Research Process
Doing research is like going on an expedition – you are heading off into the unknown. So when you are exploring a new topic you often don’t know exactly where to start and what you are going to find. If you have the right tools (research strategies) and a map (research process) you might just get there.
The research process can look like this: Stage 1 Defining Stage 6 Evaluating
Stage 2 Locating
Stage 5 Presenting
Stage 3 Selecting Stage 4 Organising
The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
Stage 1 Defining often means how you unpack your research task. Analyse the question by highlighting the verbs in the task. What is the research task asking you to really do? What are you going to be assessed on? 1. What are some other things you need to find out before you start to research?
Stage 2 Locating Resources means working out the best place to get the information you need. Where will you go to get your information? 2. List a variety of different sources you can use when researching.
Stage 3 Selecting the relevant resources. After you have located the information, you then need to decide how you are going to record it. Take the information you have found and put it in your own words. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to use note taking. 3. How do you take notes? What are some tips you could share about note taking to avoid plagiarism?
The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
Stage 4 Organising and synthesising information. To do this you need to go back to your questions and decide if you have enough information to answer the questions/task effectively. 4. What things do you need to check when you have done your first draft?
Stage 5 Presenting information. The way you present your information depends on the research task requirements, your audience and the purpose of the task. 5. Brainstorm all the different formats you can use to present your work.
Stage 6 Evaluating. This is a very important stage, often forgotten. You have finally finished and submitted your research task, how well did you do? 6. Why do you think it is so important to reflect on what you just did?
The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
Don’t Push the Panic Button! Some examples of how people deal with anger are listed below. Brainstorm some ways that are used to deal with anger/stress. Include both good and bad methods. When you have finished the list, go back and place an asterisk (*) in the boxes of the methods that are healthy ways to deal with anger. Join with a partner to get more ideas.
throw things
count to 10
The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
What are two things you are going to try to stop doing when you are you angry/stressed?
What are two strategies you are going to try and use next time you need to deal with your anger/stress?
The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
What kind of things make you laugh?
Do you laugh at the same things your friends laugh at? Do you have a particular sense of humour?
What is the funniest movie you have seen? What made it funny?
Try and describe or illustrate your laugh? Is it a loud laugh? Is it a quiet laugh?
Did anything make you laugh today? If so, what?
The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
Draw a funny picture (cartoon character) of yourself as a baby, adult and then old person. Don’t forget to laugh!
What are fun things you like to do with your friends which always create lots of laughter?
Share with a partner and see if you like the same fun things. The ability to laugh, play, and have fun with others not only makes life more enjoyable but also helps you solve problems, connect with others, and be more creative. People who can add laughter into their daily lives find that it renews them and allows them to relate to others better. Checklist for lightening up Next time when you find yourself taken over by what seems to be a horrible problem, ask these questions:
Is it really w orth getting
Is it worth u
Is it that im
Is it that ba
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d? Is the situati on irreparab The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
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Write out a script of a conversation you might have with your friend to let them know you’re concerned and want to support them to get help. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ How might this conversation change if the friend in this conversation was a male rather than a female or vice versa? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 68
The Learning Curve Activity Book 2
Write down the trusted adults you could go to for support. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ How can these adults help you support a friend? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Write a script for a conversation that you can have with a trusted adult to ask them for advice about how to help a friend who you are worried about. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ The Learning Curve Activity Book 2