1 minute read

Trusted Champions

Fabulous First 5 Minutes: what are two events anywhere in the world that you would love to attend?

1. 2.

Expecting Positives: what are you looking forward to achieving and enjoying this week?

Relationships + empathy


WHY: by understanding that many people post images of themselves on social media that they would like to be like, not how they really are, you will be able to use JOMO to ignore them. HOW: seek to regularly feel great from serotonin and oxytocin by being with real people in real time. Use your strengths to also give yourself time away from the world of online bullying by disconnecting. The same approach will work if you are too involved in gaming.

Acknowledgement: Greenfield & Hassed DO: What feelings do you have when you see pretend images posted?

................................................................................. Empathy Feeling – why do you think people put pretend images online and do you have empathy for them?

................................................................................. Who do you prefer being with, your in person friends or online friends, and why?

................................................................................. Habit of Mind – how could striving for accuracy and precision help you with Social Media?

“The time is always right to do what is right.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Perseverance Week

This week enjoy making a positive difference to other peoples’ lives, by creating activities using the character strength PERSEVERANCE, to grow relationships with your family, friends and school community.

(Perseverance for Strengths Week worksheet and Perseverance Wellbeing Award are in Individual Resources of www.learningcurve.com.au)

Keeping Safe

You keep receiving bullying and nasty messages on social media and it is starting to worry you. What could you do to keep safe?

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