2 The Learning Curve Planners provide a variety of evidence based lessons and activities, which combine to generate frequent positive emotions to build students’ and teachers’ wellbeing. The Planner activities focus on developing all elements of PERMAH and skills of resilience. All supported by our online wellbeing program www.learningcurve.com.au. All Learning Curve Planner front covers are fully customisable and school specific content can be added. Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork. PLANNERSSTUDENT/PROGRAMWELLBEING THE LEARNING CURVE STUDENT PLANNERSONLINE WELLBEING PROGRAM 48-week online wellbeing program which works in conjunction with the student planners or available as a standalone program. Weekly interactive lessons and activities include: » PERMAH » Teacher Lesson Guide » Character Strength » Mindfulness Time » Thinking Tool » Respectful Relationships » Habits of Mind » Parent Newsletter article. *Minimum order quantities apply. ALL RECEIVEPURCHASESPLANNERACCESSTOTHEONLINEPROGRAM* LEARNING CURVE LOWER YEARS PRIMARY PLANNER » Weekly PERMAH Focus » Books Read This Week » Mindful Colouring In » Things To Do Daily Tasks List » Mindfulness Time » Being Grateful Activities » Values and Strengths » Learning About Me » Friendship Weeks » Mazes and Join the Dots Activities » Self-Assessment – About Me. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change. 18 19 Feeling Happy Things to do/Reading 2023February Colour wellbeing@schoolIn Exercising outdoors in the fresh air and getting a good dose of vitamin D from sunlight, is a must to enjoy being healthy. What are four types of physical outdoor activities you enjoy doing? Happiness is an emotion that makes us feel peaceful inside but also joyful. Do you feel happy often? Look in the mirror and practice your happy face a few times a day. What does feeling happy look like to you? Draw it below. Wellbeing Check In This week did you... 20 MONDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ 21 TUESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ 22 WEDNESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ 23 THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ 24 FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ 25 SATURDAY / 26 SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SignComments:off!Teacher: Parent/Guardian: sayyes“sorry?”no ask, “how are yesyou?” no love to learn? yes no look for good? yes no eatyesfruit?no drinkyeswater?no sleep well? yes no listenyescarefully?no feelyescalm?no 1. 2. 3. 4. LEARNING CURVE UPPER YEARS PRIMARY PLANNER » Weekly PERMAH Focus » Mindfulness Activities » Respectful Relationships » Character Strength Activities » Term Goal Setting and Reflection » Wellbeing Fitness Challenge » Content rewritten each year. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change. Title Pages 30 31 Books read this week Colour in how you did this week. B IG F I V E C H E C K I N Exercise Daily Eat HealthySleep wellFeel Positive Drink water LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print Mindfulness Time 1. DO 2. DO What are two character strengths that you could use to feel good to do good for others, and what would you do for each of Acknowledgement:them? Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Did I work hard? W E L L B E I N G T I P Be Sunsmart; wear a broad brimmed hat, sunscreen and protective clothing. WHY: by learning how to use your time to do what you need to do and love to do, you will feel positive and in control of you. HOW: to feel relaxed about and in control of your time, use the MustsandOptions page in this planner or the Thinking Tool on the website to write down how you spend your time doing what you need to do at home, with friends, online, enjoying exercise, sport, leisure and the Acknowledgement:outdoors.Ericsson& Anderson DO: what is something that you have to get better at organising your time for? Optimism Feelings – when is a time you have felt that you used your time well? Resilience Skill – how could self-control, help you to do this? APRIL 2022 THINGS TO DO WEEK:__________ FRIDAY8THURSDAY7WEDNESDAY6TUESDAY5MONDAY4 9 TEACHER:COMMUNICATION/COMMENTS:10SATURDAYSUNDAY PARENT/GUARDIAN: Respectful Relationships Time and Mindful+ACCOMPLISHMENTWellbeingOPTIMISMMaze SEPTEMBER 2023
Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down foods that are healthy and they should eat more of. WHY: for students to learn how to listen and respond in ways that make other people feel that they value them. HOW: Read Listening and Responding with your class. Explain that listening to someone in an interested way, is one of the most relationship building things that they can do. Share that this includes using friendly body language and not interrupting them. By listening actively and responding enthusiastically, share that they are showing they value that person, but also themselves. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. What is a good new story that you would like to share with others? When is a time you listened and responded enthusiastically to someone sharing their story? Resilience Skill – how could empathy, help you to do this? Read and discuss Curiosity Week and download the curiosity sheet from the website for your class to write down things that they are curious to learn about during this week. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – what body language shows that they were interested in listening to someone. Do – practise listening actively and responding enthusiastically. Acknowledgement: Gable, Gonzaga & Strachman PAGE 26 – LISTENING AND RESPONDING Mindful Colouring In Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down a time when they really had fun and laughed with family and friends. WHY: for students to learn that the feel good emotions that they experience from being with people far exceed those from screens. HOW: Read People Joy with your class. Explain that as human beings, they are hard wired to be at their best when cooperating with and working together with other people to achieve things and enjoy each others’ friendships. Share that the short feel goods from screens and phones are caused by dopamine, which are shallow when compared with those from being with people. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. What is a time you enjoyed others, which makes you feel great when you think of it? What is a purpose that you could share with others? Resilience Skill – how could connecting with others, help you to do Read and discuss the Habit of Mind, Thinking Flexibly with your class and ask them to journal in their planners about: When have you thought flexibly? Who do you know who adapts how they think? Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – the feelings they experience from being with other people. Do – enjoy being with others and putting their phone on flight mode. Acknowledgement: Fredrickson & Sapolsky Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down a person who makes a positive difference in the community. WHY: for students to learn that by organising their time to do what they want to do and need to do will benefit their wellbeing. HOW: Read Time and Wellbeing with your class. Explain that creating good habits about planning how they use their time using their planner, will lead to them being able to enjoy more time for themselves. Share that people who don’t use a planner to organise themselves often feel stressed when they run out of time to do what they need to do. Be smart planning to enjoy. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. What is something that you have to get better at organising your time for? When is a time you have felt that you used your time well? Resilience Skill – how could self-control, help you to do this? Read and discuss Respectful Relationships with your class and ask them to journal in their planners about: What are two character strengths that you could use to feel good to do good for others, and what would you do for each of them? Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – how using their planner to plan their time will benefit their wellbeing. Do – practise doing this every day. Acknowledgement: Ericsson & Anderson AND WELLBEING PagesTime and ACCOMPLISHMENTWellbeingOPTIMISM wellbeing@school Wellbeing Check In Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down a time they have shown that they are grateful recently. WHY: for students to be happy that they are their own special one of a kind and to be grateful for their own strengths. HOW: Read Believe in Yourself with your class. Explain that the most important relationship they have is the one that they have with themselves, and as such, they need to believe in the person who they see in the mirror. Share that every single person on the planet is good at something and has their own strengths and talents, and that they are no different; be thankful. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. When is a time you have believed in yourself to stretch your thinking to fix your mistakes? What is a skill, a strength and a talent you have that you are grateful for? Resilience Skill – how could flexible thinking, help you to do this? Read and discuss Mindfulness Time, Picture Stories with your class and ask them to journal in their planners about: the story that they wrote about the picture, and what it means to them. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – what are their strengths and talents. Do – describe how they use them to build their bestAcknowledgement:selves. Bandura & Rotter PAGE 20 – THE WORLD AROUND ME Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down a time they have felt valued and appreciated by others. WHY: for students to learn that looking to the future positively and hopefully will help them to respond well to challenges. HOW: Read Resilient Attitudes with your class. Explain that no one is born being resilient to naturally be able to bounce back from challenges, and that they don’t become resilient by just getting older; they have to work at it. Share that when they use their strengths to pause, and think, which resilience skill do need to use to overcome this?, and then use it, they will be learning how to become resilient. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. What is a challenge you have where you need to show a resilient attitude to overcome it? When is a time you connected with yourself to push through a challenge? Resilience Skill – how could controlling impulses, help you to do this? Read and discuss Wellbeing@School with your class and ask them to journal in their planners about: When is a time that you noticed your emotions affecting your thinking? What happened? Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – what resilient skills they need to develop in themselves. Do – practise using them everyAcknowledgement:day. Rievich & Shatte PAGE 22 – LEARNING ABOUT ME Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down someone they upset and who they should apologise to. WHY: for students to develop their self-awareness of the things that they need to monitor to be healthy and happy. HOW: Read Big Five Awareness with your class. Explain that all of the Big Five are equally important, and should they neglect one it will affect the others. Share that when they take responsibility to record their efforts daily, and then at the end of the week do the Big Five Check In by colouring in how well they did for each one, that they will be actively building their best selves. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. When is a time you did all of the Big Five really well? What are two strengths which could help you with the Big Five? Resilience Skill – how could self-control, help you to do this? Read and discuss the Habit of Mind, Listening with Understanding and Empathy with your class and ask them to journal in their planners about: When have you listened with understanding and empathy? Who do you know who listens kindly? Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – why the Big Five helps them to build their best selves. Do – aim to record your efforts daily and weekly. Acknowledgement: Hassed & Rath PAGE 18 – FEELING HAPPY World Around Me ActivityLearning About Me
11 SEPTEMBER 2023 Meaning + purpose: SMILING PRIMARY PLANNER PAGE 80 Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down time that their family and friends had great day out. for students to learn that smiling is a wonderful way to create positive feelings in others and themselves. HOW: Read Smiling with your class. Explain that when they smile, they are communicating to others that they want to be friendly. Share that when someone smiles at them, it is nearly impossible not to smile back because of their mirror neurons which copy others moods and feelings. Ask them to start every day with smile and saying hello to people they meet; spread the positives. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. What is time someone smiled at you which brightened you up? Why could being determined to smile more be a great purpose to have? Resilience Skill – how could connecting with others, help you to do this? Read and discuss the Habit of Mind, Responding with Wonderment and Awe with your class and ask them to journal in their planners about: When have you been excited by what you learnt? Who do you know who is excited by loving learning new things? Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – how smiling builds everyone’s wellbeing. Do – every day concentrate on smiling more. Acknowledgement:Frankl,Smith & Davidson 83 Colour in how you BIG FIVE CH K IN SEPTEMBER 2022
2023 WEEK
Title Pages Books read this week LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint Mindfulness Time Character Imaginations. choice of any character you could be in a book, movie or TV show, who would you be. Describe why.
3Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork. LEARNING CURVE PRIMARY TEACHER PLANNERWEEKTOAVIEW Designed to support and be used in conjunction with the Learning Curve Wellbeing Program. Lessons and activities include: » Weekly PERMAH Focus » Daily Teaching and Learning Strategies » Class Planning » Staff Wellbeing » Goal Setting Plans » Health and Wellbeing Tips » Higher Level Thinking Tools » Preparation Approaches » Exam Preparation Checklist » Monthly Reflection » Personal Growth. » 82 pages of Attendance Records and Notes in rear. » Forward Planning and Daily Checklists. Size: 297mm high x 210mm wide. LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint 81 Colour in how you BIG E CHECK IN SEPTEMBER 2022 COMMUNICATION/COMMENTS:FRIDAY16THURSDAY15WEDNESDAY14TUESDAY13MONDAY12 Title Pages Books read this week LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint Mindfulness Time Responding with Wonderment and Awe – showing that you are excited, surprised and passionate when exploring new things. Looking forward to learning with curiosity. When have you been excited by what you learnt? Who do you know who is excited by loving learning new things? How did I use my strengths? WWELLBEING I P Exercise your brain every day by doing a crossword, sudoku or logic puzzle. MEANING + PURPOSE MindfulSmiling Colouring In Habits of Mind
18 SEPTEMBER 2023 Accomplishment + optimism CREATING PATTERNS PRIMARY PLANNER PAGE 82 Fabulous First Five Minutes – ask students to write down people who smiled at them and said hello, how are you. for students to learn that reading over what they learn every night, will create patterns for their brains to remember. HOW: Read Creating Patterns with your class. Explain that if they don’t read something for two days after they learned it at school, that they will forget 70% of it. Share that they can have fun creating patterns in their brains by using the interactive Thinking Tools on the website, which have questions for them to answer, that they can type directly into, and that they can then save. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners. When is a time you revisited what you learned that night at home? Did help your understanding? How do you think doing this could help you feel more in charge of your learning? Resilience Skill – ow could optimism, help you to do this? Read and Mindfulness Time, Character Imaginations with your class and ask them to journal in their planners about: If you had choice of any character you could be in book, movie or TV show, who would you be? Describe why. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – how reading over what they learn will create patterns in their brain. Do – each week use Thinking Tool from the website to do this. Acknowledgement:Wade &Walsh know “If he works for you, you work for him.” Japanese Proverb SEPTEMBER 2023 “Nothing is to be feared in life. is only to be understood.” Marie Curie SEPTEMBER 2023 2023 TO A VIEW
WHY: by understanding that revisiting what creates patterns for your brain to look for, you will improve your learning outcomes. read over what you did in class each from the website, to create such patterns. Developing this as a keystone habit will benefit your understanding, your memory and increase your love of learning. Your brain quickly forgets things doesn’t see more Acknowledgement: Wade & Walsh when is time you revisited what you Optimismunderstanding?Feeling how do you think doing this could help you feel more in charge of your Resiliencelearning?Skill how could optimism, help you to do this?
and use your own top character strengths to move towards becoming the person who you want to become? 1617 1514131211
WHY: by understanding that a simple smile can do to build relationships, you will be more likely to smile practisemore.smiling in the mirror to not habit. The more you smile, the more smiles you will receive in return, filling you with positive emotions to boost your wellbeing. When you see others not happy, smile to lend them one of Acknowledgement:yours.Lyubomirsky, Fredrickson Branigan DO: what is time someone smiled at you which brightened you up? Purpose Feeling why could being determined to smile more be great purpose others, help you to do this?
PLANNERSTEACHER TEACHER LESSON GUIDES – LEARNING CURVE PLANNERS TEACHER LESSON GUIDES (Downloadable or hard copy versions available) The Teacher Lesson Guides have been created to support teachers in exploring the evidence-based lessons and activities with students, to assist them in cultivating a resilient state of wellbeing. All guides follow a structured step-by-step plan, which is: » Fabulous First Five Minutes – a positive priming question » PERMAH Learning Intention – WHY » Explain that – HOW » PERMAH+ Reflection – DO » Success Criteria » PERMAH+ Reinforcement. PREPARATION AND FOLLOW-UP: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY PREPARATION AND FOLLOW-UP: THURSDAY FRIDAY NOTESSATURDAYSUNDAY LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint PRIORITIES / MEETINGS DONE PRIORITIES / MEETINGS DONE WHAT WENT WELL THIS WEEK? HOW DID YOU FEEL THIS WEEK?Staff Wellbeing: Creating the type of life you want What are you looking forward to most this week? Consider: How well do you
CHARAC R S RENG H Use HONESTY to do SELF(p134) What did I
4 Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork. JOURNALS/PLANNERSCUSTOM One size, or design, doesn’t necessarily fit all. We specialise in designing layouts to suit your requirements. If you have something in mind, we’d love to help you achieve the perfect design for your school. Here are some customised planners that we have produced for schools. We also have a selection of activities and informative tasks for you to select from to make your customised planner exactly what you want. BUILD YOUR OWN PLANNER OR JOURNAL Work with us, combine our wellbeing resources with yours and create a completely customised pathway for a whole school approach. POSITIVEPERMAHEMOTIONSMINDFULCOLOURINGINRESPECTFULRELATIONSHIPSSTRENGTHSANDVIRTUESRELATIONSHIPSTHINKINGTRAPS STRENGTHSENGAGEMENTCHARACTERSTRENGTHSMAZESBOOSTERSMEANINGWELLBEINGTIPSACCOMPLISHMENT HABITS OF WHATRESILIENCEMINDFULNESSMINDACTIVITIESBUILDERSHEALTHWENTWELLTHISWEEK?THINKINGTOOLSWELLBEINGFITNESSCHALLENGES MELBOURNE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, GRIMWADE HOUSE This Week Resilience Notes/SpellingBuilder Title Pages Books read this week 321 I Am Grateful for: Mindful Maze Pick five pairs of emotions which are opposite in feelings and describe the body language you would show for each pair. Melbourne Grammar School Upper Primary BODY 2021.indd 66 22/12/20 1:24 pm MELBOURNE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, GRIMWADE HOUSE Communication/CommentsTeacher: Parent/Guardian: WEDNESTUESDAYMONDAYDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY How did you feel this week?SUNDAYSATURDAYWellbeing Tip Surround yourself with colour, it stimulates the brain. Holidays JULY 2021 56 87 9 1110 Melbourne Grammar School Upper Primary BODY 2021.indd 67 22/12/20 1:24 pm THINGS TO DO WEEK Monday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Tuesday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Wednesday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Thursday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Friday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Saturday Book title: Pages ead: Sunday Book title: Pages ead: 111 PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNICATION HOW FELT THIS WEEK MY FAVOURITE MOMENT THIS WEEK WAS: PBL RULE OF THE WEEK 110 “I do the very best know how, the very best can; and mean to keep doing it to the end.” Abraham Lincoln N o ve m b e r 2023 13 16 18 17 15 14 19 MINDFUL COLOURING: READING TIP: WHAT WENT WELL THIS WEEK AND WHY? Rate3.2.1. your wellbeing this week: 1 Fair to 5 Great 1 2 3 4 5 WELLBEING TIP: LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrintPlannerFoundationC_ 50 When waiting in a line at school talk to the person next to you ... you could say ... “how are youEncouragetoday?” your child to seek books they are interested in. Minnamurra PS_LC EC_Planner Pages_2021_Colour.indd 50 11/1/21 2:33 pm Day/Date Numberofdays Title of Book Comment Did enjoyyouit? ParentWednesdayMondayTuesdayThursdayFridayWeekend/Teacher Comments / Signed 2023 51 Well125ReadingAwardNightsdone! 17/18 12 13 14 15 16 June Minnamurra PS_LC EC_Planner Pages_2021_Colour.indd 51 11/1/21 2:33 pm
52 Resilient Thinking: can do and want to Keeping Safe Expecting Positives: what are you looking forward to achieving and enjoying this week? One of your online connections, who you chat with often, wants you to send pics that you think are inappropriate to send. What could you do to keep safe? Be Positive: to believe that can become who want to become through my own efforts. When are two times that you have achieved things because you believed that you could? 2.1. What are two things that you could do to help you to become who you want to become? 2.1.
Wellbeing Learning Intention: by learning that when your skills are stretched in meeting challenge, that you may feel an enjoyable state called flow, you will be prepared to extend your efforts to try more difficult learning tasks. When you know the purpose of what you are learning, receiving feedback on how you are progressing and are fully engaged using your skills, you may lose your sense of time. Top performers in most fields experience flow. Acknowledgement: Nakamura, Kotler & Csikszentmihalyi Wellbeing Reflection: When are times you have lost track of time while doing something challenging? Mindfulness Feeling: What is an activity that you really want to explore that will stretch your skills? How does knowing the purpose of the lesson and getting feedback on your learning help you be more Howengaged?could using the resilience skill, thinking flexibly, help you to do this? (see pages 8 & 9) “A person’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension.” Oliver Holmes FULLY EngagementENGAGED + mindfulness Fabulous First 5 Minutes: what are two things you do to show that you believe in yourself? 2.1. 53 Gratitude: what went well that you were grateful for? Big Four Check In: for each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week. Mindful Colour ng n Eat healthy? 1 3 4 5 Feel in yourself? 1 2 3 4 5 Exercise daily? 1 2 4 5 Sleep deeply? 1 4 5
5 Strategic evidence-based research designed to build resilience. Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork. All Early Communication Planners are 212mm high x 150mm wide. They are a simple and effective communication tool to support the ongoing relationship between school and home. Features include: » Frequent Communication between Parents and Teachers » Mindful Colouring In » Books Read Recording » National Anthem » Calendar » Times Tables » Important Dates » Alphabet » Counting. RESILIENT MINDSET PRIMARY PLANNER EARLY COMMUNICATION PLANNERS JOURNALSANDPLANNERS PLANNER A PLANNER C PLANNER B PLANNER D WednesdayTuesdayMonday 2023 Book Comment/Initials:BookComment/Initials:BookComment/Initials:Read:Read:Read: 58 July 10 11 12 ThursdayFridaySaturday Parent/Teacher Communication: 2023 Sunday Parent: Teacher: Rate my week: 1 - Fair to 10 - Great 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Book Comment/Initials:BookComment/Initials:Read:Read: 59 July 13 14 15 16 LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint© Book read today ? Pages read? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Monday Book read today ? Pages read? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Tuesday Book read today ? Pages read? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Wednesday 44 24 23 22 Book read today ? Pages read? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Thursday Book read today ? Pages read? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Friday Sat Sun What went well this week ? 2023 45 May 28 26 25 27 WHAT WENT WELL THIS WEEK AND WHY? Rate3.2.1. your wellbeing this week: 1 Fair to 5 Great 1 2 3 4 5 WELLBEING TIP: MINDFUL COLOURING: READING TIP: Go snorkelling to enjoy the beauty of our marine life. It’s also a goodHaveworkout.your child ask questions about the story before, during and after they read. Write down a story your child tells you about any experience e they may have had at school, an outing with you and then read it back to them, explaining that they are an author. They may like to draw illustrations for it and re-read to another family member. Day/DateNumberofdays Title of Book Comment Did enjoyyouit? ParentWednesdayMondayTuesdayThursdayFridayWeekend/Teacher Comments / Signed 2023 12/13 7 8 9 10 11 August 68 WeeklyMondayFocus JKL CommentsTuesday JKL CommentsWednesday JKL CommentsThursday JKL CommentsFriday JKL WhatCommentswent well and why? 32 2023MAY 19 18 17 16 15 69 2023MAY RESILIENT MINDSET PRIMARY PLANNER Written from evidence based research to develop the seven skills of resilience to respond well to challenges. » Positive Thinking Activities » Resilience Builders » Priorities, What Went Well » Daily Resilient Mindset Question » Weekly Big Five Check-in » 2023 Forward Planner » School Timetables. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.SATURDAYFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAY SUNDAY 4 5 This week... Parent/CaregiverSignatures: Teacher RESILIENT MINDSET / WHAT WENT WELL PlannerMindsetResilientLtd.Pty.(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint© FRIDAY’SFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYBIG FIVE CHECK IN: This week how well did you ... (from 1 to 5) SUBJECTS / HOMEWORK / THINGS TO DO Done 1 2 3 4 5 NOTGREAT GREAT 1 2 3 4 5 NOTACTIVE ACTIVE 1 2 3 4 5 UNHEALTHY HEALTHY 1 2 3 4 5 NOTENOUGH ENOUGH 1 2 3 4 5 AVERAGE EXCELLENT FEEL POSITIVE?EXERCISE DAILY?EAT HEALTHY?DRINK WATER?SLEEP DEEPLY? What went well this week that am grateful for? January 2023 27 26 25 24 23 What am looking forward to feeling like this week? What could do to show that am kind? What is something did that am proud of? What is awesome about my friends? Primary Resilient Mindset Planner_2022_Sample 2.indd 4-5 19/7/21 12:20 pm
The variety of simple evidence based activities are also intended to develop their self-control and understanding of others’ needs and feelings, through role playing and enjoying themselves with other students. All My Wellbeing Journal front covers are fully customisable and school specific content can be added.
The activities in this journal are intended to be teacher and parent directed. The key focuses are for students to enjoy frequent positive emotions while having fun, thinking about what they are grateful for, how their faces look for different feelings, what they mindfully notice themselves doing and practising basic literacy and numeracy. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.
14/8/2022 12:50 pm My Wellbeing Journal 2023 Year 1 PREP My Wellbeing Journey 54 55 YRWJMYLtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint© Wellbeing Check In This week did you... Learn ___Yesnew?something___No Say ___Yessorry”?___No Recycle rubbish? ___Yes ___No Show ___Yesfairness?___No Laugh and have ___Yesfun?___No Listen well? ___Yes ___No Wait your turn? ___Yes ___No Play in a team? ___Yes ___No Eat ___Yesfruit?___No Readers are Leaders WeekReadingSignature:Parent/CarerCommunicationbeginning / / FRIDAY Book title: Pages Minutes MONDAY Book title: Pages Minutes TUESDAY Book title: Pages THURSDAYWEDNESDAYMinutesBooktitle:PagesMinutesBooktitle:PagesMinutes 3.2.1. List 3 things that went well for you this weekJoin the dots and colour in _c___u_ Me Stretching Surfing Stretching. Stand as if on a surfboard stretching your arms out and facing right counting to five. Then change to facing left. Repeat 10 times. How did you feel? wellbeing@school On the outline draw or describe: feelings you have in your body when you are somewhere that you feel Safe and Unsafe. ACARAAcknowledgement:1-2HPE 30 3130 31 Readers are Leaders What did you do this week? How did you feel this week? Parent/CarerParent/CarerSignature:MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Tick the ones you did this week.Reading Communication Week beginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Picked up my bedroomCleanedsomeoneHuggedtoysmy Played aboard game Ate fruit Felt strong Made card for SleptdinnerAtesomeoneallofmywellPages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes PREPWJMYLtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint© TANGLED WHISPERS. In a group ask one of the group to whisper a message to another student, who then passes it on. When it has been passed on to the whole group, how different is the message? Curiosity Did you know that a Stegosaurus was a dinosaur as big as a truck? Draw a stegosaurus. Mindfulness Time Being Thankful. Close your eyes and breathe slowly to think of kind things other people do for you. What could you say to thank them? Colouring In Fill in the missing letter ion Acknowledgement: Kabat Zinn BaerAcknowledgement: Sarah Nyamekye 46 47 Readers are Leaders What am I grateful for this week? WeekReadingFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/CarerCommunicationbeginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Fill in the missing letter YRWJMYLtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint© Wellbeing Check In This week did you... Say ___Yessorry?___No Ask, how are you? ___Yes ___No Love to learn? ___Yes ___No Look for good? ___Yes ___No Eat ___Yesfruit?___No Drink ___Yeswater?___No Sleep well? ___Yes ___No Listen ___Yescarefully?___No Feel ___Yescalm?___No Fun Time COOKING. You are about to cook your favourite meal for your family. What do you need and what are the steps you have to take? rab Mindfulness Time Being Kind. Breathe slowly and think about three kind things you have done to make other people happy. Numbers For MMMAAA are there an even or odd number of letters? Circle your answer.ODD EVEN When watching TV, time how long the advertisementssecondslast.minutes JOURNALSWELLBEINGSTUDENT
Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork.
The activities are intended for students to learn more about themselves and how others feel. The key focuses are learning about personal health and safety, friendship building, body stretching, learning about reducing, reusing and recycling, and them learning to take more notice of what is happening around and to them. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.
While a number of activities are intended to be teacher and parent directed, as students’ reading levels grow, they will be able to complete them on their own. The key focuses are for students to learn how to be optimistic about what they are looking forward to doing, learning together and what they are grateful for. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.
The intention underpinning these My Wellbeing Journals for young Primary students, is to nurture in them a self-awareness of what they can do to feel happy, to build friendships and to be grateful for what they have and what is happening in their lives.
Accomplishment + optimism WHY: by learning how to use your time to do what you need to do and love to do, you will feel positive and in control of you. HOW: to feel relaxed about and in control of your time, use the Musts and Options Thinking Tool on the website to write down how you spend your time doing what you need to do at home, with friends, online, learning at school, having fun, enjoying doing the Big Five daily, sport, leisure and the outdoors. Acknowledgement: Ericsson Anderson DO: what is something that you have to get better at organising your time for?
62 READERS ARE LEADERS MONDAY How did you enjoytoday?readingCommunication TUESDAY How did you enjoytoday?reading WEDNESDAY How did you enjoytoday?readingCommunication THURSDAY How did you enjoytoday?readingCommunication FRIDAY How did you enjoytoday?readingCommunication SUNSAT How did you enjoytoday?reading HOW DID YOUFEEL THIS WEEK? Fabulous first 5 minutes: Good things coming up: What are you really looking forward to this week?
SMARTER WAYS TO THINK by thinking about special times that you have had in the past, you will feel those warm feelings again. HOW: when having a great time with family and friends, draw pictures and take pics of the good things happening, and write down your thoughts about it. Then to make those feelings return, go back to look at these. DO: what is a happy time you have had which fills you with warm feelings when you think about it?
YEAR 6 JOURNAL The student driven activities focus on students independently applying what they have learned about character strengths, setting self-expectations, PERMAH elements and being grateful to develop resilient mindsets. This includes practising mindfulness to connect with themselves through colouring in and being grateful for good things in their lives. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.
Expecting Positives: what are you looking forward to achieving and enjoying this week? Acknowledgement: Guy Claxton The R’s of Attitude
TIME AND WELLBEING Fabulous First 5 Minutes: what is something that you could do to self-calm yourself when you are feeling tense? Who did say “thank you” to?
To protect everyone’s wellbeing, problems need to winners or losers. What is relationship problem you had that was sorted out fairly for win-win? Respectful Relationships
Grateful Feeling what is something that you are looking forward to that you can take pics of and write about? Values & Strengths Strength that you could use for Returning Feelings? (page 4) Strength:Value: RETURNING FEELINGS Positive Emotions + gratitude When is time you listened to and acted on the advice you received?
Optimism Feelings when is a time you have felt that you used your time well? Work out how many minutes are in a week. Character Strength how could self-control help you with Time and Wellbeing? “To master your time is to master your life.” Alan Laekin
SAFE AND HEALTHY Who do you enjoy playing with at playtime?
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Hold an ice block in your fingers and hand and then put in your mouth. Describe the feelings you have in your fingers, hand, mouth and tongue. Mindfulness Time
YEARSPRIMARYUPPER–JOURNALSWELLBEINGSTUDENTMY JOURNALWELLBEINGYEAR5 WellbeingMyJournal YEAR 4 Year S3 tudent Journal Name Melrose Park PS_2022_LC Wellbeing Cover_Yr3.indd 1 26/11/21 12:19 pm MY WELLBEING JOURNAL 4/11/21 5:07 pm READERS ARE LEADERS Week Beginning _____ / _____ / _____ HOW DID YOUFEEL THIS Gratitude:WEEK? what went well that you were grateful for? Describe or draw something that you are looking forward to this week. POSITIVE EMOTIONS + GRATITUDE Fabulous First Five Minutes Happy Thinking 26 27 MONDAY Book Title How did you enjoy reading today? Time (mins.) TUESDAY Book Title No. pages How did you enjoy reading today? Time (mins.) WEDNESDAY Book Title No. pages How did you enjoy reading today? Time (mins.) THURSDAY Book Title No. pages How did you enjoy reading today? Time (mins.) FRIDAY Book Title No.
MINDFUL MAZE Acknowledgement: Morcombe Foundation, ACARA 3-4 HPE To feel good, you need to know who to contact and where to go when you feel unsafe. Make a list of emergency numbers and put it on the fridge at home. Start with Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800.
Using the My Wellbeing Journals for Upper Primary students learn more about how they can use their strengths to create to feel positive emotions and handle negative emotions. Their self-awareness, self-control and understanding others are further nurtured through the variety of evidence based activities both in the journals and on our website www.learningcurve.com.au pages How did you enjoy reading today? Time (mins.) SATURDAY Book Title No. pages How did you enjoy reading today? Time (mins.)
Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork.
YEAR 5 JOURNAL Students are to explore how they can use their dominant character strengths to apply the weekly PERMAH perspectives in their lives to grow their wellbeing. The activities focus on students developing a sense of purpose to achieve something of value and optimism that they can influence their future through their own efforts. Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.
Creating You: what do you need to do each day to create the young person you want to become? Gratitude: what went well that you were grateful for? Colour in how well you went. Big Five Check In: Exercise daily Eat healthySleep well Drink waterFeel positive dMuCorn LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketingPrint Positive Vibes: what are you looking forward to learning and doing most this week?
Building You: write down things that you need to do each day to build your best self. Gratitude: what went well that you were grateful for? you went. Big Five Check In: Exercise daily Eat healthySleep well Drink waterFeel positive dMuCornWhat is a good choice made?
by understanding that your brain has two sides, and the left side listens to your teacher’s words, and the right side looks for connections to what you already know, you will be able to use your whole brain when learning. on the left hand page, draw pictures and diagrams showing your connections with what you are learning, and on the right hand page write down what your teacher is saying in your own words. Doing this is smart learning.Acknowledgement: Wade Walsh DO: When is a time that you looked for connections to what you already know in class? Optimism Feeling – in what ways could using both sides of your brain help you to learn better? In class now, what side of your brain do you think you use Charactermost?Strength – how could judgement help you with Whole Brain Learning? WHOLE BRAIN AccomplishmentLEARNING+optimism RELATIONSHIP ATTITUDES having empathy for others’ needs and feelings. What are two things you do to be caring, kind and accepting in your relationships to show that other people matter? 2.1. When is a time you used this attitude well? Which of your Trusted Champions could help you with this attitude? What Am I? was an animal what would be? If a car? a tree? If fish? If meal? If place? If an object? If fruit or vegetable? FruitObjectPlaceMealFishCarAnimalor Vegetable Fabulous First 5 Minutes: what are two emotions you enjoy feeling and what things make you feel them? 2.1. Acknowledgement: Kabat Zinn Baer Mindfulness Time
MNDFUCOLOUNGGratitude: What did ask for help with? “Think about good things to be happy.” MW Acknowledgement: Costa & Kallick Acknowledgement: ACARA 3-4 HPE Your health depends on the Big Five: daily exercise, healthy eating, drinking water, positive thinking and sleep. Describe or draw yourself doing one of these. WELLBEING @ SCHOOL Explaining Clearly – When you are about to explain something to others, think, are the words that am using describing it well? When is time you thought this way? Who is someone who thinks like this?
YEAR 3 JOURNAL Students are introduced to the concept that their wellbeing is made of the six equally important PERMAH elements. Activities focus on cultivating optimism and gratitude, taking notice of what is happening to and around them, developing their self-control by taking responsibility for their reading, and becoming more mindful and self-aware of the needs and feelings of other people.
Parent/Carer Signature: Who was I kind to?
WHY: by understanding that you have your own strengths, interests and talents, you will feel good about yourself because you matter. HOW: accept that every person is special in their own ways and they matter too. Every morning when you wake up, think about what you are looking forward to during the day and try hard to make it Acknowledgement:happen.Bandura Rotter DO: what is something about you that you are proud of? Grateful Feeling what is something special about your family that you are grateful for? Strengths for Values – which strength could you use for You Matter? (see page 6) Strength: “Look forward to something every day.”
YEAR 4 JOURNAL Students are to explore the weekly PERMAH activities to develop deeper understandings of gratitude, mindfulness, empathy, optimism and character strengths. The key focus is for them to practise these wellbeing and resilience aspects by increasing the level of their thinking using Habits of Mind and the interactive Thinking Tools from www.learningcurve.com.au Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.
Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.
8 9 Curiosity dinosaur big truck? Draw breathe slowly think kind things Colouring In Colouring In Growing my wellbeing Reading Tip Write the correct letter finish the picture word. Use the pictures help your g g something Caring Join the dots and colour in PAGES 30&31 WEEK 9 Happy First Five Minutes: ask students to share time when they were proud of themselves. WHY: Wellbeing Learning Intention: for students to enjoy learning about themselves, to grow their self‑awareness, self control and resilient state of wellbeing. an effective strategy is to spread these activities over the week with your class: Happy Ways to Look and Act: Have fun in class asking the children to role play and draw themselves doing something to be: caring. Wellbeing@School: How do you feel when learning something new that you really have to try hard for? Draw yourself doing this. Numeracy: When driving, ask your child to count the number of white cars, lamp posts and petrol stations. What shape this and what letter does it begin with? –Learning About Me: ask students whether they were happy to look for good things and drew happy pictures this week. Join the Dots and Colour In: ask students to have fun joining the dots, filling in the missing letter and colouring in – bat. What colour is the bat? Proud Achievements Week: ask students to draw things they have done that they are proud of, no matter how small. Leaders: ask students and their parents/carers to record their reading for the week. Food for Thought: with your students you may wish to have class discussion about: What is something kind they have done for others this week? What something that they like doing at home? students will be able to share what they have learned about themselves. Have fun doing the Ah Ha Reflection with your students. Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne ACARA HPE PAGES 28&29 WEEK 8 Happy First Five Minutes: ask students to share time when they laughed a lot. WHY: Wellbeing Learning Intention: for students to enjoy learning about themselves, to grow their self‑awareness, self control and resilient state of wellbeing. DO: an effective strategy is to spread these activities over the week with your class: Growing My Wellbeing: Ask students to talk with their families about how they could use LISTENING in their lives. Ask them to role play and draw themselves showing it. Mindfulness Time: Shapes Search – Breathing slowly and sitting quietly, think about all your toys that have triangle shape in them or are shaped like triangle. Literacy: Be patient, by giving your child time to work out words. Write the correct letter to finish the picture word – dog. Curiosity: Loving Learning: Did you know that the blue whale the largest animal on earth? Draw a blue whale. Fun and Mindful Colouring In: ask students to have fun colouring in and filling in the missing letter – dog. What would be good names for the little dog? What did you do this week: ask students to circle which activities they did this week. Being Grateful: ask students to draw or describe what went well that they were grateful for this week. students to circle the emoji for how they felt for most of the week. Readers are Leaders: ask students and their parents/carers to record their reading for the week. Food for Thought: with your students you may wish to have class discussion about: What is fun time they had with their families? What is meal they love helping to cook? Success Criteria: students will be able to share what they have learned about themselves. Have fun doing the Ah Ha Reflection with your students. Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne ACARA HPE PAGES 26&27 WEEK 7 Happy First Five Minutes: ask students to share time when they met a new friend. Wellbeing Learning Intention: for students to enjoy learning about themselves, to grow their self‑awareness, self control and resilient state of wellbeing. an effective strategy is to spread these activities over the week with your class: Happy Ways to Look and Act: Have fun in class asking the children to role play and draw themselves doing something helpful. Healthy Friendships: To learn well together in class and play happily in the playground together, what things should you all try to do? Draw yourself doing one. Numeracy: Talk with your child about how we pay for items using notes and coins. What is the heaviest out of bike, an elephant, an egg and ship? Learning About Me: ask students how long they played outside and whether they were sunsmart wearing sunscreen and a hat this week. Join the Dots and Colour In: ask students to have fun joining the dots, filling in the missing letter and colouring in – koala. What would be good name for What did you do this week: ask students to circle which activities they did this week. Being Grateful: ask students to draw or describe what went well that they were grateful for this week. How Did You Feel This Week: ask students to circle the emoji for how they felt for most of the week. Readers are Leaders: ask students and their parents/carers to record their reading for the week.
TEACHER8 LESSON GUIDES – STUDENT WELLBEING JOURNALS (DOWNLOADABLE OR HARD COPY) The Teacher Lesson Guides have been created to support teachers and parents in exploring the evidencebased lessons and activities with students, to assist them cultivate a resilient state of wellbeing in themselves. They all follow a structured step-by-step plan, which is: » Fabulous First Five Minutes – a positive priming question » PERMAH Learning Intention – WHY » Explain That – HOW » PERMAH+ Reflection – DO » Success Criteria » PERMAH+ ReinforcementGUIDESLESSONTEACHER Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork. MYLESSONTEACHERGUIDEWELLBEINGJOURNALYEAR5 MYLESSONTEACHERGUIDEWELLBEINGJOURNALYEAR6MYLESSONTEACHERGUIDEWELLBEINGJOURNALYEAR4
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne ACARA HPE PAGES 32&33 WEEK 10 Happy First Five Minutes: ask students to share time when they lost something. Wellbeing Learning Intention: for students to enjoy learning about themselves, to grow their self‑awareness, self control and a resilient state of wellbeing. an effective strategy is to spread these activities over the week with your class: Growing My Wellbeing: Ask students to talk with their families about how they could use LOVE in their lives. Ask them to role play and draw themselves showing it. Healthy Friendships: To feel good, stand up, wiggle your toes, wobble your calves, your quads, your bottom, your tummy, your fingers, your arms and your head. Draw yourself doing this. Literacy: Use the pictures to help your child understand the story. Write the correct letter to finish the picture word – egg. Curiosity: Loving Learning: Did you know that a Stegosaurus was dinosaur as big as truck? Draw dinosaur. Fun and Mindful Colouring In: ask students to have fun colouring in and filling in the missing letter – lizard. How many frills does have What did you do this week: ask students to circle which activities they did this week. Being Grateful: ask students to draw or describe what went well that they were grateful for this week. How Did You Feel This Week: ask students to circle the emoji for how they felt for most of the week. Readers are Leaders: ask students and their parents/carers to record their reading for the week. Food for Thought: with your students you may wish to have a class discussion about: What is something they really tried hard with this week? What is song that they love to sing? Success Criteria: students will be able to share what they have learned about themselves. Have fun doing the Ah Ha Reflection with your students. Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne ACARA HPE
PAGES 34&35 WEEK 11 Happy First Five Minutes: ask students to share time when they were a little silly. WHY: Wellbeing Learning Intention: for students to enjoy learning about themselves, to grow their self‑awareness, self control and a resilient state of wellbeing. DO: an effective strategy is to spread these activities over the week with your class: Happy Ways to Have fun in class asking the children to role play and draw themselves doing something to be: curious. Mindfulness Time: Being Thankful – Close your eyes and breathe slowly to think of kind things other people do for you. What could you say to thank them? Numeracy: With your child look at a clock and work out how many times the large hand circles the face every day. What are five things with the same shape as box? Learning About Me: ask students whether they listened well to learn new things and were friendly to make friends this week. Join the Dots and Colour In: ask students to have fun joining the dots, filling in the missing letter and colouring in – elephant. How many toes can you see on each foot? What did you do this week: ask students to circle which activities they did this week. Being Grateful: ask students to draw or describe what went well that they were grateful for this week. How Did You Feel This Week: ask students to circle the emoji for how they felt for most of the week. Readers are Leaders: ask students and their parents/carers to record their reading for the week. Food for Thought: with your students you may wish to have a class discussion about: What is a vegetable that they love eating? When a time they were brave? Success Criteria: students will be able to share what they have learned about themselves. Have fun doing the Ah Ha Reflection with your students.
Food for Thought: with your students you may wish to have class discussion about: What is something they are really looking forward to this week? Who is their favourite character on TV? Success Criteria: students will be able to share what they have learned about themselves. Have fun doing the Ah Ha Reflection with your students. Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne ACARA HPE Healthy Friendships made you feel happy. Colouring In ippopotamus Reading Tip Curiosity Write the correct letter finish the picture word. Make reading fun including Did you know that lightning strikes the Earth about 100 times each second? Draw lightning o x Colouring In ookaburra Join the dots and colour inlephanteveryday.
PAGES 36&37 WEEK 12 Happy First Five Minutes: ask students to share time when they were excited about something. WHY: Wellbeing Learning Intention: for students to enjoy learning about themselves, to grow their self‑awareness, self control and a resilient state of wellbeing. an effective strategy is to spread these activities over the week with your class: Growing My Wellbeing: Ask students to talk with their families about how they could use HONESTY in their lives. Ask them to role play and draw themselves showing it. Wellbeing@School: What things can you do to help yourself, your family and your friends to be happy? Draw yourself doing one. Literacy: Make reading fun by including humorous books. Write the correct letter to finish the picture word – fox. Curiosity: Loving Learning: Did you know that lightning strikes the Earth about 100 times each second? Draw lightning. Fun and Mindful Colouring In: ask students to have fun colouring in and filling in the missing letter – dinosaur. How many ripples are in the water? What did you do this week: ask students to circle which activities they did this week. Being Grateful: that they were grateful for this week. How Did You Feel This Week: ask students to circle the emoji for how they felt for most of the week. Readers are Leaders: ask students and their parents/carers to record their reading for the week. Food for Thought: with your students you may wish to have a class discussion about: What is something that made them happy this week? What is funny name their families call them? Success Criteria: students will be able to share what they have learned about themselves. Have fun doing the with your students.
Draw yourself doing one.
9 LEARNING CURVE ONLINE STUDENT WELLBEING PROGRAM PROGRAMWELLBEINGONLINEThe Learning Curve Student Wellbeing Program is based on PERMAH teaching models that assist students in achieving more positive learning outcomes. It provides strategies to build more resilient students whilst developing their character strengths and providing you with the resources to help Complimentarythem. access to the password protected resources is provided with the purchase of the planners. The resources include: » Lesson Components » Interactive Thinking Tools » Interactive Character Strength Activities » Habits of Mind Focuses » Parent Newsletter Articles » Interactive Mindfulness Activities » Resilience Builders » Wellbeing Fitness Challenges » Wellbeing Reflection Activities www.learningcurve.com.au CharacterStrength IntheboxesbelowdescribeatimeyouhaveshownthisCharacterStrengthandthinkoftwothingsyou willstartdoinginyourrolesasastudent,familyandcommunitymember.Also,whichofyoursignaturestrengthswillbenefitfromthis DescribeCharacterStrength?atime/susedthisCharacterStrengthwell WhataretwothingsIwillstartdoingtobuildthisCharacterStrength As student atSchoolAsafamilymemberatHomeAsamemberoftheCommunity DescribeatimeortimesinyourlifethatyoubelieveyouhaveshownthisCharacterStrength. AcknowledgementVIAInstitute,www.viacharacter.org Howdoesthedictionarydescribehumility?Inyourownwords,howwouldyoudescribehumility?humility MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY dream holiday If you could go anywhere for the holiday of your dreams, where would it be, why would it be so special, what things would you do and how would you feel? HABITS OF MIND PERSISTING » lifting my efforts toachieve what you setout to do » seeing when somethingdoesn’t work and why» learning and trying other ways toovercome my challenges.Describe a time I have continued persistingand why. Who has impressed me with his/her persistence and why? OPTIMISMRESILIENTWELLBEINGTOOLBOX–PRIMARY&HOPEWhatam lookingforwardtomostthisweek? GRATITUDEJOURNAL Whatwentwellthat amgratefulfor thisweek? attentionUsethesequestionsasfiveminutebrainbreaksduringsubjectlessons,togeneratepositiveemotionsinstudents,tobroadentheirandbuildtheirengagement. mypurpose challengeWhoissomeoneIhelpedwithathisweek? SELF-CONTROL weekIwillwatchtwofunnymoviesthistolaughheartedly. beingMINDFUL Whenisatimethat haveshown that workwellinateam? flexibleTHINKING together.”whatmost“Snowflakesareoneofnature’sfragilethings,butjustlooktheycandowhentheystickVestaM.Kelly growthMINDSET notice,connecting,willbuildmywellbeingbybeingactive,takingkeepinglearningandgiving. EMPATHY&relationshipsWhoaremyTrustedChampionsthereshouldthankforalwaysbeingforme? PERMAH+wellbeingFOCUS Whatthingscan dotoshowmyhim?teacherthatIappreciateheror TEACHERLESSONGUIDE–PRIMARYPLANNERpage20 WHY:byraisingyourawarenessoftheBig wellbeingFive,youwilldirectlybeabletodevelopyourtobuildyourbestself.HOW:yourBigFivearethinkingpositively, Acknowledgement:howdoenjoythefamily,andeatinghealthy,sleepingwell,drinkingwaterexercisingdaily.Theseworktogetherasandifyouarestrugglingwithoneotherswillsuffertoo.Beawareofthesetoahealthywellbeing,andeveryFridaythecolouringincheckintoself-assessonwellyoudideachone.Kern&McQuaidDO: reallywhenisatimeyoudidalloftheBigFivewell? ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ whichStrengthsFeeling–whataretwostrengthscouldhelpyouwiththeBigFive? ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ youResilienceSkill–howcouldself-control,helptodothis? ............................................................................................................................ BigFiveAwarenessHEALTH+STRENGTHS Pages Books week MindfulnessTime Makesomeone’s smiling, Listening Understanding Empathy underst acceptingmessagesthoughtslanguage sendingunderstandinghaveempathy? What askforhelpwith? WHY: raisingthinkingpositively,althy,sleeping drinkingwater exercisin ellbeing,strugglingtogetheroneawareFridaycolouring self-assessMcQu reallywell? ................. ............................ ................................................................................................................................................Strengths what strengths which ...............................................................................................................................................Resilience self-control,..................................................................... .......................... FiveAwarenessHEALTHSTRENGTHS Habits MindfulColouring FabulousFirstFiveMinutes –askstudentstowritedownsomeonetheyupsetandwhotheyshouldapologiseto.WHY:forstudentstodeveloptheirself-awarenessofthethingsthattheyneedtomonitortobehealthyandhappy.HOW:ReadBigFiveAwareness withyourclass.ExplainthatalloftheBigFiveatShareareequallyimportant,andshouldtheyneglectoneitwillaffecttheothers.thatwhentheytakeresponsibilitytorecordtheireffortsdaily,andthentheendoftheweekdothe BigFiveCheckIn bycolouringinhowwelltheydidforeachone,thattheywillbeactivelybuildingtheirbestselves.DO: theirreadanddiscussthefollowingquestionsandaskstudentstojournalthoughtsintheirplanners. WhenisatimeyoudidalloftheBig Five Resiliencereallywell?WhataretwostrengthswhichcouldhelpyouwiththeBig Five?Skill –howcouldself-control,helpyoutodothis? Readanddiscuss theHabitofMind,ListeningwithUnderstandingandEmpathywithyour classandaskthemtojournalintheirplannersabout: WhenhaveyoulistenedSuccesswithunderstandingandempathy?Whodoyouknowwholistenskindly?Criteria: studentswillbeableto:Explain –whytheBigFivehelps themtobuildtheirbestselves.Do –aimtorecordyoureffortsdailyandweekly.Acknowledgement:Hassed&Rath PAGE20–BIGFIVEAWARENESS ACCESS TO ONLINE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED FREE WHEN YOU PURCHASE HARD COPY PLANNERS AND JOURNALS. MINIMUM QUANTITIESORDERAPPLY SUBSCRIPTIONININTERESTEDANANNUALWITHOUTTHEPLANNERPURCHASE? CONTACT US NOW FOR DETAILS GRATITUDEWEEK toThiswellbeing.forwant;Thinkaboutthelittlethingsyoualreadyhaveinyourlifethatyouaregratefulfor,notthethingsyouwhatwouldhappentheyweren’tthere?Andthinkaboutthemanykindactsothersdoyou,withoutyouasking;doyousaythankyou?Choosingtoshowgratitudebuildseveryone’sweekmakeGratitudeWallsbothinyourclassroomandathomeforyourclassandyourfamilywritedownordrawthingstheyaregratefulforandwhattheysaidtosaythankyou.ThisWeek’sGratitudes: Thisweekwritedownordrawlittlethingsthatyouaregratefulforandkindthingsothersdidforyouthatyouaregratefulforandthensaythankyoutothem.Also,whowasgratefulforyoureffortsthisweek? “Itisnothappinessthatbringsusgratitude. isgratitudethatbringsushappiness.”Anon PERMAH+ REFLECTION – PRIMARY youdidforeachone. ExerciseDaily? Sleepdeeply? FeelPositive? EatHealthy? Drinkwater? GratitudeJournal: Whatdidyoulookforwardto?–Mentaltoughnesstohandle frustrationandconfusionwhenthingsdon’tgoyourway. MindfulnessTime: GoingHome.Closeyoureyesandpretendyouare home.everytravellinghomefromschool.Focusoneveryturnandtimeyoumuststopandstartforthewholewaywhatissomethingthatyouwanttoimproveandhowwillyoupractiseit?MindfulnessFeeling–whenisatimeyouhavecreatedahabitbypractising?ResilienceSkill–howcouldflexiblethinking,helpyoutodothis?CharacterStrength–howcouldhelpyoutodothis? FabulousFirstFiveMinutes:writedownatimeyouhavebeenproudofsomethingthatyouachieved. PERMAH+Topic: BRAIN GROWTH PERMAH+ Element: ENGAGEMENT + MINDFULNESSLIGHTSTRUTHTRAFFICis“Comingtogetherabeginning.Keepingtogetherprogress.Workingtogetherissuccess.” HenryFord ThinkingToolarticleperceptibilityThisthinkingactivityassistsyouwithyourwhenlookingwhetherstatement,ortextaccurateandtruthful.realityWhenreading,lookfortimeswhenthetruthandobscuredbythingslikegeneralisations,biasorselfinterest.Putthesethe RedLight section,astheystoplogicalandfairexaminationofanissue.untruthTherearealsotimeswhentheremixoftruthandinwhatyouarereading.PutthesetheYellowLight section.Thesearetimestoslowdownandreallyinvestigatewhatbeingsaid.clearlyThentherearetimeswhenwhatyouarereadingtruthfulandaccurate.Putthesethe Green Light section. classdiscussion,addtothesectionsasyouhearnewpoints. theAlternatively,thethreetrafficlightscanbedrawnonboardforRed,YellowandGreenandtheclasscanputstickynoteswiththeirthoughtsthem. RedlghhcveredY llowlighandnruthGreenlghhe Acknowledgement:VisibleThinking PRIMARY PARENTNEWSLETTERARTICLE Teachersopenthedoor,butyoumustenteryourself.” Appuseries PERMAH+WellbeingElement: Relationships+empathy PERMAH+WellbeingBuilder: TEACHERGRATITUDE WellbeingLearningIntention: forstudentstobegratefulfortheirteachers’effortsandshowthattheyenjoylearningwiththemandtheirclassmates. CharacterStrength: Fairness ParentWellbeing: whatisawesomeinyourworkplaceorathome?Howcouldyourstrengthscomealiveinyourworkplaceorathome?Describeatimeyoufeltreallyexcitedatyourworkplaceorathome?Lookingforawesomethingsrewiresyourbraintoseekoutthingswhichwillgeneratepositiveemotionsinyou.Workhardtomakeawesomeruleawful.Whatisawesomeforyouabouttoday?Acknowledgement:NeilPasricha Thequalityofrelationshipsbetweenstudentsandtheirteachersisthegreatestpredictorofstudentsuccessandthedeliveryofhighorderteaching.Itmaysoundsimplistic,buttherealityisthatteachersteachwellandstudentslearnwellwhentheyarehappy.Itiscrucialforparentsandteacherstounitetocreateasharedvisionofwhattheywanttheirstudentstoactlike,looklike,soundlike,knowandcandobecauseoftheircollectiveinfluence.Thentheyhaveasharedroadmaptofollowtoachievethisstudentimage.Theoldsayings,“wecan’tteachthemtillwereachthem”and“kidsdon’tcarewhatweknowtilltheyknowwecare”,containimportantmessagesforparentsandteacherstoliveandbreathe.Onecertainthingisthatparentsandteacherscan’tfakecaring,studentswillpickuponthisveryquickly.Cultivatinggrowthmindsetsinstudentstobelievethattheirteachersarethereforthemandgenuinelywantthemtobecometheirbestselveswillbuildrespectfullearningrelationships.Thisincludesacceptingtheirteachers’advice,andrealisingthatteachers,likethemselves,arealsoindividuals,withtheirownwaysofdoingthings.Whenstudents,parentsandteacherscombinetheirtopstrengths,greatlearning,parentingandteachingoccurs,enablingthewholeschoolcommunitytothriveandflourish. Acknowledgement:Wentzell Caldwell RESPECTFULRELATIONSHIPS PRIMARY Withaclassmatediscuss –liedown,breathedeeply,close youreyesandpictureabeautifulplacelikeatropicalisland,takinginallofthedetailsforfiveminutes.Whatfeelingsdidyouhaveinyourbody? Contact us now for your trial log sales@learningcurve.com.auin.
PERMAH10 POSTERS FOR PRIMARY CLASSROOMSPOSTERSPERMAH/BOOKSACTIVITY ACTIVITY BOOKS MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY BOOKS 1 & 2 »Features:50varied activities » Student or teacher driven » Activities allow students to be in the present moment and remain focused. Size: 210mm high x 152mm wide. Layout subject to change. PERMAH POSTERS Reinforce the Learning Curve Program in the classroom and around your school with our set of bright and colourful posters. Each poster explains the PERMAH fundamentals in a message students can easily understand. Our Learning Curve Student icons guide students through the aspects of the program and how they can incorporate the messages into their everyday lives. Available in: A1 594mm wide x 841mm high A2 420mm wide x 594mm high Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork. MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY 4 The Learning Curve Mindfulness Activity Book 1 The Learning Curve Mindfulness Activity Book 1 5 Go outside, close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you for one minute. Then write down all of the sounds you heard and what made them. sounds In your mind mentally sing your favourite song while at the same time writing out all of the words and describe what they mean to you and how they make you feel. favourite songMindfulnessActivityBook1NAME MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY 42 The Learning Curve Mindfulness Activity Book 2 The Learning Curve Mindfulness Activity Book 2 43 country names There are about 200 different nations in the world. For five minutes write down as many of them that you can think of. sandy jar Put two tablespoons of sand in a jar of water and shake the jar. Concentrate for five minutes watching individual particles of sand falling to the bottom as the water clears.ActivityMindfulnessBook2NAME
WE VALUE GOODNESS – Good W ge students to respect and ue oth ill keep a righ att tud all ”. WE VALUE FAITHFULNESS – Faithful We encourage students to develop obedience to God’s word and trust in His hf ill b ll th d hope or h utur ”. WE VALUE GENEROSITY – Servant We encourage students to see their gifts and talents as opportunities to glorify God as hey serve others – am called o serve and ef esh othe s OUR SPORTING HOUSES The sporting culture of the College is further supported by our house families. Each student and he respect ve am y members are p aced n a house upon enrolment. The sports houses aim to give students a sense of belonging and encourage them to be a significant participant and contributor. There are three sporting houses. Dan e house s defined by strength and courage. This s der ved rom Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be a raid or terrified or he Lord you God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake yo h Lion as h g d bl E h d fi d ghty n sp t. Thi d d Isaiah 40 31 But hose who hope n the Lord will renew heir strength hey will soar on w ngs like eag es; hey will run and not grow weary, hey will walk and not be a n t has an Eag e as he ogo and s green n co our. Joshua house is defi ed b d bold This is de ed fr m 1 Chr ni 12:21 “Fo all of he b io nd they were commanders of His army . It h B he ogo and s red n co our. yCalvary 2021 Junior Diary.indb
PLANNER ACCESSORIES PRIMARY PLANNER Proudly Australian made. No purchase order cut off dates for 2023. Production time is 6 weeks from finished artwork.
11 ACCESSORIESPLANNERClear PVC Slip On Protective Cover Clear PVC Pocket with top opening Clear PVC Pocket with velcro flap PageRibbonFinder ADD YOUR SCHOOL SPECIFIC PAGES AND COVERS CUSTOM BOOKMARKS BOOK TAB DIVIDERS Traffic Light Polysheet Dividers White Silver Yellow Gold Red DarkgreenSkyblueOxfordblueNavybluePurple Clear BurgundyBlack CHOOSE YOUR REAR POLY COVER AND SPIRAL COLOUR Name Year 5/6 Student Planner Highland Reserve SS Yr5-6 Cover 2021.indd 1 28/10/20 3:38 pm Calvary CC 2021_Junior Campus_FrontCover.indd 21/12/2020 1:10:42 PM STUDENT DRESS CODE HRSS Formal Uniform Boys HRSS formal button up shirt Navy formal shorts with HRSS logo All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes White ankle socks HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat HRSS Formal Uniform Boys HRSS Formal Uniform Girls HRSS formal button up shirt Navy formal shorts with HRSS logo All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes White ankle socks HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat HRSS button up blouse Navy culottes or navy formal shorts with HRSS logoAllblack, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS Sport Uniform – Unisex HRSS sport polo shirt HRSS sport short with white piping (unisex) All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS jacket Plain navy tracksuit pants For girls: Navy blue full length plain tights (not leggings) The HRSS jacket may be worn with either uniform HRSS button up blouse Navy culottes or navy formal shorts with HRSS logo All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes White ankle socks HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat Boys HRSS formal button up shirt Navy formal with HRSS logo All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat HRSS button up blouse Navy culottes or navy formal shorts with HRSS All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes White ankle socks HRSS sport polo shirt HRSS sport short with white piping (unisex) White ankle socks HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat HRSS jacket Plain navy tracksuit pants For girls: Navy blue full length plain tights (not leggings) The HRSS jacket may be worn with either uniform HRSS Sport Uniform – Unisex HRSS sport polo shirt HRSS sport short with white piping (unisex) All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat Boys HRSS formal button up shirt Navy formal shorts with HRSS logo All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS button up blouse Navy culottes or navy formal shorts with HRSS logoAllblack, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat HRSS Sport Uniform Unisex HRSS sport polo shirt HRSS sport short with white piping (unisex) All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS broad brimmed bucket hat HRSS jacket Plain navy tracksuit pants For girls: Navy blue full length plain tights (not leggings) The HRSS jacket may be worn with either uniform HRSS jacket Plain navy tracksuit pants For girls: Navy blue full length plain tights (not leggings) The HRSS jacket may be worn with either uniform HRSS Formal Uniform Boys HRSS Formal Uniform Girls Navy formal shorts with HRSS logo All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes White ankle socks Navy culottes or navy formal shorts with HRSS logoAllblack, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes
HRSS Sport Uniform – Unisex HRSS sport polo shirt HRSS sport short with white piping (unisex) All black, fully enclosed lace-up or velcro shoes HRSS jacket Plain navy tracksuit pants For girls: Navy blue full length plain tights (not leggings) The HRSS jacket may be worn with either uniform Highland Reserve SS Yr4 5-6 Prelims 2021.indd 10 3CALVARY CHRISTIAN COLLEGE
PRINT & MARKETING SERVICES (VIC) P/L 79 Asling Street, Brighton, Melbourne, VIC 3186 AUSTRALIA phone: +613 9596 2100 | sales@learningcurve.com.au The Learning Curve Wellbeing Program involves intentionally and explicitly teaching young people how to develop the skills and competencies to grow their brain’s abilities, called the cognitive domain while at the same time teaching them how to acquire the skills of social-emotional resilience, called the non-cognitive domain so that they can live a fulfilling and meaningful life. PERMAH+ MODEL FOR THRIVING FLOURISHINGANDWELLBEINGEngagementMINDFULNESS+ Health strengths+Positive Emotions + GRATITUDE Relationships+empathy Accomplishment+optimism Meaning purpose+ www.learningcurve.com.au