Annual Gratitude Report 2022

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Connecting cultures & creating community through music, arts education and experiences, to cultivate curiosity, preserve cultures and promote global understanding.

LEAF International LEAF 50th Festival Golden Thank Yous To Everyone!

Ghana “Medaase” + Malawi “Zikomo” + Ivory Coast “Ayo Ka” + Algeria “Sahha” + Mexico “Muchas Gracias” +

Tanzania “Asante” + Brazil “Abrigada” + Uganda “Weebale” + Rwanda “Murakoze Urakoze” + Ukraine

“Spasiba” + Puerto Rico “Muchas Gracias” + Egypt “Shukran lak” + New Orleans “Thank You!” 828.68-MUSIC 19 Eagle St, Suite 120, Asheville, NC 28801
S I N C E 1 9 9 5 C E L E B R A T I N G 5 0 F E S T I V A L S ! 2 7 Y E A R S !
A N N U A L G R A T I T U D E R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 B L A C K M O U N T A I N | A S H E V I L L E H A I T I | T A N Z A N I A | R W A N D A | G U A T E M A L A | C O S T A R I C A | N O L A | S T . V I N C E N T & T H E G R E N A D I N E S | P A N A M A | M E X I C O | I V O R Y C O A S T


Beloved LEAF Members, Sponsors, Donors, Partners & Community, From Board Chair 2022 Justice Rogers:

We made it to the 50th LEAF festival filled with images of gold everywhere. The theme of the 50th was GOLD. I’ve had several joint replacement surgeries since Covid shut the world down. I haven’t truly danced in years until the moment of pure joy filled Eden Hall with drums and live music again I danced for hours with a lot of old friends and a few new ones. Some I haven’t seen since we had the shutdown. The challenge was going slow to really appreciate making it to all the hard work from our staff, members, volunteers, and performers. 2022 was a year of rejoicing, rebuilding, and togetherness for all of us at LEAF. Looking forward to the future and how we have adapted to the change of festivals in our world today. Let’s go 2023!

Justic Justic Justic

Justice Rogers, Board Chairman

From Board President Pete Roe: Finally 50! Our fall festival was an epic celebration of the journey LEAF has taken over the last quarter century. It was an incredible privilege to witness so many LEAFers across all generations engaging with our mission at Lake Eden. It was also a fitting tribute to the community of staff and volunteers who are the literal life force of LEAF. Lastly, I tip my hat to our family of LEAF members and donors. You have helped build an organization that does great work now, which will be continued in the future. I will be forever grateful for being a part of this grand experience called LEAF!

Pete Pete Pete

Board Leaders Justice & Pete As a team, they generously lead, guiding LEAF through 2020-2022!

a year ' s overview
DakhaBrakha of Ukraine



18 Resident Teaching Artists

29 Visiting Teaching Artists

18 Kennedy Center BCS Teacher

120 Unique Cultural Arts Progra

108 Youth attending LEAF Summer Camps

2,545 Youth Participants

83,972+ youth participants since 2004!

Easel Rider+ ULEAF

63 After School Events

8 Community Events

9 ULEAF Community Events

1,540 Youth + Families Participants

8 Easel Rider Teaching Artists


10 countries | 14 programs

22 Culture Keepers & Teaching Artists

5 Schools | 7 Community Centers | 1 Orphanage

4 ONEmic Studios

8 Cultural Exchanges

550+ youth participating weekly

5,630+ youth participants since 2006!

Audience (in person): 8,400

Retreat: 1,500, Down By the River: 1,000

Festival: 5,900

Countries Represented: 45

Retreat: 11, Downtown: 7, Festival: 29

Performing Artists: 205 Bands/Acts

Retreat: 70, Downtown: 15, Festival: 120

9,691 Visitors

87 Youth Attending 6 Field Trips

108 Summer Camp Kids. 289 Kids in Classes

"LEAF is doing important work in the world, breaking down walls and building bridges and inspiring people." -David LaMott
C H O O L S & S T R E E
68 T E A C H I N G A R T I S T S + C U L T U R E K E E P E R S S U P P O R T E D 2 0 2 2 182 C U L T U R A L A R T S P R O G R A M S 2 0 2 2 S I G N A T U R E E V E N T S
E T R E A T . S U M M E R . F E S T I V A L
116 C O U N T R I E S R E P R E S E N T E D S I N C E 1 9 9 5
I M P A C T 2 0 2 2
LEAF International Rwanda at Buncombe Community High
L E A F E R S | P A T R O N S | A T T E N D E E S S I N C E 1 9 9 5 L E A F G L O B A L E X P E R I E N C E




Reflection by LEAF Board Leaders

Impact Overview


Finances: Overview * Funding Partners

Membership & Donors

LEAF Global Arts Experience

LEAF International

LEAF Schools & Streets

Equity Guiding Principles

Signature Events

LEAF Leadership

Black History Month Celebrated with Local Legend

Women's History Month featured local Poet Monica McDaniel

"A Woman in Full Color" Art Exhibit by Marsha Almodovar

NEA Grant seeds LEAF Retreat and 50th Festival for Legends of Africa

LEAF Global 2nd Anniversary Party on Valentines

LEAF International NOLA Burial Beer Sets A Record!

May Retreat Waters of Life Theme

Retreat 1st Learning Journey with Master Classes with Preservation Hall, Leah Song, James Navé & Allegra Huston, Masankho Banda & more

1st LEAF Linguine (vegan & hemp) created by Franny's Pasta Prana

2nd LEAF Summer Camp at Global with hip-hop, songs of peace, brass+

Crucial Conversations Training with SBTDC Coach Chris Slaughter

Global Gem Fundraiser at Enter the Earth's Home with Chinobay & Family leading the kids in an African Fashion Show

1st Youth Talent Competition with $500 Prize + Sole82 LEAF Sneakers

LEAF Down By The River as the 1st Festival at Grey Eagle's Outpost

Art Dash 5k Keeps Running with Kick It Events Management

Artists in Residence at Global: Adama Dembele of Ivory Coast introduces Yala! Drum Experiences Every Saturday

Ethno USA returned for a 2nd encore at the 50th LEAF Festival with Young Artists Under 30 from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Guyana, India, Italy, Netherlands, Jordan, Poland, Uruguay, US, Portugal, Sweden & Hopi Nation

Hola Carolina sets up home at LEAF Global

LEAF Global Field Trips come to Life!

LEAF International Cultural Exchanges Return since 2020!

0 2 2 1st Place

+ Hall of Fame!



•Local Music Festival in Arts & Entertainment

•Nonprofit That Serves the Arts

•Cultural or Arts

Event Regional


H T S 2 0 2 2
Matthew Bacoate's Exhibit at Global of his trailblazing work in Asheville
B E S T O F 2


"LEAF is the place you go when home calls." -Navé,

"After all these years, I am synonymous with Brookside & Contra Dance. LEAF is my home away from home. Enter the grounds and venture into the worlds of music, dancing, fun, foods, and beautiful people "

"LEAF is CONNECTION. In 1995, we imagined an experience for people of all ages to gather together at beautiful Lake Eden to explore multi-cultural music, dance, food, art, poetry, healing arts, and learning opportunities that would enhance our relationships to ourselves, our community, and our world. I feel honored to be a part of creating such an event that has brought so much joy, learning, understanding, inclusion, and togetherness to people from all over the world. LEAF allows us to reassess our priorities as we bring our transformational experiences with us to create a better world. WITH 50+ FESTIVALS OF LEAF LOVE."

"LEAF is a GIFT of AMAZING PEOPLE & Culture from our local community to across the globe! LEAF reminds me to dance, play, be curious, be kind, keep learning & unlearning! I am GRATEFUL!" -Jennifer

"LEAF has enriched my life. I have formed lasting friendships with people from around the world. I feel like I am a better person because of ALL my LEAF experiences and I will be forever grateful." -Dianne

H O W I S L E A F P A R T O F Y O U R S T O R Y ? F R O M T H E A M A Z I N G L E A F E R S W H O W E R E A T T H E 1 S T L E A F I N 1 9 9 5 & A T A L L 5 0 F E S T I V A L S ! L E A F I S . . .
2022 Highlight
Amazing 50 LEAF Ladies: Sherry, Dianne, Becky, Pat

"LEAF is my family reunion!"

"We moved to AVL in '95, just in time to attend this new festival called LEAF. Since then, babies were born and raised, new friends made and old friends lost. Through the years, LEAF has been a touchstone in our lives. LEAF is a thriving community of beautiful souls who share a love of cultural learning and experience. Long Live LEAF!"

"I ponder my 27 years here, and think about enrichment, healing, artistic growth. I remember the people, music, children, love, and friendship. I marvel at how the most peaceful, coolest little town exists for a weekend and people leave fulfilled. Lake Eden is a magical place. The Roots are strong."

"LEAF is, and has been, the touchstone for my family and community since its conception. We all authorize ourselves to disconnect from our daily lives and tune into the healing vibes that LEAF stewards. I know the hearts of my community's children because of LEAF. Thank you for your years of careful soulful stewardship."


LEAFer with his Son Jadon Since LEAF Day 1

"LEAF through the years was the place where my children experienced an unprecedented level of safe freedom to be completely their unique selves and independent, and developed a level of global awareness and appreciation that has informed their life paths ever since childhood. I know without a doubt that we are all better global citizens, thanks to LEAF!" -Denise Mills, Staff on Many Teams & with Daughter Michelle Since LEAF Day 1

"LEAF is a place to connect with friends, to learn about other cultures, to meet people from other countries, and to be part of a larger community while listening to great music and enjoying yummy food."

-Sherry Griffith, Waterfront & LEAF International Ambassador

LEAF Compass Advisor Charlie & Board Emeritus Elbert in front of 50th LEAF Memory Lane created by Board Emeritus Kelly & Kerri (pictured here with Jennifer, ED & Sarah, Board President Emeritus)

LEAF Global Arts is dedicated to excellence in our mission, maximizing giving impact, equity, financial oversight, process, governance, and transparency. Financial Statement Overviews are available by request to


In 2022 the LEAF Global Arts organization made great strides in strengthening its foundations for the future. Bringing the core Retreat & Festival events up to capacity provided for organizational overhead. Amazing support in the form of memberships, sponsorships, grants, donations, and federal recovery funding allowed LEAF to continue providing quality programming in our community and beyond. Strategic use of funds meant the organization was able to pay down its debt while bolstering much-needed reserves to ensure LEAF can weather future changes in the financial climate. We were GRATEFUL to finally be able to host and celebrate our 50th Festival, which helped us to make a big leap in redeeming 2020 credits and reengaging our core community.

F I N A N C I A L O V E R V I E W 2 0 2 2

We continue to hold Extraordinary Gratitude for Explore Asheville BCTDA, Bank of America Foundation leaders, and our founding partners who take immense time and care to build relationships that BUILD COMMUNITY. Their gifts brought LEAF Global Arts Center to life with a vision to be transformational for our community. Three years of constant flexing, reimagining, and holding a vision has been possible due to the foundation that was supported by our partners. We are dedicated to continue forging the path forward.

LEAF extends deep gratitude for the generous support of businesses investing in our communities by supporting LEAF’s mission and work. Funding sponsor partners are essential. Since 2020, we have worked hard to shift from event-based relationships to annual partners. This change in perspective is disrupting traditionally held paths, and we are so grateful for those who pivoted with us! LEAF is at work on our mission year around.

In 2022, grants continued to be a lifeline to our mission work. We are grateful to these organizations for their vital support in grants received in 2022: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), City of Asheville, Buncombe County, Explore Asheville, NC Arts Council, Arts AVL, South Arts, Chorus America, Jason Mraz Foundation, Beattie Foundation, & more. We continue our journey of recovering from the pandemic and rebuilding our resources but feel grounded thanks to many opportunities, and we are grateful YOU are with us to look toward the future. Each of these precious giving pathways is vital. Thank YOU!

LEAF Love & Gratitude!

The purpose of the Fund is to support LEAF Schools & Streets and LEAF International cultural arts programs with the priorities: positive youth development, partnering to build stronger local communities, helping preserve global traditions, and connecting cultures Fund is managed by CFWNC

See all sponsor partners: theLEAF org/partners

Membership has been the key to keeping LEAF's essential mission-driven programs thriving, and it's the way we enrich our connection. Membership enabled us to say to our Culture Keepers and Teaching Artists “YOU are supported. Your culture, youths, and you are important. LEAF is here for YOU!"


Allen Stahl + Kilbourne

Irma & Arthur Miller Family Foundation

Dr. Bronner’s ALL-ONE Magic Foam Experience

Triple D Creations, LLC

Fox Cove Photography

Faith Bishop-Rogers

Homespun Realty & Bogardus Realty LLC

Harmony AVL + Media

Asheville Adventure Company

Charles Gwinn

Sarah Hairell - Carolina One Real Estate

HunterKemper Consulting


JSJ Contracting

Health Designs, LLC

The Grey Eagle Music Hall and Pub

The Kiely Group

Rachel Koch

Ethereal Leaf

Antifragile Physical Therapy

Drs. Linda & George Millsaps

Perkins and Sons, LLC

Asheville Pizza South

Advantage Civil Engineering

Falcon Construction and Development

Illustrated Map of Asheville

Westmoreland & Scully: Corner Kitchen & Chestnut



Red House Architecture

Tosco Music

Luster Clean

Industrial Tape & Supply

Advantage Direct Ritter, Zaretsky, Lieber & Jaime, LLP

Mah Jong

Enter the Earth

Burial Beer Co

Laurel & Senter Equipment Co

2022 L E A F L O V E T O 7 4 2 T O T A L
E M B E R S 3 3 W E R E B U S I N E S S M E M B E R S ! Big Extra LEAF Love!

Membership is LEAF's path of connection and fueling Cultural Arts Education. For just $50+ a year, YOU can be a LEAF Member creating collective impact through Culture, Arts & Education! 100% of Membership supports LEAF Schools & Streets and LEAF International Programs. Membership is the KEY to LEAF keeping our essential mission-driven programs thriving, and the way we enrich our connections with you. There are some sweet benefits to enjoy, as well. Membership is the #1 factor that says to our Culture Keepers and Teaching Artists “YOU are supported. Your culture, youths, and you are important. LEAF is here for YOU! ” THANK YOU LEAF MEMBERS! It is a joy and gift to have you as part of LEAF.

L E A F M E M B E R S C R E A T E C H A N G E , I M P A C T & T H E Y C O N N E C T

LEAF Global is a creative immersive experience that weaves together elements of an interactive museum and an arts center. LEAF Global invites you to explore the world and our community through music & art experiences & cultural connections, fostering global citizenship and opening pathways of understanding for everyone from kids to elders. This engaging experience is designed for “Cultivating Cultural Curiosity” while honoring rich history. Locals and visitors enjoy educational experiences, field trips, classes, and workshops rooted in music, art, community, and culture.

In the heart of Downtown at the historic Club Del Cardo on The Block, we reflect back to the ribbon cutting by Board Chair "Mama" Deborah Bryant. "This was my parents' place to come to dance and gather. Now we are back." -Mama Deborah. The pandemic shifted plans, yet that extraordinary moment and LEAF leap inspire us forward as we continue to build this experience.

L E A F G L O B A L A R T S 2 0 2 2 E X P E R I E N C E

Joining the Historic Block Community has been the biggest gift here at LEAF Global Arts. It has given us the opportunity to educate ourselves, members, and visitors about the rich history of the Historic Block.

LEAF is committed to planting seeds of culture, art, learning, and connection

Highlights 2022 included HACA and AVL High School SILSA Field Trips. Open Doors of AVL, Hola Carolina, Jawbreaking, and East End Valley Neighborhood Assoc. rented space in Global Offices. Global had its first LEAF Schools & Street Artists in Residence: Adama Dembele, Garfield Bogan and Otto Vazquez at Global.


Black History Month Celebrated Local Legend Matthew Bacoate's Manufacturing Trailblazing Work Exhibit

The premier "A Woman in Full Color" Art Exhibit by Marsha Almodovar

Tourists Tours w/ AVL Detours & AVL Walking Tours

Artists & Company in Residence: Adama Dembele & Tailor

Shop, Otto Vazquez & NU Paradigm

Hola Carolina's Día de los Muertos Exhibit, Ceremony, Salsa Show & Community Appreciation

Members & VIP Events

Women's SLAM Poetry Night with Monica McDaniel

LEAF Global 2nd Anniversary Celebration

Odyssey School Prom & Coffee House Night

A Wedding! and a Wedding Rehearsal Night

Live music on Parklet

Juneteenth Highlights

Summer Camp Showcases

LEAF Laugh Comedy Night

Sip & Paint Evenings

Concerts featuring: Funkin’ Around With Garfield, Kevin Spears & Biko, Melissa McKinney & more

Hip Hop+Latin Dance w/ Otto Vazquez & NU Paradigm

Halloween Crafts

Holidays w/ Global Kwanza

Filming with Agent 23 Skidoo

Field Trips & more

A T G L O B A L W E C O N N E C T E D & E X P L O R E D T H E W O R L D

T H E V I S I O N - T H E N E E D

LEAF International envisions a world where communities actively engage their youths in learning their cultural traditions while empowering them with the life skills necessary to be active agents of change in their communities. We believe in the power of music, art, and culture to empower individuals and transform lives. LEAF recognizes that these benefits are both tangible and intangible and that at times, quantifying and qualifying the impact of arts education can be elusive.

LEAF International utilizes the UN Culture for Development Indicators as a guiding framework for the development, evaluation, and monitoring of programs. Believing that cultural expressions provide a wealth of intangible benefits that are crucial for a healthy and vibrant world, LEAF aligns with the UN System Task Team for the UN Development Agenda, which asserts that "cultural expression provides communities with greater social inclusiveness and rootedness, resilience, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship for individuals and communities, and the use of local resources, skills, and knowledge.”

LEAF International is dedicated to cultural preservation, the fostering of global citizenship, and cultural exchange. LEAF International empowers communities by supporting cultural keepers and connecting youths to their traditional art forms.

·Costa Rica: Luis Salazar, Alexis Rodriguez, Luis Porras

·Guatemala: Sara Morales, Stephanie Munoz, Sara Ramirez, Edwin Cujcuy

· Rwanda: Paulin Nsengiyumva, Patrick Ngari · Haiti: Bwa Gris

· Ivory Coast: Krimbo Delagrange

· Mexico: Marco Belan

· New Orleans: Chief Shaka Zulu

· Panama: Jose Hayans

· Saint Vincent & The Grenadines:

Kesslon Wilson, Akeem Hannaway

· Tanzania: Fredy N'ganga, Edward Ndoleli

St. Vincent & The Grenadines Ivory Coast

In the Cabecar First Nation of Costa Rica, youths learn how valuable plant medicine is. "The goal is to heal a gap between generations and create safe spaces for the transmission of knowledge, experimentation, and expression."

Casa De La Musica is a traditional and contemporary music workshop: A place where kids learn traditional chants and dances and how to build their instruments. They also have access to contemporary instruments and recording equipment.

A N N U A L P R O G R A M H I G H L I G H T S :

LEAF Panama crew celebrates Guna Yala culture with 3 island performances dedicated to their independence.

LEAF Guatemala has been invited to participate in the Resolution Song, which has been sung by thousands of people in more than 100 countries and is a demonstration of global unity and the will to act now to protect our planet This invitation was extended by the Resolution Project – a global music and climate-action project. The group also launched its first ONEmic Studio in El Tejar.

LEAF NOLA: Burial Beer Co. did it again! The 6th annual beer dedicated to New Orleans culture — Downtown Rulers Indian Pale Ale — is in stores NOW! Go get one! The proceeds from this beer help to sustain one of the world’s greatest cultures. Shout-out to Jess for stewarding such an important partnership.

Shaka received an NEA Fellow grant & highlighted at NEA!

LEAF Rwanda teaching artists Patrick and Paulin stepped up

as program leaders and fill big shoes as new culture keepers. instruments! Youths are learning to play the Zeze and Kalimba as part of their instrument immersion.

In Arusha, LEAF International Tanzania received new

The ONEmic program created its first recorded cypher and

continues to build strong international collaborations

" O U R G R E A T E S T D I S P L A Y O F P R E S E R V A T I O N I S S E E N A N D F E L T T H R O U G H D R U M A N D D A N C E . " - L E A F I N T E R N A T I O N A L I V O R Y C O A S T
Guna Yala Panama

drumming in multiple cultural groups, and now he is a member of INGANZO NGARI, the current leading cultural troupe in Rwanda. He has performed throughout many East African countries including Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and D.R C. His goal is to teach Rwandan culture to people all over the world.

Paulin NSENGIYUMVA currently leads LEAF Rwanda Jr Troupe and ONEMic Recording Studio in Rwanda. He composes and creates traditional and modern songs. Paulin grew up in an orphanage that had a cultural group called NOEL Orphanage at Nyundo; this is where he started to understand the drum. He recently graduated from Institute Catholique de Kabgayi with a degree in Public Relations. Paulin has been organizing LEAF Rwanda Jr Troupe’s community performances and ONEmic studio sessions since 2021. His main goal is to rebuild the program and show why it is important.

L E A F I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L A B O R A T E S W I T H I N C R E D I B L E P A R T N E R S I N C L U D I N G : P A T R I C K & P A U L I N
Patrick Paulin Rwanda

The security situation in Haiti is highly unpredictable, and following the assassination of President Moise on July 7, 2021, it could worsen further. Culture Keeper and Boukman Eksperyans drummer and member Bwa Gris remains committed to teaching youths traditional drum, dance, and ceremonial practices. This is essential for culture, community, and spirit.

"We still celebrate our annual traditions like Carnival and Rara. It's so important for us to continue to celebrate the beauty of what we have to offer to the world. Even though times are harder than ever, we know there are people standing with Haiti all across the globe. We do not take that for granted. We need support from everywhere. Our culture is how we reach the world and tell the stories of this country." -Bwa

" W E A R E W O R K I N G H A R D T O K E E P O U R P R A C T I C E S & P R E S E R V E O U R B E A U T I F U L C U L T U R E D E S P I T E T H E D A N G E R S T H A T A R E H A P P E N I N G A L L A R O U N D U S . " - B W A G R I S , L E A F H A I T I C U L T U R E K E E P E R L E A F H A I T I N A V I G A T I N G C U L T U R E T H R O U G H T H E C O U N T R Y ' S C H A L L E N G E S
" C U L T U R E M E A N S T H E W A Y O F M Y L I F E . T O M E , I T S M E A N I N G C A N B E S E E N T H R O U G H O U R A R T , D R E S S , R I T U A L S , N O R M S , B E L I E F S , A N D V A L U E S . " - P A U L I N , R W A N D A J R T R O U P E W E B E L I E V E C U L T U R A L P R E S E R V A T I O N I S E S S E N T I A L

LEAF Schools & Streets creates CULTURAL ARTS EDUCATION programs that use the arts to bridge cultures and create life-affirming, community-building experiences - empowering LOCAL youths to become GLOBAL CITIZENS, young artistic LEADERS & agents of POSITIVE CHANGE.

Lesson plans, curriculum, and evaluation align with the Search Institute's Developmental Assets Profile to strengthen youths' healthy development and success in schools, youth programs, and communities. LEAF programs focus on these assets:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Community Values Youth

Adult Role Models

Cultural Competence

Creative Activities

Personal Power


G R A T I T U D E T O O U R C O M M U N I T Y !
Adama Dembele in Community & Schools

We believe it's always National Arts in Educatio LEAF Global Arts would like Resident Teaching Artists w year-round, bringing the ar our surrounding communiti LEAF Schools & Streets program. Since inception in 2004, LEAF Schools & Streets has operated to provide exceptional and authentic cultural arts education in Western North Carolina through the dedication of local and international teaching artists. Over the years, the roster of teaching artists has grown and diversified in an effort to continuously support the changing needs of cultural arts programming in the most highneed communities. LEAF is proud to continue supporting these artists and our community's quest for satisfying cultural curiosity by making programs available year-round for residency, workshop, and performance opportunities to anybody and everybody. These artists have been carefully selected for their high level of expertise, passion for teaching, and authentic connection to the cultural art form they represent. They ignite creativity and inspire self-expression in people of all ages. LEAF would like to thank our teaching artists both past and present for their dedication to global arts education.

Melissa McKinney - Advocacy through Music

Kinney McKinney - Songwriting & Strings

Agustin Frederic-Ramos - World Percussion

Derian Blaine - Vocals, Strings & Songwriting

Garfield Bogan - NOLA Save Our Brass Culture

Irvegg Romero-Gallegos - Mexican Hip Hop

Ary'an Graham - Drums, Guitar, & Ukulele

Lisa Smith - Stop Motion Animation, Live Action Movie Making, Global Creative Writing

Joe Carroll - Theatre, Improv, Comedy

Monika Guerra - Latin & World Dance

Elsea Brown - Hip-Hop & Jazz Dance

Tarah Singh - Visual Art

Kelsey Long - Visual Art

Benzi Allen- Visual Art

“LEAF Schools & Streets is an organization that is part of the lifeblood of the Asheville community. The work we do with these programs, these centers, is as essential in our city. As teaching artists, we just don’t teach the arts, music or percussion etc. We become role models in a world lacking heavily of role models. We are big brothers and sisters, to little souls in need of someone to look up to. In my work, I have seen the seeds of my teachings stay with my students until adulthood. I always said art, music and dance can heal a community. But more importantly, it’s the heart of the teacher and mentor that truly saves lives and I am fortunate enough to work with a group of good hearts and we all work together to heal and inspire this community. So, to me, LEAF can be summed up in a word: vital!”

**Resident Teaching Artists teach our local youth year-round, weekly, in our schools & community!

O T T O V A Z Q U E Z , R E S I D E N T T E A C H I N G A R T I S T H O P H O P
L E A F S C H O O L S & S T R E E T S R E S I D E N T T E A C H I N G A R T I S T S

ey e ey e e y g e c e y c e street at PennyCup Coffee, worried her child may have a meltdown, causing stress for the teacher, and would either not want to return or be asked not to, as is a common experience for them Not only did Ari have an amazing time rocking out on the bass guitar, but really connected with McKinney. Ari was eager to tell their mom they wanted to come back the next week and has been coming back ever since! With tears running down her face, Ari’s mom told Education Director Erinn Hartley “Ari loves it and can’t wait to come back! How do I sign up for that? Please express to McKinney how amazing it is that Ari had a good experience.” In October 2022, Ari's parents watched their child grace the stage in Brookside Dance Hall alongside McKinney and other LEAF Artists in front of audience of over 200 people, playing bass guitar to their funky and fun original song about dogs. We are grateful that LEAF fosters an environment of inclusivity that celebrates all children, and provides a safe space for kids to be themselves and thrive through global arts education.

"I am honored to be with an organization that steps up and stands out to be present for the youth in our community. I go to work each day knowing that I am surrounded by a core staff who above all else unite passionately to put the kids at the forefront of all we do. It is the very heart of LEAF Global Arts" - LEAF Education Director Erinn Hartley.

Students in schools and community centers across Buncombe County worked and performed with with legends such as Rocky Duwani, Chief Shaka Zulu, Atiba Rorie of Africa Unplugged, American Patchwork Quartet, Chinobay of Uganda, Darrell Rose, Masankho Banda, LEAF International Rwanda, Giving Tree Music, and Ethno USA

Participating schools and centers included WW Estes Elementary School, Community High School, Pisgah Elementary School, Fern Leaf Charter School, Charles D. Owen Middle School, ArtSpace Charter School, Erwin Middle School, Fox Flower Montessori School, and LEAF Global Arts

2 0 2 2 V I S I T I N G T E A C H I N G A R T I S T S : L E G E N D S O F A F R I C A

P A R T N E R S I N E D U C A T I O N ( P I E )

The Kennedy Center’s Partners in Education program facilitates educational partnerships between arts organizations and local school systems around the nation. Representatives from these organizations work together to establish or expand professional learning in the arts for teachers. Since 2018, LEAF has been part of the Kennedy Center’s Partners in Education program with Buncombe County Schools. We began with a cohort of 17 teachers, and in the 2021-2022 school year we had a growing cohort of 23. The reach into the classrooms is exponential!

We are grateful to have the opportunity to bring global arts into the schools through this arts integration initiative. In 2022, the PIE teachers took a deeper dive into learning the North Carolina arts standards. An 8th grade English Language Arts teacher shared by saying "the PIE workshops that provided resources and examples on how to access and integrate the core content standards with the art standards have provided the most positive impact on student learning in my classroom. By continuing to learn how to create lessons that are engaging for students, the PIE initiative reaches all my students on some level." We know that the arts can reach students in ways that nothing else can!






L O O K L I K E ?

By studying with LEAF Global Resident Teaching Artists and other arts educators in Buncombe County, BCS teachers gain more confidence and practice in various art forms, therefore giving them more successful experiences in arts integration.

2022 Professional Development opportunities included:

Writing a collaborative global citizen song and creating a music video with Melissa McKinney

Learning Hip Hop dance moves with Otto Vazquez

Having conversations about arts appropriation in arts education A theatre lesson with Ashleigh Goff

Visiting LEAF Global Arts at 19 Eagle Street and engaging with interactive global arts experiences

Hearing directly from LEAF students learning music performance with a global arts perspective

Attending Cultural Exchange performances and discussions at Burton St. Community Center with LEAF Visiting and Resident Teaching Artists

Attending LEAF retreat and festival to see LEAF Schools & Streets performances

Leaders: Laura Mitchell BCS Arts Education Specialist + Erinn Hartley, LEAF Global Arts Education Director

T H E K E N N E D Y C E N T E R P A R T N E R S I N A R T S E D U C A T I O N L E A F G L O B A L A R T S + B U N C O M B E C O U N T Y S C H O O L S ( B C S ) P A R T N E R I N G F O R O U R Y O

Seeing LEAF Global come alive with summer camp kids and artists is one of our favorite things at LEAF Global Kids spend full days immersed in global arts, filled with happiness, learning new skills & making cultural connections We doubled our offerings from 3 weeks in 2021 to 6 in 2022.

Summer: 100 kids, 114 classes, 14 Teaching Artists over the 6 Weeks Classes included visual art, hip-hop dance, global music, instrument petting zoo, songwriting, music production, NOLA brass and culture, West African drumming, and more Teaching Artists: Adama Dembele, Tarah Singh, Benzi Allen, Otto Vazquez, Kelsey Long, Garfield Bogan, Irvegg Romero-Gallegos, Kinney, Melissa McKinney, Monika Guerra, Katarina McConnell, Derian Blaine, Casey Tabor, & Paul Gladstone Camp Counselors: Kelsey Long, Jevon Bogan, Derian Blaine, Casey Tabor, Benzi Allen, Ary'an Graham, and Ande-Rose Barnhart Summer Developmental Assets: (avg 89%)

92% of students reported that they learned about other cultures, experienced an increased in personal power, and felt more valued by their community 84% of students reported they gained new self-esteem & a new adult role model

"My kids have made so many memories this week and I am forever grateful My son believes in himself more after helping his peers on trombone and my daughter picked up an instrument for the very first time. They are so sad that this week has come to an end, but are excited to return in the near future."

S U M M E R C A M P A L I V E A T G L O B A L W I T H A S U P E R T E A M O F T E A C H I N G A R T I S T S & A W E S O M E K I D S !


WHY THE NEED: Easel Rider and ULEAF recognize the power of cultural arts as a vessel for community building by strengthening intergenerational and cross-cultural relationships, empowering individuals, and strengthening leadership from the local community outward. In 2022, the world eased into a steady pace and our mobile art van did as well. We constantly programmed every Wednesday with our long-time partner the Christine Avery Center. Focuses included pillow making and yarn and textile projects. We rolled into downtown Brevard for a series of weekend events. We also had a blast doing holiday programs and camps with our local community partners. It was great to train a few key Easel Rider community artists for our team. We're looking forward to all our possibilities in 2023, and are so grateful for our amazing sponsor!


inclusivity, and comm collaborative events in neighborhoods, community centers, public parks, and even private functions. ULEAF kept unfolding in 2022 for communities all across Buncombe County and Black Mountain. We made lots of repairs and gave lots of love to the stage, unfolding for musicians and artists to showcase their talents for years to come. We love to provide a place for people to perform that is affordable for all.

E A S E L R I D E A B + U L E A F M O B I L E S T A G E A V A I L A B L E F O R C O M M U N I T Y R E N T A L S & E V E N T S E A S E L R I D E R @ T H E L E A F . O R G

LEAF Values Equity. Moving beyond being inviting and inclusive, we are creating an equitable organization where anyone can bring their culture and values and engage in truly mutual relationships. We create space and opportunities for various communities to express their VOICES in their ways. At LEAF we seek to include people from a vast array of neighborhoods, including those not “seen,” and ensure that these communities are able to use their gifts and values in meaningful ways. Striving toward being equitable is a journey; one that we will continue to be aware of, openly learn about and seek to understand. On this path, we seek the outcome where an organization is truly equitable and there can be transformation, with openness, of the organization, the work, and the communities. Different groups share power and shape the culture, leadership, and results.

LEAF Equity Guiding Principles

Policies, procedures, and funding are aligned with LEAF’s core values & mission.

To see our full statement and principles visit This document was created by Board and Staff in 2019. The process was led by Dr. Eric "Big E" Howard and Marsha Almodovar. LEAF has been on an intentional Equity Learning Journey since 2015. It is a life-long dedicated journey.

LEAF leadership is dedicated to continual learning to expand our worldview and share perspectives that are vital to our growth. The topics correlate with national equitable dialogue and LEAF’s internal mission-driven values. In 2022, Legends of Africa Learning Journeys with Adama Dembele, Chinobay of Uganda, Racial Justice Coalition Staff Session, Artist's Insights, Visioning with SBTDC Coach Chris Slaughter; and Racial Equity Learning with Alexandria Ravenel and David Greenson with Collaborative Organizing, and Dr. Eric Howard, were a few of our learning journeys that expanded our views, tools, and challenged us each on our paths.

L E A R N I N G + E Q U I T Y J O U R N E Y S
Eliminating inequities begins with us.
Treating everyone with dignity, respect, and non-judgment.
***All LEAF ambassadors (staff, board, teaching artists, team leaders, partners, etc.) are representative of the communities we serve across the organization.
LEAF examines systems within the organization to ensure equitable learning and participation.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

"offering a getaway for people seeking its healing waters and refreshing air”? Along this notion, we introduced our first Retreat theme: “The Waters of Life!” At LEAF, we feel that cultural curiosity, connection & learning are like water to a community. It is the essence of change and a catalyst to joy. During the Retreat and at the Learning Journey, every LEAFer had the unique in-depth opportunity to learn from masters artists we treasure: The Preservation Hall All Stars; Chinobay of Uganda, Cactus / 23 Skidoo, Leah Song, Orquesta Akokán of Cuba, and Masankho Banda of Malawi. The Retreat started building the pathway to Legends of Africa.

LEAF Creates Space & Place for MAGIC (re)CONNECTIONS

Suchet, Director of Ethno, came from Belgium to LEAF Retreat and reconnected with longtime LEAF artist Chinobay. In the 1990s, they met at Ethno in Belgium as young global artists with big dreams. During the emotional reunion in Eden Hall, while a storm was brewing and the drums were playing, Suchet and Chinobay sang songs to each other in their own languages, which they had taught each other 20 years ago. They still remembered and they still felt the friendship.

L E A F R E T R E A T T A K E S U S B A C K T O R O O T S L E A F S I G N A T U R E E V E N T S 2 0 2 2 L E A F R E T R E A T | M A Y 1 2 - 1 5

"Preservation Hall was like the good sauce that the whole Retreat was stirring in the whole time. It was amazing.” - Cactus / Agent 23 Skidoo

From the Pre-Retreat Learning Journey Master Class to concerts to Members Coffee house epic jam, Preservation Hall Artists let the best jazz & culture fly! The 1st LEAF Member was Charlie Gwinn years ago; Charlie was also the 1st person to sign up for the Pre-Retreat Learning Journey, saying, “This is exactly what I need in my life right now." He brought his brand new drum and played for his 1st time on a LEAF stage with Preservation Hall this May (in photo), and sang with Leah Song. WWC Professor Bob Swoap also joined the Pre-Retreat Learning Journey, and is seen performing for the 1st time at LEAF. For his Preservation Hall workshop, he went to Owen High School and borrowed a TUBA to play for the 1st time in 40 years. "Little Liza Jane" was his first performance song.

L E A F R E T R E A T H O R N S S O U N D E D A F T E R 4 0 Y E A R S

Adapting to new challenges and opportunities, in 2022 we embraced changes on the horizon in the spirit of bringing our community together. The Outpost, an inspiring NEW outdoor venue, with The Grey Eagle at AVL Adventure Center, welcomed LEAF. LEAF life came alive with entertainment on Saturday, August 20th, with an entire day dedicated to our youths, family, and community in an event dubbed LEAF Down By The River! In creating this day, we focused on the youths, by showcasing their talents and giving them a platform to express themselves. There were discussion panels, dance classes, roaming artists, bounce houses, youth competition finalists and activities such as renting kayaks, paddleboards and canoes. The Art Dash 5K kept running at the River Arts District Greenway

A LEAF Summer Series at Global kicked off July 2nd, preceding this all day fun bonanza. The series Included the preliminary rounds for our 1st ever “LEAF Youth Talent Competition” for a $500 grand prize + Tim of Sole82 Custom designed LEAF Sneakers for the winner, Lulu! It was a summer dedicated to family, community, and uplifting Asheville’s young people.

Why? LEAF Downtown was created with the priority audience: our local families and friends of all ages & all neighborhoods coming together in a way that builds positive connections. This special event works to further the city’s goals of equity, partnerships, and economic vitality in the greater Asheville area. LEAF’s vision to create a thriving global community starts right here in our own backyard. These free, public events are a labor of love and service.

LEAF Love to a GREAT Community Partner! Coming out of the pandemic, there are unique challenges in creating a festival in Downtown AVL; therefore, we are so grateful to EXPLORE ASHEVILLE for rolling with us to the River in 2022.

Safely In Person + Virtual o
S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 L E A F C E L E B R A T E D B Y T H E R I V E R
L E A F S I G N A T U R E E V E N T S 2 0 2 2 L E A F D O W N B Y T H E R I V E R | A U G U S T

The poster art for our 3rd LEAF Retreat, Waters of Life, was created by internationally acclaimed artist and muralist, Trek 6. We extend our utmost gratitude for his artistic vision and creativity towards this piece

The centerpiece heart is a Pacific fern, native to New Zealand and Hawaii, called the koru. The koru, often used in Māori art as a symbol of creation and harmony, is based on the shape of an unfurling frond. Its circular shape conveys the idea of perpetual movement, and its inward coil suggests a return to the point of origin. The heart is anchored in water, which returns to itself as droplets creating ripples symbolizing the cycle of life.

Take a close look at the art for it tells the story of LEAF's shift from downtown to the river for Summer 2022. The 1st ever “LEAF Youth Talent Competition” with a $500 grand prize + Sole82 Custom LEAF Sneakers was reflected as a dominant feature in the poster art, with music and elements of The Outpost activities creating the sense of community and celebration in Trek's world-famous style.

The 1st Festival to happen new riverside venue The Outpost, LEAF came alive with entertainment on Saturday, August 20th, with an entire day dedicated to our youths, family, and community in an event dubbed LEAF Down By The River.

For LEAF's Golden 50th Celebration, we visioned with two of LEAF's longtime artist friends and leaders from Africa, Adama Dembele and Chinobay, for the feeling of this special event.

The artwork is a masterpiece created by legendary artist Trek 6, inspired by his work in South Africa while producing a documentary. Trek spoke about how the sunrises and sunsets in Africa were surreal, thus he began with a beautiful sun design. The wall of drums was inspired by a South African tradition, where people from different tribes are hosted with food, song, and art. In Trek’s own words, “Africa is cosmic, colorful, and the center to our past. From Africa we radiated.”

"As LEAF Artistic Curator, it was amazing being able to help curate a year of experiences, including my largest festival to date, the Solid Gold 50th LEAF Fall Festival, “Legends of Africa.” It was so uplifting to bring together a diverse range of life-enriching acts, from music and dance performances to visual art installations and workshops. The year’s programming celebrated the richness and diversity of cultures from across Africa and the world, showcasing both emerging and established artists. I was honored to help create truly unforgettable experiences that left a lasting impact on all who attended, including myself! LEAF Love & Gratitude!" - Otto

Trek 6 Miami-AVL
L E A F S I G N A T U R E E V E N T S 2 0 2 2 F E A T U R E D G L O B A L A R T I S T S R E C O G N I T I O N
Trek 6 Miami-AVL Trek 6 Miami-AVL
O T T O V A Z Q U E Z | A R T I S T I C C U R A T O R / M A S T E R T E A C H I N G A R T I S T

The time finally came to introduce the greatly anticipated LEAF Solid Gold 50th Festival, featuring the “Legends of Africa.” We pulled no punches, as we returned with a full-size festival and many of the LEAF traditions we all cherish. All of the wonderful roster of artists had been part of LEAF in the past, alongside the 2nd Ethno USA. Why the “Legends of Africa?” Africa is the core and essence of where so much of humanity and music originated. It has forever influenced music and cultures throughout the world through the diaspora of its people. Over the years, LEAF has connected deeply with many African artists and friends who have become family and advisors, especially Chinobay, Masankho & Adama. These bonds and our love of Africa, inspired the theme “Legends of Africa,” bring back the magic of not just the continent, but its people, our family. The 50th was a true gathering of friends and the rekindling of traditions that have made the past 27 years transformational.

LEAF Solid Gold 50th Festival was GOLDEN.

T H E G O L D E N 5 0 T H L E A F W I T H L E G E N D S O F A F R I C A !
L E A F S I G N A T U R E E V E N T S 2 0 2 2 L E A F F E S T I V A L 5 0 T H | O C T O B E R
African Legend & Grammy Best World Music Album Winner, Angélique Kidjo from Benin Kicks off the 50th Rwanda Ghana Tanzania Chad

"This year was one for the books. We danced, sang and appreciated all the things we have missed over the past few years. Community, Kindness, Culture, and Love is the Ethos of LEAF. LEAF 50th was Golden and guides us into the future. The energy was so amazing and a reminder as to how much we need positive music to inspire each other across all divisions. I really enjoyed working with the kids and performing together is a memory that will remain forever.

Love and light to you my LEAF Friends."

"I've been coming since I was 13 and now I am 37 and come with 3 generations. LEAF is Fun, Family, Music, ArtALL the GOOD things in life!" -Bela, SC

"LEAF is my happy place. LEAF restores my faith in humanitymy crew always say that and YES i do! Thank god for life giving rituals like LEAF, and a place where my family comes together. My kids came to LEAF in utero and now they are bringing their special friends." -Leila,

Safely In Person + Virtual L E A F I S O U R S T O R Y L E A F S I G N A T U R E E V E N T S 2 0 2 2 L E A F F E S T I V A L 5 0 T H | O C T O B E R
LEAF Magic Moment! Longtime LEAFers, Leah & Chloe of Rising Appalachia, announce to the world Chloe's motherhood with their Mother onstage! LEAF 50th Love! Nia Zulu Charlie Gwin
African All
Darrell Rose Adama Dembele &

President: Pete Roe

Chair: Justice Rogers

Whip: Neely Neu

Secretary: Jay Moye

Treasurer: Jim Diaz

Barbara Benisch

Chris Bubenik

Tiffany DeBellott

David Dowd

Kerri Hampton

Dr. “Big E” Howard

Amy Kawar

Jay Lively

Ford Willis

Noah Wilson

Ramona Young


Derek Allen • Carol Antman

Joanne Badr-Morgan

Jen Beasley • Ivi Bilich

Gary Broome

Tracy Massiello Brown

Deborah Bryant

Cleaster Cotton • Naima Dido

Christine DiBenedetto

Bill Feste • James Fisher

Vanessa Guerrero

Tommy George

River Guerguerian

Kelly Hanson • Elbert Hargrave

Elizabeth Hunter • Jill Jones

Holt Moore • Cliff Hotchkiss

Jim Magill • Sarah Nie

Doug Orr • Anthony Thomas

Reggie Tidwell • Robert Todd

Jody Whitehurst • Steve Wilmans

Mike Zinsmeister

d advise LEAF to stay on our true north path: Judith Ann Abrams, NY, NY, Broadway Producer

GRATITUDE for these b

• Alexandra & Don Clayton, Asheville, NC + St. Maarten Business Entrepreneur

• Bootsy & Peppermint

• Charles Gwinn, NC, International Consultant

Patti Collins, Ohio, Masters of FUNK!

• Darrell Rose, Charlottesville VA, West African Drum Master

Derek Andrews, Toronto, Canada, World Music Advocate

Georgia Beasley, Peru, International Development

Kiran Singh, Jonesboro, TN, Storytelling Festival

• Gene Bell, Asheville, NC, AVL Housing Authority

• James Navé, New Mexico, Poet • Chinobay, Uganda

• Masankho Banda, Malawi, International Peace Builder

Natalia Clavier, NY, NY, Thievery Corporation

• Tom Pryor, NY, NY, World Music Journalist

Greg Lucas, New Orleans, Preservation Hall & Music Visionary

Robbins, Jane Goodall Institute-No Barriers & LEAF

• Leah Song, Global Artist & Activist

• Jordan

• David LaMotte, Musician & "World Changing" Author

Matthew Bacoate, Asheville Legend •Brian Linus Ngatunga, LEAF Int'l Tanzania • Eric Heller, Tech Visionary

N A V I G A T O R & A V I A T O R S T A F F 2 0 2 2 J E N N I F E R P I C K E R I N G , S C H R E E G . C H A V D A R O V , L E I G H M A H E R , C H E L C I E S P E N C E R , E R I N N H A R T L E Y H E A T H E R D E I F E L L , K R I S T A L W O O D S , O T T O V A Z Q U E Z A L E X A K I N C A I D , J E V O N B O G A N , M A R S H A A L M O D O V A R , M A D I S O N L I N K , W E L C O M E T E A M K E L S E Y L O N G & I N T E R N S !
B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S 2 0 2 2
G R A T I T U D E T O T H E L E A D E R S O F L E A F T H E Y W A L K T H I S J O U R N E Y W I T H G E N E R O S I T Y & D E D I C A T I O N

Dancing is one of the pillars of LEAF! Beloved Dance Sound Engineer Mike Compton curated the bands for a stellar Contra bonanza for the 50th and his final dance. Mike stated, “We have all missed the dancing, and I want to make sure the dancers have a great experience!”

“Oh My,” the marvelous Mike Compton would say with wonder and a big smile about his 3 favorite passions: Dancing (especially Contra), Food (especially coconut cake) & LEAF (his heart home & family)!

The extraordinary LEAF Legend Mike passed to the next dance in January 2023. Mike's instructions are “Keep Dancing!" We are grateful he got his big dream of LEAF 50th Festival Dance Hall. Thank you ALL who helped create Mike’s final big dance - he kept remarking, “It was so WONDERFUL.” He was happy!

Mike never wanted the dancing or music to stop so ... KEEP DANCING & don’t forget the snacks.

#LEAFLove #whyidowhatido

L E A F L O V E & G R A T I T U D E F O R O U R M I K E C O M P T O N , 5 0 F E S T I V A L L E A F E R S I N C E 1 9 9 5 O N E O F A K I N D ! M I K E C O M P T O N

Connecting cultures & creating community through music, arts education, and experiences, to cultivate curiosity, preserve cultures, and promote global understanding.

EVEN IF THE WORLD STOPS,DANCE WILL LIVE ON! -LEAF Rwanda Jr Troupe 828.68-MUSIC 19 Eagle Street, Suite 120, Asheville NC 28801 S I N C E 1 9 9 5 B L A C K M O U N T A I N | A S H E V I L L E H A I T I | T A N Z A N I A | R W A N D A | G U A T E M A L A | C O S T A R I C A | N O L A | S T . V I N C E N T & T H E G R E N A D I N E S | P A N A M A | M E X I C O | I V O R Y C O A S T

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