To become my best self I will ................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. A challenge that I will need to overcome is ................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. A choice that I will need to make to overcome it is ............................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Who can help me to do this? .................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
“If it is to be it is up to me.” William Johnsen 1
Resilient Mindset I
in life 10%
Daily thoughts, words & actions 40%
Genetics 50%
Your own, thoughts, words and actions contribute to about 40% to your state of wellbeing, so it makes good sense to look on the bright side of life, smile and be kind to others because they matter.
A resilient mindset means that you are willing and able to develop Grateful Connections, Self-Control, Empathy and Self-Belief. Throughout this planner there are questions and lessons on each of these, and by thinking about and writing down your thoughts you will be moving towards developing a resilient mindset. For each of these, colour in on the following diagrams where you feel you are at right now.
Grateful Connections: being grateful for your relationships with others and yourself and what you have.
Self-Control: controlling your emotions and impulses to think flexibly about what you are doing.
Self-Belief: valuing yourself as a person and believing you have what it takes to become who you want to become.
Grateful Connections Self-Belief Self-ControlEmpathy “Forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe the one reason why it will.” Abdelnour 2
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Empathy: being kind by showing that you care for other people’s needs and feelings and your own.
Which step have you reached today?
I WANT TO DO IT I CAN’T DO IT I WON’T DO IT The Big Five are what you need to do and be aware of to stay physically and mentally healthy. There are daily opportunities to monitor each of these using out of 5.
At the end of each week summarise your daily efforts by colouring in each of the Big Five on how well you went.
Big 5 Check in
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
The Term Breaks are opportunities for you to reflect on how well you are developing a resilient mindset. To feel that you are moving forward, reflect on the four components of having a resilient mindset, and enjoy focusing your energies to solve the Mindfulness Puzzles and to use pattern, repetition and control to enjoy the Mindfulness Colouring In. To build both your resilience and wellbeing, there are 20 lessons for your class to do together.
“Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of someone else.” Judy Garland 3
This week...
RESILIENT MINDSET / WHAT WENT WELL MONDAY What am I looking forward to feeling like this week?
TUESDAY What is something that I would love to do?
WEDNESDAY What is a little thing I do every day which makes a positive difference?
FRIDAY What made me happy this week?
Communication/comments: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Teacher ................................................................................................................. Parent/Caregiver .................................................................................................. 6
© Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty. Ltd. – 2024 Resilient Mindset Planner
Who said hello and smiled at me today?
anuary 2024 Done
For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.
Big 5 Check in
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” Dalai Lama 7
This week...
RESILIENT MINDSET / WHAT WENT WELL MONDAY What are two strengths that I deliberately use often?
TUESDAY What did I improve on today?
WEDNESDAY What are positive behaviours that I could role-model for others?
FRIDAY What things make me feel the emotion gratitude?
Communication/comments: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Teacher ................................................................................................................. Parent/Caregiver .................................................................................................. 20
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What is a special goal that I have for myself?
March 2024 Done
For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.
Big 5 Check in
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
“What we learn, we learn by doing.” Aristotle 21
Term One Reflections Which step have you reached today?
What were highlights for you in term one and what is a strength that you used often (page 112) and an emotion that you felt often? (page 123).
.......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................
Reflect and colour in how well you think that you grew for each part of your resilient mindset over this term.
Grateful Connections: being grateful for your relationships with others and yourself and what you have.
Self-Control: controlling your emotions and impulses to think flexibly about what you are doing.
Self-Belief: valuing yourself as a person and believing you have what it takes to become who you want to become.
The Big Five: what you need to do and be aware of to stay physically and mentally healthy.
The Big 5
For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” Maya Angelou 30
Sleep deeply?
© Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty. Ltd. – 2024 Resilient Mindset Planner
Empathy: being kind by showing that you care for other people’s needs and feelings and your own.
Mindfulness Puzzle Practise looking on the bright side of life and relaxing by doing the following Mindfulness Puzzle.
Answer on page 144
Connect with yourself by enjoying colouring in.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein 31
This week...
RESILIENT MINDSET / WHAT WENT WELL MONDAY Where is a place in nature where I feel fully relaxed and at peace?
TUESDAY When have I felt psyched up to achieve something special?
WEDNESDAY What is an experience that makes me feel great when I remember it?
FRIDAY What did I do to be brave this week?
Communication/comments: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Teacher ................................................................................................................. Parent/Caregiver .................................................................................................. 46
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What am I grateful for about my friends?
une 2024
For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.
Big 5 Check in
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
“If you wish to find you must search. Rarely does a good idea interrupt you.” Saying 47
This week...
RESILIENT MINDSET / WHAT WENT WELL MONDAY What am I looking forward to feeling like this week?
TUESDAY What is an achievement that I am humble about?
WEDNESDAY Who are my champions who are always there for me?
FRIDAY What was the highlight of the week for me?
Communication/comments: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Teacher ................................................................................................................. Parent/Caregiver .................................................................................................. 68
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What is something that surprised me this week?
August 2024 Done
For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.
Big 5 Check in
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
“Never take a person’s dignity; it is worth everything to them and nothing to you.” Frank Barron 69
Term Three Reflections Which step have you reached today?
What were highlights for you in term three and what is a strength that you used often (page 112) and an emotion that you felt often? (page 123).
.......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................
Reflect and colour in how well you think that you grew for each part of your resilient mindset over this term.
Grateful Connections: being grateful for your relationships with others and yourself and what you have.
Self-Control: controlling your emotions and impulses to think flexibly about what you are doing.
Self-Belief: valuing yourself as a person and believing you have what it takes to become who you want to become.
The Big Five: what you need to do and be aware of to stay physically and mentally healthy.
The Big 5
For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week.
Feel Positive?
Exercise Daily?
Eat Healthy?
Drink water?
Sleep deeply?
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” John C Maxwell 82
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Empathy: being kind by showing that you care for other people’s needs and feelings and your own.
Mindfulness Puzzle Practise looking on the bright side of life and relaxing by doing the following Mindfulness Puzzle.
Find your way through the maze
Answer on page 144
Connect with yourself by enjoying colouring in.
“Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your failure rate.” Thomas Watson 83
Trusted Champions Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to identify four trusted adults – your Trusted Champions – who you can ask for help about anything, because you know that they will always be there for you. HOW: not hesitating to seek help from your Trusted Champions when you feel unsafe, or need to respond to challenges or concerns. Practise saying to yourself the words that you would use to ask for help. Draw a picture of or stick a photo in of each of your champions.
Champion One
Respond well to challenges by asking your Champions for help straight away.
What is something that you need to ask for help about right now?
Champion Four
Picture of you or draw yourself
Champion Two
Say to yourself I can feel good again and I will ask for help.
Your champions will never give up on you, so ask.
Last Word: what is a problem that would be too big for you to handle which you should ask for help from your Trusted Champions? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Rita Pierson
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I’m possible.” Audrey Hepburn 110
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Champion Three
A Champion nterview Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to interview and learn from one of your champions how they became who they are today. HOW: learning from your trusted champions is a powerful way for you to move towards becoming the type of person who you want to become. Ask one of them the following questions during the interview and create some of your own to ask.
Person’s name: ............................................................................................................................................ you The interview: I would like to interview you because I admire you and wish to learn how became who you are today. What would you say are your top Character Strengths?
any Describe a time in your life when things didn’t go the way you wanted them to go and mistakes you made.
Did you ever feel like giving up? What did you do to keep going, how did you feel and what strengths did you use?
What was the final outcome?
What did you learn from this experience?
How did these things help you to become who you are today?
you. End of interview: I appreciate you sharing with me how you became who you are today, thank What did I learn about this person I admire?
What did I learn about how to keep going when things don’t go my way?
Last Word: what is something new that I will start doing in my life from now on? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Fredrickson & Diener
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein 111
Character Strengths Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to learn about Character Strengths, discover your own top ones, and understand how you can use them every day in your life. HOW: the 24 Character Strengths are positive personal qualities which are developed through your life experiences. You have your own special mix of them, which enable you do what is right for you. Google Science of Character video by Tiffany Shlain to learn more about them. Character Strengths bring the following six virtues to life: Wisdom, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance, Transcendence. Your top five strengths are called your Signature Strengths. Discover yours by doing the free Youth Survey at For each strength in the table, write where it was on the survey. Before you do the survey, predict what your Signature Strengths will be. My predictions are: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
WISDOM about your thinking and reasoning
COURAGE about your spirit and confidence
HUMANITY about your positive relationships
JUSTICE about you benefitting and sharing with others
24 CHARACTER STRENGTHS CREATIVITY Thinking and designing in original and novel ways
CURIOSITY Exploring and being interested in learning more
JUDGEMENT Thinking in open-minded and critical ways
LOVE OF LEARNING Enjoying mastering and learning new things
PERSPECTIVE Making sense of what is happening
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
BRAVERY Doing what your mind says is right for you
PERSEVERANCE Persisting through challenges to finish
HONESTY Being true to your values
ZEST Feeling full of energy and enthusiasm
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
LOVE Being loving and feeling loved by others
KINDNESS Being generous and caring towards others
SOCIAL-INTELLIGENCE Knowing why others act and think in certain ways
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
TEAMWORK Being loyal to and working well with others
FAIRNESS Being just and kind towards others
LEADERSHIP Bringing out the best in others
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
FORGIVENESS Giving others a second chance
HUMILITY Letting achievements speak for you
PRUDENCE Being careful to not take silly risks
SELF-REGULATION Controlling your impulses and emotions
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
Feeling wonder & awe about special things
GRATITUDE Being thankful for what you have in your life
HOPE Feeling you can influence your future
HUMOUR Having fun, laughing, and smiling
SENSE OF MEANING Having a purpose larger than yourself
VIA No.........................
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VIA No.........................
VIA No.........................
TEMPERANCE about being in charge of you APPRECIATION OF
TRANSCENDENCE BEAUTY & EXCELLENCE about you having purpose and valuing others
Last Word: when is a time that you were proud of how you used your top strengths? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement and thanks to the VIA Institute. © 2014 VIA Institute. All Rights Reserved.
“Just as we don’t realise we are breathing, we often don’t realise we are using our character strengths.” Martin Seligman 112
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Strengths Backpack Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to think about how you can use your top strengths while you carry them around with you in your make-believe strengths backpack. HOW: write your top strengths in your backpack and every day, look for opportunities to work towards becoming your best self by using your strengths. Circle how you are using them now using 0 1 2 3 4 5 and set a target. Then have fun colouring in your backpack.
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5 TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5 TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5 TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5 TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
6 TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOW 0 1 2 3 4 5
TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
TARGET 0 1 2 3 4 5
Last Word: which strengths would you like to develop more to use them better? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Seligman & Peterson
“We will find a way or make one.” Hannibal 113
Developing Resilience Skills Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to learn about, practise and develop the resilience skills that enable you to respond well to challenges, failures and setbacks. HOW: focus on using your strengths to deliberately practise thinking about and using these skills every day at home, at school and in your community. Complete the lesson and rate how often that you use each skill by circling one of ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~
Self-Confidence: believing that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and using your
strengths to work towards them. ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~ When have you been proud of how you showed this, and where else could you use it? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Self-Awareness: realising when you are losing concentration, pausing, and then deliberately refocusing on what you are doing. ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~ When have you been proud of how you showed this, and where else could you use it? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Patience: controlling your emotions and impulses to learn what you need to know to make sensible and logical decisions. ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~ When have you been proud of how you showed this, and where else could you use it?
.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Adaptable Thinking: using self-talk to contest unhelpful negative feelings and changing your thinking for different situations. ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~ When have you been proud of how you showed this, and where else could you use it? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Rievich & Shatte
“History is the record of an encounter between character and circumstances.” Donald Creighton 116
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Developing Resilience Skills No one is born with the skills of resilience. You develop them through practising each of them for the many different situations that you find yourself in every day. Like any skills, over time they will grow with deliberate and regular practice.
Kindness: giving of yourself to be kind to others and yourself to send out ripples of kindness that never end. ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~ When have you been proud of how you showed this, and where else could you use it? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Trustworthiness: being the person that people trust to do what you say you will do and following through to do it. ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~ When have you been proud of how you showed this, and where else could you use it? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Grit: persevering to keep doing the hard step by step things till you achieve that goal that you are
passionate about. ~Usually~ ~Sometimes~ ~Not Yet~ When have you been proud of how you showed this, and where else could you use it? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
When have you been proud of how you showed resilience to overcome challenges and setbacks to achieve what you set out to do? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Last Word: what is a challenge that you want to overcome right now? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Seligman & Peterson
“Resilience is not what happens to you. It’s how you react to, respond to, and recover from what happens to you.” Jeffrey Gitomer 117
Resilience Skills in Action Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to consider the following hypothetical situations and which resilience skills and character strengths could help you to deal with them. HOW: practising using these skills and strengths often in your everyday life will help you to be prepared in advance for challenging situations that you may find yourself in. You are worrying about everything, school, homework, friends, the way you dress and your looks. You feel hopeless and everything that you do seems wrong. Which resilience skills and character strengths could help you to make good choices to overcome these feelings, and who could help you?
................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................
You are receiving pressure from one of your online friends, who you only know through social media. Both of you have been chatting with each other for about a month, and now this person has asked you to start sending pictures of yourself and where you live and go to school. You are worried where this is going. Which resilience skills and character strengths could help you to make good choices to overcome these feelings, and who could help you?
................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................
“The tough get going when the going gets tough.” Joseph Kennedy 118
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You had an argument with one of your friends, and now they will not talk to you to try and work things out. You haven’t told anybody else because you are embarrassed and don’t want your other friends to find out and make it worse. You are thinking about it all the time and cannot sleep. Which resilience skills and character strengths could help you to make good choices to overcome these feelings, and who could help you?
Resilience Skills in Action The more that you practise using a skill or a strength, the stronger your brain pathways become, which leads to you developing competence in using them so that they become automatic habits. Your father has just got a new job and your parents have told you that your whole family are moving interstate. You are happy where you live, enjoy your school and have lots of friends and don’t want to move. You beg them to stay but the decision has been made. You are very scared about the move. Which resilience skills and character strengths could help you to make good choices to overcome these feelings, and who could help you? Your older cousin is getting married and you and your family have been invited to the wedding. You have never been to a wedding and are worried about how you should act to fit in properly. Which resilience skills and character strengths could help you to make good choices to overcome these feelings, and who could help you?
You are under pressure in Science to finish an assignment on time, but you seem to be always getting stuck on little issues. You don’t fully understand what you need to do, and don’t feel comfortable asking your teacher for help. Which resilience skills and character strengths could help you to make good choices to overcome these feelings, and who could help you?
................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................
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................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................
Last Word: what is a challenging situation that you currently have where you need to use these skills and strengths? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Rievich & Shatte
“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.” Mae Jemison 119
Understanding Your Mindset Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to learn that your mindset is about how much you believe that you can grow your brain’s abilities by deliberately practising. HOW: your brain rewires itself after every experience that you have. Therefore, practising more intelligent and challenging tasks will see your brain develop its abilities. FIXED
Which step have you reached today?
Mark where your mindset is about learning at school.
Can’t grow
Can grow
What is something at school that you believe you can’t improve no matter what you do? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Why do you think that it is fixed? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... What is something at school that you believe you can improve through deliberate practice? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Fixed Mindsets: about proving yourself • Challenges show what you can’t do • You want to prove yourself by avoiding mistakes • King for you is the fear of failure
Growth Mindsets: about improving yourself • Challenges enable you to stretch yourself • You want to improve and let your mistakes guide you • King for you is the courage to try
When is a time that you learnt something from a mistake?
What is a challenge that stretched your abilities?
CHOICE – choosing to choose. Acting on your choice to grow your abilities. What is a choice that you need to make? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DELIBERATE PRACTICE – accepting that you must practise to improve. What is something that you want to improve? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... EFFORT – choosing to leave your comfort zone to practise more difficult tasks. What is a more challenging task? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... UNLIMITED GROWTH – choosing to fix stretch mistakes to grow your abilities. What is a mistake that you need to fix? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Last Word: what is a benefit for you that will come from moving your mindset more towards growth? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Dweck, Ericsson & Anderson
“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” Roy T. Bennett 120
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Tried and proven strategies that will help you to move your mindset more towards growth:
Sense of Purpose Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to discover a purpose to strive for and something meaningful in what you do, so you can feel that your life is an exciting adventure. HOW: to feel that you matter, comes from valuing yourself and having a sense of purpose, which enables you to focus your efforts on something bigger than yourself. Japanese people call their reason for waking up every day, their ikigai. Often, a lack of motivation can be caused by not having a purpose in your life. What is something that means a lot to you which gives you a sense of purpose in your life and why?
what you LOVE
.................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................
Passion what you are GOOD AT
Mission what the world NEEDS
ikigai Profession
what jobs interest you?
.................................................................................................................................................................. Look at the diagram. What is your ikigai, your reason for waking up every morning? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... What do you love? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. What does the world need? ............................................................................................................................................................................................ What are you good at? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... What jobs interest you? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... What are little things you do which make a positive impact on others’ lives? And what would happen if you stopped doing them? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Last Word: who is someone you admire who has a strong sense of purpose to help other people? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Frankl & Nakanishi
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung 121
Habits of Mind in Action Resilient Mindset Intention: WHY: for you to put into practice using the Habits of Mind. HOW: when something happens where you need to make a decision, pause and think, what is the best way for you to approach this, and what Habit of Mind is the best way to think for it.
Listening with Understanding and Empathy
Overcoming obstacles, sticking to a task until it is completed, and trying new ways when something doesn’t work.
Understanding and accepting others’ feelings, and reading their body language messages.
Managing Impulsivity
Thinking Flexibly
Considering and understanding ideas before speaking, acting, or judging.
Changing the way you think when you receive new information, and contesting negative mind chatter.
Thinking about Thinking
Striving for Accuracy
Knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do, and being aware of how you are thinking.
Taking pride in lifting the quality of what you do through practice, and not accepting near enough as good enough.
Questioning and Posing Problems
Communicating with Clarity and Precision
Asking questions to fill in your knowledge gaps, and recognising the reasons why questions are asked.
Explaining, comparing, and giving evidence with accurate and clear language.
Gathering Data Through All Senses
Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations
Understanding a situation through all of your senses, and thinking about different colours, sounds, tastes, and textures.
Applying and adapting your experience to new situations and problems.
Creating, Imagining, Innovating
Thinking Interdependently
Looking at situations from different angles, and stretching your mind to imagine “what could be?”
Sharing learning energy with others in groups to combine your thinking power to achieve much more.
Responding with Wonderment & Awe
Taking Responsible Risks
Showing that you are excited, curious, and passionate when exploring new things.
Leaving your comfort zone to welcome challenges and explore the unknown, and being prepared to make mistakes.
Remaining Open to Continuous Learning
Finding Humour
Searching for better ways to learn, and seeing challenges as opportunities to grow further.
Laughing and having fun learning with others to release feel-good brain chemicals to broaden and build your focus.
Acknowledgement: Costa & Kellick
“You are just a bundle of habits.” William James 128
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The 16 Habits are more intelligent ways to look at situations and are spread across the top of these two pages. Look at the real life scenarios on the following page and choose which Habits could be the best ways to think for each of them.
Habits of Mind in Action Like your Character Strengths, knowing about and talking about Habits of Mind is not using them. This is an opportunity to make Habits of Mind work for you to become a more effective and intelligent thinker. Real Life Scenario
Habit of Mind
You are interested in trying a new activity, but need to know more about it before you do.
Your family is having the inside of your house painted and you can choose the colours for your bedroom.
It is your birthday, and you are given a choice by your family and friends where you want to go for a meal.
You have felt pretty flat lately and want to start to look on the light and bright side of life again.
You are polishing up your skills and understandings to do really well on an upcoming test.
You are looking forward to going to see your and your friends’ favourite band for the first time at a live event.
You are running late for training and ignore the notes your family has left you to clean up your room.
Your friend is struggling and upset because of family problems and you are wondering what to do.
Your normal way to practise is making no difference to how you are understanding your subjects.
You are having a few peer group problems with your friends and are feeling lonely.
You went on a fantastic school camp and your family wants to know everything about it.
Last Word: When is a time that you had to make a difficult decision, paused and thought, what is the best way to think for this? What happened? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Costa & Kellick
“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” Warren Buffett 129
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Homework Timetable – Semester 1 THURSDAY
Homework Timetable – Semester 2 FRIDAY