourselves. So how do we do that in the midst of our hectic lives? • Make time for rest. We make appointments for

doctor visits and car maintenance. Why not add rest to the schedule? Plug it into your to-do list. A rested mom will be sweeter and better able to handle the demands of the day with patience and love. Trust me, the world will not come to an end if you squeeze a few minutes of rest into your day. • Plan time with your spouse. Keep the love alive in your marriage. One of the best gifts you can give your children is the security of a mom and dad who love each other. • Give yourself time to recharge. Plan an occasional evening out with your girlfriends. Watch stress fall away as you laugh and talk. • Most importantly spend time with God. The wisdom of His Word and those moments of precious fellowship as you spend time with Him will renew your spirit in a way that nothing else can do. S

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very appropriate for this record,” Audrey says. The team then took what Audrey refers to as a cinematic approach to the songs: they listened and played through the songs and then decided to create film scores for each song. Knowing that people already had a relationship with these songs, she desired to compose them in a way that highlighted the lyrics and melody. “We picked color pallets, sonic pallets and digital images for each hymn that tried to evoke those things with what we did musically,” she said. “I feel like it was a challenge. I spent more time and money on this album than anything that I have ever done. It was extremely hard, but I feel what we pulled off was a reverent and refreshed look at songs that people already love.” Inheritance pays tribute to Audrey’s upbringing in the Plymouth Brethren denomination and her Catholic faith. As a child, every Sunday her church would have Communion and Sunday school in the morning and they returned that night for a gospel meeting. She explained that essentially someone would stand up and preach the gospel to the church.

“LOVER OF MY SOUL, EVEN UNTO DEATH, WITH MY BREATH, I WILL LOVE YOU…” Much like the lyrics she sings in “Even unto Death,” Audrey Assad’s sweet serenade of classic hymns shows again and again that her music, ministry, and everyday life points others to the renewed faith, love and adoration of her Savior Jesus Christ. February 12, Audrey released Inheritance, an independent project that she co-produced with Daniel James featuring her take on some of her favorite hymns. While it was not an original project, it was something she longed to do without dishonoring the songs that she loved so much. “I let people vote for their top three choices of hymns that I picked. We released what I ended up selecting to put on there. So that was a cool experience, and that felt

“I often say I write my songs to preach the gospel to myself because I need to be told again and again the Good News. The Good News evolves in meaning to me as my life changes as I grow and as I lose things. That news is always good. I think that it’s our understanding of it that becomes stale, not the news itself,” she says. “I think Lent is an incredibly potent place to encounter that, especially Holy Week with Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. It’s a very potent because we all need to know that message today, right now, and hear it again and again and again, even if we have been believers our whole lives. So anytime that you are thinking about faith in Christ, it’s not just a practice. It’s a series of encounters, a lifelong encounter with the person of God in Jesus Christ.” Audrey’s love for her faith first grew from her interest in the classic film, “The Sound of Music” starring Julie Andrews. “The movie with nuns, a wedding in the cathedral, and the idea of vocation started me thinking and asking big questions.”

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“Packed with prayer and promises, this book will free you to experience the POWER of GOD’S PEACE.” —LYSA LYSA TERKEURST TERKEURST, New York Times bestselling author of Unglued and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries


he true remedy to stress, Linda Evans Shepherd says, is prayer. In this inspiring book, she shows you how to recognize God’s continual presence in your life and yield your troubles to the Prince of Peace. Through captivating stories, explorations of fascinating biblical characters, and examples of deeperthan-ever prayers, she brings within your grasp the peace that passes understanding. If you are overwhelmed by all of the urgent demands on your time, this book is your lifeline to true peace.

Also Available from LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD




LIKE ‘AUDREY ASSAD’ ON FACEBOOK. -continued from p. 21Audrey’s questioning led her on a journey through the history of Christianity. “It was probably one of the greatest transformations for me,” she says. As the daughter of a Syrian refugee, Audrey has seen the unrest in her father’s country, as well as the judgment against additional refugees coming to America. “I follow King Jesus, and He is the King of the Kingdom. I believe that that Kingdom is upside down in the sense that the last shall be first, and the first shall be last,” she says. “I find it critical that American churches tend to prioritize things that are very worldly.” Audrey says that she refuses to be the kind of Christian that does not give another her cloak. “Christianity’s job is to be radically welcoming and counter-cultural,” Audrey says. “I wouldn’t be here if (my father) hadn’t been welcomed here. I think that it’s incredible that he was welcomed, and I’m thankful. I hope that America, and, in particular, American Christians will continue to fight to be welcoming, to be hospitable, kind and compassionate.“ Audrey summarizes her life and ministry into a simple yet powerful message: mercy triumphs over judgment. “I want people to remember that the mercy of God shown on the cross comes from God the Father as much as it came from Jesus. That mercy is the epicenter of everything that God has ever done in history—it continues. That’s what I want people to remember, and experience again.”S


“So we do not lose


heart... our inner self is You make a choice everyday ...


executive with a demanding job, I wanted even more. I worked to be at the top of my industry and to become an active player in the executive council that ran our corporation. I came early, stayed late, took on great responsibility, and showed myself capable. Of course, I also had a husband and family and a ministry. I tried to be sure that none of them felt slighted by my attention to the job. Once, in a moment of self-importance, I made a list of all my roles. Executive. Wife. Mom. Chauffeur. Maid. Chef. Best Friend. Confidant. Decorator. Nurturer. Cheerleader. Lover. Homework supervisor. Bible teacher. Writer. Speaker. And my list went on and on. I was tired and wanted to run away. While we women pride ourselves on multi-tasking,

the strain on leaders soon reaches overload. Any one of those jobs would be rewarding, and success as a leader is a great goal, but triumphs and overwork can also lead to exhaustion and isolation. You may lose your best workers and volunteers if you are burning out—and if they bail out, the ministry will suffer. Burnout makes your leadership style slower and more indecisive, which leads to poor decisions and missed opportunities.

How can you prevent burnout for yourself and your team? 1. Give away the power.

When team members feel they can make decisions and know you will back them up on what they decide, they will be more creative, more decisive, and more productive. You need not handle every detail. Instead, allow your team to shine. If you’ve shared your vision well and you accept each of them as a leader, burnout will not overtake you.

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2. Trust God.

The ministry of your organization belongs to God. If you pray and follow His lead, success will follow. Depending on Him allows you to pass the pressure over to Him. It’s been said that burnout is a result of a dying heart. Ask God to help you see if your heart is hardening. Carey Nieuwhof lists these early warning signs of a dying heart. First you fail to feel – never really celebrating or crying, which leads to not caring. Then actions become mechanical, and you feel no passion, which leads to isolation from the people your ministry serves. Jesus offers heart renewal and revitalization. Begin again today asking Him to take over your ministry.

3. Take care of yourself.

Eating healthy foods and getting proper exercise are critical to your success and the success of your organization. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2011 defines a healthy diet as one that “emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.” In her book, The Wellness Journey of a Lifetime, Vicki Heath, National Director of First Place 4 Health—a Christ-centered wellness program, encourages us to eat foods with benefits. She says, “All food fits into one of three categories.

Let’s Talk

1. Have you ever felt like the author who took a little too much pride in the many hats she wears? 2. As a leader, what gets you down? Be specific about those moments when you’d like to give up. 3. How do you empower your team members? Do you see a change in their attitude when you put them in charge? 4. List at least three ways you can trust God for the success of your ministry. 5. Consider writing your food intake in a journal this week. Then evaluate if you are eating foods with benefits and how you can improve the nutrients you take in. —KAREN PORTER S

• Foods with Benefits • Foods without Benefits • Foods with Detriments Heath continues, “Food with benefits provide a significant amount of nutrients our bodies need for health and vitality. It is permissible to eat any foods, but I have decided I want to eat with a purpose…. I choose to eat foods with benefits.” You do not have to give into burnout. You can continue to lead and serve with vitality and joy. Watch for signs of burnout and take the steps to avoid that exhausted, drained enemy. Your team will flourish when you give them the power. Your life will find renewal as you trust God to shower His passion and peace upon you. And when you take the time to care for yourself, you will find the energy and passion to renew every morning. And you will say with Paul, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16 ESV).

... renewed day by day.” BY KAREN PORTER @@KARENPORTER AUTHOR/SPEAKER www.karenporter.com




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The old saying is that we start fresh and new every morning. It’s not quite that simple. Yes, the things from yesterday affect today. But the good news is, the things we think on today will affect us tomorrow.

Today we help to create our tomorrow. It builds on itself. The phrase “renew your mind daily” took on a new meaning after reading those studies. The meditations of our minds will carry over. Every time we choose to concentrate on a positive, encouraging word instead of a discouraging one, we make it easier to do so tomorrow. We set the stage for how our brains behave in the future. First, we have to be aware of the things we’re thinking and telling ourselves. Some writers call this capturing your thoughts. Others call it gathering thoughts, reflection, or even just recognition, as I had labeled it with the subtle things in my life. The point is, we have to first take a moment to stop and listen to what’s being echoed forward. I know, I know, stopping and listening is tough with a busy life, but it’s important. I teach business classes at a local university, and I often have my students keep a thought journal for a week, just to see what things keep going through their minds. I’ve done this myself as well. It’s very enlightening to see internal thoughts written down on a page. Be aware of what’s echoing inside. If something doesn’t

fit the truth of your identity—or what truth you’re moving toward—it’s time to let it go. If you become aware of a negative pattern of thinking, don’t keep meditating on it. Start replacing it in your mind with what the truth is. The truth gives us freedom to no longer be bound by the negative echoes of the past. I’m not saying you can’t have a bad day. I’m saying what you continually concentrate on will subtly affect you. If you really want to change the things that have been echoing forward, you have to recognize what is going on with your thoughts and intentionally work to change them. Start moving the cows across the field in a new direction.

Day after day, your brain will form new connections and your emotions will become even healthier. The crazy part is, if you keep doing this, you’ll start to notice which negative things in the environment are affecting you, and you won’t be so casual about allowing them around anymore. You’ll look back at the end of a year and realize how much your brain has changed.

Day after day, echo upon echo, the S amazing can happen.

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— t h g u o h t r o f d foo LIFE BYTES




WHEN I WAS A CHILD AND THEN AGAIN WHEN MY KIDS WERE LITTLE, EASTER WAS A BIG DEAL! My parents wanted us to know that Christ’s death and resurrection was one of the most important days for us to celebrate. It was always a time of excitement and joy.

and the Father. Those of us who know the peace of life with Christ, long for our families and friends to experience that same peace. That’s why Easter is a prime opportunity to invite our neighbors and friends to accompany us to church and then “gather round’ our dining table and share the good news. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, you can find some simple menu items to prepare the night before, or organize a potluck. A simple light meal will help you and your guests enjoy your time together. An English Trifle might just make your Easter dinner extraordinary. You can make this dessert the day before. This version was our family favorite—moist, yummy and sure to please everyone.

English Trifle 1 package Jell-O, any flavor, make as directed— do not set 1 package vanilla pudding or Bird’s English Custard, make as directed 1 sponge cake, pound cake or angel food cake 1 large can of fruit cocktail (drained) or fresh fruit 2 cups heavy whipping cream, whipped ½ cup vegetable oil Maraschino cherries or raspberries for garnish

While many people see Easter as a visit from the Easter Bunny or the reason to purchase a new spring outfit, the real story of Easter is the epitome of “gather round!” Jesus calls us to “gather round” and dine with Him. In Matthew 11:28, we are invited to share life with Jesus

1. Cut cake into 1 – inch squares and place in the bottom of a trifle bowl. 2. Pour liquid Jell-O over the cake pieces, followed by the canned fruit, and blend very gently. 3. Refrigerate until the Jell-O is set. 4. Spread the cooked custard or pudding over the Jell-O combination, and top with the whipped cream. 5. Decorate with the cherries. 6. Refrigerate until ready to serve. S

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resurrection eggs

To make Resurrection Eggs you will need an empty egg carton and 12 plastic eggs. A craft store, such as Hobby Lobby has most of the items to put into the eggs. Number the eggs with a marker, or use self-adhesive numbers, then number each space in the egg carton.

Egg 1 - a small plastic donkey or leaf to represent Palm Sunday and Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. (Matthew 21:2) Egg 2 – a silver coin to represent the 30 pieces of silver that was given to Judas Iscariot. (Matthew 26:15) Egg 3 – a small goblet or cup and oyster cracker to represent the Last Supper. (Luke 22: 19-20)


focused activity that has helped us do just that. We make Resurrection Eggs instead of buying pre-made eggs. We find this to be an excellent project to teach little ones the Easter story. Once the eggs are prepared, you can reuse them again and again. It is a great joy and blessing to see our grandkids use the eggs to share the Easter story with their friends and family.

Egg 4 - small praying hands for Jesus’s praying in the garden. (Matthew 26:39) Egg 5 - a small piece of a leather or a shoe lace to represent the flogging Jesus received. (Matthew 27:2) Egg 6 - a small crown or one made of twigs used as a crown upon Jesus’s head. (Matthew 27:29) Egg 7 - a small cross and a nail to represent the crucifixion. (Matthew 27:35) Egg 8 - a pair of dice to represent the soldiers casting lots for Jesus’s clothes. (Matthew 27: 35-36) Egg 9 – a spear to represent the soldiers piercing Jesus’s side. (John 19:33-34)

Recipe from Penelope’s new book: The Art of Afternoon Tea: From the Era of Downton Abbey and the Titanic. (Available from PenelopesTeaTime.com)

Egg 10 - a small piece of gauze or linen and spices (whole cloves) to represent Jesus burial. (Matthew 27:59) Egg 11 - a small rock to represent the stone rolled across the tomb. (Matthew 27: 59 -60) Egg 12 – empty to represent His resurrection. (Matthew 28:6) S

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— p u g n shapi LIFE BYTES




#3. Show up well toned.


• A good day’s work starts with a good night’s sleep. • Melatonin production peaks at 10 pm, so the closer to that hour you can call it quits, the better. • Give yourself a “no technology zone” in the bedroom. Turn off phones and tablets an hour before retiring. • Keep it cool. Optimal sleeping temperature is between 60 and 68 degrees. • Keep it dark. Your pineal gland senses light even when your eyes are closed. Light interferes with melatonin production and disrupts sleep. Invest in “blackout” draperies so you can sleep longer.

#2. Show up well fed.

• Don’t eat junk for breakfast. • Make sure you get enough protein and not too much caffeine. • Pack your lunch the night before, or know when and where you will eat lunch to avoid mid-day disasters that you will pay for by “crashing” in the afternoon. • Keep healthful snacks in your desk to avoid dips in blood sugar and temptations to eat poorly. • Highly processed carbohydrates and sugars cause you to be fragile and tense, not resilient.


• Exercise is a stress-reliever. Just twenty minutes will calm you down. • Exercise feeds your brain with BDNF (brain-derived neurotropic factor) which makes you smarter and sharper. • Exercise activates happy hormones, elevating mood and making you more resilient. • Adding two minutes of moderate activity each hour during your “sitting” day will not only break the stress pattern, but research shows it may make you live longer.

#4. Show up well balanced.

• You will burn out if all you do is work. • Keep a balance between your work, your family, your community, and your needs. • Keep balanced physically with movement and exercise, good nutrition, and adequate sleep. • Keep balanced spiritually by taking time to enjoy spiritual pursuits and time in nature. • A person who is well balanced is more resilient in the face of stress and is a pleasure to work with.

#5. Show up.

• Many times successful people just show up. They persevere through the hard times and are rewarded for it. Just keep showing up, even when it’s tough. It always gets better eventually. • Don’t avoid difficult situations, rather show up physically, emotionally, and spiritually. • Putting hard things off just makes them loom larger in your mind, and causes more stress. • Don’t try to multitask—really be there in the moment, giving 100% concentration to your job, and you will find yourself more productive, and less stressed. Don’t check emails during staff meetings, or shop online for your kid’s costume during down time. Stay present and focused. And when you go home, you can leave work behind knowing you gave it your all, and now you can rest. • And finally, don’t forget to “show up” at home. What’s it all worth if you lose your family? S

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streams of RENEWAL

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“all you who are thirsty, come to the waters...”

-isaiah 55:1 (niv)


We feel dried out and weary as we limp along in life doing what is necessary while our heart feels empty. Those are the times to pray the promise of Isaiah 35:6: Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. Notice the verse uses the plural for streams. There are multiple sources of renewal in our lives and letting those streams flow over us provides opportunities or refreshment. Viewing all the different blessings in life is like seeing many streams that flow into an ocean or a lake. If one stream dries up, others keep flowing. Tap into those streams when you need renewal and nurture them so they continue to flow in your life. 1. Spiritual streams are the blessings of God’s grace. He restores us as we reflect on scriptures, receive forgiveness, and dive into prayer. List the blessings God has sent you and the times his grace has helped you through a difficult situation. As you thank God for blessings, your heart will be refreshed with gratitude. 2. Physical streams renew our body as we eat healthy, exercise, and spend time in nature. Creation reminds us that life changes and new growth starts again. Revisit your favorite outdoor places such as the ocean, parks, gardens, or a bubbling stream. Reawaken your body with a massage or other spa treatment. As you renew your body, you will also renew your energy. As you rejoice in creation, you will rediscover beauty. 3. Relational streams allow us to share laughter and tears, joys and sorrows. Call or spend time with someone who listens, empathizes, motivates you, and makes you smile. Open your heart to the love of friends who will help you dream again and move forward. Let them replenish the emptiness in your heart. As you allow the love of others to flow into your heart, you will rejuvenate your emotions. 4. Mental streams engage your mind with knowledge and ideas that challenge you to think and plan. Fill your mind with a great book, interesting lecture, or engaging conversation. As you focus your mind on new thoughts, you will revive your mind and rethink your goals to find new purpose and direction. May going and drinking from streams that gush and burst forth in your desert time get you leaping and shouting for joy again. S



I’ve always wanted to be brave & fearless. Spontaneous, with cares cast to the wind. I’m none of those. Except maybe spontaneous. My spontaneity sparked as North Market Spices threw wide its doors inviting a friend and me in like a chai latte invites whipped cream. Shelves bulged with jars hosting unusual concoctions—Mexican

Hot-Cocoa, Basil Mania, and Vanilla Bean Blast—it was Christmas in March just for the nose! The first jar labeled with the word Chai practically jumped off the shelf into my hands. Unfortunately, my friend was busy and didn’t catch wind of what I was about to do. (Insert long sniff here). Now wait for it. Wait for it … Ahhh … smells like Chai—a cozy fire. It took a second to realize it wasn’t cozy—just FIRE! My nostril hairs sparked before my senses while I strained to read the label through tear-filled eyes: Chai-Habanero! What? The label was bold. The label was at nose level. The label was not enough to keep me from burning up a few brain cells. Patsy has known me for many years, so she is used

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to this sort of episode. “What on earth possessed you to sniff something that said habanero?!” Two coughs and a lengthy moan were all I could muster. “Are you OK? Are you going to cry?” And where is a merchant selling Kleenex when you need one? I managed to find my way to a paper towel at a nearby pastry vendor. close. It seemed a better fit, anyway. Patsy led me back to a palm-sized piece of paper—SNIFF ALERT! Huh? I’ll admit; even 72 font stays blurry through a teary squint. I mean, has the owner considered a flashing neon sign? You know, for urge-driven customers like me? Or maybe for just me? Unfortunately, it often takes a spark of habanero to capture my attention. Prone to wander through fields of Chai-laden comfort, my spiritual disciplines can become stale and sometimes slack. First Peter 5:8-9 reminds us to, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Granted, not a spa-type message. But it’s way too easy to become spiritually sluggish, or even so busy that we lose our “sober” mind. And take a whiff of that word: “devour.” Devour (v)to eat (food or prey), hungrily or quickly. That type of pursuit and appetite requires prudence in the ways we renew ourselves through Christ each day. Breathing Him in can completely replenish. There are some additional ways to stay spiritually alert.

Breathe in Deeply

Waking up with a big breath of God’s word helps jump-start a fresher, less painful day, for sure. But if I rush out the door in the morning while mangling my hair into a black rubber band, I try to follow the yellow lines to work with unhurried praise. Praise music, a praise-filled verse, and praise-filled moments help pace my breathing with His. Ann Vonscamp cites her praises in her book, One Thousand Gifts. Her cadence simple and the rhythm slow. “I begin the list. Not of gifts, I want but of gifts I already have. 1. Morning shadows across old wood floors. 2. Jam piled high on the toast. 3. The cry of

blue jay from high in the spruce.” My list as I remember to “breathe” is less romantic but still focused and natural. 1. Morning tea overflowing onto the floor. 2. Lights from a school bus are flashing. 3. God’s listening ear through the fog. Praise-shaking complacency awakens my soul like a hand awakens after it’s fallen asleep. Capturing my mind, keeping me breathing.

Breathe Out Deeply

Another way to renew myself spiritually is to make certain I have significant accountability. By having an accountability partner for over ten years, I have become accountable, and renewal has remained an important part of my spiritual attentiveness. In addition to another voice (besides the one in my head), a friend can wake us up to a thought like, “Step away from that habanero!” Accountability is not only an alarm but a voice of encouragement. God hears my insides whispering, “A little help here, Lord.” Can’t we all use a nudge to try a new ministry, go on a mission trip, or memorize new scripture? Sometimes it’s as simple as pointing out a sign we missed, in hopes of avoiding a painful consequence. Take it from one who “nose.” An extra set of eyes, ears and knees can be very useful in revamping spiritual fervor.

Just Breathe

Although these alerts encourage me to wake up and smell God’s goodness, if I mess up, I can still breathe (or sniff), a sigh of relief. The deceiver may pursue, but God pursues MORE. I can rest. Rest in a God who never sleeps. He always forgives. Always refreshes. Always renews and breathes life into my soul. Ahhhh. “The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4). So now that I’ve come to my fire-charged senses, I might even try shopping the “spice store” once again. I will, however, pack a few extra Kleenex. Because you never know when…sniff. S

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Living life to the max has become the norm for many. Unfortunately, our maxed-out schedules edge out the time we need for renewal of our mind, body and spirit. It’s time we cannot afford to miss because in doing so we risk endangering our health. The key is not in finding more time, but in utilizing our time for optimal results. You already know prayer is good for you and walking is good for you, but did you know combining the two with being outdoors can significantly improve your health, mood, and overall outlook on life in a time-effective winning combination.

HEALTHTRACKS Those who do not consider yourself athletic or are not a fan of conventional exercise will find walking an easy option for daily activity because it takes no extra equipment or training. By combining prayer walks with nature, it makes more accessible than trying to get to the gym. A 15-minute walk outside of your office building at lunch or an hour walk in the park; the choice is yours, and both are better than sitting in front of the computer screen checking email during times when you need to be unwinding. Eliminating the need for formal work-out clothes also makes walking spontaneous. Prayer then takes this combination to the next level by combining the mental and spiritual benefits of renewing the mind. Begin each prayer-walking session by first getting outdoors.

Nature is great medicine for the soul. Being outdoors and aware of the beauty of God’s creation can make you feel energized and alive. Each season has particular gifts to offer. Spring does not disappoint with its blooming flowers and warming temperatures. Those who are sensitive to pollen can opt to go outside in the early morning or late evening when pollen counts are lower. When possible, try to choose walking locations in non-urban settings with lots of greenery and little outdoor pollution.

Enjoy the sun. Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, which is essential for your health. Benefits of vitamin D include improving your immune system, decreasing inflammation, and stabilizing hormones. Sunscreen can be used to protect your skin from overexposure if you opt to walk during the noon to early afternoon hours. All natural life is connected to the sun, just as all spiritual life is connected to the Son. Natural sunlight helps set your body’s internal clock. If you find you have trouble unwinding at the end of the day or sleeping, try spending time each evening outside walking around your neighborhood while reflecting on the nature around you.

Prayerfully give thanks for the things you see and experience during your walk. When you smell the sweet scent of honeysuckle or feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, allow them to remind you of how worthy God is of praise.

Turn your words of adoration into a prayer. Often our mind has difficulty defusing because we fail to give it times to reflect on the goodness of God. Seeing God for who He is, helps us to see more clearly who we are. Ground your thoughts on the omnipresence of God and be rooted in the knowledge every step you talk is known by Him. Enjoying the outdoors will give you a break from technology and the on-the-run lifestyle we have become so accustomed to living. When you’re outside, you will have a clearer, more focused mind. The walking provides an added benefit of increased circulation to every part of your body including your brain

Seek the Lord during those moments of solitude. Allow the quiet, peaceful feeling of a mind at rest to merge with the energy of being a body in motion. In this state, you can more openly reflect on your day, ask for wisdom regarding difficult decisions, and yield to the leading of His Spirit. I get it. It’s hard to make time to exercise daily with hectic schedules, but let’s face reality. A lack of physical activity—it eventually shows up in rising number on the scale. However, the effect of a life without adequate prayer although harder to recognize on a surface-level, can be even more devastating to your overall wellbeing. Combining prayer and walking will provide additional space for your personal prayer time while also meeting your physical need for aerobic exercise. Your general mood and outlook on life will improve due to the endorphins released during exercise and the spiritual effects of your prayers. S


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y o j THE

SPRING OF RENEWAL AS SPRING RENEWS OUR LAND, CONVERTING THE SNOWDRIFTS INTO FIELDS OF FLOWERS, WE NEED TO TAKE THE TIME TO RENEW OUR HEARTS. WHAT WOULD THIS RENEWAL LOOK LIKE? It would look like JOY. “Well, Linda, you wouldn’t put that guilt trip on me if you knew of all my difficulties,” you scoff. “Having a joyful heart is out of the question right now.”

This all reminds me of the time I decided to host a grief day for myself, a day I could mourn all the losses that had entered, uninvited, into my life. I allowed myself to mourn, especially hard, all that my disabled daughter would never be able to achieve: job, marriage, kids of her own. And I wept, thinking I was relieving the sadness that had been bottled up inside. But what I discovered was that my grieving opened the door to selfpity, and self-pity flamed my grief into a roaring fire. By the end of the day, I was a wreck. That night, as I wept into my pillow, the Lord’s still small voice spoke to me. “You can give me your pain,” he whispered to my heart. “You can have it. It’s your problem now.” By the next day, the heaviness in my heart lifted, and joy began to creep into my thoughts. “Joy is a choice,” the Spirit whispered to me. And so it is. Inviting God’s joy into your life is one of the best ways to abide with Christ. So how does one manage to do this? By simply recognizing that if you are in Christ and Jesus has forgiven you and become the ruler of your life, you’ve taken the first step. Next, give your grief and traumas to God. Finally, ask God to help you live in the knowledge of his ever-presence with joy. Give yourself joy boosts. Read and meditate on the word. Listen to your favorite praise music. Then you can live into Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” Pray with me:

I hear your frustration. I’ve been there too. But what if God wants to come and abide with you despite your loss, your worries over all that concerns you. What if God is saying, “Let me come in and give you joy despite your circumstances”?

Dear Lord, Thank you that Jesus died for my sins. I give you my whole life, and in exchange, I ask for even more of your spirit inside of me. I give you all my sadness, trauma’s and griefs. I accept your continual presence and joy despite my difficulties. I choose You! I choose joy! I am renewed. Thank you, Jesus! Amen S

YES, it’s possible to invite even more of God into your life. It’s possible to discover new levels of joy despite your pain.

To receive a free Prayer Toolbox filled with warfare prayers to pray over you and your loved ones, text LEADINGHEARTS to 95577. —LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD






ALARMING I keep trying to find an alarm clock that sounds, you know, friendly.

the peoples; I will sing praises to You among the nations. For Your faithful love is as high as the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches the clouds. God, be exalted above the heavens; let Your glory be over the whole earth,” (vv. 7-11, HCSB).

Do you have one of those alarms that shriek at the decibel level of a tornado siren? The alarm goes off; you jolt up in a panic, heart pounding, barely catching yourself before you sprint to the nearest storm shelter. There is a second in there when every room in the house is a panic room. Ever find those fingernail marks on the ceiling over your bed?

David is telling his sleepy-head soul to get in gear, loving, serving and glorifying the name of God. Wake up! Renew! Gather up all the instruments and everything you need, soul! He’s waking up that part of him that is built to praise the God of the universe, readying himself for a new day of telling the whole world of the Father’s wonderful love, of His amazing faithfulness and His vast glory.

And my alarm doesn’t blast and then stop. No, it just keeps on shrieking. Smashing it with a fist does nothing except cause major fist pain. Throwing it across the room doesn’t faze it. Stomping on it doesn’t do much, either. Maybe you can guess why I never keep a sledgehammer beside my bed. Or dC-4 explosive. Why don’t they make an alarm clock that gently jostles my shoulder while softly informing me that the cinnamon rolls are ready? The thing is, if I ever found that kind of friendly alarm clock, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t wake me. I guess that means there is a purpose in the shriek. I’m convinced that there are times I need a soul alarm, too. And not a soft jostle. No, a good shrieking jolt. In Psalm 57, David sounds the alarm with a “Wake up, my soul!” (v. 8, HCSB). Check out the passage: “My heart is confident, God, my heart is confident. I will sing; I will sing praises. Wake up, my soul! Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn. I will praise You, Lord, among

Rejoicing in his circumstances? Not so much. David was in a cave, hiding from the king who hated him. He was in danger, running for his life. Sometimes when our circumstances aren’t exactly the best, we need to awaken our souls all the more to understand the goodness of God and to enthusiastically sing praises to the Father from every part of our being. David’s dire circumstances and his unjust treatment screamed an urgency to share the Lord with a lost world, to contrast the wickedness of evildoers with the greatness of God. There was still great purpose in the shriek. No matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, our heavenly Father’s greatness always calls for a celebration. We need to wake up and renew to join in the celebration. Sometimes, it’s loud celebration. Sometimes, a quiet celebration. Me? Sometimes, I celebrate with cinnamon rolls. S

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BOOKS TO READ BE YOU. DO GOOD. by Jonathan David Golden How do you find the true calling for your life and work? Jonathan David Golden gives readers the path of discovery in Be You. Do Good. Well-written and interactive, this book holds interest throughout the pages. Each chapter includes pointed questions for the reader to review the contents and apply it to their own life. On page 34, Golden writes, “The first secret to discovering our calling is to look at our talents, our knowledge areas, our skills and our past. It is to see our loves as a story, to read it, and to be who you are.� This book mixes personal experiences with how-to information and Scripture. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

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SPEAKER TO SPEAKER by Kathy Carlton Willis Whether you are just beginning to speak publicly, or you are a seasoned public speaker, Speaker to Speaker: The Essential Speaker’s Companion is a book that you need to read and reference often. Kathy Carlton Willis has packed this work with valuable information. The book is targeted specifically to Christian speakers, yet every speaker will gain insights in these pages. The chapter titled, “Speaking for Chickens” is filled with great ideas for speakers to not only survive the experience but thrive and be successful. As you read this book, keep your highlighter and post-it tabs handy so you can return to it over and over and glean the wisdom in these pages.

WRITING FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS by Sandra E. Lamb Let’s be honest: the business world is filled with miscommunication and potential misunderstandings. Journalist Sandra Lamb in Writing Well For Business Success gives you the details on how to be an effective communicator in the workplace. This well-organized book is clear and to the point, so you don’t commit word blunders, and you meet the expected business writing qualifications. Whether you are polishing a resume, a report, an email, a proposal, letter or a presentation, this book is loaded with relevant information. Each chapter ends with a series of tips for ready use in your business. I recommend this book to anyone looking to improve his or her communication skills in the workplace.

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MUSIC REVIEWS AUDREY ASSAD Inheiritance Critically lauded singer, songwriter and author, Audrey Assad, internationally released her highly-anticipated, five-star acclaimed album, Inheritance, released in February on Fortunate Fall Records with Tone Tree Music distribution. In its debut week at retail, the recording launched to No. 2 on the Billboard Top Christian/Gospel Albums chart while hitting No. 1 for a time on the iTunes Christian/Gospel charts both in the U.S. and Canada. Already selling 8,325 albums, the album has become Audrey’s best-selling first-week debut to date. Featured on the new album is the original song “Even Unto Death,” written after Audrey heard of yet another martyrdom in the Middle East. The album also contains the classic hymns like “It Is Well With My Soul,” a special dedication to honor Audrey’s late grandmother, and “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Worship Leader Magazine agrees that Inheritance “is not just another hymns album,” and NewReleaseToday.com declares the album “to be one of the top worship albums of the year.” —LH Staff

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= Love Riot, the highly anticipated new studio recording from Platinum®-selling, GRAMMY®-nominated Newsboys released this month. The project is highlighted by “Guilty,” the theme song for Pure Flix’s upcoming motion picture “God’s Not Dead 2,” also featured on the film’s official soundtrack releasing March 18. The album was produced by Mark Needham, whose mixing credits include Imagine Dragons and Shakira; and Zach Hall (Five Knives); as well as Seth Mosley (TobyMac, for KING & COUNTRY) and Mike O’Connor for Full Circle Music. Featuring 10 selections, Love Riot also showcases the title cut, a call to reach the world with love; the worshipful “Hero”; and the adrenaline-pumping “Crazy,” an anthem inspiring believers to live radically for Christ, among other songs. “It doesn’t work to get out there and point a finger,” drummer Duncan Phillips adds. “We want to impact the world with a straight and true message, and deliver it with all-encompassing love.” —LH Staff

JORDAN FELIZ The River Chart-topping newcomer, Jordan Feliz, is scheduled to release his first full album for Centricity Music, The River, on April 22nd. Once again teaming with Joshua Silverberg (Michael W. Smith, Newsboys) and Colby Wedgeworth (Lincoln Brewster) as producers, Feliz delivers seven new songs and the project also features four songs from Feliz’s debut EP, Beloved. This debut album includes his single “The River” that remained No. 1 on Billboard’s National Christian Audience Chart for 10 weeks, No. 1 on the Hot AC/CHR Chart for seven weeks, AC Indicator Chart for six weeks, and AC Monitored Chart for one week. At the same time, Feliz has garnered four million video views with his performance/lyric videos for the song. The River showcases the incredible talent of Feliz with soul-influenced pop numbers and heart rendering ballads presented in a fresh and modern sound. Fans across the country are currently enjoying Feliz’s new music as he is a featured guest artist on Big Daddy Weave’s 60-city Beautiful Offerings Tour 2016. —LH Staff

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I’LL NEVER FORGET THE DAY BACK IN 1984 WHEN THE ‘ PUBLICIST FOR MY FIRST BOOK CALLED.“Kathy, would you like to be interviewed on The 700 Club?” Would I? Of course! I was thrilled—and scared to death. Several months later, as I waited in the “green room,” the longer I waited for my turn, the more paralyzed my mind became. I could no longer think or pray.

By the time the interview began, words came out of my mouth, but I didn’t know how. Later when I watched the program, I could identify the terror in my eyes but my friends who watched said they didn’t see my fear. The Holy Spirit took over and brought glory to himself. Here are some ideas for helping you feel comfortable. 1. Even if it sounds unnecessary, review your speaking topic or re-read your book. It may have been a while since you presented or wrote the information. 2. Find out how long the interview will be but be aware it may change. Give each answer concisely. As often as possible, include an applicable story or practical idea. 3. If the interviewer seems unclear or ignorant of your topic/book, you still want to make her look good. The audience’s loyalties are with her, not you. You will look good by making her seem knowledgeable.

Knowing the format will give you confidence. 5. Focus your attention entirely on the interviewer. Pretend that you’re just having a conversation with a friend. Unless you are instructed to do so, don’t speak directly to the camera. 6. Don’t move your eyes back and forth; you’ll appear shifty-eyed. Don’t watch yourself on the monitor. 7. Don’t react to what’s going on off set. One time I was answering a question when there was a loud popping noise behind me. Some light bulbs had fallen from the ceiling. I decided it wasn’t my responsibility to stop the taping. I kept right on talking. It was the right thing to do. 8. The best clothing colors are red, beige, brown and blue. Avoid solid white, solid black, white & black, along with close pin stripes or fine plaids. 9. Wear make-up a little heavier and deeper in color. The bright lights in a television studio wash out color. Don’t use eye shadow with a pearl or silver base. Carry make-up with you to the studio, even if you are told it’s provided—I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. 10. During the interview, time will go by fast. Ten minutes seem like five or six. If you can, notice the countdown signals given to the interviewer. Sometimes it’s also appropriate to ask them to signal when your time is almost over. Try to make a final point to bring your information to a memorable conclusion. With the empowering of the Holy Spirit and experience, television will become enjoyable and exciting for you. I know that I now enjoy those interviews immensely. —KATHY COLLARD MILLER S

4. If available, watch the program ahead of time. --- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{47.}



absorbing the scenery, discussing various topics, and sharing about unique tourists’ spots in the different locations we pass.

Even though we take just as much pleasure in covering the miles as we do in reaching our destination, we still have to stop periodically for rejuvenation. The highway designers realized this necessity and added rest stops along the road spaced out over the miles. Rest stops are not a new concept. God provides rest stops all along our life’s journey. To every busy day, He gives a night. We’re to stop, sleep, and allow our bodies to recharge. To every week, He gives a Sabbath. We’re to stop working, rest, and turn our minds and hearts to Him. To every year, He gives seasons: times in which the earth itself goes through its cycles of growth and rest. And to every trial, He gives an end: the end that He deems best and the end that always leads to some new beginning. One biblical example of a rest stop happened for the early Church after the conversion of Saul, who would later be known as the Apostle Paul. This Saul had been the one guarding the coats of those who stoned Stephen (see Acts 7:58 and 8:1), and chasing Christians down to arrest and kill them (see Acts 9:1). Once Saul converted, God provided a rest stop. Acts 9:31 tells us, “Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied”

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(NKJ). Several things happen during God’s rest stops. First, there’s peace. Thanks to that peace, the second happening is edification. The rest stop is the time to be nourished and fortified by the Word of God so we can grow strong. (We’ll need this strength for the next trial.) Third, because of our remembrance of the trial and our thankfulness for God’s deliverance, we should be caught “walking in the fear of the Lord.” In other words, we should emerge from a trial with a deeper respect for God. The fourth thing that happens during God’s rest stops blew me away! We reach a place of receiving “comfort of the Holy Spirit.” The Greek word for comfort used here is “paraklesis (par-ak’-lay-sis)” which comes from another Greek word meaning “imploration, hortation, and solace.” To implore means to ask or beg, and something that is hortatory serves to encourage, gives advice, exhorts, and urges to good deeds. Solace is relief—the ease of grief, loneliness, and discomfort. When we combine all of this, we see that the Holy Spirit is much more than the much-needed listening

AUTHOR/SPEAKER www.LifeThatMatters.net

--------ear or shoulder as we pour out our hearts about the difficulty of our trial. He serves to usher into our lives the perfect relief to our struggle, sorrow, or pain. Additionally, He then encourages us to move forward, giving us divine instruction (remember, the Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity) on exactly how to do just that. Wow! Talk about filling up the tank! Finally, at God’s rest stops, our lives are multiplied. For the early Church, that meant more converts. For us, it may mean anything: renewed health, a refurbished lifestyle, a restocked refrigerator, restored character, a re-energized following, a refilled bank account. God’s multiplication can apply to any area of our lives. So what’s the bottom line? When we’re in or facing a trial, know that rough spots are part of the journey, but rest stops are provided all along the way. S

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ALICIA BRITT CHOLE is an international speaker, an author of a dozen books and Bible studies, a seasoned mentor, and the founding director of Leadership Investment Intensives, Inc, a non-profit devoted to providing personal soul-care to leaders in the marketplace and church. www.aliciachole.com BETH DUEWEL is a speaker, blogger, wife and mom who struggles to keep-it-all-together. She is passionate about loving and sharing the hope that has renovated her life. www.fix-her-upper.com

meet linda

LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD @LINDASHEPHERD is publisher of Leading Hearts magazine. She is also a best-selling author, an in-demand speaker, and president of Right to the Heart ministries. She is founder of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA). She lives in Colorado with husband Paul, daughter Laura and son Jimmy. www.Sheppro.com

KAREN PORTER is an international speaker and the author of six books and a successful business woman. She is president of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, serves on several boards, and coaches aspiring writers and speakers. She and her husband, George, own Bold Vision Books a Christian publishing company. www.karenporter.com PAM FARREL along with husband Bill are speakers and authors of 40 books including their newest: 7 Simple Skills for Success for Men. For more information visit www.LoveWise.com RHONDA RHEA is an author, humor columnist and radio personality. She lives in the St. Louis area with her pastor-hubs and has five grown children. www.rhondarhea.com KINDA WILSON is an author, teacher, keynote and TEDx speaker, entrepreneur, and hopeless wanderer. She teaches marketing at Oklahoma State University and loves working with startup companies. Her latest venture, travelchicks.tv, helps ladies travel across Europe on a budget. www.kindawilson. com

meet amber

AMBER WEIGAND-BUCKLEY @BAREFACEDGIRL is managing editor and art director for Leading Hearts magazine. She is a writer, speaker and multi-award winning editor, having spent 21 years in the magazine industry. When not working on Leading Hearts, she provides communications and social media support for non-profits and missionaries. She and her Brit-native husband Philip live in Missouri with their three daughters: Saffron, Imogen and Penelope.


PENELOPE CARLEVATO is an author of Tea on the Titanic and First Class Etiquette. She speaks on hospitality, historical entertaining, and etiquette and manners for all ages and all occasions. Penelope lives in the Denver, CO. area and is the grandmother of 11. www.PenelopesTeaTime.com

MICHELLE S. COX is an author and speaker and the creator of the Just 18 Summers® parenting resources and products.Visit her parenting blog www.just18summers.com. www.Facebook.com/just18summers.

SHARON NORRIS ELLIOTT’S engaging yet challenging messages touch hearts and tickle the funny-bones of her audiences, making her a popular, sought-after speaker. She and husband James enjoy their empty nest in Southern California. www.lifethatmatters.net KATHY COLLARD MILLER is a speaker and author whose newest book Never Ever Be the Same: A New You Starts Today released in January. Find her at www.KathyCollardMiller.com REBEKAH BINKLEY MONTGOMERY is author of Faithprints. Find her online at www.rebekahmontgomery.com PETE SULACK is the founder and majority owner of one of the largest chiropractic clinics in North America. His studies on the effects of stress, coupled with testimonials from patients and attention in medical communities have garnered him the title of “America’s Leading Stress Expert.”www.UHA12.com SAUNDRA DALTON SMITH is an internal medicine physician, author, and speaker. She shares with audiences nationwide on the topics of eliminating limiting emotions, breaking free from mental bondage, and helps others see God’s plan for them to live free in Christ. She is the founder of I Choose My Best Life, a movement to renew hope in a generation where depression, stress, and fear is peaking. www.ichoosemybestlife.com JENNIFER TAYLOR is a music and profile contributor for Leading Hearts magazine. TERRY WHALIN is the author of 60 books through traditional publishers including Billy Graham: A Biography of America’s Greatest Evangelist (Morgan James Faith) . He has also been published in more than 50 magazines. Now Terry is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing, a NY based traditional publisher. Terry encourages writers of any level (from beginners to professionals) at www Right-Writing.com. KAREN WHITING is an international speaker, award-winning author of eighteen books and former television host. Check out her book, The One Year Devotions for Active Boys, that helps engage boys and sparks creativity. www.karenwhiting.com


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