2025 PBL & PERMAH Diary

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Combining positive behaviours for learning with exploring the elements of PERMAH to create a safe and stimulating learning environment, for you to experience and achieve exciting personal and academic growth.

A positive learning behaviour that I want to practise to grow my abilities and wellbeing is .......................................................................................................................................................

A challenge out of my comfort zone that I want to tackle and overcome is ................................

A PERMAH element of my wellbeing that I want to develop is

Something that I am aiming for this year is ..................................................................................

“What is necessary to change a person is to change their awareness of themselves.” Abraham Maslow

PERMAH Model of Wellbeing

PERMAH is a whole-school model of wellbeing to describe the elements that you need to develop to feel optimistic and hopeful for your future, because you know that you are working towards becoming your best version of yourself. It is made up of six equally important elements which work together as a family. They are:

• Positive Emotion – creating positive emotions in yourself and contesting negative unhelpful thoughts with self-talk.

• Engagement – being curious to explore, noticing something different about every day and focusing on what you love doing.

• Relationships – creating and maintaining respectful relationships and showing that other peoples’ needs and feelings matter to you.

• Meaning – having a reason for getting out of bed and having a sense of purpose to make a positive difference to others’ lives.

• Accomplishment – creating goals as your pathways to deliberately practising to grow your abilities through challenges and feedback.

• Health – doing the Big Five daily to feel positive, exercise briskly, eat healthy, drink water and sleep deeply to be happy and healthy.

Each week one of the elements is focused on for you to think about and explore little positive actions that you can do to build your wellbeing and sense of agency to leave your comfort zone. See PERMAH lesson on pages ww. Colour in each of these PERMAH elements as to where you feel that you are currently at. Repeat this at the end of each term.


am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” Carl Jung

Positive Behaviours for Learning: PBL

PBL is a whole-school approach to creating a positive, safe and supportive school environment, where you feel that you have the opportunity to:

• participate actively in class to enjoy learning and exploring new things.

• live a growth mindset to believe that you can keep getting better at getting better.

• practise the resilience skills that you need use to respond well to challenges at school.

• build your agency and self-determination to know that you have the power and will to tackle and overcome challenges.

• use your strengths to make decisions that will improve your and other students’ engagement at school.

• do the Big Five’s simple actions every day to enable you to take responsibility for being happy and healthy.

The PBL behaviours extend to every part of your school environment, including the classrooms, corridors, canteen, school gates, buses and representing your school in the community. See bank PBL Matrices on pages ww to create your own matrix to suit your school. There are daily questions for you to think about and share a benefit of using a particular PBL behaviour in your everyday school life.

Colour in each of these PBL aspects as to where you feel that you are currently at. Repeat this at the end of each term.

Participating actively in learning.

Building a strong sense of agency.

Living a growth mindset.

Applying your strengths wisely.

Practising resilience skills.

Doing the Big Five daily.

“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” Amelia Earhart


POSITIVE EMOTION: Sharing Intentions – everyone has mirror neurons, which copy others’ moods, intentions and body language. Over 90% of your communication with others is done via messages sent and received by body language and voice tones. When you meet others, you know very quickly whether they are interested in getting to know you or not. Practise smiling, listening and being welcoming to show others that your intention is to be friendly.

Acknowledgement: Greenfield & Iacoboni

RESILIENT AGENCY: describe two types of friendly body language and voices tones that you could use to share positive intentions.

Your Thoughts Pattern, Repetition & Control

Wise Words

As a class, brainstorm what you think they mean.


know what we are but know not what we may be.”


PBL Agency

20 Monday PBL: what is a benefit of looking for what’s good about things?

21 Tuesday PBL: describe a benefit of listening with your eyes, ears and heart.

22 Wednesday PBL: write down a benefit of welcoming each other to class with a smiling face.

23 Thursday PBL: identify a benefit of waiting patiently for your class to begin.

24 Friday PBL: share a benefit of arriving on time and ready to learn.

25 Saturday / 26 Sunday PBL: suggest a benefit of being sunsmart to use slip, slop, slap, seek and slide.


Teacher: Parent:

The Big 5

For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.



ACCOMPLISHMENT: Process Goals – you have to write down stepby-step process goals to grow yourself, because just thinking about them is not enough to self-motivate you to work towards achieving them. To be self-determined, write one goal to improve your learning and thinking skills, one to build your respectful relationships and one of your choice. Consider challenges, what will you need to learn, and who can help you to learn these things.

Acknowledgement: Sheldon & Adams Miller

RESILIENT AGENCY: describe a step-by-step process goal for each of the following –Learning and Thinking skills: I will; Respectful Relationships: I will; My Choice: I will...

Your Thoughts

Wellbeing Word Search

Wise Words

As a class, brainstorm what you think they mean.

“Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, till you find your dream.” Sound of Music

PBL Agency

17 Monday PBL: what is a benefit of celebrating highlights with friends?

18 Tuesday PBL: describe a benefit of asking more questions to fill in the gaps.

19 Wednesday PBL: write down a benefit of showing courage to forgive a student who upset you.

20 Thursday PBL: identify a benefit of putting your rubbish in the bin.

21 Friday PBL: share a benefit of using your diary to organise yourself.

22 Saturday / 23 Sunday PBL: suggest a benefit of having a special goal for yourself.


Teacher: Parent:

The Big 5

For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.


RELATIONSHIPS: Responding with Interest – when you listen actively to others’ words, not your own thoughts, and respond with interest, you will be building trusting relationships. Make eye contact, smile, use welcoming body language and show enthusiasm to someone who shares their story. They will feel valued that you think they matter, and serotonin will be released to fill both of you with positive emotions. Don’t interrupt, because that breaks the story teller’s train of thought.

Acknowledgement: Gable, Gonzaga & Strachman

RESILIENT AGENCY: describe how you would like someone to listen and respond to you when sharing a story with them, about something you care for.

Your Thoughts

Find your way through the maze.

Wise Words

As a class, brainstorm what you think they mean.

“The only thing that really matters in life are your relationships with other people.”

George Vaillant

PBL Agency

18 Monday PBL: what is a benefit of believing in your ability to accept learning challenges?

18 Tuesday PBL: describe a benefit of controlling your thoughts to pay attention well.

18 Wednesday PBL: write down a benefit of sharing your concerns with your older relatives.

20 Thursday PBL: identify a benefit of being grateful for what staff do for you.

21 Friday PBL: share a benefit of persisting to keep hanging in there.

22 Saturday / 23 Sunday PBL: suggest a benefit of being resilient to respond well to challenges.



The Big 5

For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.

Feel Positive?


Belonging in Groups

PBL/PERMAH Intention – WHY: for you to feel a sense of belonging in the different teams/groups that you are part of, by learning about the 7 Cs and how to use them. HOW: reflect on how often you are consciously looking to use each of the 7C’s, and share a time that you thought that you used each one well.

Feeling a sense of belonging doesn’t just happen by you being in a team, you have to deliberately work at it. Make a good choice to use the 7C’s.

Acknowledgement: Adapted from Amy Brann’s book, Make Your Brain Work

Connectedness – feeling that you and your classmates are connected to each other and feel a sense of belonging at school.

How often do you feel this? Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe a time that you felt connected at school.

Confidence – feeling that you and your classmates have what it takes to achieve what you set out to do.

How often do you feel this? Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe a time that you felt confident at school.

Contribution – feeling that you and your classmates efforts to give of yourselves to achieve something is valued and appreciated.

How often do you feel this? Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe a time that you contributed and felt valued for it at school.

“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So ... get on your way!” Dr Seuss

Belonging in Groups

Control – feeling that you and your classmates self-regulate your emotions and impulses to move towards your mutual goals.

How often do you feel this? Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe a time that you felt in control at school.

Celebration – feeling that you and your classmates acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements.

How often do you feel this? Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe a time that you celebrated at school.

Compassion – feeling that you and your classmates show empathy for each other’s needs and feelings.

How often do you feel this? Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe a time that you were treated with compassion at school.

Culture – feeling that you and your classmates enjoy being connected, protected and respected in your relationships.

How often do you feel this? Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe a time that you valued your relationships at school.

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” Dr Seuss

Working at Becoming Resilient

PBL/PERMAH Intention – WHY: for you to learn that nobody is born with the skills to be resilient to respond well to. HOW: to focus on deliberately practising using the following skills every day in living your life to work at becoming resilient. These skill will enable you to respond well to challenges that confront you and setbacks and failures you experience. Reflect on how you are using each one using Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Optimism and Hope – building your confidence to believe that you can influence what happens by putting in honest efforts. Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe when you have done this well, or a situation where you could use this skill.

Tip: focus on your goals and write down new ones every term.

Controlling Emotions – watching for the signs that your emotions are strengthening and then settling yourself to be calm again Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe when you have done this well, or a situation where you could use this skill.

Tip: on an outline of your body draw the emotional warning signs.

Impulse Control – practising being more self-aware when you are about to speak or act without first thinking. Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe when you have done this well, or a situation where you could use this skill.

Tip: practise coping strategies, such as, self-talk and colouring in.

Thinking Flexibly – changing the way that you think for different challenges and contesting negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe when you have done this well, or a situation where you could use this skill.

Tip: practise using Habits of Mind every day.

Acknowledgement: Rievich & Shatte

“Resilience is not what happens to you. It’s how you react to, respond to, and recover from what happens to you.” Jeffrey Gitomer.

Working at Becoming Resilient

Being resilient doesn’t just happen as you get older, you have to work at it. These skills of resilience are great life skills which will help you to become your best self.

Acknowledgement: Rievich & Shatte

Empathy – showing that other people matter to you by understanding and caring for their needs and feelings. Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe when you have done this well, or a situation where you could use this skill.

Tip: look for opportunities to be kind and considerate to people.

Self-Belief – trusting yourself to be reliable, open, kind and to have the strengths and what it takes to achieve your goals. Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe when you have done this well, or a situation where you could use this skill.

Tip: create positive “I am...” screen savers for your mobile.

Connecting with Others – knowing what you need to do to create and maintain respectful relationships Usually Sometimes Not Yet

Describe when you have done this well, or a situation where you could use this skill.

Tip: use welcoming body language and smiling when with people.

What is a challenge that you have now that you want to overcome and which of these skills can help you to do this?

What is a longer term challenge that you will need to persist with to overcome and which of these skills can help you to do this?

“You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.” Ain Eineziz

Term Dates 2025 Public Holidays 2025

AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: –www.education.act.gov.au

Monday 3 February (New students)

Tuesday 4 February (Continuing Students) to Friday 11 April

Tuesday 29 April to Friday 4 July

Tuesday 22 July to Friday 26 September

Tuesday 14 October to Thursday 18 December

NEW SOUTH WALES: – www.education.nsw.edu.au

Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April

Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Monday 13 October to Friday 19 December

VICTORIA: – www. education.vic.gov.au

Wednesday 29 January to Friday 4 April

Tuesday 22 April to Friday 4 July

Monday 21 July to Friday 19 September

Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

QUEENSLAND: – www.education.qld.gov.au

Tuesday 28 January to Friday 4 April

Tuesday 22 April to Friday 27 June

Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September

Tuesday 7 October to Friday 12 December

SOUTH AUSTRALIA: – www.education.sa.gov.au

Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April

Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Monday 13 October to Friday 12 December

WESTERN AUSTRALIA: – www.det.wa.edu.au

Wednesday 5 February to Friday 11 April

Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Monday 13 October to Thursday 18 December

NORTHERN TERRITORY: – www.det.nt.gov.au

Wednesday 29 January to Friday 4 April

Monday 14 April to Friday 20 June

Tuesday 15 July to Friday 19 September

Monday 6 October to Friday 12 December

TASMANIA: – www.decyp.tas.gov.au

Thursday 6 February to Friday 11 April

Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Monday 13 October to Thursday 18 December




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