Precision Group Corporate Identity Guideline

Page 1

Logo, Stationery Set, Marketing Material and Website

Section 1

The Logo Precision Group is where opportunity,

Logo Development of „Activity Spiral‰

Rainbow colour – to show different function

creativity and activity converge. It is a

Concept have a preview and description

or services within the company.

hub of dynamic services with world-class

of the identity, which developed with

infrastructure, business most strategic

comprehensive precision and consistency.

corporation and a global network of people

Vision – to show Precision as a company with a vision towards the future.

that can support achievement of goals and

Spiral is base from a shape of target. The


gradual spiral thickness create a volume,

Focus – in what the company does and how to

deepness, and motion hence make the

deliver the best result/ services to our clients.

These core values underpin Precision

whole logo look dynamic.

GroupÊs positioning: Progressive, Free,

We also include information on grid,

Stable, Dynamic, Active, Opportunity, and

Synergy & integration – each function needs

colour, size and a few implementations on

High Quality.

to move (work) together to achieve one goal.

stationery and marketing material.

Precision Group | Page 1

The Logo

Main Corporate Logo

Precision Group | Page 2

The Logo

Grid Structure

Precision Group | Page 3

The Logo

Structure Grid for Logo

Precision Group | Page 4

The Logo


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The Logo

Main Corporate Logo in Grayscales

Precision Group | Page 6

The Logo

Main Corporate Logo in Black and White

Precision Group | Page 7

The Logo

Main Corporate Logo Complex Background

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The Logo

Alternative Format (Horizontal Logo)

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The Logo

Horizontal Logo in Grayscale

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The Logo

Subsidiary Logo for Each Division

Precision Group | Page 11

The Logo

Subsidiary Logo for Each Division (Horizontal Logo)

Precision Group | Page 12

The Logo

Primary Typeface

Timeless – Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;’,./{}|:”<>? Timeless – Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;’,./{}|:”<>? Timeless Regular is the primary typeface for

The type size depends on format, function

the identity, it is used for Precision Group

and purpose. No other weight of the

Logotype and is to be used in all headlines,

typeface should be used nor should the

titles and covers.

primary typeface be used as titles or headlines.

This typeface develop the feeling of stable, elegant, and dynamic. ItÊs a serif font but yet it gives a modern shape and style.

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The Logo

Secondary Typeface

Univers Light Normal

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;Ê,./{}|:‰<>? Univers Black Thin

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;Ê,./{}|:‰<>?

Univers 45 Light Univers 45 Light Oblique Univers 55 Roman Univers 55 Oblique Univers 65 Bold Univers 65 Bold Oblique Univers 66 Bold Italic Univers 75 Black Univers 76 Black Oblique Univers 85 Extra Black Univers 85 Extra Black Oblique Univers 39 Thin Ultra Condensed Univers 49 Light Ultra Condensed Univers 59 Ultra Condensed Univers 47 Condensed Light Univers 47 Condensed Light Oblique Univers 57 Condensed Univers 57 Condensed Oblique Univers 67 Condensed Bold Univers 67 Condensed Bold Oblique Univers 53 Extended Univers 53 Extended Oblique Univers 63 Bold Extended Oblique Univers 63 Bold Extended Univers 73 Black Extended Univers 73 Black Extended Oblique Univers 93 Extra Black Extended Univers 93 Extra Black Extended Oblique

Our secondary corporate typefaces are

It is only permissible to use the following

Type can be set in one of our corporate

Univers. These sans serif typefaces are highly

weights of Univers: Univers Thin, Univers Light,

colours, but will not reproduce successfully

legible across all applications, from signage

Univers Roman, Univers Bold, Univers Black,

at small sizes when using process colour

to stationery, and enable us to create an

Univers Light Condensed, Univers Condensed

values. When setting type, always use either

attractive, clean typographic style. These

and Univers Bold Condensed. Under no

special colour versions of the corporate

typefaces are available in a variety of weights,

circumstances may any other typefaces be

colours or 85% black.

and these can be used to add pace and

substituted for printing material. Different rule

emphasis to our communications.

apply to a web related application.

Precision Group | Page 14

The Logo

Digital Typeface

Arial Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;’,./{}|:”<>? Arial Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;’,./{}|:”<>?

Arial is to be used in cases where the Primary and Secondary typefaces canÊt be used, such as web and interactive media or PowerPoint.

Precision Group | Page 15

Section 2

Stationery Corporate stationery is a key form of internal and external communication, and it is vital that our corporate identity is applied consistently to it. The examples below illustrate a number of stationery applications – letterhead, envelop, address label, business card, and CD Label.

Stationery | Page 16


Business Card for Group Option A

Front Preview • With white background makes the whole card

Jeremy Kemp Chief Executive Officer

look simple and clean, hence to deliver a clear information.

Plasa Chase Lt. 6, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 21, Jakarta 12920 - Indonesia P +62 21 520 8208 F +62 21 520 8207 M +62 812 021 021 E

• Colour footer at the bottom resembles the colours from the logo.

Back Preview Account and Admin Communication Design and Creative IT and Supports Training Web and Development

• Line of Businesses at the bottom delivers the information of the Company services.

Stationery | Page 17


Business Card for Division Option A

Firstname Lastname Jobtitle

Plasa Chase Lt. 6, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 21, Jakarta 12920 - Indonesia P +62 21 520 8208 F +62 21 520 8207 M +62 812 021 021 E

Front Preview

Back Preview Account and Admin Communication Design and Creative IT and Supports Training Web and Development

• Additional Group Logo emphasize the unity of the divisions within the Company.

Stationery | Page 18


Letterhead for Group and Division Option A

Stationery | Page 19


Continuation Page for Group and Division Option A & B

Account and Admin Communication Design and Creative IT and Supports Training Web and Development

Account and Admin Communication Design and Creative IT and Supports Training Web and Development

Stationery | Page 20


Envelope for Group and Division Option A

Front Preview • Using the white background with a simple and clean layout to perform the professional look.

Plasa Chase Lt. 6, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 21 Jakarta 12920 – Indonesia Account and Admin Communication Design and Creative IT and Supports Training Web and Development

Back Preview • Clean and simple flap with the website imprinted on it.

Stationery | Page 21


With Compliments for Group and Division Option A

With Compliments

With Compliments

Stationery | Page 22


Group Sample • Applying clean and simple look create professional touch in this ID Card. • The usage of the colour footer enhanced the strength of the logo.

ID Card for Group and Division Option A

Name of the employee

Division Sample

Name of the employee



• The firstname of the card holder, the

Card Serial Number

Valid From

Card Serial Number

Valid From





card serial number, validation date and the photo border will follow the colour of the division itself.

Stationery | Page 23


Business Card for Group Option B

Front Preview • With white background makes the whole card look simple and clean, hence to deliver a clear information.

Back Preview • In colourful background makes the card memorable and add the element of surprise.

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Business Card for Division Option B

Back Preview • If you bring together all of the business card from the divisions, the background pattern will unify and resulting the main group background pattern on the business card.

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Letterhead for Group and Division Option B

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Multi-function Label

Multi-function Label • The multi-function label can be used for the envelope, CD Cover, and courier package. • The application of this multi-function label will unify the corporate design of the whole material that will send out

P +62 21 5208208 F +62 21 5208207

from the company.

Destination Area • This white space is used for writing down the address of the destination of the package, mail, or CD.

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Envelope Option B 01

Multi-function Label • By using the standard DL white envelope

Front Preview

Back Preview

with the multi-function label we have a corporate and unique envelope. • The multi-function label also applied for the seal of the envelope itself, it enhance the safety of the document that weÊve sent out.

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Envelope Option B 02

Front Preview • Using the white background with a simple and clean layout to perform the professional look.

Back Preview • Using group background pattern flap with the website imprinted on it.

Stationery | Page 29


With Compliments for Group and Division Option B

With Compliments

Additional Die Cut • The additional die cut will eliminate the usage of the conventional paper clip.

With Compliments

Front Preview

Back Preview Stationery | Page 30


ID Card for Group and Division Option B

Name of the employee

Group Sample • Applying clean and simple look create professional touch in this ID Card.

Division Sample

Name of the employee



• The firstname of the card holder, the

Card Serial Number

Valid From

Card Serial Number

Valid From





card serial number, validation date and the photo border will follow the colour of the division itself.

Stationery | Page 31


Main Stationery Set Option A

With Compliments

With Compliments Envelope (Front)

Envelope (Back)

Letterhead Business Card (Front)

Business Card (Back) Stationery | Page 32


Main Stationery Set Option B With Compliments

Envelope (Back) Option 01

Envelope (Front) Option 01

www.precisiongroup. com

Envelope Option 02


Business Card (Front)

Business Card (Back) Stationery | Page 33


Email Template for Group and Division

Email Signature • Spreading the placement of the contact details create the wide and clean look for the email signature. • The firstname, jobtitle, and the mobile number for the division email signature will follow the main color of the division itself.

Stationery | Page 34


Fax Template Fax Serial Number

Fax Serial Number

Fax Date

Number of Pages (including this one)




Fax Serial Number • Fax Serial Number will simplify the process of tracking the fax progress.

Fax Template • Clear and simple layout will facilitate the user for using the template.

Plasa Chase Lt. 6, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 21 Jakarta 12920 – Indonesia Account and Admin Communication Design and Creative IT and Supports Training Web and Development

Stationery | Page 35


Form Template 1st Page

Continuous Page

Employee Name:



Start Date:

Manager/ Line Manager:

Period of Probation:

Review Result:

Proposal on Revised Position and Salary:

Current Salary:

Revised Salary:

Percentage Increase:


Status of Employee*



Effective Date:



Effective Date:

Extended Probation

Effective Date: (Month)

SIGNATURE Reviewed By:

Known By:

Manager Date:

Checked By:

Line Manager Date:

Human Resources Date:

Approved By:

Chief Operations Officer Date:

Stationery | Page 36


PowerPoint Template Cover Page

Content Page

Stationery | Page 37


Document Template Cover Page


Document Title

Document Title Document Subtitle

Document Version

Document Subtitle

Document Version Document Author

Firstname Lastname

Divider Title

Divider Title Divider Subtitle

Divider Subsubtitle

Divider Subtitle

Divider Subsubtitle

Stationery | Page 38


Document Template Separator Page

Table of Content

Table of Content Document Title

Document Title Document Subtitle

Document Version

Document Subtitle

Document Version

Title of Section

Page Number

Head Text


Head Text


Subhead Text Subhead Text

2 3

Subsubhead Text Subsubhead Text

3 3

Head Text Subhead Subhead Subhead Subhead

5 Text Text Text Text

5 6 8 8

Head Text

Separator Title

Separator Title


Subhead Text


Subsubhead Text Subsubhead Text

Separator Subtitle

Separator Subsubtitle

Separator Subtitle

Separator Subsubtitle

11 15

Title of Section



Document Serial Number



Stationery | Page 39


Document Template 1st Page

Continuous Page Document Title

Document Title

Document Title

Document Title

Document Subtitle

Document Version

Document Subtitle

Document Version

Document Subtitle

Document Version

Document Subtitle

Document Version

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Head Text

> sim vel do dolobor sim dolor susto etum > vendio od dip ex ex etum num > ipiscin henis nulla facipis adigniat nulputem dolor irillan exerat

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Subhead Text

ilit, si.

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Table 1: Title of Table

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delessi. Detail

















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Subsubhead Text Detail 1.

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Title of Section



Document Serial Number



Document Serial Number



Stationery | Page 40

CD Label and CD Cover Additional Binding Hole • The additional binding hole will facilitate to organise the CD.

Writing Area • Writing area on the CD is used for adding the detail of the content for facilitate the recipient to easily identify the CD.




Additional Flap • The additional flap will keep the CD cover closed in the folder and will give additional protection for the CD itself.

Stationery | Page 41


Note Block

Additional Die Cut • The additional die cut is used for pencil or pen holder and also can be used as the pinned hole so it wouldnÊt spoiled the paper.

Note Block • The note block used the gradation of the logo for the side-printed block, it unifies the note block with the logo itself.

Stationery | Page 42


Memo Additional Die Cut • The additional die cut is used for pencil or pen holder and also for organising the memo itself in a binder.

Memo • The memo used simple and clean style to create more space for the users to write down.

Stationery | Page 43


Note Book

Focus on your core business while driving innovation and efficiency with industry-leading outsourcing and managed services for Creative & Design; Communication; Web & Development, Accounts & Admin; Training; and IT & Supports.

Stationery | Page 44

Section 3

Marketing Materials Among the marketing material examples

Some of these marketing materials were

using it, something we do constantly and

here, if any have been designed with

designed to incorporate extra usage. No

almost without realising it.

experimental forms are prescribed by

item is merely use just what it is. Example, a

function. When this marketing material item

notepad or a memo main purpose it to help

What weĂŠre trying to do here is to get visual

in use, its primary purpose is to convey

user an easy access to paper, its something

sensation and great usage experience


that user used to write. In this next chapter

without forgetting their main function as

youĂŠll find some of this item gives more than

stationery or marketing material. Gives

just that.

something new and appealing to the user,

The way in which information is presented affects its meaning, and fundamentally, the

something creative but yet very functional

designerĂŠs job is to interpret, on behalf of the

Admittedly, at first glance this marketing

user, what information they wish to convey,

material may appear complex or difficult

and on behalf of the receiver, how they want

even. But deriving benefits from it is just a

to receive it.

matter of becoming attuned to a new way

and benefiting.

Marketing Material | Page 45

Marketing Materials

Front Desk Signage

Front Desk Signage • Using Stainless Steel material for the signage will result professional and classy touch for the office.

Marketing Materials | Page 46

Marketing Materials


Lightbox Horizontal • Using the horizontal logo create wide and sleek effect of the lightbox.

Lightbox Vertical • Using the vertical logo emphasizes the uniqueness of our logogram.

Marketing Materials | Page 47

Marketing Materials

Outdoor Banner

Outdoor Banner • Using white background makes the logo very eye-catching and prominent. • Combined with the colourful pattern makes the outdoor banner very attractive.

Marketing Materials | Page 48

Marketing Materials


Stickers • Stickers is one of the marketing materials that is really useful, we can stick it every where and any where. With the colourful logo it will cause the curiosity of the viewer. Very powerful yet small in size.

Marketing Materials | Page 49

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Pen, Calculator and Business Card Holder

Pen and Calculator Set • One item with two functions, with the compact size this item will be very easy to carry around and very useful for the user. Metal material will give a profesiional touch for this item.

Business Card Holder • Simple and sleek design with metal as the material create the perfect touch for the user.

Marketing Materials | Page 50

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Umbrella

Umbrella • Simple and white background emphasize the colouful logo. With the wooden handle create a classic and professional look for the umbrella.

Marketing Materials | Page 51

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Shirt

Marketing Materials | Page 52

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Cap

Marketing Materials | Page 53

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Mug

Marketing Materials | Page 54

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Clock

Clock • Made from crystal with the imprinted logo inside the crystal makes this clock a perfect gift for our special client.

Marketing Materials | Page 55

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Flash Light and Keychain

Option A

Option B

• With the shining logo in the dark will

• Standard metal mini-flash light is very

make the keychain very attactive and

handy for the recipient.

yet very useful.

Marketing Materials | Page 56

Marketing Materials

Corporate Gift – Slinky Samples

Slinky • Colourful slinky, very attractive and can be used as one of the stressrelieved item.

Marketing Materials | Page 57

Section 4

Website Website is one of the most powerful marketing tools for a company. Nowadays, customerÊs measurement about a company usually starts from their website. From the website we could see how the companyÊs structure, services, contact address, and other useful informationns. The most important purpose for a website is to delivers as much as information that wouldnÊt cost any confusion to the users.

Website | Page 58


Home Page

The DivisionsÊ Icons • When the viewer roll-over his mouse, the icons will change their colour following their main division colour.

Home Page • White background, simple layout and large icons makes the website very easy in navigation. The viewer can easily find the information that they need. The icons also make the website visually attractive. • The group logo in the top center of the website accompanied with the colour footer on the bottom create the dynamic yet corporate look for the website.

Website | Page 59


Division Page – Accounts & Admin

Division Page • White background, simple layout with wide space makes the division page very flexible in adding lots of information. • Each division will diversified by their main colour. • The placement of the colourful footer keeps the division page incorporated with the home page.

Website | Page 60


Division Page – Design & Creative

Website | Page 61

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