2022 Senior Learning Curve Planner www.learningcurve.com.au NAME............................................................................................................................................................ CLASS........................................
Challenging My Best Self
TO CREATE THE TYPE OF LIFE I WANT FOR MYSELF To generate the inner drive and motivation to achieve this, you will need to be self-determined. That is, feeling a sense choice in what you do, feeling confident in your learning skills and feeling connected to people.
About Me
This year my purpose for being at school is ...
Challenges that I will need to overcome are ...
........................................................................................... Choices that I will need to make to overcome them are ...
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........................................................................................... When out socialsing with friends I will choose to ...
........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... Who can support me to make these choices?
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Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky & Tal Ben Shahar
Character Strengths Weeks
GRATITUDE WEEK Think about the little things you already have in your life that you are grateful want; what would happen for, not the things you if they weren’t there? And think about the many kind for you, without you asking; acts others do do you say thank you? Choosing to show gratitude wellbeing. builds everyone’s This week make Gratitude Walls both in your classroom to write down or draw and at home for your class things they are grateful and your family for and what they said to say thank you. This Week’s Gratitudes: This week write down or draw little things that that you are grateful for you are grateful for and and then say thank you kind things others did for to them. Also, who was you grateful for your efforts this week?
There are eight Strengths Week spread throughout this planner. They provide you and your class with an opportunity to practise using one your strengths to build your wellbeing. They are also fun to do at home with your family. The order of these weeks are: Gratitude, Curiosity, Teamwork, Love of Learning, Kindness, Perseverance, Leadership, Zest. From the website www.learningcurve.com.au, download the Strengths Weeks sheets from Individual Resources/ Character Strengths Weeks. “It is not happiness that brings us gratitude. It is gratitude that brings us happiness.” Anon
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw 1
PERMAH+ = Your Circle of Resilient Wellbeing THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to understand that PERMAH+ describes your state of wellbeing. PERMAH+ Reflection: how each of your elements of PERMAH+ are developing? The six equally important PERMAH+ elements combine to describe your state of wellbeing, and no single element on its own can indicate this.
Positive emotions + gratitude
Engagement + mindfulness
Creating positive emotions, handling negative thoughts, and being grateful for how these benefit your mental and physical wellbeing, respectful relationships and personal and academic growth.
Living your life with curiosity and zest to focus on what you need to do to accomplish your goals and pursue what you are passionate about to grow wellbeing.
What can you deliberately do to grow this element?
What can you deliberately do to grow this element?
Health + strengths
Relationships + empathy
Developing the Big Five as habits to enable your thriving mental and physical health, and using your strengths to support your learning progress and personal growth. What can you deliberately do to grow this element? ...................................................................... ......................................................................
PERMAH+ is Your Circle of Resilient Wellbeing
Developing the social and emotional skills to build and maintain respectful and caring relationships with others, and having empathy for their needs and feelings. What can you deliberately do to grow this element? ...................................................................... ......................................................................
Accomplishment + optimism
Meaning + purpose
Having optimism and hope by setting, striving for and accomplishing personal goals, and deliberately practising to grow your brain’s abilities to deliver well.
Identifying and focusing on something larger than yourself, which gives you a sense of meaning, and a purpose to get out of bed every morning.
What can you deliberately do to grow this element?
What can you deliberately do to grow this element?
................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Seligman & Peterson
“If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.” Roy T. Bennett 4
© Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd - Senior
Self-Determination = Motivation THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to understand that your motivation to challenge your best self comes from being self-determined. PERMAH+ Reflection: how strong is your sense of competence, sense of connectedness and sense of autonomy? Does your motivation to commit to applying yourself at school come from inside you (intrinsic), or from others around you (extrinsic)? Your thoughts:....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Intrinsically motivated senior students are self-determined, and have always been more likely to achieve their goals. This means that they have strong senses of competence, connectedness and autonomy. Reflect on how self-determined you are.
Sense of Competence: you feel confident in your learning and thinking capabilities to competently master each of your subjects. Usually
At times
Not yet
When is a time you have felt a strong sense of competence?........................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Who can you seek help from to assist you to develop your sense of competence further?.................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sense of Connectedness: you feel that you belong and that other people at school value you for who you are and think that you matter. Usually
At times
Not yet
When is a time you have felt a strong sense of connectedness?...................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... What is a group you want to feel that you belong to more, and who can you ask to help you achieve this?......................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sense of Autonomy: you feel confident to make your own decisions, and that you have control of the choices you make. Usually
At times
Not yet
When is a time you have felt a strong sense of autonomy?.............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... What are areas where you want to feel that you have more independence in your choices?............................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Ryan & Deci
“Freedom is knowing who you really are.” Bill Vaughan 5
Resilience to Respond Well THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to understand that resilience is the way your brain responds to any challenge. PERMAH+ Reflection: what can you do to develop each of these resilience skills in yourself so that you can use them naturally? Resilience is your ability to respond well to a challenge. When you are faced with a challenge, your brain assesses it as either short term for survival or long term for future success and responds accordingly. The skills it needs to overcome the challenge follow below. Self-assess on how well you are using each one: Usually At times Not yet
At times
Not yet
IMPULSE CONTROL: you are aware of what is happening around and to you to not act or speak without first thinking. Usually
At times
Not yet
When is a time that you have done this well?
When is a time that you have done this well?
What is a situation where you can use this skill?
What is a situation where you can use this skill?
Tip: write down self-goals each term and set short term targets to move towards them.
Tip: practise coping strategies, such as colouring in and deep breathing, to pause to connect with yourself.
REGULATING EMOTIONS: you can control the duration and intensity of your feelings, and contest negative mind chatter with self-talk.
At times
Not yet
way that you think for differing challenges by choosing the most appropriate Habit of Mind. Usually
At times
Not yet
When is a time that you have done this well?
When is a time that you have done this well?
What is a situation where you can use this skill?
What is a situation where you can use this skill?
Tip: use self-calming and coping strategies when you feel your emotions rising.
Tip: use Thinking Tools and Habits of Mind from www.learningcurve.com.au to develop thinking agility. Acknowledgement: Rievich & Shatte
“Resilience is not what happens to you. It’s how you react to, respond to, and recover from what happens to you.” Jeffrey Gitomer 6
© Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd - Senior
OPTIMISM AND HOPE: you believe that you can influence your own future through your efforts and apply yourself to do so.
Resilience to Respond Well By choosing to practise using these skills every day to become confident in your ability to use them, you will be able to respond well to challenges, setbacks or failures, and keep on enduring when things aren’t going your way.
EMPATHY: you show that others matter to you by accepting and respecting their needs and feelings. Usually
At times
Not yet
BUILDING SOCIAL-CONNECTEDNESS: you can and want to create and maintain respectful relationships to feel a sense of belonging. Usually
At times
Not yet
When is a time that you have done this well?
When is a time that you have done this well?
What is a situation where you can use this skill?
What is a situation where you can use this skill?
Tip: look for opportunities to listen actively, to be kind and considerate to people you are with.
Tip: use welcoming body language and show positive intentions in all of your personal interactions with others.
SELF-BELIEF: you can trust yourself to be reliable, open,
When is a time you had a short term challenge and which of these resilience skills did you use to overcome?
compassionate and to have what it takes to achieve your goals. Usually
At times
Not yet
When is a time that you have done this well?
When is a time you had a longer term challenge and which of these resilience skills did you use to overcome it?
................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. What is a situation where you can use this skill? .................................................................................................
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For both of these challenges, what strengths did you tap into to enable you to overcome them.
Tip: create positive self-mantras as screen savers for your mobile and laptop to be honest with the person who you see in the mirror.
................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Rievich & Shatte
“You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.” Ain Eineziz 7
SHARING GOOD NEWS WHY: by listening actively and responding enthusiastically to others sharing their good news with you face to face, you both will feel the uplifting highs of serotonin and oxytocin. HOW: when someone shares a story with you, don’t interrupt, use eye contact and ask tell me more when they start to run out of words. Both of you will feel a sense of belonging and social connectedness, two powerful builders of respectful relationships. Texting someone near you is a poor substitute to talking face to face with them.
Acknowledgement: Gable, Gonzaga & Strachman
DO: what is a good news story that you would like to share with someone?
23 WEDNESDAY Ask someone to share their good news story? Were they grateful and how did you feel?
24 THURSDAY Which resilience skill could help you to do this well? (pages 6-7)
Strengths Week: Curiosity 25 FRIDAY
1................................................................................................. 2................................................................................................. 3.................................................................................................
What did I improve on?
Study Tip Find a purpose which fuels your enthusiasm and drives your effort; your ikigai. 26
© Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd - Senior
Aaron Swartz once shared, “what people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity.” Who are three people or things that you are really curious to learn more about and to explore?
March 2022
Big 5 Check In
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
MISSING OUT ON NOTHING WHY: by understanding that FOMO is an addiction which can result in low moods and anxiety, you will be more likely to avoid being mesmerised by social media. HOW: reflect on each of your goals and write down how social media is going to contribute to you achieving them. Then, write down any important or valuable information you have learned from social media over the last week. It is highly likely that you didn’t write anything down. By turning off social media you are missing out on nothing meaningful.
Acknowledgement: Greenfield & Hassed
DO: when is a time you have forgotten your phone and had a great time?
How is social media actually social?
Which resilience skill could help you to do this well? (pages 6-7)
Respectful Me: I share What is an assertive statement you could make to get your message across for:
2. Your parents are always telling you to study?
Acknowledgement: Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
What was I grateful for?
Study Tip Study in 60 minute blocks: 50 minutes full focus work and 10 minutes recharge time. 46
© Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd - Senior
1. Your friends want you to get in a car to go a party with a driver you don’t trust?
May 2022
Big 5 Check In
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
LESS IS MORE WHY: by understanding that having too many choices often causes you to procrastinate and feel that you can’t make a decision, you will be more likely to value that less is more. HOW: write down what you are grateful for in your life and what you need to feel happy and content. Everything else are your wants, often created by advertising and social media comparisons. Good strategies for appreciating that less is more, is daily writing down what you are looking forward to, and what you were grateful for nightly.
Acknowledgement: Schwartz & Boniwell
DO: when is a time your choices were based on your needs and a time they were based on your wants?
16 WEDNESDAY How could writing what you are looking forward to and are grateful for help you?
Which resilience skill could help you to do this well? (pages 6-7)
Respectful Me: I share Senior students can experience a mix of both joyful and not so joyful emotions when studying and socialising. From Feelings and Emotions, what are two of each type of the above emotions and what triggers them?
....................................................................................................... Not Joyful. 2..................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
What is a new skill I learnt?
Study Tip Avoid studying late at night; your effective output for your input is very low. 100
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Joyful. 1...........................................................................................
November 2022
Big 5 Check In
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
Your Life Roles: as a young adult THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to think about what your different life roles involve. PERMAH+ Reflection: what do you need to do to be self-determined to fulfill each role well? As a young adult, there are an increasing number of different roles that you are expected to be actively involved in. These include as a family member, as a senior student, as a community member and as a person developing a career for yourself. To challenge your best self in each of these roles, reflect on your progress and set self-expectations.
OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOKS Understanding and consciously using my strengths every day.
SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL SKILLS Understanding how to self-regulate my emotions and impulses.
Understanding my interests and personal values in life.
ME who I will become
ME who I am now Understanding how to connect with myself and others.
Understanding and showing that other people matter.
Understanding how my best self can overcome challenges.
Understanding how to live an ethical and optimistic life.
Understanding how to build social connectedness with others.
My self-expectation is:...................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................
My self-expectation is:...................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................
my self-improvement plan
Understanding how to grow my brain’s abilities.
Understanding how to think and change my thinking.
ME as a student Understanding how to develop essential learning skills.
CHALLENGING VISIONS Understanding myself to identify possible careers.
Understanding my best self, goals and self-expectations.
ME inspiring myself Understanding how to cope with the ups and downs of school.
My self-expectation is:...................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................
Understanding how to welcome challenges to grow myself.
Understanding the type of life that I want to live.
My self-expectation is:...................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgment: Tal Ben Shahar
“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.” Mae Jemison 116
© Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd - Senior
Sense of Purpose: as a young adult THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to discover a purpose to strive for, which gives you meaning in what you do. PERMAH+ Reflection: What are things that you do that are meaningful for you? Japanese people call their reason for waking up every day, their ikigai. Not having a purpose in your life can lead to a lack of motivation to do what you need to do. To feel you that matter, comes from valuing yourself and having a sense of purpose, which enables you to focus your efforts on something bigger than yourself. What is something that means a lot to you which gives you a sense of purpose in your life and why?
What you love
..................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................
Passion .....................................................................................................................................................................
Look at the diagram. What is your ikigai, your reason for waking up every morning? .....................................................................................................................................................................
What you are good at
Mission What the world needs Vocation
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What jobs interest you
What do you love?........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What does the world need?....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What are you good at?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What jobs interest you?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What are little things you do which make a positive impact on others’ lives? And what would happen if you stopped doing them? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Who is someone you admire who has strong sense of purpose to help other people? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Acknowledgment: Frankl & Nakanishi
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct you life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung 117
Body Language: as a young adult THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to build your abilities to both read and send body language messages. PERMAH+ Reflection: what body language messages show that you are prepared to challenge you best self? You have one chance to make a good first impression when you meet people. While many of your generation prefer to communicate electronically, the reality is that in the world of work you will need to communicate effectively in face to face situations with others. Remember that others’ mirror neurons will kick in positively when they see you intentionally being welcoming and interested. Explore the messages being sent in the following table and suggest at the bottom of the table three pairs of welcoming and unwelcoming body language. Messages that you want to send to others You want to be assertive to let your friends know clearly that you don’t want to participate in something. You have just met a new student to your school and want to let them know that you’ll assist them to settle in. You want to show that you are interested in listening to someone share a story about an experience with you.
Describe the body language you would use to send each message ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
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You want to let younger students know that they can rely on you to follow through as a trusted role model.
....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
You want your teachers to know that you are keen to learn with them and put in solid efforts.
Types of body language
Describe the messages being sent to others for each of these
Making eye contact and nodding while listening
....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
Smiling, laughing and looking happy with others
....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
Standing too close to someone you are talking with
Interrupting someone who is talking
....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
Acknowledgement: Gable, Fredrickson & Diener
“Body language is leadership at first sight.” Janna Cachola 126
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Playing with your phone while someone is talking to you
Respectful Relationships: as a young adult THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to understand your role in creating and maintaining respectful relationships. PERMAH+ Reflection: what do you need to do to feel connected, protected and respected in your relationships? For your relationships to be respectful and healthy, you and other people need to feel: » Connected – feeling that you belong and experiencing positive emotions through open and equal communicating. » Protected – having optimism and hope for your future through feeling emotionally and physically safe. » Respected – feeling valued as a person who matters by others and who makes a positive difference in the world. Be aware that you may not feel these three things when you are exposed to situations which include risk taking, drinking, drugs, not being prepared to seek help, body image, anxiety, eating disorders, bullying, unsafe, violent and power play relationships. Reflect and self-asses on the following questions in terms of feeling connected, protected and respected. Reflect and self-assess on
When out socialising with friends, what attitudes and behaviours make you feel safe, and which make you feel unsafe?
Your thoughts and experiences ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................
What is a goal that you can choose set to build your sense of competence as a senior student?
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What are three challenges that you and your friends will need to overcome together as senior students this year?
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Self-talk is a powerful coping strategy. Create a positive I can and I will self-talk statement that you can use for each of the above challenges.
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What are positive effects that social media has on your relationships and also negative ones? What are the greatest?
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What are five possible situations that you and your friends would benefit from discussing before you go out socialising to keep yourselves safe?
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Acknowledgement: Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
“Don’t walk in front of me: I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” Albert Camus 127
Exploring the World of Work: as a young adult THIS LESSON: The PERMAH+ Learning Intention is for you to show optimism for your future by exploring the world of work. PERMAH+ Reflection: to create the type of life you want for yourself, what careers/jobs interest you and what are their entry requirements. Preparing yourself to thrive in your future life involves two main elements. Learning how to: » l ive a meaningful and fulfilling life using your strengths » e arn a living through a satisfying job or career by developing your skill sets » f ocusing on these equally will provide you with meaning and purpose, happiness and a sense of accomplishment. Early engagement with the world of work through either work experience or part-time jobs has real benefits: » y our school Careers Counsellor, an expert on work options, is an important person for you to talk with.
Part-time jobs are positive opportunities to: » experience different types of careers and work » have timeout from study and meet new people » develop a savings plan to finance your needs and wants » feel a sense of independence. Balance is the key: » no more than 10 hours weekly » avoid late night work as it can impact adversely on both your wellbeing and studies » achieving your goal of living the life you want to live.
Describe a part-time job you have had or would like.
Describe what you are currently doing to investigate careers. ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
Career decisions happen for different people at different times: » you are likely to retrain at least 8 times and change jobs 12 to 15 times » there is a difference between a job and a career » job: a specific activity » career: a number of jobs progressing through life. Look at www.myfuture.edu.au to: » reflect on your personality, skills, interests, needs, priorities and suitable levels of responsibility » complete the personal interest chart » match Jobs Chart with your personal characteristics and skills and level of education required.
Describe the careers you are interested in investigating. ...................................................................................................................................
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To investigate possible careers, you: » need to understand the connection between education and career opportunities » should plan careers as an extra subject.
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Other websites which may assist you include: » www.jobsearch.gov.au » www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au » www.adecco.com.au » www.careersonline.com.au » www.self-directed-search.com » www.graduatecareers.com.au
“To know and still not do is still not to know.” Chinese Proverb 134
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Exploring the World of Work: as a young adult To learn about being employed on a full-time basis, ask someone in your chosen career area the following questions: » what do you do in a typical day? » what do you like and not like about your job? » what are your career highlights to date? » what education is required? » what education do you have? » what are your career ambitions? » what career advice could you give me?
Who did you talk to and what did you learn from them? ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
Following are beneficial career planning activities: » display your skills to prospective employers on work experience » consider voluntary work experience » visit open days, careers expos and company websites » talk to career advisers, human resources staff, parents, friends, people in the jobs » contact the career association/union to ask if they have a student branch. Action: What IS ONE THING I will start doing? ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
Your resumé is a celebration of: » your skills, strengths and achievements and benefits you offer. It provides potential employers an insight of your suitability for the position. Research your target organisation to tailor your resumé to their needs: » they will be impressed you spent time to find out about them.
Be to the point: » three pages at most with relevant information » include a photo of yourself » introduce yourself via a covering letter emphasising specific parts of your resumé relevant to the position. Use the headings: » Personal Particulars, including Qualifications and Training » Achievements, Skills, Strengths and Capabilities » names of three referees and ask each to focus on a specific area about you.
Highlight what you offer: » well developed communication skills, both oral and written » initiative and problem solving capabilities » ability to work to schedules and towards goals » achievements rather than responsibilities » work experience benefits » ensure the presentation of your resumé is stylish. When choosing subjects to study, consider the following points: » are course prerequisites or those that keep your career options open » you enjoy, are capable of and that develop your individual talents » are your choices rather than those of family and friends.
Thanks for the contribution to this career planning guide from the “School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing” from Victoria University.
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Acknowledgement: Arthur Costa and Bena Kallick
“Ask the experienced rather than the learned.” Arabic Proverb 135