2023 LC Planner - Lower Primary

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Discovering More About Me


Parents and Teachers,

will need

support by explaining and offering direction for the activities. As their reading skills develop, encourage them to try to make sense of what they are being asked to do. This planner focuses on developing a self-awareness of themselves and learning to self-regulate how they act and feel.




a week around the middle of every term to have a special focus on

to use one of the four strengths, gratitude, teamwork,

and leadership, to build friendships with classmates and other students.



and describe their experiences at the back of

My Name My Class My
FRONT PAGES Discovering More About Me & Index .......... 1 About Me ................................................... 2 My Circle of Safety 3 What I Do Well: My Strengths 4, 5 & 6 Feel Good Search ...................................... 7 Feelings and My Face................................ 8 What Can Cause Feelings? 9 My Feelings with Family, Friends and Classmates ....................................... 10 My Feelings and My Thinking .................... 11 BACK
Saying What I Need to Say ..................... 108 Me Feeling Safe 109 Me Asking for Help ................................. 110 Healthy Eating and Me .......................... 111 Me Feeling Clean and Fresh 112 Thoughtful Mazes ................................... 113 Hundred Chart and Alphabet Chart ...... 114 Books You Have Read ............................ 115 Being Grateful Week 116 Being In a Team Week ........................... 117 Being Kind Week .................................... 118 Being a Leader Week 119 My Friends and Classmates ................... 120
encouraging students
There are pages
this planner. * Being Grateful Week – page 116 * Being in a Team Week – page 117 * Being Kind Week – page 118 * Being a Leader Week – page 119

What I Do Well: My Strengths

Introduce the concept of strengths, that everyone has things that they do well and that they use in their lives to be themselves. With the class explore things that they could do well and ask students to circle five of their own.

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Acknowledgement: Martin Seligman, Chris Peterson & VIA Institute
Me sharing Me being friendly Me helping out Me listening well Me waiting my turn Me being kind Me saying “sorry” Me trying hard Me saying “thank you” Me smiling Me being determinedMe showing good manners

What I Do Well: My Strengths

Ask students to draw or write the five strengths they chose for themselves on each finger and thumb of the hand below. In the palm of the hand ask them to draw themselves doing one of the five.

1 2 3 4 5

My Feelings with Family, Friends and Classmates

Introduce the concept of empathy to students of how their family, friends and classmates’ feelings can affect how they feel themselves and vice versa. You could ask how their shoulders, tummy and face feel when they sense others’ feelings. Ask students to draw or describe what is asked in each of the boxes.

One of my friends is feeling sad because they were left out of a group at playtime.

My family is celebrating my brother or sister’s birthday.

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My Feelings and My Thinking

Introduce the concept to students of how sometimes the way they feel affects the way they think. Use the analogy of thinking sensibly is calm like a dolphin and thinking in a snappy way is like a crocodile. In class ask them whether they are thinking like a dolphin or crocodile. Ask them to draw a dolphin, a crocodile and themselves thinking in each of these ways.

A dolphin

A crocodile

Me thinking like a dolphin

Me thinking like a crocodile


Feeling Happy

Happiness is an emotion that makes us feel peaceful inside but also joyful. Do you feel happy often? What does feeling happy look like to you? Draw it below.

Colour In wellbeing@school

Wellbeing Check In

This week did you... say “sorry?” yes no

ask, “how are you?” yes no

love to learn? yes no look for good? yes no

eat fruit? yes no

listen carefully? yes no

feel calm? yes no

drink water? yes no sleep well? yes no

Exercising outdoors in the fresh air and getting a good dose of vitamin D from sunlight, is a must to enjoy being healthy. What are four types of physical outdoor activities you enjoy doing?

Fill in the missing letter
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1. 2. 3. 4.

to do/Reading

13 Things
2023 MONDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 January

Doing the Big Three

To be healthy you need to do each of the Big Three every day.

Exercise Daily

Drink water

Sleep deeply

Which of the Big Three do you do well?

Mindful Maze Wellbeing Check In

Find the right path!

How did you feel this week?

What went well this week?

Wellbeing Challenge

Thinking Of Others: every day I will say well done to a classmate who did something good, and ask how they are feeling. When is a time that I was proud of how I thought of others?

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to do/Reading


23 Things
Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: February/March 27 28 1 2 3 4 5

Your Time

It is important to plan out your time each day so you can fit all of your activities, Musts and Options into your day. Practice doing this for today on your blank timetable below. Put your MUSTS in first.

Morning Afternoon Evening

Join the dots and colour in

Weekly Big 3 Check In Colour in the emojis depending on how you feel you did this week.

Sleep well Drink water Eat healthy

Activity – Add up the notes and coins and write down the total amount of money.

44 © Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd –LOWER PRIMARY
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Planning
1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 10 $_.__

to do/Reading





45 Things
Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: May 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Grateful for Your Teacher

Your Teacher really wants to help you learn and grow into the best person you can be. Your teacher loves to see you happy, smiling and enjoying class. They push you to learn more and stretch your skills.

Why are you grateful for your teacher? Circle 3 words below that best describes your Teacher.


Fun Caring

Mean Grumpy Smart

Joyful Warm Confusing

Mindful Maze Wellbeing Check In

Find a path through the maze!

How did you feel this week?

What went well this week?

Mindfulness Time

Plant Watching. Look at a plant and concentrate on the little pieces which join together to make it up. Draw it.

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to do/Reading





53 Things
Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: June 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Healthy Nature

Everyday try to spend some time in nature breathing in fresh air, noticing the sounds and smells around you and being peaceful. This is one way we can be mindful, have a brain break and move our body.

Where is your favourite place to enjoy nature and have a brain break outside? Why is it special to you?

Spot the 6 Differences

Wellbeing Check In

This week did you... say “sorry?” yes no

Relaxing Breathing

ask, “how are you?” yes no

love to learn? yes no look for good? yes no

eat fruit? yes no

listen carefully? yes no

feel calm? yes no

drink water? yes no sleep well? yes no

Hand Breathing: sit quietly and look at one of your hands. For each finger and your thumb, breathe in for 4 going up, hold for 4 at the tip, then breathe out for 4 going down. Repeat twice. How did you feel while doing Hand Breathing?

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to do/Reading




55 Things
Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: June 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Missing Out

When life gets busy or we can’t attend an event we often miss out and we need to remember that is ok. Sometimes we don’t get picked for sport or we don’t get invited to a party which can be upsetting. We don’t have to attend everything to feel good about ourselves. Missing out can sometimes feel disappointing but it does give you time to experience other things. Just remember to make time for you too.

When is a time you missed out but you were ok with it?

Join the dots and colour in Weekly Big 3 Check In Colour in the emojis depending on how you feel you did this week.

Sleep well Drink water Eat healthy

Activity – Which of these monsters isn’t in a pair?

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to do/Reading




63 Things
Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: July 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Calm Breathing

Deep breathing is a calming process you can practice to clear your mind and relax. You can do it almost anywhere and it only takes a couple of minutes.

It helps if you close your eyes and not talk. Breathe in for five seconds think about someone you are grateful to have in your life. Hold for a second and then exhale for five seconds. On the next inhale think about what you like about yourself, hold and then exhale. Repeat these to calm and center yourself.

Who are the people you chose to concentrate on?

Mindful Maze Wellbeing Check In

Find a path through the maze!

How did you feel this week?

What went well this week?

Relaxing Breathing

Twinkle Twinkle Breathing: for a 5 sided star, for each tip, breathe in for a count of 5, hold for 5 and breathe out for 5. Repeat 3 times. How did you feel while doing Twinkle Twinkle Breathing?

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to do/Reading


83 Things
Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: Sept/October 25 26 27 28 29 30 1

Little Steps

Breaking down learning tasks into smaller ones will help you to feel more confident to reach your goal.

If we break larger tasks down into smaller more achievable tasks we can work through them one by one.

When is a time that you have broken a task down into smaller pieces to help learn it more easily?

Join the dots and colour in Weekly Big 3 Check In Colour in the emojis depending on how you feel you did this week.

Sleep well Drink water Eat healthy

Activity – Count the number of squares, triangles and circles shown below.

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= __ = __ = __

to do/Reading




105 Things
Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book
minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: December 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
114 © Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd –LOWER PRIMARY Alphabet Chart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 a A b B c C d D e E f F g G h H i I j J k K l L m M n N o O p P q Q r R s S t T u U v V w W x X y Y z Z Hundred Chart

Books You Have Read

Title of Book Author how much you enjoyed the book


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