3 minute read
What Affects Your Wellbeing
This Lesson: The Learning Intention is for you to learn how to use the lessons and activities in this planner and on the website to help you to build your best self. Reflection: how well do you understand these different lessons and activities?
1. Have fun with your class and family doing the lessons and activities and feel yourself building your best self as a young person. 2. Your own thoughts, words and actions make up about 40% of your wellbeing. Think positively to broaden your attention and build your engagement with what you are doing; you are more tuned into now and notice more.
3. Each week there is a PERMAH+ lesson, a Character Strength to focus on, one of five Wellbeing activities, What Went Well, and the daily and weekly Big Five Check In (see below). These are also on the website www.learningcurve.com.au as interactive activities, plus the interesting Resilient Wellbeing
Tool Box.
4. Each weekly PERMAH+ lesson is broken up into:
WHY: the learning intention for what you are about to explore and discover.
HOW: ways in which you can practise what you learn to make them habits.
DO: questions to answer which enable you to use what you have learnt. 5. The Big Five are what you need to do and be aware of to stay healthy. There are daily opportunities to monitor each of these.
At the end of each week summarise how well you went. Events in life 10%WHAT INFLUENCES WELLBEING?WHAT AFFECTS YOUR WELLBEING?
Daily thoughts, words & actions 40% Genetics 50%
With a classmate discuss – what does respectful mean and what are the important things which make up a respectful relationship for you?
» looking at problems and situations from many different angles » taking risks with my thinking to create new approaches and ideas » seeking feedback to improve my approach and thinking. Describe a time when I have been creative in my thinking and why. Who has impressed me with his/her creativity and why?
Character Strength teamwork
In your own words, how would you describe teamwork?
How does the dictionary describe teamwork?
Describe a time or times in your life that you believe you have shown this Character Strength.
TM Wellbeing Fitness Challenge
Neuroscience has shown that with every new experience you have, your brain changes and that you can grow your brain’s abilities in all areas of your life. Just as you boost your physical fitness by regularly working out, the wellbeing fitness challenges stretch your abilities to grow your wellbeing.
brain stretch
Improving Thinking – improving the way I am thinking by intentionally using Habits of Mind and a variety of thinking tools in my learning to grow my brain’s abilities.
In the boxes below describe a time you have shown this Character Strength and think of two things you will start doing in your roles as a student, family and community member. Also, which of your signature strengths will benefit from this Character Strength?
As a student at School Describe a time/s I used this Character Strength well What are two things I will start doing to build this Character Strength
As a family member at Home
As a member of the Community
Acknowledgement VIA Institute, www.viacharacter.org RESILIENT WELLBEING TOOLBOX – PRIMARY
What am I looking forward to most this week? wellbeing focus
When I wake up, I will choose a positive emotion to feel often throughout the day. EMPATHY & relationships
What kind things have I done for other people this week or they have done for me?
growth MINDSET
I will do good to feel good, and feel good to do good. flexible THINKING
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Helen Keller sense of purpose
What is something good I’ve achieved in my life that I’m proud of?
I am in charge of me, not my feelings. mindful me
I will believe in myself as a person who matters. GRATITUDE JOURNAL
What things went well that I am grateful for?
Big Five Check In
Colour in how well you went.