«[...] Ma non è tanto questo, è il medium di massa in sé. Dal momento in cui qualcuno ci ascolta dal video, ha verso di noi un rapporto da inferiore a superiore che è un rapporto spaventosamente antidemocratico.» Pier Paolo Pasolini (interviewed by Enzo Biagi) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The installation’s general concept is the protest, taking as inspiration the South American Cacerolazo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The interactive work is composed by two sound elements:
[•] The protester represented by the wooden fork banging the saucepan; [•] The authority represented by the radio broadcast; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The work is composed of two different sounds:
[1] The continuous transmission of different FM radio stations; [2] The slamming of the wooden spoon against the metal pot.
These sounds have the general form A AB A, i.e.:
[A] the noise of the FM radio [AB] the noise of the FM radio + the wooden fork banging the saucepan [A] the noise of the FM radio
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hardware: [•] [•] [•] [•] [•]
9 Volt Battery with Battery Clip SRF02 Ultra sonic range finder TEA5767 FM Radio Breakout Board for Arduino Modified speaker LM386 Super MINI Amplifier Board 3V-12V
[•] [•] [•] [•] [•]
Wooden box Arduino Duemilanove Wooden fork Metal saucepan HS-53 Servo
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code: [https://github.com/leandroestrella/el_inconformista] Documentation: [https://vimeo.com/169427165]
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