1 minute read
Resilient You
Fabulous First 5 Minutes: what are two things that you are really enthusiastic about seeing or doing?
1. 2.
Expecting Positives: what are you looking forward to achieving and enjoying this week?
Health + strengths
WHY: by understanding that your mind and body are closely connected, you will be able to create physical and mental habits which support your wellbeing. HOW: these habits include looking on the bright side of life, using positive self-talk, exercising daily, limiting your screen time, gaming and on social media, avoiding junk food by eating healthy and spending quality time with family and friends to experience the amazing feelings which come from serotonin and oxytocin. Concentrate on the Big Five every day.
Acknowledgement: Fredrickson & Losada DO: What is a positive habit you already have for these three?
3............................................................................... Strengths Feeling – what are three strengths which you could use to help you follow through on these habits?
3............................................................................... When is a time that your happy thoughts made your body feel good?
................................................................................. Habit of Mind – how could applying past knowledge to new situations help you with Healthy Mind and Body?
“The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.” Thomas Edison
Respectful Relationships
Mindful Maze
A gratitude journal is about every night writing down three things that went well during the day and any acts of kindness you received from or did for others. What could be three benefits for your relationship and two positive emotions you could feel. Benefits 1. .......................................................................... 2. .......................................................................... 3. .......................................................................... Emotions 1. .......................................................................... 2. ..........................................................................
Acknowledgement: RRRR Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
Enjoy the challenge of finding your way through it!
Building You: write down things that you need to do each day to build your best self.
Big Five Check In:
Colour in how well you went.
g n r i u o l o C l u f d i n M
Feel positive Exercise daily
Gratitude: what went well that you were grateful for?