2025 Learning Curve Primary Brochure

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The Learning Curve Planners provide a variety of evidence based lessons and activities, which combine to generate frequent positive emotions to build students’ and teachers’ wellbeing. The Planner activities focus on developing all elements of PERMAH and skills of resilience. All supported by our online wellbeing program www.learningcurve.com.au. All Learning Curve Planner front covers are fully customisable and school specific content can be added.




» Weekly PERMAH Focus

» Books Read This Week

» Mindful Colouring In

» Things To Do Daily Tasks List

» Mindfulness Time

» Being Grateful Activities

» Values and Strengths

» Learning About Me

» Friendship Weeks

» Mazes and Join the Dots Activities

» Self-Assessment – About Me.

Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.



» Weekly PERMAH Focus

» Mindfulness Activities

» Respectful Relationships

» Character Strength Activities

» Term Goal Setting and Reflection

» Wellbeing Fitness Challenge

» Content rewritten each year.

Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.

77 76
MONDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ TUESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ WEDNESDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ THURSDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ FRIDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ SATURDAY / SUNDAY Book Title: minutes______ pages_____ Comments: Sign off! Teacher: Parent/Guardian: © Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd 2024 LOWER PRIMARY It is important we try to read at every chance we get. Reading street signs, restaurant menus, catalogues and newspapers helps us to learn more words. Reading can relax us and help us feel calm to fall asleep. Aim to read different types of books to stretch your abilities. Look for similar words and try to work out the storyline by looking at images. What is your favourite book to read at the moment? Readers are Leaders Mindfulness Time Hand Writing. Write the name of each member of your family using your non-writing hand. Was it hard? September 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Books Read This Week TITLE PAGES Week: THINGS TO DO MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY COMMUNICATION/COMMENTS: TEACHER: PARENT/GUARDIAN: 96 97 Relationships + empathy © Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd 2024 Upper Primary Planner For each of your Big Five, colour in how you did this week. The Big Five Exercise Daily Eat Healthy Sleep Well Drink Water Feel Positive Mindfulness Colouring In Mindfulness Puzzle Character Strengths in Action Class Brainstorm: how can we show Leadership this week? (page 118) Who was someone new I met? Connect to Belong WHY: by feeling a sense of connectedness and belonging to classmates, teachers, friends and family, you will feel happy in yourself. HOW: being with other people is the most effective way for you to cope with life’s ups and downs. When you feel that you are struggling, make yourself talk to family, friends or your Trusted Champions to release the power of feel-good brain chemicals to lift your spirits. In person social connections are the best possible feelings lifters. Acknowledgement: Diener, Biswas-Diener & Dutton DO: when is a time that you connected with other people to feel happier? What are two other groups that you feel that you belong to? 1 2 October 2O24 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FIND THE CORRECT SHADOW. Answer on page 160
Things to do/Reading Mindful Colouring In 2024



Designed to support and be used in conjunction with the Learning Curve Wellbeing Program. Lessons and activities include:

» Weekly PERMAH Focus

» Daily Teaching and Learning Strategies

» Class Planning

» Staff Wellbeing

» Goal Setting Plans

» Health and Wellbeing Tips

» Higher Level Thinking Tools

» Preparation Approaches

» Exam Preparation Checklist

» Monthly Reflection

» Personal Growth

» 82 pages of Attendance Records and Notes in rear.

» Forward Planning and Daily Checklists.


TEACHER LESSON GUIDES (Downloadable versions available)

The Teacher Lesson Guides have been created to support teachers in exploring the evidence-based lessons and activities with students, to assist them in cultivating a resilient state of wellbeing. All guides follow a structured step-by-step plan, which is:


Size: 297mm high x 210mm wide.
PERMAH Learning Intention
– DO
Success Criteria » PERMAH+ Reinforcement. PREPARATION AND FOLLOW-UP: THURSDAY FRIDAY NOTES SATURDAY SUNDAY 189 Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd THIS WEEK PRIORITIES MEETINGS DONE WHAT WENT WELL THIS WEEK? HOW DID YOU FEEL THIS WEEK? PREPARATION AND FOLLOW-UP: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 188 TERM: WEEK: DAY: PRIORITIES / MEETINGS DONE Wellbeing Challenge: Inspiring Your Best Self What are you looking forward to most this week? Consider: how much confidence do your students and colleagues have in your abilities to meet their expectations to deliver quality learning experiences? 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Japanese Proverb To protect your skin, avoid saturated fats, smoking and excessive alcohol OCTOBER 2024 Try a spoonful of tomato salsa on a dry biscuit; a good antioxidant “Regrets are as personal as fingerprints.” Margaret Culkin Banning OCTOBER 2024 NOVEMBER 2024 F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M W S OCTOBER 2024 T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M W T F S S M T W T 3 2 24 Index of Resilient Wellbeing Activities About this Planner The Big Five Page 2 – Index of Resilient Wellbeing Lessons and Activities Fabulous First Five Minutes ask students what is something that they can do to settle themselves down when they are upset? WHY: for students to explore the lessons for each of the elements of the PERMAH+ wellbeing, and the resilient wellbeing building activities. HOW: read the headings in the Resilient Wellbeing Index with your class. Explain that their wellbeing is made up of a combination of those six headings. Share that one of these elements of PERMAH+ is focused on each week so that they can use what they learn to build their best selves. Add that you can choose to select weeks from any part of the planner at any time to suit your class’s needs and school’s context. Also explain that there are enjoyable resilient wellbeing activities spread throughout their planners to help them on their wellbeing building journey. DO: read through a number of weekly pages with your class to familiarise your students with the content and then ask them to check out the lessons and activities on their own for ten minutes and explore ones that really interest them. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – the PERMAH+ elements that the index is broken up into. Do – look at the front and back sections of their planner. Acknowledgement: Martin Seligman & Chris Peterson Page 3 – About this Planner Fabulous First Five Minutes ask students when is time that they were nearly beaten by a challenge but persisted to overcome it? WHY: for students to learn about what affects their wellbeing and lessons/activities that they can practise to develop it further. with your class. Explain that their own thoughts and feelings directly affect their wellbeing, so it makes sense to aim to think positively to feel good. Share that by doing and practising each of these lessons and activities every week, they will help themselves to create habits to build their best selves. Look at the resilient activities that are rotated each week, go to the website www.learningcurve.com.au and open Wellbeing Program tab. Then open any week to show students the ABC steps and various interactive activities that they can do. DO: ask students to look at the six essential lessons that they need to do together as a class first: 1. Using this Planner 2. PERMAH+: About Your Wellbeing 3. Resilience Qualities 4. Character Strengths & Wheel 5. Understanding Your Mindset 6. Your Term One Learning Goals. Then look at the Big Five daily and weekly check in, and explore the website for 10 minutes. Students really enjoy checking out the 60+ interactive Thinking Tools that they can use. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – what affects their wellbeing and the lessons/ activities provided for them to develop a resilient state of wellbeing. Do – enjoy doing the daily and weekly wellbeing building activities. Acknowledgement: P – Lyubomirsky, King & Diener, E – Hunter & Csikszentmihalyi, R – Norrish, Robinson & Williams, M Cotton, Bronk & Damon, A Hendren, Sheldon, H Norrish, Robinson & Williams BUILDING MY BEST SELF AS CARING YOUNG PERSON WHO MATTERS O24 Learning Curve Primary Planner Page 1 – Building My Best Self Fabulous First Five Minutes ask students what is something that they do to show they are sensible? WHY: for students to share what they are looking forward to achieving, what they will do to build their best selves, and a choice they will make. Building My Best Self Character Strengths Weeks with your class. Explain that their wellbeing is healthy when they feel positive and hopeful about today and their future, because they know that they are working towards building their best selves. Share that to achieve this, they need to look forward to doing little things everyday, make good choices and know who can help them to do these things. Add that aiming for four positive feelings for every negative one and using can and will self-talk to overcome challenges, will see them do good to feel good and feel good to do good. Explain that the six Character Strengths Weeks are great for their class to practise using their strengths; share when they occur. Look at Gratitude Week example. DO: read and discuss the following prompts and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners: What am really looking forward to achieving this year? To build my best self what things will do every day? What is a choice that will need to make? Who can help me to do this? To have more than four positive feelings for every negative one, will do good to feel good and feel good to do good by doing these things…. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – what they can do to build their best selves. Do – write down their thoughts. Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky & Tal Ben Shahar FRONT PAGES OF THE PLANNER 19 Mindfulness Colouring In Wellbeing@School Class Wellbeing Challenge What did ask for help with? Kind and Caring Page 58 – Kind and Caring Fabulous First Five Minutes ask students what is something that they can do to show empathy for the needs and feelings of others? WHY: for students to notice opportunities when they can do little kind and caring things for other people. Kind and Caring with your class. Explain that costs absolutely nothing to be kind and caring to other people, and it brings wonderful feelings of being connected and belonging. Share that giving to others, and expecting nothing in return, adds meaning to their own lives and benefits their wellbeing, from enjoying the kindness and smiles that come back their way. Add that the most important relationship they have is the one with themselves, so encourage them to be kind and caring to themselves. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners about: what is something kind and caring that you have done or received this week? What are two kind things that you have done for yourself this week? Which Character Strength can help you with Kind and Caring? (page 118) Read and discuss Wellbeing@School with your class and ask them to journal their thoughts in their planners about: When your emotions become stronger, your ability to think sensibly can be affected. When have you noticed your emotions affecting your thinking? What happened? Ask your students what did they ask for help with this week? Lead the Class Wellbeing Challenge: Practise Positive Me Messages to write encouraging messages to ourselves. (page 121) Encourage your students to monitor their Big Five daily and summarise their week by colouring in the Check in. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – what they will feel when they are kind to others and themselves. Do – every day aim do at least five kind things for others and themselves. Acknowledgement: Diener, Lyubomirsky Dutton Relationships empathy Mindfulness Colouring In Joy Missing Out: JOMO Page 56 – Joy Of Missing Out: JOMO ask students what are two strengths that most of their friends have? for students to understand that deliberately using JOMO to miss out on the never ending social media gossip will bring them joy. HOW: read Joy Of Missing Out: JOMO with your class. Explain that the non-stop world of phones and social media is wearing many people out because they are always on edge waiting for the next ding. Share that using Joy Of Missing Out enables them to turn off their phones, which frees them up to spend quality time with their family and friends having fun doing enjoyable things together. Add that using JOMO is a choice that will enable them to focus on what really matters in their worlds and ignore the stuff that doesn’t. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts in their planners about: when is a time that you used JOMO to turn off your phone? What are two things that you would be happy to miss out on? Which Resilience Quality can help you with Joy Of Missing Out: JOMO? (pages 10&11) Read and discuss Breathing and Moving with your class and ask them to journal their thoughts in their planners about: Flying Breathing: For slow count of 5. Bend forward, balance on one foot, extend your other foot behind you, and extend your arms like wings. Lift your arms like you are flying, breathing in. Hold for 5. Lower your arms while breathing out. Repeat 4 times, then swapping feet. How did you feel while doing Flying Breathing? How many days did you try Flying Breathing this week? Ask your students how were they creative this week? Lead a Class Character Strengths in Action Brainstorm about how can we show Sense of Meaning this week? (page 118) Encourage your students to monitor their Big Five daily and summarise their week by colouring in the Check in. Explain – the benefits for them of using Joy Of Missing Out. Do – turn off their phones. Acknowledgement: Greenfield & Fredrickson 2024 TEACHER LESSON GUIDE UPPER PRIMARY PLANNER
First Five Minutes – a
» Explain
PERMAH+ Reflection


The intention underpinning these My Wellbeing Journals for young Primary students, is to nurture in them a self-awareness of what they can do to feel happy, to build friendships and to be grateful for what they have and what is happening in their lives. The variety of simple evidence based activities are also intended to develop their self-control and understanding of others’ needs and feelings, through role playing and enjoying themselves with other students. All My Wellbeing Journal front covers are fully customisable and school specific content can be added.

Parent/Carer Signature:

Readers are Leaders What am I grateful for this week?

Wellbeing Check In


While a number of activities are intended to be teacher and parent directed, as students’ reading levels grow, they will be able to complete them on their own. The key focuses are for students to learn how to be optimistic about what they are looking forward to doing, learning together and what they are grateful for.

Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.


Students are introduced to the concept that their wellbeing is made of the six equally important PERMAH elements. Activities focus on cultivating optimism and gratitude, taking notice of what is happening to and around them, developing their selfcontrol by taking responsibility for their reading, and becoming more mindful and self-aware of the needs and feelings of other people.

Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Reading Communication Week beginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Fill in the missing letter © Print & Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd –MY WJ YR 1
This week did you... Say sorry? ___Yes ___No Ask, how are you? ___Yes ___No Love to learn? ___Yes ___No Look for good? ___Yes ___No Eat fruit? ___Yes ___No Drink water? ___Yes ___No Sleep well? ___Yes ___No Listen carefully? ___Yes ___No Feel calm? ___Yes ___No Fun Time COOKING. You are about to cook your favourite meal for your family. What do you need and what are the steps you have to take? rab Mindfulness Time Being Kind. Breathe slowly and think about three kind things you have done to make other people happy. Numbers For MMMAAA are there an even or odd number of letters? Circle your answer. ODD EVEN When watching TV, time how long the advertisements last. seconds minutes
42 43 POSITIVE EMOTION + GRATITUDE How Did You Feel This Week? The Big Three Colour in how well you went this week. DID EXERCISE GOT SLEEP DRANK WATER READERS ARE LEADERS WEEK BEGINNING: / / Parent/Carer Signature: MONDAY Book Title No.pages Draw how your reading made you feel on each day below. Minutes TUESDAY Book Title No.pages Minutes WEDNESDAY Book Title No.pages Minutes THURSDAY Book Title No.pages Minutes FRIDAY Book Title No.pages Minutes SAT/SUN Book Title No.pages Minutes Mindfulness Colouring In Enjoy colouring in the bird. Wellbeing Challenge Others Matter: every day I will look for at least three chances to be kind to my family, friends or classmates. When is a time that I was proud of how I was kind to someone? Acknowledgement: Reivich & Shatte Fab First Five: Who is someone that you helped this week? WHY: by searching for what is good in what you see and trying hard, you will feel positive about every day. HOW: stretch yourself to try harder school work, such as reading more difficult books. You will make mistakes, but you will feel positive when you fix them by learning new and better ways to read and learn. Acknowledgement: Boniwell & Diener DO: what is something that you have a positive attitude about trying? What is something good that is happening this week that you are grateful for? “Look for good to feel good.” MW Positive Attitudes Happy Thinking What are you looking forward to this week?


The My Wellbeing Journals for Upper Primary students allows them to learn how they can use their strengths to create opportunities to feel positive emotions and handle negative emotions. Their self-awareness, self-control and understanding of others are further nurtured through the variety of evidence based activities both in the journals and on our website www.learningcurve.com.au


Students are to explore how they can use their dominant character strengths to apply the weekly PERMAH perspectives in their lives to grow their wellbeing. The activities focus on students developing a sense of purpose to achieve something of value and optimism that they can influence their future through their own efforts.

Size: 248mm high x 170mm wide. Layout subject to change.

Flexible Thinking


32 33 © Print Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd MY WJ YEAR 5 READERS ARE LEADERS WEEK BEGINNING: / / Parent/Carer Signature: MONDAY Book Title No. pages Minutes TUESDAY Book Title No. pages Minutes WEDNESDAY Book Title No. pages Minutes THURSDAY Book Title No. pages Minutes FRIDAY Book Title No. pages Minutes SAT/SUN Book Title No. pages Minutes RELATIONSHIPS + EMPATHY The Big Five Health Check In Colour the sections to reflect how well you went. EXERCISE DAILY BARELY LITTLE BIT ENOUGH MOSTLY HEAPS SLEEP WELL BARELY LITTLE BIT ENOUGH MOSTLY HEAPS DRINK WATER BARELY LITTLE BIT ENOUGH MOSTLY HEAPS EAT HEALTHY FEEL POSITIVE BARELY LITTLE BIT ENOUGH MOSTLY HEAPS Fabulous First 5 Minutes: Acknowledgement: Thinker Keys, Tony Ryan WHAT’S WRONG THINKING what is something that is wrong with water?
WHY: by listening with interest to others sharing their good news stories, and responding with enthusiastic body language, you will make them feel that they matter and valued by you. HOW: everyone likes being listened to, so always listen without interrupting. When you interrupt others, you are taking the conversation away from them. The only thing you could say is tell me more, which will help to release serotonin. Make a point of listening to other people with your eyes, ears and heart. Acknowledgement: Gable, Gonzaga & Strachman DO: what is a good new story that you would like to share with others? When is a time that you listened and responded enthusiastically to someone sharing their story? Which Resilience Quality can help you with Listening and Responding? (pages 6&7) “Listening is the greatest respect you can give a person.” Roy Moody LISTENING AND RESPONDING When is a time that you felt valued and appreciated by others? Safety Awareness Mindfulness Colouring In Acknowledgement: ACARA 5-6 HPE Many accidents happen because people are daydreaming and unaware of possible dangers around them. What are two possible dangers to you and your family’s safety at home? 1. 2.
(DOWNLOADABLE VERSIONS AVAILABLE) The Teacher Lesson Guides have been created to support teachers and parents in exploring the evidence-based lessons and activities with students, to assist them cultivate a resilient state of wellbeing in themselves. They all follow a structured step-by-step plan, which is: » Fabulous First Five Minutes – a positive priming question » PERMAH Learning Intention – WHY » Explain That – HOW » PERMAH+ Reflection – DO » Success Criteria » PERMAH+ Reinforcement 3 What was an enjoyable experience they had that they think about often? for students to think about what they need to do at school and at home to build the type of person they wish to become. HOW: read Building My Best Self and Character Strengths Weeks with your class. Share that healthy state of wellbeing is feeling positive and hopeful about today and for your future, because you know that you are working towards building your best self. Explain that doing comes before becoming, so to build the person they want to become, they need to do the lessons and activities in this journal. Share that the best way to build their best selves is by enjoying respectful and healthy relationships with their family, friends, other students and their teachers. Explain when the Character Strengths Weeks occur, and that these provide opportunities for them to actually use their strengths, not just know and talk about them. DO: read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts about: What do want for myself at school and at home this year? What is a determined choice that will need to make for this to happen? Am prepared to choose to use can and will self-talk overcome challenges, look forward to doing something positive every day, do good to feel good and feel good to do good, and be grateful for good things that happen in my life? Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – what they can do for each of the four dot points, what they expect of themselves and Strengths Weeks. – focus on doing several of them every day. Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky & Tal Ben Shahar PAGE 1 – BUILDING MY BEST SELF MY WELLBEING JOURNEY YEAR BUILDING MY BEST SELF to become young person who matters Character Strengths Weeks F R O N T P A G E S O F T H E J O U R N A L Present Positive: ask students what are they currently enjoying doing at home or at school? WHY: for students to learn about how to build their best selves and activities that they can practise to do this. HOW: read About this Wellbeing Journey with your class. Explain that 40% of their wellbeing is influenced by their own thoughts, words and action, and as such, they need to be conscious of these and not allow them to become automatic. Share that deliberately doing and practising each of these activities every week, will help them to create habits to build their best selves. DO: explore the Essential Lessons which are PERMAH+ Wellbeing Term Reflection, Trusted Champions, Character Strengths, Strengths Wheel, Resilient to Respond Well, Understanding Your Mindset, and Term One Learning Goals, with your students. Ask students to look at the Big Five daily and weekly check ins. Go the website www.learningcurve. and open Wellbeing Program tab. Then open any week to show students the various interactive activities that they can do. Explore the website for 10 minutes. Students really enjoy exploring the 60+ Thinking Tools that they can Strengths Weeks Wellbeing Award Certificates Explain – the daily and weekly wellbeing and resilience building activities. Acknowledgement: Lyubomirsky, King & Diener, – Hunter Csikszentmihalyi, Norrish, Robinson Williams, Cotton, Bronk & Damon, PAGE 3 – ABOUT THIS WELLBEING JOURNEY About This Wellbeing Journey Fabulous First Five Minutes ask students what is an outdoor activity that they love doing? WHY: for students to understand how the PERMAH+ activities and lessons are broken up into topics for each of the elements of wellbeing. HOW: read through the Index of Wellbeing Lessons and Activities with your class. Explain that the PERMAH+ elements of wellbeing are rotated through in order each week. Share that the journal is designed so that you can select weeks from any section of at any time. DO: Ask students to use the index to look up a 3 or 4 lessons and activities to get a feel for how the journal is laid out. As class, open the Wellbeing Program tab on the website www.learningcurve.com.au and explore the array of interactive resources on offer, particularly, the Thinking Tools. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – how the index works. Do – practise using the index to look up lessons and activities. PAGE 2 – INDEX OF PERMAH+ WELLBEING LESSONS AND ACTIVITIES Index of Wellbeing Lessons and Activities Year 20 Future Positive: What is something that they are looking forward to enjoying? WHY: for students to understand the difference between distress which pulls them down and eustress which pumps them up. HOW: read Eustress and Distress with your class. Explain that to look after their wellbeing, the second they notice their personal distress warning signals creeping up on them, they need to use can and will self-talk to contest it. Share that most of the things that trigger anxious thoughts in them seldom happen, and if they do, they are only temporary. Add to feel eustress often, read their goals, use their strengths and resilience skills to fuel positive thoughts. read and discuss the following questions and ask students to journal their thoughts about: when is time that you felt the pumped up feelings of eustress? What can and will self-talk can you use if you were feeling distress from having problems with your friends? Which resilience skill can help you with Eustress and Distress? (pages 10&11) Read and discuss Resilient Thinking, Control Myself with your class and ask them to journal their thoughts about: to know that am in control of my thoughts to think sensibly, not the strength of my feelings or emotions. When is a time that you were proud of how you controlled your thoughts? Read and discuss The R’s of Attitude, Relationship Attitudes with your class and ask them to journal their thoughts about: showing empathy for someone’s needs and feelings and treating them the way that they like to be treated. When is a time that you were proud of how you showed empathy? Which of your Trusted Champions can help you to develop this attitude? Ask students to enjoy doing the weekly Big Five Health Check In, How did you feel this week? and sharing their thoughts. Success Criteria: students will be able to: Explain – the difference between distress and eustress. Do – create two can and will self-talk statements to use when they need to. PAGES 66 & 67 – WEEK 24 – EUSTRESS AND DISTRESS EUSTRESS AND DISTRESS The Big Five Health Check In SAT/SUN What did help with? Term Three Learning Goals Present Positive: ask students what are they currently enjoying doing at home or at school? WHY: for students to write down three self-determined learning goals that they want to achieve this term to motivate themselves. HOW: read Term Three Learning Goals with your class. Explain that for their three term learning goals to be selfdetermined, they need to set one goal for improving their learning and thinking skills in class, one for building healthy friendships and one for something that they want to achieve for themselves. Share that setting goals is a great way to help them move their mindsets more towards growth, and that to make sure they write down step by step process goals. DO: read and discuss the following questions for each of their three goals and ask students to journal their thoughts about: Who can help me to learn what need to learn? Circle where am now on achieving this goal: 1 2 3 4 5. By the end of Term circle where can reach on this goal: 1 2 3 4 5. At the end of term ask students to reflect on their progress towards achieving each of their goals by answering: What did learn about this goal that am grateful for? Towards achieving this goal felt reached: 1 2 3 4 5. Explain – three goals that they want to achieve for Term Three. their three goals in the goal setting section. Acknowledgement: Sheldon & Adams Miller PAGE 69 – TERM THREE LEARNING GOALS – ask students what is their favourite game to play? for students to use pattern, repetition and control when colouring in the mandala to connect with and calm ask your students to relax and enjoy colouring in the mandala. Share that they can revisit it again and again to work towards completing it. Explain – how they feel after spending time on the mandala. – use pattern, repetition and control to enjoy the experience and perhaps feel flow. PAGE 68 – MINDFULNESS MANDALA 1 TEACHER LESSON GUIDE MY WELLBEING JOURNEY YEAR 6 for


One size, or design, doesn’t necessarily fit all. We specialise in designing layouts to suit your requirements. If you have something in mind, we’d love to help you achieve the perfect design for your school. Here are some customised planners that we have produced for schools. We also have a selection of activities and informative tasks for you to select from to make your customised planner exactly what you want.

Work with us, combine our wellbeing resources with yours and create a completely customised pathway for a whole school approach.








WELLBEING FITNESS CHALLENGES MELBOURNE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, GRIMWADE HOUSE This Week Resilience Builder Notes/Spelling Title Pages Books read this week 1 2 3 I Am Grateful for: Mindful Maze Pick five pairs of emotions which are opposite in feelings and describe the body language you would show for each pair. Melbourne Grammar School Upper Primary BODY 2021.indd 66 22/12/20 1:24 pm MELBOURNE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, GRIMWADE HOUSE Communication/Comments Teacher: Parent/Guardian: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNES DAY THURSDAY FRIDAY How did you feel this week? SATURDAY SUNDAY Wellbeing Tip Surround yourself with colour, it stimulates the brain. Holidays JULY 2021 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Melbourne Grammar School Upper Primary BODY 2021.indd 67 22/12/20 1:24 pm THINGS TO DO WEEK Monday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Tuesday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Wednesday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Thursday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Friday Book title: Pages ead: Homework completed – Parent Guardian: Saturday Book title: Pages ead: Sunday Book title: Pages ead: 111 PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNICATION HOW FELT THIS WEEK MY FAVOURITE MOMENT THIS WEEK WAS: PBL RULE OF THE WEEK 110 “I do the very best know how, the very best can; and mean to keep doing it to the end.” Abraham Lincoln N o ve m b e r 2023 13 16 18 17 15 14 19 MINDFUL COLOURING: READING TIP: WHAT WENT WELL THIS WEEK AND WHY? 1. 2. 3. Rate your wellbeing this week: 1 Fair to 5 Great 1 2 3 4 5 WELLBEING TIP: C_ Foundation Planner Print Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd 50 When waiting in a line at school talk to the person next to you ... you could say ... “how are you today?” Encourage your child to seek books they are interested in. Minnamurra PS_LC EC_Planner Pages_2021_Colour.indd 50 11/1/21 2:33 pm Day/Date Number of days Title of Book Comment Did you enjoy it? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Parent / Teacher Comments / Signed 2023 51 Reading Award 125 Nights Well done! 17/18 12 13 14 15 16 June Minnamurra PS_LC EC_Planner Pages_2021_Colour.indd 51 11/1/21 2:33 pm 52 Resilient Thinking: can do and want to Keeping Safe Expecting Positives: what are you looking forward to achieving and enjoying this week? One of your online connections, who you chat with often, wants you to send pics that you think are inappropriate to send. What could you do to keep safe? Be Positive: to believe that can become who want to become through my own efforts. When are two times that you have achieved things because you believed that you could? 1. 2. What are two things that you could do to help you to become who you want to become? 1. 2. Wellbeing Learning Intention: by learning that when your skills are stretched in meeting challenge, that you may feel an enjoyable state called flow, you will be prepared to extend your efforts to try more difficult learning tasks. When you know the purpose of what you are learning, receiving feedback on how you are progressing and are fully engaged using your skills, you may lose your sense of time. Top performers in most fields experience flow. Acknowledgement: Nakamura, Kotler & Csikszentmihalyi Wellbeing Reflection: When are times you have lost track of time while doing something challenging? Mindfulness Feeling: What is an activity that you really want to explore that will stretch your skills? How does knowing the purpose of the lesson and getting feedback on your learning help you be more engaged? How could using the resilience skill, thinking flexibly, help you to do this? (see pages 8 & 9) “A person’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension.” Oliver Holmes FULLY ENGAGED Engagement + mindfulness Fabulous First 5 Minutes: what are two things you do to show that you believe in yourself? 1. 2. 53 Gratitude: what went well that you were grateful for? Big Four Check In: for each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week. Mindful Colour ng n Eat healthy? 1 3 4 5 Feel in yourself? 1 2 3 4 5 Exercise daily? 1 2 4 5 Sleep deeply? 1 4 5 STRIVE REFLECTION JUNE 2023



The resources include:

» Lesson Components

» Interactive Thinking Tools

» Interactive Character Strength Activities

» Habits of Mind Focuses

» Parent Newsletter Articles

» Interactive Mindfulness Activities

» Resilience Builders

» Wellbeing Fitness Challenges

» Wellbeing Reflection Activities




IntheboxesbelowdescribeatimeyouhaveshownthisCharacterStrengthandthinkoftwothingsyouwillstart doinginyourrolesasastudent,familyandcommunitymember.Also,whichofyoursignaturestrengthswill benefitfromthisCharacterStrength?

ASASTUDENTASSCHOOL... Describeatime usedthisCharacterStrengthwell. WhataretwothingsIwillstartdoingtobuildthis CharacterStrength? WhataretwothingsIwillstartdoingtobuildthis CharacterStrength? WhataretwothingsIwillstartdoingtobuildthis CharacterStrength?


The Learning Curve Student Wellbeing Program is based on PERMAH teaching models that assist students in achieving more positive learning outcomes. It provides strategies to build more resilient students whilst developing their character strengths and providing you with the resources to help them.

Complimentary access to the password protected resources is provided with the purchase of the planners.


MEANING+PURPOSEFUNWITHFRIENDS JOYOFPEOPLE forstudentstolearnthatthefeelgoodemotionsthattheyexperiencefrombeingwithpeoplefarexceed Non–stopcommunicationontheirdevices,isprovidingstudentswithsomethingthathasneverhappened before,instantsatisfactionwithoutexertinganyeffort.Thesecontinuallittlecommunicationburstsarereleasing smallamountsthepleasurablebrainchemical,dopamine,whichiswhattheyalsofeelwhentheyhaveapplied themselvestoachievesomething.Themoreeffortputintoachievetheoutcome,thegreaterthedoseof dopamine.Manypeoplearenowlivinginaconstantdopamineloopofinstantgratification.Whypushhardforan extendedperiodoftimetoaccomplishsomethingspecial,whenyoucangetablastofdopaminebyjustlooking Ittakesalongtermanddeterminedefforttobuildcharacteranddesirablepersonalqualities,andweneedto ensurethatweprovideanenvironmentforperiodsoftimeawayfromthedistractionofdevices.Thesevaluable personalqualitiescannotbemeasuredbytests,butareessentialtobeabletolivealifethatmatters.Theyinclude grit,resourcefulness,kindness,honesty,bravery,gratitude,motivation,self–discipline,empathy,compassion, senseofbeautyandwonder,humility,curiosity,persistence,enthusiasm,civil–mindedness,courage,leadership Tobecometheirbestselves,studentsneedtospendplentyoftimewithrealpeopleinrealtimeandalsohave –Drawapictureofyourselfspendingtimewithothersandfeelinggreat.Whatweretheydoing?Enjoy findingyourwaythroughtheMindfulMaze.RelaxingBreathing,LionBreathing–Standupquietlyandpretendyou arealion.Breatheinforacountof4,holdfor4,thenroarfor4.Repeat2times.HowdidyoufeelwhiledoingLion –RespondingResiliently:Therearechallengesthatmaybestressfulandtestyourabilitytocontrolthe strengthofyouremotionsandimpulses.Whenisatimethatyouwereproudofhowyoukeptyourfeelingsandtowonderhowgoodthingscouldbeevenbetter.(page onevaluablethingthatCOVID19hastaughteveryone,istheimportanceofbeingtherefor, playingwithandenjoyingtheoutdoorswithourchildren.Priortothepandemic,the21stcenturywasbecoming atimewheremanyparentsfellintothetrapofjustoccupyingtheirchildrenwithipadsandscreengames.Playing outsideinnatureisawonderfulofbuildingyourwholefamily’swellbeing.Howoftenareyouenjoyingtheoutdoors



OPTIMISM&HOPEWhatam lookingforwardtomostthisweek?

GROWTHMINDSET WhenisatimeIhavelearnt somethingnewfrom fixingamistake?

SELF-CONTROL thingswillcreatetimetodo whichIlovedoing.


PERMAH+WELLBEINGFOCUS Whenisatime haveshownsomethingself-beliefbylearningfromamistake?

FLEXIBLETHINKINGtime“Wemustfind thanktostopand thepeopledifferencewhomakea inourlives.”

MYPURPOSE Whatbodylanguage IcouldIusetoshow believeinmyself?

writedownordrawactsofkindnesstheydidforothersorthemselves,andonestheyaregratefultheyreceived. winters.ThereisaJapanesesayingwhichsaysthatonekindwordcanwarmthree Beingkindtoothersandtoyourselfaregreatwaystoliveafulland tohappylifeandmakeapositivedifferenceintheworld.Kindactsdon’thave Thisbebig.Asmileorsayinghelloaremorethanenoughtobekindtoothers. yourweekmakeKindnessWallsbothinyourclassroomandathomefor receivedclassandyourfamilytowritedownordrawactsofkindnessthey ordidforothersorthemselves,thattheyaregratefulfor.


EMPATHY&RELATIONSHIPS Whatdomyfriends meantome?

BEINGMINDFULWhenisatimethat was proudofhowIactedwhen wasn’tsurewhattodo?

GRATITUDEJOURNAL thatWhatthingswentwell Iamgratefulfor?


withouteveryonelikesbeinglistenedto,soalwayslisten interrupting.Whenyouinterruptothers,you thingaretakingawaytheconversationfromthem.Theonly releaseyoucouldsayistellmemore,whichwillhelpto



plannersreadanddiscussthefollowingquestionsandaskstudentstojournaltheirthoughtsintheir about:what goodnewstorythatyouwouldliketosharewithothers?Whenisatime Qualitythatyoulistenedandrespondedenthusiasticallytosomeonesharingtheirstory?WhichResilience canhelpyouwithListeningandResponding?(pages10&11) plannersReadanddiscussMindfulnessTimewithyourclassandaskthemjournaltheirthoughtsintheir about:Life’sBackpack:think allthepeople,petsandthingsthatyouaregratefulto everywherehaveinyourlife.Thenpacktheminyourimaginarylifebackpackandcarrythemaroundwithyou yougo.Writefourofthemdown. LeadAskyourstudentswhatdidtheyimproveonthisweek?ClassCharacterStrengthsinActionBrainstormabouthowcanweshowFairnessthisweek?

forstudentstolearnhowtolistenandrespond waysthatmakeotherpeoplefeelthatthey


withyourclass.Explainthatlisteningtosomeoneinan interestedway,isone themostrespectfulrelationshipbuildingthingsthattheycando.Sharethat interestedpeoplelovegoodlistenersandthattheycanshowthattheyarebyusingfriendlybodylanguage, enthusiastically,facialgesturesandnotinterruptingthem.Addthatbylisteningactivelyandresponding sharethattheyareshowingthattheyvaluethatperson,butalsothemselves.


FabulousFirstFiveMinutes –askstudentswhatissomethingbiggerthanthemselveswhichgives


withyourclass.Explainthatashumanbeings,theyarehardwiredtobe enjoyattheirbestwhencooperatingwithandworkingtogetherwithotherpeopletoachievethingsandto eachother’sfriendships.Sharethattheshortfeelgoodsfromscreensandphonesarecaused withbythebrainchemicalcalleddopamine,andareshallowwhencomparedwithserotoninfrombeing people.Addthatourancestorslived tribestoprotectthemselvesfromwildanimalsandgatherfoodtogethertosurvive,soitispartofourhumanDNAtowork groups. DO:readanddiscussthefollowingquestionsandaskstudentstojournaltheirthoughts their plannersabout:whenis timethatyouenjoyedthejoyofpeople,whichmakesyoufeelgreatwhenyouthinkaboutit?Whataretwolittlethingsthatyoucando makeapositivedifferenceforothers?ReadWhichCharacterStrengthcanhelpyouwithJoyofPeople?(page118) anddiscussRespondingResilientlywithyourclassandaskthemtojournaltheirthoughts strengththeirplannersabout:Therearechallengesthatmaybestressfulandtestyourabilitytocontrolthe youremotionsandimpulses.When timethatyouwereproudofhowyoukeptyourfeelingsandimpulsesundercontroltorespondresilientlytosuch challenge? LeadAskyourstudentswhatmadethemhappythisweek? theClassWellbeingChallenge:PractisePositiveWonderingtowonderhowgoodthingscould



thinkofallthepeople,petsand packthingsthatyouaregratefultohaveinyourlife.Then theminyourimaginarylifebackpackandcarryfourthemaroundwithyoueverywhereyougo.Write



Mindfulness Puzzle FIND 12 DIFFERENCES THE INSTITUTE FOR HABITS OF MIND https://www.habitsofmindinstitute.org HABITS OF MIND » gaining a feeling about a situation through my senses » forming mental images through what my senses gather » tuning into colours, sounds, patterns, tastes, textures, rhythms. Describe a time I have used my senses to understand something and why. Who has impressed me with his/her using of his/her senses and why?
12 Books Week PAGES Meaningpurpose ......................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. MindfulnessMaze challenges stressful ability strengt impu respondresiliently challenge spondingResiliently ........................................... .................. ............................................................................................................................Acknowledgement:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Education,BuildingSocial-emotionaMelbourneClassWellbeingChallengePractise What happy? Joy People purposeopportunitiesresilientattitude together. feel-good causedfeel-good screens,caused chemical short-term. people. people,whenknowledgement whichmakes great .................................................................................................................. ................... ............................................................... difference .................................
HOW:readJoy People
Checkin. SuccessCriteria: studentswillbeableto:Explain
Fredrickson&Sapolsky BooksReadThisWeek Relationshipsempathy –................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... MindfulnessColouring Backpack:think grateful around everywhere ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................. .............................................................................................. Mindfulness CharacterStrengths Action Brainstorm:week?(page Whatdidimproveon? ListeningandResponding interest responding enthusiasti matter withouteveryoneterrupting.When terruptothers, taking conversation point people Acknowledgem others? ................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................... responded thusiastically ..............................someone ................... .............................................................. ............................................................................................................... Acknowledgement:
Checkin. SuccessCriteria: studentswillbeableto:Explain whatbodylanguageshowsthattheywere interested listeningtosomeone.Do–practiselisteningactivelyandresponding enthusiastically. Acknowledgement:Gable,Gonzaga Strachman
ofthemdown. 1 ....................................................................................................... 2 ...................................................................................................... 3 ....................................................................................................... 4 ....................................................................................................... MindfulnessTime CharacterStrengthsinActionClassBrainstorm: howcanweshowFairnessthis week?(page118) WhatdidIimproveon? ListeningandRespondingWHY:
bodygoodnewsstories,andrespondingwithenthusiastic matterlanguage,youwillmakethemfeelthatthey
When............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. is enthusiasticallytimethatyoulistenedandresponded tosomeonesharingtheirstory? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Acknowledgement:KabatZin&Baer
serotonin.Make pointoflisteningtootherAcknowledgement:peoplewithyoureyes,earsandheart. Gable,Gonzaga&Strachman
sharewhatisagoodnewstorythatyouwouldliketo withothers?
ThisWeek’sKindness Gratitudes:
REFLECTION – PRIMARY colourinhowwellyoudidforeachone(printoutthissheet) DrinkWater LISTENING AND RELATIONSHIPSRESPONDING + EMPATHY CharacterStrengthsinAction WhatdidIimproveon? Class Brainstorm: how can we show Fairnessthisweek?(page118) whathealthyfoodsshouldyoueatmoreof?
INTERSECTIONSThinking Tool When beginning new topic, individually brainstorm as many things as you know about and any questions you have. threes, compare your brainstorms and fill the Intersections diagram below. Fill what three thought of, what two thought and your remaining thoughts. Fill the individual thoughts of the other two students. PERSON PERSON
Contact us now for your trial log in. sales@learningcurve.com.au


The early communication planner is a simple and effective communication tool to support the ongoing relationship between school and home. It provides frequent communication between parents and teachers, mindful colouring in, books read recording, timetables, alphabet and counting exercises. Page sizes 212mm h x 150mm w & 248mm h x 170mm w. Layout subject to change.

PRINT & MARKETING SERVICES (VIC) P/L 79 Asling Street, Brighton, Melbourne, VIC 3186 AUSTRALIA phone: +613 9596 2100 | sales@learningcurve.com.au
www.learningcurve.com.au Thursday Friday Saturday Parent/Teacher Communication: 2023 Sunday Parent: Teacher: Rate my week: 1 - Fair to 10 - Great 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Book Read: Comment/Initials: Book Read: Comment/Initials: 75 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2023 Book Read: Comment/Initials: Book Read: Comment/Initials: Book Read: Comment/Initials: 74 September September 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 What went well this week ? Book read today ? Pages read ? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Thursday Book read today ? Pages read ? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Friday Sunday Saturday 2023 Book read today ? Pages read ? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? B Early Communication Planner © Print Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd Monday Book read today ? Pages read ? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Tuesday 29 28 27 26 24 Book read today ? Pages read ? Parents / Teacher comments: What’s on after school ? Wednesday October 25 23 Communication Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday PREP-YEAR 2 89 Spelling Words Monday Title Pages Comment Tuesday Title Pages Comment Wednesday Title Pages Comment Thursday Title Pages Comment Friday Title Pages Comment Saturday Title Pages Comment Sunday Title Pages Comment 88 PREP-YEAR 2 Did you know? Earthquakes, measured on the Richter scale, are caused when the pressure from the centre of the Earth stresses weakness in the Earth’s crust, called fault lines. October 2023 READING RECORD October 2023 IMPORTANT DATES 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MINDFUL COLOURING: READING TIP: WHAT WENT WELL THIS WEEK AND WHY? 1. 2. 3. Rate your wellbeing this week: 1 Fair to 5 Great 1 2 3 4 5 WELLBEING TIP: C_ Foundation Planner Print Marketing Services (Vic) Pty Ltd 50 When waiting in a line at school talk to the person next to you ... you could say ... “how are you today?” Encourage your child to seek books they are interested in. Minnamurra PS_LC EC_Planner Pages_2021_Colour.indd 50 11/1/21 2:33 pm Day/Date Number of days Title of Book Comment Did you enjoy it? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Parent / Teacher Comments / Signed 2023 51 Reading Award 125 Nights Well done! 17/18 12 13 14 15 16 June Minnamurra PS_LC EC_Planner Pages_2021_Colour.indd 51 11/1/21 2:33 pm

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