Learning Curve Middle Planner

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middle secondary planner


meaning and purpose are you becoming your best possible self? – adding to my Meaning and Purpose by "doing" to become my best possible self. One of the greatest growth orientated mindsets is believing in the Power of Yet.

Describe your best possible self that you want to become. Read this often.

You may not have become your best possible self YET, but by lifting your efforts every day to do wellbeing building activities, you can become that person.


Describe how you do this now. .................................................................................. .................................................................................. .................................................................................. ..................................................................................

.................................................................................. .................................................................................. .................................................................................. .................................................................................. TIP: look at Positive Personal Descriptors to select five that you want to show for your best possible self. Then look at Feelings and Emotions and pick five positive ones that you want to experience regularly.


Write yourself a short letter on what you want to achieve and become in 2019.

Which of your top strengths will you need to use most and why? ..................................................................................








TIP: every three weeks write down an action you will do for each of your top strengths. Then when you spot yourself doing them, journal it in your planner.

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The weekly Wellbeing Fitness Challenges and Strengths Boosters are great opportunities to use your strengths to feel good about yourself.


Which Wellbeing Fitness Challenges and Strengths Boosters do you enjoy doing most?

TIP: read this often to remind you of why you get out of bed every day; your goals.

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Describe the qualities and strengths you like in yourself, your friends and in other people.

.................................................................................. TIP: In your planner, journal what you did to meet the challenges and boosters and how good you felt.

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Describe an achievement that you are very proud of, the strengths you used and the positive emotions you felt.



TIP: we all have mirror neurons which copy the expressions and moods of others. Often, qualities and strengths you like in others are those you like in yourself. The opposite is also true. Look for qualities you like in others, no matter how few they may be. Work on building relationships with them through these positive qualities. Use positive self-talk to push the negative qualities out of your mind.



.................................................................................. .................................................................................. TIP: Read this often to relive the uplifting feelings you experienced. Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw 14

RELATIONSHIPS AND OPTIMISM WHY RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS? – building my Relationships and Optimism by learning about respectful relationships. When you have a healthy state of wellbeing you enjoy thriving and respectful relationships. This means you understand your emotions, use your character strengths, have positive coping strategies, are able to solve problems, show empathy, manage stress and seek help. Normally most of your relationships will be respectful. The three factors which underpin respectful and resilient relationships are:


Connected – sharing and communicating equally and openly with others. P rotected – feeling emotionally and physically safe. R espected – feeling others value all of you. Respectful relationships can be threatened by risk taking, drinking, drugs, not prepared to seek help, body image, anxiety, eating disorders and not accepting people with individual differences. Following are questions to reflect on to prepare you for discussions about respectful relationships.

questions to reflect on

your thoughts and experiences


what is one thing you could do?

What are my responsibilities in having a respectful relationship? How can I recognise when others’ expectations of what a respectful relationship differs to mine? How do I show empathy and understanding for others with individual differences? How do I respectfully and nonviolently communicate to resolve relationship conflicts? How can I recognise when things become unsafe for myself or others in a relationship? What strategies can I use if I find myself or my friends in unsafe or threatening relationships? Who could I seek help from if I found myself in an unsafe relationship and what would I say to ask for help? What could I do if I knew a friend was in an unsafe relationship, but made me promise to keep it secret? How have phones changed what affects respectful relationships for me? What could I do if I found my friends were texting inappropriate images and putting pressure on me to join in? Acknowledgement: Janice Atkins, Andrew Fuller, John Hendry, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne

“It’s not what happens to you, but what happens in you.” W. Mitchell 15



ETHICAL LIVING Wellbeing Bank: to add to my Meaning and Purpose by learning how to live ethically. To live and act ethically, you act in ways which you know will benefit others’ and your wellbeing and make choices based on what your mind tells you is the right thing for you to do. Don’t do something for personal or material gain. Use your top strengths to make a positive difference. Before acting ask yourself, will it be fair, safe and legal for all involved? Will it enable me and others to experience positive emotions? Describe how you currently make decisions on how you live and act.

Tuesday 21


Wednesday 22

.......................................................................................... Ethical behaviours include: • showing empathy for others’ feelings • doing selfless kind actions for others • being honest with others and yourself • respecting others’ rights to have an opinion and then listening to it • valuing the planet we live on • following through on what you say you will do. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.

Thursday 23


What are two things I will start doing to live more ethically?

1. 2.

Friday 24


Heart Feelings – reflect on the feelings your heart has right now and describe them. Draw a picture of your heart and write your feelings on it.


Studies show clearly that people who write down their goals and set little targets to aim for every two weeks are far more likely to accomplish their goals. With a friend describe the ways you currently set your goals. Look at page 19 for ideas.



WELLBEING TIP Fresh fruit and plain unsalted nuts make great snacks.

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Saturday 25


MAY 2019


Character Strength


Communication / Comments:

ww w.v iac har act er.o



Parent / Guardian: “Our characters are a result of our conduct.” Aristotle





LEARNING FROM FEEDBACK Wellbeing Bank: to develop my Positive Engagement by learning from giving and receiving feedback. Feedback is sharing your thoughts and listening to others’ thoughts about what you and they are doing. Often, you hear points of view you hadn’t thought of, which enables you to reflect on the reasons supporting your ideas. Feedback is about learning more, rather than making judgements. Describe how currently you give and receive feedback.

Tuesday 27

.......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... When giving feedback, firstly listen actively, then look for what is good about their ideas and offer examples to support your points. Use sandwich feedback, good stuff before and after not so positive points. Avoid saying what you think they want to hear and always offer a positive alternative to a negative. Discuss possibles, then probables and finally preferred directions. When receiving feedback process and appreciate what others are saying and avoid thinking about what you are going to say; just listen. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.

Wednesday 28

Thursday 29


What are two things I will start doing to develop how I learn from giving and receiving feedback?

1. 2.

Friday 30


Name Game – write down all the objects you know that begin with the letter C and what they are used for.


When you have problems, as we all do at times, they need to be sorted out quickly to not affect your and others’ wellbeing. The Thinking Tools on the website have very clear and structured problem solving strategies. With two friends explore ones you believe could help you when problems crop up.



WELLBEING TIP Don’t let problems in life develop into worries; share them with your Team.

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Saturday 31




Character Strength


Communication / Comments:

ww w.v iac har act er.o



Parent / Guardian: “A wise person hears one word and understands two.” Proverb



positive education HOW CAN YOU USE THINKING BOOSTERS? – developing my Skills and Achievement by trying new approaches in my thinking. The following approaches will boost your thinking to build strong brain pathways: using them is growing your brain’s abilities

Deeper learning and thinking

the SQ3R study method structures the way you learn and think and stands for.

S Q survey



read, recite, review.

S = Survey read the introduction or first paragraph in each chapter read the first sentence of the other paragraphs read the last paragraph or the conclusion of each chapter.

S provides an overview of the material an idea of the study time required.

Q = Question read with a purpose in mind; to answer questions look at the end of the chapter for questions to answer consider teacher’s questions change headings into questions and answer them.


R = Read reading to answer questions is stimulating; you have a reason, a purpose have a pen in your hand jotting down notes/ideas.

R = Review review the answers to your questions daily and weekly Your memory and brain pathways will be strengthened.

R = Recite recite aloud to yourself or another person what you read write it in a Thinking Tool record on your phone and replay it, when travelling.

creates a purpose for your reading Your understanding will be improved.

Acknowledgement: Francis Robinson

HOW CAN YOU answer these questions? – adding to my Skills and Achievement by changing my approach for different types of questions.

Different types of test questions require you to adapt your thinking and approaches for answering them: it’s time to learn more than one way to approach answering test questions. Multiple Choice read the question carefully; don’t overlook details read all the choices eliminate obviously incorrect answers often the longest answer is the correct one guess if you don’t know.

True/False be aware of the wording. Words such as “always” and “none” change the answer from wording like “often” and “some”. for something to be true all of it must be guess the answer if you don’t know.

Short Answer be to the point; avoid over answering if unsure, use point form to record all the facts you know about the area in question. the facts will earn you credit.

Essay carefully plan your time understand exactly what you are being asked to do be aware of exam/test wording and terminology do an outline of key facts and ideas, which in point form will organise your thoughts in a logical sequence use Paragraph Building: TEEL to construct paragraphs tie your thoughts together with linking phrasing such as “on account of this” be to the point open the essay by restating the question in the first sentence always include ideas and points that your teacher has stressed/emphasised in class always include a logical conclusion, repeating key points. “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” Roy T. Bennett 138

positive education how can you solve problems? – building my Skills and Achievement by following a process to solve problems. To solve problems effectively they need to be: clearly understood approached using logical step by step thinking and quick fix solutions avoided you begin the process immediately Describe how you currently solve problems....................... ......................................................................................... An effective process is... Defining the problem: beginning by describing it in your own words seeking other points of view on the problem breaking it down into smaller tasks brainstorming all possible solutions; even silly ones. Evaluating solutions: judging the success of each solution using Thinking Tools will create clear brain pathways for your thinking to follow such as Connect, Extend,

Challenge and Points of the Compass choosing the best solution or perhaps a combination. Implementing the solution: planning the process to follow what resources are needed to overcome hurdles? what format will you use? what do you need to learn more about? Working the plan: logically, step-by-step, implementing the solution encouraging feedback to evaluate your success in solving the problem checking your results. Actions: What are two things I will start doing to improve my approach to solving problems? ......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

why read more effectively? – increasing my Skills and Achievement by changing how I read for different purposes. The speed at which you read depends on: your purpose for reading; why am I reading this? reading everything the same way is a time waster. effective reading is choosing the best way to read Describe how you currently read........................................ ......................................................................................... Following are different ways to read and their purpose. Skimming purpose: deciding on its usefulness for your purpose a quick flip through the pages for an impression fast reading. Scanning purpose: rapidly reading looking for key words or phrases; then reading that section carefully skipping over large areas of text quick searching reading.

Memorising purpose: absorbing and making sense of the information repeating main points to obtain a good understanding slow, careful, reading and rereading. Gathering purpose: note-taking and summarising looking for main points, emphasis, bias, facts using The Smarter Note Taking Process steady critical reading. Discovering purpose: looking for author’s writing abilities Actions: What are two things I will start doing to read more effectively? ......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

why speaking presentations? – adding to my Skills and Achievement by planning my speaking presentations. Thoughtful speaking presentations contain four main ingredients. Preparation writing the topic in your own words brainstorming ideas, key words and main points creating a theme to tie your thoughts together knowing the message you want to get across. knowing your audience’s understanding of the issue thinking of questions your audience may ask you and preparing answers. Describe how you currently prepare for a speaking presentation...................................................................... ......................................................................................... Presentation using your body language to project confidence sending the message that you want to be there giving a clear account of the topic

varying the tone and volume of your voice dressing for success having a glass of water to sip on. Conclusion developing an overall judgement using relevant facts to develop a final address being relaxed yet assertive. Practise with friends and family using a mirror or videoing it on your phone your body language being yourself, no pretend images most of all, enjoying yourself and shining. Actions: What are two things I will start doing to develop thoughtful speaking presentations? ......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

“Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow.” Lawrence Clark Powell 139

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