WCD Contacts
Vendor Contacts
WCD Board Contacts
Government Contacts
Media Contacts
Message Development Best Practices
Media Training Best Practices
MESSAGE FROM THE CEO The safety of Wisconsin Center District (WCD) employees and customers is my number one priority. To be as fully prepared as we can, it is vital that we have and maintain a Crisis Communications Plan. Before, during, and after a crisis, it is our obligation as a governmentowned organization with three entertainment venues that we keep Milwaukeeans and our out-of-state visitors informed at all times about an incident that may impact safety or our operational capacity. During a time of crisis, I can’t stress enough the importance of working together. Cooperation and coordination are key to ensuring accurate, consistent and complete information is presented to our staff, stakeholders, customers, media and other important audiences. This Crisis Communications Plan is intended to be a guide for conducting communications, both internally and externally, in the event of a crisis. This plan works in tandem with WCD’s Emergency Operations Plan. The plan provides step-by-step recommendations for how to address a variety of different crisis scenarios through coordinated communications tactics, including suggested messages to address several possible scenarios. This plan will help ensure that crises are handled and resolved as effectively and efficiently as possible, and that accurate information is disseminated to all stakeholders. Copies of this plan will be distributed to the WCD Senior Staff and will be available at the emergency command posts in each of the WCD facilities.
[INSERT SIGNATURE] Marty Brooks President & CEO
INTRODUCTION Crises are events that threaten Wisconsin Center District’s (WCD) reputation, impacting marketability, business viability and/or community standing. These events pose a threat to WCD’s reputation and can generate negative publicity and misinformed perceptions. It is imperative that WCD is prepared to handle a threat to their reputation by creating and maintaining a crisis communications plan. This plan provides structure to WCD’s communicative response during and after an event. It outlines a roadmap of how to communicate efficiently in the event of a crisis and provides key contact information of stakeholders who should be engaged in the process. All critical team members that would be involved in managing a crisis at WCD should receive a copy of this communications plan and review it in detail. While every crisis is different, this plan will serve as a basic guideline for how to handle primary functions including public relations, media relations, employee and vendor communications and community relations. Communication must flow through the designated WCD crisis communications team and Kane Communications Group (Kane). Marty Brooks and Sarah Maio are the only representatives authorized to speak with the media, unless otherwise specified. Preparedness is essential in effectively managing a crisis. Familiarity with this plan will help during times of crisis. In the event of a crisis, all members of the team should use this document for general action steps and messaging. Using this document will help ensure consistency, accuracy and efficiency. * This is not an operational plan. It is meant to serve as a communications plan that complements the existing WCD emergency response operational plan.
AUDIENCES WCD’s Crisis Response Team (CRT) consists of key personnel who must be notified in the event of an emergency. The CRT is responsible for overseeing all critical incident response efforts. Kane will act as the communications advisor to the team, providing support in reputation management, messaging and media relations. The CRT is responsible for overseeing all critical incident response efforts. Other members of WCD’s senior staff and their partners may be called upon if their expertise and leadership can assist in the response to an incident.
Wisconsin Center District’s Crisis Response Team includes: • President & CEO • Director of Public Safety & Guest Services • Vice President of Marketing & Communications • Senior Vice President of Finance & CFO • Kane Communications Group • Vice President of Facilities • Vice President of Entertainment & Sports • Vice President of Event Operations • Vice President of Sales • Vice President of Human Resources • Director of Information Systems • Director of Box Office • Director of Video Production • Guest Services Manager • Executive Assistant • Front Desk Receptionist As a quasi-governmental body, WCD has several key stakeholders it will need to inform if a crisis occurs. It’s important these stakeholders are among the first to be informed of the crisis and do not receive the information second hand.
Vendor Contacts *Vendors will be engaged as needed depending on the crisis. • WCD employees • WCD Board • Legal counsel • VISIT Milwaukee (VISIT) • Levy Restaurants • CTI • Per Mar • Elected officials - city, county, state
INCIDENT CATALOG The following incidents represent examples of possible events that would constitute a crisis for WCD. This is not a comprehensive list, but it provides an understanding for types of scenarios that could trigger the WCD Crisis Communications Plan. Situation type: Life-threatening • Death or serious injury to any person (employees, contractors, exhibitors, attendees, fans, guests, etc.) • Bomb threat • Explosion • Violence • Facility damage that disrupts services (power outage, water break, water contamination, furnace issues, etc.) • Natural disasters that impact the operations of WCD facilities • Fire • Terrorist threat or activity • Illness outbreak (food poisoning, airborne illness, etc.) • Pandemic and community spreading • Structural damage (foundation integrity, infrastructure compromises, etc) • Mass exodus at a convention, event or show leading to injury Situation type: Non-life-threatening • Ransomware/virus attack • Minor natural disaster (flooding, snow, etc), • Theft • Peaceful civil disturbances/demonstrations • Vandalism • Crisis at surrounding buildings • Disgruntled vendor • Rigging malfunction • Elevator malfunction Situation type: Management-related/organization-related • Company lawsuit • Employee-related and/or vendor-related incidents • Executive termination • Government-related incidents (permits, zoning, regulatory) • Executive death
CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS CENTER In the event of a crisis, the CRT should convene at the locations near the designated Crisis Command Post locations listed below. Under ideal circumstances, all communications activities and other emergency operations will be conducted from this centralized location. 1. The Director of Public Safety will notify the CRT if the central emergency command post will be at the Public Safety Dispatch Center in the Wisconsin Center or the Security Office in the Miller High Life Theatre. a. If the crisis command post is at the Wisconsin Center, then meet at the Board Room. b. If the crisis command post is at the MHLT, then meet at the Box Office. 2. There are crisis kits available at each command post with pens, paper and a copy of the crisis communications plan. 3. All members of the CRT will report to the designated location. This location will serve as a centralized spot for key personnel to gather and determine next steps in the crisis communications process. 4. If it is not safe to convene at the designated WCD location, the CRT will convene at the following locations in priority order: 1. Hilton Milwaukee City Center (509 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203) 2. Hyatt Milwaukee (333 W. Kilbourn Ave., Milwaukee, WI, 53203) 3. Michael Best & Friedrich LLP (100 E. Wisconsin Ave. #3300, Milwaukee, WI, 53202) Media Briefing Location: Media briefings and interviews should take place in a secure area away from the incident. Media should be allowed on the premise only after the incident has been resolved and the property has been deemed safe. Suggested locations for a media briefing include: Wisconsin Center • Wisconsin Center large conference room • Wisconsin Center board room • Public Safety office Miller High Life Theatre • Stage door entrance • 2nd floor administrative conference room UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena • Media room • First aid room
WCD will:
Classify the type of emergency (pg. 4) and follow the WCD Emergency Operations Program (available through the Public Safety Department and posted in staff briefing rooms). Declare the WCD Crisis Command Post location. (pg. 5) Notify the WCD CRT of the emergency. (pg. 8-10) Begin crisis communications actions steps. (pg. 11) Assign personnel to contact necessary stakeholders. (pg. 4) Assess if media is already on site. Refer all media calls to Kane. (pg. 8) Provide direction and a brief statement to receptionists who might receive inbound calls. (pg. 15 - fielding media calls) Begin social media monitoring and stop all pre-scheduled social communication and advertising. Designate a member of the WCD CRT to oversee tasks on the communications checklist are complete. (pg. 7)
Kane will:
Determine the appropriate communications response and activate the crisis communication plan. (pg. 11) Update the outgoing hold message at the reception desk. Gather as much information as possible for a response or standby statement. (pg. 14) Begin social listening and traditional media monitoring. Reinforce protocol for handling media inquiries.
Kane will:
Have someone on-site to manage the media if necessary. Inform legal counsel of the communications strategy. Determine what other stakeholders must be involved in external communications (MPD). Identify a spokesperson. Distribute an internal employee communications regarding the incident and ask employees not to speak with media or speculate about the situation. Distribute a general public statement acknowledging the incident via social.
Kane will:
Determine if a press conference is necessary. Contact media with updated facts or corrections if necessary. Communicate a family meet-up location if applicable. Identify the media briefing location.
Kane will:
Distribute subsequent communications about the incident and new information. Manage comments on social media. Post employee resources available on the internal portal. Communicate if hours of operation will be impacted or employees’ work schedules.
Kane will:
Determine if there are any positive PR stories to highlight following the crisis (i.e. neighborhood coming together to manage a crisis, events are still going on, Milwaukee is safe). Communicate with vendors and event bookers about how this crisis impacts their convention, event or show. Develop a communications strategy with VISIT Milwaukee to highlight that Milwaukee and the WCD venues are still great places to host and attend conventions, events and shows.
Debrief on how the crisis was handled and evaluate the communications processes.
EMERGENCY FLOW CHART Situation type: Life-threatening
CRISIS RESPONSE TEAM DIR - PUB. SAFETY Jeremie Ott o 414.908.6108 c 414.303.7187 CEO Marty Brooks o 414.908.6050 c 414.775.7077
Sarah Maio o 414.908.6065 c 414.507.7574
Steven Marsh c 414.322.0475
Robert Mulcahy o 414.225.2761 c 414.745.4221
Bob Seefeld c 414.303.0334
VP - EVENT OPERATIONS Tom Nicholson o 414.908.6103 c 414.303.0354
EMERGENCY FLOW CHART Situation type: Non-life threatening
DIR - PUB. SAFETY Jeremie Ott o 414.908.6108 c 414.303.7187
CEO Marty Brooks o 414.908.6050 c 414.775.7077
Sarah Maio o 414.908.6065 c 414.507.7574
Steven Marsh c 414.322.0475
Robert Mulcahy o 414.225.2761 c 414.745.4221
Bob Seefeld c 414.303.0334
VP - EVENT OPERATIONS Tom Nicholson o 414.908.6103 c 414.303.0354
EMERGENCY FLOW CHART Situation type: Management-related/organization-related
DIR - PUB. SAFETY Jeremie Ott o 414.908.6108 c 414.303.7187
CEO Marty Brooks o 414.908.6050 c 414.775.7077
MJ Gilfillan o 414.908.6074 c 414.303.0332
Sarah Maio o 414.908.6065 c 414.507.7574
Steven Marsh c 414.322.0475
Robert Mulcahy o 414.225.2761 c 414.745.4221
Bob Seefeld c 414.303.0334
VP - EVENT OPERATIONS Tom Nicholson o 414.908.6103 c 414.303.0354
The flow of information from the operational and emergency staff to the CRT and subsequently to stakeholders is crucial for communication success. The below communications action steps are guidelines for WCD CRT to follow once a scene has been secured and it’s time to begin identifying critical stakeholders. During the process, senior staff members are responsible for gathering pertinent information from their departments and keeping everyone on the CRT informed. 1. Contain the situation and obtain preliminary information regarding the incident. • Determine what category the incident falls into: Life-threatening | death, bomb threat, explosion, major fire (fire truck required), collapse, violence, natural disaster, violent or large (>10) crowd of protesters/picketers or major damage to surrounding buildings. Non-life-threatening | Non-life threatening injury - minor fire (no fire truck required), structural damage, theft, vandalism, natural disaster, non-violent group (<10) of protesters or picketers or minor damage to surrounding buildings. Management-related/organization-related Contract - lawsuits, permits, zoning, regulatory Employee-related - disgruntled employee, misconduct, staffing changes, executive death. 2. Inform WCD CRT, Kane, vendors and key stakeholders of the situation. • Follow the emergency response flow chart to ensure all CRT members are aware of the situation. • Determine what CRT members are critical in disseminating communications to which audience and via what channels (email, phone, text, announcement system, etc). • Kane will be dispatched on-site if needed. 3. Centralize the information flow, both inward and outward. • Instruct receptionist and the command center to forward media inquiries to Kane. • Determine if vendors need to be involved in the communications review process (Levy, CTI, Per Mar, VISIT). • Communicate crisis to key stakeholders before speaking with the media (legal counsel, insurance, board members, public officials). 4. Direct on-scene media to Kane. • Kane will greet the media on-site and bring them to a designated location. • Kane will gather necessary details from the media (story angle, deadline, other companies being interviewed). • Kane will identify a WCD spokesperson (Marty or Sarah). • Kane will prepare the WCD spokesperson with key messages for any interviews. Best Practice: WCD requests that employees do not post about work-related issues on externally-facing platforms (i.e. personal social media channels).
MEDIA RESPONSE GUIDE MEDIA INQUIRIES - GENERAL CHECKLIST Media inquiries regarding a crisis at a WCD facility should be referred to Kane. Kane will qualify media requests following the below process and work with Marty Brooks and Sarah Maio to determine next steps. 1. Collect the reporter’s information and story details. • What is your story angle? • What is your deadline? • Who else is being interviewed? • What specific questions will you be asking? • Are you willing to accept a written response? 2. Evaluate the request and determine next steps. • Qualify publication (type of outlet/reporter/request) Is it a top tier publication? Local media (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee Business Journal, BizTimes) National media Trade media What is the reporter’s beat (if applicable)? • Determine stakeholder communications priorities Have stakeholders been notified yet? This communication should be disseminated before speaking with media. • Confirm the format of the media request. In-person, phone or written statement 3. Develop key messages and media backgrounder for the spokesperson. • With a directive from Marty or Sarah, Kane will collaborate with other departments to gather facts and check the key messages. • Kane will work with Marty and Sarah to seek legal approval on the messaging. 4. Determine if a media interview or press conference is required. 5. Monitor for coverage and share with WCD. 6. Set up social listening (if needed).
PRESS CONFERENCE CHECKLIST The following materials should be coordinated with CTI: Mult box Podium Microphone Documents needed for a press conference: Run-of-show/list of speakers Talking points for spokespeople Media advisory Collateral materials if available Media backgrounders if available (list of media attending)
MESSAGING Q&A The below is a guide outlining key questions Kane will ask members of the WCD CRT to help gather facts, develop an effective communications strategy and customize messaging to address the crisis.
SITUATIONAL • Describe the crisis. Where and when did it happen? What caused the incident? Is the crisis still occuring? How will it be resolved? What was the severity of the incident? Was anyone injured? • Who are key partners involved? (MPD, MFD, event booker, VISIT Milwaukee, etc.) • Who is aware of the crisis? • Who is impacted by this crisis? (event booker, surrounding businesses, partners, audience members/attendees, general public) • What is the anticipated financial impact of this crisis? • Were arrests made and/or are any expected? • Is media on the scene?
HR • Were any employees injured? • Will there be a reduction in staffing? • In the event of a venue closure, are employees being paid during this period? • Is counseling being offered to employees?
COMMUNITY • Are any surrounding businesses impacted? • Are there road closures? • Are other WCD facilities closed? • Will public parking be impacted?
LOGISTICAL • Will any future events be canceled? • Does this crisis jeopardize customer information? • Will ticket refunds be issued? • Is there any facility damage? • What is the anticipated reopening timeline?
POTENTIAL MEDIA QUESTIONS Be prepared to potentially answer any of the following: • Can you describe what happened? • Where/how did it happen? • How many people were injured? • What condition are they in? • Has the suspect been identified? • What is happening right now? • What does this mean for the community? • What does this mean for WCD? • When will more information be available? • What is WCD doing to help those affected? • Will this change anything for WCD in the future?
FIELDING MEDIA CALLS Members of the media may call the WCD main line or cell phones of WCD executives/staff. *All calls received by WCD staff not designated as official spokespeople should use the statement below. “Thank you for calling WCD. I’m not the best person to answer your questions but I will take down your name, email and phone number and have a representative from our staff get in contact with you. Do you have a story deadline we should be aware of?”
TALKING POINTS All information shared during a crisis is confidential and the official messaging should be approved by legal counsel and shared externally by designated WCD spokespeople.
LIFE-THREATENING SITUATION • (Depending on crisis severity) We are deeply saddened by what took place today. The incident that happened at [FACILITY] is a tragedy for all involved. • We want to express our sympathy to the victims and their families affected by today’s event. • Our first concern is for the injured and the safety of our employees and the public. • The incident is under investigation and we are cooperating with the appropriate authorities. • Details are still being gathered but we’ll make information available as soon as we know more. • Any inquiries regarding the suspect[s] or investigation, please contact the Milwaukee Police Department. • We are taking this incident very seriously and every effort is being made to ensure a safe environment at [FACILITY]. • We will work with authorities to complete a full analysis as to what happened, and what precautions can be taken to prevent this from happening again. • We will follow our client’s lead regarding protocol and guidelines that will be implemented for the event. • That decision is up to our client and we will be prepared to meet their needs and the needs of their guests. *Situation dependent - We are directing all media inquiries to the local authorities.
NON-LIFE-THREATENING SITUATION • The safety and security of our customers is our top priority. • No one was injured during this [SITUATION]. • As soon as we have more information, we will make it available. • We will work with authorities to complete a full analysis to determine what happened, and evaluate what precautions need to be taken to prevent this from happening again.
ORGANIZATIONAL-RELATED • We are working closely with authorities as they investigate this case. • We are directing all media inquiries to the local authorities.
MANAGEMENT-RELATED (LEGAL ISSUE) • This is a personnel matter and we are unable to comment further. • We are working closely with authorities as they investigate this case. • We are directing all media inquiries to the local authorities.
EMPLOYEE EMERGENCY INCIDENT If employees’ families have not been notified: • The WCD does not disclose confidential personnel information. • The incident is under investigation and we are working with authorities to provide assistance as needed. • We will provide updates on this incident as they become available. If employees’ families were notified: • The WCD was informed that [NAME] was involved in [INCIDENT] at [LOCATION]. • Authorities informed us that [DETAIL INCIDENT]. • All of our employees are part of the WCD family, and our thoughts are with the family of [NAME] during this difficult time. • We will provide more updates on this incident as they become available.
EXECUTIVE DEATH • The WCD today mourns the loss of [DECEASED NAME], who served as [TITLE]. • Our organization and our community have suffered a great loss. • The cause of death was [CAUSE]. • Provide additional background - years of service, positions held, education, marital and family status, community involvement and major accomplishments/awards. • Our thoughts are with [DECEASED NAME]’s family. • The operations of the WCD will continue uninterrupted.
TRAVEL INDUSTRY INCIDENT • The WCD is closely monitoring the events of [INCIDENT]. • [INCIDENT is/is not] expected to impact our visitors or the local entertainment industry. • Visitors and residents planning travel are instructed to follow instructions of local, state and federal authorities. • The WCD is following all directives from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local governmental organizations. • The WCD is taking all advised precautions to ensure the safety of our employees and guests.
COMMUNICATIONS TEMPLATES MEDIA STANDBY STATEMENTS Bomb threat [FACILITY] received a bomb threat at [TIME]. The facility was evacuated at [TIME] and authorities were immediately notified of the threat. No bomb was found. The Wisconsin Center District’s policy is to treat every bomb threat seriously. The safety of our employees and guests is our top priority. Active Shooter This was a tragedy for all involved and our deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of the victim(s). The incident is under investigation and we are cooperating with the appropriate authorities. Details are still being gathered but we believe this was an isolated incident. We’ll share more information as soon as it’s available. Facility Evacuation [FACILITY] was evacuated at approximately [TIME] due to [SITUATION]. The building is being assessed and employees and guests will be notified when it’s safe to return. The safety of our employees and guests is our top priority. The Wisconsin Center District venues have an outstanding safety record and it’s something we take seriously. Management-related To respect the privacy of our employees, we do not comment on human resources matters. We are working closely with authorities as they investigate this case. Data Breach On [DATE], WCD data was compromised by [COMPANY - if appropriate] and [EXPLAIN WHAT INFORMATION WAS COMPROMISED]. The incident is under investigation and we are working to notify guests whose information may have been compromised. The security and privacy of our employees and guests is a top priority and we will evaluate additional security measures as a precaution. Lawsuit Thank you for contacting the Wisconsin Center District, however we do not comment on pending litigation. Health-related statement The Wisconsin Center District has been working diligently to create the safest possible environment for all employees and guests, and we are relying heavily on CDC and local health department information in establishing safe working conditions. These conditions and expectations may be modified over time, and we will continue to act with everyone’s health and safety as a top priority.
SOCIAL MEDIA TEMPLATES SITUATION UPDATES Immediately acknowledging the situation... A [SITUATION] occurred at [LOCATION]. There is no longer a threat. @MilwaukeePolice are investigating the scene. We will share more information when available. Additional information… The [FACILITY] is being assessed and we’ll notify everyone when the scene is secure. The safety of our employees and guests is our top priority. Follow-up… There will be a press conference a[TIME] [in the] [LOCATION] with @MilwaukeePolice to share more details regarding [INCIDENT] that occured. Message from the CEO... We are deeply saddened by what took place. We want to express our sympathy to the victims and their families affected by today’s event.
Determine who will monitor social media channels. Develop responses (to be approved by Sarah Maio and legal counsel if needed) that can be sent to people commenting and sharing information about the incident. Stop all pre-scheduled posts regarding events and company updates. Set up social media listening tools to capture conversations related to the incident. (Kane has resources available to help with this.) Send any media inquiries that come in via social to Sarah Maio and Kane. Escalate any commentary that needs personal attention to Sarah Maio. Re-evaluate when it’s time to resume the regular social media strategy and cadence.
EMAIL TEMPLATES EMAIL TO EMPLOYEES Hi staff, There was [SITUATION] today at [FACILITY] around [TIME]. The facility was evacuated and authorities were immediately notified. Details are still being gathered but we wanted to inform you as soon as possible. The safety of our employees and guests is our top priority. You will be among the first to know when more details are available. At this time, please contact your direct supervisor if you have questions. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to making the Wisconsin Center District a safe, sought-after and experience-obsessed workplace and destination for our guests. Thank you, Marty Brooks President & CEO
EMAIL TO BOARD MEMBERS Dear WCD Board Members, There was [SITUATION] today at [FACILITY] around [TIME]. The facility was evacuated and authorities were immediately notified. Details are still being gathered but we wanted to inform you as soon as possible. We have notified our employees and vendors of this incident. You will be among the first to know when more details are available. We appreciate your continued support on the WCD board and for helping make the Wisconsin Center District a safe, sought-after and experience-obsessed destination for local, national and international guests. Regards, Marty Brooks President & CEO
Life-threatening situation [INSERT LOGO]
MILWAUKEE – (MONTH XX, YEAR) – At approximately [TIME] on [DATE] the Milwaukee Police and Fire Departments were notified and responded to a [SITUATION] at [FACILITY] during [EVENT]. [NUMERIC VALUE] were injured and are being treated at [NAME OF HOSPITAL]. At this time we [DO/DO NOT] know who made the threat. “We are saddened by what took place today [MORE DETAIL - if applicable],” said Marty Brooks, CEO of the Wisconsin Center District. “Our number one priority is safety. We are working closely with the Milwaukee Police and Fire Departments to evaluate this incident.” If a convention, show or event will be impacted by the incident: • The [EVENT NAME] that was utilizing the facility at the time of the incident is expected to be affected until [DATE/TIME]. • WCD is working with [EVENT NAME] management to determine next steps. If a convention, show or event will not be impacted by the incident: • The [EVENT NAME] will not be impacted and the premise has been deemed safe. [INSERT QUOTE FROM MILWAUKEE POLICE DEPARTMENT.] [Any inquiries regarding the suspect[s] or investigation, please contact the Milwaukee Police Department.] For ongoing updates, please visit the WCD website at About the Wisconsin Center District Experience-obsessed and committed to creating unforgettable experiences, the Wisconsin Center District (WCD) is a quasigovernmental body that operates the Wisconsin Center, UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena and Miller High Life Theatre in downtown Milwaukee. WCD venues are within walking distance of leading hotels, retail establishments, attractions, dining, nightclubs and transportation. Created under Wisconsin State Statute in 1994, WCD offers captivating- and buzzworthyexperiences making Milwaukee a not-to-be-missed destination. ###
Non-life threatening situation [INSERT LOGO] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sarah Maio 414-908-6056
[HEADLINE] [SUBHEADLINE] MILWAUKEE – (MONTH XX, YEAR) – Today, the Wisconsin Center District (WCD) experienced [SITUATION] at the [FACILITY]. WCD is working with local authorities and contractor agencies to assess the situation. At this time, there is no known threat. “Our number one priority is safety,” said Marty Brooks, CEO of the Wisconsin Center District. “We are working with authorities to evaluate the situation and ensure the area is safe. We encourage employees and visitors to remain calm and await further instruction.” If a convention, show or event will be impacted by the incident: • The [EVENT NAME] that was utilizing the facility at the time of the incident is expected to be affected until [DATE/TIME]. • WCD is working with [EVENT NAME] management to determine next steps. If a convention, show or event will not be impacted by the incident: • The [EVENT NAME] will not be impacted and the premise has been deemed safe.
[INSERT QUOTE FROM THIRD-PARTY EXPERT OR VENDOR - IF APPLICABLE.] For ongoing updates, please visit the WCD website at About the Wisconsin Center District Experience-obsessed and committed to creating unforgettable experiences, the Wisconsin Center District (WCD) is a quasigovernmental body that operates the Wisconsin Center, UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena and Miller High Life Theatre in downtown Milwaukee. WCD venues are within walking distance of leading hotels, retail establishments, attractions, dining, nightclubs and transportation. Created under Wisconsin State Statute in 1994, WCD offers captivating- and buzzworthyexperiences making Milwaukee a not-to-be-missed destination. ###
Management-related/organization-related *WCD should not issue a press release regarding employee-related matters. This is a matter for the authorities to handle.
POST CRISIS EVALUATION Once a crisis is resolved, within 30 days, the CRT should debrief the situation with Kane to determine areas of strength and areas of growth. The following questions can be used to guide the debrief process. • Was the crisis handled effectively and efficiently? • Were the appropriate CRT members notified at the right time? • What was the most effective method of communication for the CRT? • Were WCD vendors notified? Who contacted them and at what point in the crisis? • At what point were employees notified? Did managers receive follow up inquiries? • Did media come on the scene? How was it handled? • What are key takeaways learned from the crisis? • What was done well? • What could have gone better? • Are there any processes that should be changed?
President & CEO
Marty Brooks
VP of Human Resources
MJ Gilfillan
Director of Box Office
Donna Hrobsky
Director of Video Production
Mike Jakubowski
VP of Entertainment & Sports
Doug Johnson
VP of Marketing & Communications
Sarah Maio
Senior VP of Finance & CFO
Steven Marsh
Administrative Assistant
Michale Maxwell
VP of Event Operations
Tom Nicholson
Director of Public Safety & GS
Jeremie Ott
VP of Facilities
Robert Seefeld
VP of Sales
Megan Seppmann
Director of Information Systems
Steve Totzke
Guest Services Manager
Ellen Taylor
414-303-0334 414-908-6072
Kane Communications Group
CEO & President
Kimberly Kane
Director, Public Relations
James Burnett
Advisor, Public Relations
Katharine Foley
Associate, Communications
Jesus M. Rivera
Robert Mulcahy
Kirk Pelikan
Michael Ransom
Assistant General Manager
Nikki Dewey
HR Manager
Tanja McCutcheon
Chef CTI Director of Operations
Michael Dickson
PER MAR Milwaukee General Manager
Mark Schaefer
VISIT President & CEO
Peggy Williams-Smith
(414) 397-7468
Director of Communications
Kristen Settle
(414) 477-7202
APPENDIX - C WCD BOARD OF DIRECTOR CONTACTS Alderman Robert Bauman, City of Milwaukee Joel Brennan, Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Administration Alderwoman Milele Coggs, City of Milwaukee Grady Crosby, Johnson Controls Senator Alberta Darling, Wisconsin State Senate, 8th District Mr. Mark Flaherty, Jackson Street Holdings Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, City of Milwaukee Common Council President Representative Gordon Hintz, Wisconsin State Assembly Minority Leader Senator LaTonya Johnson, Wisconsin State Senate, 6th District Mr. James Kanter, Sprecher Brewing (Chairman) Mr. Scott Manske, Milwaukee County Comptroller Mr. Greg Marcus, Marcus Corp. Mayor Dennis McBride, City of Wauwatosa JoAnne Sabir, Sherman Phoenix LLC Representative Joe Sanfelippo, Wisconsin State Assembly Ms. Aycha Sawa, Comptroller, City of Milwaukee Mr. Omar Shaikh, SURG Restaurant Group
APPENDIX - D GOVERNMENT CONTACTS Mayor, City of Milwaukee Tom Barrett Phone: 414-286-2200 Director of Communications, City of Milwaukee Jodie Tabak Phone: 414-286-2200 City Clerk Jim Owczarski Phone: (414) 286-2998 Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley Phone: 414-278-4211 Chief of Staff, Milwaukee County Mary Jo Meyers Phone: 414-278-4338 Director of Communications, Milwaukee County Brandon Weathersby Phone: 414-278-4216 Secretary of the Department of Administration, State of Wisconsin Joel Brennan Phone: 608)-266-1741
APPENDIX - E MEDIA CONTACTS Broadcast CBS58 Phone: 414-777-5808 FOX6 Phone: 414-355-6214 Spectrum Phone: 414-277-4100 TMJ4 Phone: 414-967-5318 WISN12 Phone: 414-937-3331 Print/Online BizTimes Alex Zank, commercial and residential real estate reporter Phone: 414-336-7116 Milwaukee Business Journal Rich Kirchen, real estate, health care, sports and politics reporter Phone: 414-908-0572 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Tom Daykin, commercial real estate and development reporter Phone: 414-224-2131
APPENDIX - F MESSAGE DEVELOPMENT BEST PRACTICES The words chosen before, during and after a crisis are important. It is imperative that messages include empathy, details of incident (if appropriate), what is not known, what is being done, and set expectations. BE SIMPLE AND CLEAR During a time of crisis, write clearly and concisely. Sharing the message in a timely matter is critical so brevity is key. DETAILS OF THE INCIDENT If appropriate, include the details of the incident. Stakeholders will value transparency and it helps dispel rumors. WHAT IS NOT KNOWN Just as it is important to share what is known, the opposite is equally important. It shows that WCD is aware of items left unanswered and is tending to them. If appropriate, provide an estimated timeline when more details will be available. WHAT IS BEING DONE Informing your audience of the efforts that are taking place to address a situation behind-the-scenes elevates your response by keeping your stakeholders informed and puts them at ease.audience in the know that things are being handled. INCLUDE A CALL-TO-ACTION Messaging should include details about where stakeholders can go for additional information, how they can help and/or what to expect next. SET EXPECTATIONS Keeping people informed throughout the risk, crisis, and post-crisis stages will reduce uncertainty, assisting in mitigating fear. Let your audience know what next steps are for WCD, the anticipated impact of the situation and how it will be rectified.
APPENDIX - G MEDIA TRAINING BEST PRACTICES 10 MEDIA TIPS 1. Set a goal. 2. Know your audience. 3. Do your research. 4. Repeat your key messages. 5. Speak clearly and concisely. 6. Be honest. 7. Understand your limitations. 8. Know your rights. 9. Pause and ask for clarification. 10. Breathe and smile. PREPARING FOR A MEDIA INTERVIEW 1. Know the facts. 2. Practice answering media questions in 20-second soundbites. 3. Rehearse out loud. WHAT NOT TO DO 1. Don’t ignore a media request. 2. Never say, “No comment.” 3. Don’t speculate. 4. Don’t get defensive. 5. Don’t say anything that you don’t want to see in print. MEDIA BEST PRACTICES 1. Introduce yourself and state title, if not prompted by the reporter. 2. Clarify the purpose of the interview. 3. Keep key messages simple and repeat them often. 4. Always take the opportunity at the end of the interview to recap your main points. 5. Send follow up information promptly. BRIDGING PHRASES • “I’m not the right person to answer that, but what I can tell you is…” • “Well that’s an important question, the reason we’re here today is to discuss….” • “I’d be happy to discuss that with you after this interview but right now I want to talk about…” FLAGGING PHRASES • “The key takeaway is…” • “A key point I want readers/viewers to understand is…” • “I want to make sure it’s clear…” MISTAKES HAPPEN 1. Push through it. 2. Let go of perfection. 3. Practice flexibility. 4. Make light of the mistake. 5. Relax and take a deep breath.
APPENDIX - H GLOSSARY Media Standby Statement A media standby statement is used primarily as an acknowledgement message. It is critical that an organization communicates with the media and to the public that a situation has occurred and it’s being addressed. It’s important that this statement be shared as soon as possible to control the message before rumors begin to spread. Press Conference If a scenario is garnering heightened media interest, a press conference is an effective way to communicate with all media outlets at one time and ensure a consistent message is shared. Press Release A press release may be used for scenarios where a longer statement and/or an abundance of additional information is needed in order to relay the appropriate message to stakeholders. It also allows multiple stakeholders to provide quotes in a unified and controlled manner. Recorded Statement A recorded statement can be used if the organization’s spokesperson is not available for media interviews. It can also be used as a way to add a personal touch when communicating with employees. This recorded statement can be posted on an employee intranet as a way to share the message personally with employees before it goes public.